Engadget Japanese |
SIMや映画館風スタンドなどが抽選で当たるキャンペーン mineoとHuluが実施 |
SIMや映画館風スタンドなどが抽選で当たるキャンペーンmineoとHuluが実施関西電力子会社オプテージのMVNOいわゆる格安SIMサービス「mineo」は、公式TwitterアカウントでSIMカードなどが抽選で当たる「スマホで映画館キャンペーン」を実施しています。 |
2021-08-23 07:45:49 |
Engadget Japanese |
PC用キーボードのAmazon売れ筋ランキング。ノートPCでも利用者が増加中。無線・有線タイプともに長短あり |
amazon |
2021-08-23 07:35:40 |
Engadget Japanese |
PayPay、9月は「Joshin webショップ」等で最大100%還元 |
joshin |
2021-08-23 07:20:58 |
Engadget Japanese |
15600mAhの巨大バッテリー搭載、超タフな5Gスマホ「Oukitel WP15」を動画で紹介(山根博士) |
mAhの巨大バッテリー搭載、超タフなGスマホ「OukitelWP」を動画で紹介山根博士Oukitelの「WP」を触ってみました。 |
2021-08-23 07:15:37 |
Engadget Japanese |
Fossilの次期スマートウォッチ「Gen 6(仮)」はSpO2センサー搭載か |
Fossilの次期スマートウォッチ「Gen仮」はSpOセンサー搭載か米Fossilブランドの次期スマートウォッチ「Gen仮称」のものとされるレンダリング画像やリーク情報が、ドイツ語テックサイトのWinFutureに掲載されています。 |
2021-08-23 07:08:19 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
アジャイルとDevOpsはどう違う? |
devops |
2021-08-23 16:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Yahoo!知恵袋にAI導入 ユーザーが回答できそうな質問をおすすめする機能 |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 16:42:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Apple、従業員のオフィス復帰は早くても2022年1月 |
itmedianewsapple |
2021-08-23 16:34:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 池袋のポケセン、従業員の感染で23日から臨時休業 ポケカ当選者には都内3店鋪で対応 |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 16:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Lexar、ゲーミング向けDDR4メモリ「Hades」シリーズを発表 |
hades |
2021-08-23 16:01:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
愛猫の体重・排尿を自動管理する「Catlog Board」一般発売開始 |
catlogboard |
2021-08-23 07:00:48 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】日付を入力してもらうプログラムができました |
importdatetimedefinputyearinputyearでは、年の入力をしてもらうinputyearinput年例を入力し、エンターstrptimeで入力した数値にエラーが発生するかどうかで、正しい形式の年が入力されたか確認を行うtryCheckdatetimedatetimestrptimeinputyearYexceptprint桁の整数で年を入力しましょうreturninputyearreturninputyeardefinputmonthinputmonthでは、月の入力をしてもらうinputmonthinput月例を入力し、エンターstrptimeで入力した数値にエラーが発生するかどうかで、正しい形式の月が入力されたか確認を行うtryCheckdatetimedatetimestrptimeinputmonthmexceptprintのうちの整数で入力してくださいreturninputmonthreturninputmonthzfilldefinputdayinputdayでは、日の入力をしてもらうinputdayinput日例を入力し、エンターstrptimeで入力した数値にエラーが発生するかどうかで、正しい形式の日が入力されたか確認を行うtryCheckdatetimedatetimestrptimeinputdaydexceptprintのうちの整数で日を入力しましょうreturninputdayreturninputdayzfilldefinputdateinputdateを呼び出すと、年月日の入力をしてもらい、その年月日が未来の日付や存在しない日付になっていないかのチェックを行ってから、問題なければyyyymmddといったリスト形式で吐き出すようになっているprint年月日で入力しましょうinputdateinputdateappendinputyearinputdateappendinputmonthinputdateappendinputdaytrydate関数に入力された日付を差し込み、存在する日付を入力しているかのチェックに使ったhikakuinputdatetimedateintinputdateintinputdateintinputdatehikakunowdatetimedatetodayexceptprint存在しない日付を入力しています。 |
2021-08-23 16:52:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ベイジアン𝐴/𝐵テスト(ベイズ推定𝐴/𝐵テスト)の活用 |
ベイジアン𝐴𝐵テストのサンプルサイズと事後分布「ベイジアン𝐴𝐵テスト」は「仮説検定による𝐴𝐵テスト」で必要とされるサンプルサイズ計算は行わなくてよいとされているが、「ベイジアン𝐴𝐵テスト」後の𝐴𝐵の確率分布事後確率はサンプルサイズによってどの程度変化するのかについて確認した。 |
2021-08-23 16:22:49 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Illustratorで異なるフォントの高さを合わせるスクリプト |
2021-08-23 16:38:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
hoverイベントについて |
hoverイベントについてJQueryの学習中、つまずいた所のメモ。 |
2021-08-23 16:31:13 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
閲覧したページにチェックを入れるUIを実装したい |
sessionStorageにしたい場合は適宜変更してください。 |
2021-08-23 16:02:54 |
Program |
@IT Coding Edgeフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
アジャイルとDevOpsはどう違う? |
devops |
2021-08-23 16:30:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
複数選択可能なプルダウンの作成 |
複数選択可能なプルダウンの作成前提・実現したいことCtrlShiftCommandキーを押しながら複数選択できるドロップダウンを作成したいです。 |
2021-08-23 16:57:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ラズパイ3をプリンタサーバーにする |
ebeeaaebebfebceebdceeebeb |
2021-08-23 16:56:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python 時刻を比較して一部の時間をくり抜く |
python |
2021-08-23 16:46:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ubuntu20.04とdockerで機械学習用GPUサーバ構築したい |
Ubuntuとdockerで機械学習用GPUサーバ構築したいUbuntuとdockerで機械学習用GPUサーバ構築したいQampAUbuntunbspで機械学習用GPUサーバを構築したい。 |
2021-08-23 16:41:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
yarn add tailwindcssを実行したいが、The `typesync' command exists in these Node versions: 14.4.0と表示されできない。 |
yarnaddtailwindcssを実行したいが、ThetypesyncxcommandexistsintheseNodeversionsと表示されできない。 |
2021-08-23 16:35:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
LINE Bot 日時選択アクションを今あるBOTに追加実装したい (引用記事あり) |
LINEBot日時選択アクションを今あるBOTに追加実装したい引用記事あり前提・実現したいことLINE公式ドキュメントを参考にGASを使って「日時選択アクション」のAPIをを用いて現在あるBOTに日時選択アクションを実装したいです。 |
2021-08-23 16:32:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DjangoでDBからデータを引っ張ってきて、全ページ共通のヘッダーメニューを作る方法が知りたいです |
DjangoでDBからデータを引っ張ってきて、全ページ共通のヘッダーメニューを作る方法が知りたいです前提・実現したいことDjangoを用いて、CMS的なサンプルサイトを作成しています。 |
2021-08-23 16:32:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails selectフォームについて |
Railsselectフォームについてお世話になります。 |
2021-08-23 16:26:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DBテーブルのカラム名にハイフンが入っている場合に、PDOの名前付きプレースホルダを使う方法 |
DBテーブルのカラム名にハイフンが入っている場合に、PDOの名前付きプレースホルダを使う方法PDOを使い、「名前付きプレースホルダ」を使ってデータをINSERTしたいのですが、カラム名にハイフンが入っているせいで、以下のエラーが出ます。 |
2021-08-23 16:20:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Double型で扱えるデータ |
double |
2021-08-23 16:19:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ブログ記事にHTMLをコードとして貼り付けたいのに自動で変換されてしまう |
ブログ記事にHTMLをコードとして貼り付けたいのに自動で変換されてしまう困っていること下記のHTMLをブログ記事にコードで表示させたいのですが、自動で変換されてしまい困っています。 |
2021-08-23 16:18:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vscodeでflutterを開発する際の拡張機能 |
flutter |
2021-08-23 16:10:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
子画面で選択した値をjson形式で呼び元に返したい。(「window.showModalDialog」をChromeで動作するよう代替え案として「」で実装を検討) |
子画面で選択した値をjson形式で呼び元に返したい。 |
2021-08-23 16:07:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】DISTINCTを利用して重複レコードを省いて取得することができません |
【Rails】DISTINCTを利用して重複レコードを省いて取得することができません以下のresultpluckidの結果はでした。 |
2021-08-23 16:04:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
FlutterとFirebaseの連携ができない |
具体的には、pubspecyamlに「firebasecorenbspquotquot」「cloudfirestorenbspquotquot」の文言を追加しPubnbspGetした後シミュレータを起動すると、添付画像のように何も表示されなくなります。 |
2021-08-23 16:01:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBのhttpClientのパフォーマンスについて |
発生している問題ビルド後のexeから起動して、同様に動かすと秒ほど時間が掛かります。 |
2021-08-23 16:01:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[小ネタ]Backlog課題コメントから過去のバージョンを復元する |
backlog |
2021-08-23 07:06:15 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[dbt] custom schemaを使って普段とは別のスキーマ下にデータモデルを作成する |
dbtcustomschema |
2021-08-23 07:02:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
8 Node.js Projects To Keep An Eye On 2021 |
Node js Projects To Keep An Eye On Cytoscape js Website gt An open source JavaScript library used for visualization and graph analysis which comes with rich and interactive implementation It includes all out of the box gestures which include box selection panning pinch to zoom and so on Cytoscape could be used on Node js to perform graph analysis on a web server or in the terminal Developers moving toward data science in their interest can choose Cytoscape as a good choice also it has a wonderful contribution guide with documentation PDFKit Website gt Very useful PDF generation library for nodes which helps in building and downloading complex PDFs also it supports text and font embedding annotations vector graphics However the project has no extensive documentation which makes it harder to contribute to it Socket IO Website gt Bi directional real time event based communication and works on every browser device with equal focus on speed A basic chat app is an example of two way communication that the tool provides A new message is received by the server then it sends it to the client and notifies them bypassing the need to send a request between the client and the server Comes With Useful Features Binary Streaming Analytics in real time Document Collaboration Strapi Website gt An open source content management system which a backend only system that provides functions to use with RESTful APIs the main aim to get and deliver content across all devices structurally Comes with plenty of features includes an inbuilt email system file upload and JSON Web Token authentication The content structure is created via Strapi which is very flexible and lets you create content groups and customizable APIs Nest Website gt Nest is a popular progressive framework for creating efficient and scalable server side apps Uses TypeScript for combing functional and object oriented programming elements amp uses Express under the hood This tool provides true flexibility by letting you use and libraries thanks to its modular architecture Date fns Website gt Still the most consistent and simple set of tools to manipulate JavaScript dates in Node js and a browser and works well with modern module bundlers like Browserify webpack and Rollup With amazing community support the tool has dozen of locales where each function has a detailed description along with examples SheetJS Website gt A Node js library that allows you to manipulate spreadsheets in Excel and a lot of other things with Excel for example exporting workbooks from scratch and converting HTML tables JSON arrays into xlsx files that are downloadable Comes with a big community and a well documented contribution guide Express js Website gt One of the most popular Node js open source project that offers immense value because of its efficient HTTP request and even working with JavaScript a server side language and out of browser A very helpful tool to accomplishing speed and security in applications Essential Features Different extensions and plugin supportURL based routing mechanism uses HTTP methodsSeamless database integration Thanks Adrian Twarog adriantwarog for this good and elaborate explanation Check this out Thanks for Reading Hope you find it useful Like it ️and bookmark it for later By mistake I deleted my previous post this was posted before on so I am posting it again Guys make it a trending post again |
2021-08-23 07:47:13 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
自宅療養の妊婦、SpO2が92%以下なら救急要請を-産科婦人科学会が目安公表 |
宿泊施設 |
2021-08-23 17:00:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
空港検疫、外国籍コロナ陽性が前週比1.6倍に-厚労省が実績更新、陽性率は日本国籍の1.7倍 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-23 16:55:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米ジョージア州やフロリダ州、マスク着用めぐる州と地方自治体の争い再燃 |
地方自治体 |
2021-08-23 07:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
2019年の外国企業の米国内雇用は795万人に増加、日本企業は2位 |
外国企業 |
2021-08-23 07:05:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
China hits zero COVID-19 cases with month of draconian curbs |
cases |
2021-08-23 16:56:31 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Loss by Suga ally in Yokohama election rattles the LDP |
Loss by Suga ally in Yokohama election rattles the LDPThe prime minister s position has become even more precarious with questions growing within the LDP over whether he should lead the party into an upcoming |
2021-08-23 16:37:55 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan to send SDF planes to Afghanistan for evacuation |
Japan to send SDF planes to Afghanistan for evacuationThe government said Monday it would evacuate Japanese nationals and local staff in the country who have worked for the embassy and other Japanese organizations |
2021-08-23 16:27:53 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kamala Harris announces U.S. supply-chain initiative with Singapore |
Kamala Harris announces U S supply chain initiative with SingaporeHarris sought to reassure allies in Asia over Washington s commitment to the region as she faced a volley of questions on Afghanistan during a visit |
2021-08-23 16:16:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: Every minute counts, says UK minister |
afghanistan |
2021-08-23 07:42:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Government warns Covid test firms over misleading prices |
website |
2021-08-23 07:52:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: Young people warn of long Covid amid jab drive |
england |
2021-08-23 07:46:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
English trio in Europe's Solheim Cup team as Matthew picks Reid |
English trio in Europe x s Solheim Cup team as Matthew picks ReidEngland s Georgia Hall Charley Hull and Mel Reid are all in Europe s team for their defence of the Solheim Cup against the United States in September |
2021-08-23 07:34:29 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ブルーインパルス飛行は午後2時 都心に「スリーアギトス」 |
東京パラリンピック |
2021-08-23 16:21:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
24日の予告先発 日ハムはバーヘイゲン |
予告先発 |
2021-08-23 16:07:25 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『プロジェクトセカイ』で「チルドレンレコード」をリズムゲーム楽曲として追加! |
colorful |
2021-08-23 16:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
おいしそう~「とんがりコーン バタートースト味」バターがしみたトーストの香ばしさを表現 |
新フレーバー |
2021-08-23 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
横浜と英国との関わりを知ろう 横浜開港資料館「図説 日英関係史 1600~1868」刊行 |
七つの海 |
2021-08-23 16:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
都会で南国リゾート気分! アメリカンレストラン「ハードロックカフェ」横浜店で「ハワイフェア HAWAIIAN VIBES」開催 |
hawaiianvibes |
2021-08-23 16:10:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
ノイキャンイヤホン OPPO Enco Free2 が8月27日発売 1万3980円 |
oppoencofree |
2021-08-23 09:01:28 |
ロボスタ |
メルティンMMIの遠隔操作ロボットが外航海運業に参入 商船三井と共に通信環境を整備し導入を目指す |
商船三井 |
2021-08-23 09:29:34 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ニチレイフーズ、一部商品で最大10%の値上げ 11月納品分より |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 18:38:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 建設コンサル大手にランサムウェア攻撃 千葉県市川市の委託事業の資料など流出か |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 18:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 楽天モバイル500万回線突破 MNVO含む |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 18:19:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
イマクリエイトの「VR注射シミュレーター」、高知県室戸市のVRワクチン接種研修に採用 |
感染拡大 |
2021-08-23 09:00:58 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
Substackみたいなサブスクできるコミュニティを作れるサービス11選【2021年版】クリエイターエコノミーで手にしたい収益化 |
substack |
2021-08-23 09:00:20 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
JP-Secure、ホスト型WAF「SiteGuard Server Edition」新版、Cookie保護を強化 | IT Leaders |
JPSecure、ホスト型WAF「SiteGuardServerEdition」新版、Cookie保護を強化ITLeadersジェイピー・セキュアJPSecureは年月日、WAFWebアプリケーションファイアウォール「SiteGuardServerEdition」の新版Verを発表した。 |
2021-08-23 18:01:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus を使用してオンプレミスのメトリクスを収集する |
Prometheusを使用してコンテナワークロードを監視するのが一般的ですが、PrometheusはAmazonElasticComputeCloudAmazonECインスタンスやオンプレミス環境の仮想マシンVM、サーバーの監視にも使用されています。 |
2021-08-23 09:31:33 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon CloudFront の CNAME を管理するための新しい API と機能について |
ドメイン検証が導入される前は、ディストリビューションにCNAMEを追加する際に、つ目の動作であるクロスアカウントのワイルドカード制限を使って、ドメインのCNAMEが異なるアカウントで追加されていないことを確認する必要がありました。 |
2021-08-23 09:05:15 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
matplotlib で描画する度に色をグラデーション的に変える(2次元 ver もあるよ!) |
2021-08-23 18:59:22 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC079をPythonで実装してみた。 |
ABCをPythonで実装してみた。 |
2021-08-23 18:53:25 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pip 全部削除 |
pfreezexargspipuninstally |
2021-08-23 18:52:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PythonでLINE半botを作る(Part3) |
textは定義されないここまでのを使用してプログラムを書きます。 |
2021-08-23 18:51:50 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
大量にyahooメールを送信する |
大量にyahooメールを送信する下記サイトを参考に大量にメールを送信するプログラムにしました。 |
2021-08-23 18:35:24 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python で Raspberry Pi の USB を制御する |
最終的なコードRPusbctrlpyusrbinenvpythonモジュールインポートimporttime時間モジュール処理時間の計測とかimportdatetimePythonで日付や時間を扱うためのモジュールimportosOSに依存しているさまざまな機能を利用するためのモジュールimportschedule定期実行したいモジュール関数定義USBONdefUSBONprintUSBONossystemsudohubctrlhPpreturnUSBOFFdefUSBOFFprintUSBOFFossystemsudohubctrlhPpreturn繰り返したい関数defjobnowtimedatetimedatetimenowprint現在時刻nowtimeUSBONUSBONtimesleepUSBOFFUSBOFFreturn定期実行defmain分毎に実行scheduleeveryminutedojobwhileTrueschedulerunpendingtimesleepifnamemainmain以上で無事にUSBのライトをONOFFすることが出来ました。 |
2021-08-23 18:25:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Java 二重ループの配列処理の仕様が分からない |
Java二重ループの配列処理の仕様が分からないが表示されるメカニズムを知りたい。 |
2021-08-23 18:56:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Xamarin.Androidにてc++ライブラリからローカルファイルを参照したいです。 |
XamarinAndroidにてcライブラリからローカルファイルを参照したいです。 |
2021-08-23 18:50:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
続きを読むボタンを文章の有無で表示/非表示したい |
続きを読むボタンを文章の有無で表示非表示したい前提・実現したいことデータベースから空白データが呼び出された時のみ、「続きを読む」ボタンを非表示にしたい。 |
2021-08-23 18:48:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
herokuでDBをリセットしたのですが開発環境に反映されないことについて |
herokuでDBをリセットしたのですが開発環境に反映されないことについて前提・実現したいこと現在ECサイトに機能を追加していくという課題をおこなっている最中なのですがカテゴリー実装時に指定したカテゴリーに表示される商品が重複していたので解決するために一度DBをリセットし再度作成しようと試みたのですが理想通りにいっていません。 |
2021-08-23 18:41:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データベース保存について |
『date、kg、number、set、time、event』のデータをデータベースの方に保存したいのですがplanの中にeventが入っていない為保存がされないのだと思いました。 |
2021-08-23 18:39:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ECS(fargate)へデプロイ後にRailsアプリケーションを表示させたい |
ECSfargateへデプロイ後にRailsアプリケーションを表示させたい前提・実現したいことECSfargateへデプロイ後にRailsアプリケーションを表示させたいと思い、現在実装を進めております。 |
2021-08-23 18:29:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コンピュータウイルスについて |
windowsnbspapi |
2021-08-23 18:23:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
😥【Vue、Firestore】 モーダル機能を使った、Firestoreデータの表示 |
【Vue、Firestore】モーダル機能を使った、Firestoreデータの表示Firestoreにある各ユーザーの名前、残高の表示現在、Vueを使用して、仮想的な投げ銭アプリを制作しております。 |
2021-08-23 18:13:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
centOS7 先週金曜日までは外部ネットに繋がっていたが今週PCを立ち上げるとなぜか繋がらなくなっていた |
ホストOSはネットに繋がっています。 |
2021-08-23 18:10:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptからテキストファイルに書き込む&読み込む方法 |
JavaScriptからテキストファイルに書き込むamp読み込む方法やりたいことHTMLで、テキストエリアとボタンを作成indexhtmlして、そのボタンをJavaScriptの関数と紐づけてテキストエリアから取得した文字列を新たに作成したJavaScriptscriptjsファイルから同じフォルダー内にあるテキストファイルplaintxtに書き込みたい。 |
2021-08-23 18:04:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#上からIE11を操作したい |
C上からIEを操作したい前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-08-23 18:01:16 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitで取り消しコマンド一覧 |
2021-08-23 18:14:44 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
メルカリShops のフロントエンド |
shellip |
2021-08-23 10:00:48 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[AWS]東京リージョンと大阪リージョン間でVPCピアリングしてみる |
誕生 |
2021-08-23 09:38:35 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Azure Static Web Apps で プライベートエンドポイントを使う |
azure |
2021-08-23 09:32:14 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Alteryx 2021.3新機能:Alteryx Designerのワークフローの比較のご紹介 |
alteryx |
2021-08-23 09:30:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ReactiveXのマーブル図入門 |
filter |
2021-08-23 09:26:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Aurora リードレプリカをスケジュールで追加・削除できるように対応してみた |
aurora |
2021-08-23 09:08:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 Project to Master in Python for Beginners |
Project to Master in Python for Beginners IntroductionAs we all know that now a days Python is the one of the most demanding language in market A Programmer should learn python to get job easily So for that you need to enhance your python skills to a good level so you may hire buy someone In this blog I will told you about Project to Master in Python for Beginners Data Structure and Algorithms VisualizerAs we know that many people face difficulty while learning DSA at beginning So you create create Stack Queue Linked List BST Graph Sort and Search any one of the visualizer which helps you understand the working on the particular Data Structure As a beginner it is a challenging project for you and after doing this you understand that how a project is developed Paint Application in PythonNow After doing the st Project you have some experience about that how to create project So now it s time to move one more step forward Now you should create a Paint application which must contain minimum d shapes d Shapes Fill Text Change color Save as Open Pencil Undo Redo Cut Copy and Paste You can add some more feature by your own This Project help you to enhance your plotting skills math LudoAs you have gained some more experience and now it time to create your first game So Ludo is the best game to create in Python You should create play with friend or play with computer playerNow this is a little bit difficult to create it because it needs accurate plotting and movement But after completing this game you will feel proud because it s not as easy as the top two project were Typing Speed TesterNow you need to create a typing speed tester which gives you some paragraph and x min you need to type the each character as written and at the end it will show you the result You can add some typing games which helps you increase typing speed ChatbotNow this is the last project so It s level is insane you need to create a bot which communicate with humans This app is very useful for you and makes your life easy To create it you need a lot of knowledgei e Google assistant Jarvis Alexa Conclusion After learning this all you have a great knowledge about Python Library and you can apply for jobs too |
2021-08-23 09:40:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Practical tips for constructing Object diagrams from applications. |
Practical tips for constructing Object diagrams from applications Practical tips for constructing Object diagrams from applications Don t begin constructing an object by merely jotting down classes and inheritance Understand the problem first The content of an object model is driven by it s relevance Keep the model as simple as possible Avoid needless complications Carefully choose names Choosing the right name is one of the most difficult step in object oriented design Choosing the right names not only avoids confusion but also improves the clarity in the program structure Names should be descriptive crisp and unambiguous Names should not be biased with only a certain aspect of the object but rather have an comprehensive way of approach Try to avoid too deep nested generalizationsDon t be surprised if your object diagram requires revision Object models often require multiple iterations to clarify names repair errors add details and correctly capture structural constraints Try to get others review your model Object models can be a focal point for stimulating the involvement of others Always document your object models The object diagrams specify the structure of a model but cannot describe the reasons behind it The written explaination guides the reader through the model and explains the reason behind it The written explaination guides the reader through the model and explains the subtle reasons why the model was structured in the particular way The written explaination clarifies the meaning of the names in the model and should convey the reason for each class and relationship Adapted from the book Object Oriented Modeling and Design |
2021-08-23 09:26:27 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
東京都立病院職員コロナ感染続出、看護師2人入院-病院経営本部が発表、濃厚接触者自宅待機も |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-23 18:40:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
保育所配布の抗原簡易キットは職員への使用を想定-厚労省が事務連絡、園児に症状出たら医療機関受診 |
医療機関 |
2021-08-23 18:25:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
小多機の運営基準改正、26日施行を周知-厚労省通知 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-23 18:20:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
損保ジャパン、AIスタートアップのELYZAとカスタマーセンターで実証実験を実施 |
2021-08-23 19:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan weighs how to reopen schools amid delta’s dominance |
Japan weighs how to reopen schools amid delta s dominanceThere has been a surge in clusters of infections during club activities and at cram schools over the summer break but the government is reluctant |
2021-08-23 18:17:34 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan begins using AstraZeneca vaccine in bid to step up inoculations |
Japan begins using AstraZeneca vaccine in bid to step up inoculationsSix prefectures under a COVID emergency have been given a total of doses of the vaccine with the city of Osaka the first to |
2021-08-23 18:31:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: UK cannot stay alone - minister |
heappey |
2021-08-23 09:33:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Wood out of third Test against India with shoulder injury |
injury |
2021-08-23 09:32:10 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
キャリアリンク、「QUOカード」の株主優待を変更! 決算期の「2月末⇒3月末」への変更に伴って、優待の基 準日を「8月末⇒9月末」に変更も、優待内容は変更なし - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース |
2021-08-23 18:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「リベロ」のIPO情報総まとめ! スケジュールから幹事証券、注目度、銘柄分析、 他の新生活向け各種サービス企業との比較や予想まで解説! - IPO株の銘柄分析&予想 |
2021-08-23 18:02:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
家飲みウイスキーを格上げ。香りを愉しむオーク材タンブラー |
香り |
2021-08-23 19:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
省庁横断型ウェブサイト開設へ 必要な情報探しやすく |
内閣官房 |
2021-08-23 18:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
7月の百貨店売上高4・2%増 高額品がけん引 |
日本百貨店協会 |
2021-08-23 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京円、109円台後半 |
東京外国為替市場 |
2021-08-23 18:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
横浜、IR推進室の機能停止へ 市長選当選の山中氏が表明 |
横浜市立大 |
2021-08-23 18:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
真狩唯一の不動産会社設立 英国出身・ターナーさん夫妻 富裕層以外にも照準 |
会社設立 |
2021-08-23 18:15:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
外食業界で「チキン戦争」が勃発した事情【動画】 牛角創業者や鳥貴族も!フライドチキンに熱視線 | 外食 | 東洋経済オンライン |
一人焼肉 |
2021-08-23 18:05:00 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPad mini 6」のスペック情報?? − A14チップ搭載でUSB-Cポートを採用か |
ipadair |
2021-08-23 10:55:57 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Appleの整備済み商品情報 2021/8/23 |
apple |
2021-08-23 10:45:34 |
Engadget Japanese |
もう他のケーブルは不要。100W給電・10Gbpsデータ送信・4K動画対応マルチケーブル【Zeus-X Pro】 |
W給電・Gbpsデータ送信・K動画対応マルチケーブル【ZeusXPro】種の端子を搭載。 |
2021-08-23 10:35:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「シャワーが水」「近所が大騒ぎ」──新宿区と文京区の一部で都市ガス止まる 6500戸余に影響 |
itmedia |
2021-08-23 19:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイル、MVNOを含めた契約数が500万を突破 |
itmediamobile |
2021-08-23 19:03:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2起動/停止をLambdaで自動化してみた |
EC起動停止をLambdaで自動化してみたはじめにLambdaを使ったECインスタンスの自動起動自動停止の環境を構築したので紹介しますきっかけは業務でcrontabファイルを使用しておりLambdaに移行できるのではと思い実装しました一回構築してしまえばめんどくさい手作業が自動化できますしヒューマンエラーも防げるのでおすすめです対象読者ECは触ったことあるけどLambdaは触ったことがない人自動化に興味のある人前提AWSアカウント作成済みECインスタンス作成済み実装の概要実装時間分IAMロールの作成LambdaでECインスタンスの起動・停止処理を実装AmazonEventBridgeでLambdaを実行する時間を指定するIAMロールの作成AWSにログインしてIAMgtポリシーgtポリシーを作成gtJSONタブに進むとポリシー作成画面が表示されますそこに今回の実装に必要な権限が書かれた以下JSONテキストを貼り付けてくださいVersionStatementEffectAllowActionlogsCreateLogGrouplogsCreateLogStreamlogsPutLogEventsResourcearnawslogsEffectAllowActionecDescribeecStartecStopResource記述したらポリシーの名前をlambdaforstartstopinstanceにしてポリシーを作成しましょう。 |
2021-08-23 19:53:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
データフレームに,祝日フラグを追加するライブラリを作成した |
第一引数gtデータフレーム第二引数gtデータフレーム内の日付が入っているカラム名第三引数gt新しく作られる祝日フラグのカラム名を入れてください。 |
2021-08-23 19:01:52 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[小ネタ] encodeURI と encodeURIComponent の違い |
正しい使い方encodeURIでエスケープ対象外になっている文字は簡単にいうとURIschemesで使われている記号です。 |
2021-08-23 19:47:18 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptのコメントは4種類ある |
つまり、ESで初めて追加されたコメント形式というわけではなく、昔からの実装に仕様を合わせたということですね。 |
2021-08-23 19:45:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GAS documentを読み込む際にエラー発生 |
GASdocumentを読み込む際にエラー発生行いたい事googlenbspformから取得したデータを元に、見積書を作成しPDF化、PDFをメールに添付し下書き状態で保存するプログラムをGASで作成したい。 |
2021-08-23 19:56:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AWS IoT CoreにSDKで接続する時、旧SDKとv2(最新)で接続できるAWS、できないAWSがある。 |
AWSIoTCoreにSDKで接続する時、旧SDKとv最新で接続できるAWS、できないAWSがある。 |
2021-08-23 19:56:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Ocaml]なぜrestが出てくるのかわからないです |
Ocamlなぜrestが出てくるのかわからないですプログラミングの基礎という初心者向けのOcamlの教材でメトロネットワークを作る問題をしていたのですが理解できないところがあります。 |
2021-08-23 19:44:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
readline()[int型の変数] int型の変数を文字列としてではなく、数字として認識させたい |
readlineint型の変数int型の変数を文字列としてではなく、数字として認識させたい前提・実現したいことwithnbspopenで開いたファイルをreadlineで行ずつ読み込む際に、特定の行だけを読み込みたいです。 |
2021-08-23 19:33:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
指定した時間が来たら関数を呼び出したい |
そこで起動した際に直近の予定が終わる時間を取得して、その時間が来たらまた起動時に読み込んだ直近の予定がどれになるのか調べる処理を呼び出したいです。 |
2021-08-23 19:18:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$counterの文法エラー原因がわからない |
2021-08-23 19:16:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのクラスについて |
2021-08-23 19:12:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails6 記事を投稿する際に、特定の単語へのリンク貼り付け作業の自動化 |
Rails記事を投稿する際に、特定の単語へのリンク貼り付け作業の自動化現在Railsのリッチテキストエディタを用いて記事を投稿しているのですが、特定の単語が現れた時にその単語について詳しく書かれた記事へリンクをはる作業もしています。 |
2021-08-23 19:12:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
selenium 一部のテキストを取得したいが、エラーではなく空で返ってきてしまう |
selenium一部のテキストを取得したいが、エラーではなく空で返ってきてしまうやりたい事web上の一部のテキストを取得したいが空で返されてしまうので改善したいです実際のコードactorpathsforiinrangeactorpathsappendidmaindsdivdivulliabrformatiactornameforiinactorpathsactornameappenddriverfindelementbyxpathitextprintactorname実行結果こうなってしまいます。 |
2021-08-23 19:11:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPでブラウザに表示をすると。。。 |
PHPでブラウザに表示をすると。 |
2021-08-23 19:06:41 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2起動/停止をLambdaで自動化してみた |
EC起動停止をLambdaで自動化してみたはじめにLambdaを使ったECインスタンスの自動起動自動停止の環境を構築したので紹介しますきっかけは業務でcrontabファイルを使用しておりLambdaに移行できるのではと思い実装しました一回構築してしまえばめんどくさい手作業が自動化できますしヒューマンエラーも防げるのでおすすめです対象読者ECは触ったことあるけどLambdaは触ったことがない人自動化に興味のある人前提AWSアカウント作成済みECインスタンス作成済み実装の概要実装時間分IAMロールの作成LambdaでECインスタンスの起動・停止処理を実装AmazonEventBridgeでLambdaを実行する時間を指定するIAMロールの作成AWSにログインしてIAMgtポリシーgtポリシーを作成gtJSONタブに進むとポリシー作成画面が表示されますそこに今回の実装に必要な権限が書かれた以下JSONテキストを貼り付けてくださいVersionStatementEffectAllowActionlogsCreateLogGrouplogsCreateLogStreamlogsPutLogEventsResourcearnawslogsEffectAllowActionecDescribeecStartecStopResource記述したらポリシーの名前をlambdaforstartstopinstanceにしてポリシーを作成しましょう。 |
2021-08-23 19:53:16 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerでamazonlinuxを利用してnodejsの環境を作成する |
Dockerでamazonlinuxを利用してnodejsの環境を作成するDockerfileの書き方参考記事amazonlinuxをイメージにコンテナを作成なるべくECと同じ環境で作業したいためamazonlinuxでの環境構築を行うローカルの作業ディレクトリgtdockerrunitamazonlinuxUnabletofindimageamazonlinuxlatestlocallylatestPullingfromlibraryamazonlinuxeefeaPullcompleteDigestshaebddbbddbbdebcfbabafdacdbefStatusDownloadednewerimageforamazonlinuxlatestbashlsltatotaldrwxrxrxrootrootJuldevdrxrxrxrootrootJulsysdrxrxrxrootrootJulprocdrwxrxrxrootrootJuldrwxrxrxrootrootJulrwxrxrxrootrootJuldockerenvdrwxrxrxrootrootJuletcdrwxrxrxrootrootJunrundrwxrxrxrootrootJunvarlrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunbingtusrbinlrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunlibgtusrliblrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunlibgtusrliblrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunsbingtusrsbindrwxrxrxrootrootJunusrdrwxrxrxrootrootJunlocaldrwxrwxrwtrootrootJuntmpdrxrxrxrootrootAprbootdrwxrxrxrootrootAprhomedrwxrxrxrootrootAprmediadrwxrxrxrootrootAprmntdrwxrxrxrootrootAproptdrxrxrootrootAprrootdrwxrxrxrootrootAprsrv無事にamazonlinuxをイメージとしてコンテナの起動ができてるはずnodejsをインストールするとりあえず下記コマンドを実行yumupdatey省略Completenodejsのインストールを実施bashyuminstallnodejsnpmLoadedpluginsovlprioritiesNopackagenodejsavailableNopackagenpmavailableErrorNothingtodo失敗、通常yumではnodejsはインストール出来ない模様公式に記載されているamazonlinux用の作業を実践bashcurlfsSLbashInstallingtheNodeSourceNodejsxrepoInspectingsystemrpmqwhatprovidesredhatreleaserpmqwhatprovidescentosreleaserpmqwhatprovidescloudlinuxreleaserpmqwhatprovidesslreleaserpmqwhatprovidesfedorareleaseunamemConfirmingelxissupportedcurlsLfodevnullDownloadingreleasesetupRPMmktempcurlsLotmptmpzzQvOLInstallingreleasesetupRPMrpminosignatureforcetmptmpzzQvOLCleaninguprmftmptmpzzQvOLCheckingforexistinginstallationsrpmqanodenpmgrepvnodesourceRunsudoyuminstallynodejstoinstallNodejsxandnpmYoumayalsoneeddevelopmenttoolstobuildnativeaddonssudoyuminstallgcccmakeToinstalltheYarnpackagemanagerruncurlsLsudoteeetcyumreposdyarnreposudoyuminstallyarnNodeSourceのリポジトリを追加する事で実行可能になる参考記事nodejsのインストール作業bashyuminstallynodejs省略InstallednodejsxnodesourceCompletebashnodevvDockerfileへとまとめるExpressを利用する環境を作成し確認する。 |
2021-08-23 19:23:02 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CentOS7でdockr-on-dockerすると毎回systemctl start dockerしないといけないのでなんとかしたい |
CentOSでdockrondockerすると毎回systemctlstartdockerしないといけないのでなんとかしたいはじめにkubernetesの書籍を読んでおり、VagrantにDockerをインストールして起動していたのですが、DockerDesktopを利用しているのでVagrantが利用できなかったので、dockerondockerをしました。 |
2021-08-23 19:31:42 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PhpstomでのDockerローカル環境の開発におけるXdebugの設定手順 |
2021-08-23 19:28:18 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerでamazonlinuxを利用してnodejsの環境を作成する |
Dockerでamazonlinuxを利用してnodejsの環境を作成するDockerfileの書き方参考記事amazonlinuxをイメージにコンテナを作成なるべくECと同じ環境で作業したいためamazonlinuxでの環境構築を行うローカルの作業ディレクトリgtdockerrunitamazonlinuxUnabletofindimageamazonlinuxlatestlocallylatestPullingfromlibraryamazonlinuxeefeaPullcompleteDigestshaebddbbddbbdebcfbabafdacdbefStatusDownloadednewerimageforamazonlinuxlatestbashlsltatotaldrwxrxrxrootrootJuldevdrxrxrxrootrootJulsysdrxrxrxrootrootJulprocdrwxrxrxrootrootJuldrwxrxrxrootrootJulrwxrxrxrootrootJuldockerenvdrwxrxrxrootrootJuletcdrwxrxrxrootrootJunrundrwxrxrxrootrootJunvarlrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunbingtusrbinlrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunlibgtusrliblrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunlibgtusrliblrwxrwxrwxrootrootJunsbingtusrsbindrwxrxrxrootrootJunusrdrwxrxrxrootrootJunlocaldrwxrwxrwtrootrootJuntmpdrxrxrxrootrootAprbootdrwxrxrxrootrootAprhomedrwxrxrxrootrootAprmediadrwxrxrxrootrootAprmntdrwxrxrxrootrootAproptdrxrxrootrootAprrootdrwxrxrxrootrootAprsrv無事にamazonlinuxをイメージとしてコンテナの起動ができてるはずnodejsをインストールするとりあえず下記コマンドを実行yumupdatey省略Completenodejsのインストールを実施bashyuminstallnodejsnpmLoadedpluginsovlprioritiesNopackagenodejsavailableNopackagenpmavailableErrorNothingtodo失敗、通常yumではnodejsはインストール出来ない模様公式に記載されているamazonlinux用の作業を実践bashcurlfsSLbashInstallingtheNodeSourceNodejsxrepoInspectingsystemrpmqwhatprovidesredhatreleaserpmqwhatprovidescentosreleaserpmqwhatprovidescloudlinuxreleaserpmqwhatprovidesslreleaserpmqwhatprovidesfedorareleaseunamemConfirmingelxissupportedcurlsLfodevnullDownloadingreleasesetupRPMmktempcurlsLotmptmpzzQvOLInstallingreleasesetupRPMrpminosignatureforcetmptmpzzQvOLCleaninguprmftmptmpzzQvOLCheckingforexistinginstallationsrpmqanodenpmgrepvnodesourceRunsudoyuminstallynodejstoinstallNodejsxandnpmYoumayalsoneeddevelopmenttoolstobuildnativeaddonssudoyuminstallgcccmakeToinstalltheYarnpackagemanagerruncurlsLsudoteeetcyumreposdyarnreposudoyuminstallyarnNodeSourceのリポジトリを追加する事で実行可能になる参考記事nodejsのインストール作業bashyuminstallynodejs省略InstallednodejsxnodesourceCompletebashnodevvDockerfileへとまとめるExpressを利用する環境を作成し確認する。 |
2021-08-23 19:23:02 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CentOS7でdockr-on-dockerすると毎回systemctl start dockerしないといけないのでなんとかしたい |
CentOSでdockrondockerすると毎回systemctlstartdockerしないといけないのでなんとかしたいはじめにkubernetesの書籍を読んでおり、VagrantにDockerをインストールして起動していたのですが、DockerDesktopを利用しているのでVagrantが利用できなかったので、dockerondockerをしました。 |
2021-08-23 19:31:42 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Git】【Server Starter】GitHubによるリモートレポジトリ作成の手順 |
各項目は以下のように入力していく項目名内容インターネットまたはネットワークのアドレスgithttpsGitアカウント名githubcomユーザー名Gitアカウント名パスワード先ほどメモしたPersonalaccesstokenをペーストする入力が終わり次第OKを押し、登録内容が追加されていれば画面を閉じて問題なしGit専用のフォルダを作成再びコマンドプロンプトを起動適当なフォルダ今回はShareWorldをデスクトップに作成しておき、そこにカレントディレクトリを移すために以下のコマンドを入力cdDesktopShareWorld次に以下のコマンドを入力し、フォルダ内にgitというフォルダが作成されたことを確認してください。 |
2021-08-23 19:04:26 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
メルカリShops のフロントエンド |
shellip |
2021-08-23 10:00:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Sharpen your Ruby: Part 2 |
Sharpen your Ruby Part I develop in Javascript Python PHP and Ruby By far Ruby is my favorite programming language Together let start a journey and revisit our Ruby foundations Follow me on Twitter EricTheCoder You want to sharpen your Ruby In this series we will start from the beginning and will discover every aspect of Ruby one step at a time Each post will include some theory but also exercise and solution If you have any questions comments or your are new and need help you can comment below or send me a message Strings DeclarationString variable represents any text data A key point for the syntax of strings declaration is that they have to be enclosed in single or double quotes The program will throw an error if they are not wrapped inside quotation marks Badname Mike Will throw an error Goodname Mike Goodname Mike Number can also be represent as stringtext age number age The variable text age is a string variable It cannot be processed in Ruby as a number like be used in addition or multiplication etc The number age variable is an integer number so that variable can be part of any Ruby number manipulations methods String concatenationString can be add together like thismessage Hello World puts message Hello WorldAttention You cannot add string and numberage name Mike message name is age years old puts message ERRORThat code returns an error because Ruby cannot add number to string To make this code work we have to convert the age variable to string using the to s methodmessage name is age to s years old puts message Mike is years oldString InterpolationString interpolation is replacing placeholders with values in a string literal For string interpolation to work String has to be wrapped inside a double quotation mark Here an examplename Mike message Hello name Hello MikeIf the last code snippet the message variable will be processed by Ruby before assignment The name placeholder will be replaced by the containing variable value Inside placeholder any Ruby expression can be used age message Your age in years will be age Your age in years will be In Ruby everything is an object You maybe have ear this before What does that mean for us the developer First what is an object An object refers to a particular instance of a class with its own methods and properties In Ruby types are defined as classes so for example if you have a string variable it s an instance of the String class For example take this variablemessage Hello World This message variable will be dynamically typed by Ruby as a string That string is a class So message is an instance of the class string In Ruby the String class already has many methods to help do basic and advance string manipulations That also means that the message variable will inherit all the methods and properties of his parent class String Example of method call syntax object method name Mike puts name upcase MIKE upcase is a method of the String class This method converts all the string characters to uppercase For now if you don t understand all that class instance thing THAT S NORMAL We will cover class and object later The only thing we need to understand for now is that variables like a string variable have methods we can call to automatically do some stuff Here are some string methods available in Ruby puts Mike upcase MIKEputs Mike downcase mikeputs mike capitalize Mikeputs Mike reverse ekiMname Mike Taylor puts name length name puts name empty truename Mike puts name include ke trueLook how those methods names are self descriptive We do not need any comments and any explanation to understand what each method does Welcome to Ruby world More String methodsNow that we understand the basics we will start to learn more advanced string methods The sub and gsub methodRuby has a handy string method to replace part of a string message The sky is blueputs message sub blue red The sky is redNote the method call has no parentheses to enclose parameters In Ruby those are optional Validputs message sub blue red Also validputs message sub blue red The convention is to omit the parentheses unless the code seems clearer with them The sub method replaces the first occurrence The gsub method replaces all the occurrences message The sky is blue and the car is also blue puts message gsub blue red The sky is red and the car is also redStrip methodRemove white space before or after a stringputs Welcome to Ruby World strip Welcome to Ruby World Chaining methodsIt is possible to chain string methodsname Mike Taylor puts name sub Mike Paul strip downcase paul taylor In that specific situation using the parentheses make the code easier to readExerciseCreate a little program that Input the user name and store the result in a variableInput the user password and store the result in a variableRemove password before or after white spaceConvert the password to lowercaseDisplay user name and password but replace the password letter e with a starHere are the resultEnter user name MikeEnter user password secretThe user name is Mike and his password is s cr tSolutionprint Enter user name name gets chompprint Enter user password password gets chomp strip downcaseputs The user name is name and his password is password gsub e ConclusionThat s it for today The journey just started stay tuned for the next post very soon later today or tomorrow If you have any comments or questions please do so here or send me a message on Twitter Follow me on Twitter EricTheCoder |
