投稿時間:2021-08-20 22:32:23 RSSフィード2021-08-20 22:00 分まとめ(39件)

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TECH Techable(テッカブル) ロボットでの配送は温室効果ガス排出量の削減につながるか…… https://techable.jp/archives/160237 温室効果ガス 2021-08-20 12:00:17
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Lambda関数(Go)でSlack通知 https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/1e58d630410c7dd22d8e Lambda関数GoでSlack通知はじめにCICDの一環でGoのLambdaからSlack通知をする仕組みを構築したのでその備忘録を残すAWSChatbotでSlackからLambda関数Goを呼び出すの続きで構築したLambdaの実装今回はhttpPOSTを自分でやるのではなく、slackgoSlackAPIを利用するSlackAppの作成・Tokenの発行slackgoを使うにあたってはSlackAppと認証のためのTokenが必要になるので、それらを作成・発行するそのやり方はこちらが分かりやすいのでそれを参照slackgoのclientを使って通知の実装githubcomslackgoslackを依存関係に加えるimportするgogetpackagegithubcomslackgoslackコマンドの実行により、gomodとgosumにそれぞれ依存関係が追記される※gomodGoModulesを利用せず、GOPATHモードgogetしたものがGOPATHsrcに入りそれを参照するの方式の場合は、gogetgithubcomslackgoslackpackagemainimport省略fmtosstringsgithubcomslackgoslackvarConfigstruct省略typeEventstruct省略funcHandleRequestctxcontextContexteventEventstringerrorconfigorLoadampConfigconfigyaml省略reserrslackNotificationeventfmtPrintlnresresfmtPrintlnerrerrreturnfmtSprintfModuleseventModulesnilfuncslackNotificationeventEventstringerrorclientslackNewosGetenvSLACKAPITOKENheaderTextslackNewTextBlockObjectmrkdwnltchannelgtnこれよりeventTargetEnv環境リリース作業を実施致します。 2021-08-20 21:53:28
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AI分野で必須の知識:誤差逆伝播法(バックプロパゲーション)の基礎について学習 https://qiita.com/YuSAS/items/fe652ec7570ba384ec95 AI分野で必須の知識誤差逆伝播法バックプロパゲーションの基礎について学習今回の記事では、誤差逆伝播法バックプロパゲーションについて、Udemyの講座にて学習した内容を要約する。 2021-08-20 21:49:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 機械学習におけるデータの前処理の基礎について学習 https://qiita.com/YuSAS/items/d38345e12d75f48dbb59 機械学習におけるデータの前処理の基礎について学習今回の記事では、機械学習分野に必須のデータの前処理について、Udemyの講座にて学習した内容を要約する。 2021-08-20 21:47:28
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita モンティ・ホール問題を一般化して解いてみる https://qiita.com/dugnutt/items/9b204bc47829992c97a3 ベイズの定理より、PWFDMfracPDMmidWFPWFPDM右辺のそれぞれの確率を求めていくと、まず、PWFFが当たりである事前確率は、N個の中に当たりがつなので、PWFfracN次に、PDMmidWFFが当たりのときに、特定のM個のハズレが開示される条件付き確率は、当たりであるF以外のN個の中から、特定のM個の組が選ばれる確率なので、PDMmidWFfracNCM最後に、PDM特定のM個のハズレが開示される事前確率は、WFFが当たりである場合と、overlineWFFがハズレである場合に分けることでPDMPDMmidWFPWFPDMmidoverlineWFPoverlineWFとなります。 2021-08-20 21:32:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) How to fix the error. Landroidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity https://teratail.com/questions/355320?rss=all 2021-08-20 21:58:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) twitter login 画面が開かない (Firebase, Android, Kotlin) https://teratail.com/questions/355319?rss=all twitterlogin画面が開かないFirebaseAndroidKotlin問題私はFirebaseを使いTwitterLogin機能を追加したいと考えています。 2021-08-20 21:56:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) scrollifyの実装に伴う、URL末尾の#1、#2の消去について https://teratail.com/questions/355318?rss=all scrollifyの実装に伴う、URL末尾の、の消去についてscrollifyを使ってWordPressサイトを実装しているのですが、下記のでもサイトのようにURLの末尾につく、を消去したいと思っていますが解決法がわかりません。 2021-08-20 21:55:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) aos.jsが動かないです https://teratail.com/questions/355317?rss=all aosjsが動かないです前提・実現したいことaosjsをつかって、ふわっとfadenbspさせたいですslickが反応しません。 2021-08-20 21:47:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Java 基本文法(拡張for文、switch文) https://teratail.com/questions/355316?rss=all Java基本文法拡張for文、switch文前提・実現したいことコマンドライン引数に指定した値を、以下の例のように偶数を削除して、奇数の合計値を表示するプログラムを作成しました。 2021-08-20 21:37:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Tkinterのthreading処理がうまく行えない https://teratail.com/questions/355315?rss=all Tkinterのthreading処理がうまく行えない実現したいことthreadingを使用してdoorとmainの処理を行い、mainではtkinterに画像を表示し、doorではラズベリーパイに接続したスイッチがONセンサーがくっついた状態であればOFFになるまで何もせず待機し、OFFセンサーが離れた状態になったらtkinterのウィンドウを閉じるというプログラムを作りたい。 2021-08-20 21:35:32
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby , Ruby on Rails学習 一日目(変数とメソッド) https://qiita.com/tkm-webwork/items/055245d6f54bce60e0e7 この便利なRailsですが、実務ベースで使用していくには生のRubyをちゃんと知らないとだめだよということなのでしっかり基礎学習していこうと思います文字の表示基本形はこいつputsこんにちはかっこなしでもいけるputsこんにちは文字を改行して表示しない場合はprintを使用するputsは勝手に改行が入るprintこんにちはputsやprintのような処理を行うものを「メソッド」と呼ぶ。 2021-08-20 21:13:22
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita リザーブドキャパシティ とは https://qiita.com/miyuki_samitani/items/f8f5d9304636114535bd リザーブドキャパシティとは勉強前イメージキャパシティを先に予約しておく感じインスタンスではなく。 2021-08-20 21:01:56
