IT |
気になる、記になる… |
TACTISM Japan、「iPhone 12/11/SE」向けアクセサリを最大半額で販売するセールを開催中 |
iphone |
2021-09-10 12:48:06 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ahamo、MNPでSIMのみ契約のユーザーに7,000ポイントを還元するキャンペーンの対象にeSIMも追加 |
ahamo |
2021-09-10 12:37:43 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ワイモバイル、「iPhone 12/12 mini」の12時間限定タイムセールを開催中 − 明日9時まで新規・MNPは21,600円オフ |
iphon |
2021-09-10 12:31:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python(enumerate,zip,dict,os.path,directionary) |
Pythonenumeratezipdictospathdirectionary今回は、enumeratezipdictospathdirectionaryについて整理していく。 |
2021-09-10 21:27:01 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
p5.js と物理演算エンジン「Matter.js」の組み合わせをお試し |
今回の内容今回の記事で扱うのは、冒頭で掲載していた動画の中でも使われている仕組みで、具体的には以下のようなものです。 |
2021-09-10 21:12:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TypeScriptからJavaScrpitを参照するときにエラー |
他者が作ったライブラリを参照しており、そのライブラリは以下のようになっています。 |
2021-09-10 21:37:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
fa-fontのアイコンをhover時に色を変えたい |
fafontのアイコンをhover時に色を変えたい前提・実現したいことデフォルトではnbspcolornbspnbspのinstagramのアイコンをhoverした時だけグラデーションカラーに変更したいです。 |
2021-09-10 21:35:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
makeshop(Smarty)で下位カテゴリが複数存在する場合、下位カテゴリごとに商品一覧を表示したい |
makeshopSmartyで下位カテゴリが複数存在する場合、下位カテゴリごとに商品一覧を表示したい前提makeshopのカテゴリページにおいて大カテゴリ┝中カテゴリA│┗小カテゴリ┗中カテゴリB小カテゴリという構成で商品登録を行っている場合。 |
2021-09-10 21:35:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Solidusのデフォルト通貨が日本円にならない |
2021-09-10 21:16:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データフレームにてカラム同士の引き算結果を所定カラムに代入したいができない |
データフレームにてカラム同士の引き算結果を所定カラムに代入したいができないコードカラム今回指針ーカラム前回指針をカラム使用量へ代入この処理をすると、カラムの最後尾に新しく使用量というカラムが追加されそこに値が代入されるもともとある使用量というカラムに値を代入させたいですがうまくいきませんdf使用量df今回指針df前回指針df下記内容だとうまく計算結果が指定セルのcolに代入されます。 |
2021-09-10 21:05:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unity 音の再生、オブジェクトの破壊 |
unity音の再生、オブジェクトの破壊unityでdnbspplatformのゲームを作っていますプレーヤーがアイテムと接触したときに効果音を鳴らし、アイテムを破壊もしくは非アクティブな状態にしたいです。 |
2021-09-10 21:04:50 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Data WranglerをAWS Access keyとSecret Access Keyを使う方法 |
AWSDataWranglerをAWSAccesskeyとSecretAccessKeyを使う方法AWSDataWranglerでAWSアクセスキーとシークレットアクセスキーを使う方法が見つからなかったので、コード見てみました。 |
2021-09-10 21:08:58 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1Mac×Dockerでnode-sassは使えます |
MMac×Dockerでnodesassは使えます背景IntelMacからMMacに乗り換え、Docker環境でyarninstallした際に今まで発生しなかったnodesass周りのエラーが発生した。 |
2021-09-10 21:14:18 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Amazon fights high warehouse turnover with offer of free college tuition |
amazon |
2021-09-10 12:26:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
20 Free CSS Product Card Example - Frontendtrick |
Free CSS Product Card Example Frontendtrick React Crypto UIDemo CSS Animation Material DesignDemo Product CardDemo Product CardDemo Day Product CardDemo Material design Product CardDemo HTML CSS Product Card UI designDemo Product CardDemo Daily UI Product cardDemo Product Card wipDemo Flipping Product Card DaysSitesDemo Product cardDemo Product Card TO CodeDemo Product CardDemo Simple Product CardDemo Responsive Product Card View With Change Color Image FunctionalityDemo Product CardDemo Product cardDemo Strawberry Week UIDemo Material Product CardDemo |
2021-09-10 12:41:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Code and System Design Review Checklist |
Code and System Design Review ChecklistWhen writing code we need to review our own code and other s code as well as software system design and architecture In this article we try to share few important notes regarding code and system review This checklist is mostly for java backend development But can also be applied to other technology stacks The checklists notes will help developers ensure better code and system architecture Category Area of Review GeneralClean Code amp Code style SecurityPerformance Logging and TracingConcurrency Error HandlingMaintainability amp TestabilityDomain Business ArchitectureScalability Reliability amp ResiliencyDesign patternPCI DSS FinTech REST API designGeneral Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errorsTry to use global exception handling and handle common Business and technical error responseNever ignore exceptions Don t overlook the catch block Return empty arrays or collections not nulls Minimize the scope of local variables for earlier GC Always override hashcode when overriding equal Always override toStringUse marker interface to define the typeUse an executor thread pool for tasks and thread instead of unlimited thread creation Use the BigDecimal valueof method for the string to bigdecimal double conversion otherwise you will face a precision issue Try to avoid string literals at business logic check Use enum or constant for maintainable code Bad if status SUCCESS Good if status EventStatus SUCCESS Throw Exceptions rather than Return codes in case of business and technical error Bad private String checkInput Request request if something wrong return FAILED Good private String checkInput Request request if something wrong throw new BusinessErrorException int code String message Clean Code Use Intention Revealing Names for variableBad void validate String input Good void validateCardNumber String cardNumber Pick one word per concept Use Solution Problem Domain NamesClasses should be small Functions should be small Do one thing in a function Don t Repeat Yourself Avoid code Duplication Explain yourself in code write why in code not what Make sure the code formatting is applied Can use tools Each method should do a single task Don t mix business logic and network calls with the same method Try to make the method unit testable Bad public sendSms code for validation if mobile is valid mobile code for sms generation String smsBody Some Text variable text network call to telco server restTemplate exchante url mobile smsBody Good public processSms validateMobile String smsBody generateSmsBody inputs sendSms inputs private void validateMobile String mobileNo private String generateSmsBody Inputs… private sendSms Security Check access control or authorization besides authentication Bad Only verify the JWT tokenGood Verify token and check use have authority to access that resource All change event applications should be auditable who performed this operation from which device and IP Bad account name status createdDate Good account name status createDate createdBy lastModifiedDate lastModifiedBy Use password as an array of characters instead of String so that no one can get it from heap dump Make class final if not being used for inheritance Input into a system should be checked for valid data size and range and check mandatory input fields boundary conditions Bad TxnRequest String fromAc String toAc BigDecimal amount Good TxnRequest NotBlank message From AC Can t be blank String fromAc NotBlank message To AC can t be blank String toAc notnull message Amount can t be null Positive message Amount should be positive BigDecimal amount Avoid sensitive data logging like pin password card info Bad log info User Password request getUserName request getPassword Good log info UserName Password request getUserName Purge sensitive information from exceptions exposing file path internal system configuration Be careful about SQL injection