2021-08-23 10:49:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Sending A POST Request In Python |
Sending A POST Request In Python What s POST requestPOST is a request that is used for sending information or data to a specific server installationpip install requests Sending POST requests in Pythonimport requestsimport jsonurl data title buy new mouse body I need to buy a new mouse userId headers content type application json charset UTF response requests post url data json dumps data headers headers print response status code Trueprint response ok b n title buy new mouse n body I need to buy a new mouse n userId n id n print response content title buy new mouse body I need to buy a new mouse userId id print response text lt class str gt print type response text print response url application json charset utf print response headers Content Type utf print response encoding tutorials to learn requestsPython Requests Tutorial Request Web Pages Download Images POST Data Read JSON and MoreRequests in Python Python Request Tutorial Python Tutorial For Beginners EdurekaPython Requests Tutorialpython requests Suggested postsAll You Need To Know About Python JSON Module Helpful Python Random Module Methods Helpful Python Math Module Methods Useful Python String MethodsHappy coding |
2021-08-23 10:41:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SE Internship Log[4] |
SE Internship Log Hello there internet stranger Welcome to the th edition of the Software Engineering SE Log This week was frustrating I spent the week trying to debug a test that failed times a day a cron job that runs on an hourly basis When does it fail Anytime of the day Why does it fail The response data is instead of expectation Why is it No frickin clue 🥲Hopefully the upcoming week will be better than the previous one Enough with the rant This week I learned a bunch of stuff rethinking performance Next js measuring performance label sync and being a proactive Technical Skills Re thinking performanceThis won t be about bloated JavaScript bundles or optimizing I m not an expert This week I got a comment on a PR for a task I was working on that I was making an expensive API call introspecting the user s database checking for any tables No big deal Well it is This operation would happen every time a user opens a project This changed how I think about API requests from the frontend in terms of CostUser experience Compute required to make handle a task happen on the API and the user s resources which in this case is their databaseJust because you can do something doesn t mean you should Compute resources are finite Evaluate the impact of the requests you make and how you can cut down on what isn t necessary Next js Measuring performanceVercel provides analytics on application performance for different stacks Next js included Next js can provides tooling that allows you to measure analytics and use your own custom analytics The metrics that Next js allows you to track include Web Vitals these metrics measure and report performance of your application to ensure you re delivering a great user experience Custom Metrics this are specific to Next js measuring time taken for a page to hydrate and render Next js hydration time take for a page to start and finish hydratingNext js route change to render time taken for a page to render a page after navigating to the routeNext js render time taken for a page to finish rendering after a route changeFun learning project idea build your own custom tool to measure these analytics The aim would be to learn how to store time series data average the data and visualize the data Chrome devtools and Web dev doesn t measure custom Next js metrics You can see how well my site is performing In your Next js application edit create app js in the pages directory Define the reportWebVitals function export function reportWebVitals metric switch metric name case FCP handle results console log or send to an API same case for other metrics break case LCP break case CLS break case FID break case TTFB break case Next js hydration break case Next js route change to render break case Next js render break default break These analytics provide insights as to how user experience is in your web application parts of your application that are not doing too well and tips on improving performance Label syncLabel sync is a handy tool that makes managing GitHub labels across multiple repositories delightful Why do you need it You don t The default GitHub labels are good But they could be better GitHub labels provide meta data for a GitHub issue This could be the context of a given problem for example backend frontend bug test improvement feature whether an issue requires discussion time and the list goes on on what this could be Label sync allows you to define affected repositories labels theme for the labels descriptions group labels etc It requires some configuration when starting out However managing issues in your projects will be a delight This is a personal opinion Soft Skills Being ProactiveBeing proactive involves taking responsibility of your life It involves anticipating problems seeking solutions and giving it your best shot The alternative to being proactive is reactive responding to tasks life as they stream in You are responsible for your own growth including your career Go out there ace it and have a great week Till next week |
2021-08-23 10:16:49 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Ryan Reynolds, Rob McElhenny demand biscuits over 'Ted Lasso' joke |
Ryan Reynolds Rob McElhenny demand biscuits over x Ted Lasso x jokeHollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney have mockingly complained about a joke on Apple TV show Ted Lasso demanding biscuits as compensation The highly popular Ted Lasso is in the middle of its second season on Apple TV with the most recent episode Rainbow posted to the streaming service on Friday By Saturday it appears that word of one of the jokes from the show reached two big names in Hollywood Ryan Reynolds known for Deadpool and Free Guy and Rob McElhenney of It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia posted an image to Twitter on Monday that apparently complained about the show However the complaint appears not to be serious in nature Read more |
2021-08-23 10:55:45 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple VP Twitter profile hints at September event preparation |
Apple VP Twitter profile hints at September event preparationApple VP of Environment Policy and Social Initiatives Lisa Jackson has seemingly teased recording for Apple s September event has taken place by changing her Twitter profile image Updated on Sunday and spotted by iOS developer Noah Evans the profile picture of Jackson s Twitter account has been updated The photograph features Jackson but the background is of more interest to industry watchers The setting for Jackson s impromptu image is of a set that regularly appears in Apple Event presentations consisting of a circular room with concentric circles in the ceiling The white space has a number of cases on wheels the type typically used to house broadcast or concert equipment alongside lights and other gear Read more |
2021-08-23 10:20:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
M1X Mac mini with more ports could launch within months |
MX Mac mini with more ports could launch within monthsThe next Mac mini will feature both a new MX chip and an updated design a report claims one that will also include more ports than the current version and finally replace the Intel version in Apple s product catalog A render for what could be an updated Mac mini Jon Prosser Apple is expected to launch a number of new products during its fall events with one potential candidate being a new Mac mini A report on Sunday seems to double down on rumors relating to the desktop Mac including changes to its appearance and an improvement in performance Read more |
2021-08-23 10:20:07 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
PayPal brings cryptocurrency trading to the UK |
PayPal brings cryptocurrency trading to the UKPayPal is bringing the ability to buy hold and sell cryptocurrencies across to the other side of the pond the better part of a year after it launched in the US In a statement the company said that UK based users would be able to buy hold and sell Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash via their PayPal account In addition the PayPal app will enable users to view real time cryptocurrency prices and access information about the opportunities and risks that buying such currencies entail Buying and selling cryptocurrencies was introduced to all users of the app in the US back in November Since then users have been able to check out with crypto and the feature has also been rolled out to Venmo The company adds that users can buy as little as £ of cryptocurrency and while there are no fees to hold the currency users will have to pay transaction and currency conversion fees It s not clear yet if the total limit on how much you can buy is capped at the equivalent of £ as it currently is in the US |
2021-08-23 10:14:07 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
A True Random Number Generator in Arduino (AVR ATmega in that case) |
A True Random Number Generator in Arduino AVR ATmega in that case A hardware based random number generator that exploits the line capacitance and natural frequency of the circuitry of a micro controller to generate a truly random number |
2021-08-23 11:00:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
T. Rex Was Fearsome but May Have Been a Picky Eater |
study |
2021-08-23 10:25:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 10:54:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Gogglebox star Mary Cook dies aged 92 |
channel |
2021-08-23 10:38:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
John Lydon loses court battle to stop Sex Pistols songs being used in a new TV series |
drama |
2021-08-23 10:50:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Wood out of third Test against India with shoulder injury |
injury |
2021-08-23 10:04:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
連続「増収増益」期間ランキング公開!【2021年版】 1位は「ニトリHD」の35期!「増収&増益」を継続する 期間が長い「長期安定成長株」の50銘柄を一挙公開! - 株式投資で儲ける方法&注目銘柄を大公開! |
2021-08-23 19:50:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
IT リーダーは持続可能な未来を選択している |
この調査により、組織のIT部門がサステナビリティを重視している一方で、企業がサステナビリティの目標を達成するには、多大な取り組みが必要であることが明らかになりました。 |
2021-08-23 12:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
俳優の辻萬長さんが死去 井上ひさしさん作品に出演 |
井上ひさし |
2021-08-23 19:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
IOCバッハ会長が来日 パラ開会式出席へ |
国際オリンピック委員会 |
2021-08-23 19:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
困窮支援金申請3万8000世帯 条件厳しく、対象外も |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-23 19:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
石垣市、尖閣の行政標柱を制作 字名変更で国に上陸申請へ |
尖閣諸島 |
2021-08-23 19:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
パラ開会式入場でアフガン国旗 欠場の代表団に代わり |
国際パラリンピック委員会 |
2021-08-23 19:05:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
ドングリキツツキの新たな生態が判明 一夫多妻制で繁殖を有利に |
ドングリキツツキのような社会生活は例外的であることから、自然界から淘汰されつつあるのではないかとの考えが生物学界では一般的だった。 |
2021-08-23 19:00:45 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』の最新情報も!“TYPE-MOON TIMES Vol.5”が8月24日20時より配信決定 |
meltybloodtypelumina |
2021-08-23 19:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
実店舗向け業務効率サービス「KINCHAKU」次世代決済プラットフォーム「stera」へアプリ公開 |
kinchaku |
2021-08-23 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
iOS/Android対応プライバシー保護アプリ「Bunsin」リリース |
android |
2021-08-23 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
新作MMORPG『ELYON(エリオン)』報酬をゲットせよ!「ダンジョン」の一部を紹介 |
elyon |
2021-08-23 19:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
アルコール3%、まるで炭酸水な「サッポロ WATER SOUR」グビグビ飲めます |
watersour |
2021-08-23 19:15:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
IT リーダーは持続可能な未来を選択している |
この調査により、組織のIT部門がサステナビリティを重視している一方で、企業がサステナビリティの目標を達成するには、多大な取り組みが必要であることが明らかになりました。 |
2021-08-23 12:00:00 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、「アドビ製品がお買い得」のセールを開催中 − 「Adobe Creative Cloud」などが最大35%オフ |
adobe |
2021-08-23 13:20:17 |
AWS Database Blog |
Upgrade your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database, Part 2: Using the pglogical extension |
Upgrade your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database Part Using the pglogical extensionThis is the second of a two part post In Part we discussed various approaches to upgrade Amazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition databases and explained the high level steps in these approaches In this post we demonstrate how to upgrade an RDS for PostgreSQL database using the pglogical … |
2021-08-23 13:33:58 |
AWS Database Blog |
Upgrade your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database, Part 1: Comparing upgrade approaches |
Upgrade your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database Part Comparing upgrade approachesIf you need to upgrade your Amazon Releational Database Service Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition database to a newer version you can choose from in place and out of place upgrade options You may prefer either in place upgrades where you don t have to create a new DB instance or out of place upgrades depending on the … |
2021-08-23 13:29:48 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonのdatetimeでファイル名を作成するとき |
実装例えば、機械学習モデルを作成して保存する時に重複がないように秒数までdatetimeで生成してファイル名に含める。 |
2021-08-23 22:57:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Anacondaの仮想環境について |
Anacondaの仮想環境についてこちらの質問で、Anacondaの仮想環境を作成してそれぞれにあったプルグラムの動作をさせようと考えているのですが、brewnbspuninstallnbspopenexrとしたところMacのターミナルでダウンロードでしていたのが消えました。 |
2021-08-23 22:49:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
サイドバーからコード.gs内関数を呼び出したい |
サイドバーからコードgs内関数を呼び出したい下記HTMLのregister関数を実行すると配列をappendRowするような仕組みを作りたいのですが、うまくいきません。 |
2021-08-23 22:47:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
実行中のコルーチンを更新したい。 |
新たな移動先が決定したときに、現在実行しているコルーチンに加えて、次のコルーチンも呼ばれるようにしたいです。 |
2021-08-23 22:47:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
引数のない空白のprint()になぜ引数がないのか |
引数のない空白のprintになぜ引数がないのか質問なぜ、以下のコードのfor文の最後の行のprintの引数がなくて実行できるのかご教授お願い致します。 |
2021-08-23 22:45:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ymlのエラーについての質問です。 |
ymlのエラーについての質問です。 |
2021-08-23 22:42:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swift storyboard 使う使わない問題について |
他の受託会社でもstoryboardを使っていることの方が多いみたいです。 |
2021-08-23 22:37:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アップロードする前のホームページデータをスマホで表示する方法 |
アップロードする前のホームページデータをスマホで表示する方法自作のホームページデータを圧縮したものをスマホで解凍して表示したいです。 |
2021-08-23 22:35:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TypeScriptの const {data :hoge} = useSWR()みたいな書き方 |
TypeScriptのconstdatahogeuseSWRみたいな書き方タイトルに書いたようなconstdatahogeuseSWRの中にあるdatanbsphogeは何なのでしょうかhogeは型ではないですよねググり方がわからず困っていますこの記事でこのような書き方を見つけて、ここではconstdatacatmutateuseSWRcatfetcherとなっています。 |
2021-08-23 22:25:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityのボールが跳ね返ったときに加速させたい |
unity |
2021-08-23 22:21:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python for i in range(1,10):を実行後 iに値を代入しても代入した値が反映されない理由がわかりません。 |
pythonforiinrangeを実行後iに値を代入しても代入した値が反映されない理由がわかりません。 |
2021-08-23 22:19:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
matplotolibを使用した機械稼働状況グラフのリアルタイム更新 |
matplotolibを使用した機械稼働状況グラフのリアルタイム更新機械稼働状況のグラフ更新を実現したいラズベリーパイに光センサーを繋ぎ、工場の加工設備のシグナルタワーの点灯パターンにより、機械稼働状況を計測しています。 |
2021-08-23 22:12:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Anacondaの仮想環境について |
2021-08-23 22:11:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
github pagesでサイトを公開しましたが、googleの検索結果に出てきません。 |
githubpagesでサイトを公開しましたが、googleの検索結果に出てきません。 |
2021-08-23 22:00:42 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Lightbend Telemetryでakka httpクライアントのモニタリングをする |
lightbendtele |
2021-08-23 13:21:36 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Homegrown app helping Kabul residents steer clear of danger |
alerts |
2021-08-23 13:51:35 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Psychonauts 2 review: An early, easy nominee for 2021’s game of the year |
laugh |
2021-08-23 13:00:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Design to Duty: The Accounting and Reporting Systems at Adyen |
Design to Duty The Accounting and Reporting Systems at AdyenIn this blog we will have a closer look at how we make decisions around our accounting system and how it evolved as a consequence We will do the same for our reporting and analysis frameworks This is part two of a series So if you have not done so already it might be nice to start with the first blog In that one we talked about what Adyen does at a high level how we think about choosing between home grown and open source software and how this shaped our edge services The themes that were laid out in part one will return and be referenced in this blog If you didn t read the first one it might be that some context is missing Accounting systemOnce we have processed a payment the next step is accounting for it This is needed because after processing transactions we receive the money from our partners and we need to determine how much to settle to each merchant Of course we also need it for reporting For every payment that enters the system we do double entry bookkeeping The way we ensure that we do so correctly is quite unique to Adyen The only way to add new records to the accounting system is by means of templates A template in this context is a recipe that takes certain amounts and accounts as input and converts them into specific journals that can be inserted into the ledger These templates are mathematically verified To achieve this we represent the amounts that serve as inputs by logical entities and prove that every combination of amounts will result in a net sum of This verification is fully automated and runs on every change to the templates All of this means we can guarantee that if at any time we sum up all the records in the accounting system the result will always be Combine this with the aforementioned double entry bookkeeping and it means for every euro that ever went through Adyen we know exactly where it came from and where it went We leverage this same system of accounting for our banking platform It might be superfluous to mention it but our accounting framework is also written in house Here the choice was evident it is as core as can be to our business and nothing in the open source landscape came close to what we wanted Underlying DatabaseHaving all these nice things does come with some cost Over the lifetime of a payment transaction about rows have to be inserted into the accounting database This means that per second just for the accounting system the amount of inserts is an order of magnitude higher than the hundreds of transactions we process every second Some time ago these thousands of inserts a second started to cause issues for our PostgreSQL database This blog has more information on maintaining such large PostgreSQL databases We had already split a reporting database from our accounting database to minimize reads more on this below but at some point even with mainly inserts and updates the database didn t scale anymore This is when we decided to shard our accounting database into several accounting clusters Sharding strategyNow we have several accounting databases or clusters processing side by side We considered incorporating domain knowledge into the sharding strategy but for several reasons eventually decided to go for a simple round robin strategy with some parameters we can adjust First of all every rule we considered would bring its own problems For example if we would put each processing merchant in one database you still need to go to every shard when you need aggregate data to send to our payment method partners The same holds the other way around If you split by payment method you still need to go to every shard when you need aggregate data on the merchant level Incorporating business logic would also complicate the routing a round robin strategy is very simple and robust and you do not have to think about balancing your shards Finally you lose a lot of flexibility At the moment we can just add a new cluster whenever we need more capacity or remove one from the routing when we see strange behavior we want to investigate In the end we decided the benefits domain knowledge routing would offer were not worth the loss of flexibility and increased complexity MigrationThe migration to a sharded accounting database was quite painful This was due to two things First of all the accounting logic in the code pretty heavily embedded in any payments processor working on the assumption there was just one accounting database This had to be rewritten As an example consider a payout to a merchant This needs to come from one account However because you processed these transactions on different clusters the money needs to be transferred from one cluster to the other in order to end up in the same account To do this without compromising on the strict correctness requirement was quite difficult In the end we created several jobs and processes that use back and forth messages between the clusters to keep everything aligned The second complicating factor was that if we received reports on processed transactions from our partners we needed to match them to transactions in different clusters Instead of parsing a file and matching it directly to the transactions we introduced a two step framework that would first parse a file and then split it into the relevant parts for each cluster The second step was to match the relevant transactions within the clusters Whereas the first problem was solvable in a generic way the reconciliation needs to happen for a lot of different very custom integrations so this was a real team effort Future challengesFrom a scaling perspective the risk that this approach introduces is that any process that depends on all accounting databases being up to date or available becomes a potential liability Historically processes such as our back office admin area would interface directly with the accounting databases to display data or to make corrections If one of the accounting clusters is not reachable this cannot be done anymore This is not a problem when there are only a few clusters but as the number of accounting clusters grows the chance of any of them being unavailable planned or unplanned grows with it This means that instead of interacting with it directly we need to do so with an intermediate that will mitigate this risk Also rebalancing the clusters is something that is essential for traditional sharding inside one database but has not been implemented yet for this setup If we add a new cluster it will be empty while the old clusters keep growing How do we avoid the original clusters becoming too big Connecting the edge services with the accounting systemTalking so casually about the downtime of our accounting clusters hints at different priorities in this part of the system compared to our edge systems discussed earlier Whereas for the latter the priority was uptime for the accounting systems we don t mind if they are down for a little bit as long as we can guarantee their reliability and consistency For me it was interesting to see how these systems are tied together In a very naive solution these conflicting principles cause a conflict The PAL would forward the payment to the accounting system to save it If something goes wrong do you still save the payments with a risk of inconsistent data compromising on the consistency priority of the accounting system Or do you stop processing compromising on the uptime priority of the frontend We went for a failsafe in between The Payment Processing Layer or PAL see part one saves the payment in a local database and a separate process picks it up when possible This process will run behind if we have doubt about whether we can guarantee consistency in the accounting or if an accounting database is not available but that will not impact the availability of the PAL itself An added benefit of this setup is that if the PAL crashes no payments are lost because the queue is stored in a database and not in memory In another blog of ours you can find more info on how this asynchronous queue between the different layers works Technology choicesThe large accounting database and the short lived queue both use a PostgreSQL database This was again a pragmatic choice In the beginning the requirements on the system were not that high so we went for a one size fits all solution for databases It might be that better solutions for queueing were available at that time or since but we felt that it was not worth the additional complexity they would add to our system We have since been pleasantly surprised by how well PostgreSQL has performed for both use cases At this point we have dozens of local databases that can be instantiated dynamically at application startup and transactional databases of hundreds of terabytes running on the same technology This shows that specialized solutions that were designed to tackle specific problems that occur at very large scales might not be needed for smaller applications or even quite large ones while they often do add a lot of complexity Of course this is always a balancing act because the solution might have nice specialized features and it is comforting to know that it will definitely scale ReportingCreating separate accounting clusters creates a new challenge Namely how do you generate reports for every merchant and payment method every day from all these data sources We did have a reporting database where we saved the relevant data in a denormalized form Initially created to minimize reads on the accounting database However relying on this might work for a while but eventually it would be just another bottleneck For this part of the system the priority was throughput We decided to stream the data from the clusters and to have specialized processes consume and preprocess the data for specific use cases This way there are only a limited number of processes that have to read the stream and when the report is generated a lot of the work is already done The reporting tables can be split over as many databases as needed At the time a lot of different technologies were considered for this especially Kafka Our current processes were under quite some pressure so time was of the essence We needed a high throughput low latency streaming framework that could ensure exactly once processing even if processes crashed We scoped a lot of open source technologies but none offered the feature set we were looking for For example exactly once delivery was not yet supported by Kafka On the other hand we had a lot of familiarity with another technology that was close at hand and had proven very reliable At this point you might not be surprised to learn that this was PostgreSQL For the same reasons we used Java to write the application code on top of it Even though we did have to do some rounds of optimizations and we are missing some features such as topics we are happy with our choice The setup stood the test of time even though traffic increased by an order of magnitude Even though we initially chose to write something ourselves this is not a definite choice In fact there is an ongoing discussion whether this framework will allow us to scale another x or whether we should swap it out for an open source solution such as Kafka The x scaling factor is a rule of thumb we often use internally when designing a solution or determining whether we are still satisfied with it AnalysisFor our data analysis setup we did not build much in house but chose to adopt industry standards We run a Spark Hadoop cluster combined with Airflow Deploying it on our own servers was an effort but now it is running smoothly There is a blog about the initial shift Remarkable about the setup is that we still use our custom streaming system to verify all the information is actually consumed and correct With the Spark Hadoop cluster in place the main struggle was to feed the results back into the synchronous systems Here we describe how we did this for monitoring After this worked for that use case we expanded it into a generic framework that can also score the machine learning models in real time ConclusionThe focus of this blog was on payments processing but as mentioned before the concepts translate almost perfectly to the other business contexts such as the bank This is because all systems have high availability and latency requirements on the edge services and strong consistency and reliability on the accounting layer In the reporting and analysis frameworks we tie all of the systems together This similarity in architecture together with our conservative tech stack allows developers to easily switch between teams They already know the general design and the technologies used even if the business context is completely different We hope that this blog made both our architecture and the way we arrived at it clearer Perhaps it will also influence how you evaluate design choices for your own company in the future Technical careers at AdyenWe are on the lookout for talented engineers and technical people to help us build the infrastructure of global commerce Check out developer vacancies Developer newsletterGet updated on new blog posts and other developer news Subscribe now |
2021-08-23 13:51:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 10 : links to important things I learnt today |
Day links to important things I learnt todayI am summarising everything that I have learnt today If you also want to go through the same topic I believe the article links I am providing is one of the best available on the web available for that topic DOM tree basics java script infoThe essential guide to javascript Iterators the for of loop guide javascriptutorial net and EducativeWalking through the DOM javascript info In this article you may feel some problem at the last with the table properties Just see the properties being used in the example ignore others we will search for them whenever needed as we know what to search for Searching element in DOM javascript infoDebugging javascript in dev tools Google |
2021-08-23 13:45:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tina - a headless CMS backed by Git |
Tina a headless CMS backed by GitA common problem when trying to convince someone to use Jamstack tools is the learning curve and that s understandable not everyone wants to spend time on learning and more importantly not everyone needs to After all it s a bit unfair to expect a blogger content creator or someone who just isn t that much on the dev side of things to jump at the idea of sitting through courses and tutorials and learning to code Well thankfully there s a little something that can help with that and it s called Tina Real time editorWhat is Tina Well first let s look at TinaCMS released by Forestry in late Despite its name it s actually not a Content Management System A typical CMS has an attached frontend and looks something like WordPress where everything you create has to fit its templates This is great when you re starting out but can be a major hindrance as you re limited in terms of design which makes it hard to stand out TinaCMS is a Headless CMS it operates purely on the backend and reaches the frontend through an API which means you re free to design your website and display your content any way you like But that s just the inner workings the actual features are much more enticingReal time visual editor This is where TinaCMS really shines it s basically an open source real time website editor This approach is perfect for content creators who can simply add or edit content on the fly and see how it looks on the website in real time Want to add a post on your site or maybe just fix a couple typos in an existing one It s as simple as logging in using the editor to do it and clicking save No coding needed Storage agnostic It s entirely up to you how you want to store content Google Sheets Airtable Github or even another Headless CMSSupports React GraphQL REST Gatsby Next js Javascript PHP Android iOS Python Java Ruby and Net Source tina io Into the cloudTinaCMS started out as a simple React library on GitHub if you wanted to do something with it you had to have an account there as it handled authentication That s not ideal when your focus is reaching content creators and not developers On the other hand while the website editor was great for content creators it was somewhat lacking for admins who prefer working with a more traditional admin panel Another problem was storing data as TinaCMS while agnostic didn t have any dedicated solution for that So Forestry came up with a new tool Tina Cloud It combines the TinaCMS content editor with the power of GraphQL It s still in alpha but you can already see its key features Easier access GitHub account no longer needed now accessible to everyoneDatabase like as mentioned before TinaCMS lets you use another Headless CMS for storage and that s exactly where Tina Cloud comes in It provides you with a GraphQL interface for interacting with your content stored in open formats like Markdown and JSON This basically makes it work like a database which you can query with GraphQLAdmin dashboard TinaCloud uses the TinaCMS editor but it also provides admins with a dashboard letting them manage different sites and collaborators Source tina io Patience pleaseAs you can see TinaCMS is already a great tool for those working with someone who isn t into coding or if you re just looking for something that will help you manage your own site or blog Now with Tina Cloud it s even more functional and useful for diverse teams with admins and content creators and all that despite it all being less than years old It s definitely something worth keeping an eye on as it s still in development and will definitely get more features down the road A guest blog post for GraphQL Editor blog by MichałTyszkiewicz Speed up your GraphQL API developmentGraphQL Editor is a supportive tool for both advanced GraphQL users as well as those taking their first steps with GraphQL APIs Our all in one development environment for GraphQL will help you build manage amp deploy your GraphQL API much faster Try GraphQL Editor for free |
2021-08-23 13:04:14 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
One-year Apple TV+ subscription offered to T-Mobile subscribers |
One year Apple TV subscription offered to T Mobile subscribersT Mobile is providing its subscribers with a one year subscription to Apple TV for free with all existing and new customers standing to benefit from August Announced on Monday the promotion offers months of Apple TV to its customers at no charge Starting from August subscribers are able to claim the deal from T Mobile and use it to watch shows such as Ted Lasso and Mythic Quest T Mobile customers can now enjoy Apple TV for a full year and watch right in the Apple TV app across all their favorite devices said Peter Stern Apple s VP of Services Apple TV has the highest rated originals of any streaming service so we are excited that millions of T Mobile customers will be able to take advantage of this offer Read more |
2021-08-23 13:43:56 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Matter delayed, Leviton Wi-Fi switch review & more on HomeKit Insider |
Matter delayed Leviton Wi Fi switch review amp more on HomeKit InsiderThis week on HomeKit Insider we review the new Leviton Decora Wi Fi dimmer switch break down the delay of Matter until and answer listener questions on USB wall outlets It was announced this past week that the upcoming standard Matter that will allow Google Home Amazon Alexa and Apple s HomeKit to work more seamlessly together will be delayed until sometime in We discuss the ramifications and when we will likely see the first products Read more |
2021-08-23 13:39:05 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Pay-based Apple Store sales raise funds for National Parks Foundation |
Apple Pay based Apple Store sales raise funds for National Parks FoundationApple is making a donation to the National Park Foundation for Apple Pay purchases made in U S Apple Stores and the Apple website until August An update to the Apple website includes a new addition relating to Apple Pay At the bottom of the front page a section advises of a promotion where Apple will donate funds to the National Park Foundation Running from August to Apple will make a donation to the organization for each Apple Pay purchase at an Apple Store the Apple website or via the Apple Store app between those dates Apple says in the notice that it is celebrating our national parks with the U S National Park Service celebrating its th anniversary in Read more |
