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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 2021年8月のブラウザやOSのシェア(StatCounter調べ) https://taisy0.com/2021/09/01/144800.html statcounter 2021-09-01 13:31:15
IT 気になる、記になる… 「Apple Watch Series 7」に血圧測定機能が搭載されるとの噂をBloombergの著名記者が否定 https://taisy0.com/2021/09/01/144798.html apple 2021-09-01 13:06:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pandasで気象庁のアメダスデータをスクレイピング https://qiita.com/tmiyama/items/f9cec233049b42f32965 そこで、リストの番目から中身を取りだして、typeを確かめて見れば、pandasのDataFrameになっていることがわかる。 2021-09-01 22:45:11
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JavaScript】配列とオブジェクトの違い https://qiita.com/YuStarrr/items/269682ee56e685618a2a 参考配列JavaScriptletvegetablesトマトナスキュウリconsolelogvegetablesトマト変数vegetablesの添字にを指定して出力すると、参照した値「トマト」が出力される。 2021-09-01 22:49:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) wordpress ループ文エラーが出てしまいます。 https://teratail.com/questions/357287?rss=all wordpressループ文エラーが出てしまいます。 2021-09-01 22:44:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) IIS+phpの環境で悩んでおります。 https://teratail.com/questions/357286?rss=all IISphpの環境で悩んでおります。 2021-09-01 22:05:10
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby puts print pの違い https://qiita.com/Hashimoto-Noriaki/items/f22c6a79884d171e383c putsの特徴改行する配列では要素の順番に出力する戻り値はnil一般ユーザーが使う呼び出すメソッドはtosによって文字列に変換printの特徴改行しない戻り値はnil呼び出すメソッドはtosによって文字列に変換一般ユーザーが使うpの特徴改行する戻り値は引数で配列で返すオブジェクトの情報をわかりやすく出力デバック用開発者用に使う呼び出すメソッドはinspectによって文字列に変換それぞれの違いのまとめそれぞれ違いがありますが特にputsとpがわかりづらいかと思います。 2021-09-01 22:17:54
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS DVA資格取得に役立つハンズオン https://qiita.com/ryo1112/items/caa9610a97f8061b135c 下の構成では、gitpushを検知したAWSCodePipelineは、AWSCodeサービス群を連携させ、ECInstanceへのデプロイまで自動で実行する。 2021-09-01 22:52:15
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IAMをゼロから設定し、Code Buildのビルドプロジェクトを作成・ビルド実行までやってみた(Management Console版) https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/d5dbdfa539467da2dedd ビルド履歴のビルドつつの詳細を確認できるようにするのに必要。 2021-09-01 22:08:44
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IAMをゼロから設定し、Code Buildのビルドプロジェクトを作成・ビルド実行までやってみた(Management Console版) https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/d5dbdfa539467da2dedd ビルド履歴のビルドつつの詳細を確認できるようにするのに必要。 2021-09-01 22:08:44
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 間違えてmasterで作業しちゃった(git stash) https://qiita.com/ShoheiNagamura/items/512c015a197e8fb97ef2 2021-09-01 22:55:52
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails configファイルとは https://qiita.com/Hashimoto-Noriaki/items/cd69a0e7536899638ba6 ルーティングはurlみたいなものでどのコントローラーのどの処理をどのように処理をするのかを設定するものです。 2021-09-01 22:41:23
技術ブログ Developers.IO Rainを導入してコマンドラインベースのCloudFormationをより簡単に、より使いやすく https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudformationrain-easier-and-more-user-friendly/ awscloudformation 2021-09-01 13:53:55
海外TECH Ars Technica Blue Origin hires advisory firm linked to messy JEDI contract process https://arstechnica.com/?p=1790956 mattis 2021-09-01 13:02:18
海外TECH Ars Technica No Man’s Sky’s 17th free content update adds bustling, task-filled settlements https://arstechnica.com/?p=1791044 anniversary 2021-09-01 13:00:27
海外TECH DEV Community The Ultimate Tutorial on JavaScript DOM - JS DOM with Examples https://dev.to/ubahthebuilder/the-ultimate-tutorial-on-javascript-dom-js-dom-with-examples-1b47 The Ultimate Tutorial on JavaScript DOM JS DOM with Examples TABLE OF CONTENTS What is the DOM DOM API Our Project Examining the Document Objectconsole dir document document doctypedocument URLdocument lastModifieddocument headdocument bodydocument formsdocument all Selecting Elements from the DOM document getElementbyID document getElementsbyClassName document getElementsbyTagName document getElementsbyName Selecting Elements from the DOM document getElementbyID document getElementsbyClassName document getElementsbyTagName document getElementsbyName Querying For Elements using CSS Selectors document querySelector document queryselectorAll Working with Texts textContent innerText innerHTML Working with styles style Traversing the DOMparentElementchildrenfirstElementChildlastElementChildpreviousElementSiblingnextElementSibling Creating a newElement and setting attributescreateElement appendChild insertBefore createTextNode setAttribute getAttribute className What is the DOM One of my ways of explaining the DOM is with this short Alien Invasion story I made up A couple of aliens invaded Earth The aliens bring some sort of writing to warn humans of an imminent apocalypse However the humans do not know what the writing says So the aliens translates it into a human readable language and also makes it a model for translation just in case they decide to come back in future Comparing this to the web the alien language is the HTML the translation is the DOM and the human is JavaScript In simple terms the Document Object Model DOM is a model for translating HTML elements into a form JavaScript can understand and interact with This is important because JavaScript needs to understand the web page in order to work on it Another question is how does JavaScript actually access each of the elements in order to work on them The answer is through the DOM API THE DOM APIThe DOM API Application Programming Interface is essentially the gateway between your HTML document rendered on the web and your JavaScript The DOM API provides a set of properties and methods which makes it possible to access information about our document or specific elements inside our script as well as change their state on the browser In other words JavaScript interacts with the page through the DOM API OUR PROJECTTo learn about the DOM API and the various properties and methods available for working with the DOM we will be using a simple project which I call My Bucket ListThis is just a static bucket list page containing a list of things we want to experience in future as well as a form input for adding a new item The website is styled using Bootstrap classes You can get the full code from its GitHub repository All properties and methods covered here will be in there as well Here is the markup for the web page lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content ie edge gt lt title gt My Bucket List lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet href integrity sha GnxqQaoWXA RXPxPgfyIWvTNhEXmFcJlSAwiGgFAW dAiSJXm crossorigin anonymous gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class container gt lt header id main header class bg info text black p m gt lt div class container gt lt h id header title gt My Bucket List lt h gt lt div gt lt header gt lt div class container gt lt div class card card body gt lt h class title gt Add a new experience lt h gt lt form action class form inline m gt lt input type text class form control m gt lt input type submit class btn btn success value Include gt lt form gt lt h class title gt Your List lt h gt lt ul id items class list group gt lt li class list group item gt Ride on a horse lt li gt lt li class list group item gt Visit Rome lt li gt lt li class list group item gt Climb mount everest lt li gt lt li class list group item gt Travel to Countries lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt script src domapi js gt lt body gt lt html gt EXAMINING THE DOCUMENT OBJECTConsole dir document Console dir document gives us an interactive representation of our document Interactive because it becomes very easy to expand the document object and inspect the properties and methods inside the document object Tree like representation of our documentThe document object contains