when DB queries Check the API response fields Is there any extra data or sensitive data are shared with the public Bad Ac Balance response account balance modifiedBy bank checker userId customerInfo … Good account balance Define wrappers around native methods not declare a native method public Make public static fields final to avoid caller changing the value Try inter service communication in a secured way Implement SSL when service to service call Separate public and private internal API paths so that DevOps team can implement infra level security and filter Bad api v all public admin internal path Good api v public pathapi admin v admin related pathapi internal v interapiIn the case of microservice try to use a central auth serverCheck about authentication and authorization network call overhead in the case of a distributed system Never use default credentials at production Especially for system infrastructure related services DB Cache Auth API GW HTTP server rd party library Encrypt or one way hash for OTP and other credentials Ensure REST API security Performance Try to keep synchronized section small operation CPU network memory Avoid string literal concatenation back end component Try to use a string builder Bad String fullMessage for Result result resultList fullMessage fullMessage result getMessagr Good StringBuilder fullMessage new StringBuilder for Result result resultList fullMessage append result getMessage Avoid creating unnecessary objects In case of network call use a connection pool thread pool socket pool Profile DB query and check high search read query happen on an indexed field Release resources Streams Connections etc in all cases Careful about ORM N query and use Entitygraph to avoid N queryAlways think about cache In a distributed system SOA or Microservice always develop stateless service Try to develop as many Asynchronous processes using JMS Think about IO latency and CPU usage If the system is an IO incentive try to use the NIO library Check if any unused library goes into the production build In the case of an in memory store avoid full object serialization and use custom serialization to save memory Think about JSON vs Messagepack vs protobuf Try to avoid select if not needed at DB query Try always index only scan select the field which is indexed The most important and readable field should be indexed We can also use composite indexed key Logging amp Tracing Maintain proper log levelUse placeholder LOG error Could not…details something exception and never String concatenation LOG error Could not…details something exception Don t trace excessive logs In the case of Distributed Systems SOA Microservice try to use Distributed tracing Spring cloud sleuth ELK Zipkin Don t log Sensitive InformationLog User ContextIn the case of centralized logs use common trace id and service name Concurrency Avoid excessive synchronization for thread safety Try to avoid sharing resources in case of a multithreaded environment Avoid member variables when in the case of a singleton object or bean Always synchronize share resources and also try to avoid share resourceUse concurrent hashmap instead of Synchronize HashMapUse HashMap or HashSet instead if TreeMap Set when ordering is not important As time complexity O vs O logn Always think about concurrency in the case of back end service When multiple users threads update the same data try to implement a lock optimistic or pessimistic For example account balance ticket reservation product stock Error Handling Reply consistent error response to the client Handle proper error code and Use custom error code for the business logic errors Typical Error CategoriesBusiness logic errorTechnical ErrorUpstream Service ErrorCommon Error Runtime ErrorArchitecture Follow twelve factor app Aware about distributed system fallacy For the data layer we can follow lambda architecture Try to implement event based infrastructure for scalability Follow architecture principle N Design Never less than two of anything and remember the rule of three Design for Rollback Ensure you can roll back any release of functionality Design to be disabled Be able to turn off anything you released Design to be monitored Think about monitoring during design Not after Design for multiple Live sites Don t box yourself into one site solution Use mature technology Use thing you know work well Asynchronous design Communicate synchronously only when absolutely necessary Stateless Design Use state only when the business return justifies it Scale Out NOT Up Never rely on a bigger or faster system Design for at least two axes Think one step ahead of your scale beads Bue when Non Core If you aren t the best at building it and it doesn t offer competitive differentiation buy it Commodity Hardware Cheaper is better most of the time Design Pattern SOLIDDRYKISSCreational Pattern Singleton Factory Builder Adapter Behavioral Pattern Strategy Chain Responsibility Observer Scalability Make the system elastic or easily scalable Make the service stateless for horizontal scaling DB ShardingDB PartitionDB replicationUse read replica for an independent read operation Cache high read and low write operation Monitor DB read and write query ratio Reduce network call overhead use socket pool or gRPC Check DB network call round trip and always try to reduce it Address the cK problem for network communication Reliability amp Resiliency Handle Timeout in case of all network call Implement Circuit Breaker Pattern Implement Bulkhead patternImplement idempotent operationUse a fail first mechanism when the system is really broken Maintainability amp Testability How much test coverage does your system have Unit Integration and System Testing coverage Proper CI CD pipeline Do as much automation Implement proper production deployment test strategy canary AB testing Monitoring Observability Monitor your system s health and resources Database Memory and disk sizeApplication and DB server CPU memory and Load average and IOApplication latency and throughput Application resource JVM memory thread thread pool connection pool queue JMS memory Isolate Logging Tracing and metric analysis Monitor your business performance Business Domain Business Logic implemented properly at the codebaseService properly isolated against the domain and bounded context Try to follow the domain driven design PCI DSS For FinTech requirements Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data Do not use vendor supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters Protect stored cardholder data Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open public networks Use and regularly update anti virus software or programs Develop and maintain secure systems and applications Restrict access to cardholder data by business need to know Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access Restrict physical access to cardholder data Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data Regularly test security systems and processes Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnelREST API Design Use kebab case for URLsBad systemOrders or system ordersGood system ordersUse camelCase for ParametersBad system orders order id or system orders OrderId Good system orders orderId Plural Name to Point to