2021-08-23 13:05:28 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Monoprice SB-300 Soundbar review: an ideal apartment soundbar |
Monoprice SB Soundbar review an ideal apartment soundbarThe Monoprice SB soundbar offers Dolby Atmos compatibility and good sound for a simplified home theater setup You ll need the remote to control most featuresSometimes simple is best especially when adding a home theater speaker system to your home or office The Monoprice SB soundbar brings Dolby Atmos support to any TV setup without breaking the bank Read more |
2021-08-23 13:04:12 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Upwardly Global: Bridging the divide for immigrants to thrive in the U.S. workforce |
Upwardly Global Bridging the divide for immigrants to thrive in the U S workforceUpwardly Global UpGlo is a Cisco nonprofit partner that has supported over internationally trained professionals restart their careers in the U S |
2021-08-23 13:00:54 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
For Some College Students, Remote Learning Is a Game Changer |
disabilities |
2021-08-23 13:49:29 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Nature crisis: Talks resume on global plan to protect biodiversity |
world |
2021-08-23 13:39:18 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ANA、ピーチと路線再編 国内線10便を初移管 |
路線 |
2021-08-23 13:55:54 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
アフガン邦人ら輸送、今週半ばにも開始 自衛隊機を派遣 |
自衛隊機 |
2021-08-23 13:22:50 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
国内コロナ感染、新たに1万6840人 累計132万2172人 |
累計 |
2021-08-23 13:03:18 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
「最弱日本株」に見直し機運 業績と株価の格差修正へ |
見直し |
2021-08-23 13:01:48 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
規制改革会議、デジタルに照準 新体制の議長に夏野氏 |
規制改革会議 |
2021-08-23 13:01:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 13:15:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Man arrested as Katie Price taken to hospital |
early |
2021-08-23 13:35:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Universal credit: Labour promises shake-up to benefit |
credit |
2021-08-23 13:09:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Wood out of third Test against India with shoulder injury |
injury |
2021-08-23 13:09:23 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
集中の超プロ・井上一鷹さんが語る「夢中で働く自分」を取り戻す方法 |
jinsthinklabjins |
2021-08-23 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
卓球の岩渕「人の気持ち動かしたい」 パラリンピック会場で練習 |
日本代表 |
2021-08-23 22:09:17 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
岸田氏、26日にも出馬判断 自民総裁選、石破氏は消極姿勢 |
任期満了 |
2021-08-23 22:02:21 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
規制改革、新議長に夏野剛氏 東京五輪巡る不適切発言も |
不適切発言 |
2021-08-23 22:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
シャオミ、9月15日に新製品発表会 新スマホかそれとも? |
公式twitter |
2021-08-23 22:50:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
また新しい リンちゃんの○○が 発売されるらしい |また新しい_リンちゃんのが_発売されるらしい/
ewsokunomorallinkcomments |
2021-08-23 13:04:31 |
Engadget Japanese |
初代『Quake』復活。PS / Xbox / Switch / PCマルチで協力・対戦、新規拡張パックも |
idsoftware |
2021-08-23 14:38:33 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
チェアマット ポリカーボネート おすすめ3選【2021年版】耐久性・透明性・そりかえりしない今ドキ ポリカーボネート製チェアマットが便利 |
使い勝手 |
2021-08-23 14:59:30 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Adding resiliency to AWS CloudFormation custom resource deployments |
Adding resiliency to AWS CloudFormation custom resource deploymentsThis blog post demonstrates how to use SQS and Lambda to add resiliency to CloudFormation custom resources deployments This solution can be customized for use cases where CloudFormation stacks have a dependency on a custom resource |
2021-08-23 14:59:05 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
Nonprofits save time and money with AWS Lambda: How to set up a function |
Nonprofits save time and money with AWS Lambda How to set up a functionNonprofit need solutions that help them spend less money and time on IT infrastructure and allow them to further core goals AWS Lambda can help Learn how AWS Lambda can reduce IT management burden and how to create an example AWS Lambda function that streamlines how nonprofits cut down their AWS spend |
2021-08-23 14:56:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Deviseの認証メールにおけるトランザクション処理の設定について |
Deviseの認証メールにおけるトランザクション処理の設定について環境deviseconfirmableでメール認証機能設定済前提・実現したいことユーザ登録時、メールの送信失敗時に新規ユーザがデータベースに保存されないようトランザクション処理を行いたいです。 |
2021-08-23 23:45:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】複数のモデル情報を取ってきて一つのモデルで保存したい! |
adminモデルに、company、staffに保存されているデータをとってきて保存したいです。 |
2021-08-23 23:37:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
nginxでSSL設定したら「no start line」エラーが出力される |
nginxでSSL設定したら「nostartline」エラーが出力される前提・実現したいことさくらVPSにRocketChatをインストールし、SSL対応させるためnginxで設定を行っています。 |
2021-08-23 23:36:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ssh tオプションについて |
sshtオプションについて前提・実現したいことsshのtオプションでリモートへの接続が保持されることを確認したいです。 |
2021-08-23 23:28:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravel: サムネイル画像を表示したい |
Laravelでサイトからユーザーが画像をアップロードする際、画像の名前をDBに保存し、画像自体はパブリックフォルダに保存し、viewで画像を表示するときは以下のようにしています。 |
2021-08-23 23:27:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | Application.Designer でビルドエラーが出ます。 |
vbnetApplicationDesignerでビルドエラーが出ます。 |
2021-08-23 23:18:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
タイムゾーン設定を日本時間に設定し反映させたい |
タイムゾーン設定を日本時間に設定し反映させたい前提・実現したいことタイムゾーン設定を日本時間に設定し反映させたい現在スクールの課題で時間によって挨拶が変わるプログラムを制作しています。 |
2021-08-23 23:15:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
二次元リスト内の各要素を比較したい |
2021-08-23 23:12:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressで動画一覧の状態で自動再生させるにはどうすればよろしいでしょうか。 |
category |
2021-08-23 23:05:06 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rubyでgetsするときはSTDINがいらないのに、rakeタスクでgetsするときはSTDINが必要な理由 |
そのため、rake君はrakecallthreeと実行したときrakeの引数であるcallthreeをファイル名とみなし、callthreeというファイルがないと騒いでいたようです。 |
2021-08-23 23:59:21 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
cloudfrontのフィールドレベル暗号化とは |
RSAキーペアの作成フィールドレベル暗号化の前のパブリックキーの設定を行います。 |
2021-08-23 23:06:23 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go初見が1週間でWebアプリ開発できるか ー1日目ー |
Go初見が週間でWebアプリ開発できるかー日目ー今までAPIサーバーとしてNodejsを用いていましたが、最近話題のGoを使ってみたいと思い、Go初見の状態から週間でWebアプリを開発できるのかをチャレンジします。 |
2021-08-23 23:54:03 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rubyでgetsするときはSTDINがいらないのに、rakeタスクでgetsするときはSTDINが必要な理由 |
そのため、rake君はrakecallthreeと実行したときrakeの引数であるcallthreeをファイル名とみなし、callthreeというファイルがないと騒いでいたようです。 |
2021-08-23 23:59:21 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Mass AssignmentとStrongParameters |
MassAssignmentとStrongParametersStrongParameters指定したリクエスト以外受け付けないようにすることで、セキュリティを強化する仕組み。 |
2021-08-23 23:25:05 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon Rekognitionでイメージの顔検出による感情分析を行う |
amazonrekognition |
2021-08-23 14:57:35 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
This rare Nintendo Game & Watch just broke an auction record |
watch |
2021-08-23 14:43:34 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
FDA approves Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, now called Comirnaty |
regimen |
2021-08-23 14:26:16 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
The US military may soon declassify a secret space weapon |
leaders |
2021-08-23 14:01:55 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Aliens: Fireteam Elite review: Finally, co-op action worthy of this franchise |
weapons |
2021-08-23 14:00:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to make instagram clone using HTML, CSS. Fully responsive. |
How to make instagram clone using HTML CSS Fully responsive Hello Today we ll see how to instagram UI clone using HTML css No library Our clone looks very similar to instagram and has post element With status and recommendation section To see demo or you want coding tutorial You can watch the tutorial below Video TutorialI appreciate if you can support me by subscribing my youtube channel So without wasting more time let s see how to code this CodeSo to start we have two files index html and style css And an image folder contains all icons and post images You can download image folder from here So let s start writing code Let s make navbar first NavbarStart with writing basic HTML structure And link style css After that make navbar like this lt nav class navbar gt lt div class nav wrapper gt lt img src img logo PNG class brand img alt gt lt input type text class search box placeholder search gt lt div class nav items gt lt img src img home PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img messenger PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img add PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img explore PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img like PNG class icon alt gt lt div class icon user profile gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt nav gt Add styles to it import url wght amp display swap margin padding box sizing border box focus outline none body width background fafafa position relative font family roboto sans serif navbar position fixed top left width height px background fff border bottom px solid dfdfdf display flex justify content center padding px nav wrapper width max width px height display flex justify content space between align items center brand img height margin top px search box position absolute left transform translateX width px height px background fafafa border px solid dfdfdf border radius px color rgba text align center text transform capitalize search box placeholder color rgba nav items height px position relative icon height cursor pointer margin px display inline block user profile width px border radius background image url img profile pic png background size cover OutputNow let s make status section For that code HTML structure like this lt section class main gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class left col gt lt div class status wrapper gt lt div class status card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt p class username gt user name lt p gt lt div gt lt div class status card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt p class username gt user name lt p gt lt div gt lt div class status card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt p class username gt user name lt p gt lt div gt more status card elements lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt main width padding px display flex justify content center margin top px wrapper width max width px display grid grid template columns grid gap px left col display flex flex direction column status wrapper width height px background fff border px solid dfdfdf border radius px padding px padding right display flex align items center overflow hidden overflow x auto status wrapper webkit scrollbar display none status card flex auto width px max width px display flex flex direction column align items center margin right px profile pic width px height px border radius overflow hidden padding px background linear gradient deg rgb rgb profile pic img width height object fit cover border radius border px solid fff username width overflow hidden text align center font size px margin top px color rgba OutputNow make posts inside left col element section class main gt lt div class wrapper gt lt div class left col gt status wrappers lt div class post gt lt div class info gt lt div class user gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt div gt lt img src img option PNG class options alt gt lt div gt lt img src img cover png class post image alt gt lt div class post content gt lt div class reaction wrapper gt lt img src img like PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img comment PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img send PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img save PNG class save icon alt gt lt div gt lt p class likes gt likes lt p gt lt p class description gt lt span gt username lt span gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Pariatur tenetur veritatis placeat molestiae impedit aut provident eum quo natus molestias lt p gt lt p class post time gt minutes ago lt p gt lt div gt lt div class comment wrapper gt lt img src img smile PNG class icon alt gt lt input type text class comment box placeholder Add a comment gt lt button class comment btn gt post lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class post gt lt div class info gt lt div class user gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt div gt lt img src img option PNG class options alt gt lt div gt lt img src img cover png class post image alt gt lt div class post content gt lt div class reaction wrapper gt lt img src img like PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img comment PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img send PNG class icon alt gt lt img src img save PNG class save icon alt gt lt div gt lt p class likes gt likes lt p gt lt p class description gt lt span gt username lt span gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Pariatur tenetur veritatis placeat molestiae impedit aut provident eum quo natus molestias lt p gt lt p class post time gt minutes ago lt p gt lt div gt lt div class comment wrapper gt lt img src img smile PNG class icon alt gt lt input type text class comment box placeholder Add a comment gt lt button class comment btn gt post lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt more post elements lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt post width height auto background fff border px solid dfdfdf margin top px info width height px display flex justify content space between align items center padding px info username width auto font weight bold color font size px margin left px info options height px cursor pointer info user display flex align items center info profile pic height px width px padding background none info profile pic img border none post image width height px object fit cover post content width padding px likes font weight bold description margin px font size px line height px description span font weight bold margin right px post time color rgba font size px comment wrapper width height px border radius px solid dfdfdf display flex justify content space between align items center comment wrapper icon height px comment box width height border none outline none font size px comment btn action btn width px height background none border none outline none text transform capitalize font size px color rgb opacity reaction wrapper width height px display flex margin top px align items center reaction wrapper icon height px margin margin right px reaction wrapper icon save margin left auto You can see action btn on the style Don t worry we ll make that next OutputNow last last thing we want to make recommendations lt section class main gt lt div class wrapper gt left col element lt div class right col gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img profile pic png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt kunaal kumar lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt switch lt button gt lt div gt lt p class suggestion text gt Suggestions for you lt p gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt followed bu user lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt follow lt button gt lt div gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt followed bu user lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt follow lt button gt lt div gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt followed bu user lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt follow lt button gt lt div gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt followed bu user lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt follow lt button gt lt div gt lt div class profile card gt lt div class profile pic gt lt img src img cover png alt gt lt div gt lt div gt lt p class username gt modern web channel lt p gt lt p class sub text gt followed bu user lt p gt lt div gt lt button class action btn gt follow lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt right col padding px profile card width fit content display flex justify content center align items center margin bottom px profile card profile pic flex auto padding background none width px height px margin right px profile card first child profile pic width px height px profile card profile pic img border none profile card username font weight font size px color sub text color rgba font size px font weight margin top px action btn opacity font weight font size px suggestion text font size px color rgba font weight margin px media max width px right col search box display none nav wrapper wrapper width wrapper display block media max width px nav items icon margin px post image height px Final OutputSo that s it I hope you understood each and everything If you have doubt or I missed something let me know in the comments Tutorials you may find UsefulBest CSS EffectMusic Player AppDisney CloneYoutube API Youtube CloneTMDB Netflix CloneResponsive Portfolio with contact formFully working Blogging website with backendI really appreciate if you can subscribe my youtube channel I create awesome web contents Thanks For reading |
2021-08-23 14:04:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Java Community Starts to Find More Common Ground |
Java Community Starts to Find More Common GroundThe Java community appears to be rallying around efforts to bridge some of the rifts that have emerged in recent years while at the same time trying to encourage developers to adopt the latest version of the venerable programming language The Eclipse Foundation has made available the release of the open source Eclipse integrated development environment IDE which among other capabilities adds support for Java The IDE for Java developers also supports the Mac AArch instruction set used in Apple M based systems along with support for more mundane innovations such as additional cleanup tools At the same time a working group has been created to promote the Eclipse IDE brand and its value in the marketplace Founding members include Bosch EclipseSource IBM Kichwa Coders Renesas SAP VMware and Yatta Solutions Microsoft meanwhile has become a strategic member of the Eclipse Foundation while IBM has launched IBM Semeru Runtimes to provide developers with class libraries that can be deployed either on OpenJDK or the Eclipse OpenJ Java Virtual Machine IBM contributed its J Java Virtual Machine to the Eclipse Foundation back in to make available a faster Java runtime OpenJDK is an open source edition of Java Platform Standard Edition that IBM has also been supporting since OpenJDK JavaIBM Semeru Runtimes will be available in two editions with different licenses The IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition has an open source license while IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition has an IBM license “There are still enterprises that want a more traditional support license says Tom Moore vice president for open technology at IBM Both of the IBM Semeru Runtimes pass the Eclipse AQAvit quality assurance test suite to provide a stable and supportable engine that can run any kind of Java application The IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition is has also certified by the technology compatibility kit TCK that is used to certify Java runtimes The Eclipse Adoptium project was recently formed to created pre built binaries of OpenJDK Platforms such as IBM WebSphere Liberty and IBM WebSphere Application Server will going forward support IBM Semeru Runtimes says Moore All this peace love and understanding is arriving at a time when rival programming languages have been gaining adherents Java may still be the most widely employed programming language for building enterprise applications but there is now a fair amount of interest in not just multiple JavaScript frameworks but also Go and Rust The vendors that have contributed so much to Java over the years appear to be starting to realize that internecine squabbles don t necessarily encourage new developers to embrace a programming language that has been around in one form or another since Hopefully the rate at which arguments over various types of Java virtual machines JVMs can also soon be put to rest As important as performance might be there s simply not enough differentiated value at that level of the proverbial stack None of this means Java is by any means obsolete It just means the tenor of the conversation needs to shift to what types of great new applications can be built using the latest and greatest versions of a programming language that before too long with be celebrating its th birthday |
2021-08-23 14:02:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 9 observability tools in 2021 perfect for microservices |
Top observability tools in perfect for microservicesIn microservices architecture observability tools enable you to create central dashboards to gauge the health of your distributed systems Let s explore some top observability tools which can help you in meeting the increasing demands of today s users In today s digital economy distributed architectures have become the norm Organizations are also opting for polyglot microservices to boost developer productivity But how do you manage the operational challenges of such systems Customer experience is the key to the success of tech companies of any size be it startups mid or large level enterprises You need to proactively solve for things like availability and performance of your applications in production And that s where observability comes into the picture A robust observability framework is now critical for maintaining your systems in fine health Observability is powered by telemetry data a combination of logs metrics and traces A good observability tool has many components It should enable you to generate sample process and emit telemetry data It should have a good storage system for fast retrieval and long term retention It should have a good visualization layer for your teams to consume and take action In this article let s explore the top observability tools in which can be perfect for your microservice application List of Top observability tools in SigNozInstanaDynatraceGrafana LabsHoneycombLightstepNew RelicDatadogSplunk Top observability tools in Now let s explore the top observability tools in SigNozSigNoz is a full stack open source APM and observability tool It captures both metrics and traces with log management currently in the product roadmap One of the advantages of SigNoz is that it is open source so you are not locked in with a SaaS vendor It can also be hosted within your infra As such you don t need to send your data to any third party SigNoz enables a full stack observability stack for your microservice application Let s see what does a full stack observability tool entails Generation of telemetry data logs metrics amp traces A storage backend to store the telemetry data which is often hugeA visualization layer for your engineering teams to consume and take actionsSigNoz uses OpenTelemetry a vendor agnostic instrumentation library for generating telemetry data OpenTelemetry is a project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is becoming the industry standard for creating portable telemetry data SigNoz Dashboard with visualization of the popular RED metrics for your application Number of requests rate of error amp duration SigNoz also has Flamegraphs and Gantt charts to visualize distributed tracing for your microservice application InstanaInstana is enterprise observability and automated application monitoring tool It uses an agent to discover and monitor components This agent needs to be installed on every host that is to be monitored The agents deploy sensors crafted to capture data from different technologies Sensors automatically collect configuration changes metrics and events Instana charges per host per month if billed annually It also supports open standards like Prometheus StatsD OpenTracing and Opencensus Instana Dashboard Source Instana Docs DynatraceDynatrace is an extensive SaaS enterprise tool targeting a broad spectrum of monitoring needs of large scale enterprises It provides an AI engine called Davis to automate things like root cause analysis and anomaly detection Dynatrace also provides a different solution for infrastructure monitoring application security and cloud automation The pricing depends on the product you want to opt for Full stack monitoring the product aimed to provide observability for apps is priced at per month for GB per host if billed annually Dynatrace dashboard Source Dynatrace website Grafana LabsGrafana is popular open source analytics and interactive visualization web layer It supports many different storage backends for time series data It can be connected to data sources like Graphite InfluxDB ElasticSearch Prometheus and many more For traces it supports Jaeger Tempo X Ray and Zipkin data sources Grafana offers plugins dashboards alerts and different user level access for governance as an observability tool In addition it provides two versions of services Grafana cloud You can send your data to Grafana cloud dashboards It provides solutions such as Grafana Cloud Logs Grafana Cloud Metrics and Grafana Cloud Traces Grafana Enterprise stack It provides support for metrics and logs with Grafana installed within your infrastructure It also comes with expert support Grafana dashboard Source Grafana website HoneycombHoneycomb is an observability tool that aims to provide the visibility needed by engineering teams to troubleshoot problems in distributed systems It is a full stack cloud based observability tool with support for events logs and traces If your code is not already instrumented Honeycomb provides an automatic instrumentation agent called Honeycomb beelines which can instrument your code It also supports OpenTelemetry for generating instrumentation data Honeycomb offers a free tier of service and its pro tier starts at The pricing is based on data retention and event volume captured Snapshot of Honeycomb dashboard Source Honeycomb documentation LightstepAs an observability tool Lightstep automatically detects changes to your application infrastructure and user experience It can then highlight the specific causes for the changes For instrumentation Lightstep uses OpenTelemetry to generate and send telemetry data to what it calls Lightstep Microsatellites The microsatellites collect and forward the data to Lightstep SaaS for analysis Lightstep also has its own time series database to store the telemetry data The observability platform provided by Lightstep analyzes the data builds traces and creates service diagrams to monitor any change in performance Lightstep offers three plans of service Community edition Free version to help you get started Teams edition Starts at per month and is based on the number of monthly active services Enterprise edition Offered to large enterprises with discounts based on volume Lightstep dashboard Source Lightstep sandbox environment New RelicNew Relic is one of the oldest companies in the observability domain Its observability tool enables you to visualize analyze and troubleshoot your software stack in one platform It also supports auto instrumentation for eight popular programming languages New Relic can connect your application performance with your infrastructure health to provide you better insights for quick troubleshooting Standard offering includes plans for teams up to full users Their pricing depends on the amount of data ingested with GB free data ingest and per extra GB New Relic dashboard Source New Relic website DataDogWith the DataDog observability tool you can do a range of things like infrastructure monitoring log management application performance monitoring and security monitoring For providing full visibility into distributed applications DataDog allows you to Trace requests from end to end across distributed systemsCharts of latency percentiles p p etc Instrumentation with open source librariesseamless navigation between logs metrics and tracesThe pricing depends on the product you opt for For example the APM solution provides end to end distributed tracing starts at per host per month if billed annually DataDog dashboard Source DataDog website SplunkSplunk is a comprehensive observability tool that offers multiple products including infrastructure monitoringApplication performance monitoringLog ObserverReal User monitoringSynthetic monitoring andIncident response managementSplunk allows you to collect all traces instead of a sample set It also provides service maps to offer DevOps teams visibility into interactions between different services dependencies and performance Splunk s observability Cloud for Enterprise editions starts at per host per month if billed annually DataDog dashboard Source DataDog website lt figcaption How to choose the right observability tool For applications with microservices architecture observability tools have become critical to meet operational challenges at scale Without observability it is almost impossible for your engineering teams to troubleshoot bugs and assess the performance of your applications Hence choosing the right observability tool for your application is important A few questions to ask yourself before selecting an observability tool are as follows Are there any privacy laws that you need to take care of while sharing user s data with a third party tool Does the pricing suit your budget How easy is it to get started with things like instrumentation How much data do you want to retain Does the tool provide seamless integration between metrics logs and traces An open source tool like SigNoz can be your best option in today s privacy driven digital economy Moreover SigNoz uses open source standards for instrumentation and its code can be assessed for quality from its GitHub repo Finally as the tool is open sourced you get the support of the community while having access to out of box features like a SaaS vendor Check out SigNoz GitHub repo |
2021-08-23 14:02:10 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
One-year Apple TV+ subscription offered to T-Mobile subscribers |
One year Apple TV subscription offered to T Mobile subscribersT Mobile is providing its subscribers with a one year subscription to Apple TV for free with all existing and new customers standing to benefit from August Announced on Monday the promotion offers months of Apple TV to its customers at no charge Starting from August subscribers are able to claim the deal from T Mobile and use it to watch shows such as Ted Lasso and Mythic Quest T Mobile customers can now enjoy Apple TV for a full year and watch right in the Apple TV app across all their favorite devices said Peter Stern Apple s VP of Services Apple TV has the highest rated originals of any streaming service so we are excited that millions of T Mobile customers will be able to take advantage of this offer Read more |
2021-08-23 14:20:28 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Virgin Orbit is going public to fund its space satellite program |
Virgin Orbit is going public to fund its space satellite programVirgin Orbit has announced plans to go public on the Nasdaq stock exchange through a special purpose acquisitions company SPAC merger The deal with NextGen Acquisition Corp II values Virgin Orbit at billion The combined company is expected to pull in up to million in cash when the deal closes which Virgin Orbit believes will happen by the end of this year Around million of that is expected to come from funds NextGen holds in trust and the other million from a common stock PIPE private investment in public equity offering at per share Virgin Orbit s existing stakeholders will own around percent of the combined company with NextGen shareholders owning about percent PIPE investors which will include Boeing holding roughly three percent and the SPAC sponsor owning the remaining two percent or so We ve launched rockets to space from the wing of a jet We ve delivered commercial civil amp nat l security satellites to their target orbits from the end of a runway And we re just getting started Now we re planning to go public on nasdaq More pic twitter com AaJkfesーVirgin Orbit VirginOrbit August Virgin Orbit will use the funds to scale up its rocket manufacturing endeavors and bolster the company s space solutions business and Virgin Orbit s ongoing product development initiatives An SPAC merger with a company usually a shell corporation that s already listed on a stock exchange allows a business to go public without going through the usual initial public offering process The first spaceflight company to go public through an SPAC and the company that really kicked off the SPAC trend was Virgin Galactic back in which sought to fund its tourist trips to space Virgin Galactic spun out Virgin Orbit as a separate company in so they could respectively focus on space tourism and small satellite launches Virgin Galactic held its first fully crewed flight in July with founder Richard Branson on board while Virgin Orbit had its first successful satellite deployment in January Virgin Orbit launches its satellites from a custom Boeing with the LauncherOne rocket taking payloads into space The company says this approach offers a quot significant performance advantage quot over traditional ground launches an approach adopted by the likes of SpaceX while lowering quot local carbon emissions and acoustic impacts quot at launch sites |
2021-08-23 14:23:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Razer is fixing a serious Windows security flaw caused by its mice |
Razer is fixing a serious Windows security flaw caused by its miceA rather unusual vulnerability in Razer mice has been identified and the company is currently working on a fix Over the weekend security researcher Jon Hat posted on Twitter that after plugging in a Razer mouse or dongle Windows Update will download the Razer installer executable and run it with SYSTEM privileges It also lets you access the Windows file explorer and Powershell with quot elevated quot privileges ーwhich essentially means someone with physical access to the computer could install harmful software Need local admin and have physical access Plug a Razer mouse or the dongle Windows Update will download and execute RazerInstaller as SYSTEM Abuse elevated Explorer to open Powershell with Shift Right clickTried contacting Razer but no answers So here s a freebie pic twitter com xDklRCmzーjonhat jnht August Since this vulnerability requires direct physical access to a computer it s not nearly as dangerous as a security issue that can be carried out remotely but it s still a troubling find Hat said on Twitter that Razer eventually reached out and told him that the company s security team was working on a fix We ve reached out to Razer as well to verify these details and will update this story if we hear anything including when users might expect the issue to be fixed We re also hoping to find out what specific Razer mice can cause the issue |
2021-08-23 14:17:32 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Good, but Not Great: Taking Stock of a Big Ten University’s Covid Plan |
Good but Not Great Taking Stock of a Big Ten University s Covid PlanThe University of Illinois says an aggressive testing program prevented deaths on and off campus during the last academic year Now the university is contending with the Delta variant |
2021-08-23 14:06:22 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
iriss |
2021-08-23 15:20:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 14:20:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Universal credit: Labour promises shake-up to benefit |
credit |
2021-08-23 14:26:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid returns to top 10 causes of death |
causes |
2021-08-23 14:28:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Love Island: Is the dating show's honeymoon phase over? |
series |
2021-08-23 14:42:27 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米石油シェブロン、コロナワクチン接種を一部義務化 操業に影響で - WSJ発 |
義務化 |
2021-08-23 23:23:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
中華そば 立川 上越市で食べられる旨味たっぷりの「あっさり」と「こってり」 |
中華そば立川上越市で食べられる旨味たっぷりの「あっさり」と「こってり」上越市の「中華そば立川」へと行ってきました。 |
2021-08-23 15:11:07 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内市町村別の週間感染者数(8月8日~21日) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-23 23:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
妊婦の早期接種に配慮を コロナワクチンで厚労省 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-23 23:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
セブン銀行で障害 振り込み千件遅延 |
振り込み |
2021-08-23 23:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
64歳以下も対象に接種開始 道のワクチンセンター |
札幌厚別 |
2021-08-23 23:04:35 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] ビットコイン、5万ドル回復 アフガン混乱で資金流入 |
資金 |
2021-08-23 23:36:03 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Witch Queen - The Truth |
Witch Queen The Truth submitted by u xOnslaught to r DestinyTheGame link comments |
2021-08-23 14:00:49 |
AWS News Blog |
Happy 15th Birthday Amazon EC2 |
Happy th Birthday Amazon ECFifteen years ago today I wrote the blog post that launched the Amazon EC Beta As I recall the launch was imminent for quite some time as we worked to finalize the feature set the pricing model and innumerable other details The launch date was finally chosen and it happened to fall in the middle … |
2021-08-23 15:09:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LaravelでJSのAjaxを使って非同期通信を行う |
参考記事流れ的にはviewにある値をjsに投げてajax通信で定義したrouteからcontrollerに値を飛ばして処理した内容をまたjsonでjsに返してあげます。 |
2021-08-24 00:08:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
要素を横並びにする方法 |
配置 |
2021-08-24 00:57:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
クエリーパラメーターを使って表示するだけのプログラム実装中。Cannot access protected propertyエラーを解決したいです。 |
クエリーパラメーターを使って表示するだけのプログラム実装中。 |
2021-08-24 00:18:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP あいまい検索 |
PHPあいまい検索前提・実現したいことDBに保存しているstring型の文字をselectで調べることで必要なカラムを出そうとしているのですが、likeのあいまい検索がうまくいきません。 |
2021-08-24 00:12:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのメモリ使用量について |
hogehoge |
2021-08-24 00:10:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ユーザー名を正しく表示させたい |
ユーザー名を正しく表示させたい前提・実現したいことフォロー機能の実装中です。 |
2021-08-24 00:03:31 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby] 分割するメソッド |