a set of information pertaining to that document such as its properties as well as methods to interact with it from our script We can check for any property by using the document property syntax We can see a ton of attributes which the document object contains Let s take a look at some of the most popular properties Checking for the Document Typeconsole log document doctype There have been various versions of HTML Markup since its invention in With the doctype property we can get information about the type and version of the HTML Markup being used in the document Here is what is logged onto our console Getting the Document Type Declaration Getting the page s URLconsole log document URL This will log the URL for our web page onto the console In our case it will return the default dummy URL used by the local server for projects Getting the page s URL Time of last modificationconsole log document lastModified We can also check to see when last our document HTML was modified The above code will log the information to the console Checking when the document was last modified View the head part of the HTML Documentconsole log document head This will log the HTML head tag as well as every other tags nested inside of it Inspecting the head tag Get the Body of the documentconsole log document body This logs a HTML representation of the body tag and all nested tags onto the browser console Inspecting the body part Get the Form s within the document console log document forms This will return a HTMLCollection similar to an array showing the number of forms if any present in the document as well as their index properties Retrieve forms if any is present Get the entire HTML mark upconsole log document all This will log the entire markup within the HTML document onto the console In our case a HTMLCollection containing items HTML elements will be shown on the console Get the entire HTMLTechnically we can access a whole lot of other attributes on the document object To see the full list of available properties simply log the document object onto the console with console dir directory ACESSING ELEMENTS FROM THE DOMHTML elements can be accessed or selected from the Document Object Model using a variety of ways You can choose any of them depending of what element you want to access where the element is situated on the page how many you want to access and so many other factors Here are the popular ways of accessing elements from the DOM Get an Element by its unique IDconsole log document getElementById items The getElementById method enables us access a given element by its unique id attribute This method can return only one single element since only one id attribute value can exist in a given document The above code will log element with an id of items which is the ul onto the browser console Get element by id Get a group of Elements by their common class nameconsole log document getElementsByClassName list group item The getElementsByClassName method will retrieve a group of elements sharing the same class name into a HTMLCollectionHere is what our own code returns Get elements by Class Name Get a group of Elements by their common tag namesconsole log document getElementsByTagName li This method is similar to getElementsByClassName The main difference is that this one retrieves elements of similar tag names not class names It also returns a HTMLCollection The above code returns a collection containing all four list items li inside of our document Get elements by Tag Name Get Elements By a Specified Name Value of their name attributes console log document getElementsByName list The getElementsById method is also similar to the previous two examples mentioned However this method accesses the element s by the value of their name attribute For example lets add the name attribute to all of our list items passing in a common name attribute list lt li class list group item name list gt Ride on a horse lt li gt lt li class list group item name list gt Visit Rome lt li gt lt li class list group item name list gt Climb mount everest lt li gt lt li class list group item name list gt Travel to Countries lt li gt Running the code will log the following to the browser console By names QUERYING FOR ELEMENTS WITH CSS SELECTORSYou can also select element s using any of the CSS selectors available Your are not limited to a class or id selector Two methods are used for this querySelector querySelectorAll Querying for the first match using a CSS selectorconsole log querySelector list group item If you want to access only the first instance of a query based on a defined CSS selector use the querySelector method For example despite having four list items with an id attribute of list group item the above code will log only the first match found It returns only the first out of the four total list items We can also change the query to use an id selectorconsole log querySelector header title This should log the header title to the console Selecting By Id Querying for all matches using a CSS selectorconsole log querySelector list group item If you however want to access all instances which matches agive CSS query use querySelectorAll instead The console log statement will log a NodeList conatining all matches onto the console Grabs all instancesYou can also use the class selector or any other CSS selector you wish to use WORKING WITH TEXTSWhen working texts in the DOM there are three properties you will frequently come across textContentinnerTextinnerHTML How to use textContent to read and write text into an elementlet firstItem document querySelector list group item textContent console log firstItem The textContent property gets the inner text of a HTML element For example the above code will log the following text to the console Access the text contentJust as we can access the text we can also change the text inside of the element from our scriptdocument querySelector list group item textContent Ride on a Camel instead sorry Horse This will alter the text inside of the first list item Change the text contentinnerText works very similarly to textContent bar some minor difference Adding an inner HTML element to another element with innerHTMLlet formTitle document querySelector title innerHTML lt h gt Stop adding any more items lt h gt console log formTitle While you could only alter texts with textContent and innerText you can pass in an entire element into a target element inside the DOM with the innerHTML property For example the above code will insert the h title into the h target title Inserts another elementHere is how the markup will look like in the HTML Elements tab The h was not replaced Instead the h was inserted inside of it WORKING WITH STYLESlet firstItem document querySelector list group item let boldItem firstItem style backgroundColor red Texts are not the only thing you can change The DOM API also offers the style property which is a way of accessing and applying styles on your DOM elements right from your script In the above code we are accessing the first list item and changing its backgroung color to red Here is the result Now a red background DOM TRAVERSALThis section will cover a few properties and methods useful for traversing the DOM DOM traversal simply means moving up and down the DOM checking for an element to match Here are some important methods for traversing the DOMparentElementchildrenfirstElementChildlastElementChildpreviousElementSiblingnextElementSibling Accessing the parent node element with parentElement methodlet items document querySelector items console log items parentElement If you