a CollectionBad GET user or GET UserGood GET usersKeep Verbs out of Your Resource URLBad POST updateuser userId or GET getusersGood PUT user userId Use Verbs for Non Resource URL or specific operationPOST alerts resendUse camelCase for JSON propertyBad user name Mr Rahim user id Good userName Mr Karim userId Don t use table name for the resource nameBad product orderGood product ordersThis is because exposing the underlying architecture is not your purpose Use API versionGood Accept limit and offset ParametersGET shops offset amp limit Don t Pass Authentication Tokens in URLBad GET shops token some kind of authenticaiton tokenGood Instead pass them with the header Authorization Bearer xxxxxx Extra yyyyyUse the Relation in the URL For Nested ResourcesGET shops products Get the list of all products from shop GET shops products Get the details of product which belongs to shop CORSDo support CORS Cross Origin Resource Sharing headers for all public facing APIs Consider supporting a CORS allowed origin of and enforcing authorization through valid OAuth tokens Avoid combining user credentials with origin validation SecurityEnforce HTTPS TLS encrypted across all endpoints resources and services Enforce and require HTTPS for all callback URLs push notification endpoints and webhooks Reviewer amp reviewee s behavior and attitude when reviewing other s code Be kindAccept that many programming decisions are opinions Discuss trade offs which you prefer and reach a resolution quickly Ask questions don t make demands What do you think about naming this user id Ask for clarification I didn t understand Can you clarify Avoid selective ownership of code mine not mine yours Avoid using terms that could be seen as referring to personal traits dumb stupid Assume everyone is intelligent and well meaning Be explicit Remember people don t always understand your intentions online Be humble I m not sure let s look it up Don t use hyperbole always never endlessly nothing Be careful about the use of sarcasm Everything we do is public what seems like good natured ribbing to you and a long time colleague might come off as mean and unwelcoming to a person new to the project Consider one on one chats or video calls if there are too many I didn t understand or Alternative solution comments Post a follow up comment summarizing one on one discussion If you ask a question to a specific person always start the comment by mentioning them this ensures they see it if their notification level is set to mentioned and other people understand they don t have to respond Resources dzone com articles java code review checklist owasp org www pdf archive OWASP SCP Quick Reference Guide v pdf stackoverflow com questions bigdecimal to use new or valueof betterprogramming pub essential tips for writing secure rest api edc docs gitlab com ee development code review html |
2021-09-10 12:32:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Debug PHP Using Xdebug On Vscode |
How to Debug PHP Using Xdebug On Vscode IntroductionIt s important to keep a few things in mind while developing web apps When it comes to building large and powerful applications a competent developer will always follow best practices Testing debugging performance and security of websites or apps are some of these techniques Using VSCode and the PHP xDebug module you ll enable full featured functional debugging throughout your whole application PrerequisitesThe following criteria must be met in order to follow along with this guide A PHP development environment that runs at least PHP An appropriate version of Visual Studio Code for your operating system Step ーHow to Download and Install the XDebug ToolReal time debugging is made possible using Xdebug a PHP extension On the other hand it can be useful for troubleshooting server side problems Since it shouldn t be active on most requests Xdebug isn t enabled in the same manner as the other extensions are You would install it following the steps below WindowsXdebug provides a wizard tool for Windows users to obtain a dll file In order to do this first create a PHP file in a folder and then add the following code line lt php phpinfo gt Use your browser to launch the index php file This will provide the information displayed in the image below Select and copy all information on the page You ll next need to go to the XDebug Wizard tool and paste the information into a Text Box input field Look for Analyze my phpinfo output and click it There is a module that may be downloaded under Instructions number As you can see in the image below Please note that the path to the directory in this example may be different from yours so please pay attention to the directions in the image above MACYou can install PHP Xdebug using pecl extension pecl install xdebug LinuxOn Linux distribution like fedora you can use Sudo to install Xdebug in PHP sudo yum install php xdebugyou can refer to the xdebug docs if you use other linux distribution It s time to enable Xdebug by adding the following code to file xdebug ini under etc php mods available xdebug profiler enable trigger xdebug profiler enable xdebug remote enable xdebug profiler output dir tmp Now restart your server Step ーEnabling the XDebug extension in PHPMicrosoft s Visual Studio Code VS Code is a free open source text editor VS Code is available for Windows Linux and Mac There are significant features in the editor that make VS Code one of the most popular programming environments in recent years despite its size FirtLaunch VS CodeInstall the Felix Becker PHP Debug extension The PHP Debug extension may be found in VSCode s Extensions tab by searching for it Click on the Run tab and click on add configuration Now you ll need to pick the PHP environment A new launch json file will be added to the root directory by VSCode Finally add the runtimeExecutable property to the list after port replacing path to php executable with the path to your php executable runtimeExecutable path to php executable Please save the file launch json Start debugging by opening the debug mode tab and clicking the green debug button You will now see several options in the window via which you can pick what logs Xdebugger will show like NoticesWarningsErrorsExceptionsEverythingAccess the Debug Console which displays error information and debug execution buttons at the top You have the option to make your selections What I m going to tell you now is something I ve previously addressed in the early stage breakpoints A breakpoint on a line of code is now available It s important to note that Xdebug will display the PHP debug script name and line number in the bottom left area In order to debug the application correctly you may launch it in the browser and then go through the code line by line to spot the issues and fix them A few shortcut keys for functions and lines of codes should also be remembered F Continue DebuggingF Step OverF Step intoShift F Step out ConclusionSoftware development is never complete without debugging You can t tell what s wrong with the code without it A PHP debugger that identifies problems and warning signals fast is a fantastic idea if you re working on an application with thousands of lines of code and you want to be sure you ve set up your debugging environment before you start writing code In this article you learnt how to enable PHP debugging with Xdebug and setup it in VSCode IDEs like as Eclipse PHPstorm and others can also be used to incorporate it |
