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TECH Engadget Japanese Kindleのビジネス書が最大50%オフとなるキャンペーン。3000タイトル以上が対象。9月16日まで https://japanese.engadget.com/sale-kindle-business-073506157.html kindle 2021-09-06 07:35:06
TECH Engadget Japanese BMW Motorrad、若者向け電動ミニバイクのコンセプトモデル「CE 02」発表 https://japanese.engadget.com/bmw-motorrad-ce-02-070509602.html bmwmotorrad 2021-09-06 07:05:09
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] サンワサプライ、Type-Cポートも備えた容量2万100mAhのモバイルバッテリー https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2109/06/news120.html btlrdc 2021-09-06 16:15:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 企業のヘルスケアサービスの立ち上げをサポートする「FiNC OEM KIT」 https://techable.jp/archives/161401 fincoemkit 2021-09-06 07:00:24
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders NTTドコモがAWSコスト削減の取り組みを説明、必要なリソースを必要な時だけ使用 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22014 NTTドコモがAWSコスト削減の取り組みを説明、必要なリソースを必要な時だけ使用ITLeadersNTTドコモは年月日、アマゾンウェブサービスジャパンが開催した会見に登壇し、AWSAmazonWebServicesの利用料金を下げた自社事例を紹介した。 2021-09-06 16:54:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Django rest_framework にてカスタムのレスポンスステータス・ボディを返却する方法について https://qiita.com/kakasak/items/95ab620530334a92980b ライブラリの中でいきなり例外を投げたると、関数の本当の目的外部サーバーにアクセスしてレスポンスを利用元に返す以外に、「外部サーバーへのアクセスに失敗すると例外が発生する」という機能が入り込み、結果としてモなにか予想外のことがおきる、副作用があるライブラリになります。 2021-09-06 16:43:38
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita node-webrtcでWebRTCを入門 https://qiita.com/hachicomb/items/dd72fad5698a79dc2c55 2021-09-06 16:55:07
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptでコードに影響を与える記号などを表示したい場合の方法 https://qiita.com/JUN1507/items/4aa636bf5117882c291f documentwriteImJapaneseその他まとめエスケープシーケンスには他にもいくつかあるので、表示でエラーが発生した場合に参考してみてください。 2021-09-06 16:34:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) gccのビルドがうまく行きません。 https://teratail.com/questions/358014?rss=all 参考サイト上のサイトの通りに行っていたのですが、gccのmakeの部分ができません。 2021-09-06 16:38:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTML 自動コメントアウト設定方法 https://teratail.com/questions/358013?rss=all HTML自動コメントアウト設定方法HTMLのコードを書く際に、自動コメントアウト設定をしてコードを見やすくしたいため、質問します。 2021-09-06 16:36:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Spring Bootでデータベースのテーブルを自動生成したい https://teratail.com/questions/358012?rss=all SpringBootでデータベースのテーブルを自動生成したい前提・実現したいことSpringToolnbspSuiteを使用してデータベースH操作がしたい。 2021-09-06 16:36:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Mapの初期化エラー https://teratail.com/questions/358011?rss=all Mapの初期化エラー前提・実現したいことmap連想配列で、keyとvalueを入れて、適当なkeyからvalueを取り出せるかの実験を行おうとしていた。 2021-09-06 16:32:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) matplotlibの図中のクリックを反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/358010?rss=all matplotlibの図中のクリックを反映させたい前提・実現したいことPythonのmatplotlibでFFT変換の結果を表示して、図中の任意の位置をクリックした際にそのX座標周波数の値が分かるプログラムを作成しています。 2021-09-06 16:25:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) doPostの戻り値は何のために使用するどのようなものですか? https://teratail.com/questions/358009?rss=all doPostの戻り値は何のために使用するどのようなものですかPOSTリクエストを行う際に、doPostで戻り値を指定する必要があると見受けられるような動作を確認しました。 2021-09-06 16:19:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) <Git> なぜ、コンフリクトとなるのかわからない問題が発生している https://teratail.com/questions/358008?rss=all ltGitgtなぜ、コンフリクトとなるのかわからない問題が発生している現時点の状況まず、masterブランチで「Message」と書いたテキストファイルをコミットしました。 2021-09-06 16:19:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) powershellとgitbashどちらがよいですか? https://teratail.com/questions/358007?rss=all powershellとgitbashどちらがよいですかwindowsでpythonを主にやっている者ですが、シェルについて質問なのです。 2021-09-06 16:11:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) new演算子について https://teratail.com/questions/358006?rss=all new演算子についてNew演算子をつかうコードをよく見ますが、以下参照。 2021-09-06 16:07:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ConohaVPS上のVPNに接続すると、特定のサイトなどが見れなくなる。 https://teratail.com/questions/358005?rss=all 構築後、ConohaVPS上のVPNサーバーに接続したのですが、NetflixやHulu、my楽天モバイルなどの特定のサイトにアクセスするとエラーになります。 2021-09-06 16:04:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 音声データの言語判定をおこないたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/358004?rss=all 音声のテキスト可にはgoogleのrecognizegoogleを使用しているのですが、自分が調べた限りでは複数の言語を指定する事はできないようです。 2021-09-06 16:04:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jquery height: 100vhで画面いっぱいに指定したvegasスライダー内のscroll数を算出したい https://teratail.com/questions/358003?rss=all jqueryheightvhで画面いっぱいに指定したvegasスライダー内のscroll数を算出したい前提・実現したいことvegasという全画面スライダーをvhにしてコンテンツ全体に設定しているのですが、その中でscrollの値をとって指定の効果をつけたいです。 2021-09-06 16:03:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPressで「テンプレートが不足しています。」の文言が出てしまっているのですが解決法はありますでしょうか? https://teratail.com/questions/358002?rss=all 独立したテーマにはnbspindexphpnbspテンプレートファイルが必要です。 2021-09-06 16:02:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Rails Facebookログイン uidについて https://teratail.com/questions/358001?rss=all RailsFacebookログインuidについて現在作成中のアプリケーションでFacebookログインの機能を実装しています。 2021-09-06 16:01:13
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Mac】Docker+rails6+postgreSQLでの環境構築完全版 https://qiita.com/minoppp411/items/73a11c1762835ac92d79 【Mac】DockerrailspostgreSQLでの環境構築完全版環境MacOSBigSurrubyrailsDockerpostgreSQLディレクトリmyapp全て現時点での最新バージョンです。 2021-09-06 16:17:45
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2接続時に[WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!]エラーになった時の解決法 https://qiita.com/ysdiary/items/ce221f82d883497e27d5 今回は、元々のECインスタンスにEIPを関連付けており、そのEIPを新しいECに紐付けた際に生じたエラーです。 2021-09-06 16:32:29
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 新しいVPCにEC2インスタンスのコピーを作成する https://qiita.com/ysdiary/items/4b806eddc26a73ef8fe6 AMIを作成するサイドメニューインスタンスから、コピーしたいインスタンスを選択右上のアクションgtイメージとテンプレートgtイメージを作成を選択イメージ名にどこのインスタンスのコピー情報かわかるよう任意の名前を入力再起動しない有効化にチェック終了時に削除有効化にチェックが入っているか確認デフォルトで入っていますイメージを作成を選択サイドメニューイメージgtAMIを選択先ほどのAMIが作成されていることを確認ステータスがavailableになったら終了ECインスタンスを作成するサイドメニューイメージgtAMIを選択作成したAMIを選択アクションgt起動を選択し、インスタンスの情報を入力無料枠の方は無料枠の設定に気をつけて、コピー元と同じように作成していくイメージインスタンスの作成でインスタンス一覧に複製したECインスタンスが存在することを確認終わりに思っていたよりも簡単にコピーが作れました。 2021-09-06 16:10:50
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Mac】Docker+rails6+postgreSQLでの環境構築完全版 https://qiita.com/minoppp411/items/73a11c1762835ac92d79 【Mac】DockerrailspostgreSQLでの環境構築完全版環境MacOSBigSurrubyrailsDockerpostgreSQLディレクトリmyapp全て現時点での最新バージョンです。 2021-09-06 16:17:45
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita なでしこさんのプログラムをherokuで動かしたい! https://qiita.com/snowdrops89/items/b13edde610c476c7c35d でででも英語だ・・・ツラい・・・Gitのインストール英語のページですけど簡単ですHerokuCLIのインストール日本語ページがあるので安心ですていうか、このHerokuスターターガイドはかなり親切なので、このとうりに学んでいけば、基本的な使い方はバッチリたぶんねherokuさん、ドキュメントは日本語あるのに、操作画面は日本語化出来ないんですかね・・・ローカルでの準備とりあえず分かりやすく、デスクトップに「nako」フォルダを作って、そこで作業することにします。 2021-09-06 16:14:14
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails turbolinksとbootstrapのドロップダウン https://qiita.com/mario-qiita/items/fca7773bbf1b9b48089a RailsturbolinksとbootstrapのドロップダウンturbolinksとbootstrapバージョンRailsbootstrap今回発生した問題サイト内にドロップダウンメニューをBootstrapで導入したが、ページ遷移直後にドロップダウンメニューを押しても機能せず、一度サイトを更新し直さないとドロップダウンが機能しないという点。 2021-09-06 16:46:01
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Mac】Docker+rails6+postgreSQLでの環境構築完全版 https://qiita.com/minoppp411/items/73a11c1762835ac92d79 【Mac】DockerrailspostgreSQLでの環境構築完全版環境MacOSBigSurrubyrailsDockerpostgreSQLディレクトリmyapp全て現時点での最新バージョンです。 2021-09-06 16:17:45
海外TECH DEV Community 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️ Vue 3 error with using TypeScript: property X does not exist on type 'EventTarget' https://dev.to/koddr/vue-3-error-with-using-typescript-property-x-does-not-exist-on-type-eventtarget-5cpl ‍ ️‍ ️Vue error with using TypeScript property X does not exist on type x EventTarget x IntroductionHey DEV people It s time to continue the Simple Errors series with an article about the TypeScript error I encountered when I first decided to convert my Vue js v x project from regular JavaScript As always don t judge too harshly write what you think of such articles suggest your own topics for parsing in the comments Here we go Table of contentsExplanation of the errorInput data when an error occursResolving the errorConclusions Explanation of the errorWhen I run vue tsc noEmit to check TypeScript I get errors src components forms Input vue error TS Object is possibly null input emit update modelValue event target value src components forms Input vue error TS Property value does not exist on type EventTarget input emit update modelValue event target value Found errors While I knew what was wrong with error Object is possibly null I had to dig deep into the documentation to find the reason for error Property value does not exist on type EventTarget ↑Table of contents Input data when an error occursMy Vue component src components forms Input vue looks like this lt template gt lt input class px py border rounded lg input emit update modelValue event target value type inputType tabindex tabIndex placeholder placeholder value modelValue required isRequired gt lt template gt lt script lang ts gt import defineComponent from vue export default defineComponent name Input props inputType type String required true tabIndex type String required true placeholder type String default modelValue type String default isRequired type Boolean default false lt script gt As you ve already noticed in the input attribute of the template I refer to event target value as I would do in regular JavaScript Note Even if event target return null which has no value property this is not a big problem for regular JavaScript It will give a run time error on the client and this web application will crash But that s not how TypeScript works It checks all possible problematic places in the code at the time of building the project and points them out That s why we love and use it ↑Table of contents Resolving the errorFirst write a new method called handleInputChange event in setup function lt script lang ts gt import defineComponent from vue export default defineComponent setup gt Define event handler for input changes in TypeScript const handleInputChange event Event gt event target as HTMLInputElement value return handleInputChange lt script gt In TypeScript we need to explicitly point to the object we want to work with In this case it is the input field so its object will be called HTMLInputElement ️Note The HTMLInputElement interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating the options layout and presentation of lt input gt elements Next let s add this method to the input in our template like this lt template gt lt input class px py border rounded lg input emit update modelValue handleInputChange event type inputType tabindex tabIndex placeholder placeholder value modelValue required isRequired gt lt template gt Run vue tsc once again and boom All errors disappeared ↑Table of contents ConclusionsI know how difficult it is to retrain to a new paradigm of interaction with the same objects and properties But this simple error showed me just how powerful and useful TypeScript is in the real world Have a successful work and let simple errors never stop you on the way to realizing your projects ↑Table of contents Photos and videos bySascha Bosshard Lucrezia Carnelos P S If you want more articles like this on this blog then post a comment below and subscribe to me Thanks 2021-09-06 07:45:45