want to access the actual element in which a particular child is nested in aka its parent you can use the parentElement method The above code will return the parent element of our unordered list ul which is the div Finding the parent element Accessing all the children elements within a parent with childrenlet items document querySelector items console log items children All elements nested inside of a particluar parent can also be retrieved using the children property For example the above code will retrieve all four list items li which are the children of the unordered list ul Finds a group of children Accessing the first child of a parent element using firstElementChildlet items document querySelector items console log items firstElementChild The first child element of a particular parent can be accessed using the firstElementChild propertyFor example the above code will retrieve the first list item inside the unordered list Grabs the first child Accessing the last child of a parent element using lastElementChildlet items document querySelector items console log items lastElementChild The last child element of a particular parent can be accessed using the lastElementChild propertyFor example the above code will retrieve the last list item inside the unordered list Grabs the last child Accessing the next sibling element using nextElementSiblingform document querySelector form inline console log form nextElementSibling The immediate sibling element next to downwards a particular parent can be accessed using the nextElementSibling property For example the above code will retirive the next sibling to the form which is the level two heading h Grabs the next sibling Accessing the previous sibling element using previousElementSiblingform document querySelector form inline console log form nextElementSibling The immediate sibling element behind upwards a particular parent can be accessed using the prevousElementSibling property For example the above code will retrieve the previous sibling to the level two heading which is the form Grabs the previous sibling CREATING A NEW ELEMENT AND SETTING ATTRIBUTESIn this section we are going to be looking at how we can create and insert a new element into the DOM as well as adding attributes on any of them Some of the most important methods for this are createElement appendChild insertBefore createTextNode setAttribute getAttribute className Creating a new element using createElement and appending text using appendChildlet newH document createElement h let warning document createTextNode Must not exceed five items add text to hnewH appendChild warning console log newH In the above code we create a new element a level two header tag as well as an inner text for it We then append the text into h using the appendChild method Logging the new element to the console will show the following New element created Setting attributes on our new element using setAttribute and className setting a class on itnewH className warning btn setting an attribute on itnewH setAttribute title warning text console log newH Setting attributes Inserting our new Element to the DOM Inserting into the DOMlet cardBody document querySelector card let list document querySelector items cardBody insertBefore newH list At this point our element only exists as an object inside our JavaScript To see it in our web page we will have to insert into the DOM In the above code we do the following things Query for the parent div where we want to insert our new element into using it s classnameQuery for the unordered list because we will be inserting our new element right before on top of itWe finally insert our new H inside the DOM We put it before the list inside of the cardThis is how our page now looks like Insert into the DOM WRAPPING UPThis is it In this tutorial we have covered most of the important DOM manipulation propeties and methods in JavaScript I hope you got something valuable from this piece Next up we will be taking a deep look at the event object as well as the DOM event handler methods The entire properties and methods covered here can be obtained from this projects GitHub repository Have any suggestions Reach out to me on Twitter Stay blessed 2021-09-01 13:51:09
海外TECH DEV Community Work With Your Mind; Rest With Your Hands (How To Avoid Burnout As A Developer) https://dev.to/michaelmangial1/work-with-your-mind-rest-with-your-hands-how-to-avoid-burnout-as-a-developer-1ind Work With Your Mind Rest With Your Hands How To Avoid Burnout As A Developer If you re a developer you may have felt these feelings before You started working on implementing a new feature You spent the entire day making progress on it You weren t stuck rather you were quite productive Despite a productive day your mind continues to race about what s left for you to do to finish implementing the feature You worked on a bug the entire day and didn t make the kind of progress you hoped Your mind isn t racing you re actually quite tired but you have a hard time doing anything after work vigorously as the sense of incompleteness looms over you You feel super productive You ve knocked out several bugs and even implemented a feature on top of code reviews However the next day as you begin working on a new feature The QA testing found issues on all your previous work Suddenly you feel overwhelmed with how much you have to do Work ends but you feel stressed You ve worked a full day but you feel as if you haven t hit a good stopping point You are cruising through your work and you feel like things are going great You ve been super productive and you ve even received recognition for your efforts But as you move on to the next thing you feel kinda fuzzy even though it s a bit elusive I could multiply examples but the point is that being a software developer despite all its perks is a mentally exhausting industry If you were furniture mover for a living you would be careful to take care of your back as it is essential to your work If you were a musician you would take good care of your instrument In any work profession you need to take care of the instrument by which your work is produced In the case of a developer this is your mind So how do you take care of your mind I won t launch into a diatribe about psychology and modern theories on mental health Neither will I talk about how some of the stressful situations mentioned above could have been avoided Honestly there is always going to be a difficulty in labor and no industry is immune no not even software development Rather let me emphasize that all those stressful situations I mentioned above are indicative of the need to rest By rest I don t mean good sleep although you certainly should be aiming for that I don t mean the days you take off from work which are vital I mean a way to take the edge off from the stress that accumulates during a work day As a general rule those who work with their hands rest well with their minds and those who work with their minds rest well with their heads So what does this mean for developers Find a way to rest with your hands What does this look like Well I would simply recommend something physical that you enjoy and where you can see clear progress before and after Exercise is great but you don t even need a gym membership to do exercise Recently my wife and I moved I from our rental into a new home As a first time homeowner I ve been getting my exercise by painting walls mowing the lawn weed whacking making an outdoor fire pit etc etc Here s how I approach it Work with your mind until you feel fuzzy Then either take a break with physical work or plan to do physical work when you are done with your work day I pick something that s not only physical but has a concrete before and after like mowing the lawn so I can have a sense of accomplishment regardless of how the coding day went Of course things come up But if you simply emphasize on testing with your hands it will do you no small amount of good What do you do to actively rest from coding 2021-09-01 13:47:57