2021-09-10 12:13:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Rust VPP API Bindings | LFX Mentorship Project |
Rust VPP API Bindings LFX Mentorship ProjectHey Everyone This article is about Rust VPP API Bindings project which was a part of LFX Mentorship I had this amazing opportunity to work under the guidance of Andrew Yourtchenko on this project So let s get started What is VPP FD IO is an Open Source Dataplane developed by Cisco that runs in user space At the heart of FD IO is VPP which stands for Vector Packet Processor So emphasis on Vector as opposed to Scalar Packet Processor wherein a single packet is processed at a time VPP processes a vector of packets at a time which results in high performance It s like moving a load of marbles with a wheelbarrow instead of spoonThere are many exciting applications of VPP in Cloud Native and Networking space I will be leaving links here for you to explore Project Calico VPPVPP Case Study Architecture Here s the architecture of our project VPP API TransportThis crate is responsible for establishing a connection to a running VPP process either via a socket or a shared memory interface It also holds various functions for sending data via the connection VPP API EncodingEncoding library holds various encapsulated data structures that are responsible for interacting with VPP The library majorly ensures the deserializing and serializng of data structures are compatible with VPP We are using serde bincode for all serializing and deserializing to binary VPP API DriverDriver library consists of functions that makes use of ingredients of Transport and Encoding which allows sending messages and receiving them easier There are types of messages that can be sent to VPP Referenced from Developer Documentation of VPP Request Reply The client sends a request message and the server replies with a single reply message The convention is that the reply message is named as method name Reply Eg SwInterfaceAddDelAddressReplyDump Detail The client sends a “bulk request message to the server and the server replies with a set of detail messages These messages may be of different type A dump detail call must be enclosed in a control ping block Otherwise the client will not know the end of the bulk transmission The method name must end with method Dump the reply message should be named method Details The exception here is for the methods that return multiple message types e g SwInterfaceDump The Dump Detail methods are typically used for acquiring bulk information like the complete FIB table or details of all the existing Interfaces Events The client can register for getting asynchronous notifications from the server This is useful for getting interface state changes and so on This a type of message that is not yet supported Here is a function that is responsible of sending Request Reply messagepub fn send recv msg lt a T Serialize Deserialize lt a gt TR Serialize DeserializeOwned gt name amp str m amp T t amp mut dyn VppApiTransport reply name amp str gt TR let vl msg id t get msg index name unwrap let reply vl msg id t get msg index reply name unwrap let enc get encoder let mut v enc serialize amp vl msg id unwrap let enc get encoder let msg enc serialize amp m unwrap v extend from slice amp msg println MSG x x name vl msg id amp v t write amp v loop let res t read one msg id and msg dbg amp res if let Ok msg id data res println id data x msg id amp data if msg id reply vl msg id let res get encoder allow trailing bytes deserialize lt TR gt amp data unwrap return res else else panic Result is an error amp res VPP API GenThis is the most important part of Rust VPP As it ingests Binary APIs and generates Rust bindings as a separate package which is nothing but the VPP API VPP provides a binary API scheme to allow a wide variety of client codes to program data plane tables As of this writing there are hundreds of binary APIs Messages are defined in api files However we are using Messages defined in api json which are self contained api files written in JSON format VPP API MacrosMacro library consists of procedural macros that make the generated rust bindings more ergonomic and provide sophisticated abstractions The VPPMessage macro is a builder macro that allows you to initialize VPP messages in a less tiring fashion and also implements a derive for message name and crc Another macro VPPUnionIdent creates accessor methods for the Union which makes it easier for the users to initialize it without having to fill the entire union Here is an example of using builderlet create host interface CliInbandReply send recv msg amp CliInband get message name and crc amp CliInband builder client index t get client index context cmd create host interface name vppout try into unwrap build unwrap amp mut t amp CliInbandReply get message name and crc Future and TestingThe integration tests currently only ensure if the messages are sent to VPP and received back without checking if it s the reply we are expecting It has been added into the CI of the repository using GitHub Actions As mentioned earlier we do not support events messages as of now but hoping to develop it in the future Pull Requests Here are all my pull requests Linux Foundation Mentorship Rust VPP BindingsEnumFlags Generation Union Accessor Methods and Example File ManipulationDocumentation UpdateUpdated with EnumFlagAdding IP address to the interface EnumFlags and FixedSizeArray Things I learnt This project is the best project I ve worked on so far I got to explore and implement many Rust features Rust Macros I learnt and implemented procedural macros using Rust and created VPP api macros which proved to be very useful in making the code abstracted Serde I explored Serde which is a crate for serializing and deserializing I was able to implement custom serialization and deserialization for EnumFlags and Unions VPP It took me a while to get started and learn about VPP but by the end of the first half I was able to grasp what VPP is and what it does Golang I learnt Go to explore GoVPP bindings and understand their philosophy in generating bindings and possibly using some of it in Rust VPP Traits Before the mentorship I was still struggling with properly understanding traits but during the course of the project I became much more confident about my understanding of traits Functional Programming in Rust Parts of the project has been written using concepts of Functional Programming I sort of had to learn a bit of functional programming as I had mostly programmed using OOP Thank you Shoutout to the Rust Foundation Discord Server for always helping me out with my queries be it how silly they were Jon Gjengset for creating extensive videos on difficult parts of Rust Linux Foundation for this amazing program that allowed me to work with Rust and lastly my mentor Andrew for guiding me at every step of the project |
2021-09-10 12:09:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Angular: The Single Rule To Get Better At RxJS |