海外TECH DEV Community AWS open source news and updates #80 https://dev.to/aws/aws-open-source-news-and-updates-80-477e AWS open source news and updates September th Instalment Newsletter So what delights does of this newsletter offer this week We have plenty of new open source projects such as aws oy recipes observability recipes dassana io contextual alerts sgCheckup security aws lambda scheduler developer tool to simplify scheduling of AWS Lambda functions aacli AWS cli authentication SSO as well as Terraform modules and AWS open source solutions covering Hugging Face reporting on your AWS accounts and more If you are more interesting in blog posts covering open source topics we have posts from the AWS and community covering OpenSearch GraphQL Flutter Apache Airflow Debezium Apache Kafka Kubernetes Packer OpenTelemetry and many more We also have a round up of posts covering last weeks GA announcement of Grafana Job of the weekPrincipal Developer Advocate Java SpecialistA new opening in my team has come up for anyone in the Cambridge Boston area in the US As a Principal Developer Advocate in the AWS Developer Relations organisation you will work to earn trust with Enterprise developers and the broader Java community through your technical leadership and expertise This is a high impact role that s well suited to someone with domain specific technical experience that enjoys sharing what they have learned in order to help users solve their technical issues and overcome any challenges they face You will have the ability to influence and educate customers at every stage of their experience with technologies such as OpenJDK Serverless Containers DevOps tools and more Check out the job description for more details and please feel free to DM or email me with any questions you might have Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Oğuzhan Yılmaz Michael Walmsley Bhuvanesh R Derek Bingham Ankit Anand Gold Fig Labs Arkady Titenko Oren Leung Francesco Canessa Eddie Pick Dhawalkumar Patel Kapil Shardha Aravind Singirikonda Juan Lamadrid Andrew Hopp Nicholas Knize Pavan Kumar Sunder Jon Slominski Roy Kincaid Eric Robertson Ali Spittel Aaron Todd Ian Botsford Ken Gilmer Nicki Stone John Woo Gopalakrishnan Subramanian Satheesh Kumar Alolita Sharma Nizar Tyrewall Imaya Kumar Jagannathan Michael Hausenblas Danilo Poccia Julia Hu Matthieu Fuzellier Srikanth Kodali Yuxin Yang Sheetal Joshi Mike Stefaniak Jayanth Varavani Vimal Bagmar Waleed Sarwari and Santosh Vallurupalli Make sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest open source projectsaws oy recipesaws oy recipes this was the project I spent most time on last week a new initiative home to share recipes for observability oy solutions at AWS Currently this is covering six areas destinations Prometheus Grafana OpenSearch CloudWatch and Jaeger agents AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Fluent Bit CloudWatch agent and AWS X Ray agent languages Java and Javascript currently Python NET Go and Rust to come infrastructure and databases Amazon RDS DynamoDB and Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka compute AWS Batch Amazon ECS and EKS Amazon ElasticBeanstalk and AWS Lambda and compute engine AWS Fargate Amazon EC and Amazon Lightsail This repository will grow over time so make sure to check it out bookmark it and even better why not contribute your own recipes If you are using Python NET Go or Rust would be great to start adding those to the repo To find out more and check out these recipes head over to AWS Observability Recipesdassana iodassana io this is a new open source project from Dassana that looks interesting From the docs Dassana is on a mission to solve the alert fatigue problem Now more than ever before it is easy to scan your environment for security issues and deploy threat detection tools But as soon as you deploy these tools you will find that they start generating too many alerts Although most of the alerts are accurate they still lack the necessary context to be of great help For example if you get an alert that an s bucket has been found public in your environment you might drop everything and start investigating it But what if you find that there is a website associated with the bucket What if the bucket has a word public or static in it Wouldn t it be great if the alert already had this context to begin with That s what Dassana does Dassana adds context to security alerts I am going to try and get this project up and running this week to find out more sgCheckupsgCheckup another project from the folks at Gold Fig Labs sgCheckup is a tool to scan your AWS Security Groups for a combination of open ports and attached Network Interfaces The goal is to find anything listening on a port that you wouldn t consider safe In addition to generating reports for security groups sgCheckup can generate and run nmap to get specifics Really loving the s demo scene logo graphics on the README I would love to know how you did that More please aws lambda scheduleraws lambda scheduler it would be nice if you could quickly configure any existing functions you have in AWS Lambda to work on a schedule I know this has been something I have had to do Whilst it is not a problem to do this this handy open source project from Oğuzhan Yılmaz makes this painless Deploy this function and then to run your functions on a schedule all you need to do is trigger this function with some configuration data Example docs will get you up and running in no time aacliaacli Arkady Titenko has created this nice open source CLI tool allows you to programmatically authenticate into AWS accounts through IAM roles in a multi account AWS Organizations setup and requires MFA enabled for your account This project was born from an effort to figure out a simple yet reasonably secure way of programmatic authentication into AWS environments with support for MFA authentication Read more about this project in the notes plenty of examples of how to use it aws perspectiveaws perspective I have shared details about this project before but this tweet make me think that I should share it again incase anyone missed it the first time AWS Perspective is a tool that quickly visualizes AWS Cloud workloads as architecture diagrams You can use the solution to build customize and share detailed workload visualizations based on live data from AWS The latest update to this project focuses heavily on cost related features that allow you to better understand your cloud billing AWSTagsAsADatabaseAWSTagsAsADatabase Whilst I absolutely do not recommend anyone does this this project from Oren Leung did make me smile this week Following on from an ongoing joke of Amazon Route being a database now comes using AWS tags as a database Growing up in tech in the s and the demo scene this kind of reminds me of the kinds of things that folks tried to do to show what was possible Nice effort Oren web client for aws transfer familyweb client for aws transfer family is an open source project that provides a web based interface to consumers of your existing Transfer Family SFTP endpoints You can read more details including how to deploy this project in the blog post Announcing the open source release of Web Client for AWS Transfer Family from Kapil Shardha Aravind Singirikonda and Juan Lamadrid terraform ec docker swarmterraform ec docker swarm this project from Francesco Canessa helps you to deploy Docker Swarm terraform infrastructure on AWS terraform aws dmsterraform aws dms if you are looking for a way to provision your Database Migration Service via Infrastructure as Code using Terraform then clowd haus has you covered amazon sagemaker huggingface benchmarkamazon sagemaker huggingface benchmark this project will be of interesting if you are working on building NLP models with HuggingFace It provides code to help you benchmark the trade offs between cost train time and performance for fine tuning HuggingFace models with distributed training on Amazon SageMaker Detailed README to get you going finetune deploy bert with amazon sagemaker for hugging facefinetune deploy bert with amazon sagemaker for hugging face this project uses the Hugging Faces transformers and datasets library with Amazon SageMaker to fine tune a pre trained transformer on binary text classification It uses the pre trained DistilBERT model with the Amazon Reviews Polarity dataset Eddie Pick and Dhawalkumar Patel have put together this blog post Fine tune and host Hugging Face BERT models on Amazon SageMaker to help walk you through the code greengrass v sagemaker edge manager pythongreengrass v sagemaker edge manager python this project uses two open source projects AWS Greengrass v and NEO to demonstrate how to integrate them via components At the end of the sample you will have a Python based component running inference at the edge with the SageMaker Edge Manager binary agent and a YOLOv Darknet model To help you get started with this project check out the blog post Build machine learning at the edge applications using Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager and AWS IoT Greengrass V from Pavan Kumar Sunder and Jon Slominski Hot topicsGrafanaAnnounced during re Invent in preview last week saw the general availability announcement for Amazon Managed Grafana a fully managed service developed in collaboration with Grafana Labs that makes it easy to use the open source and the enterprise versions of Grafana to visualize and analyze your data from multiple sources We had several posts covering this with my colleague Danilo Poccia s sharing the news in Amazon Managed Grafana Is Now Generally Available with Many New Features The GA announcement saw plenty of additional new features and in the post Amazon Managed Grafana is now Generally Available Imaya Kumar Jagannathan and Michael Hausenblas dive a little deeper into the launch including the new features that have been added Sunil Ramachandra and Roy Rodan walk you through the steps required to integrate your identity provider with Amazon Managed Grafana in the post Amazon Managed Grafana supports direct SAML integration with identity providers They show you how you can assign users and appropriate roles through your identity provider so that your users can seamlessly authenticate into the Amazon Managed Grafana environment to visualise and monitor your workloads and log Finally we had Julia Hu Matthieu Fuzellier Srikanth Kodali and Yuxin Yang collaborate on this post How to use InfluxDB and Grafana to visualize ML output with AWS IoT Greengrass where they show how to build an end to end workflow using open source tools with AWS IoT Greengrass version to visualise ML inference results in near real time on an edge device hands on AWS and Community blog postsApache AirflowMikaela Pisani has put together this blog post How to run Airflow Spark amp Apache Livy in AWS EKS where she walks you through each of these open source components and then how you can run them on Amazon EKS to address some specific results such as scalability traceability isolation and speed of processing Debezium Apache KafkaDebezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture Bhuvanesh R shares his experiences and helps you avoid the issues he came across as he walks you through how to integrate Debezium with AWS Managed Streaming for Kafka IAM authentication in his post Debezium With AWS MSK IAM Authentication hands on PostgreSQLGopalakrishnan Subramanian and Satheesh Kumar explain how to combine HAProxy with a lightweight connection pool handler PgBouncer as a sidecar to load balance the connections to Aurora reader nodes in the blog post Set up highly available PgBouncer and HAProxy with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL readers hands on Amazon ECSJohn Preston is back with more blogging goodness this time helping you to get Traefik up and running within your Amazon ECS environments in Traefik Proxy in AWS with AWS ECS Part When I asked John what Traefik was he pointed me to the project page but did say that this project makes network boring anything that makes anything boring also makes my life easier