IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ソフトバンク、「iPhone 13」シリーズの機種代金を発表 |
apple |
2021-09-15 12:54:25 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPhone 13」、ノッチが小型化されたもののバッテリー残量をパーセントで表示出来ない模様 |
iphone |
2021-09-15 12:17:34 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AIZU ONLINE JUDGE 「ITP I」40問をpythonで解いてみた |
続いてのfor文で列の合計値をもとめ、最後の表示用のfor文で行の合計値を追加した行列の表示、続いて、列の合計値の表示を行います。 |
2021-09-15 21:45:47 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
勉強記録 3日目 |
ー回目filterある配列の一部を選んで新しい配列を作るときに使う。 |
2021-09-15 21:59:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptでゲージ表示出来るライブラリはありませんか? |
javascriptでゲージ表示出来るライブラリはありませんかchartjsのドーナツグラフをゲージに見立てて、タイマーを作れないかと思っていました。 |
2021-09-15 21:54:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Androidのアプリ開発につきまして |
②このクラスでは渡されたintent情報を使いアクティビティを開始します。 |
2021-09-15 21:52:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPをサーバ越えで読み込む方法 |
PHPをサーバ越えで読み込む方法WordPressで作業しています。 |
2021-09-15 21:52:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dispatcher.forwardが実行されない |
dispatcherforwardが実行されない前提・実現したいことforwardを実行させたい現在、eclipsetomcatを使用して、投稿アプリwebアプリを作っています。 |
2021-09-15 21:49:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VS Codeのpythonでimportエラー |
VSCode の python で import エラー VSnbspCode の python で import を する と エラー に なり ます 。 |
2021-09-15 21:49:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity Sceneに乱数を表示させたい |
UnitySceneに乱数を表示させたい前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-09-15 21:42:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
document.querySelectorAllで属性指定して配列化 |
2021-09-15 21:41:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
def get などの関数ってみなさんどこで学んでいるんですか? |
defgetなどの関数ってみなさんどこで学んでいるんですかDjangoでウェブアプリケーションを制作しているのですが、def構文を書かないときついところまでやってきました。 |
2021-09-15 21:35:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リダイレクトを使用して値を受け渡したい |
リダイレクトを使用して値を受け渡したい前提・実現したいこと現在、商品情報の登録や更新といったシステムを学習のため作成しているのですが、更新処理をした際にリダイレクトを使用して商品情報の一覧画面に戻り、情報を更新したいのですがやり方がわかりません。 |
2021-09-15 21:14:31 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
スコアの平均点を出す方法! |
averagescore |
2021-09-15 21:49:12 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VagrantでRuby on Railsの開発環境構築をしたメモ |
Vagrantの共有フォルダ設定ができていれば、railsnewを実施すると、ホスト側MacのディレクトリにRailsファイルができていますGemfileの修正Railsチュートリアルの「Bundler」以降をたどりましたrailsserverの実施ゲスト側Ubuntuで下記実施して、httplocalhostにアクセスできると思いますbundleexecrailssbエラーが出たらひたすらエラーメッセージでググりましょう、、、ググっているうちに分かることも多いですリンク流れの全体感【環境構築】RubyonRails開発環境を時間以内に手に入れるVagrantでRailsのローカル開発環境構築するVagrantでRubyOnRails開発環境を構築デプロイVagrant周りVagrantfileの修正内容などRailsVagrantVagrantのrailsserverで起動しているアプリケーションにローカルPCからブラウザアクセスするVirtualBoxやVagrantを用いたRails開発環境の構築方法前編Vagrantで共有フォルダ設定ファイル共有する方法【VirtualBox】vagrantupしようとすると「TofixthismodifyyourcurrentprojectsVagrantfiletouseanotherportExamplewherewouldbereplacedbyauniquehostport」というエラーがでる。 |
2021-09-15 21:38:50 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Qiitaの書き方 |
Qiitaの書き方簡単な記述から覚えていくまずは記事を書くことから覚えていく様にしたいと思いますまだまだ使いこなせていないので、自分のアウトプット用な感じですが汗初心者ならではの、わかりやすいように書いていきたいと思いますタイトルの記述をつけて記述すると文字が大きくなり見出しになります下に例を書いてみますタイトルタイトル注意点は半角でないとダメですコードの記述コードの挿入はでコードを記述最初と最後に記述します注意点はバッククオートつです。 |
2021-09-15 21:21:35 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VagrantでRuby on Railsの開発環境構築をしたメモ |
Vagrantの共有フォルダ設定ができていれば、railsnewを実施すると、ホスト側MacのディレクトリにRailsファイルができていますGemfileの修正Railsチュートリアルの「Bundler」以降をたどりましたrailsserverの実施ゲスト側Ubuntuで下記実施して、httplocalhostにアクセスできると思いますbundleexecrailssbエラーが出たらひたすらエラーメッセージでググりましょう、、、ググっているうちに分かることも多いですリンク流れの全体感【環境構築】RubyonRails開発環境を時間以内に手に入れるVagrantでRailsのローカル開発環境構築するVagrantでRubyOnRails開発環境を構築デプロイVagrant周りVagrantfileの修正内容などRailsVagrantVagrantのrailsserverで起動しているアプリケーションにローカルPCからブラウザアクセスするVirtualBoxやVagrantを用いたRails開発環境の構築方法前編Vagrantで共有フォルダ設定ファイル共有する方法【VirtualBox】vagrantupしようとすると「TofixthismodifyyourcurrentprojectsVagrantfiletouseanotherportExamplewherewouldbereplacedbyauniquehostport」というエラーがでる。 |
2021-09-15 21:38:50 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語のechoフレームワークを使用してAPIサーバーを立てる方法(入門) |
Go言語のechoフレームワークを使用してAPIサーバーを立てる方法入門Go言語にて、echoを使用してAPIサーバーを立てる方法を解説しますインストール以下のコマンドでインストールgogetgithubcomlabstackechovGetのAPIを実装するGetのAPIを実装したmaingoを作成maingopackagemainimportnethttpgithubcomlabstackechovgithubcomlabstackechovmiddlewarefuncmainechoインスタンスを生成eechoNewMiddlewarehttpリクエストの情報をログに表示eUsemiddlewareLoggerパニックを回復し、スタックトレースを表示eUsemiddlewareRecoverルーティングeGETgetSampleサーバーをスタートさせるポート番号は引数で指定できるeLoggerFataleStartGetAPIfuncgetSamplecechoContexterrorreturncStringhttpStatusOKGet起動gorunmaingovHighperformanceminimalistGowebframeworkOO⇨httpserverstartedoncurlで確認curlhttplocalhost以下がレスポンスとして返却されたらOKGetPostのAPIを実装するPostの実装は以下の記述を追加mainメソッドのルーティングに追加ePOSTpostpostSamplemainメソッド外に追加PostAPIfuncpostSamplecechoContexterrorPostの処理returncStringhttpStatusOKPostcurlで確認curlXPOSThttplocalhostpost以下がレスポンスとして返却されたらOKPostパラメーターを受け取る方法URLパラメーターを受け取る場合はParamを使うmainメソッドのルーティングききに追加ePOSTpostidpostSamplemainメソッド外に追加funcpostSamplecechoContexterroridstrconvAtoicParamidmsgfmtSprintfurlparamvidreturncStringhttpStatusOKmsgちなみに、クエリパラメーターを使う場合はQueryParamを使うhogecQueryParamhogecurlで確認。 |
2021-09-15 21:13:01 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure リソースの構成変更を通知する仕組みを作る |
