IT |
気になる、記になる… |
DJI、「DJI OM 4 SE」を国内でも販売開始 |
djiom |
2021-09-07 14:35:47 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Building well-architected serverless applications: Optimizing application costs |
Building well architected serverless applications Optimizing application costsThis series of blog posts uses the nbsp AWS Well Architected Tool nbsp with the nbsp Serverless Lens nbsp to help customers build and operate applications using best practices In each post I address the serverless specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices See the nbsp introduction post nbsp for a table of contents and explanation of the example application COST How … |
2021-09-07 14:11:57 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
画像の正規化に関して |
からの範囲の正規化からの範囲の正規化正直自分もどっちがいいとかはわかりませんが、コチラの書籍によれば画像のピクセルごとのスケーリングでは、それらの中心をに設定した上で、の範囲で尺度を取り直す方法も一般的である。 |
2021-09-07 23:11:23 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptのvar,let,constの違いを理解する。ついでにスコープも理解する。 |
varletconst再代入〇〇×再宣言〇××ブロック内で変数を宣言した場合のスコープブロックではないブロックブロック変数の巻き上げundefinedReferenceErrorReferenceErrorおまけ変数宣言しなかったらどうなる以下のコードでは、関数内の変数aは宣言せず、いきなり代入しています。 |
2021-09-07 23:54:34 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
sliceとspliceの違いを簡単にまとめる。 |
sliceとspliceの違いslice元の配列の値を変更しない。 |
2021-09-07 23:28:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
さくらサーバーにPython3系のインストール .cshrcの編集でエラー |
さくらサーバーにPython系のインストールcshrcの編集でエラーさくらサーバーにPythonしか入っていないため、Python系をインストールしました。 |
2021-09-07 23:48:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Seleniumでブラウザを立ち上げるも、要素が取得できない |
2021-09-07 23:48:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Flask+Reactのデプロイについて |
FlaskReactのデプロイについて解決したいことFlaskReactのアプリケーションを作成しました。 |
2021-09-07 23:46:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GitHub Desktopでプッシュができない |
GitHubDesktopでプッシュができない前提・実現したいことGitHubnbspDesktopでリポジトリをプッシュしたいのですが、できません。 |
2021-09-07 23:44:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SpringBoot 編集画面で、特定のデータが取得できない |
SpringBoot編集画面で、特定のデータが取得できない使用環境ーMacnbspOSーSpringnbspToolnbspSuiteーJavanbsp現状の問題点と実現したいことSpring初学者です。 |
2021-09-07 23:36:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コンストラクタについて |
コンストラクタについて前提・実現したいことのサイトの演習問題をやっているのですが、模範解答と違いました。 |
2021-09-07 23:33:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonを用いてExcelの列の特定の数字が2回以下続いた場合、空欄にするプログラムを作成したい |
Pythonを用いてExcelの列の特定の数字が回以下続いた場合、空欄にするプログラムを作成したい前提・実現したいこと作成してあるExcelファイルのD列を取得して特定の値今回はが回以下続いた場合は空欄にするプログラムを作成したいです。 |
2021-09-07 23:31:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vscordでdatetimeモジュールの実行ができない。 |
vscordでdatetimeモジュールの実行ができない。 |
2021-09-07 23:21:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
変数を含む辞書内の値が更新されない |
変数を含む辞書内の値が更新されないPython初心者です。 |
2021-09-07 23:18:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python時系列分析で、特徴量を定義したい |
Python時系列分析で、特徴量を定義したい時系列分析を行っています。 |
2021-09-07 23:13:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptで書かれているslideUp/slideDownのコードを理解したい |
JavaScriptで書かれているslideUpslideDownのコードを理解したいソースコードを読み解きたいjQueryのslideUpslideDownを生のJavaScriptで書かれている記事があるのですが、一部理解できない箇所があったので、ベテランの方ご教授いただけないでしょうか。 |
2021-09-07 23:13:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swift、常に関数を実行したい |
Swift、常に関数を実行したい抽象的かつ初歩的な質問で恐縮です。 |
2021-09-07 23:07:56 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ubuntuで録画鯖 |
ubuntuで録画鯖PXSUDのドライバーインストールwgetunzipPXSUDdriverVerzipsudocpPXSUDdriverVerxamdisdbtrioinplibfirmwareカードリーダードライバーのインストールsudoaptinstallybuildessentialgitsudoaptinstallypcscdlibpcsclitedevlibccidpcsctoolsBCasのデコード用ライブラリのインストールsudoaptinstallycmakegwgetunzipmasterzipcdlibaribmastercmakemakesudomakeinstallcd録画用コマンドのインストールsudoaptinstallyautoconfautomakelibtoolautoconfdoclibtooldocwgettarxvzfrecdvbtgzcdrecdvbautogenshconfigureenablebmakesudomakeinstallcdnodejsVer・pmcurlnodeインストールaptinstallycurl但しraspberryOSは入れなくても大丈夫curlsLsudoEbashsudoaptgetinstallynodejssudonpminstallpmgmirakurunインストールsudonpminstallmirakurungunsafeproductionsudonanousrlocaletcmirakuruntunersymlnamePXSUDtypesGRcommandrecdvbbstripdevltchannelgtisDisabledfalsenamePXSUDtypesGRcommandrecdvbbstripdevltchannelgtisDisabledfalseそして地元局をスキャンしていくcurlXPUThttplocalhostapiconfigchannelsscan終わったらここで一旦rebootsudoaptinstallysqlitesudoaptinstallyffmpeggitclonecdEPGStationnpmrunallinstallnpmrunbuildcpconfigconfigymltemplateconfigconfigymlcpconfigoperatorLogConfigsampleymlconfigoperatorLogConfigymlcpconfigepgUpdaterLogConfigsampleymlconfigepgUpdaterLogConfigymlcpconfigserviceLogConfigsampleymlconfigserviceLogConfigymlcpconfigencjstemplateconfigencjssudonpminstallpmgsudopmstartupltOS名gtpmstartdistindexjsnameepgstationpmsaveライブ視聴するにはcdEPGStationconfignanoconfigymlffmpegusrlocalbinffmpegffprobeusrlocalbinffprobeのところをffmpegusrbinffmpegffprobeusrbinffprobeに直してpmrestartepgstationしてあげれば大丈夫です。 |
2021-09-07 23:18:31 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-08 00:00:17 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-07 23:59:59 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-07 23:59:52 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-07 23:59:44 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-07 23:59:39 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
