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AWS AWS Database Blog Stream time series data into Amazon Timestream using Apache NiFi https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/stream-time-series-data-into-amazon-timestream-using-apache-nifi/ Stream time series data into Amazon Timestream using Apache NiFiTime series data is one of the fastest growing categories of source data used by organizations to provide better services analysis and insights to their end users High on the list of requirements is the speed at which streaming data can be ingested and accessed by existing and new applications One of the enabling technologies being … 2021-09-09 13:18:22
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Manage workload risks using the AWS Well-Architected Tool and AWS Systems Manager https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/manage-workload-risks-using-the-aws-well-architected-tool-and-aws-systems-manager/ Manage workload risks using the AWS Well Architected Tool and AWS Systems ManagerYou can use the AWS Well Architected Tool AWS WA Tool to identify and remediate risks in your workloads that map to the five pillars of the AWS Well Architected Framework operational excellence security reliability performance efficiency and cost optimization The AWS WA Tool helps you identify and address vulnerabilities before they negatively impact your business As … 2021-09-09 13:23:45
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】ジャンケンのプログラムを作ってみた! https://qiita.com/kim-shun/items/16a027cb144f4e93479b 【Python】ジャンケンのプログラムを作ってみたPythonを勉強し始めて週間が経過したので、何か簡単なプログラムを作ってみようと考え、ジャンケンのプログラムを作ってみました。 2021-09-09 22:15:22
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita iOSとAndroidを区別するのに便利なJavaScript置いておくね https://qiita.com/chro96/items/48353239a9c169205756 iOSとAndroidを区別するのに便利なJavaScript置いておくねvarisAndroidUAampampUAindexOfandroidgtweexPlatformandroidvarisIOSUAampampiphoneipadipodiostestUAweexPlatformiosこれは基本的にユーザーエージェントUAを見て正規表現でandroidかiOSかを判別しています。 2021-09-09 22:19:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 「SyntaxError」どこの記述が間違っているかわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/358661?rss=all 「SyntaxError」どこの記述が間違っているかわかりません。 2021-09-09 22:53:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Python】Matplotlib -- フレーム画像を保存する方法がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/358660?rss=all 【Python】Matplotlibフレーム画像を保存する方法がわからない前提・実現したいこと以下のコード該当部分だけ切り出しでは、matplotlibanimationFFMpegWriterを使用してフレーム分のプロットを一連の動画にしています。 2021-09-09 22:51:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 標準モジュールのプロシージャを各シートで呼び出し使いたい https://teratail.com/questions/358659?rss=all 標準モジュールのプロシージャを各シートで呼び出し使いたい前提・実現したいことVBA初心者です。 2021-09-09 22:45:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Electron+Vue.jsでのセレクトボックス作成時のエラー https://teratail.com/questions/358658?rss=all ElectronVuejsでのセレクトボックス作成時のエラー前提・実現したいことElectronVuejsでアプリケーションの開発を行っています。 2021-09-09 22:44:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravelのバリデーションについて質問させてください! https://teratail.com/questions/358657?rss=all Laravelのバリデーションについて質問させてくださいLaravelのバリデーションで本日以降を選択しないといけないフォームを作成しているのですが、aftertodayを使用すると、本日が選択できなくて、afteryesterdayを使用すると本日が入力できるのですが、本日を入力したい場合は、afteryesterdayになるのでしょうかまた、その場合の理由も教えて頂けると幸いです。 2021-09-09 22:43:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) v-forによって表示したタブ切り替えを動作させたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/358656?rss=all ・やりたい事vforで繰り返しによりクラスとdataのカスタム属性に動的に値を与えてjQueryで設定したタブ切り替えを正常に動作させたい。 2021-09-09 22:31:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 手書きデータセットのarrayデータのピクセル変更 https://teratail.com/questions/358655?rss=all 手書きデータセットのarrayデータのピクセル変更実現したいことscikitlearnに付属の手書き数字データセットのxピクセルを大きいサイズexxピクセルなどに変更した上で、SVM学習モデルで実装したい。 2021-09-09 22:23:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) UPDATEするレコード数が多い https://teratail.com/questions/358654?rss=all update 2021-09-09 22:14:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory https://teratail.com/questions/358653?rss=all SQLSTATEHYNosuchfileordirectoryフォームをPHPで作ったのですがサーバーにアップロードしてメッセージを送ってみたところエラーが出ます。 2021-09-09 22:13:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravel,migraateでERROR 2002 https://teratail.com/questions/358652?rss=all LaravelmigraateでERROR前提・実現したいこと現在、Laravelで簡単なCRUD処理のアプリ作ってます。 2021-09-09 22:12:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravelでjoinの処理をmockしてshouldReceiveとwithで引数をチェックしたいです https://teratail.com/questions/358651?rss=all Laravelでjoinの処理をmockしてshouldReceiveとwithで引数をチェックしたいですLaravelで以下のようにjoinしている処理をテストコードでmockしてshouldReceiveとwithで引数をチェックしたいです。 2021-09-09 22:11:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [android]ボタンタップでアニメーションが呼ばれない https://teratail.com/questions/358650?rss=all 2021-09-09 22:10:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Discord.py 指定したチャンネルにEmbedを送信 https://teratail.com/questions/358649?rss=all discordpy 2021-09-09 22:06:55
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Ruby] AtCoder過去問 C - Go to School https://qiita.com/minhee/items/e0c5941ac739527f17bd ↓CGotoSchoolこの問題かなりややこしくて入力値のaで受け取っているところは、到着した順位を表しています。 2021-09-09 22:19:32
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita awsデプロイ scpコマンド https://qiita.com/YudaiShimizu-hand/items/27c9649b16b2fa9bb487 awsデプロイscpコマンドAWSDocker困ったこと現状このサイトを参考にDockerECでrailsアプリのデプロイを試みましたが、scpisshmyapppemmyappconfigmasterkeymyuserxxxxxxxxxxxxmyappconfigscpコマンドでmasterkeyをリモートに送ろうとしましたがエラーが出ました。 2021-09-09 22:28:51
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker-ComposeでAnaconda環境を構築して、condaコンテナ内でアプリを起動する https://qiita.com/soma_r/items/dcdfbe713d829c6a5ca2 SHELLで作成したコンテナをactiveにするその後にpipinstallするとコンテナ内にライブラリがインストールされる作成したコンテナ内でアプリケーションを起動するWORKDIRappCOPYappappCMDpythonapppyCMDpythonapppyでアプリケーションを起動するここが今回の肝です。 2021-09-09 22:46:04
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita awsデプロイ scpコマンド https://qiita.com/YudaiShimizu-hand/items/27c9649b16b2fa9bb487 awsデプロイscpコマンドAWSDocker困ったこと現状このサイトを参考にDockerECでrailsアプリのデプロイを試みましたが、scpisshmyapppemmyappconfigmasterkeymyuserxxxxxxxxxxxxmyappconfigscpコマンドでmasterkeyをリモートに送ろうとしましたがエラーが出ました。 2021-09-09 22:28:51
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (9/2-9/8/2021) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/a275ea10ac31a268e2ec CloudDataFusionSepリリースRBAC、CMEK、Adminがクレデンシャル含むコネクションの複製、Transformationpushdown、dataprocclusterreuseにプレビュー対応したよSparkがデフォルトになったり色々変更あるので利用している場合は要確認ArtifactRegistrySepvbetaMavennpmPyPIがGAにWorkflowsSepvシーケンスやコレクションをイテレートするのがGAにCloudFunctionsSepGoがプレビューになったよAnthosclustersonVMwareSepgkeがリリースvgke利用Ubuntuのパスワード期限切れ問題を修正fluentbitsegfault起因のクラッシュループ修正OperationsSuiteSepCloudMonitoringインシデントが発生しなくなってからどれぐらい待ってクローズとするか調整できるようになったよCloudBuildSepbuildpacks使ってイメージビルドできるようになったよGKESepRリリースgkeがデフォルトバージョンになったよCVEとCVEが公開されているよDataprocMetastoreSepvデフォルトのバージョンがHiveになったよDataprocSep新しいクラスタ作成時のエラーで、IAMやネットワーク周りのエラーが改善されたよMemorystoreforRedisSepRedisvxが使えるようになったよデフォルトもxに。 2021-09-09 22:11:14
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (8/26-9/1/2021) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/ebe01c01a8a3e4d95fa6 GoogleCloudアップデートAnthosConfigManagementAugkuberbacproxyの削除ConfigSyncがHTTPSHTTPプロキシのクレデンシャルをgitcredsに保存できるようになったよ複数のバグ修正CloudAssetInventoryAugPolicyAnalyzerのUIが新しくなったよCloudBillingAug通常のコストに加えて、リソースレベルのコスト情報をBigQueryにエクスポートしてくれるdetailedusagecostdataexportがGAになったよIAMAugコンソールからGoogleGroupsを管理する機能がGAになったよSecretManagerAugAuditLogsとPlatformLogsがUIから直接見れるようになったよAnthosclustersonbaremetalAugリリースKubernetesBreakingChangesLinuxkernelversion以上が必須UbuntuであればOKこの変更によってPreviewだったegressNATgatewayが使えなくなるので注意LDAPのプレビューサポートStackdriverMetadataCollectorの代わりにAnthosMetadataAgentが使われるようになってより詳細なKubernetesのリソース情報が集められるようになったよプレビューPreflightcheckの強化CVEやバグ修正CloudSQLAugPostgreSQLhugepagessharedbufferswalbuffersフラグのサポートCloudComposerAugがからリリース始まったよAirflowが使えるようにAirflowでstableAirflowRESTAPIがデフォルトで有効になったよカスタム認証バックエンド関連の設定ががGoogleCloud用に変わってるよ新しいイメージcomposerairflowcomposerairflowcomposerairflowcomposerpreviewairflowcomposerpreviewairflowcomposerpreviewairflowのリリースcomposerairflowがデフォルトにGKEAugオートスケールで不要になったノードを削除するタイミングをチューニングできるautoscalingprofilesがGAになったよCloudSpannerAugコンソールのQueryページで複数タブ使えるようになったよタブに複数のクエリやDML書いてもOKでその場合はResultsとExplanationのサブタブで切り替えができるリーダリージョンの変更がサポートされるようになったよJSONデータタイプのサポートDataprocAug新しいサブマイナバージョンdebianubuntucentosdebianubuntucentosdebianubuntuリリースSPARKのバックポートImageOOZIE対応でJettyをにアップグレードBigQueryAugParquetでのエクスポートがGAにCloudSQLAugPostgreSQLpglogicalnativelogicalreplicationwaljsontestdecodingのGAサポート認証を中間のSQLConnectorCloudSQLAuthPythonJavaproxy等に自動でハンドオフできるAutomaticIAMdatabaseauthenticationがGAになったよIAMのユーザ名だけ渡せばOKDataprocMetastoreAugvHiveがからデフォルトのバージョンになるよTrafficDirectorAugproxylessgRPCを使った場合にリトライとセッションアフィニティが使えるようになったよOperationsSuiteAugCloudMonitoringVMInstancesページでVMの状態を示すスコアカードが更新されたよmaintenanceとsystem両方のイベントが考慮されるようになったよCloudFunctionsAugインスタンスの最低数を設定する機能がプレビューになったよDataflowAugDataflowPrimeがプレビューになったよDataflowベースでcomputeとデータを分離したアーキテクチャで、リソースの自動かつ最適化された環境を提供してくれて、管理コスト削減が見込める。 2021-09-09 22:11:09