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Lambda関数(Go)でSlack通知 https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/1e58d630410c7dd22d8e Lambda関数GoでSlack通知はじめにCICDの一環でGoのLambdaからSlack通知をする仕組みを構築したのでその備忘録を残すAWSChatbotでSlackからLambda関数Goを呼び出すの続きで構築したLambdaの実装今回はhttpPOSTを自分でやるのではなく、slackgoSlackAPIを利用するSlackAppの作成・Tokenの発行slackgoを使うにあたってはSlackAppと認証のためのTokenが必要になるので、それらを作成・発行するそのやり方はこちらが分かりやすいのでそれを参照slackgoのclientを使って通知の実装githubcomslackgoslackを依存関係に加えるimportするgogetpackagegithubcomslackgoslackコマンドの実行により、gomodとgosumにそれぞれ依存関係が追記される※gomodGoModulesを利用せず、GOPATHモードgogetしたものがGOPATHsrcに入りそれを参照するの方式の場合は、gogetgithubcomslackgoslackpackagemainimport省略fmtosstringsgithubcomslackgoslackvarConfigstruct省略typeEventstruct省略funcHandleRequestctxcontextContexteventEventstringerrorconfigorLoadampConfigconfigyaml省略reserrslackNotificationeventfmtPrintlnresresfmtPrintlnerrerrreturnfmtSprintfModuleseventModulesnilfuncslackNotificationeventEventstringerrorclientslackNewosGetenvSLACKAPITOKENheaderTextslackNewTextBlockObjectmrkdwnltchannelgtnこれよりeventTargetEnv環境リリース作業を実施致します。 2021-08-20 21:53:28
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita コンフリクトとは? 自分でコンフリクトを起こして解消してみる https://qiita.com/chihiro/items/5d8cb21457a9c707c565 gitcommitmainccdMergebranchconflictコミットメッセージを修正するための画面が開きますが、デフォルトでメッセージが入っていますので、そのまま変更せずにコミットすることができます。 2021-08-20 21:08:34
海外TECH DEV Community Pickling and Unpickling in Python🥒 https://dev.to/kathanvakharia/pickling-and-unpickling-in-python-52kl Pickling and Unpickling in Python What is pickling In Layman s terms Pickling is a process to convert your python objects into a file Technically speaking it is a way to convert your well known python objects like lists sets tuples dictionaries strings pandas dataframes to a character stream And that character stream contains all the information required to reconstruct that python object in another script Note Pickling ≠Compression →They both are completely different For all those programming nerds out there The process of converting an object to a file is also known as Serialization or Marshalling or Flattening Retrieving that object back from the file is known as DeSerialization or Unmarshalling or Unflattening Python provides the pickle module for performing serialization deserialization Let s say you want to pickle a dictionary into a file First of all we need to import pickle import pickle A Sacred Dictionary sacred dict name Gaitonde location Chand side kick Bunty Let s see how to use it Here are the simple steps Open Create the file in which you want to store this dictionary Call pickle dump by passing the dictionary and file object w gt Write modeb gt Binary modewb gt Write in binary mode with open sacred pkl wb as f pickle dump sacred dict f On executing the last snippet sacred pkl file will be created if not present which then will be filled with sacred dict in form of the character stream It will be placed in the current working directory You can also pass the exact file path if you want it to be stored somewhere else That s it You have stored your dictionary in a file Easy Peasy Now Let s see how to unpickle or retreive that dictionary back The pkl extension is just a convention that helps us identify it as a pickle file To retrieve the object back we have to use the pickle load method passing the file object of the pickled file r gt Read modeb gt Binary moderb gt Read in Binary mode with open sacred pkl rb as f retreived dict pickle load f Let s print retreived dict to confirm print retreived dict Output name Gaitonde location Chand side kick Bunty Important Points about while Pickling and UnpicklingIt is protocol specific to python don t try to unpickle a file pickled in python in some other programming language Thus cross language compatibility is not guaranteed Moreover Unpickling a file that was pickled in a different version of Python may not always work properly so you have to make sure that you re using the same version and perform an update if necessary The pickle module is not secure Only unpickle data you trust That doesn t mean you should not use pickle module Just make sure you trust the source of that pickle file 2021-08-20 12:38:58