2021-08-24 00:37:45 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Docker】docker imageの大きさを小さくする (その1) |
二つのコンテナを作っても良いのですが、これを一つのDockerfileで行うことができます。 |
2021-08-24 00:49:11 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【WSL】仮想マシンプラットフォームをオンにするとBSODになる問題【Win】 |
【WSL】仮想マシンプラットフォームをオンにするとBSODになる問題【Win】PCスペック型番HPPavilionLaptopehxxxプロセッサAMDRyzenUwithRadeonGraphicsGHz実装RAMGBシステムの種類ビットオペレーティングシステム、xベースプロセッサエディションWindowsHomeバージョンH試したところ、Hでも同じ問題が起きましたOSビルド問題の詳細WindowsPCでDockerを使いたい手順を読みながらやってみたブルースクリーン発生年月、数年ぶりにWindowsPCを買った。 |
2021-08-24 00:25:44 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GithubFlow 基本の流れ |
GithubFlow基本の流れGithubFlowローカルブランチを最新にする↓作業ブランチを作成↓作業ブランチで作業を行う↓作業ブランチをコミット↓作業ブブランチをリモートにpush↓マージリクエストを出してマージする↓作業ブランチを削除ローカルブランチを最新にするgitpull作業ブランチを作成gitswitchcブランチ名作業ブランチで作業を行う作業ブランチで開発、修正等を行う。 |
2021-08-24 00:32:37 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon GameLift In C# 06: 簡単なチャットソフトクライアントを作ります |
github |
2021-08-23 15:06:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Team Topologies 2: Organizing Business and Technology Teams |
Team Topologies Organizing Business and Technology TeamsToday we premiere the second and final episode in our two part series with DevOps experts Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais authors of the new book Team Topologies Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow If you haven t listened to the first episode I highly recommend checking it out In episode we discuss strategies for reducing the cognitive load on a team how to build organizational trust to allow for fast change and the theory behind reversing Conway s Law to produce sustainable system architecture Also be sure to check out the Team Topologies Academy for more insights and custom built courses Listen to the full episode Episode Highlights Include What is “Conway s Law and its relation to system architectureReducing cognitive load to improve productivityHow a high degree of trust allows for fast changeThe optimal number of people to put on a teamPatterns to help teams discover successFlow efficiency is the th key metricIf you haven t already heard Dev Interrupted is partnering with Dzone to host INTERACT An interactive community driven digital conference on September th by engineering leaders for engineering leaders day speakers s of engineers and engineering leaders all free Register Now Join the Dev Interrupted ServerWith over members the Dev Interrupted Discord Community is the best place for Engineering Leaders to engage in daily conversation No sales people allowed Join the community gt gt Originally published at |
2021-08-23 15:55:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions Part 2 |
Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions Part Source AWS GCP You want to deploy a cost sensitive application to Google Cloud Compute Engine You want the application to be up at all times but because of the cost sensitive nature of the application you only want to run the application in a single VM instance How should you configure the managed instance group A Enable autoscaling on the Managed Instance Group MIG and set minimum instances to and maximum instances to B Disable autoscaling on the Managed Instance Group MIG and set mininum instances to and maximum instances to C Disable autoscaling on the Managed Instance Group MIG and set mininum instances to and maximum instances to D Enable autoscaling on the Managed Instance Group MIG and set minimum instances to and maximum instances to Answer DYou are migrating a mission critical HTTPS Web application from your on premises data centre to Google Cloud and you need to ensure unhealthy compute instances within the autoscaled Managed Instances Group MIG are recreated automatically What should you do A Deploy Managed Instance Group MIG instances in multiple zones B When creating the instance template add a startup script that sends server status to Cloud Monitoring as a custom metric C Add a metadata tag to the Instance Template with key healthcheck value enabled D Configure a health check on port when creating the Managed Instance Group MIG Answer DYour organization specializes in helping other companies detect if any pages on their website do not align to the specified standards To do this your company has deployed a custom C application in your on premises data centre that crawls all the web pages of a customer s website compares the headers and template to the expected standard and stores the result before moving on to another customer s website This testing takes a lot of time and has resulted in it missing out on the SLA several times recently The application team is aware of the slow processing time and wants to run the application on multiple virtual machines to split the load but there is no free space in the data centre You have been asked to identify if it is possible to migrate this application to Google cloud ensuring it can autoscale with minimal changes and reduce the processing time What GCP service should you recommend A Deploy the application on Google App Engine Standard service B Deploy the application as Cloud Dataproc job based on Hadoop C Deploy the application on a GCE Managed Instance Group MIG with autoscaling enabled D Deploy the application on a GCE Unmanaged Instance Group Front the group with a network load balancer Answer CYou want to migrate a public NodeJS application which serves requests over HTTPS from your on premises data centre to Google Cloud Platform You plan to host it on a fleet of instances behind Managed Instances Group MIG in Google Compute Engine You need to configure a GCP load balancer to terminate SSL session before passing traffic to the VMs Which GCP Load balancer should you use A Use External SSL proxy load balancer B Use HTTP S load balancer C Use Internal TCP load balancer D Use External TCP proxy load balancer Answer BYou host a production application in Google Compute Engine in the us central a zone Your application needs to be available all through the year The application suffered an outage recently due to a Compute Engine outage in the zone hosting your application Your application is also susceptible to slowness during peak usage You have been asked for a recommendation on how to modify the infrastructure to implement a cost effective and scalable solution that can withstand zone failures What would you recommend A Use Unmanaged instance groups across multiple zones Enable Autoscaling on the Unmanaged instance group B Use Managed instance groups with instances in a single zone Enable a Autoscaling on the Managed instance group C Use Managed instance groups across multiple zones Enable Autoscaling on the Managed instance group D Use Managed instance groups with preemptible instances across multiple zones Enable Autoscaling on the Managed instance group Answer CA mission critical application running on a Managed Instance Group MIG in Google Cloud has been having scaling issues Although the scaling works it is not quick enough and users experience slow response times The solution architect has recommended moving to GKE to achieve faster scaling and optimize machine resource utilization Your colleague containerized the application and provided you with a Dockerfile You now need to deploy this in a GKE cluster How should you do it A Deploy the application using gcloud app deploy B Deploy the application using kubectl app deploy C Build a container image from the Dockerfile and push it to Google Cloud Storage GCS Create a Kubernetes Deployment YAML file and have it use the image from GCS Use kubectl apply f deployment YAML gt to deploy the application to the GKE cluster D Build a container image from the Dockerfile and push it to Google Container Registry GCR Create a Kubernetes Deployment YAML file and have it use the image from GCR Use kubectl apply f to deploy the application to the GKE cluster Answer DYour company retains all its audit logs in BigQuery for years At the annual audit every year you need to provide the auditors access to the audit logs You want to follow Google recommended practices What should you do A Grant the auditors group custom IAM roles with specific permissions B Grant the auditors user accounts roles logging viewer and roles bigquery dataViewer IAM roles C Grant the auditors group roles logging viewer and roles bigquery dataViewer IAM roles D Grant the auditors user accounts custom IAM roles with specific permissions Answer CYou are working for a cryptocurrency startup and you have enabled a link to the company s Initial Coin Offering ICO whitepaper on the company website which runs off Google Cloud Storage Your CTO clicked on this link and got prompted to save the file to their desktop The CTO thinks this is a poor user experience and has asked you to identify if it is possible to render the file directly in the browser for all users What should you do A Add a metadata tag on all the PDF file objects with key Content Type and value application pdf B Modify the bucket ACLs to make all PDF files public C Add a label on the Cloud Storage bucket with key Content Type and value application pdf D Use Cloud CDN to front the static bucket and set the HTTP header displayInBrowser to Answer AYou want to reduce storage costs for infrequently accessed data The data will still be accessed approximately once a month and data older than years is no longer needed What should you do to reduce storage costs Select A Set an Object Lifecycle Management policy to change the storage class to Archive for data older than years B Set an Object Lifecycle Management policy to change the storage class to Coldline for data older than years C Store infrequently accessed data in a Nearline bucket D Set an Object Lifecycle Management policy to delete data older than years E Store infrequently accessed data in a Multi Regional bucket Answer C DYou want to migrate a mission critical application from the on premises data centre to Google Cloud Platform Due to the mission critical nature of the application you want to have idle unoccupied instances all the time to ensure the application always has enough resources to handle sudden bursts in traffic How should you configure the scaling to meet this requirement A Start with instances and manually scale as needed B Enable Basic Scaling and set maximum instances to C Enable Basic Scaling and set minimum instances to D Enable Automatic Scaling and set minimum idle instances to Answer DYour company owns a mobile game that is popular with users all over the world The mobile game backend uses Cloud Spanner to store user state An overnight job exports user state to a Cloud Storage bucket The app pushes all time series events during the game to a streaming Dataflow service that saves them to Cloud Bigtable You are debugging an in game issue raised by a gamer and you want to join the user state information with data stored in Bigtable to debug How can you do this one off join efficiently A Create two external tables in BigQuery and link them to the Cloud BigTable and Cloud Storage data sources respectively Execute a query in BigQuery console to join up data between the two external tables for the specific gamer B Set up a Cloud Dataflow job to read data from Cloud Spanner and Cloud BigTable for the specific gamer C Set up a Cloud Dataflow job to read data from Cloud Storage and Cloud BigTable for the specific gamer D Set up a Cloud Dataproc Cluster to run a Hadoop job to join up data from Cloud BigTable and Cloud Storage for the specific gamer Answer AYour finance department wants you to create a new billing account and link all development and test Google Cloud Projects to the new billing account What should you do A Ask your security administrator to grant you the Billing Account Creator role on the GCP organization and Project Billing Manager role on all the development and test projects Link all the development and test projects to an existing Billing Account B Ask your security administrator to grant you the Billing Account Creator role on the GCP organization and Project Billing Manager role on all the development and test projects Create a new Billing Account and link all the development and test projects to the new Billing Account C Ask your security administrator to grant you the Billing Account Administrator role on the existing Billing Account Create new development and test projects and link them to the existing Billing Account D Ask your security administrator to grant you the Billing Account Administrator a role on the existing Billing Account Link all development and test projects to the existing Billing Account Answer BYou have annual audits every year and you need to provide external auditors access to the last years of audit logs You want to minimize the cost and operational overhead while following Google recommended practices What should you do A Set a custom retention of years in Stackdriver logging and provide external auditors view access to Stackdriver Logs B Export audit logs to Cloud Filestore via a Pub Sub export sink C Export audit logs to Cloud Storage via an audit log export sink D Export audit logs to BigQuery via an audit log export sink E Grant external auditors Storage Object Viewer role on the logs storage bucket F Configure a lifecycle management policy on the logs bucket to delete objects older than yearsAnswer C E FYou have been asked to create a new Kubernetes Cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine that can autoscale the number of worker nodes as well as pods What should you do Select A Create Compute Engine instances for the workers and the master and install Kubernetes Rely on Kubernetes to create additional Compute Engine instances when needed B Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for the Kubernetes deployment C Create a GKE cluster and enable autoscaling on the instance group of the cluster D Configure a Compute Engine instance as a worker and add it to an unmanaged instance group Add a load balancer to the instance group and rely on the load balancer to create additional Compute Engine instances when needed E Create a GKE cluster and enable autoscaling on Kubernetes Engine Answer B EYour company wants to move all documents from a secure internal NAS drive to a Google Cloud Storage GCS bucket The data contains personally identifiable information PII and sensitive customer information Your company tax auditors need access to some of these documents What security strategy would you recommend on GCS A Create randomized bucket and object names Enable public access but only provide specific file URLs to people who do not have Google accounts and need access B Use signed URLs to generate time bound access to objects C Grant no Google Cloud Identity and Access Management Cloud IAM roles to users and use granular ACLs on the bucket D Grant IAM read only access to users and use default ACLs on the bucket Answer CUsers of your application are complaining of slowness when loading the application You realize the slowness is because the App Engine deployment serving the application is deployed in us central whereas all users of this application are closest to europe west You want to change the region of the App Engine application to europe west to minimize latency What s the best way to change the App Engine region A Create a new project and create an App Engine instance in europe westB Use the gcloud app region set command and supply the name of the new region C From the console under the App Engine page click edit and change the region drop down D Contact Google Cloud Support and request the change Answer AYou are developing a mobile game that uses Cloud Datastore for gaming leaderboards and player profiles You want to test an aspect of this solution locally on your Ubuntu workstation which already has Cloud SDK installed What should you do A Install Datastore emulator to provide local emulation of the production datastore environment in your local workstation by running gcloud components install B Install Datastore emulator to provide local emulation of the production datastore a environment in your local workstation by running apt get install C Add a new index to Cloud Datastore instance in the development project by running gcloud datastore indexes create and modify your application on your workstation to retrieve the data from Cloud Datastore using the index D Initiate an export of Cloud Datastore instance from development GCP project by executing gcloud datastore export Modify your applications to point to the export Answer AYou deployed a number of services to Google App Engine Standard The services are designed as microservices with several interdependencies between them Most services have few version upgrades but some key services have over version upgrades You identified an issue with the service pt createOrder and deployed a new version v for this service You are confident this works and want this new version to receive all traffic for the service You want to minimize effort and ensure the availability of service What should you do A Execute gcloud app versions stop v service pt createOrder and gcloud app versions start v service pt createOrder B Execute gcloud app versions migrate vC Execute gcloud app versions stop v and gcloud app versions start vD Execute gcloud app versions migrate v service “pt createOrder Answer DYou have a web application deployed as a managed instance group based on an instance template You modified the startup script used in the instance template and would like the existing instances to pick up changes from the new startup scripts Your web application is currently serving live web traffic You want to propagate the startup script changes to all instances in the managed instances group while minimizing effort minimizing cost and ensuring that the available capacity does not decrease What would you do A Create a new managed instance group MIG based on a new template Add the group to the backend service for the load balancer When all instances in the new managed instance group are healthy delete the old managed instance group B Delete instances in the managed instance group MIG one at a time and rely on auto healing to provision an additional instance C Perform a rolling action start update with max unavailable set to and max surge set to D Perform a rolling action replace with max unavailable set to and max surge set to Answer DTo facilitate disaster recovery your company wants to save database backup tar files in Cloud Storage bucket You want to minimize the cost Which GCP Cloud Storage class should you use A Use Coldline Storage Class B Use Multi Regional Storage Class C Use Regional Storage Class D Use Nearline Storage Class Answer AYou recently deployed a new application in Google App Engine to serve production traffic After analyzing logs for various user flows you uncovered several issues in your application code and have developed a fix to address the issues Parts of your proposed fix could not be validated in the pre production environment by your testing team as some of the scenarios can only be validated by an end user with access to specific data in your production environment In the company s weekly Change Approval Board meeting concerns were raised that the fix could possibly take down the application It was unanimously agreed that while the fix is risky it is a necessary change to the application You have been asked to suggest a solution that minimizes the impact of the change going wrong You also want to minimize costs What should you do A Set up a second Google App Engine service and then update a subset of clients to hit the new service B Deploy the new application version temporarily capture logs and then roll it back to the previous version C Deploy a new version of the application and use traffic splitting to send a small percentage of traffic to it D Create a second Google App Engine project with the new application code and onboard users gradually to the new application Answer CYou want to list all the compute instances in zones us central b and europe west d Which of the commands below should you run to retrieve this information A gcloud compute instances list filter zone us central b europe west d B gcloud compute instances get filter zone us central b and gcloud compute instances list filter “zone europe west d and combine the results C gcloud compute instances list filter zone us central b and gcloud compute instances list filter zone europe west d and combine the results D gcloud compute instances get filter zone us central b europe west d Answer AA production application serving live traffic needs an important update deployed gradually The application is deployed in a Managed Instance Group MIG in the US Central region The application receives millions of requests each minute and you want to patch the application while ensuring the number of instances capacity in the Managed Instance Group MIG does not decrease What should you do A Carry out a rolling update by executing gcloud compute instance groups rolling action start update max surge max unavailable B Deploy the update in a new MIG and add it as a backend service to the existing production Load Balancer Once all instances in the new group have warmed up remove the old MIG from the Load Balancer backend and delete the group C Carry out a rolling update by executing gcloud compute instance groups rolling action start update max surge max unavailable D Update the existing Managed Instance Group MIG to point to a new instance template containing the updated version Terminate all existing instances in the MIG and wait until they are all replaced by new instances created from the new template Answer CYou want to create a new role and grant it to the SME team The new role should provide your SME team BigQuery Job User and Cloud Bigtable User roles on all projects in the organization You want to minimize operational overhead You want to follow Google recommended practices How should you create the new role A Execute command gcloud iam combineroles global to combine the roles into a new custom role and grant them globally to SME team group B In GCP Console under IAM Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role Grant the role to the SME team group at project Use gcloud iam promote role to promote the role to all other projects and grant the role in each project to the SME team group C In GCP Console under IAM Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role Grant the role to the SME team group at project Repeat this step for each project D In GCP Console under IAM Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role Grant the role to the SME team group at the organization level Answer DYour company runs all its applications in us central region in a single GCP project and single VPC The company has recently expanded its operations to Europe but customers in the EU are complaining about slowness accessing the application Your manager has requested you to deploy a new instance in the same project in europe west region to reduce latency to the EU customers The newly deployed VM needs to reach a central Citrix Licensing Server in us central How should you design the network and firewall rules while adhering to Google Recommended practices A Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in a new VPC Peer the two VPCs and have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address B Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in the existing VPC Peer the two subnets using Cloud VPN Have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address C Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in a new VPC Set up an HTTP s Load Balancer for the Citrix Licensing Server and have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server through the Load Balancer s public address D Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in the existing VPC Have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address Answer DYour company runs all its applications in us central region in a single GCP project and single VPC The company has recently expanded its operations to Europe but customers in the EU are complaining about slowness accessing the application Your manager has requested you to deploy a new instance in the same project in europe west region to reduce latency to the EU customers The newly deployed VM needs to reach a central Citrix Licensing Server in us central How should you design the network and firewall rules while adhering to Google Recommended practices A Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in a new VPC Peer the two VPCs and have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address B Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in the existing VPC Peer the two subnets using Cloud VPN Have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address C Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in a new VPC Set up an HTTP s Load Balancer for the Citrix Licensing Server and have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server through the Load Balancer s public address D Deploy the VM in a new subnet in europe west region in the existing VPC Have the VM contact the Citrix Licensing Server on its internal IP Address Answer DYour company stores customer PII data in Cloud Storage buckets A subset of this data is regularly imported into a BigQuery dataset to carry out analytics You want to make sure the access to this bucket is strictly controlled Your analytics team needs read access on the bucket so that they can import data in BigQuery Your operations team needs read write access to both the bucket and BigQuery dataset to add Customer PII data of new customers on an ongoing basis Your Data Vigilance officers need Administrator access to the Storage bucket and BigQuery dataset You want to follow Google recommended practices What should you do A At the Project level add your Data Vigilance officers user accounts to the Owner role add your operations team user accounts to the Editor role and add your analytics team user accounts to the Viewer role B Use the appropriate predefined IAM roles for each of the access levels needed for Cloud Storage and BigQuery Add your users to those roles for each of the services C At the Organization level add your Data Vigilance officers user accounts to the Owner role add your operations team user accounts to the Editor role and add your analytics team user accounts to the Viewer role D Create custom IAM roles with appropriate permissions for the access levels needed for Cloud Storage and BigQuery Add your users to the appropriate roles Answer BYour company has deployed a wide range of application across several Google Cloud projects in the organization You are a security engineer within the Cloud Security team and an apprentice has recently joined your team To gain a better understanding of your company s Google cloud estate the apprentice has asked you to provide them access which lets them have detailed visibility of all projects In the organization Your manager has approved the request but has asked you to ensure the access does not let them edit write access to any resources Which IAM roles should you assign to the apprentice A Grant oles resourcemanager organizationViewer and roles viewer B Grant roles resourcemanager organizationAdmin and roles browser C Grant roles resourcemanager organizationViewer and roles owner D Grant roles owner and roles networkmanagement admin Answer AYou created an update for your application on App Engine You want to deploy the update without impacting your users You want to be able to roll back as quickly as possible if it fails What should you do A Deploy the update as the same version that is currently running If the update fails redeploy your older version using the same version identifier B Deploy the update as a new version Migrate traffic from the current version to the new version If it fails migrate the traffic back to your older version C Deploy the update as the same version that is currently running You are confident the update works so you don t plan for a rollback strategy D Notify your users of an upcoming maintenance window and ask them not to use your application during this window Deploy the update in that maintenance window Answer BYou are designing a mobile game which you hope will be used by numerous users around the world The game backend requires a Relational DataBase Management System RDBMS for persisting game state and player profiles You want to select a database that can scale to a global audience with minimal configuration updates Which database should you choose A Cloud SQL B Cloud Spanner C Cloud Datastore D Cloud Firestore Answer BYour company stores sensitive user information PII in three multi regional buckets in US Europe and Asia All three buckets have data access logging enabled on them The compliance team has received reports of fraudulent activity and has begun investigating a customer care representative It believes the specific individual may have accessed some objects they are not authorized to and may have added labels to some files in the buckets to enable favourable discounts for their friends The compliance team has asked you to provide them with a report of activities for this customer service representative on all three buckets How can you do this efficiently A Enable a Cloud Trace on the bucket and wait for the user to access objects set metadata to capture their activities B Retrieve this information from Activity logs in GCP Console C Retrieve this information from the Cloud Storage bucket page in GCP Console D Apply the necessary filters in Cloud Logging Console to retrieve this information Answer DYour company s new mobile game has gone live and you have transitioned the backend application to the operations team The mobile game uses Cloud Spanner to persist game state leaderboard and player profile All operations engineers require access to view and edit table data to support runtime issues What should you do A Grant roles spanner databaseUser IAM role to all operations engineers group B Grant roles spanner viewer IAM role to all operations engineers group C Grant roles spanner viewer IAM role to all operations engineers user accounts D Grant roles spanner databaseUser IAM role to all operations engineers user accounts Answer AYou have one GCP project with default region and zone set to us east and us east b respectively You have another GCP project with default region and zone set to us west and us west a respectively You want to provision a VM in each of these projects efficiently using gcloud CLI What should you do A Execute gcloud config configuration create config name to create two configurations one for each project Execute gcloud configurations list to create and start the VMs B Execute gcloud config configuration create config name to create two configurations one for each project Execute gcloud config configurations activate config name to activate the first configuration and gcloud compute instances create to create the VM Repeat the steps for other configuration C Execute gcloud configurations activate config name to activate the configuration for each project and execute gcloud configurations list to create and start the VM D Execute gcloud configurations activate config name to activate the configurationfor each project and execute gcloud config list to create and start the VM Answer BYou want to create a Google Cloud Storage regional bucket logs archive in the Los Angeles region us west You want to use Coldline storage class to minimize costs and you want to retain files for years Which of the following commands should you run to create this bucket A gsutil mb t us west S nearline retention y gs logs archiveB gsutil mb l los angeles S coldline retention m gs logs archiveC gsutil mb us west S coldline retention m gs logs archiveD gsutil mb us west S coldline retention y gs logs archiveAnswer DYou developed a web application that lets users upload and share images You deployed this application in Google Compute Engine and you have configured Stackdriver Logging Your application sometimes times out while uploading large images and your application generates relevant error log entries that are ingested to Stackdriver Logging You would now like to create alerts based on these metrics You intend to add more compute resources manually when the number of failures exceeds a threshold What should you do in order to alert based on these metrics with minimal effort A Add the Stackdriver monitoring and logging agent to the instances running the code B In Stackdriver logging create a new logging metric with the required filters edit the application code to set the metric value when needed and create an alert in Stackdriver based on the new metric C In Stackdriver Logging create a custom monitoring metric from log data and create an alert in Stackdriver based on the new metric D Create a custom monitoring metric in code edit the application code to set the metric value when needed create an alert in Stackdriver based on the new metric Answer CYour company stores sensitive PII data in a cloud storage bucket The objects are currently encrypted by Google managed keys Your compliance department has asked you to ensure all current and future objects in this bucket are encrypted by customer managed encryption keys You want to minimize effort What should you do A In the bucket advanced settings select the Customer managed key and then select a Cloud KMS encryption key Existing objects encrypted by Google managed keys can still be decrypted by the new Customer managed key B In the bucket advanced settings select the Customer managed key and then select a Cloud KMS encryption key Rewrite all existing objects using gsutil rewrite to encrypt them with the new Customer managed key C In the bucket advanced settings select the customer supplied key and then select a Cloud KMS encryption key Delete all existing objects and upload them again so they use the new customer supplied key for encryption D Rewrite all existing objects using gsutil rewrite to encrypt them with the new Customer managed key In the bucket advanced settings select the Customer managed key and then select a Cloud KMS encryption key Answer BYou have two compute instances in the same VPC but in different regions You can SSH from one instance to another instance using their internal IP address but not their external IP address What could be the reason for SSH failing on external IP address A The external IP address is disabled B The compute instances are not using the right cross region SSH IAM permissionsC The compute instances have a static IP for their external IP D The combination of compute instance network tags and VPC firewall rules only allow SSH from the subnets IP range Answer DYour colleague updated a deployment manager template of a production application serving live traffic You want to deploy the update to the live environment later during the night when user traffic is at its lowest The git diff on the pull request shows the changes are substantial and you would like to review the intended changes without applying the changes in the live environment You want to do this as efficiently and quickly as possible What should you do A Preview the changes by applying the deployment manager template with the preview flag B Add logging statements in the deployment manager template YAML file C Clone the GCP project and apply the deployment manager template in the new project Review the actions in Cloud Logging and monitor for failures before applying the template in the production GCP project D Apply the deployment manager template and review the actions in Cloud Logging Answer AYou have asked your supplier to send you a purchase order and you want to enable them to upload the file to a cloud storage bucket within the next hours Your supplier does not have a Google account You want to follow Google recommended practices What should you do A Create a service account with just the permissions to upload files to the bucket Create a JSON key for the service account Execute the command gsutil signurl m PUT d h gs B Create a service account with just the permissions to upload files to the bucket Create a JSON key for the service account Execute the command gsutil signurl d h gs C Create a service account with just the permissions to upload files to the bucket Create a JSON key for the service account Execute the command gsutil signurl httpMethod PUT dh gs D Create a JSON key for the Default Compute Engine Service Account Execute the command gsutil signurl m PUT d h gs kbucket gt Answer AYour organization is planning the infrastructure for a new large scale application that will need to store anything between TB to a petabyte of data in NoSQL format for Low latency read write and High throughput analytics Which storage option should you use A Cloud Spanner B Cloud Bigtable C Cloud Datastore D Cloud SQLAnswer BYou have a collection of audio video files over GB each that you need to migrate to Google Cloud Storage The files are in your on premises data center What migration method can you use to help speed up the transfer process A Start a recursive upload B Use parallel uploads to break the file into smaller chunks then transfer it simultaneously C Use the Cloud Transfer Service to transfer D Use multithreaded uploads using the m option Answer BYour company has chosen to go serverless to enable developers to focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure You have been asked to identify a GCP Serverless service that does not limit your developers to specific runtimes In addition some of the applications need WebSockets support What should you suggest A Cloud Run for AnthosB Cloud FunctionsC App Engine StandardD Cloud RunAnswer AYour company wants to move TB of your website clickstream logs from your on premise data center to Google Cloud Platform These logs need to be retained in GCP for compliance requirements Your business analysts also want to run analytics on these logs to understand user click behavior on your website Which of the below would enable you to meet these requirements Select Two A Load logs into Google Cloud SQLB Load logs into Google BigQuery C Upload log files into Google Cloud Storage D Import logs into Google Stackdriver E Insert logs into Google Cloud Bigtable Answer B CYour team created two networks VPC with non overlapping ranges in Google Cloud in the same region The first VPC hosts an encryption service on a GKE cluster with cluster autoscaling enabled The encryption service provides TCP endpoints to encrypt and decrypt data The second VPC pt network hosts a user management system on a single Google Cloud Compute Engine VM The user management system deals with PII data and needs to invoke the encryption endpoints running on the GKE cluster to encrypt and decrypt data What should you do to enable the compute engine VM invoke the TCP encryption endpoints while minimizing effort A Create a Kubernetes Service with type NodePort to expose the encryption endpoints running in the pods Set up a custom proxy in another compute engine VM in pt network and configure it to forward the traffic to the Kubernetes Service in the other VPC Have the GCE VM invoke the TCP encryption endpoints on the proxy DNS address B Create a Kubernetes Service with type Loodbolancer to expose the encryption endpoints running in the pods Configure a Cloud Armour security policy to allow traffic from GCE VM to the Kubernetes Service Have the GCE VM invoke the TCP encryption endpoints on the Kubernetes Service DNS address C Create a Kubernetes Service with type Loadbalancer to expose the encryption endpoints running in the pods Disable propagating Client IP Addresses to the pods by setting Services spec ecternalTrafficPolicy to Cluster Have the GCE VM invoke the TCP encryption endpoints on the Kubernetes Service DNS address D Create a Kubernetes Service with type Loadbalancer and the cloud google com lood balancer type Internal annotation to expose the encryption endpoints running in the pods Peer the two VPCs and have the GCE VM invoke the TCP encryption endpoints on the internal Kubernetes Service DNS address Answer DYou deployed a Python application to GCP App Engine Standard service in the us central region Most of your customers are based in Japan and are experiencing slowness due to the latency You want to transfer the application from us central region to asia northeast region to minimize latency What should you do A Update the region property to asia northeast on the App Engine application B Deploy a new app engine application in the same GCP project and set the region to asia northeast Delete the old App Engine application C Create a new GCP project Create a new App Engine Application in the new GCP project and set its region to asia northeast Delete the old App Engine application D Update the default region property to asia northeast on the App Engine Service Answer CYou deployed a Java application in a Google Compute Engine VM that has GB Memory and vCPU At peak usage the application experiences java lang OutOfMemory errors that take down the application entirely and requires a restart The CPU usage at all times is minimal Your operations team have asked you to increase the memory on the VM instance to G You want to do this while minimizing the cost What should you do A Stop the compute engine instance update the memory on the instance to GB and start the compute engine instance B Make use of the live migration feature of Google Compute Engine to migrate the application to another instance with more memory C Stop the compute engine instance update the machine to n standard and start the compute engine instance D Add a metadata tag to the instance with key new memory size and value GAnswer A |