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitについてと Cent OS上での基本的な操作について https://qiita.com/ryutake459/items/51472647460a7ffe0c8c GitについてとCentOS上での基本的な操作についてバージョン管理システムについて様々なファイルは修正を繰り返したり、また修正前に戻ったりのが当たり前→ファイルの履歴を管理する必要があるバージョン管理システム→ファイルの変更内容を保存して管理しておくためのツールGitGitとはバージョン管理システムのつ修正前のバージョンに戻ったり、修正後に行けたり、手軽にバックアップを行うことができ、ソースコードの差分を確認することができる。 2021-09-09 22:34:48
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita テーブルに後からユニーク制約(一意性)を追加する https://qiita.com/kazu848/items/5abf9caee4dae28c634e 最初に作成したWordテーブルはユニーク制約を用いて同じWordの登録を不可にしている新たにUserテーブルを作成したこのままではUser全体でWordにユニーク制約がかかってしま例UserとUserでそれぞれtestという単語を登録できないやったこと下記の記事を参考にして、新たにマイグレーションファイルを作成しaddindexの部分を記述した。 2021-09-09 22:03:43
海外TECH Ars Technica Amazon’s Luna game-streaming service adds $3-for-family, free-with-Prime tiers https://arstechnica.com/?p=1792942 cloud 2021-09-09 13:00:32
海外TECH DEV Community How Android SDK Helps Developers to Build A Scalable Grab Clone App? https://dev.to/johnmarison2/get-the-best-grab-clone-script-to-develop-your-new-taxi-booking-app-4n26 How Android SDK Helps Developers to Build A Scalable Grab Clone App Get The Best Grab Clone Script to Develop Your New Taxi Booking AppOn demand taxi service booking online now becomes a very smart activity amongst people while looking for trippings The real time taxi industry lets the customers instantly access taxi bookings simply using their own mobile phones As regards the entrepreneurs today also got increased on investing in the successful business career For them the Grab clone script comes as a remarkable source for taxi app development When it comes to app development as an entrepreneur you have to consider a lot of things Following while everything gets fulfilled with one super source that would be the lucrative milestone of your business ever In this blog we are going to see such a fruitful Grab clone script for your new taxi app development Also the discussion about its complete workflow effective options remarkable features and powerful full app development considerations What is Grab Clone Script And How Does It Work Grab clone script is a ready made app solution Utilizing it a new taxi app development that is apt to the very latest market scenario possible with the greatest affordability Its most advanced app development solutions offer mind blowing options according to the clients plans and ideas Its robust tech stack features make your entire business flow in real time too smooth on operations Workflow of Grab Clone ScriptGrab clone script has three app interfaces for the taxi booking business online They areUser AppDriver AppAnd Admin App In which each works at the great as described in the following User Customer App Firstly the users log in to your business app for online taxi booking purposes The nearby available taxis are visible to the looking for customers via the interface By pressing the Book Taxi button the concerned drivers arrive at customers preferred locations The payment for the taxi bills could be completed by the passengers in advance online or after riding Driver App The taxi drivers in your targeted region can quickly get their service by registering their details along with necessary documents uploading The speedy notification alerts make it easy for the drivers to rapidly answer their passengers for trip bookings Following the live route navigation mapping system the drivers can smartly complete trippings even in unfamiliar routeways Admin App Through the admin web app panel you can control all the users activity simply from the sitting area You can have all your taxi service business workflow online on your dedicated admin panel dashboard for effective management presentations Via such an immersive admin panel you can manage all the other activities like fare cost offer declarations user centric features inclusions etc Why Grab Clone Script is the Best Rather than Others The success of the Grab clone script s utilization in building new taxi apps for taxi businesses online is focusing on its user friendly nature The complete developed app at the end fully turned over a users captivated design for business launching The script has several advantages while compared to other clone script sources available in the marketplace It includes seamless app performances better user experiences lucrative real time functioning et cetera Its fully custom app making solution offers entrepreneurs a complete modulation gateway Through this you can get your final taxi app output as per your business model requirements for initiation Grab Clone The Great Features for Your Gainful Taxi Service OnlineAs mentioned using the Grab clone s great features for your winning taxi business online you can simply escalate your business shortly They also smartly boost your user value for the biggest achievements In which some of the major options and their usages from the clone script are as follows Smart SingUpUtilizing your new taxi app s smart login option your app users can simply complete initial registration processes with their social media credentials It lets them get instant access to your taxi booking app even as new users So that the frequent logins are also completely fast Auto Fare CalculationsThe auto fare estimation technology in built in your taxi booking app from the Grab clone script lets the customers smartly get their price details at the time of trip booking online The technology shows the fare cost based on the vehicle types and distance covered in the trip bookings Geo fencing TrackThe geo fencing location tracking system enables the drivers to smartly track the exact routeways of customers locations to destinations As well the customers can track their driver players while on the roads It allows them to ensure where their booked taxis arrive for pickups Rates and ReviewsAfter the trip completes the passengers can register their service experiences such as driver player behaviors on road performances app usage comfortability and so on So that the upcoming users can simply follow the previous customers rates and reviews about the services SMS AlertsBesides the in app notifications the automated SMS alerts to the customers registered mobile numbers allow them to receive alerts even while they are offline Also apart from the in app the customers who register their mail ID instead of phone numbers can receive their alerts through E Mails Availability ToggleThe on off availability toggle button which is built in in the driver player apps lets the drivers smartly update their availability status online Based on that the auto available taxi drivers nearby to look for customers locations would be displayed for bookings Enhanced User ControlThrough your admin panel as a taxi app service provider you can add or remove any of your business players at any time under demands You can also expand your taxi service with bike taxi tow trucking logistic transport etc and provide users seamless service operations All in one Admin DashboardAbove all the dedicated admin dashboard available in your web app admin panel from the advanced Grab clone script showcases multi angle details of your complete taxi app service workflow online You can get detailed analytics and very in depth business flow reports The Smart Success Retaining Solutions of Grab Clone ScriptAlong with Grab clone s user attracting features your new taxi app also acquires robust user retaining options Utilizing those you can smartly grab all your users to successfully