手順変更検知対象リソースの作成変更検知の対象とするAzureリソースの作成は行われている前提で以下の手順を説明します。 |
2021-09-15 21:55:35 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VagrantでRuby on Railsの開発環境構築をしたメモ |
Vagrantの共有フォルダ設定ができていれば、railsnewを実施すると、ホスト側MacのディレクトリにRailsファイルができていますGemfileの修正Railsチュートリアルの「Bundler」以降をたどりましたrailsserverの実施ゲスト側Ubuntuで下記実施して、httplocalhostにアクセスできると思いますbundleexecrailssbエラーが出たらひたすらエラーメッセージでググりましょう、、、ググっているうちに分かることも多いですリンク流れの全体感【環境構築】RubyonRails開発環境を時間以内に手に入れるVagrantでRailsのローカル開発環境構築するVagrantでRubyOnRails開発環境を構築デプロイVagrant周りVagrantfileの修正内容などRailsVagrantVagrantのrailsserverで起動しているアプリケーションにローカルPCからブラウザアクセスするVirtualBoxやVagrantを用いたRails開発環境の構築方法前編Vagrantで共有フォルダ設定ファイル共有する方法【VirtualBox】vagrantupしようとすると「TofixthismodifyyourcurrentprojectsVagrantfiletouseanotherportExamplewherewouldbereplacedbyauniquehostport」というエラーがでる。 |
2021-09-15 21:38:50 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
患者(ユーザー)ごとにindex表示したい whereを使う |
患者ユーザーごとにindex表示したいwhereを使う患者ユーザーごとにindex表示したい患者患者の記録患者の記録のようになってしまったstaffrecordindexhtmlerbdefindexrecordsRecordallparamspatientidpageparamspageperreverseorderend↓↓↓↓↓↓defindexrecordsRecordwherepatientidparamspatientidpageparamspageperreverseorderendユーザーごとに投稿amp自分の投稿一覧indexしか見えないのが正しい、でも見えちゃう問題defindexdialiesDialyallendとしていた。 |
2021-09-15 21:15:20 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
9.15振り返り パスが飛ばせない、ユーザーごとの一覧表示できない問題 |
2021-09-15 21:06:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
製造業DX導入紹介セミナー@新潟県工業技術総合研究所 にて「製造業のDX化に使える!AWSの各種サービス紹介と活用方法」というお話をしてきました |
総合研究所 |
2021-09-15 12:25:17 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Nintendo Switch finally supports Bluetooth audio—but beware the lag |
update |
2021-09-15 12:33:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
19 Essential Front-End Interview Questions |
Essential Front End Interview QuestionsHello fellow developers I have compiled a list of essential Front End interview questions that I felt every Front end developer should know Do drop your thoughts in the comments section below Also feel free to comment in case you find any content to be incorrect What are the advantages of using REST web services Listed below are a few advantages of using REST web services Rest is a simple lightweight and fast protocolThe learning curve is small as it uses the HTTP protocolSince the resources are decoupled the content can be accessed in numerous formats HTML Text JSON PDF etc Explain Load BalancingLoad balancing is a method in which requests are allocated and handled by numerous machines rather than a single device This ensures that the load does not rely on a single point and is allocated efficiently The most commonly used load balancing technique is called Round Robin In this method the requests are distributed across a group of servers The algorithm allocates requests to the servers once completed it goes back to the top and the process is repeated Why are doctypes used in HTML HTML Doctypes are not elements or tags but rather a document type declaration This document is used to tell the web browser the HTML version used or about any other markup language that is used on the current page These doctypes must be added before the tags The following code is used to declare it lt DOCTYPE html gt Describe sessionStorage localStorage and cookie Session Storage As the name suggests this data is stored until the session or tab is closed however it is not cleared during reloads This data remains on the client side and cannot be transferred to the server Local Storage This data is stored on the client s computer This data has no expiration however it is limited only to string data Local data can be accessed using JavaScript and HTML but cannot be transferred to the server end Although local storage data does not have an expiration date it can be cleared by the user Cookies Cookies sent back to the server side and hence the size must be less than KB The data is sent back when a subsequent XHR request is made Although they are meant for server side reading they can be accessed on the client side as well Explain progressive renderingProgressive Rendering is a technique that sequentially renders the most critical content of the server first and then renders the other parts This allows the users to start using the page faster This method of rendering was quite prevalent during the days when internet speeds were slower However they are still being used extensively What are BFC Block Formatting Context and how do they work Block formatting context is a type of formatting context in CSS that allows you to lay child elements based on the initial block layout rules The outermost element that uses the block layout establishes the initial block layout rules Every element laid inside the initial block will follow the same rules The initial block rules are outlined by the CSS Box model Elements in a BFC would have the same margins borders padding and would interact with other blocks in the same context List the advantages amp disadvantages of using CSS preprocessors CSS preprocessor is a program utility that allows you to generate CSS from the preprocessor s syntax This helps significantly increase code reusability Advantages of using CSS Preprocessors CSS