webhookテスト |
webhook |
2021-09-07 23:59:35 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
端的にdocker基礎の整理(1) |
一歩ずつ進んでいきますD目次Dockerの特徴コンテナイメージDockerfileマウント参考文献Dockerの特徴dockerの利点⑴コンテナ型の超軽量サーバ仮想化製品⑵コンテナ内は実行環境として独立している⑶コンテナはリソース消費量が少ないdockerの欠点⑴Linuxカーネルしか動作しない⑵完全な分離ではないコンテナコンテナとは、アプリケーションを実行できる環境のことつまり、コンテナ≒サーバイメージから作られる・Appachコンテナ・dbコンテナイメージイメージは、コンテナの元になる設定ファイルOS・ミドルウェアの情報とかそのイメージからコンテナを作成する。 |
2021-09-07 23:17:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learning HTML in 4 Hours as a beginner |
Learning HTML in Hours as a beginnerHey readers the title of this article is not click bait you can actually start learning HTML and get into CSS within a few hours even without knowing the fundamentals of it This article here precisely tells you HOW TO DO THAT In this modern tech focused world there are many UI frameworks preferred while building any web based application but every single webpage on the internet is just HTML at its core After reading this article to completion you should be able to Structure a website with basic elements of HTML Apply basic formatting and learn separation of content in a webpage Bring a webpage to life using different images and tables In a rush Watch our video below to learn the basics of HTML in minutes We re also hosting a live tutorial for HTML this Thursday Read till the end for the link What is HTML Hypertext Markup Language or HTML has become one of the core technologies that power every single website on the internet HTML was first created by Tim Berners Lee Robert Cailliau in the year While there s an age old debate on whether HTML is a programming language or not it is very important to note that every webpage that you create will have at least a part of HTML involved In my opinion Markup languages are nothing but a simplified programming language consisting of easily understood keywords and tags used to format the overall view of the page and its contents If you are just starting off in web development note that HTML is most commonly used with CSS Cascading Style Sheets for styling and JavaScript for added interactivity Image credits freecodecamp org Structure of TagsA Markup Language allows computers to speak to each other and controls how text is processed and presented To do this HTML uses two things tags and attributes a Tag NamesIn simple language a tag is any piece of information that describes the data or content that it is assigned to Tags can be used to display bookmarks digital images videos files and so on represented within closed brackets Most tags must be opened lt p gt and closed lt p gt in order to function Close what you open In any programming language it is important that you use the syntax and structure your code appropriately Each web browser has its own built in code rules that govern how it will behave You will find some browsers that will make a correct guess when it detects something like the missing closing tag in your example but you can not rely on all browsers reacting the same way Therefore in the absence of closing tags some browsers might think that all your other tags are a part of the same element this can result in an unfavorable output It is always a good practice to close all the tags in use The latest version of HTML ie HTML currently does not allow the use of self closing tags But there are some tags that are classified as self closing tags which make use of a “ character in order to effectively close out a beginning tag To put it simply there are a few tags that don t require closing tags and they can end within a starting tag only or survive without any For example lt img gt used to embed an image is a self closing tag b AttributesIn an HTML element the tag name is followed by an attribute that has a certain value Most tags have a set of predefined attributes and are technically semantic An HTML attribute is a way to provide additional information about the tag it s attached to Think of attributes as a way to further customize the meaning and or behavior of the tag Each attribute has its own rules for the meaning of its value For example look at the above image the value of the src attribute has to be unique in the entire HTML document which is used to provide the path of the image Below is a visual representation of an HTML element with an open tag start tag followed by the name and attribute and a close tag end tag showing a forward slash and open tag name To know more about each of these HTML tags stay tuned for a Bonus at the end of the article If you look at the HTML markup for any webpage today you will see HTML elements contained within other HTML elements These elements that are inside of other elements are known as nested elements and they are essential to building any webpage today Think of HTML tags as boxes that hold your content Your content can include text images and related media Sometimes you need to places boxes inside of other boxes Those inner boxes are nested inside of others Let s learn with an example Anatomy of an HTML document The lt html gt element is the root element and it defines the whole HTML document and the whole