run your on demand taxi service online in any kind of competitive scenario For example some of such powerful options are in the following In app Discount Coupon Code OfferingUtilizing Grab clone script s in app promotional gateway options you could derive a lot more feature benefits for providing the users many retaining discount offers With its in app coupon code dispatching option the newly registering customers could use your app frequently for services Promo Code DispatchBased on the customers feedback regarding driver players performances you can smartly find out the sincere and professional taxi drivers in your business By providing promo codes for them you can highly motivate them to work even more best in your taxi business online Social Media IntegrationSo your most customers use social media login options you can smartly be connected with them through official social media presents You can post your business official discount declarations new service add ons app updates etc It would assist you to smartly engage your business with them Referral ProgrammingYou can also conduct a referral program which could be possible through your business app developed from the Grab clone The auto referral link generation for each individual user apps lets them suggest your new taxi app to others and get benefits as per your program planning Premium MembershipPrimarily the premium membership option lets your premium customers get special service options such as preferred driver selections additional discounts special coupon codes and so on So both of you as an admin and your premium membership customers have winning benefits Stuff Should Follow Before Going To Develop Your Winning Taxi App for BusinessThough the full business operation is completely held through the taxi service app you are developing consider some major things before going to the development segment would hugely assist you for a better development experience They are as follows Make your business plan regarding model and requirements so that your new app from the Grab clone could be ready without frequent modulation delays at the time of the development process Be sure your app developers have at least a decade of app development experience So that their experienced team builds your new app to the best of their skills Your side of output needs intimation also would be quickly understood by them Make sure the development company you approach offers a full custom solution for your taxi app development And verify whether you could get their expert guidance and support regarding app development planning Do your own research also in your selective taxi business marketplace on the stuff like existing rivals taxi app users experiences demands latest app upgrades successful features etc Develop your app by understanding users needs in the latest marketplace Wrapping UpOnline taxi booking service is now widely used by people due to its complete comfortability On the basis of its gigantic success in the market several entrepreneurs are still investing in fruitful business online When you are also one of them your app development from the Grab clone script offers you the most advantageous solutions as discussed in the entire blog Click Here To Visit More 2021-09-09 13:38:11
海外TECH DEV Community 🚀 React Landing Page Template Free with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript [Open source] ⚡️ https://dev.to/ixartz/react-landing-page-template-free-with-tailwind-css-and-typescript-open-source-159 React Landing Page Template Free with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript Open source ️A minimalist landing page theme built on top of React Tailwind CSS TypeScript and Next JS An open source and free React Landing Page hosted on GitHub It includes everything with best developer experience in mind with linter ESLint Code formatter Prettier Git Hooks with Husky VSCode configuration You can deploy a React landing page in seconds saving you development and design time with one click deployment on Vercel Netlify or you can choose manual deployment to any hosting services A picture is worth a thousand words here is the screenshot You can also check the source code on GitHub React Landing Page Template ixartz Next JS Landing Page Starter Template Free NextJS Landing Page Template written in Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Landing Page Template built with Next JS Tailwind CSS and TypeScript Landing Page theme written in Next js Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Clone this project and use it to create your own Next js project You can check a Next js templates demo DEMOCheck out our live demo FeaturesDeveloper experience first Next js for Static Site GeneratorIntegrate with Tailwind CSS w JIT mode PostCSS for processing Tailwind CSS and integrated to styled jsxType checking TypeScriptStrict Mode for TypeScript and React ️Linter with ESLint default NextJS NextJS Core Web Vitals and Airbnb configuration Code Formatter with PrettierHusky for Git HooksLint staged for running linters on Git staged filesVSCode configuration Debug Settings Tasks and extension for… View on GitHubThis landing page includes out of the box several React components NavigationHeroFeatureBannerFooterIf you want to go further you can checkout our premium React templates Built on NextJS BoilerplateReact landing Page Template is built on top of React Boilerplate Already reached stars on GitHub More React Landing Page templateGet access to React components like pricing testimonial FAQ customer logo statistics banner etc Purple Saas React ThemeIndigo React Tailwind ThemeIf you currently building a SaaS checkout our React SaaS Boilerplate Template A full stack React template to build a SaaS faster with AuthenticationLanding Page UIUser Dashboard UIForm and Error managementPayment Integration with StripeInfra as codeDeployment on AWSServerlessVSCode integrationCode example with Todo app and CRUDYou don t need any more to be designer or a DevOps engineer to build a SaaS Save you development and designs time 2021-09-09 13:23:56
海外TECH DEV Community I've published the first official Chakra UI course https://dev.to/nikolovlazar/i-ve-published-the-first-official-chakra-ui-course-1p58 I x ve published the first official Chakra UI courseHey everyone I ve published the first official Chakra UI course on egghead It s free and it ll get you up to speed with Chakra UI in minutes Check it out and let me know what you think Thanks 2021-09-09 13:23:51
海外TECH DEV Community Corepack: the Node.js' manager of package managers https://dev.to/cloudx/corepack-the-node-js-manager-of-package-managers-44dd Corepack the Node js x manager of package managersCorepack is the new built in tool for preparing the required package manager for our projects Let s see what comes with this new package for packagers InstallationThe new Node js LTS v will be released at the end of October without a fancy name assigned yet it ll have Corepack preinstalled in the default configuration since v If we want to use this tool with previous versions we just need to install it as a global package npm install g corepackRemember that for now Corepack v only supports pnpm npm and yarn Basic usageWe can use the same package manager that we ve always use in any machine without worrying if it s installed or not using corepack pnpm installCorepack will see to it that the required manager is ready to process your request Specific versionsThe included npm version with Node js LTS v is v so what if we need npm for one project and npm for another Well in this scenario you ll will find corepack very similar to nvm corepack prepare npm activate node vv npm v corepack npm v So with corepack prepare you ll setup npm and you can use it every time you need just by prefixing your npm usage with Corepack e g corepack npm ci And your global npm command will continue untouched being npm But what is that activate flag Corepack will keep a cache of used versions of a packager so you should activate the specific version that you want to use otherwise you will still be using npm when you use corepack npm v Global package managers What if I want pnpm as a global command in my terminal You can enable