Engadget Japanese |
新MacBook Proは「今後数週間のうちに」発売?次期iPadと同時発表の噂 |
macbookpro |
2021-09-13 05:00:21 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 高橋社長、auの発表は「別の機会にお届けしたい」 |
itmediamobile |
2021-09-13 14:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Diver-X、寝ころび姿勢に特化したVRデバイス「HalfDive」 11月にクラウドファンディング開始予定 |
diverx |
2021-09-13 14:16:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
「都市の再発明」を目指す、余暇・観光体験プラットフォーム「Horai」 |
horai |
2021-09-13 05:00:13 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
イメージバックアップ新版「Arcserve UDP 8.1」、管理コンソールを多要素認証化 | IT Leaders |
イメージバックアップ新版「ArcserveUDP」、管理コンソールを多要素認証化ITLeadersArcserveJapanは年月日、イメージバックアップソフトウェア「ArcserveUnifiedDataProtection」ArcserveUDPを販売開始した。 |
2021-09-13 14:19:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【3】python キャスト(授業資料3 演習) |
speakerdeck |
2021-09-13 14:55:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
変数Aと配列Bを比較したい |
変数Aと配列Bを比較したい変数Aの数値が配列Bに入っているどれかつの数値と一致している時に処理をしたいのですが、コードの書き方が分かりません。 |
2021-09-13 14:43:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データベースリンクでの接続 |
データベースリンクでの接続所有のWindowsサーバーにて、夜中にデータ取得のためバッチが回るようセットしています。 |
2021-09-13 14:42:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
文章訂正技術のlasertaggerのモデルの作成手順がわかりません |
文章訂正技術のlasertaggerのモデルの作成手順がわかりません困っていること文章の訂正を行ってくれるというlasertaggerを使用したいと考えているのですが、コードベースで使用法を書いてくれているサイトを見つけることができず、手順がわからず困っています。 |
2021-09-13 14:19:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
django-allauthのテンプレート画面が表示されない |
djangoallauthのテンプレート画面が表示されないdjangoでカレンダーのアプリを作ろうとしていて、djangoallauthを使って認証機能を作りたいのですが、うまく行きません。 |
2021-09-13 14:15:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonでのxmlの変換 |
python |
2021-09-13 14:15:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【docker】build時のエラーが解決できない |
【docker】build時のエラーが解決できない前提・実現したいことdockerfileをイメージ化する為に「dockernbspbuild」コマンドを実行したところ下記のエラーが発生しています。 |
2021-09-13 14:11:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Git Actions CI/CD Deployできない |
例ローカル開発してGitHubからECでアプリケーションを作成しました。 |
2021-09-13 14:10:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'map' and 'int' |
unsupportedoperandtypesforxmapxandxintxunsupportednbspoperandnbsptypesnbspfornbspnbspaposmapaposnbspandnbspaposintaposというエラーが出てしまいました。 |
2021-09-13 14:09:20 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntuで新規に環境構築した際に自分がよくインストールする物 |
Ubuntuで新規に環境構築した際に自分がよくインストールする物概要Ubuntuで新規環境構築した際、自分がインストールする物をまとめてみました以下が本記事でインストールする物linuxbrewDockerGitHubCLIVSCode拡張機能、設定内容GitHubCLILinux環境でのインストール方法USERNAMEhogesudogitclonelinuxbrewHomebrewampampsudomkdirlinuxbrewbinampampsudolnslinuxbrewHomebrewbinbrewlinuxbrewbinampampechoevallinuxbrewbinbrewshellenvgtgtbashrcLinux環境でRootUserでないとsudobrewinstallghは権限の関係上できないので、Brewに権限を与えるsudochownRwhoamihomeUSERNAMElinuxbrewbrewの元のRubyかなにかがgccを使っているのかローカルにgccをインストールする必要ありsudoaptinstallygccbrewinstallghghversionDocker最新版のDockerインストールUbuntuLTSに最新のdockercomposeをインストールする方法LFI最新バージョン番号の取得COMPOSEVERSIONgitlsremotegreprefstagsgrepoEsortversionsorttailn最新バージョンのダウンロードsudocurlLCOMPOSEVERSIONdockercomposeunamesunamemousrlocalbindockercompose実行可能モードを設定sudochmodxusrlocalbindockercomposeBash自動補完スクリプトのダウンロードsudocurlLCOMPOSEVERSIONcontribcompletionbashdockercomposeoetcbashcompletionddockercomposeaptで入るdockercomposeはバージョンが古くまでしか使えないので注意aptinstallydockeriosudoaptinstallydockercomposeVSCode同じアカウント間で同期する場合、Githubアカウントの認証からGistを生成する機能を使うのが手っ取り早い以下は違うアカウントなどで行う場合拡張機能の同期VSCodeの拡張機能一覧をエクスポートするにはHinemosu環境の拡張機能一覧の出力codelistextensionsxargsLechocodeinstallextension別の環境で上記コマンドの出力結果を貼り付けて実行すれば拡張機能がインストールされる出力例codeinstallextensionyzhangmarkdownallinone個人開発環境で使用している一覧codeinstallextensionWSLUbuntuにインストールされている拡張機能codeinstallextensioneamodiogitlenscodeinstallextensionGraphQLvscodegraphqlcodeinstallextensionmsazuretoolsvscodedockercodeinstallextensionMSCEINTLvscodelanguagepackjacodeinstallextensionmskubernetestoolsvscodekubernetestoolscodeinstallextensionmushanvscodepasteimagecodeinstallextensionredhatvscodeyamlcodeinstallextensionshdwyymarkdownpreviewenhancedcodeinstallextensionyzanemarkdownpdfcodeinstallextensionyzhangmarkdownallinone設定の同期最低限行っている設定。 |
2021-09-13 14:03:08 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【GCP】Cloud VPN,Cloud Routerにかんするドキュメント |
【GCP】CloudVPNCloudRouterにかんするドキュメントCloudVPNCloudVPNの記事はここ↓ガイドFWの設定サードパーティーごとの注意vendorspecificnotesここに記載のある内容はルーターに関するものもある。 |
2021-09-13 14:06:37 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Microsoft information protection(MIP) SDK |
forma |
2021-09-13 14:55:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Intro to Doppler: Real-life Use Case |