code is nested in lt html gt lt html gt Therefore every other tag is the child element of lt html gt The lt head gt element is a container for metadata and is always placed between the lt html gt and lt body gt tags lt title gt sets the title of your page which is the title that appears in the browser tab when the page is loaded It is also used to describe the page when you bookmark it or mark it as favorite The lt body gt represents or defines the document s entire bodyThe lt main gt tag specifies the main content of a document and is unique to the document It shouldn t contain any content that is repeated across documents such as sidebars navigation links copyright information site logos and search forms lt h gt to lt h gt define the heading and lt p gt defines a paragraph lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt First Project lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt My First Heading lt h gt lt main gt lt p gt My first paragraph lt p gt lt main gt lt body gt lt html gt Semantic HTMLAs a programmer you could be reading through hundreds or thousands of lines of code The easier it is to read and understand any programmed document the easier it makes your job Semantic HTML precisely does that for you Semantic HTML elements provide meaning to your document rather than just a presentation According to Dictionary com semantics refers to the correct interpretation of the meaning of a word or sentence Some Semantic HTML practices Semantic markup requires that HTML elements be used according to their intended purpose Semantic markup requires the separation of content and presentation Some tips and Bonus documentI have created a list of some commonly used HTML tags you can refer to Bonus DocumentYou can use it to Read about the most commonly used HTML tagsRead the complete documentation of each and every tag mentionedFork and use this project to learnexperiment with different styling and optimizationsI recommend beginners to first start their projects on Codesandbox Sandbox environments are websites designed to allow you to write and immediately run small pieces of code This is a great learning tool for beginners and an excellent debugging tool for experts Please fork the original sandbox so you can save your work For any feedback or mentoring you can share your project link with us in our Discord Community Following a huge demand we re hosting a Live tutoring session on learning HTML this week Signup using this form so that you don t miss out on the event Links will be only shared if you fill the form so sign up right away Link to Google Form Summary TLDR Most HTML tags have an opening and closing tag but not allTags that don t have a closing tag are not allowed to wrap contentSelf closing tags e g lt gt are not allowed in modern HTMLIf a tag has a lt gt closing tag always use it even when it s technically optionalAttributes are name value pairs that provide us with some additional information about the tagTo structure your code precisely practice Semantic HTMLComment below your experience developing your first website Don t forget to show us some if you found this article helpful Let s connect I d love to hear your feedback or questions TwitterLinkedinDiscordHere are the links to my opensource projects Google webpage recreation without CSS Google webpage recreation with CSS HTML tags |
2021-09-07 14:30:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Liman ID Bilgisi Nasıl Elde Edilir |
Liman ID Bilgisi Nasıl Elde EdilirLiman id bilgisi liman ana ekranında bulunan profil kısmından görüntülenebiliyor Liman ana sayfasında ekranın sağüst kısmında limana girişyapılan kullanıcıprofili gözüküyor Profil üzerine tıkladığımızda açılan modal ile birlikte liman bilgilerine erişebiliyoruz Burada bulunan liman id kısmından gerekli bilgiyi temin edebiliriz |
2021-09-07 14:24:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Mudar de Carreira (ou emprego): Como decidir? |
Mudar de Carreira ou emprego Como decidir Se vocêchegou nesse post imagino que éporque isso jávem martelando na sua cabeça háalgum tempo mas vocêestásentindo alguma dificuldade nesse processo Muita coisa passa pela cabeça e o velho conselho “Saia da sua zona de conforto chega a dar um arrepio na espinha Mas tudo bem mudanças nem sempre são fáceis e na maioria das vezes levam tempo para acontecer Eu jáestive nessa posição mais de uma vez e ainda assim por muito tempo me vi paralisada na tomada de decisões importantes quase que esperando por um sinal do universo para seguir por um caminho ou outro A verdade éque ficamos acomodados dentro da nossa vivência e por mais que a gente não esteja muito feliz ainda “émais fácil permanecer no mesmo lugar afinal a gente jásabe como tudo funciona e o que precisa ser feito Atéque certo dia vendo um vídeo no youtube uma conversa me chamou bastante atenção e eu entendi que A vida éfeita de escolhas e ninguém além de vocêpode tomar a decisão de sair de onde vocêestá Nesse dia entendi que NÃO escolher também éuma escolha e isso irágerar uma consequência O fato de permanecer no mesmo lugar A partir dai eu resolvi que não queria ficar no mesmo lugar e procurei