Corepack to handle pnpm and automatically install it when is used for the first time corepack enableCorepack will install the handlers in the node directory because it s in the PATH but you can use the destination of your choice corepack enable install directory path to bins folderAnd it s done you can use pnpm or yarn directly pnpm v Docker imagesAt the moment the official Node js images in Docker comes with npm and yarn preinstalled but this may change in the near future no more npm and yarn preinstalled in the Docker image is possible If you use pnpm in Docker you need to install it using npm or curl RUN npm install g pnpm amp amp pnpm installNow Corepack is here to make this easier for you RUN corepack pnpm installOr maybe you need a specific version like this RUN corepack prepare npm activate amp amp corepack npm ci ConclusionWith Corepack we can have more control about which package manager we re using and we don t need to check if Node js upgrades npm and we don t notice Well if that happens by the time we realize that our application is on fire Also npm is part of GitHub Inc and it s not part of the Node js governance so it s a good decision if the Node js project becomes agnostic and as developers we can use the package manager that we need without wasting space in our Docker images on packagers that we won t use 2021-09-09 13:23:43
海外TECH DEV Community Make a image editor with HTML, CSS and JS. https://dev.to/rainboestrykr/make-a-image-editor-with-html-css-and-js-32ph Make a image editor with HTML CSS and JS Introducing FOTOQUICKOk so I find myself needing quick and easy photo manipulation tools I think many have too found them in my place So recently I was challenged to make a simple app within hours Well I was searching for ideas for the first half an hour and then I realized about image manipulation So I created FOTOQUICK a simple and easy to use photo editing app on the web which is also built on nothing but HTML CSS and JAVASCRIPT Source CodeLive DemoOk so as usual our file structure will be as follows st let s create our HTML file We will first of all add bootstrap and other scripts Also this is where we will devise our title and favicon lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width gt lt title gt FotoQuick by Abhiraj lt title gt lt link href style css rel stylesheet type text css gt lt link rel stylesheet href gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt link rel shortcut icon type image jpg href favicon ico gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class sidebar gt lt div class image filters gt lt h type button data toggle collapse data target filters gt Image Filters lt span class drop down gt amp lt span gt lt h gt lt div class collapse id filters gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick grayscale gt GrayScale lt button gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick bright gt Brighen lt button gt lt br gt lt br gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick dark gt Darken lt button gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick blur effect gt Blur Effect lt button gt lt br gt lt br gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick emboss gt Emboss lt button gt lt button class btn btn primary id btn style font size px onclick sharp gt Sharpen lt button gt lt div gt lt div class breaks gt lt br gt lt br gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class import and export gt lt h type button data toggle collapse data target import export gt Import and Export lt span class drop down gt amp lt span gt lt h gt lt div class import and export buttons gt lt div class collapse id import export gt lt div class btn btn primary style font size px onclick selectImage gt lt input type file id foto file accept image png gt Import Image lt div gt lt button class btn btn primary style font size px onclick download gt Export Image lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class breaks gt lt br gt lt br gt lt div gt lt div class edit gt lt h type button data toggle collapse data target edit gt Editing lt span class drop down gt amp lt span gt lt h gt lt div class collapse id edit gt lt button class btn btn primary style font size px id btn onclick crop gt Crop Image lt button gt lt button class btn btn primary style font size px id btn onclick flip img gt Flip Image lt button gt lt br gt lt br gt lt button class btn btn primary onclick makeTransparent style font size px id btn gt lt div id color preview gt lt div gt Transparent lt button gt lt input type color id colorize color picker value oninput makeColorize this gt lt button class btn btn primary style font size px id btn onclick openColorPicker gt Colorize lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class img container gt lt img id foto image class image gt lt div gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src script js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Now let s put some spice in this HTML Up next we will add some CSS sidebar height width px position fixed z index top left background color rgb overflow x hidden padding px drop down font size px float right position relative top px h user select none border px solid rgb padding px br user select none foto file display none btn width px image position relative left px user select none colorize color picker display none Now that our site is actually let us make it actually work var foto window onload function foto new Foto function selectImage document getElementById foto file click function grayscale foto grayscale function bright foto makeBright function dark foto makeDark function blur effect foto applyBlurFilter function emboss foto applyEmbossFilter function sharp foto applySharpFilter function download foto export function flip img foto flipVertically function crop foto cropSelected function makeTransparent foto makeTransparent function openColorPicker document getElementById colorize color picker click function makeColorize elem var color elem value foto applyColorFilter color And VOILA You have created a simple photo editing app if you liked this tutorial then please do star the github repository or buy me a coffee maybe 2021-09-09 13:13:16
海外TECH DEV Community What does return do in JavaScript https://dev.to/coderslang/what-does-return-do-in-javascript-1c4g What does return do in JavaScriptLike other programming languages JavaScript allows using return statements in functions A return statement does the following Halts function execution and returns control to calling moduleReturns one or many values This is optional In this tutorial you ll learn more about syntax and usage of this return statement The general syntaxThe return statement has the following syntax return value The keyword value refers to a value that will be returned by your function This is optional You can use a return statement without specifying any value You can use a single value variable such as string integer etc to return a single value You can use an array with a return statement if you need return many values The return statement also can return objects of user defined types Coding SamplesHere comes a few simple examples It helps in learning various ways to use return statements in JavaScript functions You can use the return statement to put an immediate halt in function execution and return a value function checkPrimeNumber num if num return true if num return false for i i lt num i if num i return false return true console log checkPrimeNumber The function checkPrimeNumber accepts a number as parameter It checks if the number is a prime number or not Once it makes a decision it halts execution and return a true or false value to calling module The example passes a prime number as input Thus the program responds with a true value You can try running the source code with different input values Often developers use a return statement with no value to stop the function execution The below example uses the function greetUser to display a greetings message to the user The function uses a return statement with no value to halt the function execution function greetUser name alert Hello name return console log greetUser Steve The program outputs a message Hello Steve A return statement can return user defined types also The below functions return JavaScript objects and an array of objects Example of a return statement returns an objectfunction returnObj FirstName LastName Course var student firstName FirstName lastName LastName course Course return student console log returnObj John Smith Chemistry Example of a return statement returns an array of objectsfunction returnObjectArray var student firstName John lastName Smith course Physics firstName Steve lastName Owen course Chemistry return student console log returnObjectArray Any JavaScript console can run the above source code You can try experimenting modifying these programs or writing something new Get my free e book to prepare for the technical interview or start to Learn Full Stack JavaScript 2021-09-09 13:06:21