Intro to Doppler Real life Use Case SummaryManaging secrets in an application can be a headache You might have your secrets all over your application and you don t want to cause chaos in your DevOps workflow Doppler has got you covered in managing your secrets In this tutorial we will look at how we can use doppler to manage and secure our secrets GoalsIn this article we have an e commerce store hooked up to firebase and a chatting system for the buyer to seller communications both of these services need API keys for the application to function We will look at how to set up a project in doppler move our secrets from the traditional env file in our project to doppler and setting a fallback for the secrets Secret ManagementIn most modern applications you will most likely be using digital authentication credentials secrets These secrets can be APIs tokens keys and passwords used in our application or even in micro services Secret managers are a convenient and secure storage system for storing these digital authentication credentials secrets The secret manager provides a center or a single point or location where you can access and audit these secrets The need for secret managersBy far the most critical component of any organization s security strategy is passwords and keys which are used to authenticate and set control access to critical systems and services Because of how important it is for organizations to make sure that third parties do not have access to the business data or customer information bring about the rise of secret managers Doppler as a secret managerI came across this wonderful service Doppler which has significantly increased my productivity The Doppler secret manager makes life easier for developers as there is no need for storing application secrets as an environmental variable or have them hardcoded The Doppler CLI is a powerful tool that gives developers a centralized view of their app configuration in every environment It allows them to easily access all of their secrets and provides them with a single easy to use dashboard With all languages supported the Doppler Secret Manager is designed to work seamlessly across all types of apps Another amazing thing about the doppler service is the numerous integrations with other services like AWS digital ocean and other third party deployment services making for a good developer experience Real World Use case Market Place AppWe have a real world e commerce site and in this section we will be looking at how we can manage the secrets in this application In our e commerce site we have used Firebase for our backend in authorizing users and as a database for storing application data We have integrated the app with a chat feature using the cometchat API where buyers and sellers can discuss and agree before buying a product We can t achieve all these functionalities without the use of API keys for connecting with these third party services That s where Doppler comes in allowing us to secure our application secrets App Structure ┣cometchat pro vue chat ui kit ┣src ┃┣Services ┃┃┗productService js ┃┣assets ┃┣components ┃┃┣Navigation vue ┃┃┗Product vue ┃┣router ┃┃┗index js ┃┣views ┃┃┣Home vue ┃┃┣Login vue ┃┃┣NewProduct vue ┃┃┣ProductShow vue ┃┃┗Register vue ┃┣App vue ┃┗main js ┣ browserslistrc ┣ editorconfig ┣ env ┣ eslintrc js ┣ gitignore ┣README md ┣babel config js ┣mockData json ┣package json ┣postcss config js ┣tailwind config js ┣vue config js ┗yarn lockAbove we have our file structure and the main focus here is our env file that contains all the secrets for our application to connect to both firebase and the cometchat service In the env file we haveVUE APP COMETCHAT APP ID aVUE APP COMETCHAT API KEY befbabcedfbdVUE APP COMETCHAT REGION usVUE APP FIREBASE API KEY AIzaSyDaxAjIDIXzFiyycyJtwTESXMIVUE APP FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN etsy clone faf firebaseapp comVUE APP FIREBASE PROJECT ID etsy clone fafVUE APP FIREBASE STORAGE BUCKET etsy clone faf appspot comVUE APP FIREBASE MESSAGING SENDER ID VUE APP FIREBASE APP ID web baecdafaef Setting up DopplerTo use Doppler we first create an account After creating an account we are prompted to create a workspace that you can name whatever you want Then Doppler provides a user friendly walkthrough to show you where and what some functionalities are Creating a ProjectCreating a project with Doppler is very straightforward Although doppler comes with an example project already set up you can click on the plus icon to create a new project In my case I will call the project etsy ecommerceOnce you create a project Doppler immediately provides you with three environments which are theDevelopmentStagingProductionThe environment provided by doppler is where we manage secrets we will be using in our application and API configurations Installing DopplerIn this section we will talk about how to get you started with using the Doppler CLI and managing your secrets In the Doppler installation guide there are different shell commands for installing the CLI I m using Ubuntu so there will be a difference in the command for installation Install pre reqssudo apt get update amp amp sudo apt get install y apt transport https ca certificates curl gnupg Add Doppler s GPG keycurl sLf retry tlsv proto https sudo apt key add Add Doppler s apt repoecho deb any version main sudo tee etc apt sources list d doppler cli list Fetch and install latest doppler clisudo apt get update amp amp sudo apt get install dopplerAfter running the commands above we can check if the CLI is successfully installed by runningdoppler versionWe need a way for our local machine to authenticate with doppler to pull in secrets We can do this by running doppler loginWe will be asked to open a browser window where we will authenticate with our email then an auth token to log in will appear