Angular The Single Rule To Get Better At RxJSEven though there is no strict rule combining imperative and declarative programming concepts with RxJS might be making the development harder and the code less clean Shifting mind from a often default way of programming i e imperative to a reactive i e declarative approach takes time However there is a single rule that can help you make the switch ️Do not subscribe period ️Confused about the difference between imperative and declarative Have a look to the excellent article of Josh Morony that compares both Why The rule is not strict it is a guideline like the code of the pirates of the Caribbean ️ It does not mean that you should never ever subscribe to a stream but rather that you should try to avoid it In that way according my experience you are going to slowly transform the imperative way of programming into more declarative concepts Concretely while developing features in components trying to use mostly the Angular async pipe that automatically unsubscribe when components are destroyed can in addition to avoid memory leak help improve the coding style To explore such modus operandi let s refactor an Angular application that mix imperative and declarative programming concepts Starting PointThe following demo uses the coinpaprika API to display a list of cryptocurrencies to its user The code source is available on GitHub Each following chapters steps and are separate branches It defers the HTTP queries to a coins service and presents the results in a coins component ServiceThe provider acts as a store It queries the list of cryptos filter the results and persists these in memory The function list is both reactive by telling what it wants httpClient get and imperative by checking and filtering the results import Injectable OnDestroy from angular core import HttpClient from angular common http import Subject from rxjs import takeUntil from rxjs operators export type Coin Record lt string string number boolean gt Injectable providedIn root export class CoinsService implements OnDestroy constructor private httpClient HttpClient private coins Coin private destroy Subject lt void gt new Subject list this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe takeUntil this destroy subscribe allCoins Coin gt if allCoins length gt this coins allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt getCoins Coin return this coins ngOnDestroy this destroy next this destroy complete ComponentThe component initializes the service and exposes a getter binding to parse the results to the UI import Component OnInit from angular core import CoinsService from coins service Component selector app coins templateUrl coins component html styleUrls coins component css export class CoinsComponent implements OnInit constructor private readonly coinsService CoinsService ngOnInit void this coinsService list get coins return this coinsService getCoins TemplateThe HTML list the coins lt article ngFor let coin of coins gt lt h gt coin name lt h gt lt p gt Symbol coin symbol lt p gt lt p gt Rank coin rank lt p gt lt hr gt lt article gt Step More DeclarativeEven though I said above that the rule is actually a guideline I would suggest anyway to never subscribe in services respectively to be more strict about memory leaks As we do not want to subscribe we have first to transform the method that is called by the component to return an Observable list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt Without any other changes the compiler will warn you about the return values that are not matching as we are still subscribing to the stream and therefore are actually returning a Subscription That s why we replace the subscribe with an RxJS operator In the particular case we are using tap because we still want to assign the result to the store list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe tap allCoins Coin gt if allCoins length gt this coins allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt takeUntil this destroy Because we are now not subscribing anymore we can remove the takeUntil and let the caller handles the way it streams the data import Injectable from angular core import HttpClient from angular common http import Observable from rxjs import tap from rxjs operators export type Coin Record lt string string number boolean gt Injectable providedIn root export class CoinsService constructor private httpClient HttpClient private coins Coin list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe tap allCoins Coin gt if allCoins length gt this coins allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt getCoins Coin return this coins The code has already become cleaner no more subscription and destroy lifecycle but the code is still mixing different approaches That s why we take advantages of RxJS filter and map operators to make it more reactive list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe filter allCoins Coin gt allCoins length gt map allCoins Coin gt allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt tap topCoins Coin gt this coins topCoins The imperative if has become a reactive filter and the array filter has been moved to a map transformer Thanks to these last modifications the data sources flow through the stream that describe what we want as a results Step Subscribe In ComponentEven though the code still compiles at this point no currencies are displayed anymore because no caller is using is subscribing to the stream As we are proceeding iteratively we basically reproduce what we removed in the service earlier we subscribe within the component import Component OnDestroy OnInit from angular core import Subject from rxjs import takeUntil from rxjs operators import CoinsService from coins service Component selector app coins templateUrl coins component html styleUrls coins component css export class CoinsComponent implements OnInit OnDestroy constructor private readonly coinsService CoinsService private destroy Subject lt void gt new Subject lt void gt ngOnInit void this coinsService list pipe takeUntil this destroy subscribe gt ngOnDestroy this destroy next this destroy complete get coins return this coinsService getCoins I know I said “never subscribe this ain t the end Nevertheless we notice that the cryptos are listed again Step Async PipeTo reach our ultimate goal we want to remove the subscription in the component in order to leverage the async pipe Therefore we have to improve our service On the other hand we still want it to act as a store That s why as an intermediate step we replace the imperative state coins of the service with a BehaviorSubject a special type of Observable that allows values to be multicasted to many Observers source and exposes it streams publicly as a readonly Observable variable import Injectable from angular core import HttpClient from angular common http import BehaviorSubject Observable from rxjs import filter map tap from rxjs operators export type Coin Record lt string string number boolean gt Injectable providedIn root export class CoinsService constructor private httpClient HttpClient private coins BehaviorSubject lt Coin gt new BehaviorSubject lt Coin gt readonly coins Observable lt Coin gt this coins asObservable list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe filter allCoins Coin gt allCoins length gt map allCoins Coin gt allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt tap topCoins Coin gt this coins next topCoins In comparison to our previous changes this is breaking That s why we have to adapt the component to remove the getter and replace it with an observable we can ultimately use in the template import Component OnDestroy OnInit from angular core import Observable Subject from rxjs import takeUntil from rxjs operators import Coin CoinsService from coins service Component selector app coins templateUrl coins component html styleUrls coins component css export class CoinsComponent implements OnInit OnDestroy constructor private readonly coinsService CoinsService private destroy Subject lt void gt new Subject lt void gt coins Observable lt Coin gt this coinsService coins ngOnInit void this coinsService list pipe takeUntil this destroy subscribe gt ngOnDestroy this destroy next this destroy complete Finally we introduce the famous async pipe lt article ngFor let coin of coins async gt Step No Subscribe And ReactiveOur current solution is really close to comply with the goals we are using a stream to get the data and to display the results but we still have to subscribe to trigger the loading the currencies That s why we try to remove the subject import Injectable from angular core import HttpClient from angular common http import Observable from rxjs import filter map from rxjs operators export type Coin Record lt string string number boolean gt Injectable providedIn root export class CoinsService constructor private httpClient HttpClient readonly coins Observable lt Coin gt lt TODO list Observable lt Coin gt return this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe filter allCoins Coin gt allCoins length gt map allCoins Coin gt allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt We notice the exposed observable coins is now lacking a source On the other hand we still have the stream that process the flow of the data as we except Yes that s right we connect both readonly coins Observable lt Coin gt this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe filter allCoins Coin gt allCoins length gt map allCoins Coin gt allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt However doing so we do loose the state management feature we had in place thanks to the use of the BehaviorSubject That s why we introduce a shareReplay that will also replay values that will also make our service acts as a store import Injectable from angular core import HttpClient from angular common http import Observable from rxjs import filter map shareReplay from rxjs operators export type Coin Record lt string string number boolean gt Injectable providedIn root export class CoinsService constructor private httpClient HttpClient readonly coins Observable lt Coin gt this httpClient get lt Coin gt pipe filter allCoins Coin gt allCoins length gt map allCoins Coin gt allCoins filter coin Coin gt coin is new amp amp coin rank gt amp amp coin rank lt shareReplay bufferSize refCount true If you never used shareReplay before be careful when using it Read more in the blog post of Kwinten Pisman Finally we can remove our last subscription in the component and also all linked code that has for goal to handle the un subscription import Component from angular core import Observable from rxjs import Coin CoinsService from coins service Component selector app coins templateUrl coins component html styleUrls coins component css export class CoinsComponent constructor private readonly coinsService CoinsService readonly coins Observable lt Coin gt this coinsService coins If you compare to its original version has not the component become really slim and easy to understand A last check to the GUI All cryptos are still listed the code is reactive and we are not using any “subscribe anymore SummaryTrying to not subscribe using RxJS in Angular is not a finality nor a strict rule but when applied as a guideline can help make the code cleaner and reactive can help with the experience and time get better at RxJS To infinity and beyond DavidYou can reach me on Twitter or my website Give a try to DeckDeckGo for your next presentations |
2021-09-10 12:06:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple TV+ expands children's lineup with 'Yo Gabba Gabba!' & orders new series |
Apple TV expands children x s lineup with x Yo Gabba Gabba x amp orders new seriesApple is extending its deal with Peanuts company WildBrain to add the classic Yo Gabba Gabba series to Apple TV as well as new episodes New episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba are coming to Apple TV The complete back catalog of Yo Gabba Gabba episodes and specials is to be streamed on Apple TV following a new deal that includes an order for a new series Read more |
2021-09-10 12:54:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Apple Watch SE is on sale for $240 right now |
The Apple Watch SE is on sale for right nowApple struck a good balance with its Watch SE combining all of its core wearable features into a relatively affordable package Those who don t want to shell out or more on a Series have the Apple Watch SE as an alternative Now you can spend even less and get the Watch SE ーAmazon has a couple of colors of the mm GPS version for or about off its normal price We ve seen the Watch SE drop to in the past but this is the best price we ve seen in months Most discounted models have automatically applied coupons so you ll see the final price at checkout rather than on the product page Buy Apple Watch SE at Amazon We gave the Apple Watch SE a score of when it came out last year thanks to its familiar design solid performance and comprehensive feature set It looks nearly identical to the Series and although it s has a slightly older SiP on the inside it still runs smoothly But arguably the most important thing is that the Watch SE gives you all of the major features you d want from an Apple Watch including all day heart rate monitoring with high and low heart rate alerts built in GPS fall detection Apple Pay support Emergency SOS and more So where did Apple make cuts to bring down the Watch SE s cost Mostly in advanced features You won t find a blood oxygen sensor or an ECG tool on this wearable and you also won t get the always on display that the Series has Admittedly those features will mean more to some users than others so you may be able to safely skip them in order to save some money and get the same essential Apple Watch experience But it s worth noting that Apple s next event is scheduled for September While the new iPhone will likely be the headliner we could see an updated Apple Watch as well If you want the newest Watch it may be worth it to wait and see what the company announces next week Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-09-10 12:40:54 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Steam update gives you more details about downloads and storage |