2021-08-23 15:47:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build Your Own Lint Rules for Terraform with Shisho |
Build Your Own Lint Rules for Terraform with Shishotl dr Shisho is an open source static code analyzer that lets you build your own lint rules for Terraform codes You can find and refactor specific code patterns easily with a handy configuration language Building Linter Static Analyzer is Too HardEvery developer wants to avoid embedding issues in their software while finding issues tends to be boring So here s where a linter a static analyzer come they will be a great supporter of you and your team by detecting common bugs with pre defined rules before the bugs are shipped to the world Sometimes you will want to enforce custom rules for your code to standardize best practices specific to your team When you want to prevent your team members from using uniform bucket level access true in google storage bucket resources like the following snippet for example you hope there s a flexible linter that lets you add custom rules quickly resource google storage bucket test project var project name var project test location var location uniform bucket level access true force destroy true However adding and maintaining custom rules is quite hard You need to learn how to write custom rules for each programming language your team use although different programming languages have different linters or analyzers with different DSLs and APIs This difficulty is one of the severe problems of standard linters static analyzers Shisho A Customizable Static Code AnalyzerShisho a lightweight static code analyzer will help you build custom lint rules for your codebase I ll explain what and how it is flatt security shisho Lightweight static analyzer for several programming languages shisho Shisho is a lightweight static analyzer for developers Please see the usage documentation for further information Try with DockerYou can try shisho in your machine as follows echo func test v string int return len v docker run i ghcr io flatt security shisho cli latest find len lang goecho func test v string int return len v gt file godocker run i v PWD workspace ghcr io flatt security shisho cli latest find len lang go workspace file goInstall with pre built binariesWhen you d like to run shisho outside docker containers please follow the instructions below Linux macOSRun the following command s Linuxwget O shisho zipunzip shisho zipchmod x shishomv shisho usr local bin shisho macOSwget O shisho zipunzip shisho zipchmod x shishomv shisho usr local bin shishoThen you ll see a shisho s executable in usr local bin WindowsDownload the prebuild binary from… View on GitHub Find CodesFirst of all Shisho enables us to run AST aware code search over your code Here s an example command which finds the occurence of uniform bucket level access true inside google storage bucket resource docker run i v pwd workspace ghcr io flatt security shisho cli latest find resource google storage bucket uniform bucket level access true lang hcl code tfThe command will make the following outputs in your console Here is an anonymous metavariable which matches an arbitrary single node in AST like a function call identifier and so on Similarly is an anonymous ellipsis metavariable which matches zero or more nodes in AST These operators are something like capture groups in regular expressions They let you search over your code in a structured but flexible manner You can also define a rule which includes a pattern and the explaination for it The following YAML snippet is an example of rules describing the use of uniform bucket level access is prohibited version rules id sample policy language hcl pattern resource google storage bucket X uniform bucket level access true Y message Our team policy prohibits the use of uniform bucket level access You can find patterns by executing shisho find path to rule yaml path to search command resulting in the following outputs This is how Shisho makes it possible to build your own lint rules for Terraform codes You can use Shisho in the CI pipeline with your own rules let alone your local machine Please see Learn Shisho for further details Refactor CodesAdditionally Shisho rules can include how detected code patterns should be fixed The following YAML snippet describes a custom lint rule that suggests the use of uniform bucket level access true should be deleted version rules id sample policy language hcl pattern resource google storage bucket NAME X uniform bucket level access true Y message Our team policy prohibits use of uniform bucket level access rewrite resource google storage bucket NAME X Y Once this rule is run over your codes and the use of uniform bucket level access true is detected Shisho suggests changes following the rule s rewrite section like UsecasesYou can use Shisho for standardizing your codebase In addition it could be a means of conducting security as code or policy as code For instance when you want to keep your team s EBS volumes encrypted you can define a rule as follows version rules id unencrypted ebs volume language hcl message There was unencrypted EBS module pattern resource aws ebs volume NAME X constraints target X should not match pattern encrypted true rewrite resource aws ebs volume NAME X encrypted true When you want your colleagues to follow the naming convention for resources the following rule will work well version rules id invalid resource name language hcl message A resource was named badly pattern resource NAME constraints target NAME should not match regex pattern team The rule will report the result like Why Shisho Modern Static Analysis how the best tools empower creativity explains that good code analyzers or linters are often interoperable moldable efficient and community driven and that Semgrep works well from these viewpoints Semgrep is also grep like or sed like software that lets us find bugs with useful DSLs As for Shisho it is at least interoperable since it s open sourced moldable though some efforts are needed see issue Moreover Shisho is surprisingly efficient Here s the result of a micro benchmark of Semgrep Comby a similar tool and Shisho ToolTimeCommandComby mstime comby len parser go match only amp gt dev nullSemgrep mstime semgrep e len lang go parser go amp gt dev nullShisho alpha mstime shisho find len lang go parser go amp gt dev nullIn fact Shisho aims to refine the existing tools and to make it more feasible to run for large projects You can use Shisho for your monorepo without hesitation For your information this speed is supported by Rust On the other hand it s true that Shisho lacks some features of Semgrep and Comby For instance Semgrep has a feature to match patterns with type information while Shisho doesn t Semgrep also has Semgrep Registry in which you can share your own lint rules for the worldwide community Now I m making efforts to design and implement these features Stay tuned Now What This article explained the usage of Shisho for Terraform codes but Shisho is extending other language supports Especially Dockerfile support will be shipped soon You can follow ynuchy to see the news on Shisho and star our GitHub project to encourage us Additionally I ll release a SaaS which supports your Terraform development workflows with this engine See for further details Time is the average of consecutive command executions The measurement was run on Ubuntu LTS with AMD Ryzen GB RAM The scan target was parser go Both Semgrep and Comby is written in OCaml |
2021-08-23 15:44:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions Part 1 |
Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions Part Source AWS GCP You are a project owner and need your co worker to deploy a new version of your application to App Engine You want to follow Google s recommended practices Which IAM roles should you grant your co worker A Project EditorB App Engine Service AdminC App Engine DeployerD App Engine Code ViewerHint Answer CYour company has reserved a monthly budget for your project You want to be informed automatically of your project spend so that you can take action when you approach the limit What should you do A Link a credit card with a monthly limit equal to your budget B Create a budget alert for and of your total monthly budget C In App Engine Settings set a daily budget at the rate of of your monthly budget D In the GCP Console configure billing export to BigQuery Create a saved view that queries your total spend Hint Answer B spending limitYou have a project using BigQuery You want to list all BigQuery jobs for that project You want to set this project as the default for the bq command line tool What should you do A Use “gcloud config set project to set the default project B Use “bq config set project to set the default project C Use “gcloud generate config url to generate a URL to the Google Cloud Platform Console to set the default project D Use “bq generate config url to generate a URL to the Google Cloud Platform Console to set the default project Hint Answer AYour project has all its Compute Engine resources in the europe west region You want to set europe west as the default region for gcloud commands What should you do A Use Cloud Shell instead of the command line interface of your device Launch Cloud Shell after you navigate to a resource in the europe west region The europe west region will automatically become the default region B Use “gcloud config set compute region europe west to set the default region for future gcloud commands C Use “gcloud config set compute zone europe west to set the default region for future gcloud commands D Create a VPN from on premises to a subnet in europe west and use that connection when executing gcloud commands Hint Answer BYou developed a new application for App Engine and are ready to deploy it to production You need to estimate the costs of running your application on Google Cloud Platform as accurately as possible What should you do A Create a YAML file with the expected usage Pass this file to the “gcloud app estimate command to get an accurate estimation B Multiply the costs of your application when it was in development by the number of expected users to get an accurate estimation C Use the pricing calculator for App Engine to get an accurate estimation of the expected charges D Create a ticket with Google Cloud Billing Support to get an accurate estimation Hint Answer C is correct because this is the proper way to estimate chargesYour company processes high volumes of IoT data that are time stamped The total data volume can be several petabytes The data needs to be written and changed at a high speed You want to use the most performant storage option for your data Which product should you use A Cloud DatastoreB Cloud StorageC Cloud BigtableD BigQueryHint Answer C is correct because Cloud Bigtable is the most performant storage option to work with IoT and time series data Your application has a large international audience and runs stateless virtual machines within a managed instance group across multiple locations One feature of the application lets users upload files and share them with other users Files must be available for days after that they are removed from the system entirely Which storage solution should you choose A A Cloud Datastore database B A multi regional Cloud Storage bucket C Persistent SSD on virtual machine instances D A managed instance group of Filestore servers Hint Answer B is correct because buckets can be multi regional and have lifecycle management You have a definition for an instance template that contains a web application You are asked to deploy the application so that it can scale based on the HTTP traffic it receives What should you do A Create a VM from the instance template Create a custom image from the VM s disk Export the image to Cloud Storage Create an HTTP load balancer and add the Cloud Storage bucket as its backend service B Create a VM from the instance template Create an App Engine application in Automatic Scaling mode that forwards all traffic to the VM C Create a managed instance group based on the instance template Configure autoscaling based on HTTP traffic and configure the instance group as the backend service of an HTTP load balancer D Create the necessary amount of instances required for peak user traffic based on the instance template Create an unmanaged instance group and add the instances to that instance group Configure the instance group as the Backend Service of an HTTP load balancer Hint Answer C is correct because a managed instance group can use an instance template to scale based on HTTP traffic managed instance groups and autoscalingYou are creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster to deploy multiple pods inside the cluster All container logs must be stored in BigQuery for later analysis You want to follow Google recommended practices Which two approaches can you take A Turn on Stackdriver Logging during the Kubernetes Engine cluster creation B Turn on Stackdriver Monitoring during the Kubernetes Engine cluster creation C Develop a custom add on that uses Cloud Logging API and BigQuery API Deploy the add on to your Kubernetes Engine cluster D Use the Stackdriver Logging export feature to create a sink to Cloud Storage Create a Cloud Dataflow job that imports log files from Cloud Storage to BigQuery E Use the Stackdriver Logging export feature to create a sink to BigQuery Specify a filter expression to export log records related to your Kubernetes Engine cluster only Hint Answer A Is correct because creating a cluster with Stackdriver Logging option will enable all the container logs to be stored in Stackdriver Logging E Is correct because Stackdriver Logging support exporting logs to BigQuery by creating sinksYou need to create a new Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform that can autoscale the number of worker nodes What should you do A Create a cluster on Kubernetes Engine and enable autoscaling on Kubernetes Engine B Create a cluster on Kubernetes Engine and enable autoscaling on the instance group of the cluster C Configure a Compute Engine instance as a worker and add it to an unmanaged instance group Add a load balancer to the instance group and rely on the load balancer to create additional Compute Engine instances when needed D Create Compute Engine instances for the workers and the master and install Kubernetes Rely on Kubernetes to create additional Compute Engine instances when needed Hint Answer A is correct because this is the way to set up an autoscaling Kubernetes cluster You have an application server running on Compute Engine in the europe west d zone You need to ensure high availability and replicate the server to the europe west c zone using the fewest steps possible What should you do A Create a snapshot from the disk Create a disk from the snapshot in the europe west c zone Create a new VM with that disk B Create a snapshot from the disk Create a disk from the snapshot in the europe west d zone and then move the disk to europe west c Create a new VM with that disk C Use “gcloud to copy the disk to the europe west c zone Create a new VM with that disk D Use “gcloud compute instances move with parameter “ destination zone europe west c to move the instance to the new zone Hint Answer A is correct because this makes sure the VM gets replicated in the new zone Your company has a mission critical application that serves users globally You need to select a transactional relational data storage system for this application Which two products should you considerA BigQueryB Cloud SQLC Cloud SpannerD Cloud BigtableE Cloud DatastoreHint Answer B is correct because Cloud SQL is a relational and transactional database in the list C Is correct because Spanner is a relational and transactional database in the list You have a Kubernetes cluster with node pool The cluster receives a lot of traffic and needs to grow You decide to add a node What should you do A Use “gcloud container clusters resize with the desired number of nodes B Use “kubectl container clusters resize with the desired number of nodes C Edit the managed instance group of the cluster and increase the number of VMs by D Edit the managed instance group of the cluster and enable autoscaling Hint Answer A is correct because this resizes the cluster to the desired number of nodes You created an update for your application on App Engine You want to deploy the update without impacting your users You want to be able to roll back as quickly as possible if it fails What should you do A Delete the current version of your application Deploy the update using the same version identifier as the deleted version B Notify your users of an upcoming maintenance window Deploy the update in that maintenance window C Deploy the update as the same version that is currently running D Deploy the update as a new version Migrate traffic from the current version to the new version Hint Answer D is correct because this makes sure there is no downtime and you can roll back the fastest You have created a Kubernetes deployment called Deployment A with replicas on your cluster Another deployment called Deployment B needs access to Deployment A You cannot expose Deployment A outside of the cluster What should you do A Create a Service of type NodePort for Deployment A and an Ingress Resource for that Service Have Deployment B use the Ingress IP address B Create a Service of type LoadBalancer for Deployment A Have Deployment B use the Service IP address C Create a Service of type LoadBalancer for Deployment A and an Ingress Resource for that Service Have Deployment B use the Ingress IP address D Create a Service of type ClusterIP for Deployment A Have Deployment B use the Service IP address Hint Answer D is correct because this exposes the service on a cluster internal IP address Choosing this method makes the service reachable only from within the cluster You need to estimate the annual cost of running a Bigquery query that is scheduled to run nightly What should you do A Use “gcloud query dry run to determine the number of bytes read by the query Use this number in the Pricing Calculator B Use “bq query dry run to determine the number of bytes read by the query Use this number in the Pricing Calculator C Use “gcloud estimate to determine the amount billed for a single query Multiply this amount by D Use “bq estimate to determine the amount billed for a single query Multiply this amount by Hint Answer B is correct because this is the correct way to estimate the yearly BigQuery querying costs You want to find out who in your organization has Owner access to a project called “my project What should you do A In the Google Cloud Platform Console go to the IAM page for your organization and apply the filter “Role Owner B In the Google Cloud Platform Console go to the IAM page for your project and apply the filter “Role Owner C Use “gcloud iam list grantable role project my project from your Terminal D Use “gcloud iam list grantable role from Cloud Shell on the project page Hint Answer B is correct because this shows you the Owners of the project You want to create a new role for your colleagues that will apply to all current and future projects created in your organization The role should have the permissions of the BigQuery Job User and Cloud Bigtable User roles You want to follow Google s recommended practices How should you create the new role A Use “gcloud iam combine roles global to combine the roles into a new custom role B For one of your projects in the Google Cloud Platform Console under Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role Use “gcloud iam promote role to promote the role from a project role to an organization role C For all projects in the Google Cloud Platform Console under Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role D For your organization in the Google Cloud Platform Console under Roles select both roles and combine them into a new custom role Hint Answer D is correct because this creates a new role with the combined permissions on the organization level You work in a small company where everyone should be able to view all resources of a specific project You want to grant them access following Google s recommended practices What should you do A Create a script that uses “gcloud projects add iam policy binding for all users email addresses and the Project Viewer role B Create a script that uses “gcloud iam roles create for all users email addresses and the Project Viewer role C Create a new Google Group and add all users to the group Use “gcloud projects add iam policy binding with the Project Viewer role and Group email address D Create a new Google Group and add all members to the group Use “gcloud iam roles create with the Project Viewer role and Group email address Hint Answer C is correct because Google recommends to use groups where possible You need to verify the assigned permissions in a custom IAM role What should you do A Use the GCP Console IAM section to view the information B Use the “gcloud init command to view the information C Use the GCP Console Security section to view the information D Use the GCP Console API section to view the information Hint Answer A is correct because this is the correct console area to view permission assigned to a custom role in a particular project Which of the following services provides real time messaging A Cloud Pub SubB Big QueryC App EngineD DatastoreAnswer AWhich of the following tasks would Nearline Storage be well suited for A A mounted Linux file systemB Image assets for a high traffic websiteC Frequently read filesD Infrequently read data backupsAnswer D comparison of storage classesWhich of the following products will allow you to administer your projects through a browser based command line A Cloud DatastoreB Cloud Command lineC Cloud TerminalD Cloud ShellAnswer DCloud SQL is based on which database engine A Microsoft SQL ServerB MySQLC OracleD InformixAnswer B differencesWhich of the following products will allow you to perform live debugging without stopping your application A App Engine Active Debugger AEAD B Stackdriver DebuggerC Code InspectorD Pause ITAnswer BWhich of these options is not a valid Cloud Storage class A Glacier StorageB Nearline StorageC Coldline StorageD Regional StorageAnswer ARegarding Cloud Storage which option allows any user to access to a Cloud Storage resource for a limited time using a specific URL A Open BucketsB Temporary ResourcesC Signed URLsD Temporary URLsAnswer COf the options given which is a NoSQL database A Cloud DatastoreB Cloud SQLC All of the given optionsD Cloud StorageAnswer AContainer Engine allows orchastration of what type of containers A Blue WhaleB LXCC BSD JailsD DockerAnswer DRegarding Cloud IAM what type of role s are available A Basic roles and Compiled rolesB Primitive roles and Predefined rolesC Simple rolesD Basic roles and Curated rolesAnswer BWhich of the follow products will allow you to host a static website A Cloud SDKB Cloud EndpointsC Cloud StorageD Cloud DatastoreAnswer CContainer Engine is built on which open source system A SwarmB KubernetesC Docker OrchastrateD MesosAnswer BCloud Source Repositories provide a hosted version of which version control system A GitB RCSC SVND MercurialAnswer AWhich of the following is an analytics data warehouse A Cloud SQLB Big QueryC DatastoreD Cloud StorageAnswer BWhich service offers the ability to create and run virtual machines A Google Virtualization EngineB Compute ContainersC VM EngineD Compute EngineAnswer DWhich of the following is not helpful for mitigating the impact of an unexpected failure or reboot A Use persistent disksB Configure tags and labelsC Use startup scripts to re configure the system as neededD Back up your dataAnswer BWhich tool allows you to sync data in your Google domain with Active Directory A Google Cloud Directory Sync GCDS B Google Active Directory GAD C Google Domain Sync ServiceD Google LDAP SyncAnswer ARegarding Cloud Storage which of the following allows for time limited access to buckets and objects without a Google account A Signed URLsB gsutilC Single sign onD Temporary Storage AccountsAnswer AWhich of the following is a virtual machine instance that can be terminated by Compute Engine without warning A A preemptible VMB A shared core VMC A high cpu VMD A standard VMAnswer ARegarding Compute Engine What is a managed instance group A A managed instance group combines existing instances of different configurations into one manageable groupB A managed instance group uses an instance template to create identical instancesC A managed instance group creates a firewall around instancesD A managed instance group is a set of servers used exclusively for batch processingAnswer BWhat type of firewall rule s does Google Cloud s networking support A denyB allow deny amp filteredC allowD allow amp denyAnswer AHow are subnetworks different than the legacy networks A They re the same only the branding is differentB Each subnetwork controls the IP address range used for instances that are allocated to that subnetworkC With subnetworks IP address allocation occurs at the global network levelD Legacy networks are the preferred way to create networksnswer BWhich of the following is not a valid metric for triggering autoscaling A Google Cloud Pub Sub queuingB Average CPU utilizationC Stackdriver Monitoring metricsD App Engine Task QueuesAnswer DWhich of the following features makes applying firewall settings easier A Service accountsB TagsC MetadataD LabelsAnswer BWhat option does Cloud SQL offer to help with high availability A Point in time recoveryB The AlwaysOn settingC SnapshotsD Failover replicasAnswer D testRegarding Compute Engine when executing a startup script on a Linux server which user does the instance execute the script as A ubuntuB The Google provided “gceinstance userC Whatever user you specify in the consoleD rootAnswer DWhich of the follow methods will not cause a shutdown script to be executed A When an instance shuts down through a request to the guest operating systemB A preemptible instance being terminatedC An instances reset API callD Shutting down via the cloud consoleAnswer CWhich type of account would you use in code when you want to interact with Google Cloud services A Google groupB Service accountC Code accountD Google accountAnswer BWhich of the following is not an IAM best practice Use primitive roles by default B Treat each component of your application as a separate trust boundary C Grant roles at the smallest scope needed D Restrict who has access to create and manage service accounts in your projectAnswer AWhich of the following would not reduce your recovery time in the event of a disaster A Make it as easy as possible to adjust the DNS record to cut over to your warm standby server B Replace your warm standby server with a hot standby server C Use a highly preconfigured machine image for deploying new instances D Replace your active active hybrid production environment on premises and GCP with a warm standby server Answer DWhich of the following is not a best practice for mitigating Denial of Service attacks on your Google Cloud infrastructure A Block SYN floods using Cloud RouterB Isolate your internal traffic from the external worldC Scale to absorb the attackD Reduce the attack surface for your GCE deploymentAnswer AWhich is the fastest instance storage option that will still be available when an instance is stopped A Local SSDB Standard Persistent DiskC SSD Persistent DiskD RAM diskAnswer CWhich of these statements about Microsoft licenses is true A You can migrate your existing Microsoft application licenses to Compute Engine instances but not your Microsoft Windows licenses B You can migrate your existing Microsoft Windows and Microsoft application licenses to Compute Engine instances C You cannot migrate your existing Microsoft Windows or Microsoft application licenses to Compute Engine instances D You can migrate your existing Microsoft Windows licenses to Compute Engine instances but not your Microsoft application licenses Answer BWhich database services support standard SQL queries A Cloud Bigtable and Cloud SQLB Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQLC Cloud SQL and Cloud DatastoreD Cloud SQLAnswer BWhich statement about IP addresses is false A You are charged for a static external IP address for every hour it is in use B You are not charged for ephemeral IP addresses C Google Cloud Engine supports only IPv addresses not IPv D You are charged for a static external IP address when it is assigned but unused Answer AWhich Google Cloud Platform service requires the least management because it takes care of the underlying infrastructure for you A Container EngineB Cloud EngineC App EngineD Docker containers running on Cloud EngineAnswer CTo ensure that your application will handle the load even if an entire zone fails what should you do A Don t select the “Multizone option when creating your managed instance group B Spread your managed instance group over two zones and overprovision by C Create a regional unmanaged instance group and spread your instances across multiple zones D Overprovision your regional managed instance group by at least Answer DIf you do not grant a user named Bob permission to access a Cloud Storage bucket but then use an ACL to grant access to an object inside that bucket to Bob what will happen A Bob will be able to access all of the objects inside the bucket because he was granted access to at least one object in the bucket B Bob will be able to access the object because bucket and object ACLs are independent of each other C Bob will not be able to access the object because he does not have access to the bucket D It is not possible to grant access to an object when it is inside a bucket for which a user does not have access Answer B securityTo set up a virtual private network between your office network and Google Cloud Platform and have the routes automatically updated when the network topology changes what is the minimal number of each type of component you need to implement A Cloud VPN Gateways and Peer GatewayB Cloud VPN Gateway Peer Gateway and Cloud RouterC Peer Gateways and Cloud RouterD Cloud VPN Gateways and Cloud RouterAnswer B cloud router for vpns with vpc networksWhich of the following statements about encryption on GCP is not true A Google Cloud Platform encrypts customer data stored at rest by default B Each encryption key is itself encrypted with a set of master keys C If you want to manage your own encryption keys for data on Google Cloud Storage the only option is Customer Managed Encryption Keys CMEK using Cloud KMS D Data in Google Cloud Platform is broken into subfile chunks for storage and each chunk is encrypted at the storage level with an individual encryption key Answer CWhich database service requires that you configure a failover replica to make it highly available A Cloud SpannerB Cloud SQLC BigQueryD Cloud DatastoreAnswer BWhich of these is not a principle you should apply when setting roles and permissions A Whenever possible assign roles to groups instead of to individuals B Grant users the appropriate permissions to facilitate least privilegeC Whenever possible assign primitive roles rather than predefined roles D Audit all policy changes by checking the Cloud Audit Logs Answer CWhich of these is not a recommended method of authenticating an application with a Google Cloud service A Use the gcloud and or gsutil commands B Request an OAuth access token and use it directly C Embed the service account s credentials in the application s source code D Use one of the Google Cloud Client Libraries Answer C token lifecycle managementWhat are two different features that fully isolate groups of VM instances A Firewall rules and subnetworksB Networks and subnetworksC Subnetworks and projectsD Projects and networksAnswer D use projects to fully isolate resourcesSuppose you have a web server that is working properly but you can t connect to its instance VM over SSH Which of these troubleshooting methods can you use without disrupting production traffic Select answers A Create a snapshot of the disk and use it to create a new disk then attach the new disk to a new instanceB Use netcat to try to connect to port C Access the serial console outputD Create a startup script to collect information Answer ABCTo configure Stackdriver to monitor a web server and let you know if it goes down what steps do you need to take Select answers A Install the Stackdriver Logging Agent on the web serverB Create an alerting policyC Install the Stackdriver Monitoring Agent on the web serverD Create an uptime checkAnswer BDWhich of these tools can you use to copy data from AWS S to Cloud Storage Select answers A Cloud Storage Transfer ServiceB S Storage Transfer ServiceC Cloud Storage ConsoleD gsutilAnswer ADWhat are two of the actions you can take to troubleshoot a virtual machine instance that won t start up at all Select answers A Increase the CPU and memory on the instance by changing the machine type B Validate that your disk has a valid file system C Examine your virtual machine instance s serial port output D Connect to your virtual machine instance using SSH Answer BC pdbootWhich statements about application load testing are true Select answers A You should test at the maximum load that you expect to encounter B You should test at more than the maximum load that you expect to encounter C It is not necessary to test sudden increases in traffic since GCP scales seamlessly D Your load tests should include testing sudden increases in traffic Answer AD loadtestingWhich of these statements about resilience testing are true Select answers A In a resilience test your application should keep running with little or no downtime B To test the resilience of an autoscaling instance group you can terminate a random instance within that group C In order for an application to survive instance failures it should not be stateless D Resilience testing is the same as disaster recovery testing Answer ABWhich combination of Stackdriver services will alert you about errors generated by your applications and help you locate the root cause in the code A Monitoring Trace and DebuggerB Monitoring and Error ReportingC Debugger and Error ReportingD Alerts and DebuggerAnswer CIf you have configured Stackdriver Logging to export logs to BigQuery but logs entries are not getting exported to BigQuery what is the most likely cause A The Cloud Data Transfer Service has not been enabled B There isn t a firewall rule allowing traffic between Stackdriver and BigQuery C Stackdriver Logging does not have permission to write to the BigQuery dataset D The size of the Stackdriver log entries being exported exceeds the maximum capacity of the BigQuery dataset Answer C errors exporting to bigqueryYou can use Stackdriver to monitor virtual machines on which cloud platforms A Google Cloud Platform Microsoft AzureB Google Cloud PlatformC Google Cloud Platform Microsoft Azure Amazon Web ServicesD Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web ServicesAnswer DTo minimize the risk of someone changing your log files to hide their activities which of the following principles would help Select answers A Restrict usage of the owner role for projects and log buckets B Require two people to inspect the logs C Implement object versioning on the log buckets D Encrypt the logs using Cloud KMS Answer ABC prevent unwanted changes to logsIf network traffic between one Google Compute Engine instance and another instance is being dropped what is the most likely cause A The instances are on a network with low bandwidth B The TCP keep alive setting is too short C The instances are on a default network with no additional firewall rules D A firewall rule was deleted Answer D networktrafficWhich of the following practices can help you develop more secure software Select answers A Penetration testsB Integrating static code analysis tools into your CI CD pipelineC Encrypting your source codeD Peer review of codeAnswer ABDWhich two places hold information you can use to monitor the effects of a Cloud Storage lifecycle policy on specific objects Select answers A Cloud Storage Lifecycle MonitoringB Expiration time metadataC Access logsD Lifecycle config fileAnswer BC expirationtimeIf you have object versioning enabled on a multi regional bucket what will the following lifecycle config file do A Archive objects older than days the second rule doesn t do anything B Delete objects older than days the second rule doesn t do anything C Archive objects older than days and move objects to Coldline Storage after daysD Delete objects older than days and move objects to Coldline Storage after daysAnswer D enableWhich of the following statements about Stackdriver Trace are true Select answers A Stackdriver Trace tracks the performance of the virtual machines running the application B Stackdriver Trace tracks the latency of incoming requests C Applications in App Engine automatically submit traces to Stackdriver Trace Applications outside of App Engine need to use the Trace SDK or Trace API D To make an application work with Stackdriver Trace you need to add instrumentation code using the Trace SDK or Trace API even if the application is in AppAnswer DYou have been asked to select the storage system for the click data of your company s large portfolio of websites This data is streamed in from a custom website analytics package at a typical rate of clicks per minute With bursts of up to clicks per second It must have been stored for future analysis by your data science and user experience teams Which storage infrastructure should you choose A Google Cloud SQLB Google Cloud BigtableC Google Cloud StorageD Google Cloud DatastoreAnswer BYou want to optimize the performance of an accurate real time weather charting application The data comes from sensors sending readings a second in the format of a timestamp and sensor reading Where should you store the data A Google BigQueryB Google Cloud SQLC Google Cloud BigtableD Google Cloud StorageAnswer CYou have been asked to select the storage system for the click data of your company s large portfolio of websites This data is streamed in from a custom website analytics package at a typical rate of clicks per minute With bursts of up to clicks per second It must have been stored for future analysis by your data science and user experience teams Which storage infrastructure should you choose A Google Cloud SQLB Google Cloud BigtableC Google Cloud StorageD Google Cloud DatastoreAnswer BYou want to optimize the performance of an accurate real time weather charting application The data comes from sensors sending readings a second in the format of a timestamp and sensor reading Where should you store the data A Google BigQueryB Google Cloud SQLC Google Cloud BigtableD Google Cloud StorageAnswer C |