海外TECH DEV Community AWS - Lambda Hands On https://dev.to/this-is-learning/aws-lambda-hands-on-2cn0 AWS Lambda Hands OnTo start a new lambda function follow the instructions below On the dashboard in the search bar search for AWS lambda and then click on lambdaYou will see a dashboard on that dashboard click on create function You will see some options on how to create a function Use the option to Use a blueprintIn the search type hello world and select the hello world python option The screen will appear like this and select it and click configureGive a function name and let the execution role remain the same because we don t want to use this function to access other services Click on create function You wills see a first function with a code editor Click on test in the editor And give it an event nameClick on create after that click on test againAs you can see in the logs there is our event name and response as expected from the function as its returning key and details of all the computation usedWe have deployed our first lambda function Now let us see how to change the lambda function In the new function uncomment the raise Exception Something went wrong line and comment out return event key Echo back the first key value and click on deployClick on test again and we will see that an exception occurred and it fails If you want to change the configuration of this function you can do this in the configuration tab After that click on edit now you can change the memory timeout as you require for this functionLet me know if anyone has any questions 2021-09-01 13:30:15
海外TECH DEV Community Top 5 DataDog alternatives in 2021 including a full stack open-source APM tool 😉 🤓 https://dev.to/signoz/top-5-datadog-alternatives-in-2021-including-a-full-stack-open-source-apm-tool-7c0 Top DataDog alternatives in including a full stack open source APM tool Are you looking for a DataDog alternative Then you have come to the right place In this article we will go through top DataDog alternatives One of the biggest challenge users face with DataDog is its pricing policies For bigger enterprises it might make sense to shell out huge monitoring bills but it s often out of question for small and medium size enterprises The space is highly competitive but there are a few products that stand out In this article we will go through the best DatDog alternatives which you can explore while selecting your vendor for application monitoring List of top DataDog alternatives in SigNozNew RelicDynatracePrometheusLogicMonitor SigNozSigNoz is full stack open source application monitoring and observability tool which can be a great DataDog alternative It can be hosted within your infra and as such you don t need to send your data to a third party vendor It uses distributed tracing to help developers gauge the performance of their application in production It captures both metrics and traces with log management currently in the product roadmap A few things that SigNoz can help you with as a DataDog alternative are Track the popular RED metricsRate of user requestsError rate in user requestsDuration taken to complete user requestsp p amp p latencies for your applicationExternal API calls Database calls and top endpointsTrack transactions across different microservices using distributed tracingSigNoz uses OpenTelemetry a vendor agnostic instrumentation library for generating telemetry data OpenTelemetry is a project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is becoming the industry standard for creating portable telemetry data SigNoz Dashboard with visualization of the popular RED metrics for your application Number of requests rate of error amp duration SigNoz also has Flamegraphs and Gantt charts to visualize distributed tracing for your microservice application New RelicNew Relic is one of the oldest companies in this domain and can be a solid DataDog alternative If you opt for a full user plan you can get access to all the tools New Relic provides in its observability stack The list of tools are Application MonitoringBrowser MonitoringMobile MonitoringSynthetic MonitoringServerless MonitoringInfrastructure MonitoringLog ManagementStandard offering includes plans for teams upto full users Their pricing depends on the amount of data ingested with GB free data ingest and per extra GB You can visit their pricing page for details New Relic Dashboard DynatraceDynatrace is a DataDog alternative that provides a broad spectrum of monitoring services aimed at large scale enterprises To use Dynatrace you need to install a single agent per host which will collect all relevant metrics Dynatrace calls this agent OneAgent and it can serve the following use cases for monitoring Analyze performance of all user requests within your applicationMonitor server side servicesNetwork monitoringCloud and virtual machines monitoringMonitor containerized environments like Docker KubernetesRoot cause analysisFull stack monitoring the Dynatrace product aimed to provide observability for apps is priced at per month for GB per host if billed annually Dynatrace dashboard Source Dynatrace website PrometheusPrometheus can serve as a DataDog alternative if you are looking to track only metrics for your applications It was initially developed at SoundCloud in before being released as an open source project It was the second project to graduate from CNCF after Kubernetes If you want to opt for an open source tool for metrics monitoring then Prometheus can be a good option It enables you to capture time series data as metrics It s a pull based monitoring system where the Prometheus server pulls metrics from exporters known as Prometheus targets Other components in the Prometheus architecture include A query language known as PromQL is used to query collected time series dataIn built alert manager which is used for managing notifications and silencingVisualization layer which includes a built in expression browserThe visualization layer of Prometheus is basic and it is often used alongside Grafana an open source analytics and visualization tool Prometheus expression browserGrafana used for visualization with Prometheus LogicmonitorLogicMonitor is a cloud based infrastructure monitoring platform that can be used as a DataDog alternative if you re looking for infrastructure monitoring It also provides AIOps features including root cause analysis anomaly detection and forecasting With dynamic topology mapping you can have an overview of your network devices and their inter dependency Some of the key monitoring capabilities provided by LogicMonitor are Cloud Monitoring AWS Google and Azure Container Monitoring Kubernetes Network MonitoringServer MonitoringStorage MonitoringDatabase MonitoringLogicMonitor Dashboard Source LogicMonitor website ConclusionMonitoring and observability are critical components that you can t ignore for your applications in the production environment As such choosing the right tool which can empower you to take actions proactively is very important Though DataDog is a good tool it has its own challenges including cost unclear pricing policies and complex UI The above DataDog alternatives can be a good option to meet your monitoring needs A tool like SigNoz can provide you with out of box features like a SaaS vendors while still being open source If you want to check out SigNoz GitHub repoRead more about SigNoz Monitor your Spring Boot application with OpenTelemetry and SigNozHow to set up Golang application performance monitoring with SigNoz 2021-09-01 13:14:23