so make sure you check this post out John s post are always great to read hands on KubernetesThe VPC Container Networking Interface CNI Plugin is the open source component that provides a networking plugin for pod networking in Kubernetes using Elastic Network Interfaces on AWS In the post Amazon VPC CNI plugin increases pods per node limits Sheetal Joshi Mike Stefaniak and Jayanth Varavani walk you through some recent enhancements that improve capacity and dive deep into the details of the implementation PackerPacker is an open source tool developed by HashiCorp for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration In this post Migrating from HashiCorp Packer to EC Image Builder Vimal Bagmar Waleed Sarwari and Santosh Vallurupalli walk you through how to migrate Packer template build components specifically for commonly used Packer Provisioners such as Ansible Chef Shell and Files to their corresponding EC Image Builder components AWS Lambda Powertools Michael Walmsley provides a great primer on Idempotency in hist post Making All Your APIs Idempotent From what it is to why you should care he also shares how you can use AWS Lambda Powertools for Python to make it easy when creating an idempotent API hands on FlutterWant to know what a BLoc pattern is I was certainly curious and in this post Using the Flutter BLoC Pattern with AWS Amplify Datastore my good friend Derek Bingham walks you through an example of the BLoC pattern how you can use it to improve your use of AWS Amplify Datastore API calls to be a lot cleaner and so easier to maintain hands on GraphQLOne of my favourite posts in recent weeks Ali Spittel has put together A Complete Beginner s Guide to GraphQL which will get you up and running quickly on this topic Now that you know more about GraphQL Eric Robertson has put together this blog post Implementing caching for pipeline resolvers in AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs that shows how to use caching for pipeline resolvers to unlock lower latency with less requests to backend data sources and can help reduce costs when using pipeline resolvers in AppSync to orchestrate and connect data from multiple data sources with a single GraphQL API call OpenTelemetryAnkit Anand has put together this post Everything you need to know about OpenTelemetry Collector that provides a clean and simple guide to understanding more about what OpenTelemetry is the architecture why you should care and then how to get started Worth minutes of your time In this weeks winner of longest blog title competition Alolita Sharma and Nizar Tyrewall share the release highlights from version of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry in the post AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry adds metrics support for AWS Lambda Amazon ECS on EC metrics and Amazon EKS metrics in Amazon Managed Prometheus Preview Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EKS Infrastructure metrics and trace collection AWS Lambda layers supporting metrics collection for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus AMP and Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon ECS running on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute Amazon EC container metrics are the three covered so click on the link to find out more OpenSearchHow many times have you wondered how a piece of technology or software you use works from end to end In this post A query or There and Back Again Andrew Hopp and Nicholas Knize tell the story of how a query works in OpenSearch by following a query through OpenSearchAWS SDKsWe had a couple of alpha release announcements this week Start off with this post from Aaron Todd Ian Botsford and Ken Gilmer in Announcing new AWS SDK for Kotlin alpha release they cover how the AWS SDK for Kotlin makes it easy to call AWS services using idiomatic Kotlin APIs You can use the native Kotlin language constructs you are used to have mobile support without compromises and target multiple platforms and execution environments in a single language Following that we had Nicki Stone and John Woo with Announcing new AWS SDK for Swift alpha release This helps customers developing in Swift that have asked for a native Swift SDK so they can use the language constructs they are used to and provides an SDK that behaves similarly to SDKs they have used in other language environments With post of these announcements the SDK s are still in the early stages of development This is a great time to influence the roadmap by sharing your thoughts on the SDK design as well as features and services that are the most important to you Make sure you use the links in the post to provide your ideas or feedback MQTTWe recently announced the general availability of MQTT retained messages for AWS IoT Core This feature allows you to store a single message per a given MQTT topic for delivery to any current and future topic subscribers In this post Getting started with MQTT retained messages for AWS IoT Core Roy Kincaid provides an overview of this feature share some use cases to keep in mind when designing your next IoT project and provide a guide on how to get started hands on ROSWhilst this post Introduction to ROS The Robot Operating System is not AWS specific AWS RoboMaker and Amazon have been working with this open source project foundation for some time and this tutorial course is a great primer introduction if you are interested in open source robotics You will need to register I did mine via LinkedIn and the course covers the basics you need to get started The course also links to various pieces of hardware that you will need Quick updatesMariaDBAmazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS for MariaDB now supports MariaDB minor versions and We recommend that you upgrade to the latest minor versions to fix known security vulnerabilities in prior versions of MariaDB and to benefit from the numerous bug fixes performance improvements and new functionality added by the MariaDB community PostgreSQLAmazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition now supports PostgreSQL major version PostgreSQL includes improved functionality and performance from enhancements such as de duplication of B tree index entries improved performance for queries that use partitioned tables incremental sorting to accelerate data sorts parallel processing of indexes with the VACUUM command more ways to monitor activity within a PostgreSQL database new security capabilities and more This release also adds support for bool plperl which simplifies writing Perl procedures With PostgreSQL on Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition you can create time series data tables with improved data ingestion rates of several hundred thousands of metrics per second for use cases such as storing DevOps metrics or tracking business metrics e g daily sales AWS CopilotVersion of AWS Copilot was released with support for publish subscribe architectures that customers can use to decouple microservices and consume events asynchronously Customers can now use AWS Copilot to build event driven architectures or to decouple services in order to increase performance reliability and scalability All existing AWS Copilot services and jobs can use the new publish field to broadcast events to Amazon Simple Notification Service Amazon SNS topics These events can then be received via Amazon Simple Queue Service Amazon SQS queues with the new Worker Service pattern in AWS Copilot for Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon ECS services running on AWS Fargate AWS Copilot v also adds a new field taskdef overrides in the manifest file to allow customers to add all fields supported by Amazon ECS task definitions that are not surfaced in the manifest This enables customers to use configurations available for Amazon ECS such as the ulimit parameter which allows customers to change default resource limit values for their AWS Copilot jobs and services which are not supported in AWS Copilot directly Additionally the alias field for request and load balanced services has been augmented to accept a list of friendly domain names instead of a single entry Events for your diaryCloud DevSecOps with Bridgecrew and Terraformth September am PSTFrom scanning infrastructure as code IaC for security misconfigurations to implementing automated DevSecOps workflows this workshop will provide a hands on experience to automate your cloud security Find out more and register via this link Cloud Native Dayrd September Bern SwitzerlandWhat is this an in person event returning A stellar line up including our own Michael Hausenblas an event looking at CNCF projects and the future of IT Find out more and to view prices register by clicking here GraphQL API security best practices with AWS AppSync and AWS Amplifyth October am AESTAs a developer the most important parts of managing your applications should always include enhancing performance while strengthening security In this webinar we take you through security best practices for your GraphQL API s with AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify providing you with an understanding of how these can be applied to your applications In this session you will learn about GraphQL Protocol and how to configure a schemaPossible ways to authenticate and authorise access to GraphQL APIsHow to configure network security for your APIHow to enable observability for your API with logging tracing or auditingTo register for this event use this link Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen 2021-09-06 07:36:57
海外TECH DEV Community Enable Together Mode in Microsoft Teams https://dev.to/stacksjar/enable-together-mode-in-microsoft-teams-1c4n Enable Together Mode in Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft has launched a new feature for their teams application Together mode is one of the feature of new meeting experience in Teams app The together mode uses AI segmentation technology to digitally place participants in a shared background This makes you feel like you re sitting in the same room with everyone else in the meeting or class as shown in image above Below is the difference between the normal meeting experience and together mode meeting experience Who Can Use Together Mode in Teams The Together Mode feature is available to all users As of now it is available for the desktop version only but will be extended to the Android iOS Teams application soon mentioned by Microsoft Teams As seen in the picture above the Together Mode feature will be launched with an auditorium view This view provides a semblance to people gathered in an auditorium while you watch the audience as a speaker More views are expected to be launched as the feature evolves How do you get team mode together Open Microsoft Teams Click on profile icon gt About gt Version Now you can see the current version of MS Teams make sure you are updated to latest version Now Click on profile icon gt Settings gt Put a check mark in “Turn on New Meeting Experience Then In Teams Go to your calendar Click on Meet Now gt if the new meeting experience is enabled user find the meeting controls at top of the window Microsoft ensures that the Teams app will now segment the faces using Artificial Intelligense AI and bring everyone together This feature requires at least need participants from same tenant to enable Together Mode in Microsoft Teams Together mode stays greyed out until the th participant joins the call Microsoft states that the gallery view can fit up to users max at present In addition Dynamic View Large gallery view Live reactions video filters are also features of new meeting experience Advantages of Together ModeThe primary benefit of Together Mode in Microsoft Teams is being able to see all the members of the meeting together as if they are one room or class and sitting together It can discard the old classic video call feature where you can see one people at a time with a boxed view which nullifies to see just a restricted number of people at a time is eased When you make a normal Teams video conference the person who is talking frequently appears on the meeting screen with the boxed view The rest of the persons in the meeting are in the background and are virtually ignored until they start talking in the meeting This new feature Together Mode acknowledges this issue You can easily view all the people present on the call as well as read their body language and reactions during the meeting just like we do can in physically with ease of our homes Also this advantage is otherwise very difficult in their home environments or different backgrounds Read Complete Article Here Enable Together Mode in Microsoft Teams 2021-09-06 07:10:02