2021-08-23 15:44:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights on Mobile |
How to score on Google PageSpeed Insights on MobileGoogle PageSpeed Insights is a tool you can use to measure the perceived latency of your website Getting a good score here is vital because Google has announced that it will use these scores as an input into its search ranking algorithm We set out to see what it would take to score on PageSpeed Insights on mobile When we embarked on this effort we already scored on desktop but modern commerce is mobile commerce and there we only scored in the mid s In this blog post we share ways to get your site scoring on mobile as well Many companies claim on desktop but on mobile is a bit of a unicorn So let s dive in Builder io is a standard Next js site Because the site itself is running on the Builder content platform the content already adheres to all of the best practices for image sizes preloading etc Yet it still only scored in the s Why It helps to look at the breakdown which makes up the score The problem can be broken down to TBT TTI The JavaScript is causing too much blocking time on the page FCP LCP The page has too much content to render for mobile browsers So we should aim to Decrease the amount of JavaScript Decrease the amount of content for the initial render Why so much JavaScript Our homepage is essentially a static page Why does it need JavaScript Well the homepage is a Next js site which means it is a React application We use Mitosis to convert the output of our drag and drop editor into React While the vast majority of the site is static there are three things that require JavaScript Navigation system Menus require interactivity and hence JavaScript Also different menus are used for desktop and mobile devices We need to load a chat widgetWe need Google analytics Let s dive into each one separately Application bootstrapEven though this is primarily a static site it is still an application To make the menus work the application needs to be bootstrapped Specifically it needs to run rehydration where the framework compares the templates against the DOM and installs all of the DOM listeners This process makes existing frameworks replayable In other words even though of the page is static the framework must download all of the templates and re execute them to determine listeners presence The implication is that the site is downloaded twice once as HTML and then again in the form of JSX in JavaScript To make matters worse the rehydration process is slow The framework must visit each DOM node and reconcile it against the VDOM which takes time And the rehydration process can t be delayed as it is the same process that installs DOM listeners Delaying rehydration would mean that the menus would not work What we are describing above is a fundamental limitation of every existing framework You see they are all replayable This also means that no existing framework will allow you to score on mobile on a real world site The amount of HTML and JavaScript is simply too great to fit into the tiny sliver that PageSpeed allots for it on mobile We need to fundamentally rethink the problem Since most of the site is static we should not have to re download that portion in JavaScript or pay for rehydration of something we don t need This is where Qwik truly shines Qwik is resumable not replayable and that makes all the difference As a result Qwik does not need to Be bootstrapped on page loadWalk the DOM to determine where the listeners areEagerly download and execute JavaScript to make the menus workAll of the above means that there is practically no JavaScript to execute a site load and yet we can retain all of the interactivity of the site IntercomIntercom is a third party widget running on our site which allows us to interact with our customers The standard way of installing it is to drop a piece of JavaScript into your HTML like so lt script type text javascript async src gt lt script gt lt script async defer gt Intercom boot app id abcd lt script gt However there are two issues with the above It adds JavaScript that needs to be downloaded and executed This will count against our TBT TTI It may cause layout shifts which counts against CLS This is because the UI is first rendered without the widget and then again with it as the JavaScript is downloaded and executed Qwik solves both issues at the same time First it grabs the DOM that Intercom uses to render the widget Next the DOM is inserted into the actual page like so lt div class intercom lightweight app aria live polite gt lt div class intercom lightweight app launcher intercom launcher role button tabIndex arial abel Open Intercom Messenger on click ui boot intercom gt lt div gt lt style id intercom lightweight app style type text css gt lt style gt lt div gt The benefit of this is that the widget renders instantly with the rest of the application There is no delay or flicker while the browser downloads the Intercom JavaScript and executes the creation of the widget The result is a better user experience and a faster bootstrap of the website It also saves bandwidth on mobile devices However we still need a way to detect a click on the widget and some code to replace the mock widget with the actual Intercom widget when the user interacts with it This is achieved with the on click ui boot intercom attribute The attribute tells Qwik to download boot intercom js if the user clicks on the mock widget Content of boot intercom jsexport default async function element await import const container element parentElement const body container parentElement body removeChild container Intercom boot app id abcd Intercom show The file above downloads the real Intercom widget removes the mock and bootstraps Intercom All of this happens naturally without the user ever noticing the switcheroo Google AnalyticsSo far we have fought a good fight in delaying JavaScript and hence improving the website s performance Analytics is different as we can t delay it and must bootstrap it immediately Bootstrapping analytics alone would prevent us from scoring a on PageSpeed Insights for mobile To fix this we will be running GoogleAnalytics in a Web Worker using PartyTown More about this in a later post JavaScript delayedThe work described above lowers the amount of JavaScript the website has to download and execute to about KB which takes a mere ms to execute Essentially no time Such a minimal amount of JavaScript is what allows us to score a perfect score on TBT TTI HTML delayedHowever even with essentially no JavaScript we still can t score for mobile if we don t fix the amount of HTML sentto the client for the above fold rendering To improve FCP LCP we simply must shrink that to a minimum This is done by only sending the above the fold HTML This is not a new idea but it is tough to execute Theexisting frameworks make this difficult as there is no easy way to break up your application into pieces that are above and below the fold VDOM does not help here because the application generates a whole VDOM even if only a portion of it is projected The framework would re create the whole site on rehydration if part of it was missing would resulting in even more work on the initial bootstrap Ideally we d like to not ship the HTML that is below the fold while maintaining a fully interactive menu system above the fold In practice this is hard to do as can be seen by the lack of such best practices in the wild It s too hard to do so no one does it Qwik is DOM centric which makes all the difference The entire page is rendered on the server Then the portion of the page that does not need to be shipped is located and removed As the user scrolls the missing portion is lazy downloaded and inserted Qwik doesn t mind these kind of DOM manipulations because it is stateless and DOM centric Here is the actual code on our server that enables lazy loading of the site below the fold async render Promise lt void gt await this vmSandbox require server index as ServerIndexModule serverIndex this const lazyNode this document querySelector section lazyload true if lazyNode const lazyHTML lazyNode innerHTML lazyNode innerHTML lazyNode as HTMLElement style height em lazyNode setAttribute on document scroll ui lazy this transpiledEsmFiles lazy js export default element gt element removeAttribute on document scroll element style height null element innerHTML JSON stringify lazyHTML The code is simple and to the point yet it would be difficult to achieve with any of the existing frameworks Check out the below fold lazy loading in action Notice that the page first loads without content below the fold as soon as the user scrolls the content is populated This populationis near instant since there is no complex code to execute Just a fast and straightforward innerHTML Try it outExperience the page for yourself here And see the score on PageSpeed We are still missing analytics but that is coming soon Like what you see Our plan is to make Qwik available for every Builder io customer so that their sites are supercharged for speed out of the box You have never seen a platform that is this fast before Do you find the above exciting Then join our team and help us make the web fast Try it on StackBlitzStar us on github com builderio qwikFollow us on QwikDev and builderioChat us on DiscordJoin builder io |
2021-08-23 15:08:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deploy Ethereum network on AWS |
Deploy Ethereum network on AWSIn my previous post Blockchain on AWS we discussed various services provided by AWS to work with blockchain technology In this article we will explore how to use AWS Blockchain Templates to configure and create blockchain based networks AWS Blockchain TemplatesUsing popular open source frameworks AWS Blockchain Templates makes it quick and easy to develop and deploy secure Blockchain networks Instead of wasting time and resources manually setting up your Blockchain network you can focus on building your Blockchain apps with these templates The Blockchain framework you pick is deployed as containers on an Amazon Elastic Container Service ECS cluster or directly on an EC host running Docker You may leverage your VPC subnets and network Access Control Lists to build your blockchain network on your own Amazon VPC AWS offers two different templates Blockchain for Ethereum and Blockchain for Hyperledger FabricWe will use AWS Blockchain Template for Ethereum to create a private Ethereum network on AWS through AWS CloudFormation The network that we will create has two Ethereum clients and one miner running on Amazon EC instances in an Amazon ECS cluster Amazon ECS runs these services in Docker containers pulled from Amazon ECR Before proceeding as a prerequisite set up an IAM user and create a key pair For help refer After prerequisites are met the next steps would be as below Create a VPC and subnetsCreate security groupsCreate an IAM Role for Amazon ECS and an EC Instance ProfileCreate bastion hostNow we will walkthrough each step in detail below Creating a VPC and subnetsFirst we will create Elastic IP address to be used for VPC creationOpen the Amazon VPC console at Choose Elastic IPs Allocate new address AllocateMake a note of the Elastic IP address that you create and choose Close In the list of Elastic IP addresses find the Allocation ID for the Elastic IP address created earlier We use this when we create the VPC Select the same Region for VPC in which you created your key pair in and where you are launching the Ethereum stackTo create a VPC on the VPC dashboard choose Launch VPC WizardOn Select a VPC Configuration page choose VPC with Public and Private Subnets Click on SelectEnter VPC name name for public and private subnet select elastic allocation ID created earlier Click on Create VPCTo create second subnet Choose Subnets and then select the public subnet that you created earlier from the list Select the Route Table tab and note the Route table ID We specify this same route table for the second public subnet we will create Choose Create Subnet choose a different availability zone enter a name and click on create subnetWith the subnet selected from the list choose Subnet Actions Modify auto assign IP settings Select Auto assign IPs Save Close This allows the bastion host to obtain a public IP address when you create it in this subnet On the Route Table tab choose Edit For Change to select the route table ID that you noted earlier and choose Save Creating Security groupsWe need to create two security groups one for EC instance and for Load balancerOpen the EC Console choose Security Groups Create Security Group and enter a name for security group to be created for EC instance and select the VPC we created earlierRepeat same step and create one more security group for load balancerAdd inbound rules to the security group for EC instancesSelect the EC instance security groupOn the Inbound tab choose Edit and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group you are currently editing from the listAdd one more rule and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group we created for load balancerAdd inbound and edit outbound rules for the security group for the Application Load BalancerSelect the Application Load balancer security groupOn the Inbound tab choose Edit and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group you are currently editing from the listAdd one more rule and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group we created for EC instanceAdd one more rule and For Type choose SSH For Source select My IP which detects your computer s IP CIDR and enters it On the Outbound tab choose Edit and delete the rule that was automatically created to allow outbound traffic to all IP addresses Add one more rule and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group you are currently editing from the list Add one more rule and For Type choose All traffic For Source leave Custom selected and then choose the security group we created for EC instanceBy this time you are already half done Creating an IAM Role for Amazon ECS and an EC Instance ProfileOpen the IAM console at Choose Roles and Select Elastic Container Service as service enter a Name and choose Create role Select the role that you just created from the list If your account has many roles you can search for the role nameCopy the Role ARN value and save it so that you can copy it again You need this ARN when you create the Ethereum networkTo create an EC instance profileChoose Policies in the navigation pane Create policy Enter policy name and choose create policyChoose Roles Choose EC In the Search field enter the name of the permissions policy that you created earlierSelect the check mark for the policy that you created earlier and choose Next ReviewFor Role name enter a value that helps you identify the roleSelect the role that you just created from the list and Copy the Instance Profile ARN value and save it Creating a Bastion HostTo be able to access the Ethereum network trusted clients need to be set up to connect through the bastion host For more information see Connect to EthStats and EthExplorer Using the Bastion Host A bastion host is one approach You can use any approach that provides access from trusted clients to private resources within a VPC Create an EC linux instance for help refer ec launch instance Choose Edit Instance Details For Network choose the VPC you created earlier for Subnet select the second public subnet that you created earlier Leave all other settings to their defaults Confirm the change when prompted and then choose Review and Launch Choose Edit Security Groups For Assign a security group choose Select an existing security group From the list of security groups select the security group for the Application Load Balancer that you created earlier and then choose Review and Launch Choose Launch Note the instance ID You need it later when you Connect to EthStats and EthExplorer using the Bastion HostAnd the final stage is here Creating the Ethereum NetworkSee Getting Started with AWS Blockchain Templates and open the latest AWS Blockchain Template for Ethereum in the AWS CloudFormation console using the quick links for your AWS Region Choose create stack and enter a name for stack Under EC configuration select options according to the following guidelines For EC Key Pair select a key pair For EC Security Group select the security group you created earlier in Create Security Groups For EC Instance Profile ARN enter the ARN of the instance profile that you created earlier in Create an IAM Role for Amazon ECS and an EC Instance Profile Under VPC network configuration select options according to the following guidelines For VPC ID select the VPC that you created earlier in Create a VPC and Subnets For Ethereum Network Subnet IDs select the single private subnet that you created earlier in the procedure To create the VPC Under ECS cluster configuration leave the defaults This creates an ECS cluster of three EC instances Under Application Load Balancer configuration ECS only select options according to the following guidelines For Application Load Balancer Subnet IDs select two public subnets from the list of subnets that you noted earlierFor Application Load Balancer Security Group select the security group for the Application Load Balancer that you created earlier in Create Security GroupsFor IAM Role enter the ARN of the ECS role that you created earlier in Create an IAM Role for Amazon ECS and an EC Instance ProfileUnder EthStats select options according to the following guidelines For Deploy EthStats leave the default setting which is true For EthStats Connection Secret type an arbitrary value that is at least six characters Under EthExplorer leave the default setting for Deploy EthExplorer which is true Under Other parameters leave the default value for Nested Template S URL Prefix and make a note of it This is where you can find nested templates Choose Create StackWhen all stacks show CREATE COMPLETE for Status you can connect to Ethereum user interfaces to verify that the network is running and accessible When you use the ECS container platform URLs for connecting to EthStats EthExplorer and EthJsonRPC through the Application Load Balancer are available on the Outputs tab of the root stack The Output tab of the root stack provides links to services running on the Application Load Balancer These URLs are not directly accessible for security reasons To connect you can set up and use a bastion host to proxy connections to themAfter completing this tutorial don t forget to clean up your AWS resources You can use AWS cloudformation to delete all resources For more details follow on |
2021-08-23 15:02:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Roblox raw deal pays half of what Apple's App Store does to developers |
Roblox raw deal pays half of what Apple x s App Store does to developersA video exploring the prospects of developing experiences for Roblox has highlighted the potential exploitation of young developers with low developer shares of around part of a wider problem content producers face on the platform Roblox is a highly popular game for younger players one that offers ways for users to create their own experiences within the title for others to try out While it is possible for some to develop a game within the game an inspection of its operation proposes that those who do aren t treated in a fair manner The minute investigation by People Make Games published to YouTube on August argues that young game developers are being exploited by an unfair system While Roblox offers developers the potential to earn revenue much like Apple does with the App Store those participating have to deal with a tougher financial situation Read more |
2021-08-23 15:42:14 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
This M1 MacBook Air with 16GB RAM is discounted to $1,099, plus $40 off AppleCare |
This M MacBook Air with GB RAM is discounted to plus off AppleCarePriced at exclusively for AppleInsider readers Apple s M MacBook Air with GB of memory is off with AppleCare an additional off Lowest price on GB M MacBook AirTo snap up the MacBook Air deal simply shop through this activation link and enter promo code APINSIDER in the same browsing session scroll down for detailed step by step instructions Read more |
2021-08-23 15:39:12 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple debuts official season two trailer for 'The Morning Show' |
Apple debuts official season two trailer for x The Morning Show x Apple s acclaimed newsroom drama will return to Apple TV for its highly anticipated second season in September Image Credit AppleApple s Emmy winning newsroom drama will make a return to the small screen for its second season with the first episode going up on September Subsequent episodes will be released each week on Friday Read more |
2021-08-23 15:32:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Lumen metabolism analyzer releases Apple Watch companion app |
Lumen metabolism analyzer releases Apple Watch companion appLumen a device that s meant to track a user s metabolism via their breath has launched a new Apple Watch companion app that lets users see results right on their wrist Credit Lumen meThe startup firm makes a device that analyzes a user s breath to deduce metabolism data and give dietary advice Lumen successfully crowdfunded its endeavor back in raising nearly million in total Read more |
2021-08-23 15:11:26 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Deals August 23 - $7,150 off GoPro Transmitter Kit, $150 off Apple Magic Keyboard, more! |
Best Deals August off GoPro Transmitter Kit off Apple Magic Keyboard more Monday s best deals include off a VisLink Wireless Transmitter Kit for GoPro off an AMD processor off a Harry Potter Lego set and off an Apple Magic Keyboard Deals Monday August Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-08-23 15:02:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
One-year Apple TV+ subscription offered to T-Mobile customers |
One year Apple TV subscription offered to T Mobile customersT Mobile is providing its subscribers with a one year subscription to Apple TV for free with all existing and new customers standing to benefit from August Announced on Monday the promotion offers months of Apple TV to its customers at no charge Starting from August subscribers are able to claim the deal from T Mobile and use it to watch shows such as Ted Lasso and Mythic Quest T Mobile customers can now enjoy Apple TV for a full year and watch right in the Apple TV app across all their favorite devices said Peter Stern Apple s VP of Services Apple TV has the highest rated originals of any streaming service so we are excited that millions of T Mobile customers will be able to take advantage of this offer Read more |
2021-08-23 15:49:19 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Lumen's metabolism tracking app comes to the Apple Watch |
Lumen x s metabolism tracking app comes to the Apple WatchLumen is a crowdfunded tracking device which purports to analyze your breath to determine what state your metabolism is in Now the company behind it is launching an app for the Apple Watch to make it easier for you to use the hardware when you re on the go Users will be able to use the device and then see the results on their wrist in a way that CTO and co founder Avi Smila says “seamlessly integrated into daily life The pitch for Lumen is essentially to enable you to learn as and when you should be eating and in what quantities The system can tell you when you should eat based on your metabolism and suggests carb servings meal plans and macros for the day Should it be a lack of a smartwatch app has held you back from buying a Lumen thus far you can pick up a unit for as little as plus a monthly subscription of a month |
2021-08-23 15:45:47 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Netflix's live-action 'Cowboy Bebop' series arrives on November 19th |
Netflix x s live action x Cowboy Bebop x series arrives on November thNetflix s live action adaptation of classic anime Cowboy Bebop nbsp has been a long time coming and the show finally has a release date The episode first season will start streaming on November th Although Netflix hasn t posted a trailer just yet it provided a first proper look at Cowboy Bebop in a bunch of photos The images show John Cho Spike Spiegel Mustafa Shakir Jet Black and Daniella Pineda Faye Valentine in character as well as an adorable corgi See You Space Cowboy Meet Spike Spiegel John Cho Jet Black Mustafa Shakir and Faye Valentine Daniella Pineda in Cowboy Bebop Premiering November pic twitter com vRtZvYjYMーNetflix netflix August Live action adaptations of anime haven t typically been well received here s looking at you Ghost in the Shell There s pressure on Netflix to get this take on Cowboy Bebop right but things are looking promising The core cast looks great in the first batch of images while some key creatives from the anime are involved Legendary composer Yoko Kanno returns while original director ShinichirōWatanabe consulted on the Netflix show Production started in but it was paused for eight months after Cho sustained a knee injury on the set Filming eventually wrapped in March Netflix |
2021-08-23 15:20:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
T-Mobile is giving customers a free year of Apple TV+ |
T Mobile is giving customers a free year of Apple TV For a few years now wireless carriers in the US have offered their customers all manner of video and music freebies Verizon Engadget s parent company has offered free subscriptions to Disney Apple Music and AMC recently while T Mobile has long offered its customers free Netflix access Today T Mobile is adding another freebie to its offerings Apple TV Starting on August th customers on the carrier s Magenta or Magenta Max plans as well as some Sprint legacy plans will get one year of free Apple TV access nbsp If you re already paying for Apple TV you can still take advantage of this deal It ll just add a free year of access and pause billing until the trial is up If you haven t used Apple TV yet it is naturally available on basically all current Apple hardware but it s also available on a pretty large number of third party set top boxes gaming consoles and TVs as well nbsp This move comes as Apple itself has cut back on the length of its Apple TV free trials Ever since the service launched Apple offered a year free to basically anyone who bought new hardware from the company and it extended that free period multiple times But lately people have noticed that Apple is finally charging them for the service and the free trial period has been cut down to three months That s still quite generous but all these changes indicate Apple is keen to start collecting money for Apple TV Unless of course you re a T Mobile subscriber in which case it s a perfect time to start your Ted Lasso binge |
2021-08-23 15:08:20 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
‘Totally Surprising and Rather Horrifying’: Giant Tortoises Eat Baby Birds |
Totally Surprising and Rather Horrifying Giant Tortoises Eat Baby BirdsFor the first time scientists in the Seychelles captured footage of one of the hulking reptiles stalking and killing a helpless chick |
2021-08-23 15:07:30 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Seeking Early Signals of Dementia in Driving and Credit Scores |
behavior |
2021-08-23 15:44:12 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Teens Are Advocating for Mental Health Days Off School |
advocating |
2021-08-23 15:38:52 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
For Some College Students, Remote Learning Is a Game Changer |
disabilities |
2021-08-23 15:26:26 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Good, but Not Great: Taking Stock of a Big Ten University’s Covid Plan |
Good but Not Great Taking Stock of a Big Ten University s Covid PlanThe University of Illinois says an aggressive testing program prevented deaths on and off campus during the last academic year Now the university is contending with the Delta variant |
2021-08-23 15:28:28 |
金融 |
◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) |
保険デイリーニュース(08/24) |
東京海上 |
2021-08-23 15:27:08 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
iriss |
2021-08-23 15:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
新型コロナワクチン接種率に応じた製造業の標準作業手順書など発表 |
標準作業 |
2021-08-23 15:40:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
行政安全部、モバイルアプリで公的証明書を取得・利用できるサービス開始 |
行政安全部 |
2021-08-23 15:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
24の議会常任委員会が決定、与党は憲法規定委員会の掌握権失う |
常任委員会 |
2021-08-23 15:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
国政選挙後の先行き不透明感で公式と非公式の為替レート乖離幅が拡大 |
不透明感 |
2021-08-23 15:10:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Euro 2020: Wembley steward who tried to sell final passes sentenced |
ticketless |
2021-08-23 15:32:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Toby will be a better person after Love Island' |
accounts |
2021-08-23 15:26:12 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
タイ国専門食堂@芝公園 |
食堂 |
2021-08-23 16:00:53 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
IPC会長招き歓迎会 組織委、首相ら40人出席 |
東京五輪 |
2021-08-24 00:07:00 |
AWS Big Data Blog |
Simplify data discovery for business users by adding data descriptions in the AWS Glue Data Catalog |
Simplify data discovery for business users by adding data descriptions in the AWS Glue Data CatalogIn this post we discuss how to use AWS Glue Data Catalog to simplify the process for adding data descriptions and allows data analysts to access search and discover this cataloged metadata with BI tools In this solution we use AWS Glue Data Catalog nbsp to break the silos between cross functional data producer teams sometimes also known … |
2021-08-23 16:12:03 |
AWS Networking and Content Delivery |
Migrating from Squid Web Proxy to AWS Network Firewall |
Migrating from Squid Web Proxy to AWS Network FirewallIntroduction Regardless of size or industry it s common for organizations to have security and compliance rules for securing internet bound traffic AWS customers need control over and the ability to filter requests that are initiated by resources in private and public subnets and sent to the internet This is also known as “egress filtering In AWS … |
2021-08-23 16:21:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Redirect URL ... Ruby / Python / golang / Nim |
Redirect URL Ruby Python golang NimRubyrequire net http require uri target url uri URI parse target url def get url Net HTTP get response uri location return redirectendredirect url get url uri puts redirect urlPythonimport requeststarget url res requests get target url redirect url res urlPrint redirect url Golangimport fmt net http strings func main const target URL resp http Get target URL defer func resp Body Close redirect URL resp Request URL String fmt Println redirect URL Nim langimport httpclientproc getRedirectTarget domain string string let client newHttpClient maxRedirects var redirected url domain var resp client head redirected url while resp headers hasKey location redirected url resp headers location echo redirected redirected url resp client head redirected url return redirected urllet targetUrl echo redirect getRedirectTarget targetUrl |
2021-08-24 01:51:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
postgresにおけるウインドウ関数の実行タイミングについて |
postgresにおけるウインドウ関数の実行タイミングについてsqlの実行タイミングについて不明点がございます。 |
2021-08-24 01:49:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Wordpressの検索結果ページのURLを変更したい |
Wordpressの検索結果ページのURLを変更したい実現したいことWordpressの検索結果ページのURLを変更したいです。 |
2021-08-24 01:48:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
サイトにあるソースコードをコピペして利用したいのですが、エラーが出て進まなくて困っています。 |
サイトにあるソースコードをコピペして利用したいのですが、エラーが出て進まなくて困っています。 |
2021-08-24 01:48:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
(JSX)onClick属性に渡す方法に差がある理由を知りたい |
ltSquarevaluepropssquaresionClickgtpropsonClickigtSquareではbuttonのonClickに対し、次の値を設定しています。 |
2021-08-24 01:40:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
一連の流れの途中での例外チェックについて |
一連の流れの途中での例外チェックについて前提・実現したいことSeleniumを使用してGooglenbspChromeを操作するプログラムを作成しています。 |
2021-08-24 01:33:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Processing 顔の周りに虹を出現させるのはどうしたら良いでしょうか? |
Processing顔の周りに虹を出現させるのはどうしたら良いでしょうか前提・実現したいことProcessingで顔を認識し、顔の周りに放射線状の虹色の線を描きたいと考えています。 |
2021-08-24 01:18:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPress MW WP Formが表示されない |
WordPressMWWPFormが表示されない問い合わせページを「pagecontactphp」としているのですが、MWnbspWPnbspFormで問い合わせフォームを作成しショートコードを貼り付けしたのですが表示されません。 |
2021-08-24 01:09:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Redirect URL ... Ruby / Python / golang / Nim |
Redirect URL Ruby Python golang NimRubyrequire net http require uri target url uri URI parse target url def get url Net HTTP get response uri location return redirectendredirect url get url uri puts redirect urlPythonimport requeststarget url res requests get target url redirect url res urlPrint redirect url Golangimport fmt net http strings func main const target URL resp http Get target URL defer func resp Body Close redirect URL resp Request URL String fmt Println redirect URL Nim langimport httpclientproc getRedirectTarget domain string string let client newHttpClient maxRedirects var redirected url domain var resp client head redirected url while resp headers hasKey location redirected url resp headers location echo redirected redirected url resp client head redirected url return redirected urllet targetUrl echo redirect getRedirectTarget targetUrl |
2021-08-24 01:51:47 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS SNS/SQSによるメッセージ送受信のサンプル(Go言語) |
AWSSNSSQSによるメッセージ送受信のサンプルGo言語前準備SNSのトピックを作る名前は適当タイプは標準他はすべてデフォルト値でOK。 |
2021-08-24 01:02:16 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS SNS/SQSによるメッセージ送受信のサンプル(Go言語) |
AWSSNSSQSによるメッセージ送受信のサンプルGo言語前準備SNSのトピックを作る名前は適当タイプは標準他はすべてデフォルト値でOK。 |
2021-08-24 01:02:16 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Intel Foundry Services gets a boost from $100M Pentagon award for US-made chips |
needs |
2021-08-23 16:11:18 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Shang-Chi film review: Marvel’s latest grabs the brass ring—all ten of them |
studios |
2021-08-23 16:00:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🦋Pacman Reading Progressbar |
Pacman Reading ProgressbarHi there dev community I ve recently been thinking about creating a Pacman style reading progress indicator with Flutter I ll be happy to provide the code in the coming days upon request Buy me a Sunny Day if you want to support this kind of content |
2021-08-23 16:41:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding User Management and Authentication in LitmusChaos |