Preprocessors facilitate adding variables and functions increasing code reusability which makes development easier CSS Preprocessors make it easier to manage code as they allow the grouping of parent and child elements into modular blocks Multiple stylesheets can be joined into one using CSS preprocessors Once this is done only the main files need to be imported to the website this significantly reduces the number of server calls for the CSS files Disadvantages of Using CSS Preprocessors Compilation times can be longer This is mainly because every SASS has to be converted into CSS and then compiled Since it joins multiple CSS files the main file can become very large This increases the time taken for a request to complete A bigger learning curve as the user would need a proper understanding of the preprocessor before they can utilize it What are pseudo classes provide a few real world use cases In CSS a pseudo class is used to specify a special state for an element Based on this state different styles can be applied A few use cases of pseudo classes are Change the color of an element when the user hovers over itStyle a button when it is clickedChange the color of links to distinguish visited and unvisited links List a few common use cases for anonymous functions Anonymous functions are functions without a name identifier and hence they are usually not accessible Some common use cases are They are used as arguments in other functionsThey are used to create and invoke Immediately Invokable Function Expressions IIFE Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous functions Synchronous tasks are performed in a sequence one after the other The next task is executed only when the previous task is complete Although this method is not time efficient it works well when a sequence of tasks are dependent on each other Asynchronous tasks are performed simultaneously These tasks do not wait for the previous task to complete This allows more tasks to be completed in a short amount of time However this method would not work with dependent tasks What are higher order functions Higher order functions are functions that operate on other functions These functions either take other functions as arguments or return them and hence they are called higher order functions What are data attributes Data attributes are used to store extra information data in the DOM These data attributes can then be easily accessible using Javascript and hence a lot of libraries use it The code snippet below is used to initiate the same lt div id myDiv data user flexiple data list size data maxage gt lt div gt What is Semantic HTML Semantic or Semantically correct HTML is used to structure content appropriately so that they are displayed correctly The structure of the content is really important as this is what makes the pages readable Additionally properly structured content helps search engines understand your page better and this pushes it to rank higher What are optional closing tags While writing HTML it is a common practice to add an end tag some tags in HTML do not require end tags When the browser hits the next occurrence of the tag it automatically ends the previous tags Although not significant this could help you save a few bytes What is the difference between absolute relative fixed and static positions Absolute An absolute element is positioned relative to the nearest parent element In case a parent element is not present it is positioned based on the page itself and moves along with the page scroll Relative When an object is positioned relative to an element without adding any position attributes nothing happens However if a positional attribute is placed Eg px to the right the element will move px to the right of the original element Fixed A fixed position implies that the element remains fixed to the viewport which means it stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled Static Elements are positioned static by default these elements are not affected by positional attributes Top bottom left right If an element is positioned static it follows the normal flow of the page Are document onload and window onload fired at the same time Document onload is fired when the DOM is ready This could be either before or after the images scripts and other contents are loaded However the Window onload is fired only when the DOM is fully loaded and ready with all the content including images scripts css etc What are the various ways to get elements from the DOM These are the common methods used to get an element from the DOM getElementByIdgetElementsByClassNamegetElementsByTagNamequerySelectorquerySelectorAll What is reflow and how could you avoid it When the layout window size etc of an element is changed the position of all the elements after it changes accordingly This in turn affects the flow of the page and is called reflow A few methods you can use to avoid reflow are Avoid setting multiple inline stylesAvoid tables in your layoutAdd animations to elements that are fixed or absolute Write the code to add a class to an element using the query selector This is a very common frontend interview question and the code is as follows function addClass selector className var elm document querySelector selector if elm elm classList add className |