海外TECH DEV Community JavaScript Library and Resources https://dev.to/zigrazor/javascript-library-and-resources-202k JavaScript Library and ResourcesA collection of JavaScript libraries resources and shiny things Package ManagersHost the JavaScript libraries and provide tools for fetching and packaging them npm npm is the package manager for JavaScript Bower A package manager for the web component Client package management for building better web applications spm Brand new static package manager jam A package manager using a browser focused and RequireJS compatible repository jspm Frictionless browser package management Ender The no library library volo Create front end projects from templates add dependencies and automate the resulting projects Duo Next generation package manager that blends the best ideas from Component Browserify and Go to make organizing and writing front end code quick and painless yarn Fast reliable and secure dependency management pnpm Fast disk space efficient package manager Component ManagementBit Create find and reuse components React Angular Node etc across applications LoadersModule or loading system for JavaScript RequireJS A file and module loader for JavaScript browserify Browser side require the node js way SeaJS A Module Loader for the Web HeadJS The only script in your HEAD curl A small fast extensible module loader that handles AMD CommonJS Modules CSS HTML text and legacy scripts lazyload Tiny dependency free async JavaScript and CSS loader script js Asynchronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager systemjs AMD CJS amp ES spec compliant module loader LodJS Module loader based on AMD ESL Module loader browser first support lazy define and AMD modulejs Lightweight JavaScript module system Bundlerswebpack Packs CommonJs AMD modules for the browser Rollup Next generation ES module bundler Brunch Fast front end web app build tool with simple declarative config Parcel Blazing fast zero configuration web application bundler Microbundle Zero configuration bundler for tiny modules FuseBox A bundler that does it rightSnowpack A lightning fast frontend build tool designed for the modern web Type CheckersTypeScript A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript Flow js A static type checker for JavaScript from Facebook Hegel A static type checker for JavaScript with a bias on type inference an strong type system TypL the JavaScript Type Linter with a bias on type inference Hindley Milner Definitions runtime type checking for JavaScript functions using Haskell alike Hindley Milner type signatures Testing Frameworks Frameworksmocha Simple flexible fun JavaScript test framework for node js amp the browser jasmine DOM less simple JavaScript testing framework qunit An easy to use JavaScript Unit Testing framework jest Painless JavaScript Unit Testing prova Node amp Browser test runner based on Tape and BrowserifyDalekJS Automated cross browser functional testing with JavaScriptProtractor Protractor is an end to end test framework for AngularJS applications tape Tap producing test harness for node and browsers TestCafe Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack ava Futuristic JavaScript test runnerCypress Complete end to end testing framework for anything that runs in a browser and beyond Assertionchai BDD TDD assertion framework for node js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework Enzyme Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert manipulate and traverse your React Components output react testing library Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices Sinon JS Test spies stubs and mocks for JavaScript expect js Minimalistic BDD style assertions for Node JS and the browser proxyquire Stub nodejs s require Coverageistanbul Yet another JS code coverage tool blanket A simple code coverage library for JavaScript Designed to be easy to install and use for both browser and nodejs JSCover JSCover is a tool that measures code coverage for JavaScript programs Runnerphantomjs Scriptable Headless WebKit slimerjs A PhantomJS like tool running Gecko casperjs Navigation scripting amp testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS zombie Insanely fast full stack headless browser testing using node js totoro A simple and stable cross browser testing tool karma Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript nightwatch UI automated testing framework based on node js and selenium webdriver intern A next generation code testing stack for JavaScript yolpo A statement by statement JavaScript interpreter in the browser puppeteer Headless Chrome Node js API by official Google Chrome team webdriverio Next gen WebDriver test automation framework for Node js taiko A Node js library with a simple API to automate Chromium based browsers QA Toolsprettier Prettier is an opinionated code formatter JSHint JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code jscs JavaScript Code Style checker jsfmt For formatting searching and rewriting JavaScript jsinspect Detect copy pasted and structurally similar code buddy js Magic number detection for JavaScript ESLint A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript JSLint High standards strict amp opinionated code quality tool aiming to keep only good parts of the language JavaScript Standard Style Opinionated no configuration style guide style checker and formatterPre evaluate code at buildtime Pre evaluate your front end javascript code at build timeJS Beautifier Npm cli and library to format JS code husky Prevents bad git commit git push and more MVC Frameworks and Librariesangular js HTML enhanced for web apps deprecated angular Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript JavaScript and other languages aurelia A JavaScript client framework for mobile desktop and web backbone Give your JS App some Backbone with Models Views Collections and Events ember js A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications meteor An ultra simple database everywhere data on the wire pure javascript web framework ractive Next generation DOM manipulation vue Intuitive fast amp composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces svelte Svelte is a new way to build web applications It s a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM knockout Knockout makes it easier to create rich responsive UIs with JavaScript spine Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications espresso js A minimal JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces canjs Can do JS better faster easier react A library for building user interfaces It s declarative efficient and extremely flexible Works with a Virtual DOM hyperapp kb JavaScript library for building frontend applications preact Fast kb React alternative with the same ES API Components amp Virtual DOM nativescript Build truly native cross platform iOS and Android apps with JavaScript react native A framework for building native apps with React riot React like library but with very small size thorax Strengthening your Backbone chaplin An architecture for JavaScript applications using the Backbone js library marionette A composite application library for Backbone js that aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications ripple A tiny foundation for building reactive views rivets Lightweight and powerful data binding templating solution derby MVC framework making it easy to write realtime collaborative applications that run in both Node js and browsers derby awesome A collection of awesome derby componentsway js Simple lightweight persistent two way databinding mithril js Mithril is a client side MVC framework Light weight Robust Fast jsblocks jsblocks is better MV ish framework LiquidLava Transparent MVC framework for building user interfaces feathers A minimalist real time JavaScript framework for tomorrow s apps Keo Functional stateless React components with Shadow DOM support atvjs Blazing fast Apple TV application development using pure JavaScript Alpine js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost inferno An extremely fast React like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces FoalTS Elegant and all inclusive Node JS framework for building web applications TypeScript Lucia kb library for tiny web apps Adonis The Node js Framework highly focused on developer ergonomics stability and confidence Node Powered CMS FrameworksKeystoneJS powerful CMS and web app framework Reaction Commerce reactive CMS real time architecture and design Ghost simple powerful publishing platform Apostrophe CMS with content editing and essential services We js framework for real time apps sites or blogs Hatch js CMS platform with social features TaracotJS fast and minimalist CMS based on Node js Nodizecms CMS for CoffeeScript lovers Cody CMS with WSYWYG editor PencilBlue CMS and blogging platform Strapi Open source Node js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs Factor The Javascript CMS Templating EnginesTemplating engines allow you to perform string interpolation mustache js Minimal templating with mustaches in JavaScript handlebars js An extension to the Mustache templating language nunjucks A rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript from Mozilla hogan js A compiler for the Mustache templating language doT The fastest concise JavaScript template engine for nodejs and browsers dustjs Asynchronous templates for the browser and node js eco Embedded CoffeeScript templates JavaScript Templates lt KB lightweight fast amp powerful JavaScript templating engine with zero dependencies t js A tiny JavaScript templating framework in bytes gzipped Pug Robust elegant feature rich template engine for nodejs formerly known as Jade EJS Effective JavaScript templating xtemplate eXtensible Template Engine lib for node and the browsermarko A fast lightweight HTML based templating engine for Node js and the browser with async streaming custom tags and CommonJS modules as compiled output swig Archived A simple powerful and extendable Node js and browser based JavaScript template engine Articles and PostsThe JavaScript that you should know Article about concepts of JavaScript Functional How JavaScript works A series of articles about the building blocks of JavaScript Multi threading using web workers Web Workers Adding Multi threading to JavaScriptthis keyword in JavaScript Breaking down the this keyword in JavaScript Data VisualizationData visualization tools for the web d A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG metrics graphics A library optimized