Understanding User Management and Authentication in LitmusChaosIn this post I will be explaining how user management and authentication are done in LitmusChaos LitmusChaos is a Cross Cloud Chaos Orchestration framework for practicing chaos engineering in cloud native environments LitmusChaos is out now LitmusChaos provides a new way of chaos engineering performed by the users Litmus itself is composed of microservices And we made sure that adding the features for seamlessly integrates the additional microservices in conjunction with the existing one Litmus is completely backward compatible No features are deprecated Highlights All features of Litmus xAddition of Chaos Workflow creationUser Management amp TeamingIntroduction of ChaosCenter The central chaos management center Monitoring and ObservabilityResilience Score CalculationManage Workflows using GitOps Custom Image Registry User Roles and AccessibilityFirst of all let me explain the different user level roles and their privileges LitmusChaos also has project level roles which come under the teaming section Admin The admin user is created by default on the initial portal setup and can log into the portal using the credentials admin litmus once the server pods are up and running The admin can access every feature with exclusive access to the User management feature for user creation and management Admin users can also view the overall usage statistics of the portal Non Admins The non admin users created by the admin have access to all the features except User management and Usage statistics Features User managementAdmin can access the following features through the User management section Create a User Admin can create a user by assigning a unique username and password and other optional details like name email id View Users list Once the user is created it will be listed in the table along with other details such as current status active or deactivated name username email id date and time of the user creation Activate Deactivate users Admin can toggle the current status of the user Once a particular user is deactivated he she won t be able to access any APIs of the LitmusChaos but all the previous data will be stored which can be accessed back once the user gets reactivated Edit profile Here Admin can reset the password of other users Authentication and Getting StartedOnce a user is created the user will be able to login into the portal with non admin privileges In case a user forgets the credentials he she can contact the portal admin to reset the credentials On successful authentication the user will be redirected to getStarted route For the initial login users will be asked to change the password and use the updated password for subsequent logins One can also skip the option to change the password Users can update their password anytime through the My Account section In either case a default project will be created for you under which you can do your chaos testing Here s a short GIF explaining all the basic features of User management Some noteworthy pointsI have noticed people are often confused between the types of roles There are two layers of privilege levels Portal Level This is the first layer of privilege levels where user roles are assigned during user creation As of now one who installs the LitmusChaos and logs in with admin litmus credentials is assigned the role admin and all other users created by admin are assigned the role user Project Level This is the second layer of the privilege level where roles are assigned to the project members while sending an invitation If you want to know more about Projects and Teaming you can find it here ConclusionThat s all folks Thank you for reading it till the end I hope you had a productive time learning about LitmusChaos and we hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming features additions Are you an SRE or a Kubernetes enthusiast Does Chaos Engineering excite you Join Our Community On Slack For Detailed Discussion Feedback amp Regular Updates On Chaos Engineering For Kubernetes litmus channel on the Kubernetes workspace Check out the Litmus Chaos GitHub repo and do share your feedback Submit a pull request if you identify any necessary changes Show your ️with a on our Github To learn more about Litmus check out the Litmus documentation Cheers |
2021-08-23 16:05:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
38 million records left exposed on public databases thanks to weak Microsoft Power App defaults |
million records left exposed on public databases thanks to weak Microsoft Power App defaultsMany companies use Microsoft s Power App platform and sensitive data for million records was left exposed to the public for months thanks to weak default security settings Microsoft Power Apps left data exposed by default prior to August updateResearch conducted by Upguard showed that a concerning number of Power App users were not securing their databases Further investigation revealed that this issue was created by weak default security settings leaving data exposed if users took no manual action Read more |
2021-08-23 16:53:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple not seeing seasonal iPhone sales decline ahead of 'iPhone 13' event |
Apple not seeing seasonal iPhone sales decline ahead of x iPhone x eventSales of Apple s iPhone remain resilient despite the likely release of the new iPhone lineup being less than a month away according to investment bank JP Morgan Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderIn a note to investors seen by AppleInsider JP Morgan analyst Samik Chatterjee takes a look at recent Wave research data analyzing U S sales trends across carriers in July According to the analyst iPhone sales don t appear to be slowing down Read more |
2021-08-23 16:21:14 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Watch Series 6 Sale: Save up to $126 instantly |
Apple Watch Series Sale Save up to instantlyAmazon and B amp H Photo are having a sale on Apple Watch Series models knocking up to off numerous styles Apple Watch deals at AmazonThe Apple Watch deals include discounts on Series GPS Only and GPS Cellular models in your choice of mm or mm Read more |
2021-08-23 16:18:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Data leak exposed 38 million records, including COVID-19 vaccination statuses |
Data leak exposed million records including COVID vaccination statusesAround million records from north of a thousand web apps that use Microsoft s Power Apps platform were left exposed online according to researchers The records are said to have included data from COVID contact tracing efforts vaccine registrations and employee databases such as home addresses phone numbers social security numbers and vaccination status Data from some large companies and institutions was exposed in the incident according to Wired including American Airlines Ford the Indiana Department of Health and New York City public schools The vulnerability has mostly been resolved Researchers from security company Upguard started looking into the issue in May They found data from many Power Apps that was supposed to be private was available for anyone to access if they knew where to look nbsp The Power Apps service aims to make it easy for customers to make their own web and mobile apps It offers application programming interfaces APIs for developers to use with the data they collect However Upguard found that using those APIs makes the data obtained through Power Apps public by default and manual reconfiguration was required to keep the information private Upguard says it sent a vulnerability report to the Microsoft Security Resource Center on June th including links to Power Apps accounts on which sensitive data was exposed and steps to identify APIs that enabled anonymous access to data Researchers worked with Microsoft to clarify how to reproduce the issue However an Microsoft analyst told the firm on June th that the case was closed and they “determined that this behavior is considered to be by design Upguard then started notifying some of the affected companies and organizations which moved to lock down their data It raised an abuse report with Microsoft on July th By July th the company says that most of the data from the Power Apps in question including the most sensitive information had been made private Engadget has contacted Microsoft for comment Earlier this month Microsoft said Power Apps will keep data private by default when developers harness the APIs In addition it released a tool for developers to check their Power Apps settings There s no indication as yet that any of the exposed data has been compromised Among the most sensitive information that was left in the open were email addresses and Microsoft employee IDs that are used for payroll according to Upguard The company also says that more than records from portals related to Microsoft Mixed Reality were exposed including users names and email addresses The incident underscores the fact that a misconfiguration no matter how seemingly minor could lead to serious data breaches That doesn t appear to be the case here thankfully Still it goes to show that developers should probably triple check their settings especially when plugging in an API they haven t designed themselves |
2021-08-23 16:54:53 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Poly Network says it has recovered all $610 million it lost in cryptocurrency heist |
Poly Network says it has recovered all million it lost in cryptocurrency heistOne of the most unusual cryptocurrency heists in recent memory has come to a close On Monday Poly Network a decentralized finance platform that saw a hacker named “Mr White Hat exploit a vulnerability in its code to steal million in Ethereum Shiba Inu and other cryptocurrencies says it has recovered all the money it lost in the theft Dear quot Hacker quot Thank You We are ready for a new journey Poly Network TeamーPoly Network PolyNetwork August “At this point all the user assets that were transferred during the incident have been fully recovered the company said in a Medium post Poly Network is now working to return control of those digital currencies to their rightful owners a process the company says it hopes to complete as soon as possible The Poly Network hack took one strange turn after another Less than a day after stealing the digital currencies the hacker started returning millions and sent a token indicating they were “ready to surrender Everything was going smoothly until they locked more than million in assets in an account that required passwords from both them and Poly Network They said they would only provide their password once everyone was “ready At that point Poly Network offered the hacker a reward It s unclear why the perpetrator had a change of heart though some experts believe they may have found it difficult to launder and cash out the money they had on their hands All we have to go on from the hacker is that they were trying to help in their own way “My actions which may be considered weird are my efforts to contribute to the security of the Poly project in my personal style the hacker said in a message they included with the final transaction according to CNBC “The consensus was reached in a painful and obscure way but it works |
2021-08-23 16:17:26 |
海外TECH |
Network World |
Intel shifts to multiarchitecture model |
Intel shifts to multiarchitecture model There was a time when Intel was all x all the time everywhere Not anymore Last week Intel held its annual Architecture Day with previews of multiple major upcoming architectures beyond x For once it s not hyperbole when they say these are some of the “biggest shifts in a generation CEO Gelsinger shakes up IntelAnd it s not just architectures or just more and faster cores it s new designs whole new ways of doing things Instead of just packing more cores onto a smaller die Intel is switching to a new hybrid architecture that adds low energy draw cores similar to what some ARM chip makers have been doing for years on mobile devices To read this article in full please click here |
2021-08-23 16:29:00 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
How Cisco IT reduced Mean-Time-to-Know with Cisco Nexus Dashboard |
How Cisco IT reduced Mean Time to Know with Cisco Nexus DashboardWith agility remote productivity collaboration and unwavering uptime becoming more important than ever network teams are now reevaluating their capabilities processes and tool sets And many are realizing a reactive break fix approach is no longer viable The only way to meet today s continuity availability and security requirements is to establish a proactive and predictive operational approach that aligns people processes and technology Key to these “ops of the future is a network and an operation s infrastructure that provides automation self healing and enhanced visibility to reduce mean time to know MTTK |
2021-08-23 16:30:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 16:17:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Little Mix's Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Perrie Edwards give birth days apart |
edwards |
2021-08-23 16:43:27 |
Azure |
Azure の更新情報 |
Windows 11 public preview is now available on Azure Virtual Desktop |
desktop |
2021-08-23 16:49:57 |
AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
Conversational Self-Service with Amazon Kendra, Amazon Lex, and XAPP AI |
Conversational Self Service with Amazon Kendra Amazon Lex and XAPP AIXAPP AI is an AWS Machine Learning Competency Partner that provides conversational AI solutions empowering the next generation of customer service and deliver rapid ROI Learn about a conversational self service CSS solution created by XAPP AI and powered by AWS AI services The solution gives you the ability to provide this level of self service experience by allowing users to ask natural language questions and get accurate answers from existing corporate knowledge bases |
2021-08-23 18:08:24 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
REALITYチャット取得 |
OAuthが要るようなAPIは使わず、未登録で取得できるコメントを取得。 |
2021-08-24 03:11:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails s ができません。 |
railss が でき ませ ん 。 |
2021-08-24 03:27:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Blitz.js: The Fullstack React Framework - Part 3 |
Blitz js The Fullstack React Framework Part Welcome Back Hey Developers welcome back to part of the series Learn by Building Blitz js Today we ll create the UI for projects and tasks models And also add the functionalities in the UI to CRUD from the database IndexRecap of the previous partToday s objectives LayoutHeaderIndex pageProjectCreate PageIndex PageSingle PageEditTasksCreate and UpdateIndexConclusion Recap of the previous partIn the previous part of this series we updated the database schema and updated and understand the logic for the CRUD operation of projects and tasks And also build the UI for the authentication pages By looking at the above line it looks like that the previous article doesn t include much information but it crosses more than words Today s objectives In today s articles we ll create the UI for the CRUD operations of projects and tasks model and connect the UI with the logic And we ll also learn to add the search functionalities for both projects and tasks Today we ll start by editing the Layout Component We used AuthLayout for the authentication pages and now we ll use Layout Component for other pages LayoutOpen app core layouts layout tsx and add the lt Header gt tag after lt Head gt tag like below and also wrap children with div of class container mx auto px app core layouts layout tsximport Header from components Header lt Head gt lt Header gt lt div className container mx auto px gt children lt div gt In the lt Layout gt component we have used the lt Header gt component so let s build it HeaderCreate a new file at app core components Header tsx and add the following code app core components Header tsximport logout from app auth mutations logout import Link Routes useMutation from blitz import Suspense from react import useCurrentUser from hooks useCurrentUser import Button from Button const NavLink href children gt return lt Link href href gt lt a className bg purple text white py px rounded hover bg purple block gt children lt a gt lt Link gt const Nav gt const currentUser useCurrentUser const logoutMutation useMutation logout return lt nav gt currentUser lt ul className flex gap gt lt li gt lt NavLink href Routes LoginPage gt Login lt NavLink gt lt li gt lt li gt lt NavLink href Routes SignupPage gt Register lt NavLink gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt ul className gt lt li gt lt Button onClick async gt await logoutMutation gt Logout lt Button gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt nav gt export const Header gt return lt header className flex sticky top z bg white justify end h items center px border b gt lt Suspense fallback Loading gt lt Nav gt lt Suspense gt lt header gt With this you ll get the header like as shown below When a user is not logged in When a user is authenticated In the header component there are some lines that you might not understand So let s know what they really do lt Suspense gt lt Suspense gt component that lets you “wait for some code to load and declaratively specify a loading state like a spinner while we re waiting React Docs useCurrentUser It is a react hook that returns a authenticated session of a user Blitz js Dccs useMutation logout Logout task is a mutation and to run the mutation we use the powerful hook useMutation provided by Blitz js Blitz js Docs If you look over the onClick event listener in the Logout button There we are using async await because mutations return promises Now let s display the User Email on the index page and add a link to go to the projects index page Index pageIf you guys remembered we have removed the content from the index tsx page Now we ll display the email of the authenticated user and make that page accessible only by the logged in user To work with the index page first go to the signup page and create an account And then you will get redirected to the index page Now replace everything in app pages index tsxwith the given content app pages index tsximport Suspense from react import Image Link BlitzPage useMutation Routes from blitz import Layout from app core layouts Layout import useCurrentUser from app core hooks useCurrentUser import logout from app auth mutations logout import logo from public logo png import CustomLink from app core components CustomLink This file is just for a pleasant getting started page for your new app You can delete everything in here and start from scratch if you like const UserInfo gt const user useCurrentUser return lt div className flex justify center my gt user amp amp lt div gt Logged in as user email lt div gt lt div gt const Home BlitzPage gt return lt gt lt Suspense fallback Loading User Info gt lt UserInfo gt lt Suspense gt lt div className flex justify center gt lt CustomLink href projects gt Manage Projects lt CustomLink gt lt div gt lt gt Home suppressFirstRenderFlicker trueHome getLayout page gt lt Layout title Home gt page lt Layout gt Home authenticate trueexport default HomeIf you see the third last line in the code Home authenticate true this means this page requires a user to be authenticated to access this page Now the index page should look like this Click on the Manage projects to see how the projects index page looks like Now let s customize the project creation page We are not editing the index page first because we need to show the data on the index page Project Create PageIf you go to projects new currently it should look like this Now let s customize this page In our schema we have a description field for the projects model So let s add the text area for the description field We also need a text area for the task model too So we ll create a new component for the text area For this I have created a new file app core components LabeledTextAreaField tsx and copied the content of LabeledTextField and customized it for textarea app core components LabeledTextAreaFieldimport forwardRef PropsWithoutRef from react import Field useField from react final form export interface LabeledTextFieldProps extends PropsWithoutRef lt JSX IntrinsicElements input gt Field name name string Field label label string Field type Doesn t include radio buttons and checkboxes type text password email number outerProps PropsWithoutRef lt JSX IntrinsicElements div gt export const LabeledTextAreaField forwardRef lt HTMLInputElement LabeledTextFieldProps gt name label outerProps props ref gt const input meta touched error submitError submitting useField name parse props type number Number undefined const normalizedError Array isArray error error join error submitError return lt div outerProps gt lt label className flex flex col items start gt label lt Field component textarea className px py border rounded focus ring focus outline none ring purple block w full my props input disabled submitting gt lt Field gt lt label gt touched amp amp normalizedError amp amp lt div role alert className text sm style color red gt normalizedError lt div gt lt div gt export default LabeledTextAreaFieldAfter doing this now you can use it in the app projects components ProjectForm tsx app projects components ProjectForm tsximport Form FormProps from app core components Form import LabeledTextField from app core components LabeledTextField import LabeledTextAreaField from app core components LabeledTextAreaField import z from zod export FORM ERROR from app core components Form export function ProjectForm lt S extends z ZodType lt any any gt gt props FormProps lt S gt return lt Form lt S gt props gt lt LabeledTextField name name label Name placeholder Name gt lt LabeledTextAreaField name description label Description placeholder Description gt lt Form gt Now projects new page should look like Now you can use that form to create a project But there is still many thing to customize in this page app pages projects newimport Link useRouter useMutation BlitzPage Routes from blitz import Layout from app core layouts Layout import createProject from app projects mutations createProject import ProjectForm FORM ERROR from app projects components ProjectForm import CustomLink from app core components CustomLink const NewProjectPage BlitzPage gt const router useRouter const createProjectMutation useMutation createProject return lt div className mt gt lt h className text xl mb gt Create New Project lt h gt lt ProjectForm gt lt p className mt gt lt CustomLink href Routes ProjectsPage gt lt a gt Projects lt a gt lt CustomLink gt lt p gt lt div gt NewProjectPage authenticate trueNewProjectPage getLayout page gt lt Layout title Create New Project gt page lt Layout gt export default NewProjectPageHere I have added some class in h and divs and replace Link tag with our CustomLink component After this the page will look like this Now let s style the index page projects Index PageBefore styling the index page add some of the projects to play with After adding them You ll get redirected to single project page Go to projects This is what your page will look like Now paste the following content in app pages projects index tsx app pages projects index tsximport Suspense from react import Head Link usePaginatedQuery useRouter BlitzPage Routes from blitz import Layout from app core layouts Layout import getProjects from app projects queries getProjects import CustomLink from app core components CustomLink import Button from app core components Button const ITEMS PER PAGE export const ProjectsList gt const router useRouter const page Number router query page const projects hasMore usePaginatedQuery getProjects orderBy id asc skip ITEMS PER PAGE page take ITEMS PER PAGE const goToPreviousPage gt router push query page page const goToNextPage gt router push query page page return lt div className mt gt lt h gt Your projects lt h gt lt ul className mb mt flex flex col gap gt projects map project gt lt li key project id gt lt CustomLink href Routes ShowProjectPage projectId project id gt lt a gt project name lt a gt lt CustomLink gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div className flex gap gt lt Button disabled page onClick goToPreviousPage gt Previous lt Button gt lt Button disabled hasMore onClick goToNextPage gt Next lt Button gt lt div gt lt div gt const ProjectsPage BlitzPage gt return lt gt lt Head gt lt title gt Projects lt title gt lt Head gt lt div gt lt p gt lt CustomLink href Routes NewProjectPage gt Create Project lt CustomLink gt lt p gt lt Suspense fallback lt div gt Loading lt div gt gt lt ProjectsList gt lt Suspense gt lt div gt lt gt ProjectsPage authenticate trueProjectsPage getLayout page gt lt Layout gt page lt Layout gt export default ProjectsPageAnd let s make the Button component looks unclickable when it is disabled For that you can add disabled bg purple disabled cursor not allowed class in Button component app core components Button tsxexport const Button children props gt return lt button className disabled bg purple disabled cursor not allowed gt children lt button gt Now projects index page should look like Single PageBefore editing project single page looks like Now replace the code of app pages projects projectId tsx with following app pages projects projectId tsximport Suspense from react import Head Link useRouter useQuery useParam BlitzPage useMutation Routes from blitz import Layout from app core layouts Layout import getProject from app projects queries getProject import deleteProject from app projects mutations deleteProject import CustomLink from app core components CustomLink import Button from app core components Button export const Project gt const router useRouter const projectId useParam projectId number const deleteProjectMutation useMutation deleteProject const project useQuery getProject id projectId return lt gt lt Head gt lt title gt Project project id lt title gt lt Head gt lt div gt lt h gt Project project id lt h gt lt pre gt JSON stringify project null lt pre gt lt CustomLink href Routes EditProjectPage projectId project id gt Edit lt CustomLink gt lt Button type button onClick async gt if window confirm This will be deleted await deleteProjectMutation id project id router push Routes ProjectsPage style marginLeft rem marginRight rem gt Delete lt Button gt lt CustomLink href Routes TasksPage projectId project id gt Tasks lt CustomLink gt lt div gt lt gt const ShowProjectPage BlitzPage gt return lt div className mt gt lt p className mb gt lt CustomLink href Routes ProjectsPage gt Projects lt CustomLink gt lt p gt lt Suspense fallback lt div gt Loading lt div gt gt lt Project gt lt Suspense gt lt div gt ShowProjectPage authenticate trueShowProjectPage getLayout page gt lt Layout gt page lt Layout gt export default ShowProjectPageNow the page should look like EditWe ll do a decent style on the edit page We ll just replace lt Link gt tag with lt CustomLink gt component and add text lg class to h From lt Link href Routes ProjectsPage gt lt a gt Projects lt a gt lt Link gt To lt CustomLink href Routes ProjectsPage gt Projects lt CustomLink gt From lt h gt Edit Project project id lt h gt To lt h className text lg gt Edit Project project id lt h gt Now it s time to edit the Tasks pages Tasks Create and UpdateWe have added description field in the schema so let s add textarea for description in the form Both create and update use the same form we don t have to customize them seperately app tasks components TaskForm tsximport Form FormProps from app core components Form import LabeledTextAreaField from app core components LabeledTextAreaField import LabeledTextField from app core components LabeledTextField import z from zod export FORM ERROR from app core components Form export function TaskForm lt S extends z ZodType lt any any gt gt props FormProps lt S gt return lt Form lt S gt props gt lt LabeledTextField name name label Name placeholder Name gt lt LabeledTextAreaField name description label Description placeholder Description gt lt Form gt I have already written on how to customize the pages for projects so you can follow the same to customize tasks pages So now I ll not style any pages IndexIn the index page you need to add projectId in query param lt ul gt tasks map task gt lt li key task id gt lt Link href Routes ShowTaskPage projectId taskId task id gt lt a gt task name lt a gt lt Link gt lt li gt lt ul gt ConclusionNow all the functionalities works fine So this much for today guys In next article We ll see how to deploy this app In that I will show you the complete guide to deploy in multiple platform |
2021-08-23 18:40:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Look At GreenHatFiles Games |
Look At GreenHatFiles GamesGreen Hat Files is a fun and exciting game for iPhone iPod Touch and iPad This innovative and addictive game is based on the classic game Hide and Seek The game has been remade in the form of Green Hat Fortunes and is free to download The first of the five characters is the most active in the game and therefore you will have to save her from all kinds of danger The exciting part of the game is that you can choose to be either the green character or the cat The green avatar looks very realistic and is thus very easy to get along with You will definitely need some time to get to know this interesting character The other six characters have different characteristics and are therefore not as easy to get along with GreenHatFiles Games ReviewThe main story line in the game revolves around the exploration of a strange planet and the search for the green character The avatar starts at the bottom of the screen and needs to travel up to the top to find the green object There are several levels to the game The further you progress the more difficult the puzzles become The iPhone version of Green Hat Fortunes has the usual obstacle course type layout You need to use the maps available in the App in order to direct your ways to the goal You will have a few options available when you select maps The first choice determines the level design Next you can choose the difficulty level The last two choices will set the mood of the game and provide you with the options for the next level If you want to play the puzzle games on the iPad the iPhone version of Green Hat Files is very enjoyable games It has the same graphics and storyline as the iPhone version However there is an option provided in the iPhone app that enables you to turn off the motion detection This was a feature I did not like on the competing iPhone games The game is free so it doesn t take much of your time You can also track your progress in the game and the next level automatically The controls are smooth and responsive but it can be difficult at times to aim your shots Fortunately the various hints and tips are plentiful on the iPad version so the game will be more fun if you enjoy playing with the motion detector While the iPhone version has the similar obstacle course type layout the iPad version adds a whole new dimension by allowing you to race against the clock The game is split into chapters and you move from one chapter to another by tapping on the map The landscape changes each time so you must keep track of the changing landscape in order to be successful You also get to track your times online This helps you see how you are improving and what you need to learn The iPhone version of Green Hat Fortunes is the least interactive but it does have more of the addictive quality that makes the games so popular in the first place greenhatfiles games Whether you like simple games or more complex ones you are sure to find something you enjoy playing with the iPad versions of Green Hat Fortunes It is a fun time and an excellent way to improve your skills as a real player If you prefer something that you can play with friends while driving to and from work the iPad version of Green Hat Fortunes gives you that You can race against the computer or another player and once you beat the computer you move on to the next level You even have the option of racing against other people who sign up to the game using your iPad If you want to try that out all you have to do is log on and find an open seat on the game and click on the game icon to begin That is about all there is to it In addition to racing and winning you can also choose to play other challenges through the iPad version of the game Some of these include trying to get the lowest total score possible the longest amount of levels and the quickest time You can also find two other games that are similar to Green Hat Fortunes in the App Store The first one is called Treasure Isle and the second is called Blast Island Both are very popular games and you might find yourself playing them more than you already do Final WordsFor those who prefer to play the games online they should go to the official website for the game and sign up for a free account Once you have signed up you will be able to access all of the features Once you have logged in and started playing you can select which type of game you would like to play and then select a screen name and a password to protect your account Once you have protected your account you can then log on at any time to play |
2021-08-23 18:29:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a coloring book in canvas: Developed an app that you can create and enjoy your own original coloring from an image. |
Create a coloring book in canvas Developed an app that you can create and enjoy your own original coloring from an image Hey guys I developed an app that you can create and enjoy your own original coloring book from an image Look this You can also play coloring in this app The part about turning the image into a coloring book is almost the same as this article I wrote before So in this article I will explain how to develop this coloring functions using canvas DEMO→github→※I m using Nuxt js here Please replace it as necessary Draw a background image on the canvasFirst we need to prepare a canvas element and draw a background image on the canvas It takes a little time to draw the background image on the canvas and I want to make sure to emit loading during that time Therefore I wait here for the image to be fully loaded in Promise lt script gt export default async asyncData params return url process env BASE URL nurie params id image process env AWS IMAGE URL nurie params id jpg twitterImage process env AWS IMAGE URL nurie params id jpg data return canvas null ctx null noPicture require assets img noPic png overlay true mounted this init methods async init this canvas this refs canvas this ctx this canvas getContext d const wrapper this refs wrapper await this loadImage this image then res gt const scale wrapper clientWidth res naturalWidth this canvas width res naturalWidth scale this canvas height res naturalHeight scale this ctx drawImage res this canvas width this canvas height this overlay false loadImage src return new Promise resolve gt const img new Image img src src img onload gt resolve img img onerror gt img src this noPicture lt script gt Now we can draw an image on canvas Use Retina Canvas SupportIf you look at the image drawn above you will see that the resolution is a little rough so we will fix that part Specifically when loading an image in canvas load it at twice the size and set the canvas style to The actual canvas drawing size will be the same as above but the resolution will be finer and the image will be drawn beautifully await this loadImage this image then res gt this ctx scale const scale wrapper clientWidth res naturalWidth this canvas width res naturalWidth scale this canvas height res naturalHeight scale this canvas style width this canvas width px this canvas style height this canvas height px this ctx drawImage res this canvas width this canvas height Implement a drawing function When a user clicks on the screen the event can be detected by mousedown on a PC mousemove for dragging and mouseup or mouseout for the timing when the dragging is finished lt canvas ref canvas mousedown prevent dragStart mouseup prevent dragEnd mouseout prevent dragEnd mousemove prevent draw gt lt canvas gt ※The lineWidth and currentColor can be changed by the user dragStart this ctx beginPath this isDrag true draw e const x e clientX this canvas getBoundingClientRect left const y e clientY this canvas getBoundingClientRect top if this isDrag return this ctx lineCap round this ctx lineJoin round this ctx lineWidth this lineWidth this ctx strokeStyle this currentColor if this lastPosition x null this lastPosition y null this ctx moveTo x y else this ctx moveTo this lastPosition x this lastPosition y this ctx lineTo x y this ctx stroke this lastPosition x x this lastPosition y y dragEnd this ctx closePath this isDrag false this lastPosition x null this lastPosition y null this isErase false Change color of the lineI used vue color to change color yarn add vue colorCreate vueColor js under plugins In this case we are using a design called Sketch so we are only loading Sketch import Vue from vue import Sketch from vue color Vue component Sketch Sketch Add in nuxt config js plugins src plugins vueColor js mode client Then draw this component in the page The drawing is fine as it is but you will get a warning so move it inside lt client only gt lt client only gt lt Sketch value colors input updateValue gt lt Sketch gt lt client only gt Set a default value for colors When a user change color you will get the color by the following function updateValue e this currentColor e hex This library is easy and useful Download the canvasThen we will implement a function to download the canvas when the button is clicked download let link document createElement a link href this canvas toDataURL image jpeg link download nurie new Date getTime jpg link click However we can t download canvas at this point Execution of toDataURL fails due to CORS In fact this time for the background image of canvas I was referring to the URL stored in s from uuid so the error occurred due to CORS in that part image process env AWS IMAGE URL nurie params id jpg Since the image is loaded as shown above the domain of the current URL and the domain of the image URL are different causing the following error tainted canvases may not be exportedThen I used nuxtjs proxy to fix this problem yarn add nuxtjs proxyAdd nuxt config js modules nuxtjs dotenv nuxtjs proxy proxy nurie target AWS IMAGE URL changeOrigin true secure false Now you can replace process env AWS IMAGE URL nurie params id jpg with the URL of your site Change the image part to the following image process env BASE URL nurie params id jpg Enable to play coloring on the phoneAs it is we can t do coloring on the phone so we will also add events for the phone On the phone you can detect events with touchstart touchmove and touchend lt canvas ref canvas mousedown prevent dragStart touchstart prevent dragStart touchend prevent dragEnd mouseup prevent dragEnd mouseout prevent dragEnd mousemove prevent draw touchmove prevent spDraw gt lt canvas gt The events that can be detected on a smartphone differ from those on a PC only for the part where the line is drawn so adjust the following The point is that on a PC you can get the location of the touch by e clientX etc but on a smartphone it is e changedTouches clientX In the case of a single finger spDraw e if e changedTouches length this draw e changedTouches Finish That s it Thanks for reading I am very happy if you enjoy it Please send me a message if you need yuiko dev gmail com |
2021-08-23 18:26:30 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