2021-09-15 12:52:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to display
the time and date of a given location with PHP |
How to display the time and date of a given location with PHPIn this second article I try to summarize how to set and display the timestamp according to a given time zone Dans ce deuxième article je résume brièvement comment paramétrer et afficher l horodatage suivant un fuseau horaire donné |
2021-09-15 12:43:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HAVE YOU MISSED ZED RUN IS THE ENTRANCE FEE TOO HIGH I FOUND THIS NEW GAME Blockchain technology has revolutionized the gaming space By bringing in its “decentralized nature blockchain technology has developed an entirely new way of interacting with gamers Another benefit of blockchain technology is the introduction of the play to earn concept It allows gamers to be rewarded with in game assets Moreover it gives gamers control and ownership over in game purchases and in turn a chance to increase the value of their assets by playing the game These assets could range from gaming tools weapons or cryptocurrencies or any other in game assets that can be tokenized on the blockchain Let me tell you why MetaRace got my attention MetaRace said MetaRace collectables are not only horses NFT more to come And I do some research the following is more about MetaRace collectables The collection s core is to acquire and trade rare virtual items including horses jockeys accessories and decorations The game s collectables component design simulates traditional scarcity based collection games or activities such as card trading or model collection METARACE will be a game experience similar to traditional horse racing games Players will take their collectables horses jockeys decorations to participate in the race and get rewards Play To Earn It may sound like an outlandish idea but it got my attention When I discovered the game Zed Run I wanted to play it but the entrance fee for NFT was too high I am still looking forward to the launch of MetaRace and hope they will release more news I have already joined their community if you are interested join in Discord Telegram |
2021-09-15 12:35:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Doctave CLI 0.2.0: A Benchmarking Story |
Doctave CLI A Benchmarking StoryThe Doctave CLI is a free to use open source documentation generator It takes your Markdown files and converts them into a beautiful documentation site Today we have released version which brings some cosmetic improvements and a fully in memory development server for local development We ll also talk about how this surprisingly did not make the CLI faster like we expected Serving your docs from memoryBefore Doctave would rewrite the whole documentation site to disk every time you made a change to your Markdown files It would pretty much rm r the site directory used to house the generated HTML and regenerate the docs site from scratch Because Doctave which is written in Rust is able to generate the whole site in tens of milliseconds we hadn t looked into optimizations here yet But there were two non performance related issues that bothered us about this approach You would end up with a site directory that didn t really serve any purpose while developingyour docsWhile very minor in scale in our case constantly writing and deleting small files from diskisn t something that modern SSDs like to doThis is why Doctave never writes the HTML documentation site to disk until you rundoctave build release In serve mode when you write your documentation the embedded web server serves them directly from memory doctave serve Doctave Serve Starting development server Server running on File docs README md updated Site rebuilt in msWait a minute shouldn t this be faster now that we are not writing files to disk Why is this not faster After completing this feature I was surprised to see that Doctave wasn t generating sites noticeably faster than before I was expecting a speedup due to us not spending as much time on IO This was not happening After double checking to make sure the code was doing what I expected it was time to benchmark things to see where the time was being spent After some digging I found the answer generating the search index Doctave comes with offline search built in We use the elasticlunr rs crate to generate a search index that is compatible with the elasticlunr js library You can see it in action by going to our docs built with the CLI naturally and hitting the letter s on your keyboard to focus on the search bar The searching happens entirely client side It turned out that we are spending of the site generation time creating the search index This is completely reasonable as this is a somewhat CPU intensive task that parses the input files and generates the index The time spent doing IO writing files to disk is completely negligible in comparison and thus did not move the needle much at all On top of that the CLI was already writing files to disk in parallel Moving things in memory did not save us much time So while Doctave is