海外TECH DEV Community What makes Feature Flags a path to faster and safer development https://dev.to/antonvasin/what-makes-feature-flags-a-path-to-faster-and-safer-development-obd What makes Feature Flags a path to faster and safer developmentFeature Flags or Feature Toggles is a way of working with code that allows teams to modify system behavior without changing existing or deploying new code It allows teams to handle deployments and new releases separately and iterate rapidly Feature Flags vary by usage and context Here we ll look into three of the most powerful techniques that you can leverage Trunk based developmentUncoupling deployments and releasesLiving on your product aka dogfooding When getting started with this approach your product doesn t necessarily have to be complex Also the solution you choose doesn t have to cover every possible use case at least not from day one Teams can use popular SaaS solutions open source projects or just start with a simple JSON file in their repo so don t be intimidated by how much is possible The most important thing is to change your thinking when it comes to writing and releasing new code Trunk based development enables engineers to check unfinished features into the main branch and safely release them into production at any time When working this way teams develop code in short lived branches that enable developers to merge and deploy safely This technique helps cut the time it takes to merge new code by avoiding the big complex conflicts usually associated with long lived feature branches Checking in code regularly guarantees that teams can move quickly without obstacles To do this teams use feature flags to disable unfinished code until it s time for release When the feature is ready simply enable the flag and release the new feature into the world This allows teams to separate releases from the act of merging code It also means moving from long development cycles to a series of short ones Instead of big changes being merged at once there are now lots of small iterative changes that are merged and deployed often preferably many times a day This helps teams move faster and safer Being able to tie a particular feature to a particular user or a group of users allows you to verify your ideas cheaply and safely Аlmost every new feature in Readymag is released for internal users first ーso our design team can test them thoroughly It is especially powerful if you use your own product in your daily work because your beta testers are right there working alongside you Get feedback fast and test your ideas before you release a feature for the general public Feature Flags allow easy experimentation Often there is some idea maybe a concept for a new feature or a smart way of improving existing code that needs to be tested Using Feature Flags allows developers to explore these ideas in a real production environment without fear of breaking something Try things out and see what s working and what s not then decide how to act on it later Combine this way of working with monitoring and product analytics and you ll get a really powerful combo So let s illustrate all of this with a real world example Recently we launched new subscription plans for Readymag To implement them we needed to adjust some parts of our application that control available features and what limits are set for each plan This is where Feature Flags help immensely First we added a new Feature Flag to our system From there we wrote new code and adjusted the existing behaviour behind the flag We did this over the course of many iterations continuously deploying new changes into production For example the front end looked like this Here we conditionally render a new part of the UI Existing code works as usual until the flag is enabled Since we have two different components in this example the team working on this can safely work on a new interface without disrupting the existing flow Elsewhere in our system we would have code like this implementing another part of this update Of course it is always a good idea to test your code especially when using something as dynamic as Feature Flags So we did just that When we were ready to launch the update we just enabled this flag and the feature was rolled out Not only did this approach allow us to merge and deploy code continuously it also made it possible to enable new code branches in several services at once without coordinated deployments Here are some best practices around Feature Flags that we use in Readymag Feature Flags should have a short life cycleーthey are used only before a feature is released not to control long term product behaviour Always ask yourself if it would be easy to delete a particular flag later