uma estratégia para escolher com mais precisão Pra isso eu precisava colocar os pés no chão e entender onde cada caminho poderia me levar e pra isso eu usei algumas dicas que me ajudaram a fazer com que essa escolha fizesse mais sentido e são as que eu vou compartilhar aqui hoje Então vamos lá gt gt Passo Coloque no papel todas as possibilidades que vocêtem agora Pense no que vocêfaz vocêgosta de fazer isso Épossível continuar trabalhando com isso nesse momento SE SIM quais a opções de cargos e ou empresas em que vocêpoderia se encaixar Analise o que vocêtem a disposição e o que vocêpode fazer para realizar essa mudança mesmo ainda estando nesse ambiente SE NÃO pense nas coisas que vocêébom Anote o que vocêpoderia ou gostaria de fazer no seu futuro próximo e como isso poderia ser realizado mesmo que a longo prazo Faça uma pesquisa de mercado háalgo em que vocêpode se encaixar Exemplo Hoje sou advogada mas gostaria de mudar de carreira para algo que me porporcionasse realização profissional e que aumentasse minha renda nos próximos anos Tenho pensado em algo relacionado a área de Tecnologia da Informação pois éuma área em constante expansão gt gt Passo Crie uma linha do tempo A partir do que vocêpensou no Passo coloque suas ideias no papel Projete as possibilidades escolhidas a médio e longo prazo Tente imaginar tudo com a maior quantidade de detalhes que vocêtiver alinhando com o tempo que vocêtem e o que vocêpode fazer nos próximos meses anos Exemplo Ainda atuo em alguns processos como advogada posso esperar terminar todos eles e fazer uma faculdade mas isso iráadiar meus planos um pouco mais Ou posso utilizar meu tempo livre para estudar paralelamente e jáir me qualificando o que poderia acelerar minha transição de carreira Posso investir meu tempo em cursos gratuitos atédecidir o que quero de verdade e investir em um curso técnico pago Ou Posso não fazer nada e pensar sobre isso daqui alguns meses Lembre que todas as alternativas atémesmo a de não fazer nada geram uma consequencia Como vocêencara cada uma delas e qual faz mais sentido pra vocêagora gt gt Passo O que eu posso fazer a partir de hoje com as ideias que eu tenho em mente Depois que vocêcolocou tudo no papel escolha a opção que faz mais sentido pra vocêe coloque em prática Iniciar pesquisas na área traçar um plano de estudos semanal colocar metas para atividades que vocêprecisa fazer se matricule em um curso converse com pessoas da área enfim começe a colocar as coisas em prática A partir daíécom você TESTE Vocêsósaberáo que vocêgosta ou não gosta TESTANDO Entenda não hánada de errado em começar um curso depois trancar e iniciar outro Entrar num estágio em uma empresa e no ano seguinte partir pra outra oportunidade Este éo momento de vocêconhecer o mercado e entender o que funciona pra você Éclaro que vocênao vai virar uma bola de pingue pongue e ficar pulando de lugar em lugar mas também não hánada de errado em conhecer o ambiente Quando a gente não tem referência sobre uma área essa éa melhor maneira de se inserir conhecer pessoas e criar laços Por fim entre em comunidades e converse com pessoas da sua nova carreira área Mesmo nos cenários mais improváveis pessoas com os mesmos objetivos se ajudam e se motivam entre si e nesse momento éisso que vocêprecisa Ver outras pessoas trilhando o mesmo caminho para quando o medo bater vocêtenha com quem conversar e em quem se inspirar Nada éfácil e não háuma fórmula mágica Mas isso não quer dizer que vocênão possa utilizar estratégias que tornem esse caminho mais agradável E eu realmente espero que a partir dessa leitura e da aplicação das técnicas ーcolocar no papel e visualizar as possibilidades faz toda diferença ーvocêse sinta mais confortável para encarar esse algo novo Parafraseando Fernando Teixeira de Andrade “Háum tempo em que épreciso abandonar as roupas usadas que játem a forma do nosso corpo e esquecer os nossos caminhos que nos levam sempre aos mesmos lugares Éo tempo da travessia e se não ousarmos fazê la teremos ficado para sempre àmargem de nós mesmos Se esse artigo foi útil pra vocêou se vocêse lembrou de alguém que estápassando por isso envia pra ele Todo mundo sai ganhando quando a gente compartilha o conhecimento Faça diferença na vida de alguém Leia mais sobre Transição de Carreira aqui |
2021-09-07 14:07:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to get your Mac to read text out loud to you |
How to get your Mac to read text out loud to youIf you re having trouble reading what s on your Mac s screen here s how to get Siri to audibly read out what s on screen to you While monitors are the primary way for people to get information from their Mac not everyone has that luxury For those who are visually impaired they cannot rely on what is shown on the screen as a source of information and so require alternative methods Apple has a solution to this buried in its Accessibility settings titled Spoken Content The feature effectively allows you to set macOS to use Siri to read out text that appears onscreen Read more |
2021-09-07 14:00:40 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Deals: $599 M1 Mac mini is back, plus AirPods Max discounted to $469 |