technically faster this was not a big performance win There is some more work we can do to parallelize the build process further maybe in the next release In the meantime Doctave will be more friendly on your SSD and not pollute your workspace as much Still this was a change for the better It just wasn t the big performance win I suspected ConclusionsI think this was an instructive little story about performance and benchmarking that was worth sharing It s often the case that when we make assumptions about the performance of a system that turn out to be wrong once you measure things This is just another reminder always measure Finally do try out Doctave If you re looking for a batteries included documentation generator that doesn t require plugins doesn t pollute your repository with loads of files and doesn t need a specialized environment to run Doctave may be a good choice for you It also comes with Mermaid JS diagram support and dark mode You can host sites generated by Doctave on GitHub pages or your favorite static site hosting provider We are also building a specialized host for teams using Doctave on multiple projects check it out if you re using Doctave at your organization Let me know if you re using it to document your project I can be reached at nik doctave com I d be excited to hear what you think Want to try out Doctave If you re on Mac using Homebrew you can install Doctave with the following command brew install doctave doctave doctaveIf you re a Rust fan and want to use Cargo you can do so too cargo install git tag We also have prebuilt static binaries for Mac Linux and Windows |
2021-09-15 12:34:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Include&&Require |
Include amp amp RequireComprendre la fatalitéentre le Includeet le Require La différence lien du fichier Externe lien de Require amp Include |
2021-09-15 12:32:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Binance Clone Script- a guide to provide a platform like binance for entrepreneurs |
Binance Clone Script a guide to provide a platform like binance for entrepreneurs Clone scriptClone script is a tested architecture of the existing app that we can use to develop your customized software With the help of Binance clone script you will be able to launch your exchange platform with all the binance features but you can add the extra features that you want to the platform and build your customized website Binance clone script enables the customers to trade directly in a pp method With binance clone script you can develop a hassle free user friendly and secure website like Binance in a short time Stay with us to read about the Binance clone script What is Binance clone script Cryptocurrency is being more and more accepted by people day by day A large value of assets are being traded every day and a significant amount of the trading traffic belongs to the Binance exchange It shows that Binance is popular among traders because of its high security low transaction fees and some other advanced features that it has Binance is a successful reliable and secure cryptocurrency exchange platform This company was founded in and climbed up the stairs of success so fast as its revenue in was about M Based on the reports its Website Visits was about m on May This company was established in China in Sep Binance is a marketplace that supports the exchange of coins like bitcoin litecoin ethereum and more Traders use Binance to do different tasks on the platform The premium features of binance that cause people to choose binance exchange Low fees Binance is one of the exchange websites that costs lower transaction fees than its competitors Binance charges a fee of for transactions Accepts new cryptocurrencies new cryptocurrencies can be added to the list on binance after the completion of the initial coin offerings Bonuses and rewards traders will gain rewards such as free crypto coins Features of binance exchangeMultilingual support Live trade chart Referral programPowerful trade match engine Multicurrency support Perfect UI UX design Different trading orders market limit stop and stop limit order Pp trading Binance clone app Binance clone app development is the process of creating a fast performing trading mobile app compatible with ios or android with similar features to Binance app Nowadays that each person has a personal smartphone you can see that they do almost every task via their smartphones So developing a binance clone app will enable clients to trade anywhere and easily through their smartphones Features of binance clone app•Compatible with IOS and android •Pin lock features •Multilingual support •Real time updates of the assets value•Transaction history •Live chat•Faster chat•Trading orders•Referral bonuses•Instant buying and selling Features of binance clone script•Liquid swap •Smartchain•Trust wallet integration•DEX development •Launchpad•Launchpool staking •Bonous and rewards •Token listing •Low transaction fee•Matching trade •Multi payment method Benefits of using a white label binance clone script White label crypto exchange platformreduces the development time and energy needed to develop a website or write script from scratch