Each Feature Flag is responsible for a single feature It should have a name that is commonly understood All flags should have similar semantics all flags enable something they don t disable features Sometimes it is better to duplicate code to ensure clean removal of the flag when the feature is released Flags can and should be used for experimentation and to verify hypotheses So the next time you re battling with some exhausting merge conflict or you find your team holding on to some code because it s too early for it to be released or you wish that your team could try out some idea but it s too dangerous try using Feature Flags Solve your problem at hand and hopefully change your whole product development cycle for the better 2021-08-20 12:07:22
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple quietly launches invite-only Siri Speech Study for iOS https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/20/apple-quietly-launches-invite-only-siri-speech-study-for-ios?utm_medium=rss Apple quietly launches invite only Siri Speech Study for iOSApple has launched a research program called the Siri Speech Study an app in the App Store for the collection of speech data to improve the digital assistant Apple has put considerable amounts of effort into making Siri as useful as possible via a number of different research routes In one program launched in early August it appears Apple is keen to get new data on how people speak to make Siri s recognition systems more robust The Siri Speech Study has surfaced in the App Store according to TechCrunch which first appeared on August and was updated on August The program appears to be intended for Siri based on the title but it doesn t explicitly explain what the end goal of the program actually is to would be participants Read more 2021-08-20 12:59:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News DaVinci Resolve 17.3 available now with up to 3 times faster rendering on M1 Macs https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/20/davinci-resolve-173-available-now-up-to-3-times-faster-on-m1-macs?utm_medium=rss DaVinci Resolve available now with up to times faster rendering on M MacsBlackmagic Design announces the availability of DaVinci Resolve an update that boosts speeds up to times faster for K and K editing and grading on M Macs In addition to faster speeds M Mac users will also be able to choose to prioritize speed versus quality when rendering The company says that this will render times up to Notebook users will appreciate the tile based rendering feature in the new processing engine The technology grants up to longer battery life according to the company Read more 2021-08-20 12:48:19
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple exec said iCloud was the 'greatest platform' for CSAM distribution https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/20/apple-exec-said-icloud-was-the-greatest-platform-for-csam-distribution?utm_medium=rss Apple exec said iCloud was the x greatest platform x for CSAM distributionApple s introduction of CSAM tools may be due to its high level of privacy with messages submitted during the Epic Games App Store trial revealing Apple s anti fraud chief thought its services was the greatest platform for distributing the material Apple has a major focus on ensuring consumer privacy which it builds as far as possible into its products and services However it seems that focus may have some unintended consequences in enabling some illegal user behavior Uncovered from documents submitted during the Apple Epic Games trial and discovered by The Verge an iMessage involving Apple Fraud Engineering Algorithms and Risk head Eric Friedman from seems to hint at the reasons behind Apple s introduction of CSAM tools Read more 2021-08-20 12:16:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Coalition for App Fairness originally Epic-funded to assist in App Store legal battles https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/20/coalition-for-app-fairness-originally-epic-funded-to-assist-in-app-store-legal-battles?utm_medium=rss Coalition for App Fairness originally Epic funded to assist in App Store legal battlesEmails discovered during the Epic versus Apple suit surrounding app stores have revealed that Epic s marketing head pitched and ultimately funded the Coalition for App Fairness creation as a tool to help press coverage and rally support for its cause A still from Epic s parody of Apple s Super Bowl commercialOn May Epic s Vice President of Marketing Matt Weissinger rounded up why Epic should form a coalition of like minded developers Saying in the email that Epic is not sympathetic Weissinger also said that if the company realigns its focus on developers that suffer from those attacks Read more 2021-08-20 12:01:12