Steam update gives you more details about downloads and storageSteam has released an update that makes it easier to manage downloads and storage move games from one drive to another and more The tweaks have been available for months in beta but are finally coming to all users in the stable release channel the gaming service announced nbsp The downloads page has been cleaned up and now shows installation progress on top of download status That fix will help you figure out when you can play a game after it has downloaded You can also reorder the priority of downloads by dragging and dropping them when installing multiple titles Finally the rather undescriptive quot View News quot button has been renamed to Patch Notes so you can see what s changed in an update while it s downloading The storage manager has also been refreshed so you can more easily see how much space you have left in case you want to move a game to a less full or faster drive for instance It ll also let you remove empty library folders and mount library folders on read only drives nbsp It also added minor tweaks and fixes to the Library Friends List Remote Play Together Steam Cloud Steam VR and other features The new version should install itself automatically barring any COVID related delays but you can check on the status via the menu bar A full list of updates is available here nbsp |
2021-09-10 12:20:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Jabra Elite 3 review: The new standard for affordable wireless earbuds |
Jabra Elite review The new standard for affordable wireless earbudsJabra has built quite a reputation for true wireless earbuds Over the last few years the company has continued to refine its mix of features and functionality consistently creating some of the most reliable buds that do nearly everything well The one item still left on the agenda was a low cost model a set of earbuds that gave users good sound handy tools and solid battery life for under With the Elite the company does just that and in the process it designed arguably its best true wireless product yet DesignBilly Steele EngadgetWith its three new Elite models Jabra introduced an all new design and made all of them smaller than its previous offerings Until now the Elite t was the company s smallest set of earbuds But the even more compact Elite makes them more comfortable than the Elite t and the new shape which Jabra is also using on the Elite Pro and Elite Active better mimics the curves of your ear Jabra says it used over ear scans to create the shape by mapping the details of the average human ear Instead of being more circular the Elite and its pricier siblings have a rounded triangular shell Previous Jabra earbud models up through the Elite t all had a circle button for the on board controls A small triangular elbow that pointed down towards your face housed microphones With the Elite the button is a triangle now and covers the entire outer surface All of the microphones are around the edge ーone close to your face and the other up top The inside of the earbuds are still the nozzle like design Jabra has used in the past So like a lot of the competition there s a good portion of each bud resting in your ear canal Like previous Jabra models the on board controls are physical buttons as opposed to touch panels This means you actually have to press them but it also means they re more reliable On the right side you can play pause single press skip tracks forward double press skip tracks backwards triple press and turn the volume up press and hold On the left the same actions cover turning ambient sound on off single activating your voice assistant double and volume down press and hold There s nothing assigned to the triple press on the left earbud Android users can also opt for quick access to Spotify but you ll have to replace the ability to summon your assistant Billy Steele EngadgetEverything that s available as an on board control is right on the buds already so you don t need to pick up your phone for the basics And that means that during workouts for which the Elite s dust and water resistance is well suited IP you can quickly press a button and get right back to your exercise The one key thing that is missing here is automatic pausing It s annoying but lots of earbuds in this price range omit that feature so I wouldn t consider it a dealbreaker The included charging case is almost identical to the one that came with the Elite t It too is quite compact easily tucking into a small pocket for transport The Elite case is noticeably lighter though and the materials used to make it feel a bit cheap The lid in particular is a bit flimsy Of course if the case protects your earbuds and consistently keeps them charged I m willing to bet there won t be many complaints Sound qualityBilly Steele EngadgetWhen it comes to audio quality with sub earbuds you typically get muted muffled sound that lacks any kind of depth or bassy thump Anker s Soundcore line is an exception to this and now you can add Jabra to that list as well I was immediately impressed with the Elite s sound quality The tuning is well balanced but the low end tone booms when it s needed The kick drum is deep and dynamic across rock tracks and beats are energetic with hip hop and electronic styles Songs that were recorded to sound open and airy like CHVRCHES s “How Not To Drown or John Mayer s “Last Train Home are just that Even the best tuned cheap earbuds can have sound that feels compressed and that s far from the case on the Elite Jabra s sound profile here is also adept at highlighting details On the aforementioned CHVRCHES track you can easily hear finer touches like the rattle of the snare drum Little things like string noise and gritty guitar distortion throughout Chris Stapelton s Starting Over add another dimension to the album Even though Jabra only gives you a few presets to adjust the EQ with it doesn t matter the Elite outshines pricier competition with sound quality thanks to a mix of balanced tuning punchy bass great clarity and inviting depth The Elite is equipped with ambient sound or HearThrough as Jabra calls it but the audio quality here isn t as good as some more expensive sets Don t get me wrong it does its job piping in the noises around you when you activate it Things are muffled though and the earbuds only pick up your voice when you re on a call sidetone So for all the times you might want transparency you still feel shouty when you re having a quick chat IRL Call qualityBilly Steele EngadgetLike a lot of headphones companies Jabra promises “crystal clear calls with the Elite And like much of the competition that claim doesn t pan out These earbuds are perfectly serviceable for phone and video calls but they re far from “crystal clear You end up sounding like you re on speakerphone and there s a dull roar in the background at all times Does it get the job done Yes Do you sound great No Jabra does make up for its shortcomings with a few handy features though First the Elite automatically switches to HearThrough mode on calls and you can enable sidetone to pipe in even more of your voice so you don t feel the need to yell There s also a handy mute control on the earbuds disabling the mics with a single press on either side Lastly Jabra has enabled a mono mode on this set so you can use a single earbud at all times even while the other is charging SoftwareThe Elite works with Jabra s Sound app that supports a lot of its earbuds headphones and headsets but the options this time around are very limited On the main screen there s the usual battery level percentage up top a HearThrough ambient