海外TECH Engadget The best gaming laptops you can buy, plus how to pick one https://www.engadget.com/best-gaming-laptops-172033838.html?src=rss The best gaming laptops you can buy plus how to pick oneFor a few years now gaming laptops have been some of the most intriguing PCs around They ve gotten thinner and lighter naturally ーbut they ve also become vastly more powerful and efficient making them suitable for both work and play They ve adopted some bold innovations like rotating hinges and near desktop like customizability Gaming laptops are where PC makers can get adventurous If you re a professional in the market for a beefy new computer and you like to play a few rounds of Apex Legends on occasion it may make more sense to go for a gaming notebook instead of a MacBook Pro like workstation You ll still get plenty of power for video encoding and D rendering plus you may end up paying less than you would for some comparable workstations Devindra Hardawar Engadget What s your budget nbsp Your laptop buying journey starts and ends with the amount of money you re willing to spend No surprise there The good news There are plenty of options for gamers of every budget In particular we re seeing some great choices under like Dell s G which currently starts at PCs in this price range will definitely feel a bit lower quality than pricier models and they ll likely skimp on RAM storage and overall power But they should be able to handle most games in p at frames per second which is the bare minimum you d want from any system Stepping up to mid range options beyond is where things get interesting At that point you ll start finding PCs like the ASUS Zephyrus ROG G one of our favorite gaming notebooks of the last few years In general you can look forward to far better build quality than budget laptops metal cases improved graphics power and enough RAM and storage space to handle the most demanding games These are the notebooks we d recommend for most people as they ll keep you gaming and working for years before you need to worry about an upgrade If you re willing to spend around or more you can start considering more premium options like Razer s Blade Expect impeccably polished cases the fastest hardware on the market and ridiculously thin designs The sky s the limit here Alienware s uber customizable Area m is an enormous beast that can cost up to Few people need a machine that pricey but if you re a gamer with extra cash to burn it may be worth taking a close look at some of these pricier systems What kind of CPU and GPU do you want The answer to this question used to be relatively simple Just get an Intel chip with an NVIDIA GPU But over the last two years AMD came out swinging with its Ryzen and series notebook processors which are better suited for juggling multiple tasks at once like streaming to Twitch while blasting fools in Fortnite In general you ll still be safe getting one of Intel s latest th or th gen H series chips But it s nice to have decent AMD alternatives available for budget and mid range laptops especially when they re often cheaper than comparable Intel models When it comes to video cards though AMD is still catching up Its new Radeon RX M GPU has been a fantastic performer in notebooks like ASUS s ROG Strix G but it still lags behind NVIDIA when it comes to newer features like ray tracing I ll admit it s nice to see a Radeon powered notebook that can approach the general gaming performance of NVIDIA s RTX and GPU If you want to future proof your purchase or you re just eager to see how ray tracing could make your games look better you re probably better off with an NVIDIA video card They re in far more systems and it s clear that NVIDIA has had more time to optimize its ray tracing technology RTX GPUs also feature the company s DLSS feature which uses AI to upscale games to higher resolutions That ll let you play a game like Destiny in K with faster frame rates That s useful if you re trying to take advantage of a high refresh rate monitor NVIDIA s RTX is a decent entry point but we think you d be better off with at least an RTX for solid p and p performance The RTX meanwhile is the best balance of price and performance It ll be able to run many games in K with the help of DLSS and it can even tackle demanding titles like Control NVIDIA s RTX is the king of the hill you ll pay a premium for any machine that includes it It s worth noting that NVIDIA s mobile GPUs aren t directly comparable to its more powerful desktop hardware PC makers can also tweak a GPU s voltage to make it perform better in a thinner case Basically don t be surprised if you see notebooks that perform very differently even if they re all equipped with the same RTX model What kind of screen do you want Screen size is a good place to start when judging gaming notebooks In general inch laptops will be the best balance of immersion and portability while larger inch models are heftier but naturally give you more screen real estate There are some inch gaming notebooks like the Razer Blade Stealth but paradoxically you ll often end up paying more for those than slightly larger inch options We re also seeing more inch options like the Zephyrus G and Blade which are generally more powerful than inch laptops while still being relatively portable But these days there are plenty more features to consider than screen size alone Consider refresh rates Most monitors refresh their screens vertically times per second or Hz That s a standard in use since black and white NTSC TVs But over the past few years displays have evolved considerably Now Hz p screens are the bare minimum you d want in any gaming notebook ーand there are faster Hz Hz and even Hz panels All of those ever increasing numbers are in the service of one thing making everything on your display look as smooth as possible For games higher refresh rates also help eliminate screen tearing and other artifacts that could get in the way of your frag fest And for everything else it just leads to a better viewing experience Even scrolling a web page on a Hz or faster monitor is starkly different from a Hz screen Instead of seeing a jittery wall of text and pictures everything moves seamlessly together as if you re unwinding a glossy paper magazine Going beyond Hz makes gameplay look even more responsive which to some players gives them a slight advantage Steve Dent Engadget Not to make things more complicated but you should also keep an eye out for NVIDIA s G SYNC and AMD s FreeSync They re both adaptive sync technologies that can match your screen s refresh rate with the framerate of your game That also helps to reduce screen tearing and make gameplay smoother Consider them nice bonuses on top of a high refresh rate monitor they re not necessary but they can still offer a slight visual improvement One more thing Most of these suggestions are related to LCD screens not OLEDs While OLED makes a phenomenal choice for TVs it s a bit more complicated when it comes to gaming laptops They re limited to Hz so you won t get the smoother performance you d find on a high refresh rate screen And they re typically K panels you ll need a ton of GPU power to run games natively at that resolution OLED laptops still look incredible with the best black levels and contrast on the market but we think most shoppers would be better off with an LCD gaming laptop Devindra Hardawar Engadget A few