Deals M Mac mini is back plus AirPods Max discounted to Amazon has reissued its cash discount on Apple s M Mac mini marking the return of Prime Day pricing Meanwhile Amazon owned Woot has AirPods Max discounted to exclusively for Prime members M Mac mini on sale for Delivering the lowest price available Amazon has the standard M Mac mini on sale for thanks to a instant rebate stacked with an additional off at checkout This model features Apple s M chip GB of RAM and a GB SSD Read more |
2021-09-07 14:56:20 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Final day: Babbel lifetime subscription on sale for $179 ($320 off) |
Final day Babbel lifetime subscription on sale for off The lowest price on record has returned with the Babbel lifetime subscription discounted to for a limited time only Included is access to languages with lifetime updates ーall for off New price drop on BabbelToday s Babbel deal includes lifetime access to learn languages including Spanish French Italian German and Russian Read more |
2021-09-07 14:43:16 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Bose's high-end Smart Soundbar 900 includes Dolby Atmos support |
Bose x s high end Smart Soundbar includes Dolby Atmos supportBose has announced a new soundbar that replaces the Smart Soundbar at the higher end of its lineup Unlike the previous model the Smart Soundbar has Dolby Atmos support The company claims the Soundbar goes beyond the overhead spatial audio offered by most Atmos soundbars It says Bose PhaseGuide tech can create horizontal audio effects as well The Soundbar blends Bose s spatial audio knowhow with custom arrays dipole transducers and low profile transducers to create quot a layer of realism quot according to the company Even if the show or movie you re watching doesn t support Dolby Atmos Bose says its tech can still create effective spatial audio effects by remixing signals Bose is promising strong bass performance with almost no distortion with the help of its QuietPort tech The Adaptiq feature meanwhile calibrates audio for your space The speaker includes decent connectivity including HDMI eARC for hooking it up to your TV as well as WiFi Bluetooth Google Assistant Amazon Alexa Spotify Connect and AirPlay support You can link the device to other Bose smart speakers including as part of a multi room system and expand your home theater setup with a subwoofer or rear satellite speakers The Soundbar is also compatible with the company s new QuietComfort headphones The device has rounded corners and it s inches tall a little over four inches deep and inches long a couple of inches longer than the Soundbar It s designed primarily for inch and larger TVs it might look out of place below a smaller screen The Smart Soundbar costs Pre orders open today and the speaker will be available on September rd |
2021-09-07 14:44:33 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
How to make the most of that Instant Pot you just bought |
How to make the most of that Instant Pot you just boughtFew kitchen appliances have reached the same cult status as the Instant Pot With million members on the official Instant Pot Facebook group more than fan created online groups around reviews on Amazon and accolades from the likes of TheNew York Times it s no question that this kitchen marvel is a hit It s a winner with the Engadget staff too not only have a few of us bought it for ourselves we ve recommended it in past gift guides Sure it s not a tech gadget per se although there is a quot smart quot edition with an app and Google Assistant but it does have a lot of crossover appeal thanks to its promise of all in one efficiency But what do you do when you get one With so many recipes on the internet and so many different things you can do with it where do you even start In this guide I ll attempt to give you a primer on the first steps you should take when you get one some tips and tricks on how to use it and a few favorite recipes and source links A lot of this comes from personal experience I ve been an Instant Pot owner for a few years I ll also note that the listed recipes lean toward my own taste but hopefully this guide will provide a good start for your own culinary adventures How Instant Pots workIf you re reading this you probably already know what an Instant Pot is but just in case you don t here s a brief introduction The Instant Pot is an quot all in one quot kitchen gadget that promises to replace a rice cooker a yogurt maker and a slow cooker it also lets you sautéand steam foods But the real reason the Instant Pot has risen to fame is that it s also a very good electric pressure cooker This lets you cook food at an accelerated rate imagine pulled pork in an hour instead of five or a chicken curry done in minutes And because it s electric you just press a few buttons and walk away Unlike a stovetop pressure cooker there s no need to keep a constant eye on it There are a bunch of Instant Pot models to choose from Some of the lower end ones lack the yogurt maker and a couple of the higher end models have extra features like sous vide cooking and canning but all have the