in our terminal which we can use to authenticate doppler All we have to do now is choose our workspace and if we check our terminal we can see we have received a welcome message Using Doppler to Manage Our App SecretWe want to replace the env file in our project so we copy all the content we have in the env file and paste it as our secret in development build in doppler and save it Now the secrets have been registered successfully and we can now delete the env file in our project In our terminal we run the setup command to configure dopplerdoppler setupwe choose the project we are working on which is etsy ecommerce and select the environment in this case the development environment We can now run our application Instead of the regular way of starting the project which is yarn run serve we will usedoppler run yarn serveWhat this command does is it fetches the latest secrets that we stored in doppler and injects them as environmental variables in the node js process Now we can delete the env file from our project and everything is working perfectly To update the secrets in doppler all we have to do is change the secret value and restart our app and our secrets are automatically updated ConclusionWe have come to the end of the tutorial We looked at how to set up a project in doppler move our secrets from the traditional env file in our project to doppler and updating our secrets |
2021-09-13 05:57:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Highly Rated and Used CSS Properties |
Highly Rated and Used CSS PropertiesWhether you re at the beginning of your CSS journey or somewhere else you got to admit a number of CSS properties is massive And it s easy to confuse yourself in that vast sea You re copying code from StackOverflow until you find a solution that fits But how will that scale Why does it even work Most of the time you don t care about the answer You just focus on the result When building a website some of the CSS properties are must haves yet it s hard to recognize them This article exists to help you solve the most common CSS problems while building a website Let s dive into properties you cannot avoid Read More High Used and Rated CSS Properties |
2021-09-13 05:37:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
40+ JavaScript Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS |
JavaScript Projects for Beginners Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JSThe best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects I have created a list of beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript React and TypeScript My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video build the project break it apart and rebuild it your own way Experiment with adding new features or using different methods That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article Read More JavaScript Projects for Beginners Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS |
2021-09-13 05:35:31 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
過疎地域で地域包括ケア構築や認知症施策推進-東京都が方針を公表 |
過疎地域 |
2021-09-13 14:35:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
東京海上日動と東京海上ディーアール、自然災害からの避難行動を支援する実証実験を開始 |
東京海上日動と東京海上ディーアール、自然災害からの避難行動を支援する実証実験を開始鎌倉・福岡・高松の都市で実施東京海上日動と東京海上ディーアールは月日、自然災害からの避難行動を支援する新たなサービスの開発に向け、神奈川県鎌倉市と福岡県福岡市にて実証実験を開始すると発表した。 |
2021-09-13 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
中国のビジネス環境変化とその対応を考える |
環境 |
2021-09-13 05:20:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
North Korea tests new long-range cruise missiles that puts Japan in striking distance |
North Korea tests new long range cruise missiles that puts Japan in striking distanceThe new weapon which could evade missile defenses and deliver nuclear bombs to most of the country is expected to play into the ongoing debate |
2021-09-13 14:35:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: More than 300,000 suspected of breaking quarantine rules |
booster |
2021-09-13 05:50:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Eitan Biran: Italy investigates 'kidnap' of cable car crash survivor |
israel |
2021-09-13 05:04:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Festivals: Period facilities are needed at live events |
festival |
2021-09-13 05:11:34 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
半導体不足、テクと自動車業界の関係を緊密に - WSJ発 |
自動車業界 |
2021-09-13 14:25:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
モルフォの21年10月期は8億円の営業赤字へ、売上減で - 不景気.com |
東証マザーズ |
2021-09-13 05:33:17 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
バルニバービの21年7月期は12億円の営業赤字へ、コロナ影響 - 不景気.com |
goodmorn |
2021-09-13 05:21:38 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
世界ランク、松山は17位 男子ゴルフ |
世界ランキング |
2021-09-13 14:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
TBS、情報番組内の発言で謝罪 共産党綱領巡り、八代英輝弁護士 |
八代英輝 |
2021-09-13 14:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
布川事件訴訟、国と茨城県が敗訴 桜井さん「やっと解放」 |
布川事件 |
2021-09-13 14:12:08 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内コロナ感染50人超 100人未満は52日ぶり |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-13 14:12:02 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ロストジャッジメント』の街歩きコンテンツを紹介!「ネコミュニケーション」というパワーワードよ |
発売予定 |
2021-09-13 14:50:00 |