海外TECH Engadget Samsung's Galaxy Buds Pro are 37 percent off at B&H Photo https://www.engadget.com/samsung-galaxy-buds-pro-limited-time-deal-bh-photo-124159210.html?src=rss Samsung x s Galaxy Buds Pro are percent off at B amp H PhotoWhile Samsung redesigned the latest Galaxy Buds with the budget conscious in mind the Galaxy Buds Pro are its complete package wireless earbuds They debuted in January and we found them to be Samsung s best wireless earbuds to date ーbut they re also the company s most expensive at But B amp H Photo has a limited time sale going on right now that knocks percent off the buds bringing them down to That s close to an all time low and a great price on the most premium Samsung earbuds Buy Galaxy Buds Pro at B amp H Samsung had many iterations of its earbuds before the Galaxy Buds Pro came along and it took all previous criticism to hear when designing the Pros They have a compact comfortable design with an IPX waterproof rating so you could use them while working out Active noise cancellation is solid blocking out sounds from things like running dishwashers well and Android users can download the companion mobile app to change noise cancellation settings The mobile app also lets you do things like enable hands free Bixby and disable voice detection which will automatically lower the volume and switch to ambient sound mode when you re speaking We were also impressed by the buds sound quality ーthe mm woofer handles the low end well and highs are crisp and punchy The Galaxy Buds Pro also support Audio which is Samsung s equivalent to Apple s Spatial Audio on AirPods Pro As far as battery life goes it s decent but nothing to write home about You ll get roughly hours of listening time out of the buds and that includes the extra charges carried by its case We do like that the case supports wireless charging though so you can sit them on any Qi pad in your home to get extra juice These remains the most premium earbuds you can get from Samsung and considering B amp H s sale makes them more affordable than even the new Galaxy Buds it s a solid buy if you want the best Samsung has to offer Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-08-20 12:41:59
海外TECH Engadget Engadget Podcast: Reviewing Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 3, Fold 3 and the Pixel 5a https://www.engadget.com/engadget-podcast-samsung-flip-3-fold-3-reviews-123025925.html?src=rss Engadget Podcast Reviewing Samsung x s Galaxy Z Flip Fold and the Pixel aThis week Cherlynn and Devindra are joined by Washington Post Staff Writer and former Engadget colleague Chris Velazco to dive into all of the latest phone reviews What s up with Samsung s Galaxy Z Flip and Fold Who needs the Pixel a And why did Qualcomm try to make a phone of its own Tune in for our discussion as well as to find out what you should be looking for in your next phone upgrade Listen below or subscribe on your podcast app of choice If you ve got suggestions or topics you d like covered on the show be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments And be sure to check out our other podcasts the Morning After and Engadget News Engadget ·Reviewing ALL the phones Samsung s foldables Pixel aSubscribe iTunesSpotifyPocket CastsStitcherGoogle PodcastsTopicsFacebookThe current state of G coverage and what we expect from mobile hardware season Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and Fold final reviews Pixel a review a great buy for most people Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders it s bad Facebook gets into VR meetings with Horizon Workrooms What do social platforms do now that the Taliban is Afghanistan s governing party CES is happening…maybe OnlyFans announces SFW branch and announced they re banning most NSFW Working on Pop culture picks Video livestreamCreditsHosts Cherlynn Low and Devindra HardawarGuest Chris VelazcoProducer Ben EllmanLivestream producers Julio Barrientos Owen Davidoff Luke BrooksGraphics artists Luke Brooks Kyle MaackMusic Dale North and Terrence O Brien 2021-08-20 12:30:25