The white label binance clone script is a pre made script which doesn t need that much money to develop a software from zero The clone scripts have the high success rate because these scripts are powerful The fact that some other successful websites are using this script and they are working properly are a testament to the good performance of these scripts Various altcoins are available in this exchange platform The exchange supports hundreds of cryptocurrency coins and tokens It is completely customizable if you want to add some additional features to white label binance clone script it s possible It is a bug free and hassle free platform and you will not face new problems during the process of deployment And you can be sure that the platform will work properly because the script is working on other websites White label binance clone script feature for users and adminWhite label binance clone script is a ready made cryptocurrency exchange clone script of a successful exchange platform named binance Like other clones it holds all the features of binance platform Binance white label clone is completely tested By using a white label clone script you can start your branding faster And catch the attention of traders to your exchange platform Also it will help you to enter the market sooner than developing a website from scratch Here is the list of the features the white label Binance clone script offers to its users Admin List tokens and crypto pairs as available trading pairs Enable number of liquidity APIs based on the market changes Trading fee and withdrawal fee on exchange can be updated any time Admin URL login is available with the http access User The trading order only will be placed after the fa and sms verification IP address verification to disable multiple loginsTransaction history User friendly User dashboard Why should you start a website like Binance Brand reputation Potential customer High amount of transactionsHigh market cap for users Users can learn and earn the clone script is a replica of a famous website that exist before which is an assurance that there is already a “demand for that website Security features of Binance clone script•Email verification •Users authentication •Two factor authentication •Multi sig wallet integration•Secure cold wallet storage •Registry lock•SMS verifications How to buy Bitcoin on the Binance platform The user must log in to the Binance account The user must choose the exchange interface either basic or advanced Different types of cryptocurrencies such as BNB USDT BTC and ETH are available that user has to select among them After choosing the desired bitcoins user must choose the coin that wants to exchange withAs a result a trading graph will appear for the user that shows how coins are being exchanged with each other The user can set conditions for the order types such as limit order stop limit order and more The number of coins to be traded can be specified by the user Binance DEX clone script In the DEX Binance clone script there is no need for a central authority to control the trade Features of Binance DEX Clone ScriptDecentralized Order Book Cryptocurrencies SupportInstant Buy amp Sell BitcoinsTwo Factor authenticationCrypto Wallet SupportFiat Crypto Exchange Steps for creating a successful exchange platformYou know that you can add extra features and customize your exchange website so use this possibility in the best way you can for developing a user friendly and popular exchange website Read and test all the Binance featuresUnderstand the weakness and strengths of the platform to improve the weakness Try to add some extra features to the platform that are useful for users you can find these features by asking users opinions Search the social Media and users feedback to understand the users opinions The features that they like and some extra features that they prefer to be added to the platform understand are the things users don t like about the platform and solve it in your exchange Check your competitors websites Provide new features and updates for your exchange platform users Keep updating your security features of the website and the speed of the transaction because these two factors are so important in exchange platforms Find a trustworthy company to clone a website like OKEx for you Check out the other popular websites and figure out what features do they have that attract the traders Think of some rewarding system to attract more users to the platform like setting some prizes for the first transaction welcoming prizes for registration and some other ways Add an educational part to the platform And make it possible for traders to learn and gain This factor may attract new traders because they are interested in learning about the crypto exchange How to choose the best company to develop a website like Binance Support Period Customization Option Data Backup Source Code Maintenance Cost Free AddonsTheir customers feed backsWe recommend you request binance clone script from your chosen company before purchasing the script |
2021-09-15 12:03:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel 8 REST API Authentication using Sanctum |