海外TECH DEV Community Create an Exclusive Product Landing Page using HTML CSS & JS https://dev.to/anikets_1801/exclusive-product-landing-page-using-html-css-2l0m Create an Exclusive Product Landing Page using HTML CSS amp JSHello dear developers In today s blog we ll see how to make an exclusive Product landing page using HTML CSS amp Javascript for your website Making an landing page with HTML amp CSS is pretty easy amp simple task but did you know what makes our post more exclusive Okay will discuss it…But Before that For demo with code tutorial You can watch the video below Code TutorialIf you want to see more web design tutorial just like these Please consider out YT Channel So without wasting more time let s see how to code this Starting with the first will require basically files only including index html style css amp main js So after creating these files in your favourite code editor let jump into making some HTML reset in our CSS file by considering Root elements as well margin padding box sizing border box font family Inter sans serif body height vh width overflow hidden ul li list style type none a text decoration none button cursor pointer outline none border none So after reseting the HTML let s jump into making our beautiful grid Layout based Wrapper with its childern componets container s st Making Structure with HTML lt section class wrapper gt lt LEFT CONTAINER gt lt main class left container gt lt main gt lt RIGHT CONTAINER gt lt main class right container gt lt main gt lt section gt nd Adding Style in it with CSS wrapper width height display grid grid template columns left container width background color EDFF height z index right container width height background color BEF z index Output from the above code Great we are making Only Progress So Now starting with our Left Container in which we have various childern s carrying diffrent tags and info about our landing page So let s quickly at first we will cover all the HTML amp CSS Part for our Left Container then will look for our Right Container HTML for Left Container lt div class left container gt lt nav gt lt div class logo content gt lt img src logo png alt logo class nike logo gt lt div gt lt ul class nav content gt lt li gt lt a class nav links active href javascript void gt man lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a class nav links href javascript void gt women lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a class nav links href javascript void gt kids lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a class nav links href javascript void gt customize lt a gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt nav gt lt br gt lt main class tools gt lt div class search gt lt input type text class search input placeholder Search here gt lt button class search btn gt lt div class slider gt lt i class ri search line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt button gt lt div gt lt div class discount gt lt span class discount percentage gt lt span gt lt div class seprator gt lt div gt lt span class save up gt save up to lt span gt lt div gt lt main gt lt section gt lt main class brand type gt lt div class large text gt lt h gt stylist lt br gt sneakers lt h gt lt div gt lt div class sliders gt lt button class slider btn disabled gt lt i class ri arrow left s line gt lt i gt lt button gt lt button class slider btn gt lt i class ri arrow right s line gt lt i gt lt button gt lt div gt lt main gt lt section gt lt br gt lt section class bottom shoes slider gt lt ul class bottom shoes card gt lt li class card shoe gt lt div class shoe content gt lt img src shoe img nike air force png alt nike air force class shoe gt lt div gt lt div class desc product gt lt div class transparent bg gt lt div class add to cart gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class desc gt lt span class card product name gt nike air force lt span gt lt span gt colors lt span gt lt span class price gt lt i class ri money euro circle line gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt li class card shoe gt lt div class shoe content style background color c gt lt img src shoe img nike air force high png alt nike air force high class shoe gt lt div gt lt div class desc product gt lt div class transparent bg gt lt div class add to cart style background color c gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class desc gt lt span class card product name gt air force high lt span gt lt span gt colors lt span gt lt span class price gt lt i class ri money euro circle line gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt li class card shoe gt lt div class shoe content style background color C gt lt img src shoe img air max png alt air max class shoe gt lt div gt lt div class desc product gt lt div class transparent bg gt lt div class add to cart style background color C gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class desc gt lt span class card product name gt air max lt span gt lt span gt colors lt span gt lt span class price gt lt i class ri money euro circle line gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt li class card shoe gt lt div class shoe content style background color black gt lt img src shoe img air max excee png alt air max excee class shoe gt lt div gt lt div class desc product gt lt div class transparent bg gt lt div class add to cart style background color black gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class desc gt lt span class card product name gt air max excee lt span gt lt span gt colors lt span gt lt span class price gt lt i class ri money euro circle line gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt li class card shoe gt lt div class shoe content style background color ebd gt lt img src shoe img nike span png alt nike span class shoe gt lt div gt lt div class desc product gt lt div class transparent bg gt lt div class add to cart style background color ebd gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class desc gt lt span class card product name gt nike span lt span gt lt span gt colors lt span gt lt span class price gt lt i class ri money euro circle line gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt section gt lt div gt CSS for Left Containernav width height px display flex align items center justify content space between padding rem rem logo content width px height px logo content nike logo width height object fit cover nav content display flex nav content nav links padding px color rgb text transform capitalize font size px letter spacing px transition s nav links hover color black nav links active color black font weight tools margin top rem width height px display flex align items center justify content space between search display flex search input width px height px border radius px border none padding left px font size px margin left rem margin right rem outline none search btn width px height px border radius px border none padding left px font size px background color black slider margin left rem margin top rem text align center overflow hidden slider i color white font size px discount display flex flex direction column position relative discount percentage font size px font weight text transform uppercase letter spacing