for concise principled data graphics and layouts three js JavaScript D library Chart js Simple HTML Charts using the lt canvas gt tag paper js The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser using HTML Canvas fabric js JavaScript Canvas Library SVG to Canvas amp canvas to SVG Parser peity Progressive bar line and pie charts raphael JavaScript Vector Library echarts Enterprise Charts vis Dynamic browser based visualization library two js A renderer agnostic two dimensional drawing api for the web g raphael Charts for Raphaël sigma js A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing arbor A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery cubism A D plugin for visualizing time series dc js Multi Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d jsvega A visualization grammar processing js Processing js makes your data visualizations work using web standards and without any plug ins envisionjs Dynamic HTML visualization rickshaw JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real time graphs flot Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery morris js Pretty time series line graphs nvd Build re usable charts and chart components for d js svg js A lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG heatmap js JavaScript Library for HTML canvas based heatmaps jquery sparkline A plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser trianglify Low poly style background generator with d js d cloud Create word clouds in JavaScript d A friendly reusable charts DSL for D dimple js Easy charts for business analytics powered by d chartist js Simple responsive charts epoch A general purpose real time charting library c D based reusable chart library BabylonJS A framework for building D games with HTML and WebGL recharts Redefined chart library built with React and D GraphicsJS A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API based on SVG VML technology mxGraph Diagramming library that enables interactive graph and charting applications to be quickly created that run natively in any major browser that is supported by its vendor Frappe Charts GitHub inspired simple and modern SVG charts for the web with zero dependencies Frappe Gantt A simple interactive modern gantt chart library for the web G A highly interactive data driven visualization grammar for statistical charts GPlot An interactive and responsive charting library Based on the grammar of graphics There re also some great commercial libraries like amchart anychart plotly highchart and lightning chart TimelineTimelineJS v A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript timesheet js JavaScript library for simple HTML amp CSS time sheets SpreadsheetHANDSONTABLE Handsontable is a JavaScript HTML Spreadsheet Library for DevelopersFrappe Datatable Frappe DataTable is a simple modern and interactive datatable library for displaying tabular data Luckysheet Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful simple to configure and completely open source Editorsace Ace Ajax org Cloud Editor CodeMirror In browser code editor esprima ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis quill A cross browser rich text editor with an API medium editor Medium com WYSIWYG editor clone pen enjoy live editing markdown jquery notebook A simple clean and elegant text editor Inspired by the awesomeness of Medium bootstrap wysiwyg Tiny bootstrap compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor ckeditor releases The best web text editor for everyone editor A markdown editor still on development EpicEditor An embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing live previewing automatic draft saving offline support and more jsoneditor A web based tool to view edit and format JSON vim js JavaScript port of Vim with a persistent vimrc Squire HTML rich text editor TinyMCE The JavaScript Rich Text editor trix A rich text editor for everyday writing By Basecamp Trumbowyg A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor Draft js A React framework for building text editors bootstrap wysihtml Simple beautiful wysiwyg editorwysihtml Open source rich text editor based on HTML and the progressive enhancement approach Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles raptor editor Raptor an HTML WYSIWYG content editor popline Popline is an HTML Rich Text Editor Toolbar Summernote Super simple WYSIWYG editor DocumentationDevDocs is an all in one API documentation reader with a fast organized and consistent interface dexy is a free form literate documentation tool for writing any kind of technical document incorporating code docco is a quick and dirty hundred line long literate programming style documentation generator styledocco generates documentation and style guide documents from your stylesheets Ronn builds manuals It converts simple human readable textfiles to roff for terminal display and also to HTML for the web dox is a JavaScript documentation generator written with node Dox no longer generates an opinionated structure or style for your docs it simply gives you a JSON representation allowing you to use markdown and JSDoc style tags jsdox is a JSDoc to Markdown documentation generator ESDoc is a good documentation generator for JavaScript YUIDoc is a Node js application that generates API documentation from comments in source using a syntax similar to tools like Javadoc and Doxygen coddoc is a jsdoc parsing library Coddoc is different in that it is easily extensible by allowing users to add tag and code parsers through the use of coddoc addTagHandler and coddoc addCodeHandler coddoc also parses source code to be used in APIs sphinx a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentationUsing JSDocBeautiful docs is a documentation viewer based on markdown files documentation js API documentation generator with support for ES and flow annotation jsduck API documentation generator made for Sencha JavaScript frameworks but can be used for other frameworks too codecrumbs is a visual tool for learning and documenting a codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code FilesLibraries for working with files Papa Parse A powerful CSV library that supports parsing CSV files strings and also exporting to CSV jBinary High level I O loading parsing manipulating serializing saving for binary files with declarative syntax for describing file types and data structures diffhtml Git diff output parser and pretty HTML generator jsPDF JavaScript PDF generation PDF js PDF Reader in JavaScript Functional ProgrammingFunctional programming libraries to extend JavaScript s capabilities underscore JavaScript s utility belt lodash A utility library delivering consistency customization performance amp extras Sugar A JavaScript library for working with native objects lazy js Like Underscore but lazier ramda A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers mout Modular JavaScript Utilities mesh Streamable data synchronization utility preludejs Hardcore Functional Programming for JavaScript rambda Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda Reactive ProgrammingReactive programming libraries to extend JavaScript s capabilities RxJS A reactive programming library for JavaScript Bacon FRP functional reactive programming library for JavaScript Kefir FRP library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon js and RxJS with focus on high performance and low memory consumption Highland Re thinking the JavaScript utility belt Highland manages synchronous and asynchronous code easily using nothing more than standard JavaScript and Node like Streams Most js high performance FRP library MobX TFRP library for simple scalable state management Cycle js A functional and reactive JavaScript library for cleaner code concent Definitely the ️simplest but ️strongest state management for react it is predictable、progressive and efficient Data StructureData structure libraries to build a more sophisticated application immutable js Immutable Data Collections including Sequence Range Repeat Map OrderedMap Set and a sparse Vector mori A library for using ClojureScript s persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript buckets A complete fully tested and documented data structure library written in JavaScript hashmap Simple hashmap implementation that supports any kind of keys DateDate Libraries moment Parse validate manipulate and display dates in JavaScript moment timezone Timezone support for moment js jquery timeago A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps e g minutes ago timezone js Timezone enabled JavaScript Date object Uses Olson zoneinfo files for timezone data date Date for humans ms js Tiny millisecond conversion utility countdown js Super simple countdowns timeago js Simple library less then kb used to format date with time ago statement fecha Lightweight date formatting and parsing KB Meant to replace parsing and formatting functionality of moment js date fns Modern JavaScript date utility library map countdown A browser countdown built on top of the Google Maps dayjs Day js KB immutable date library alternative to Moment js with the same modern API luxon Luxon is a library for working with dates and times in JavaScript StringString Libraries voca The ultimate JavaScript string libraryselecting A library that allows you to access the text selected by the user underscore string String manipulation extensions for Underscore js JavaScript library string js Extra JavaScript string methods he A robust HTML entity encoder decoder written in JavaScript multiline Multiline strings in JavaScript query string Parse and stringify URL query strings URI js JavaScript URL mutation library jsurl Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript sprintf js A sprintf implementation url pattern Easier than regex string matching patterns for urls and other strings Turn strings into data or data into strings plexis Lo fi powerful community driven string manipulation library NumberNumeral js A JavaScript library for formatting and manipulating numbers chance js Random generator helper in JavaScript Can generate numbers strings etc odometer Smoothly transitions numbers with ease accounting js A lightweight JavaScript library for number money and currency formatting fully localisable zero dependencies money js A tiny kb JavaScript currency conversion library for web amp nodeJS Fraction js A rational number library for JavaScript Complex js A complex number library for JavaScript Polynomial js A polynomials library for JavaScript Quaternion js A quaternion library for JavaScript Storagestore js LocalStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash Uses localStorage globalStorage and userData behavior under the hood localForage Offline storage improved Wraps IndexedDB WebSQL or localStorage using a simple but powerful API jStorage jStorage is a simple key value database to store data on browser side cross storage Cross domain local storage with permissions basket js A script and resource loader for caching amp loading scripts with localStorage bag js A caching script and resource loader similar to basket js but with additional k v interface and localStorage websql indexedDB support basil js The missing JavaScript smart persistent layer jquery cookie A simple lightweight jQuery plugin for reading writing and deleting cookies js cookie A simple lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies Cookies JavaScript Client Side Cookie Manipulation Library DB js Promise based IndexDB Wrapper library lawnchair js Simple client side JSON storage sql js SQLite compiled to JavaScript through Emscripten crumbsjs A lightweight