other takeaways Get at least GB of RAM And if you re planning to do a ton of multitasking while streaming GB is worth considering Storage is still a huge concern These days I d recommend aiming for a TB M SSD which should be enough space to juggle a few large titles like Destiny Some laptops also have room for standard SATA drives which are far cheaper than M s and can hold more data Normally we d recommend getting your hands on a system before you buy but that s tough as we re in the midst of a pandemic I d recommend snagging your preferred system from a retailer with a simple return policy like Amazon or Best Buy If you don t like it you can always ship it back easily Don t forget about accessories You ll need a good mouse keyboard and headphones Engadget picksDevindra Hardawar Engadget The best gaming laptop for most people ASUS ROG Zephyrus GStarting price Current model with RTX Recommended spec price Ryzen RTX If you can t tell by now we really like the Zephyrus G It s compact at just pounds and features AMD s new Ryzen series chips paired together with NVIDIA s latest graphics It s a shockingly compact machine and while its inch screen is a bit smaller than our other recommendations it looks great and features a fast Hz refresh rate We also like its retro future design some configurations have tiny LEDs on its rear panel for extra flair While the G has jumped in price since last year it s still one of the best gaming notebooks around The only downside It doesn t have a webcam which can be inconvenient in the era of never ending Zoom calls Still it s not that tough to attach an external camera If you want something bigger consider the Zephyrus G nbsp Buy ASUS Zephyrus G at Amazon DellThe best budget option Dell GStarting price We ve been fans of Dell s G line ever since it first appeared a few years ago Now dubbed the G it starts at just over and features all of the latest hardware like Intel s th generation CPUs and NVIDIA s RTX series cards You can also find AMD s Ryzen chips in some models It s a bit heavy weighing over five pounds but it s a solid notebook otherwise And you can even bring it into mid range gaming territory if you spec up to the RTX Buy G at Dell starting at Devindra hardawar Engadget The best premium gaming laptop Razer Blade Starting price Recommended model QHD RTX Razer continues to do a stellar job of delivering the latest hardware in a sleek package that would make Mac users jealous The Blade has just about everything you d want including NVIDIA s fastest mobile GPU the RTX as well as Intel s th gen octa core CPUs and speedy quad HD screens You can easily save some cash by going for a cheaper notebook but they won t feel nearly as polished as the Blade Buy Blade at Razer starting at AcerA solid all around option Acer Predator Triton SEStarting price While we ve seen some wilder concepts from Acer like its degree hinge equipped Triton the Triton is a more affordable bread and butter option that doesn t break the bank This year it s bumped up to a inch display giving you more of an immersive gaming experience It s relatively thin weighs just over five pounds and it can be equipped with Intel s th gen CPUs and NVIDIA s RTX series GPUs Acer s build quality is as sturdy as ever and it has most of the standard features you d need in a gaming notebook Buy Acer Triton SE at Best Buy RazerThe best way to go big Razer Blade Starting price Take everything we loved about the Razer Blade scale it up to a larger inch screen and you re pretty much in gamer paradise If you can live with its six pound weight the Blade will deliver the most desktop like gaming experience that you can find in a notebook It s relatively slim and it s perfect for binging Netflix in bed The Blade is also a smart choice if you re editing media as its larger screen space makes it perfect for diving into larger timelines It s not for everyone but sometimes you just want to go big or go home right Buy Blade at Razer starting at 2021-09-09 13:20:29
海外TECH Engadget Neo returns in 'The Matrix Resurrections' trailer https://www.engadget.com/the-matrix-resurrections-trailer-131249225.html?src=rss Neo returns in x The Matrix Resurrections x trailerYou no longer have to settle for watching tiny random clips of the next Matrix movie Warner Bros has finally shared the first trailer for The Matrix Resurrections the long anticipated fourth movie in the sci fi action series As you d expect the preview marks the return of Keanu Reeves as Neo who initially appears unaware of who he really is ーhe s even taking blue pills and visiting a therapist Neil Patrick Harris As you d expect though he begins to question reality and finds the truth underneath including a reunion with Trinity Carrie Anne Moss You ll also see Yahya Abdul Mateen II as a Morpheus like figure and Jessica Henwick Game of Thrones enticing Neo to rediscover the Matrix The title will also see Jada Pinkett Smith and Lambert Wilson reprise their respective roles as Niobe and the Merovingian while Jonathan Groff Hamilton Christina Ricci and Daniel Bernhardt are also poised to make appearances The movie premieres theatrically on December nd It will also be available to stream on HBO Max for a month if you subscribe to the ad free tier ーthe last movie to have that option before Warner Bros switches back to a theater first strategy in 2021-09-09 13:12:49
海外TECH Engadget Nintendo and LEGO team up for a foldout 'Super Mario 64' block set https://www.engadget.com/nintendo-and-lego-team-up-for-a-foldout-super-mario-64-block-set-130218759.html?src=rss Nintendo and LEGO team up for a foldout x Super Mario x block setAfter teasing it yesterday Lego and Nintendo have unveiled the Lego Super Mario block set complete with microscale levels including Peach s Castle along with several microfigures Lego announced The companies describe it as a quot unique way for fans to rediscover the magic of Super Mario quot Along with Peach s Castle the piece set includes Bob omb Battlefield Cool Cool Mountain and Lethal Lava Trouble all appearing when you unfold the large brick built question mark block You also get microfigures including Mario and Princess Peach or you can add full sized Mario or Lego Luigi features for interactive play complete with quot unique music and sounds from the video game quot according to the companies Players can also seek out quot hidden Power Stars that reveal secret reactions from the figures quot as hinted in the build instructions The new set joins other Nintendo Lego collaboration products including Lego Super Mario and a Lego Luigi kit quot It s difficult to imagine the Super Mario Universe without the classic game s iconic levels full of discovery and secrets quot said Lego s Pablo González It will come exclusively to Lego stores and Lego com around the world on October at a retail price of 2021-09-09 13:02:18
海外TECH Engadget For Polestar, the twos are anything but terrible https://www.engadget.com/for-polestar-the-twos-are-anything-but-terrible-130059155.html?src=rss For Polestar the twos are anything but terribleSky s too big in New Mexico I m a dozen miles outside of Santa Fe heading West on the towards Los Alamos in a borrowed Polestar that won t quit begging my right foot to gain a few pounds Damned if I can t stop staring at the horizon In a futile effort to overtake me stacks of clouds race across an azure backdrop spanning the Earth s curvature “It s just so big my mind protests after months of indoor pandemic living My right foot ever loyal finds the floor Away we go the overhead world a fading memory as the horizon rushes forward to meet us img alt Polestar Long range Single motor amp Long range Dual motorNorth American Dynamic LaunchSanta Fe New MexicoRef Polestar NorthAmerica DynamicLaunch JPG src style height width Paul Barshon BeadyeyeWith the Polestar s production run ending in December and both the and Precept without firm release dates the Polestar I m driving is the current crown jewel of the company s burgeoning model lineup The Polestar Launch Edition arrived last year with every bell and whistle the company could manage to pack into its frame For the model year Polestar is taking a different tack by splitting the vehicle s bevy of features