海外TECH Engadget NASA puts SpaceX's lunar lander contract on hold following Blue Origin's lawsuit https://www.engadget.com/nasa-spacex-lunar-lander-on-hold-blue-origin-lawsuit-120527376.html?src=rss NASA puts SpaceX x s lunar lander contract on hold following Blue Origin x s lawsuitSpaceX won t be working on its billion lunar lander contract for a while after NASA agreed to put the project on hold The space agency told Reuters that it temporarily ceased all work on the project after Jeff Bezos company Blue Origin filed a complaint against it with the US Court of Federal Claims quot In exchange for this temporary stay of work all parties agreed to an expedited litigation schedule that concludes on November st quot the space agency said in a statement nbsp Blue Origin sued NASA over its decision to award a lunar lander contract to SpaceX alone when it originally planned to award two contracts The agency historically works with more than one contractor for each mission to ensure that it can launch in time However it only received a fraction of the budget it requested for the Artemis lunar lander which will be designed to carry human astronauts to the surface of the moon from the Orion spacecraft and chose to forgo awarding a second contract nbsp Bezos company first challenged the decision back in April and filed a protest with the Government Accountability Office As The Verge notes that complaint put the SpaceX contract on hold for days so this is the second time NASA and Elon Musk s company have to temporarily halt the project Blue Origin argued that the selection process was unfair because it wasn t given the opportunity to revise its bid like SpaceX was able to nbsp GAO ultimately dismissed the case concluding that NASA s evaluation of all the proposals for the mission quot was reasonable and consistent with applicable procurement law regulation and the announcement s terms quot Before GAO revealed its decision though Jeff Bezos wrote an open letter to NASA telling the agency that Blue Origin is willing to waive up to billion in payments in return for a fixed price lander contract nbsp In both of the lawsuits it filed Blue Origin said it s making quot an attempt to remedy the flaws in the acquisition process found in NASA s Human Landing System quot For its more recent complaint the company explained that it quot stand s firm in its belief that there were fundamental issues with NASA s decision but the GAO wasn t able to address them due to their limited jurisdiction quot We ll know soon enough which side the court will pick A judge has set a hearing for the case on October th 2021-08-20 12:05:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Dominic Raab defends lack of Afghan interpreter call https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58282163 foreign 2021-08-20 12:37:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Streatham terror attack: Prison recall may have stopped Sudesh Amman https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58281243 london 2021-08-20 12:10:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Father and son from Poole cross Channel on electric boards https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-58282106 england 2021-08-20 12:16:05
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 自家製麺うどん五葵@亀有(冷やしぶっかけうどん) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/yDjM1086RyM/single_feed.php 吉田うどん 2021-08-20 13:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 マラソン代表選考会の詳細発表 22年世界陸上、アジア大会 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/580397/ 世界選手権 2021-08-20 21:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 巨1―6D(20日) DeNA京山が今季初勝利 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/580396/ 適時 2021-08-20 21:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内緊急事態宣言、来週にも可否判断 官房長官 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/580371/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-08-20 21:15:34
北海道 北海道新聞 鮮度や糖度 評判上々 朝採りコーンの新幹線始発で東京直送 新函館農協 来年は品目増も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/580393/ 北海道新幹線 2021-08-20 21:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 パラリンピックのアルゼンチン競泳「支援 勇気もらった」 帯広、音更訪問中止でズーム交流会 管内障害者らに謝辞 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/580392/ 音更町 2021-08-20 21:09:00
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