vanilla ES cookies and local storage JavaScript library awesome web storage Everything you need to know about client side storage ColorrandomColor A color generator for JavaScript chroma js JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations color JavaScript color conversion and manipulation library colors Smarter defaults for colors on the web PleaseJS JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemes TinyColor Fast small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript Vibrant js Extract prominent colors from an image In And LnLocalization ln and internationalization in JavaScript libraries inext internationalisation in with JavaScript the easy way polyglot tiny in helper library babelfish in with human friendly API and built in plurals support ttag Modern javascript in localization library based on ES tagged templates and the good old GNU gettext Control Flowasync Async utilities for node and the browser q A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript step An async control flow library that makes stepping through logic easy contra Asynchronous flow control with a functional taste to it Bluebird fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features and performance when A solid fast Promises A and when implementation plus other async goodies ObjectEventTarget Provide a prototype that add support to event listeners with same behavior of EventTarget from DOMElements available on browsers sporadic Composable concurrency abstractions such as streams coroutines and Go like channels on top of promises for Node and browser engines Routingdirector A tiny and isomorphic URL router for JavaScript page js Micro client side router inspired by the Express router bytes pathjs Simple lightweight routing for web browsers crossroads JavaScript Routes davis js RESTful degradable JavaScript routing using pushState navaid A navigation aid aka router for the browser in bytes SecurityDOMPurify A DOM only super fast uber tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML MathML and SVG js xss Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS with a configuration specified by a Whitelist xss filters Secure XSS Filters by Yahoo sanitize html sanitize html provides a simple HTML sanitizer with a clear API Loglog Console log with style Conzole A debug panel built in JavaScript that wraps JavaScript native console object methods and functionality in a panel displayed inside the page console log wrapper Log to the console in any browser with clarity loglevel Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console log methods minilog Lightweight client amp server side logging with Stream API backends storyboard Universal logging library Chrome extension it lets you see all client and server tasks triggered by a user action in a single place RegExpRegEx Online regex tester and debugger for JavaScript Also supports Python PHP and PCRE RegExr HTML JS based tool for creating testing and learning about Regular Expressions Voice Commandannyang A JavaScript library for adding voice commands to your site using speech recognition voix js A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites apps or games APIaxios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node js bottleneck A powerful rate limiter that makes throttling easy oauth signature js JavaScript OAuth a signature generator for node and the browser amygdala RESTful HTTP client for JavaScript powered web applications jquery rest A jQuery plugin for easy consumption of RESTful APIs Rails Ranger An opinionated REST client for Ruby on Rails APIs wretch A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax Bearer sh Universal API client that supports OAuth API Key Basic etc FarFetch Modern Fetch API wrapper for simplicity with concise file uploading Optic Optic automatically documents and tests your APIs SWR React Hooks library for remote data fetching React Query Hooks for fetching caching and updating asynchronous data in React StreamingTailor Streaming layout service for front end microservices inspired by Facebook s BigPipe Vision Detectiontracking js A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web ocrad js OCR in JavaScript via Emscripten Machine LearningConvNetJS Deep Learning in JavaScript Train Convolutional Neural Networks or ordinary ones in your browser DNA Digital Neural Networks Architecture Brain js Neural networks in JavaScript Mind js A flexible neural network library Synaptic js Architecture free neural network library for node js and the browser TensorFlow js A JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models in the browser and on Node js ml js Friendly Machine Learning for the Web Synapses Lightweight cross platform Neural Network library Browser Detectionbowser a browser detector Benchmarkbenchmark js A benchmarking library As used on jsPerf com matcha A caffeine driven simplistic approach to benchmarking Code highlightingHighlight js JavaScript syntax highlighter PrismJS Lightweight robust elegant syntax highlighting Loading StatusLibraries for indicate load status Mprogress js Create Google Material Design progress linear bars NProgress Slim progress bars for Ajax y applications Spin js A spinning activity indicator progress js Create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page progressbar js Beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths pace Automatically add a progress bar to your site topbar Tiny amp beautiful site wide progress indicator nanobar Very lightweight progress bars No jQuery PageLoadingEffects Modern ways of revealing new content using SVG animations SpinKit A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS Ladda Buttons with built in loading indicators css loaders A collection of loading spinners animated with CSSBesides libraries there re Collection on Codepen and generators like Ajaxload Preloaders and CSSLoad ValidationParsley js Validate your forms frontend without writing a single line of JavaScript jquery validation jQuery Validation Plugin validator js String validation and sanitization validate js Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter validatr Cross Browser HTML Form Validation FormValidation The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields Formerly BootstrapValidator is js Check types regexps presence time and more FieldVal multipurpose validation library Supports both sync and async validation Funval Data validation using functions interfaces support TypeScript Keyboard Wrappersmousetrap Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in JavaScript keymaster A simple micro library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts Keypress A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key KeyboardJS A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts jquery hotkeys jQuery Hotkeys lets you watch for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination jwerty Awesome handling of keyboard events Tours And Guidesintro js A better way for new feature introduction and step by step users guide for your website and project shepherd Guide your users through a tour of your app bootstrap tour Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers tourist Simple flexible tours for your app chardin js Simple overlay instructions for your apps pageguide An interactive guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS hopscotch A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages joyride jQuery feature tour plugin focusable Set a spotlight focus on DOM element adding a overlay layer to the rest of the page driver js Powerful yet light weight vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user s focus across the page NotificationsiziToast Elegant responsive flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies messenger Growl style alerts and messages for your app noty jQuery notification plugin pnotify JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap jQuery UI and the Web Notifications Draft toastr Simple JavaScript toast notifications humane js A simple modern browser notification system smoke js Framework agnostic styled alert system for JavaScript notie Simple notifications and inputs with no dependencies SlidersSwiper Mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions slick The last carousel you ll ever need slidesJs Is a responsive slideshow plug in for JQuery with features like touch and CSS transitionsFlexSlider An awesome fully responsive jQuery slider plugin sly JavaScript library for one directional scrolling with item based navigation support vegas A jQuery plugin to add beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages It even allows Slideshows Sequence CSS animation framework for creating responsive sliders presentations banners and other step based applications reveal js A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML impress js It s a presentation framework based on the power of CSS transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi com bespoke js DIY Presentation Micro FrameworkStrut Strut An Impress js and Bespoke js Presentation EditorPhotoSwipe JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop modular framework independent jcSlider A responsive slider jQuery plugin with CSS animations basic jquery slider Simple to use simple to theme simple to customise jQuery adaptive slider A jQuery plugin for a slider with adaptive colored figcaption and navigation slidr add some slide effects Flickity Touch responsive flickable galleries Glide js Responsive and touch friendly jQuery slider It s simple lightweight and fast Embla Carousel An extensible low level carousel for the web written in TypeScript Range SlidersIon RangeSlider Powerful and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support jQRangeSlider A JavaScript slider selector that supports dates noUiSlider A lightweight highly customizable range slider without bloat rangeslider js HTML input range slider element polyfill Form Widgets Inputtypeahead js A fast and fully featured autocomplete library tag it A jQuery UI plugin to handle multi tag fields as well as tag suggestions autocomplete At js Add GitHub like mentions autocomplete to your application Placeholders js A JavaScript polyfill for the HTML placeholder attribute fancyInput Makes typing in input fields fun with CSS effects jQuery Tags Input Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin vanilla masker A pure JavaScript mask input Ion CheckRadio jQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio buttons With skin support awesomplete Ultra lightweight usable beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies Calendarpickadate js The mobile friendly responsive and lightweight jQuery date amp time input picker bootstrap datepicker A datepicker for twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre s of eyecon ro improvements by eternicode Pikaday A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker ーlightweight no dependencies modular CSS fullcalendar Full sized drag amp drop event calendar jQuery plugin rome A customizable date and time picker Dependency free opt in UI Date Range Picker creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates Duet Date Picker open source version of Duet Design System s accessible date picker WCAG accessibility complaint Selectselectize js Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and lt select gt box It s jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native feeling keyboard navigation useful for tagging contact lists etc select a jQuery based replacement for select boxes It supports searching remote data sets and infinite scrolling of results chosen