electric pressure cooker function so much of this guide will focus on that The Instant Pot comes in and quart sizes Unless you re only cooking for yourself or you have a large family I think the quart model should work for most people Buy Instant Pot Duo at Amazon A brief word on other Instant Pot models nbsp The Duo Plus starting at is an upgraded version of the Duo Series It has two additional functions sous vide for temperature controlled cooking and sterilizer a steam shortcut for sterilizing items like baby bottles There s also a cooking progress status bar plus an anti spin design that keeps the inner pot in place when you re sauteing The Pro starting at is designed for the serious cooking enthusiast with plenty of upgrades over existing Instant Pots The inner pot has an extra thick bottom that can go on the stove plus it has handles so it s easier to lift It comes with customizable programs for different foods and there are five favorites buttons that you can assign to frequently cooked meals The steam release switch has been upgraded to reduce noise and splatter and there are even steam release reminder alerts with and minute pre sets The Pro is also one of a few Instant Pots compatible with an optional QuickCool lid that helps you release pressure faster The Duo Crisp Air Fryer is basically an Instant Pot that comes with an additional Air Fryer Lid which adds dry heat cooking methods like baking broiling dehydrating and of course air frying There s also a Pro version of this Instant Pot that pairs the air fryer lid with the Pro model mentioned above The Star Wars Instant Pots are a great choice for the Star Wars enthusiast or just anyone who wants a fun and unique kitchen appliance They re really just rebranded versions of the Duo with the same exact functionalities and features They come in five iterations Little Bounty Darth Vader Stormtrooper BB and R D Which Instant Pot model is right for you The quart Instant Pot is ideal for most people but if you re a singleton or a student then the quart model is best For large families or simply those who like to make a lot of food then the quart model is a good choice If you re interested in diving into sous vide but don t want to make an investment in a separate machine just for that then the Instant Pot Smart WiFi Ultra Duo Crisp or the Duo Plus are good choices If you re really into pressure canning and preserving foods then the Instant Pot Max is the one for you It s the only one that s capable of reaching PSI which is needed for pressure canning Making yogurt with the Instant Pot is really easy because it can maintain the same temperature for hours Models that have this feature include the Duo Duo Nova Smart WiFi Ultra and Duo Plus Getting startedWith any appliance I would suggest reading the instructions to get a full idea of how to use it but here s a brief primer The Instant Pot has three parts the housing with the cooking element at the bottom the stainless steel inner pot and the lid which comes with a sealing ring plus a steam release valve Setup is as easy as putting the inner pot inside the housing and plugging it in You ll also want to attach a tiny condensation collector on the back if the instructions call for it The first thing to do is a quot water test quot which not only helps familiarize you with the basic pressure cooker features but will confirm your appliance is in proper working order To do a water test put three cups of water in the pot twist the lid on ーit ll make a sound when it s locked in place ーand set the pressure cooker on high for two minutes The way to do this varies from model to model on the Duo machines you ll have to press Manual select High then dial down the time to two minutes On something like the Ultra you just need to go to the Pressure Cooker menu dial it to two minutes and select High Then make sure your valve is set to quot Sealing quot so that the Instant Pot can build pressure On the Duo machines this means rotating it so the arrow points up while on the Ultra the valve will automatically be set to Sealing Then press quot Start quot From there the Instant Pot will build up that pressure to High maintain it for the set two minutes and then stop In some cases you ll hear hissing and see steam coming out of the Instant Pot This is totally normal You ll know the Instant Pot is under pressure when the float valve pops up and the hissing quiets down The lid cannot be opened when the Instant Pot is under pressure You must depressurize it first Once the cooking is done you can let the pot naturally depressurize also known as quot Natural Release quot which simply means leaving it alone for or so minutes until the float valve comes down Or you can do a manual release also known as quot Quick Release quot by switching that aforementioned valve to quot Venting quot To do that on the Duo models you rotate the valve while on the Ultra you ll press a steam release button on the top This method will release a lot of steam so I suggest doing this under a range hood if you have one Again once the float valve comes back down you ll know the Instant Pot has been depressurized Doing the