into optional packages fitted onto a surprisingly well appointed ーand inexpensive ーbase mode The FWD version starts at as low as after California incentives and is outfitted with a single speed AC synchronous permanent magnet motor using a gear ratio That motor delivers HP ft lb of torque and a lengthy mile range ー miles more than last year s model putting the FWD Polestar on par with the VW ID Hyundai Kona EV and the Chevy Bolt assuming the latter isn t currently on fire It offers a MPH top speed with a of seconds The AWD version starts at down from last year s starting price and utilizes a pair of permanent magnet motors one on each axle running gear ratios At that ratio the performance focused AWD Polestar will have a higher top speed of MPH albeit at the cost of a nominally reduced mile driving range As such the AWD puts out HP between the two motors ft lb of torque and a second Both variants will offer a Plus Pack which includes a full length glass roof quot premium quot interior including a W Harman Kardon stereo powered seats cabin illumination and the addition of a heat pump that uses waste energy from the drivetrain to heat the cabin interior and battery pack on cold days while also improving range by up to percent under certain climate conditions img alt Polestar Long range Single motor amp Long range Dual motorNorth American Dynamic LaunchSanta Fe New MexicoRef Polestar NorthAmerica DynamicLaunch JPG src style height width Paul Barshon BeadyeyeThe base models will come outfitted with a new vegan “embossed textile upholstery while the Weave Tech covering found in last year s Launch Edition is now included in the Plus Package If you re hankering for real leather that is available but comes at a premium price point If you want the metallic Magnesium Midnight Snow Moon or Thunder paint options they ll set you back an extra The Pilot Pack incorporates Advanced Driver Assist features like adaptive cruise control blind spot warnings and a degree camera Only the AWD version however will have access to the Performance pack which adds inch alloys Brembo brakes sport tires and upgraded suspension components You ll be able to spot Polestars with the performance pack by their bright yellow cosmetic accents on the brake calipers seatbelts and valve caps There is also a “blacked out option that eliminates all the chrome and colored exterior accents if you opt for the “Void color scheme Regardless of the packages included both Polestar variants run off the same V electrical architecture and kWh kWh usable capacity battery pack The company has squeezed a few additional kW of charging capacity kW up from last year s using just software updates for the models dropping the amount of time needed to refill from percent charge to percent to just minutes On a standard Level AC charger like what you d have installed in your home you re still looking at around hours to fully repower the vehicle img alt Polestar Long range Single motor amp Long range Dual motorNorth American Dynamic LaunchSanta Fe New MexicoRef Polestar NorthAmerica DynamicLaunch JPG src style height width Paul Barshon BeadyeyeCompared to last year s model the Polestar s interior appears largely unchanged An inch central infotainment display running Android Automotive still dominates the vehicle s minimalist dashboard Rather than tethering or mirroring content from your mobile device drivers will be able to log into the vehicle s OS directly granting them access to their Google accounts contacts and the Google Play Store as well as natively running Google Maps Spotify YouTube Music and others Installing new apps is a cinch a nearly identical process to doing so on your smartphone Each new Polestar comes with years of included access to Google Service Connectivity and LTE capability from AT amp T The company anticipates that a steady stream of OTA updates will help keep the Polestar s features and performance continually up to date Polestar also plans to extend its latest OTA service to the model year so Launch Edition vehicles will enjoy the latest and greatest in software updates img alt Polestar Long range Single motor amp Long range Dual motorNorth American Dynamic LaunchSanta Fe New MexicoRef Polestar NorthAmerica DynamicLaunch JPG src style height width Paul Barshon BeadyeyeAt feet above sea level Albuquerque New Mexico is the highest of America s state capitals though it is outclassed by Santa Fe an hour to the west and feet high where I spent last Tuesday putting both Polestar iterations through their relative paces At more than a mile above sea level the air is so thin that conventional internal combustion engines ICEs can lose as much as percent of their power output roughly a hundred HP Thank goodness battery electric vehicles BEVs like the Polestar have no need for triflings like oxygen No matter how high it climbed every last one of the FWD Polestar s horses remained available ーstill chomping at the bit if you will Snapping awake from an unplanned anaphylactic nap I find myself charging through the rolling hills of New Mexico State Road while it winds its way through the Valles Caldera National Preserve Of course because it s being pulled along by its leading axle the FWD Polestar does tend to swing wider through turns as front drive vehicles are wont to do compared to its AWD cousin which led to a couple of hair raising encounters with oncoming vehicles who were themselves shading the narrow two lane s centerline “If you are thinking of flying a drone to take video of the car near Los Alamos National Lab Polestar PR warned us before we took off for the initial test drive “Don t The government has been known to shoot them down So instead here s a picture of the W that was awaiting us at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History at the end of the drive s initial leg Coffee snacks and selectable yield thermonuclear warhead displays oh my National Museum of Nuclear Science and HistoryThe choice between the FWD and AWD versions of the Polestar is not an easy one For nearly all intents and purposes the two are functionally identical both inside and out The question you ll have to answer for yourself is whether you want a fast sporty and stylish ride with miles of range or whether you want to trade in of those miles for an extra HP of head snapping acceleration It s mid afternoon and I m hill climbing the absurdly tall foot high mountain that leads Ski Santa Fe It started raining about minutes ago the temperature is dropping and that gentle pitter patter of formerly refreshing precipitation is now doing its best to become a Class Kill Storm When I raced along Skyline Blvd in the skies were clear and my right foot was a rotund demon with Launch Edition horses at its beck and call Today the skies were crying and the roads were revolting but had just as much power at my disposal with the AWD Polestar s accelerator pedal underfoot It s raining it s hailing it s snowing minor landslides are depositing forearm sized stones into the roadway The Polestar barely seemed to notice the hazards ーeasily forging through spontaneous road rivers slush piles and newly laid rock beds ーwhile charging up the tightly winding hillside One flick of my right foot and away we go ever onward ever upward and ever faster just as soon as the Chevy Tahoe ahead of me decides to pull off into its campsite and stop crawling along at goddamn miles an hour 2021-09-09 13:00:59