A library for making long unwieldy select boxes more friendly File UploaderjQuery File Upload File Upload widget with multiple file selection drag amp drop support progress bar validation and preview images audio and video for jQuery dropzone Dropzone is an easy to use drag n drop library It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars flow js A JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous stable fault tolerant and resumable restartable file uploads via the HTML File API fine uploader Multiple file upload plugin with progress bar drag and drop direct to S uploading FileAPI A set of JavaScript tools for working with files Multiupload drag n drop and chunked file upload Images crop resize and auto orientation by EXIF plupload A JavaScript API for dealing with file uploads it supports features like multiple file selection file type filtering request chunking client side image scaling and it uses different runtimes to achieve this such as HTML Silverlight and Flash filepond A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it optimizes images for faster uploads and offers a great accessible silky smooth user experience Otherform jQuery Form Plugin Garlic js Automatically persist your forms text and select field values locally until the form is submitted Countable A JavaScript function to add live paragraph word and character counting to an HTML element card Make your credit card form better in one line of code stretchy Form element autosizing the way it should be analytics A lightweight extendable analytics library designed to work with any third party analytics provider to track page views custom events amp identify users Tipstipsy Facebook style tooltips plugin for jQuery opentip An open source JavaScript tooltip based on the prototype framework qTip Pretty powerful tooltips tooltipster A jQuery tooltip plugin simptip A simple CSS tooltip made with Sass toolbar A tooltip style toolbar jQuery pluginhint css A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites Modals and PopupsMagnific Popup Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance jquery popbox jQuery PopBox UI Element jquery avgrund js A jQuery plugin with new modal concept for popups vex A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style bootstrap modal Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class Responsive stackable ajax and more css modal A modal built out of pure CSS jquery popup overlay jQuery plugin for responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips SweetAlert An awesome replacement for JavaScript s alert baguetteBox js Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript colorbox A light weight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery fancyBox A tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images html content and multi media on your webpages swipebox A touchable jQuery lightboxjBox jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin taking care of all your popup windows tooltips notices and more lightGallery A customizable modular responsive lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery keukenhof Lightweight no dependencies accessibility enabled TypeScript library for creating modal windows ScrollscrollMonitor A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll headroom Give your pages some headroom Hide your header until you need it onepage scroll Create an Apple like one page scroller website iPhone S website with One Page Scroll plugin iscroll iScroll is a high performance small footprint dependency free multi platform JavaScript scroller skrollr Stand alone parallax scrolling library for mobile Android iOS and desktop No jQuery parallax Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device stellar js Parallax scrolling made easy plax jQuery powered parallaxing jparallax jQuery plugin for creating interactive parallax effect fullPage A simple and easy to use plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites also known as single page websites ScrollMenu A new interface to replace old boring scrollbar Clusterize js Tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily simpleParallax Simple and tiny JavaScript library to add parallax animations on any imagesrellax Buttery smooth super lightweight vanilla javascript parallax library MenujQuery menu aim jQuery plugin to fire events when user s cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon s jQuery contextMenu contextMenu manager Slideout A responsive touch slideout navigation menu for mobile web apps Slide and swipe A sliding swipe menu that works with touchSwipe library mmenu The best jQuery plugin for app look alike on and off canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp Table GridjTable A jQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables DataTables jQuery plug in It is a highly flexible tool based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table Tabulator jQuery plug in An extremely flexible library that create tables with a range of interactive features from any JSON data source or existing HTML table Bootstrap Table An Extension to the popular Bootstrap framework for creating tables that fit the style of your site with no need for additional markup floatThead jQuery plug in lock any table s header while scrolling within the body Works on any table and requires no custom html or css Masonry A cascading grid layout library Packery A grid layout library that uses a bin packing algorithm Useable for draggable layouts Isotope A filterable sortable grid layout library Can implement Masonry Packery and other layouts flexboxgrid Grid based on CSS flexbox FrameworksSemantic UI UI Kit with lots of themes and elements wui A set of jQuery plugins for front end development of data driven web applications fluidity The worlds smallest fully responsive css framework Ink An HTML CSS framework used at SAPO for fast and efficient website design and prototyping DataFormsJS A minimal JavaScript Framework and standalone components for rapid development of sites and SPA s EHTML HTML Framework that allows you not to write JavaScript code Boilerplateshtml boilerplate A professional front end template for building fast robust and adaptable web apps or sites mobile boilerplate A front end template that helps you build fast modern mobile web apps webplate An awesome front end framework that lets you stay focused on building your site or app while remaining really easy to use Cerberus A few simple but solid patterns for responsive HTML emails Even in Outlook full page intro and navigation An intro page with a full width background image a bold animated menu and an iOS like blurred effect behind the navigation Fluid Squares A fluid grid of square units Mobile First RWD An example of a mobile first responsive web design this is responsive This Is Responsive npm run scripts Task automation with NPM run scripts Gesturehammer js A JavaScript library for multi touch gestures touchemulator Emulate touch input on your desktop Dragula Drag and drop so simple it hurts MapsLeaflet JavaScript library for mobile friendly interactive maps Cesium Open Source WebGL virtual globe and map engine gmaps The easiest way to use Google Maps polymaps A free JavaScript library for making dynamic interactive maps in modern web browsers kartograph js Open source JavaScript renderer for Kartograph SVG maps mapbox js Mapbox JavaScript API a Leaflet Plugin jqvmap jQuery Vector Map Library OpenLayers A high performance feature packed library for all your mapping needs Video Audioprettyembed js Prettier embeds for your YouTubes with nice options like high res preview images advanced customization of embed options and optional FitVids support htmlmedia Enables and tags in all major browsers Play em JS Play em is a JavaScript component that manages a music video track queue and plays a sequence of songs by embedding several players in a HTML DIV including Youtube Soundcloud and Vimeo polyplayer Rule YouTube Soundcloud and Vimeo player with one API flowplayer The HTML video player for the webmediaelement HTML or player with Flash and Silverlight shims that mimics the HTML MediaElement API enabling a consistent UI in all browsers SoundJS A library to make working with audio on the web easier It provides a consistent API for playing audio in different browsers video js Video js open source HTML amp Flash video player FitVids js A lightweight easy to use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds Ion Sound Simple sounds on any web page photobooth js A widget that allows users to take their avatar pictures on your site clappr An extensible media player for the web exifr The fastest and most versatile EXIF reading library ts audio an agnostic and easy to use library to work with the AudioContext APIAmplitudeJS Open Source HTML Web Audio Library Design your web audio player the way you want No dependencies required TypographyFlowType JS Web typography at its finest font size and line height based on element width BigText jQuery plugin calculates the font size and word spacing needed to match a line of text to a specific width circletype A jQuery plugin that lets you curve type on the web slabText A jQuery plugin for producing big bold amp responsive headlines simple text rotator Add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup novacancy js Text Neon Golden effect jQuery plug in jquery responsive text Make your text sizing responsive FitText js A jQuery plugin for inflating web type Lettering js A lightweight easy to use JavaScript lt span gt injector for radical Web Typography Animationsvelocity Accelerated JavaScript animation jquery transit Super smooth CSS transformations and transitions for jQuery bounce js Create tasty CSS powered animations in no time GreenSock JS High performance HTML animations that work in all major browsers TransitionEnd TransitionEnd is an agnostic and cross browser library to work with transitioned event Dynamic js JavaScript library to create physics based CSS animations the cube The Cube is an experiment with CSS transitions Effeckt css A Performant Transitions and Animations Libraryanimate css A cross browser library of CSS animations As easy to use as an easy thing textillate A simple plugin for CSS text animations move js CSS backed JavaScript animation framework animatable One property two values endless possibilities shuffle images The Simplest Way to shuffle through images in a Creative WaysmoothState js Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery Anime js A JavaScript animation engine Mo js Motion graphics toolbelt for the web particles js A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles tsParticles A new and improved version of particles js with bug fixes and many new featuresparticles bg A lightweight React particles animation background component Image Processinglena js A Library for image processing with filters and util functions pica High quality image resize with fast Lanczos filter implemented in pure JS cropper A simple jQuery image cropping plugin ESesfeatures Overview of ECMAScript features es features ECMAScript Feature Overview amp Comparison es cheatsheet ES ES cheatsheet containing tips tricks best practices and code snippets ECMAScript compatibility table Compatibility tables for all ECMAScript features on a variety of environments Babel Formerly to Turn ES code into vanilla ES with no runtime Traceur compiler ES features gt ES Includes classes generators promises destructuring patterns default parameters amp more GeneratorsGatsby js React based static site generator Gridsome Vue powered static site generator Docusaurus React based static site