water test teaches you the basics of sealing the Instant Pot setting it and depressurizing it Plus if anything goes wrong along the way ーespecially if it doesn t seal the pressure ーyou can call the retailer or manufacturer to troubleshoot or ask about a return or exchange It s a step that many people skip but I recommend it especially if you re a beginner Instant Pot accessoriesThe Instant Pot is ready to use right out of the box but if you want to get even more functionality out of it then you might want to consider some accessories The following are just a few suggestions that we think will elevate your Instant Pot experience Tempered glass lidThe main reason to get an Instant Pot is to use it as a pressure cooker but it has other functions too If you want to use it as a slow cooker or you simply want to keep your food warm then you ll want to invest in a tempered glass lid This lid will also keep your food covered if you want to transfer the inner pot to the table or the fridge nbsp Buy glass lid at Amazon Steamers PIPSteaming food in the Instant Pot is quick and easy but you ll want specific equipment to get the job done right Instant Pot makes two styles of silicone steamers one is a stacking model that you can use for dumplings or fish and another is a collapsible one that is ideal for batch cooking vegetables If you need even more capacity we recommend this Hatrigo mesh steamer basket nbsp Along your Instant Pot discovery journey you might come across a phrase called “PIP cooking This stands for Pot in Pot and involves putting another vessel inside the Instant Pot This method is great if you re cooking foods that don t contain liquid such as cheesecake or you simply want to cook in smaller quantities One of our favorite accessories for this is the Aozita Stackable Steamer which not only acts as a steamer but also contains tiered containers so that you could cook multiple foods at once nbsp Buy stackable steamer basket at Amazon Buy steamer basket at Amazon Buy Hatrigo steamer basket at Amazon Buy Aozita stackable steamers at Amazon Sealing ringIf you use your Instant Pot for both savory and sweet applications then we suggest getting extra sealing rings so that the odor of one doesn t affect the other You don t really want your cheesecake to smell like pulled pork or vice versa nbsp Buy sealing rings at Amazon Air fryer lidAs the name suggests the Instant Pot Air Fryer Lid essentially turns your Instant Pot into an air fryer It s a good option if you don t want two appliances taking up space on your kitchen counter and this add on does a decent job of “air frying foods nbsp Yet after using it for a few months I don t quite recommend it if you plan on cooking a lot of meals this way The non stick coating on the fry basket can flake off if placed in the dishwasher and as I ve discovered it accumulates a sticky film that is almost impossible to wash off Plus as I said in an earlier hands on the Lid really only works for small batches as well as smaller pieces of food Even a hot dog is too large to fit inside the air fryer basket nbsp If you re going to use the air fryer lid to add roasting and broiling capabilities to the Instant Pot ーso you can brown a roast chicken or melt the cheese on a lasagna for example ーthen it s not a bad option But as far as air frying goes I d probably save up and invest in an actual convection toaster oven rather than settle for the lid Tips and tricksLet s go over a few tips and tricks on how to best use the Instant Pot This is not an exhaustive list as different people might have different takeaways from their usage of the Instant Pot but these insights are what I found works best for me Don t worry about all the buttonsWhen you first get the Instant Pot you might be overwhelmed by all of the different buttons on the front of it There are ones that say quot Meat Stew quot quot Chili Beans quot quot Multigrain quot quot Egg quot and even quot Cake quot With the exception of a few most of these are simply shortcuts that Instant Pot programmed ahead of time You might never need to use them The most important buttons to know are quot Sauté quot which as you might expect lets you sautéthings in the pot and the aforementioned quot Manual quot or quot Pressure Cooker quot function The rest are pretty superfluous with the exception of quot Keep Warm quot quot Cancel quot and non pressure cooker functions like the quot Slow Cooker quot or quot Yogurt quot which helps maintain the cultured milk at a specific temperature Add at least half a cup of liquid and don t go over the maximumOne of the things you ll learn about pressure cooking is that you don t need to add as much liquid like you would in regular recipes But you ll still need to add some liquid because the pressure cooker requires some moisture to build that pressure Otherwise the Instant Pot could overheat and show an quot OvHT quot error on the display On the other hand you shouldn t fill it up beyond two thirds capacity which is handily marked on the inside of the inner pot The Instant Pot probably won t explode on you ーit has a lot of safety features to prevent that ーbut you probably shouldn