sound control and a collection of six audio presets Unlike other Jabra models there s no manual EQ and obviously no noise cancellation control HearThrough mode is also all or nothing there s no slider like there is for some of the company s other earbuds If you dive further into the settings the Elite is compatible with Find My Jabra if you misplace an earbud and you can also activate sidetone during calls so you can monitor your own volume When you re on a call sidetone control will appear on the main screen for quick access The on board controls however are set and you can t reconfigure them Thankfully Jabra covers the basics there so you don t really need to change anything As I mentioned you get a few additional options for the on board controls with Android but that s the only difference from the iOS app On Android devices the Elite also supports Google Fast Pair which makes connecting to your phone a breeze Battery lifeJabra promises up to seven hours of battery life on the earbuds themselves with an additional three charges in the case This is slightly better than a lot of the competition these days where many of those options hover around the five hour mark The case isn t equipped with wireless charging but there is a fast charge feature that gives you an hour of use in minutes During my tests one of the Elite buds died minutes short of seven hours while the other lasted minutes past the stated time limit If you re docking these in the case a couple times you should have no trouble getting a full workday and then some The competitionAt Jabra has undercut much of the big name true wireless competition The cheapest AirPods are Samsung s Galaxy Buds will cost you and Sony s WF XB is Unless of course you can find any of those on sale At full price though affordable options from what I d consider “the big three are all more expensive than Jabra A worthy alternative to the Elite is Anker s Soundcore Spirit Dot They re the same price as Jabra s latest in a tiny comfy form factor with punchy bass on board controls and an IPX rating The Spirit Dot offers five and half hours of battery life though I only managed about four and a half during my review There s also no on board volume controls which could be a dealbreaker for some The good news is Anker has a literal ton of other affordable true wireless options including the newer noise cancelling Liberty Air Pro with a more AirPod like design Wrap upAfter covering the audio beat for years it s rare that I m surprised by a set of earbuds I typically have a good idea of what to expect before buds are in hand and spec sheets rarely undersell products like these With the Elite I can honestly say Jabra exceeded my expectations These are an incredible value for the price mostly due to sound quality that is better than some of the competition that costs twice as much and an all new design that s both tiny and comfy |
2021-09-10 12:00:31 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 10 September 2021 |
The Apache News Round up week ending September We re wrapping up another great week with the following activities from the Apache community ASF Annual Report a look back at our many achievements during the Fiscal Year nbsp Press release nbsp Full report ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting September Board calendar and minutes ApacheCon nbsp the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since ApacheCon Asia was held online August ApacheCon Home is coming up next on September nbsp The ApacheSoftware Foundation Announces Program for ApacheCon Home nbsp Learn all about ApacheCon with Rich Bowen and Swapnil M Mane nbsp Learn about the Community Track from Sharan Foga and Swapnil M Mane nbsp Register for ApacheCon Home nbsp ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world nbsp Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers changed lines of code over commits Top contributors in order are Harikrishna Patnala Andi Huber Yann Ylavic Andrea Cosentino and Benoit Tellier nbsp nbsp nbsp Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category APIs nbsp Apache APISIX Go Plugin Runner released https apisix apache org Application Servers nbsp Apache Geronimo Arthur released Databases nbsp Apache Geode released http geode apache org Content nbsp Apache Jackrabbit released http jackrabbit apache org Programming Languages nbsp Apache Groovy and beta released https groovy apache org Workflow nbsp Apache DolphinScheduler released nbsp Apache Airflow CVE Variable Import endpoint missed authentication check Did You Know nbsp Did you know that ByteDance uses Apache Hudi to build exabyte scale data lakes for services such as TikTok nbsp Did you know that the Netherlands and Japan Pulsar MeetUp groups are having meetups in September nbsp Did you know that Kafka Summit will be held online and free of charge September Apache Community Notices Watch quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot the documentary on the ASF full feature min quot Apache Everywhere quot min nbsp quot Why Apache quot min nbsp “Apache Innovation min nbsp The Apache Month in Review August nbsp The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp nbsp Presentations from ApacheCon Asia are available at nbsp nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Inside Infra the new interview series with members of the ASF infrastructure team meet nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Thistlethwaite nbsp nbsp nbsp Drew Foulks nbsp nbsp nbsp Greg Stein Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Part II nbsp nbsp and Part III nbsp nbsp nbsp Daniel Gruno Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Gavin McDonald Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Andrew Wetmore Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Lambertus Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media TheASF on Twitter and on LinkedIn at nbsp nbsp Follow the Apache Community on Facebook nbsp nbsp and Twitter nbsp nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos nbsp poweredby For real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers |
2021-09-10 12:16:53 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新規公開に際して行う株券の個人顧客への配分状況 |
新規公開 |
2021-09-10 13:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
West Midlands Police sorry for failing domestic abuse victim |
family |
2021-09-10 12:11:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Only players and clubs punished' - Liverpool boss Klopp unhappy as players face ban |
x Only players and clubs punished x Liverpool boss Klopp unhappy as players face banJurgen Klopp says the only people who get punished are players and clubs as Liverpool s Brazil players face a ban this weekend over Covid protocols |
2021-09-10 12:44:06 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【楽天スーパーSALE】で買いたい!美味しい「食品・グルメ」おすすめ16選 |
食品 |
2021-09-10 21:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道、現行のコロナ対策継続決定 30日まで 行動制限緩和見据え対応検討 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-10 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
被災地・東北から「希望」の花 道産花贈呈に返礼、東胆振1市3町に500本 |
東部地震 |
2021-09-10 21:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
領土問題解決と平和条約締結、河野氏「非常に重要」 総裁選出馬会見で認識 2島返還方針評価は避ける |
平和条約 |
2021-09-10 21:02:00 |