px padding bottom px width px seprator width height px background color black position relative seprator before content position absolute top px left px background color black width px height px border radius save up font size px color black text transform uppercase letter spacing px margin top px brand type display flex justify content space between width align items center padding rem sliders margin top rem large text font size px text transform capitalize letter spacing px text shadow px px deefc line height slider btn width px height px border radius outline none border px solid gray background color transparent cursor pointer slider btn i font size px bottom shoes slider width px height px position absolute right z index margin top rem bottom shoes card width height display flex justify content space around card shoe width px height px max height border radius px box shadow px px px px rgba shoe content width px height px position relative background color fddc border top left radius px border top right radius px shoe content shoe width height px object fit cover transform rotate deg position absolute top rem right rem overflow hidden filter drop shadow px px rem rgb desc product width min height background color white border bottom left radius px border bottom right radius px display flex justify content center position relative transparent bg content position absolute width px height px background color white border radius display flex align items center justify content center top px add to cart width px height px background color fddc border radius z index display flex align items center justify content center add to cart i color white font size px margin top px desc margin top rem z index position absolute top text align center card product name font size px text transform uppercase font family Poppins letter spacing px display block font weight desc gt span nth child font size px text transform uppercase letter spacing px display block color gray price font size px text transform uppercase font family Poppins letter spacing px display flex align items center justify content center margin top px price i margin right px color gray Result of the Left ContainerI know it is some how going fast but if you want to see the step tuorial on youtube whose link is at starting of this post Now Right Container to end with HTML amp CSS Part HTML For Right Container lt main class right container gt lt nav class right nav gt lt ul class right nav content gt lt li class r nav links gt model ck lt li gt lt button class cart btn gt lt i class ri shopping bag fill gt lt i gt lt button gt lt ul gt lt nav gt lt section class selected product gt lt div class circle gt lt div class icon gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div class product tag gt lt p class offer gt lt p gt lt p gt comfortable lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class circle gt lt div class icon gt lt i class ri add line gt lt i gt lt div class product tag gt lt p class offer gt rare high percentage lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class selected product content gt lt img src shoe img air max png alt nike air max class selected product img gt lt div gt lt div class size product gt lt main class content gt lt ul class size list gt lt li class size item gt lt span gt lt span gt lt li gt lt li class size item gt lt span gt lt span gt lt li gt lt li class size item gt lt span gt lt span gt lt li gt lt li class size item gt lt span gt lt span gt lt li gt lt li class size item gt lt span gt lt span gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt br gt lt br gt lt div class text gt lt h class selected product text gt nike air max lt h gt lt div gt lt div class reviews gt lt span gt reviews k lt span gt lt ul class stars list gt lt li gt lt i class ri star fill gt lt i gt lt li gt lt li gt lt i class ri star fill gt lt i gt lt li gt lt li gt lt i class ri star fill gt lt i gt lt li gt lt li gt lt i class ri star fill gt lt i gt lt li gt lt li gt lt i class ri star fill gt lt i gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt main gt lt div gt lt section gt lt main gt CSS For Right Container right nav content width height px display flex align items center justify content space between padding rem rem r nav links text transform uppercase font size px font weight letter spacing px cart btn width px height px background color black border radius px display flex align items center justify content center cursor pointer cart btn i color white font size px selected product width height px position relative selected product content width height px padding rem position relative selected product img width height max height object fit cover transform rotate deg position absolute top rem right rem size product width min height px background color black content width height padding rem text width height px display flex align items center margin top rem padding bottom rem border bottom px solid rgb selected product text color white text transform uppercase letter spacing px font size px size list color rgb list style none display flex justify content space between size item font size px size item nth child transform translateY rem color eee font size px position relative size item nth child after content position absolute top rem right rem font size px width px height px background color eee border radius reviews margin top rem width padding px height fit content display flex align items center justify content space between reviews span text transform capitalize color rgb letter spacing px stars list display flex stars list li i color rgba font size px padding px circle circle position absolute width px height px background color fffafac border radius border px border style solid border color eee display flex align items center justify content center z index circle left px top circle right px top icon width px height px background color white border radius position relative icon i font size px circle product tag circle product tag width px height px border radius px background color rgba position absolute bottom px right rem display flex flex direction column align items center justify content center overflow hidden product tag p nth child color white product tag p nth child font size px color eee text transform capitalize offer display block text align center font size px text transform capitalize color eee Result of Right ContainerSo here you are thinking we are done but not yet remember we started this post as keyword Exclusive so that s time for it So inorder to make website more desirable we implements some fancy animations so again in this post we are using The one of the Powerful animation Library for JS animations is GSAPGSAP is free and very simple amp easy to use you may can userstand more on this by visiting their website but for this post we are using the CDN Content Delivery Network from cdnjs com lt GSAP CDN gt lt script src gt lt script gt So in our main js we write below given scripts to implement those animations gsap from nav opacity delay duration ease elastic out y gsap from search opacity delay duration ease elastic out y gsap from brand type opacity delay duration ease elastic out y gsap from discount opacity delay scale duration rotation ease expo inOut x gsap from bottom shoes card opacity delay duration ease elastic out x gsap from selected product img opacity delay duration ease elastic out y gsap from size product opacity delay duration ease Expo In y gsap from circle opacity delay scale duration ease expo In gsap from circle opacity delay scale duration ease expo In Overall End ResultLast Words Thank you so much watching my post Please consider subscribing it motivates making more content just like these 2021-09-01 13:05:40