Laravel REST API Authentication using SanctumSanctum is Laravel package for authentication for single page application SPAs mobile applications and basic token based APIs For SPA authentication Sanctum uses Laravel s built in cookie based authentication services Means while working with front end technologies like react Angular Sanctum create cookie and save in browser by using this accomplish authentication For token based Rest APIs Sanctum create token and save in personal access tokens table while authentication try to match with this table if token not found then authentication goes to failed Let s install sanctum package first and then create a register login logout APIs and protect our routes Installation composer require laravel sanctumThis command install package using composer php artisan vendor publish provider Laravel Sanctum SanctumServiceProvider Next run this command it creates migration files for personal access token table and configuration files for sanctum You can check this file in database gt migrations folder named like create personal access tokens table phpphp artisan migrateThen run this command this create a personal access token table in database in which Sanctum store API tokens Configuration Go to app gt Http gt Kernal php and add given lines to apis array of middlewareGroups api gt Laravel Sanctum Http Middleware EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful class throttle api Illuminate Routing Middleware SubstituteBindings class Note If you get too many attempts error while calling APIs multiple time Then comment throttle api line and keep default as it is like below screenshot Next go to UserModel php file and add set below code so usermodel can use HasApiTokens to issue token use Laravel Sanctum HasApiTokens use HasApiTokens HasFactory Notifiable Note in my project hasFactory trait not autoloaded Create Crontrollerphp artisan make controller Api AuthControllerThis command create authController in Api folder of controller s folder Set routes in routes gt api php fileuse App Http Controllers Api AuthController Route post register AuthController class register Route post login AuthController class login Let s make register function in authController in this new user and token creates and given to response public function register Request request fields request gt validate name gt required string email gt required string email unique users email password gt required confirmed user User create name gt fields name email gt fields email password gt Hash make fields password create token token user gt createToken myapptoken gt plainTextToken response status gt true message gt registered successfully data gt user gt user token gt token return response response And call api using postman as below Login Function public function login Request request fields request gt validate email gt required string email password gt required confirmed check email user User where email fields email gt first check password if user Hash check fields password user gt password return response status gt false message gt invalid email or password create token token user gt createToken myapptoken gt plainTextToken response status gt true message gt Login successful data gt user gt user token gt token return response response Call login api as below Now Let s create authenticate routes in api routes file as below Route group middleware gt auth sanctum function Route post logout AuthController class logout In above routes sanctum middleware validates token from Authorization header Let s make function logout in authController public function logout Request request auth gt user gt tokens gt delete response status gt true message gt Logout successfully return response response While token is not set validate then will receive below response message Unauthenticated Note Set header Accept application json to get response in json for above apis and Authorization header with Bearer |
2021-09-15 12:02:24 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple adds theft and loss coverage to AppleCare+ in UK, Australia |
Apple adds theft and loss coverage to AppleCare in UK AustraliaLong an extra option for AppleCare buyers in the US Apple has now extended the ability to purchase coverage for iPhone theft or loss to both Australia and the UK AppleCare has added Theft Loss for UK and Australia iPhone buyersAppleCare is primarily designed as insurance for accidental damage but in the US Germany and Japan Apple has offered a paid supplement This Theft Loss addition will replace a stolen iPhone for a reduced fee Read more |
2021-09-15 12:52:24 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Over 100 new emoji combinations coming to iOS 15 |
Over new emoji combinations coming to iOS Upcoming emoji include melting face dotted line face pregnant person and several skin tone variations add variety to Messages in a future iOS update New emoji have been approved by the Unicode ConsortiumEach year the Unicode Consortium draft new emoji into the official Unicode spec The Unicode spec includes new emoji for companies to copy into their emoji repositories Read more |