generator by Facebook ideal for content centric websites SDKjavascript sdk design JavaScript SDK design guide extracted from work and personal experienceSpotify SDK Entity oriented SDK to work with the Spotify Web API Square Node js SDK JavaScript client library for payments and other Square APIs Miscecho Lazy loading images with data attributes picturefill A responsive image polyfill for lt picture gt srcset sizes platform js A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms json A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms Logical Or Not A game about JavaScript specificities BitSet js A JavaScript Bit Vector implementationspoiler alert SPOILER ALERT A happy little jquery plugin to hide spoilers on your site jquery vibrate js Vibration API Wrapperslist js Adds search sort filters and flexibility to tables lists and various HTML elements Built to be invisible and work on existing HTML mixitup MixItUp A Filter amp Sort Plugin grid Drag and drop library for two dimensional resizable and responsive lists jquery match height a responsive equal heights plugin for jQuery survey js JavaScript Survey Engine It uses JSON for survey metadata and results Array Explorer and Object Explorer Resources to help figure out what native JavaScript method would be best to use at any given timeClipboard js Copy to clipboard without Flash or use of Frameworks ky Tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API Fcal Math expression evaluatoremoji button Vanilla JavaScript emoji picker componentiooxa Components for interactive scientific writing reactive documents and explorable explanations Idyll Create explorable explanations and interactive storytelling essays Can be embedded in HTML javascript algorithms Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings FingerprintJS Makes a visitor identifier from a browser fingerprint that stays the same in incognito mode and when browser data is purged PodcastsJavaScript Air The live video broadcast podcast all about JavaScript and the Web platform Web of Tomorrow Podcast about JavaScript for beginners JavaScript Jabber A weekly podcast about JavaScript including Node js Front End Technologies Careers Teams and more Worth ReadingYou Don t Know JS Possibly the best book written on modern JavaScript completely readable online for free or can be bought to support the author braziljs js the right way An easy to read quick reference for JS best practices accepted coding standards and links around the Web JSbooks Directory of free JavaScript ebooks Superhero js A collection of resources about creating testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base SJSJ Simplified JavaScript Jargon is a community driven attempt at explaining the loads of buzzwords making the current JavaScript ecosystem in a few simple words How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library A comprehensive guide through a set of steps to publish a JavaScript open source library JavaScript Tutorials Learn Javascript online from a diverse range of user ranked online tutorials Functional Light JavaScript Pragmatic balanced FP in JavaScript Clean Code JavaScript Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript Otherssotayamashita awesome cssemijrp awesome awesomebayandin awesome awesomenesssindresorhus awesomejnv listgianarb angularjspeterkokot awesome dojoaddyosmani es toolsericdouglas ES Learningobetomuniz awesome webcomponentswillianjusten awesome svgdavidsonfellipe awesome wpoinstanceofpro awesome backboneenaqx awesome reactbolshchikov js must watchpeterkokot awesome jquerydavidyezsetz you might not need jquery pluginsMaximAbramchuck awesome interviewsdenolib awesome denoThis Content is distributed under the license 2021-09-06 07:00:41
海外TECH Engadget Smart's Mini-like EV concept shows off its larger vehicle ambitions https://www.engadget.com/smarts-mini-like-ev-concept-shows-off-its-larger-vehicle-ambitions-072758766.html?src=rss Smart x s Mini like EV concept shows off its larger vehicle ambitionsIn Mercedes teamed up with Volvo automaker Geely to transform Smart into an EV only brand with new vehicles to arrive in We re starting to see the fruits of this collaboration with the unveiling of Smart s quot Concept quot at the IAA Mobility motor show in Munich SmartIf you re familiar with Smart s tiny mobility vehicles the first thing that stands out with the concept is its relatively large size Designed by Mercedes the four seater has roughly the same dimensions and kind of a similar look to be honest as Mini s largest vehicle the Countryman It also features smooth aerodynamic styling a huge glass roof and a gold tinted tech adorned interior that looks like it was designed by Chanel it wasn t nbsp Some other notable features include a rear scissor door that would allow for easy entry and makes for a cool look when all four doors are open As they re highly impractical don t expect to see them on a production version though It has a large Telsa Model like inch touchscreen inch wheels and LED lightbars at the front and back nbsp SmartAs for the EV aspect it s built on Geely s Sustainable Experience Architecture SEA designed to be used across Geely s nine automotive brands including Volvo Polestar Smart and Lotus It should also support fast charging tech and over the air updates And yes Smart and its Daimler Geely parents are planning to turn this concept into a production vehicle The aim is to make multiple versions including a long range model while offering the quot highest level of dynamic handling quot for enthusiasts It will be made in China and go on sale there next year but Smart has plans to bring it to Europe as well nbsp 2021-09-06 07:27:58
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) 米USTR、太陽光発電製品のセーフガード措置めぐるWTOパネル報告歓迎 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2021/09/55ab80020264045d.html 太陽光発電 2021-09-06 07:20:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Plan emerges to preserve royal family by retaining married women https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/06/national/imperial-women/ Plan emerges to preserve royal family by retaining married womenThe dwindling number of imperial family members has again come into focus ahead of the expected marriage later this year of Princess Mako 2021-09-06 16:58:57
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles LDP leadership contender Fumio Kishida eyes SDF law revision after Afghan mission https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/06/national/kishida-sdf/ LDP leadership contender Fumio Kishida eyes SDF law revision after Afghan missionKishida says if elected prime minister he would consider revising the law to ease the way for the overseas dispatch of the SDF on an 2021-09-06 16:48:19
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Daiichi Sankyo positions its COVID-19 vaccine as a booster in Japan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/06/business/corporate-business/daiichi-sankyo/ approval 2021-09-06 16:15:15
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles No relief for embattled Australia as rugby world champions South Africa looms https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/09/06/rugby/australia-nz-defeat/ No relief for embattled Australia as rugby world champions South Africa loomsThe Wallabies served up the same array of turnovers intercept tries and poor decisions seen in the first two tests against the All Blacks 2021-09-06 16:23:43
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Former tennis star can relate to what Naomi Osaka is going through https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/09/06/tennis/osaka-fish-mental-health/ Former tennis star can relate to what Naomi Osaka is going throughMardy Fish now acts as a mentor sharing his experience as a prominent athlete who had to deal with mental health problems when the subject 2021-09-06 16:21:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Social care plans and schools return amid virus fears https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58457234?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA coronavirus 2021-09-06 07:14:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Afghanistan: Defence minister says veteran suicide claim inaccurate https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58460511?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA afghan 2021-09-06 07:50:30
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 【楽天スーパーSALE】半額多数!カゴメ200ml紙パックの組み合わせセット、エアロミニバイク、キヤノンのコンデジなど https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/rakuten-sale-0906-1.html 白くまくん 2021-09-06 17:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ クラウド デプロイのセキュリティを保護するための基本的なベスト プラクティス https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/foundational-best-practices-securing-your-cloud-deployment/ 規定された階層を使用して、組織とフォルダのレベル間で鍵とシークレットを分離します。 2021-09-06 09:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ 小売業のレコメンデーションに Recommendations AI を活用するコツ https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/how-get-better-retail-recommendations-recommendations-ai/ このユーザーイベントを商品カタログやアイテムと組み合わせれば、買い物客の一連のアクティビティを構築することが可能です。 2021-09-06 08:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 バイデン米大統領、支持率急落 アフガン、コロナに批判 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586266/ 米大統領 2021-09-06 16:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 英グラクソ、厚労省に治療薬申請 新型コロナ、特例承認求める https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586265/ 製薬 2021-09-06 16:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「ヤリス」、2カ月連続の首位 8月販売、燃費性能が好評 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586259/ 新車販売台数 2021-09-06 16:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 タリバン、最後の抵抗拠点を制圧 アフガニスタン北東部 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586258/ 最後 2021-09-06 16:06:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ギニア、閣僚への集合要求で緊張 一部の軍幹部がクーデター https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586257/ 西アフリカ 2021-09-06 16:06:00
北海道 北海道新聞 東証大幅続伸531円高2万9659円 経済対策へ期待感 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586241/ 大幅続伸 2021-09-06 16:06:48
北海道 北海道新聞 日本ハム 7日から札幌ドーム6連戦 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/586256/ 日本ハム 2021-09-06 16:01:00
ニュース Newsweek 「涙が溢れそうに」 ロックダウンで叔母の葬儀逃した羊飼い、羊で追悼メッセージ 豪 https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2021/09/post-97050.php 続いて控えめなジャクソン氏は、叔母が空から見たかもしれないので「まあ良しといえるかもしれないですね」と自己評価すると、司会者は「まずまずなんてものじゃないですよ、本当に素晴らしいことですよ」と応じた。 2021-09-06 16:30:36
IT 週刊アスキー 400gの超ボリューム回鍋肉を限定販売! 陳麻婆豆腐 「回鍋肉祭」10月31日まで https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/068/4068343/ 史上最高 2021-09-06 16:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー ケモノオープンワールドRPG『バイオミュータント』セーブデータ関連の不具合を修正するアップデートを配信 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/068/4068348/ thqnordicjapan 2021-09-06 16:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』に登場する「シエル」のゲームプレイ動画が公開! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/068/4068345/ meltybloodtypelumina 2021-09-06 16:05:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA クラウド デプロイのセキュリティを保護するための基本的なベスト プラクティス https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/foundational-best-practices-securing-your-cloud-deployment/ 規定された階層を使用して、組織とフォルダのレベル間で鍵とシークレットを分離します。 2021-09-06 09:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA 小売業のレコメンデーションに Recommendations AI を活用するコツ https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/how-get-better-retail-recommendations-recommendations-ai/ このユーザーイベントを商品カタログやアイテムと組み合わせれば、買い物客の一連のアクティビティを構築することが可能です。 2021-09-06 08:00:00



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