海外TECH DEV Community Is Work-Life Balance Dead? https://dev.to/mikhailkaran/is-work-life-balance-dead-fip Is Work Life Balance Dead What is HTML All The ThingsHTML All The Things is a web development podcast and discord community which was started by Matt and Mike developers based in Ontario Canada The podcast speaks to web development topics as well as running a small business self employment and time management You can join them for both their successes and their struggles as they try to manage expanding their Web Development business without stretching themselves too thin Sponsored By CodeCastCommunity focused live streaming and video platform that is structured for developers by developers ShowwcaseThis is where people who code can connect build community and find new opportunities Invite Code JoinHATT What s This One About In this episode Matt and Mike discuss a rather popular topic as of late work life balance With many active discussions going on about the day work week and mental health the topic of work life balance is not far behind The COVID pandemic has made working from home remote working has far more common however with some employers realizing that employees can be reached virtually any time work life balance can take a serious hit The duo discuss their own work life balance struggles the issues that being constantly plugged in can cause and the anxiety of trying not check your work emails messages Show Notes Introduction Do you believe in work life balance Do you think constantly being at the ready on call without actually being on call is bad for mental health Do you consider having phone internet connection when going somewhere CodeCast Sponsor Spot Showwcase Sponsor Spot How quickly do you check your phone Does having too much passion for your work potentially hurt your work life balance Many people are on salaries should there be some sort of overtime terms negotiated so that employers are invested in work life balance Do you ever get derailed by work emails or calls during your off time Is work life balance dead Do we need to fight for it Key TakeawaysTemporary spurts of an imbalanced life can lead to better balance in the futureMake it ok to take a sick day As a leader in the workplace set the precedent of work life balance Sometimes you ve got to think of the people around you if you re a passionate worker that does a bunch of free work for your company how does that effect the normal workers around you Thank you If you re enjoying the podcast consider giving us a review on Apple Podcasts or checking out our Patreon to get a shoutout on the podcast Support us on PatreonYou can find us on all the podcast platforms out there as well asInstagram htmlallthethings Twitter htmleverything TikTok Html All The Things 2021-09-01 13:03:07
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple plans blood pressure monitor, thermometer for future Apple Watch https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/01/apple-developing-blood-pressure-monitor-thermometer-for-2022-apple-watch?utm_medium=rss Apple plans blood pressure monitor thermometer for future Apple WatchApple is working on a range of new health related Apple Watch sensors including a blood pressure monitor and a thermometer to aid in fertility planning among other features Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderThe fertility feature could be available on a new Apple Watch in alongside improvements to the device s irregular heartbeat and sleep tracking systems According to The Wall Street Journal most of Apple s more ambitious health projects won t debut on the Apple Watch Series Read more 2021-09-01 13:52:02
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple reveals first states to use Apple Wallet for ID, driver's licence https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/01/apple-reveals-first-states-to-use-apple-wallet-for-id-drivers-licence?utm_medium=rss Apple reveals first states to use Apple Wallet for ID driver x s licenceApple has announced that Arizona and Georgia are to support Apple Wallet for state ID and drivers licences in iOS with six more states to follow Apple Wallet will be able to store your drivers licence in certain statesApple has long been preparing to have passports and other ID stored on iPhones and iOS will add support for it Now the company has announced seven states that have signed on to accept ID through Apple Wallet Read more 2021-09-01 13:25:24
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Spotify & Delta partner, bringing popular music playlists & podcasts to the skies https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/01/spotify-delta-partner-bringing-popular-music-playlists-podcasts-to-the-skies?utm_medium=rss Spotify amp Delta partner bringing popular music playlists amp podcasts to the skiesDelta Airlines and Spotify have announced a partnership to begin providing popular music playlists and podcasts free to all passengers Delta and Spotify partnershipThe new announcement brings popular music playlists and Spotify podcasts to the in flight experience The audio is licensed directly by Delta Read more 2021-09-01 13:00:32
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Today at Apple Creative Studios' expanding to Chicago & Washington, D.C. https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/01/today-at-apple-creative-studios-expanding-to-chicago-washington-dc?utm_medium=rss x Today at Apple Creative Studios x expanding to Chicago amp Washington D C Apple is bringing its training program Today at Apple Creative Studios to photographers and writers in Chicago and Washington D C Chicago based visual artist Sentrock is partnering with Apple for Today at Apple Creative Studios As the regular Today at Apple education program begin resuming live in store sessions in Europe Apple is expanding its related mentorship scheme to two more US cities The scheme is a creative program for young adults providing up to weeks of training alongside artists Read more 2021-09-01 13:05:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Being James Bond' documentary coming to Apple TV on Sept. 7 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/31/being-james-bond-documentary-coming-to-apple-tv-on-september-7?utm_medium=rss x Being James Bond x documentary coming to Apple TV on Sept Look back on five films and years of Daniel Craig as in Being James Bond premiering Sept in the Apple TV app Being James Bond coming to Apple TV The documentary focuses on Daniel Craig and his years as the titular James Bond The first look trailer shows a few behind the scenes moments with Craig saying the role turned his world upside down Read more 2021-09-01 13:32:59