2021-09-15 12:50:56 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon throws in a free SmartTag when you buy Samsung's Galaxy Buds 2 |
Amazon throws in a free SmartTag when you buy Samsung x s Galaxy Buds Amazon has a good bundle deal going on right now for Samsung fans You can get a free SmartTag when you buy the Samsung Galaxy Buds from the online retailer with the final cost being That s off the normal price of the bundle so those looking to add a few new accessories to their setup can do so for a bit less Buy Galaxy Buds SmartTag bundle at Amazon Samsung only just came out with the Galaxy Buds in August and they act as the company s affordable option in its wireless earbud lineup We gave them a score of because they pack a lot of value for They have good sound quality with active noise cancellation and an adjustable ambient sound mode Unsurprisingly the ANC isn t as powerful here as it is on pricier earbuds but that s to be expected However the Buds will do a decent job blocking out environmental noise around you They also support wireless charging with their included case and you should get five hours of use with ANC turned on before they need more juice As for the SmartTag it s Samsung s answer to Tile trackers and Apple s AirTags You probably won t use it to keep track of the Galaxy Buds as it s better suited as a keychain attachment or something you slip into your wallet or backpack You can then monitor the location of your things from your smartphone and force the SmartTag to chime whenever you need to find a misplaced item It goes without saying that this bundle is best for Android users particularly those with Samsung smartphones SmartTags aren t compatible with iOS devices and while you could use the Galaxy Buds with an iPhone you won t get all of the customizable features in the companion app that you get when using them with an Android device Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-09-15 12:39:01 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Meet Inderdeep from Cisco’s customer advocacy community |
Meet Inderdeep from Cisco s customer advocacy communityOur advocates are the heart and soul of our customer community at Cisco We re excited to spotlight our next guest from The Global Gateway Inderdeep Singh |
2021-09-15 12:47:25 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
SpaceX's Latest Mission Will Launch Four People Into Orbit |
private |
2021-09-15 12:49:46 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Parents Find Ways to Get Their Youngest Children Covid Vaccines |
Parents Find Ways to Get Their Youngest Children Covid VaccinesSchools have reopened around the country and families with those under are finding ways to get their kids inoculated even though they re not officially eligible yet |
2021-09-15 12:17:06 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
外来機能連携へ、「協議の場」に住民参加求める意見-厚労省WG |
住民参加 |
2021-09-15 21:50:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
会長記者会見−2021年− |
記者会見 |
2021-09-15 13:30:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
韓国大統領選が来年3月に迫り、候補者選びが本格化しています。最新の動きを編集委員の峯岸博とソウル支局長の鈴木壮太郎がお伝えします。NIKKEI LIVEオンライン配信は16日18時30分から。 |
2021-09-15 12:05:04 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
日経平均、12日連続「陽線」 33年7カ月ぶり |
日経平均 |
2021-09-15 12:01:55 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
North Korean missiles land in Japan EEZ as nuclear threat grows |
North Korean missiles land in Japan EEZ as nuclear threat growsPrime Minister Yoshihide Suga has condemned the launches the second test firing in less than a week as an “outrageous threat to peace and security in |
2021-09-15 21:30:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson to reshuffle top team, says Downing Street |
downing |
2021-09-15 12:19:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Universal credit cut will push workers into poverty, warns Tory former minister |
credit |
2021-09-15 12:00:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
M25 protests: Activists return to Hertfordshire, Surrey and Kent |
activists |
2021-09-15 12:37:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Warwickshire beat Yorkshire to stay in County Championship title hunt |
ambitions |
2021-09-15 12:07:18 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「肉のハナマサ」のJMホールディングス、株主優待を 変更! 100株以上で精肉関連商品をもらえる点は変わ らないが、2022年7月以降は継続保有が必須条件に! - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース |
2021-09-15 21:45:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
中華そば 四つ葉@川島町(埼玉県) 「マイヤーレモンの冷やし中華」 |
中華そば |
2021-09-15 13:11:56 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ヤ1―0神(15日) 小川、要所締め8勝目 |
阻止 |
2021-09-15 21:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
今年も勝納川にサケ遡上 小樽 |
遡上 |
2021-09-15 21:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
小樽で4人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-15 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
海外の指導者でHCを最終調整 ラグビー7人制日本代表 |
日本代表 |
2021-09-15 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内のワクチン供給量、対象者の8割超に ファイザー製、今後は拠点ごとに供給 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-15 21:17:16 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
胆振、日高の感染ゼロ 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-15 21:08:00 |