t test its boundaries Cooking times aren t always accurateSetting the pressure cooker timer for two minutes doesn t mean the entire cooking time is two minutes You have to take into account the amount of time the Instant Pot needs to come to pressure and the time it ll need to depressurize The more stuff you have in the pot and the colder it is the longer it ll take Because of that a quot five minute quot chicken curry could really be more like or minutes from start to finish Clean it carefully and frequentlyThe inner pot is dishwasher safe which is great but the rest has to be cleaned by hand Also don t make the same mistake I did and accidentally spill something hot directly on the cooking element The outer shell is hard to clean because you can t put it in the sink ーelectricity and water don t mix after all ーand you risk damaging the appliance As for the lid hand wash it after every use You ll also notice after a while that the sealing ring ーthe rubber silicone gasket on the inside of the lid ーmight develop an odd smell as it absorbs the scent of the food you re cooking I recommend soaking it in a vinegar solution or you could also put it on the top rack of your dishwasher for a couple of cycles Consider a separate sealing ringIf you find yourself cooking desserts in addition to savory meals ーit s great for making cheesecakes and puddings ーI recommend a separate sealing ring just for that You probably don t want your cheesecake to smell like pulled pork unless you re into that sort of thing You can t cook everything with itSure you can cook everything from dog food to jam in the Instant Pot but it s not a miracle worker You can t deep fry in it You can t bake a pie in it Don t be ridiculous Recipes and guidesNow you re all ready to cook and you re probably dying to know what to make in your newfangled machine Due to the popularity of the Instant Pot you ll find no shortage of cookbooks and recipe tutorials online That aforementioned Facebook group is a good place to start and there are numerous YouTube videos that are helpful as well Here are just a few of my favorites Pressure Cook RecipesAmy and Jacky are part of the OG Instant Pot community and their site is great for beginners Not only will you get the low down on the aforementioned water test but you ll also get great recipes for bone broth quot fail proof quot rice yogurt cheesecake and more Nom Nom PaleoWhether or not you re into the quot paleo quot lifestyle you ll like Michelle Tam s list of Instant Pot recipes Pressure cookers are great for shortening the amount of time for cooking braised meats and she has a lot of recipes that cater to your inner carnivore Her Instant Pot pulled pork recipe is still my go to and the short ribs are great as well Serious EatsMy personal favorite site for pressure cooker recipes is probably Serious Eats All of these recipes are fantastic I ve tried the chicken stock the mushroom risotto the chicken pho the chicken and chickpea masala and they ve all been outstanding The New York TimesAnother personal favorite is The New York Times cooking section which has a list of wonderful pressure cooker friendly recipes My favorites are from Melissa Clark who has written two Instant Pot cookbooks Dinner In an Instant and Comfort in an Instant There s a recipe in Comfort in an Instant for spaghetti and meatballs that I was hugely skeptical of but turned out to be one of the most amazing things I ve ever made I also love the recipes for chicken korma and shrimp biryani Tiller amp HatchIf you re at a complete loss with what to do with your Instant Pot then we recommend trying out products from Tiller amp Hatch a company that specializes in pressure cooker ready frozen meals Simply unload the contents of a bag into your Instant Pot follow the instructions and you ll have dinner in minutes Some of the meals are better than others ーI prefer the minestrone soup over the gnocchi ーbut on the whole I think they re a pretty good value Each bag costs around and has four servings each You can sign up for a subscription plan on the website or pick up individual meals from select Wal Mart and Target locations Other sourcesHere are a few other guides that I found very useful in my own Instant Pot journey and they contain links to many more recipes and sites than I have space for here Neven Mrgan s Instant Pot guideThe Instant Pot Starter Guide from Cookbooks recipes to make in your Instant Pot by thekitchnWith all of this information in your arsenal you should have no fear in picking up an Instant Pot Thankfully not only is the base model pretty affordable at less than Amazon frequently puts it on sale either on Prime Day or on Black Friday So if you haven t bought one just yet it s not a bad idea to wait until one of those times of year to get one at a deep discount And when you do come on back here read through the guide once more and venture off on your own pressure filled culinary adventures Images Detroit Free Press via Getty Images First Instapot Portland Press Herald via Getty Images Instapot chopping board Boogich via Getty Images cooking |
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