海外TECH Engadget Toyota's self-driving shuttles return to the Paralympics following crash https://www.engadget.com/toyota-resumes-self-driving-e-palette-use-paralympics-132634264.html?src=rss Toyota x s self driving shuttles return to the Paralympics following crashToyota s e Palette is back in service As Roadshowreports the automaker has resumed use of its self driving shuttle at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo following a collision with a visually impaired athlete Not surprisingly both Toyota and the games Organizing Committee have made changes in light of the crash ーthey ve determined that both the autonomous vehicle and the circumstances around it were to blame The company noted there were only two guide people at the intersection where the collision occurred making it difficult for them to watch all vehicles and pedestrians at the same time There also wasn t a quot sufficient quot way of coordinating between guides and vehicle operators such as the manual backups for the e Palette It simply wasn t possible to ensure safety at this signal free intersection without everyone working together Toyota said The company has upgrade the e Palette itself with louder approach warning sounds more crew members and tweaks to manual acceleration and braking Organizers meanwhile have increased the number of guides created an alternative to traffic signals and split those guides into groups devoted to pedestrians and vehicles Toyota and the Committee vowed to refine the system on a quot daily basis quot through the rest of the Paralympics which end on September th It s not clear if these changes will be enough However this does serve as a reminder that self driving vehicle tech is still in its infancy ーit could be a while before Toyota and other brands can completely trust onboard computing power to safely navigate streets 2021-09-01 13:26:34
海外TECH Engadget Samsung's Premiere 4K projector is $1,000 off right now https://www.engadget.com/samsung-premiere-projector-sale-1000-off-home-entertainment-sale-amazon-130328219.html?src=rss Samsung x s Premiere K projector is off right nowOne of Samsung s latest ultra short throw projectors has been discounted by as part of a larger sale on Amazon The Premiere Projector with a channel sound system is down to ーyes that s still quite expensive even for a projector but it s a much better buy now than at it s normal price We ve only seen it cheaper in June during Prime Day when it was an additional off If you feel comfortable sacrificing on sound the same model with a channel system has dropped to Samsung s matching both prices so you could buy direct from the company if you prefer Buy Premiere Ch sound at Amazon Buy Premiere Ch sound at Samsung Buy Premiere Ch sound at Amazon Buy Premiere Ch sound at Samsung The Premiere made it onto our list of favorite projectors in a premium category and it s worth the price if you want one of the best big screen experiences available It includes separate red green and blue lasers so it can cover the full Rec color range which is something even most high end TVs cannot boast This is as close as you ll get to a true K projector too and it supports HDR and up to lumens of brightness That surround sound system completes the package allowing you to get close to a theatrical experience in your living room or backyard We also like its relatively attractive and compact design ーit looks nice enough to keep out in your home and being an ultra short throw machine you can place it close to a wall and still get a crisp image The Premiere also has most smart features you d expect a projector to have today including virtual assistant support and streaming apps Running on Samsung s Tizen operating system for smart TVs you can ask Alexa the Google Assistant or Bixby to do things for you as well as stream from services like Netflix Amazon Prime Video Apple TV and others So while it s not cheap by any means even when on sale the Premiere is an investment gadget that will provide an excellent entertainment experience for a long time A couple of Samsung TVs round out the rest of the sale on Amazon the inch Samsung QT Series K smart TV is roughly off bringing it down to and you can grab a Terrace outdoor K TV for as low as Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-09-01 13:03:28
Cisco Cisco Blog How Laboratoria is transforming the face of tech in Latin America https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/how-laboratoria-is-transforming-the-face-of-tech-in-latin-america How Laboratoria is transforming the face of tech in Latin AmericaMeet Mariana Costa Checa CEO and Co Founder of Laboratoria a social enterprise changing the tech sector in Latin America one woman at a time 2021-09-01 13:00:40
海外科学 NYT > Science New Research Helps Explain a Sudden Population Crash for Rare Whales https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/climate/northern-right-whales.html New Research Helps Explain a Sudden Population Crash for Rare WhalesNorth Atlantic right whales had been making a slow recovery but ocean changes linked to global warming are pushing down their numbers again scientists say 2021-09-01 13:05:37
海外科学 NYT > Science Another Hidden Covid Risk: Lingering Kidney Problems https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/health/covid-kidneys.html Another Hidden Covid Risk Lingering Kidney ProblemsIn a study of veterans Covid survivors were percent more likely than other patients to have long term kidney damage or declines in kidney function 2021-09-01 13:41:17
海外科学 NYT > Science Teachers, Police, Other Public Workers Left Out of Mental Health Coverage https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/31/health/mental-health-insurance.html Teachers Police Other Public Workers Left Out of Mental Health CoverageHealth plans for state and local workers can opt out of the federal law requiring them to treat mental health like other medical conditions 2021-09-01 13:42:54
海外科学 NYT > Science In Afghanistan, War and Climate Change Collide https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/30/climate/afghanistan-climate-taliban.html people 2021-09-01 13:34:03
海外科学 NYT > Science In Britain, Young Children Don’t Wear Masks in School https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/students-masks-classrooms-britain.html measures 2021-09-01 13:33:30
金融 金融庁ホームページ 職員を募集しています。(金融庁における国際関連業務に従事する職員(課長補佐級・係長級)) https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/recruit/r3/soumu-07/soumu-07.html 課長補佐 2021-09-01 15:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 明和町商工会の産業競争力強化法に基づく新事業活動計画の認定について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20210901-2/20210901-2.html 事業活動 2021-09-01 14:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Moderna says Japan’s Takeda plans to recall three lots of suspended COVID-19 vaccine https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/01/national/takeda-moderna-recall/ Moderna says Japan s Takeda plans to recall three lots of suspended COVID vaccineThe health ministry said particles of stainless steel were found in suspended Moderna COVID vaccines but it did not expect they would pose an additional 2021-09-01 22:34:23
ニュース BBC News - Home Colin Pitchfork: Double child murderer released from prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-58408210?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA leicestershire 2021-09-01 13:26:09
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 難しいマスクの色とサイズ選び。最新AIでバーチャル試着ができるサービス【今日のライフハックツール】 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/241342lht-try-fit-on.html 選び 2021-09-01 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、110円前半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/584737/ 外国為替市場 2021-09-01 22:21:00
北海道 北海道新聞 レームが走り幅跳び3連覇 陸上・1日 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/584728/ 機能障害 2021-09-01 22:05:01
北海道 北海道新聞 日12―1オ(1日) 日本ハム4連勝 今季最多得点の猛攻 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/584735/ 日本ハム 2021-09-01 22:19:40
北海道 北海道新聞 ロ7―14西(1日) 西武が大勝 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/584731/ 連敗 2021-09-01 22:02:16
北海道 北海道新聞 サハリンで大音量の北朝鮮音楽 流していたのは出稼ぎ労働者 送還の国連制裁骨抜き https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/584730/ 国連制裁 2021-09-01 22:01:33



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