海外TECH Engadget Amazon's big Fire TV refresh includes the launch of its own 'Omni' series https://www.engadget.com/amazon-fire-tv-2021-update-omni-fire-tv-4-series-130041393.html?src=rss Amazon x s big Fire TV refresh includes the launch of its own x Omni x seriesAmazon s customary early September refresh of its home entertainment products comes with a big if not that unexpected surprise As part of a whole fleet of new Fire TV devices the mega retailer has announced the first launch at least in the US of its own Amazon branded TVs First up the Fire TV Omni series is a lineup of K screens in and inch sizes The smaller trio in that lust support HDR hybrid log gamma HDR HLG and Dolby Digital Plus as well as the usual Alexa integrations The larger pair the and inch models also get Dolby Vision as well as a thinner bezel to better fit into your room decor These new screens come with a whole bunch of Alexa integrations and links to the broader Amazon ecosystem As we ve seen on other Fire TV units far field microphones will let you speak to Alexa from across the room and lets you control the rest of your smart home from the couch As well as the usual recommendations and curation the Omni will also let you access TikTok straight from your TV You ll also be able to speak to your visitors if you have a Ring doorbell and if you plug in a webcam to your TV you can use it for both Alexa calling and Zoom when that feature is enabled later this year Price wise these TVs will start at for the inch model and fly all the way up to for the inch beefy boi All of them will be exclusive to Amazon and Best Buy although it s worth noting that Amazon is knocking up to off the inch Omni as an introductory offer making it cheaper than the incher when they arrive over the next month AmazonAmazon is also looking after the lower end with the “ series range of smart TVs which offer HDR and HLG The lineup includes and inch sizes with the same Fire TV smarts and Alexa integrations you ll find on pretty much any comparable Fire TV device Naturally Amazon is targeting price with this series and the inch model will be priced at while and will be enough to grab you the and inch units respectively Similarly Amazon will offer discounts on select models here as well Of course if the idea of handing Amazon even more of your cash fills you with dread you can also get new Fire TV sets from other manufacturers Pioneer for instance is launching a new K set in and inch sizes with HDR and Dolby Vision as well as picture in picture with a compatible device Toshiba meanwhile is launching a range of Fire TV sets with far field voice which has been a must have for Fire TV devices for years at this point These models however won t be available until the spring of but Amazon promises that you ll get “high end picture quality in large format sizes including a and inch model AmazonIf you re already happy with your TV however then Amazon also has the new TV Stick K Max to plug into your existing set The stick is packing a new processor GB RAM and WiFi which Amazon says will make it smoother faster and bettererier than any other streaming stick on the market You ll also get a bunch of the same Alexa voice features and access to Amazon Luna the company s cloud gaming service The hardware also supports K HDR HDR and Dolby Atmos offers live view picture in picture and comes with the new Alexa voice remote When available it ll cost you for the privilege of owning one too 2021-09-09 13:00:41
Cisco Cisco Blog Container shipping goes digital—4 ways port authorities and terminal operators boost throughput and security https://blogs.cisco.com/internet-of-things/container-shipping-goes-digital-4-ways-port-authorities-and-terminal-operators-boost-throughput-and-security Container shipping goes digitalー ways port authorities and terminal operators boost throughput and securityMaking ports and terminal operations more efficient and secure is becoming increasingly complex Read how Innovative port authorities and terminal operators rise to the challenge 2021-09-09 13:30:57
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles How to Turn MacroAssembler into a High Level Language https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5312229/How-to-Turn-MacroAssembler-into-a-High-Level-Langu source 2021-09-09 13:53:00
海外科学 NYT > Science Milkweed Butterflies Are More Murderous Than They Look https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/09/science/butterflies-eating-caterpillars.html butterflies 2021-09-09 13:29:48
海外科学 NYT > Science Articles Involving Chinese DNA Research Are Retracted https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/09/business/china-dna-retraction-uyghurs.html Articles Involving Chinese DNA Research Are RetractedThe rare retractions come after several scientists raised questions about how Chinese researchers obtained the full consent of their Uyghur subjects 2021-09-09 13:06:36
海外科学 NYT > Science California Aims to Ban Recycling Symbols on Things That Aren’t Recyclable https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/climate/recycling-california.html California Aims to Ban Recycling Symbols on Things That Aren t RecyclableThe well known three arrows symbol doesn t necessarily mean that a product is actually recyclable A new bill would limit the products allowed to feature the mark 2021-09-09 13:58:22
海外TECH WIRED The New Matrix Trailer Reclaims the Red Pill Narrative https://www.wired.com/story/matrix-resurrections-trailer awesome 2021-09-09 13:03:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Cawston Park: Vulnerable patient deaths prompt hospitals warning https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-58466839?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hospitals 2021-09-09 13:45:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Channel crossings: France and UK clash over Border Force tactic plans https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58504016?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA maritime 2021-09-09 13:43:34
ニュース BBC News - Home Cressida Dick: Prime minister urged to replace Met Police commissioner https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58490698?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA daniel 2021-09-09 13:30:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Rio Ferdinand says football is 'sliding backwards' because of racist abuse online https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58497685?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Rio Ferdinand says football is x sliding backwards x because of racist abuse onlineRio Ferdinand says football is sliding backwards and racism is being normalised by the prevalence of racist abuse online 2021-09-09 13:46:28
ニュース BBC News - Home Afghanistan: First Kabul airlift expected since US pull-out https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-58497904?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA kabul 2021-09-09 13:54:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Costa gives 5% pay rise to some staff and recruits 2,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58504123?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA costa 2021-09-09 13:16:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Pfizer and AstraZeneca approved as booster vaccines https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58499863?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA decision 2021-09-09 13:39:16
ニュース BBC News - Home London transport staff warned of anti-vaccination posters with razor blades https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58499899?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA transport 2021-09-09 13:03:43
ニュース BBC News - Home India cancel training after fresh Covid case among coaching staff https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/58500916?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA result 2021-09-09 13:53:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Usain Bolt talks music, Tokyo 2020, world records and Cristiano Ronaldo https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/athletics/58504620?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Usain Bolt talks music Tokyo world records and Cristiano RonaldoEight time Olympic champion Usain Bolt talks to BBC Sport s Ade Adedoyin about his ambitions for a career in music Tokyo the women s m world record and Cristiano Ronaldo s return to Manchester United 2021-09-09 13:44:12
ビジネス ビズ部 金持ち社長になるための投資の3大原則 https://kigyou-no1.com/3strategy-7500 公認会計士 2021-09-09 13:45:12
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] ショートスリーパーは不健康ではない。睡眠時間の研究でわかったこと https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/short-and-long-sleep.html chrisjones 2021-09-09 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 広12―5中(9日) 広島が15安打12点 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/587607/ 猛攻 2021-09-09 22:15:00



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