OtterBox Folding Stand for MagSafe perfectly angles your iPhone |
OtterBox Folding Stand for MagSafe perfectly angles your iPhoneOtterBox has launched its Folding Stand for MagSafe a compact stand for the iPhone that combines Apple s charging system with a desk stand that can angle the iPhone however you want it The OtterBox Folding Stand for MagSafe is a weighted mounting point for the iPhone The stand features a hinge which allows the attached iPhone to be ideally positioned at the right angle for different applications such as video calls at a desk or streaming video on a couch A MagSafe Charger is required to work with the stand which can be placed into the main holder while the cable is fed through the dock s body To keep the cable tidy the base incorporates a section to coil the cable around to minimize any excess cable between the stand and the outlet Read more |
2021-08-23 18:44:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Stardew Valley's creator is running a $40,000 esports tournament next month |
Stardew Valley x s creator is running a esports tournament next monthEsports is most commonly associated with high octane competitive games such as League of Legends Rocket League and Call of Duty Warzone A chill farming sim might not immediately spring to mind but very soon some of the world s finest Stardew Valley players will face off for thousands of dollars Creator Eric Barone aka ConcernedApe said the first official Stardew Valley Cup event will take place at noon ET on September th “It s a competition of skill knowledge and teamwork with a prize pool of over k Barone wrote on Twitter In collaboration with UnsurpassableZ I m pleased to announce the st official Stardew Valley Cup It s a competition of skill knowledge and teamwork with a prize pool of over k See some of Stardew s most dedicated players in their element Main event is Sept th am PST pic twitter com qtDWeLvDーConcernedApe ConcernedApe August Barone and Stardew Valley streamer Zach “UnsurpassableZ Hartman have concocted more than challenges for competitors to tackle as Kotaku nbsp notes Four teams of four players will each have three hours to complete as many of the tasks as they can The challenges include things like giving someone a gift they love at the Feast of the Winter Star worth points winning the ice fishing contest points and completing item bundles in the Community Center points each Players will have to prioritize the tasks since some might not be entirely worth the points at stake For instance unless players are able to craft a ton of staircases it can take an hour or so to reach the bottom of the mines which is worth points Hartman will also add five surprise challenges during the event each of which are worth points so competitors might have to adjust their plans on the fly Barone and Hartman will be commentators for the event which you can watch on Hartman s Twitch channel It s actually not the first competitive Stardew Valley event with cash at stake A few Stardew Twitch Rivals competitions have taken place One event in had on the line and included challenges like catching all five legendary fish as quickly as possible and obtaining the most gold |
2021-08-23 18:11:50 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Sea Scallops Farmed in Maine Aren’t Just Sustainable. They’re Helping Their Habitat. |
Sea Scallops Farmed in Maine Aren t Just Sustainable They re Helping Their Habitat There are only a handful of these farms in the United States most run by fishing families in Maine But their number is growing |
2021-08-23 18:26:19 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
A microscopic video shows the coronavirus on the rampage. |
cells |
2021-08-23 18:55:25 |
海外TECH |
Would It Be Fair to Treat Vaccinated Covid Patients First? |
Would It Be Fair to Treat Vaccinated Covid Patients First Last week Texas health care policymakers discussed taking vaccination status into account for Covid triage It s a larger conversation ethicists are bracing for |
2021-08-23 18:38:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 18:39:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Clubs want quarantine exemption before releasing players for duty in red-list countries |
Clubs want quarantine exemption before releasing players for duty in red list countriesPremier League sides are among leading European clubs set to prevent players from going to red list countries for September s international break |
2021-08-23 18:29:07 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
タリバンが米兵器を大量接収、懸念高まる - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-08-24 03:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ジャック・マー痛恨の教訓:中国君主は一人だけ - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-08-24 03:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ファイザーのワクチン委託生産、カギ握る2社員 - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-08-24 03:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
良い評価しか言わない上司は、かえって部下に信用されない - 人を動かしたければ1分以内で伝えろ! |
人格を否定するパワハラ面談や、逆に嫌われまいとほめるばかりでは、お互いに不幸でしかありません。 |
2021-08-24 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
学んだことをすぐ忘れてしまう人が知らない「知識を貯める」とっておきの方法 - 独学大全 |
読書 |
2021-08-24 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ひろゆきが「人生でとてつもなく後悔していること」ワースト1 - 1%の努力 |
youtube |
2021-08-24 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
なんとなく言動が攻撃的な人 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 1秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉 |
なんとなく言動が攻撃的な人精神科医Tomyが教える秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉人気シリーズ万部突破ベストセラー最新作『精神科医Tomyが教える秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉』は、やさしくも本質を見抜く言葉が、職場の人間関係や親子関係、仕事や家事で疲れた心を癒やし、一瞬で元気をチャージしてくれるある人は朝、ある人は夜、ある人は職場で、ページめくるだけの「心のサプリ」。 |
2021-08-24 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
がん治療のシリコンバレー、国立がんセンター東病院が描く医療の未来 - がん治療選択 |
国立がんセンター |
2021-08-24 03:05:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swiperのautoplayが動かなくなる |
Swiperのautoplayが動かなくなる前提・実現したいこと今回はautoplayの機能を分割しようと、startを作りました。 |
2021-08-24 04:08:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
あなたのAWS S3は安全ですか? |
アプリケーションが稼働するサーバにセキュリティ対策製品を導入するetc本記事では、つめの「AWSSのファイルをスキャンする製品仕組みを導入する」で考えてみます。 |
2021-08-24 04:05:20 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
新しいメルカリDesign System Web |
designsysthellip |
2021-08-23 20:00:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
tsParticles 1.34.0 |
tsParticles tsParticles Changelog Bug FixesFixed click handler it wasn t working fineFixed wobble updaterFixed roll updaterFixed tilt updaterFixed issues with moveSpeed Fixed overlap checkFixed issue with size and opacity range ChangesSet max z layers to instead of improvement for noise d Improved size opacity updaters Improved z index rates formulasImproved confetti presetImproved out modes on particle creationImproved fireworks preset New FeaturesAdded gradients supportAdded gradient updater library only colors and angle for nowAdded external path generators curves polygons perlin d and simplex d noise Added shapes and fill options to emittersAdded emitter shapes plugin system so they can be customized by usersAdded new wait life emitter optionAdded start count to emittersAdded triangles presetAdded zLayers option matteobruni tsparticles tsParticles Easily create highly customizable particles animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website Ready to use components available for React Vue js x and x Angular Svelte jQuery Preact Inferno Solid Riot and Web Components tsParticles TypeScript ParticlesA lightweight TypeScript library for creating particles Dependency free browser ready and compatible withReact Vue Angular Svelte jQuery Preact Inferno Do you want to use it on your website Documentation and Development references here This library is available on the two most popular CDNs and it s easy and ready to use if you were using particles jsit s even easier You ll find theinstructions below with all thelinks you need and don t be scared by TypeScript it s just the source language The output files are just JavaScript CDNs and npm have all the sources you need in Javascript a bundle browser ready tsparticles min js and allfiles splitted for import syntax If you are still interested some lines below there are some instructions for migrating from the old particles jslibrary Library installationHosting CDNPlease use… View on GitHub |
2021-08-23 19:29:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
MongoDB $weeklyUpdate (August 23, 2021): Latest MongoDB Tutorials, Events, Podcasts, & Streams! |
MongoDB weeklyUpdate August Latest MongoDB Tutorials Events Podcasts amp Streams Hi everyone Welcome to MongoDB weeklyUpdate Here you ll find the latest developer tutorials upcoming official MongoDB events and get a heads up on our latest Twitch streams and podcast curated by Adrienne Tacke Enjoy Freshest Tutorials on DevHubWant to find the latest MongoDB tutorials and articles created for developers by developers Look no further than our DevHub Build a Simple Website with React Axios and a REST API Built with MongoDB RealmMaxime Beugnet In this blog post we will show you how we can use a REST API that we created with the help of MongoDB Realm to access our data in a MongoDB Atlas cluster and display the result of the query in a website built with React MongoDB Realm Web SDK TutorialMaxime Beugnet In this tutorial blog post you will learn how to retrieve data from a MongoDB Atlas cluster using the MongoDB Realm Web SDK and display it in a very basic website hosted in MongoDB Realm Static Hosting MongoDB Academia Introduction to Modern DatabasesEoin Brazil amp Julianna Chen As part of the MongoDB for Academia program we are pleased to announce the publication of a new course Introduction to Modern Databases and related teaching materials Realm Triggers Treats and Tricks Auto Increment a Running ID FieldPavel Duchovny In this blog series we are trying to inspire you with some reactive Realm trigger use cases Official MongoDB EventsAttend an official MongoDB event near you virtual for now Chat with MongoDB experts learn something new meet other developers and win some swag Aug pm GMT Global Deep dive into Coroutines Kotlin Flow and LiveDataJetPack continues to evolve quickly due to which many alternates are available for implementing the same use case but each has its own pro amp cons This has caused unnecessary confusion among developer during development and code reviews In this meetup Mohit Sharma Realm Developer Advocate deep dives into each of them from getting started to when and what to use Sep pm ET Virtual How to Raise Your Profile As a Developer And Why You Should Bother During this session Lauren Schaefer joined by Luce Carter will share personal stories of how she has worked to overcome the discomfort of raising her profile You ll leave this session with practical steps you can take in the coming weeks and months to raise your profile Sep pm EAT Kenya MongoDB Community Mini Workshop in KisumuJoin us in Kisumu for an afternoon mini workshop filled with exploration in MongoDB Technology led by Michael Kimathi You will get to setup Atlas Cloud DBaaS for MongoDB Opportunities available on MongoDB Technology network and cheat sheets Get your laptop ready and join the experts in these afternoon filled with fun and learning We will limit our attendees for now NB Those who have RSVP d will be prioritised Sep pm CEST Virtual MongoDB Atlas mit Ansible automatisierenAnsible ist ein Open Source Automatisierungstool das für Konfigurationsmanagement Anwendungsbereitstellung und Orchestrierung verwendet wird Martin Schurz IT Architekt bei der T Systems MMS wird darüber berichten wie er Ansible Playbooks zur Automatisierung Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von MongoDB Instanzen in MongoDB Atlas erstellt hat Ihr werdet eine Übersicht über MongoDB Atlas und einen Einblick in das Automatisierungstool Ansible erhalten Martin wird uns erklären wie Ansible und MongoDB zusammenspielen und wie ihr mit Hilfe von bereitgestellten Beispielen selber Automatisierungen erstellen könnt Wer mag kann bei einem Quiz im Anschluss gleich sein neues Wissen prüfen Den Gewinnern winken exklusive MongoDB Swag Preise MongoDB on Twitch amp YouTubeWe stream tech tutorials live coding and talk to members of our community via Twitch and YouTube Sometimes we even stream twice a week Be sure to follow us on Twitch and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of every stream Latest StreamHelp Me unSQLize My AppCatch up on past streams Get Hyped Using Docker Go with MongoDBGet Hyped Synonyms in Atlas SearchServerless Functions Explained MongoDB Realm Backend as a Service Jumpstart Follow us on Twitch so you never miss a stream Last Word on the MongoDB PodcastLatest Episode dl branch Catch up on past episodes Ep The Intern EpisodeEp Scaling the Real Estate Industry with Jim McClarty of Keller WilliamsEp At the Intersection of AI ML HCI with Doug Eck of Google Not listening on Spotify We got you We re most likely on your favorite podcast network including Apple Podcasts PlayerFM Podtail and Listen Notes These weeklyUpdates are always posted to the MongoDB Community Forums first Sign up today to always get first dibs on these weeklyUpdates and other MongoDB announcements interact with the MongoDB community and help others solve MongoDB related issues |
2021-08-23 19:15:53 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Education promotes iPad creativity challenges for classrooms |
Apple Education promotes iPad creativity challenges for classroomsApple has paired up with Apple Distinguished Educators to create three new challenges to encourage classrooms to bring the iPad into their lesson plans The first challenge is the Green Screen Challenge where students and teachers are encouraged to develop creative ways to use the green screen effects available on the iPad Apple Distinguished educator Jacob Woolcock suggested the challenge In addition teachers can download Apple s Everyone Can Create Video guide to help learn the ins and outs of video production on the iPad Introducing our creativity challenge for video JacobWoolcock shows how easy it is to create innovative lessons with greenscreen Tag a teacher who d love this and learn more at MadeOniPad EveryoneCanCreate pic twitter com wfmptSlOーApple Education AppleEDU August Read more |
2021-08-23 19:34:17 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Roku revives former Quibi original 'Most Dangerous Game' for a second season |
Roku revives former Quibi original x Most Dangerous Game x for a second seasonEarlier this month Roku released the last of the TV shows and movies it acquired when Quibi shut down at the end of Now the company is looking to the future On Monday Roku announced it s bringing back Most Dangerous Game one of the more popular titles it acquired in the transaction for a second season Two time Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz will reprise his role as antagonist Miles Sellars with David Castañeda best known for his role in Netflix s The Umbrella Academy joining the cast as the show s new protagonist Roku describes Castañeda s character Victor Suero as a down on his luck fighter who is forced to participate in the deadly contest at the center of the show to protect his sister It s not surprising to see Roku decide to bring back Most Dangerous Game The shorts Roku acquired from Quibi have played a significant role in its plan to find a niche among giants like Netflix and Amazon and Most Dangerous Game was one of the few shows Quibi renewed before its demise last year Roku hasn t said when the new season would debut |
2021-08-23 19:04:24 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
On the Move With Mongolia’s Nomadic Reindeer Herders |
decisions |
2021-08-23 19:57:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan evacuations: 'Hours not weeks' for final UK flights |
withdrawal |
2021-08-23 19:28:37 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
タイムズ、QBハウスも前年実績超えなのに「洗車のキーパーだけ勝ち組」のワケ - コロナで明暗!【月次版】業界天気図 |
2021-08-24 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国がもくろむ、「アフガン混乱」を慎重かつ巧みに利用する3つの戦略 - 加藤嘉一「中国民主化研究」揺れる巨人は何処へ |
加藤嘉一 |
2021-08-24 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
小田急電鉄が6月運賃収入12.3%増でも、実態値との「危ういギャップ」 - コロナで明暗!【月次版】業界天気図 |
前年同期 |
2021-08-24 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「米国株一強」が示唆するこの先の大波乱、どの程度の反落を覚悟すべきか - 政策・マーケットラボ |
過去 |
2021-08-24 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
バイデン政権下で日本企業が「最も重視すべき経営戦略」とは - DOL特別レポート |
日本企業 |
2021-08-24 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ハーバード大教授が提言、日本がコロナ後に「2%以上の経済成長」を実現する方策 - ハーバードの知性に学ぶ「日本論」 佐藤智恵 |
ハーバード大教授が提言、日本がコロナ後に「以上の経済成長」を実現する方策ハーバードの知性に学ぶ「日本論」佐藤智恵デルタ株が猛威を振るい、急速な新型コロナウイルス感染拡大が続いている日本。 |
2021-08-24 04:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
資産2億円をためた「シンプルな4つの習慣」とは - 資産2億円の元高卒自衛官が教える「攻めの節約術」 |
高収入 |
2021-08-24 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ひろゆきが断言、日本はどんどん安い国になって「アフリカ化」していく - 週刊ダイヤモンド特集セレクション |
東南アジア |
2021-08-24 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ルネサスが次々と海外企業を買収、懸念される「減損」リスク - 今週のキーワード 真壁昭夫 |
ルネサスが次々と海外企業を買収、懸念される「減損」リスク今週のキーワード真壁昭夫半導体大手ルネサスエレクトロニクスは、英国の半導体メーカーであるダイアログ・セミコンダクターを買収する。 |
2021-08-24 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
医師・看護師はもう限界!デルタ株で高まる「自衛隊野戦病院」の必要性 - 上久保誠人のクリティカル・アナリティクス |
上久保誠人 |
2021-08-24 04:05:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
Razer、自社製マウスを接続するだけで起こるWindowsセキュリティ問題を修正中 |
razer |
2021-08-23 20:50:05 |
Engadget Japanese |
2017年8月24日、スマホで家電などを操作可能にする「mouseスマートホーム」が発売されました:今日は何の日? |
mouse |
2021-08-23 20:30:10 |
AWS Media Blog |
Live media workflows on AWS: To compress, or to not compress? |
Live media workflows on AWS To compress or to not compress Introduction In a cloud migration journey there are many decisions that need to be made One of the primary decisions for live media workflows is how to bring content from on premises to the cloud For example how to take an event that is being shot at a sporting arena to the cloud for processing and … |
2021-08-23 20:47:54 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
新しいメルカリDesign System Web |
designsysthellip |
2021-08-23 20:00:49 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Study: Ants create stable tunnels in nests much like humans play Jenga |
hills |
2021-08-23 20:29:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Guide to making web animations UX friendly |
Guide to making web animations UX friendlyWritten by Dan ParryHigh quality animations are everywhere in today s web which is great for us as users but it doesn t make life easy for you as a designer But why should you care What is it that makes animations so important that you should prioritise them in your probably already very busy schedule Well unfortunately because of the high quality content we are all so used to in apps and on the web there is a good chance that users already have a high expectation of what your app should look like and what it should feel like High quality animations and UIs are present in almost every successful app and audiences expect it to be part of their experience Tinder s swiping browsing through music on Apple music or panning around Google maps are a few examples of some excellent animations that are integrated to core user experience of their respective apps app The core purpose of your app is to achieve a particular goal the animations you put into it probably won t change the end result of how your app achieves its goal but it can make or break the user experience You might not be trying to make the next unicorn but a friendly UX is a must So animations are certainly not to be overlooked in the planning stage and you should find time even in an already overbooked project to add some Remember most users won t even notice the swipe animation you spent a day perfecting but they certainly will notice if it s not there What are web animations Before we jump into some tips on how to make good animations let s take a quick look at what an animation actually is Understanding the fundamentals will help you make better animations in the end In short web animation is the visualization of change something that starts in one state and ends in another state The animation is how it gets from one to the other and how you handle states in between the interpolated states is what is important The duration you take to get from the start to the end state and the journey you take your users on while doing it is a bit of an art form in itself Browsing functions like turning a page in a digital book or moving through shows on Netflix and the selected show growing to display its details are both animations If it changes the state of an element in your UI then it s very likely an animation So we have a pretty good idea about why web animations are important and what they actually are so let s take a look at some rules to remember when making your own Don t rush The speed of your animation is crucial it should be slow enough that the user is aware of the change taking place but not take so long that it can be perceived as slow Thankfully there are some guidelines on how fast this should be so you don t just have to eyeball it and hope you get it right an animation lasting between and ms is considered optimal for UI Anything faster than this ms for example will be too fast to notice equally anything that takes over a second to complete will be considered slow Additionally the speed of your animations might need to depend on the screen size of the app because the element will have more or less distance to travel For mobile devices ms is optimal with a increase and decrease for tablets ms and wearables ms respectively Website animations are usually instantaneous so keep this in mind The size of the element is also an important factor in how long it should take to complete its animation Smaller elements look better when their animations are fast and larger animations can afford to take a little longer It s an art not a science so play around and see what looks best Easy does it…Easing is the acceleration or decoration applied to your object as it begins or ends its animation It is a very important part of how good your final animation will look You don t want to click on a menu have it move slowly for whole seconds then suddenly fly open It s jarring to the user and ugly to watch so this is an important topic to learn Today let s just talk about Ease In Ease Out and Ease Both The title refers to how it enters or exits its animation not the screen let me explain In the context of product design generally objects that enter the screen decelerate This is called Ease Out because our animation eases out of its acceleration to create a smooth stop it slows down to a stop over the period of time it takes to come into our frame to its final position The opposite is true for an object exiting the screen it accelerates as it moves away in this way it is easing into its animation so it is called Ease In Just remember ease out when it comes in and ease in when it goes out…If you want to apply movement to an object that is always on screen Ease Both is the way to go it applies a smooth speed up and a smooth stop motion to your object as it moves To give this a real world context let s use our menu example from earlier when you click on a burger menu the menu will open quickly and then stop smoothly Ease Out but when you close the menu it will smoothly slide off the screen Ease In If you click on an item in the menu and it expands to a pop up this will start smoothly and then stop smoothly in the center of the screen Ease Both You should also take a look at Spring or Elastic Easing if you want to give your animation a really nice motion The takeaway here is to be aware of the importance of easing it plays a key role in the animation and will be a big part of your arsenal What is this for Maybe you are an expert in animation durations and you can create wonderfully intricate paths for your buttons to fly all over the screen while still creating a clear UI context for your user to interact with But why Why add a fly effect and a confetti explosion to a button that just says OK The animations you add should always serve a purpose otherwise you are just wasting your user s time and eventually their patients There are for sure some cases in which a cool flashy animation will be welcome but as a general rule remember give the animation a context and a purpose Be yourselfMake sure your animations reflect your product s image If the website is fun and light hearted consider a bouncy and playful animation to the menu with the clever use of your easing curve this can be subtle but it can add a style that your users will start to consider part of the experience Alternatively if you are building an app with a very specific data driven purpose that users have only a cold professional interest in your animations can be a little more spartan To sum up…Animations make your content feel alive or at least they should if they are done correctly but it is really up to you how you want to breathe life into it Consider how you want your users to feel when interacting with it and channel this into your design choices There are some great tools to help you design your animations that we at Codesphere love to use Take a look at Invision studio Flinto and of course After Effects but nowadays there is no end to tools you might use Feel free to let us know your favorites What did we leave out Let us know down below Happy coding from your good friends at Codesphere the most seamless cloud provider ever created |
2021-08-23 20:30:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
1 - A new boilerplate for React Application - CRA-ken is finally out! |
A new boilerplate for React Application CRA ken is finally out Hi Developers I m Daniele Carta and I m a Frontend Developer For years I m worked with React and with Create React App To fastify my work I decise to create a new boilerplate for fastify the initialize a new application The name of this boilerplate is CRA ken You can find the project in this link Why have I to use CRA ken Because in this boilerplate you can find a lot of helpers and configuration like these CRA ken CRAReact Testing LibraryyesyesRoutingyesnoRedux StoreyesnoRedux Saga MiddlewareyesnoESLint ConfigurationyesnoPrettier ConfigurationyesnoVersioning AppyesnoSo to install the boilerplate It s very easy npx cra ken app my appcd my appnpm startIn the next articles I want to show you what I introduce in the next release and how to work the boilerplate CRA ken Stay tuned and follow me on LinkedIn and Github LinkedIn Github |
2021-08-23 20:09:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting started with Java .. |
Getting started with Java Hello This is my very first blog and in this blog I m gonna write about my learnings of day and How I started learning this and still doing that So I started it from the very basics like how it basically works So the very first step is that Source code is compiled to byte code and then Java Virtual Machine compiles the byte code into machine code Introduction to Java It is most popular language as we can use this in app development web development client server applications e t c It is an object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems of the USA in Originally it was known as Oak by James Goslin who was also one of the Inventors of Java Then I saw the basic structure of Java Program Naming conventions Pascal and camel case Variables and data types Literals Keywords then How we can take input from the user and did some basic questions |
2021-08-23 20:06:12 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New #AppleToo movement drawing attention to racism, sexism, inequality inside Apple |
New AppleToo movement drawing attention to racism sexism inequality inside AppleA group of Apple employees has formed the AppleToo organization with the goal of exposing patterns of racism sexism inequity and abuse within the company The formation of the group comes after weeks of public statements from Apple employees about internal complaints going unanswered or being outright ignored A Discord community of around Apple employees and contractors was used to launch the movement The Verge says that around current and former Apple employees were directly involved in organizing the effort The AppleToo website has a short statement and a login with a secret password that can be obtained from AppleToo organizers Read more |
2021-08-23 20:16:34 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPad Pro used to create AR effects in music video for Olivia Rodrigo's 'brutal' |
iPad Pro used to create AR effects in music video for Olivia Rodrigo x s x brutal x Pop singer songwriter Olivia Rodrigo used an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to design some of the augmented reality effects for her latest music video Credit Interscope RecordsThe music video for brutal which was released on Monday features custom AR face masks created using Apple s iPad Pro and Apple Pencil Alongside the music video s debut Rodrigo also shared a few clips to TikTok and Instagram showing her editing the face masks Read more |
2021-08-23 20:16:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple employees are organizing to push for 'real change' at the company |
Apple employees are organizing to push for x real change x at the companyA group of current and former Apple employees are calling on their colleagues to publicly share stories of discrimination harassment and retaliation they experienced while working at the company The call to action went up on Monday when the collective started a Twitter account called Apple Workers nbsp quot For too long Apple has evaded public scrutiny quot the group says on its website quot When we press for accountability and redress to the persistent injustices we witness or experience in our workplace we are faced with a pattern of isolation degradation and gaslighting quot Apple workers are coming together to talk openly about issues we want addressed in our workplace Discrimination harassment and retaliation happen at AppleToo If you work or worked for Apple or a third party connect with us at ーApple Workers AppleToo AppleLaborers August The protesting workers say they ve exhausted all internal avenues for a remedy from the company which is why they re going public with their complaints quot We ve talked with our leadership We ve gone to the People team We ve escalated through Business Conduct Nothing has changed quot they say quot It s time to Think Different quot According to The Verge about individuals were involved in organizing the effort Earlier today they shared the news on a person Discord server for Apple employees and contractors We ve reached out to Apple for comment The action comes as Apple faces questions over its handling of sexism in the workplace In August the company put Ashley Gjøvik a senior engineering program manager on paid administrative leave In a series of tweets Gjøvik shared several interactions with the company s employee relations team One of those details is an episode in which a manager referred to her quot tone quot in presentations and said quot I didn t hear you going up an octave at the end of your statements quot Apple is currently investigating Gjøvik s allegations quot There is much more information about my story and my concerns about Apple work conditions that I have not made public yet quot Gjøvik says on a website she created to chronicle her experience at the company quot I only resorted to this because everything I tried internally has failed quot |
2021-08-23 20:12:02 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Twelve Minutes' ruins a compelling game concept with awful twists |
x Twelve Minutes x ruins a compelling game concept with awful twistsIt s rare for a game s concept to hook me within a few seconds but Twelve Minutes managed to do that way back in Before it gained an all star cast including Daisy Ridley James McAvoy and Willem Dafoe it was an intriguing indie point and click adventure with a Groundhog s Day esque time loop and a unique top down perspective Its interactive narrative combined with a wealth of cinematic influences made it seem as if developer Luis Antonio was crafting something meant just for me That s pretty much how I felt at the beginning of the game You play as a man who comes home to a small apartment Your wife has some special news which you celebrate over a romantic dinner All of a sudden a cop starts pounding on the door and accuses her of murder Things go downhill fast and in an instant you re right back to the beginning of the night Your mission Figure out what the hell is happening Sounds like a solid thriller right But after spending six hours with the game I was furious What started out as a fun mystery devolved into a repetitive slog I was forced to abuse my seemingly lovely wife Sometimes I had to watch her be repeatedly tortured by that sadistic cop And I became a murderer myself several times over Making things even worse my reward for that hellish journey was an array of twists so convoluted so mind numbingly dumb I was angry about it for days Say what you will about the works of M Night Shyamalan but at least his twists feel original And yes I know those twists occur less often than you may think I won t spoil where Twelve Minutes ultimately goes And to be honest I m hesitant to even point out that a story has twists at all But for a mystery like this I figure that s to be expected All of this time looping detective work just has to lead to something truly dramatic And it s clear that Luis Antonio genuinely wants to blow your mind It s just a shame almost everything falls flat at the end That s not to say Twelve Minutes isn t worth playing The game s early hours set up a fascinating mystery box Your small apartment has a cramped kitchen and living space a bathroom a bathroom and a closet That s it Everything you need to complete the game is there or gets there later Some of those puzzle pieces feel organic like the mugs that you can fill with water or the large knife tempting you in the kitchen Some of them like the light switch that can electrocute people on cue are hilariously convenient I realized Twelve Minutes was doing something special early on when it managed to work its way into my subconscious I thought of new things to try during long walks and after sleeping on a particularly annoying problem That s a sign that for a while at least I was genuinely invested in the story It helps that Twelve Minutes also has some solid voice work which goes a long way toward connecting you to the characters You don t get a full look at anyone s face even if you try to scope out the cop through your front door s peephole so it s nice to have some human performances grounding the story If you ve got Xbox Game Pass it s worth checking out the game just to experience its first few hours After the novelty wears off though the game quickly takes a turn for the worse Eventually you ll have to complete a long series of tasks over and over until you figure out your next step And sometimes that can mean doing the same five tasks dozens of times Twelve Minutes gives you a few easy ways to speed things up like a single dialog option that can prove you re actually going through a time loop and that she s genuinely in danger But a few more narrative shortcuts would make the game s rough last act more tolerable One major moment gives you only a few seconds to show one character a specific item It s easy to miss that s something you can even do And even when I knew what I had to do after looking up a few guides I still failed to trigger the right interaction several times At that point the game began to feel less like a puzzle I needed to solve and more like a Saw trap that I needed to escape from Annapurna InteractiveI suppose these issues could be overlooked if Twelve Minutes had a better script but even in that respect it fails It s stronger toward the beginning but like a J J Abrams story it has no clear idea where to go at the end Characters start to act in completely different ways which is hard to swallow after seeing them in one light for several hours A sympathetic turn for Dafoe s cop feels particularly out of place after seeing multiple loops where he kills you and your wife and that s even after getting the MacGuffin he s looking for You don t need to have an ACAB tattoo to call him a monster I wouldn t write off Twelve Minutes a bad game but based on where the story goes it s ultimately disappointing Luis Antonio and his team spent over seven years working on the game and it s a shame to see my enthusiasm for it fall apart in six hours |
2021-08-23 20:00:45 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
‘Totally Surprising and Rather Horrifying’: Giant Tortoises Eat Baby Birds |
Totally Surprising and Rather Horrifying Giant Tortoises Eat Baby BirdsFor the first time scientists in the Seychelles captured footage of one of the hulking reptiles stalking and killing a helpless chick |
2021-08-23 20:14:45 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
‘Nursing Is in Crisis’: Staff Shortages Put Patients at Risk |
Nursing Is in Crisis Staff Shortages Put Patients at Risk“When hospitals are understaffed people die one expert warned as the U S health systems reach a breaking point in the face of the Delta variant |
2021-08-23 20:03:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: Person on no-fly list flown to UK during Kabul evacuation |
agencies |
2021-08-23 20:12:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
M25: Crash involving lorry, minibus and car closes part of motorway |
waltham |
2021-08-23 20:27:45 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「日本でこぢんまり」を打破する起業家像とは?東大発ディープテックVCトップの答え - これまでの常識は忘れよう グローバル時代に勝つ人材の流儀 |
2021-08-24 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
生活保護「隠れ負債33兆円」の衝撃、氷河期世代が高齢者に突入で【独自試算】 - 新・階級社会 上級国民と中流貧民 |
上級国民 |
2021-08-24 05:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
倒産危険度ランキング【電機・精密20社】上位に老舗時計メーカーの名も、1位は? - 廃業急増!倒産危険度ランキング2021 |
危険水域 |
2021-08-24 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
パナ・ANA・TBS…大企業「エリート転落リストラ」断行56社の実名、ついに氷河期世代も! - 新・階級社会 上級国民と中流貧民 |
2021-08-24 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「農協界のドン」が障害があるいじめられっ子から青年実業家に変貌した理由 - 農協の大悪党 野中広務を倒した男 |
2021-08-24 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
コロナ禍で居場所を失う子どもたちに、大人ができることとは? |
子どもたち |
2021-08-24 06:00:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
B2B事業「デジタルセールスシフト」のススメ |
電通 |
2021-08-24 06:00:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
横浜頓挫で急浮上?「東京カジノ」具体化の現実味 セガサミーも虎視眈々、観測高まる「お台場IR」 | レジャー・観光・ホテル | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-08-24 05:30:00 |