IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Spigen、「iPhone 13」シリーズ用ケースとガラスフィルムの200円オフクーポンを配布中(9月20日まで) |
amazon |
2021-09-17 01:34:08 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Erlangにインスパイアされた言語GleamがJavaScriptにコンパイルされるようになった |
ltranslatedbyshojishigeki |
2021-09-17 01:09:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
AWSがS3とEFS用の新しいインテリジェントティアのオプションを導入 |
AWSがSとEFS用の新しいインテリジェントティアのオプションを導入AWSは、直近のAWSStorageDay中に、SおよびAmazonElasticFileSystemEFSのストレージアプローチに対する機能と変更を発表した。 |
2021-09-17 01:06:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
iPhone 13シリーズ、携帯4社とも『SIMロック無し』で販売 |
iphone |
2021-09-17 01:40:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] pixiv、小説の本文検索を廃止へ 文字数が700億超えでサーバに負荷 |
itmedianewspixiv |
2021-09-17 10:31:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 請求処理自動化サービス「invox」、導入企業数累計1000社を突破 提供開始から約1年半 |
deepwork |
2021-09-17 10:07:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
ネット注文の食品や日用品を自動運転車がお届け! Walmartが米3都市でテストへ |
walmart |
2021-09-17 01:30:36 |
AWS Japan Blog |
ハリケーン Ida の影響を受けた非営利団体、政府、コミュニティを AWS がどのように支援しているのか |
ハリケーンIdaの影響を受けた非営利団体、政府、コミュニティをAWSがどのように支援しているのかnbspAWS災害対応チームのボランティアPaulFriesは、警察署を物資ディストリビューションセンターや州兵部隊とFEMAのための住宅に改装した際に、ケーブルを敷設して接続性を確保しました。 |
2021-09-17 01:46:34 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Firebase V9におけるfirebase.apps.lengthの書き方 |
初回は「firebaseappslength」にまつわるお話です。 |
2021-09-17 10:59:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
buildozerで作成したkivyアプリケーションでPillowが使用できない |
buildozerで作成したkivyアプリケーションでPillowが使用できない現在KivyおよびKivyMDで作成したアプリケーションをAndroid用のAPKにしようと四苦八苦しています。 |
2021-09-17 11:00:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
stripeのサブスクキャンセル方法がわからない(wordpress SimpleMemberShip) |
会員管理にはSimpleMemberShipを使用し、決済方法にstripeSimpleMemberShipにて設定を考えています。 |
2021-09-17 10:54:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ドラムロール式の選択 |
具体的には現在の西暦年程度から選択できるようにしたいです。 |
2021-09-17 10:49:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
プロパティファイルにRDSの接続情報を記載し、Gitに公開するのはセキュリティ的にどうですか? |
プロパティファイルにRDSの接続情報を記載し、Gitに公開するのはセキュリティ的にどうですか前提・実現したいことすいません。 |
2021-09-17 10:43:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Gmail Apps Script のトリガーを作りたいです。 |
gmailappsscript |
2021-09-17 10:27:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rとstanでの階層モデルについての質問 |
Rとstanでの階層モデルについての質問前提・実現したいことstanとRでロジスティック回帰の階層モデルを作っています。 |
2021-09-17 10:20:42 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
未ログイン状態のユーザーを転送 |
未ログイン状態のユーザーを転送今回は自分が最初よくわからなくて苦戦した部分です。 |
2021-09-17 10:22:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cheat Sheet for C++ |
Cheat Sheet for C BasicsBasic syntax and functions from the C programming language Boilerplate include lt iostream gt using namespace std int main cout lt lt Hi I am Bhagya Mudgal return cout lt lt It prints output on the screen cout lt lt This is C Programming cin gt gt It takes input from the user cin gt gt variable name Data typesThe data type is the type of data charTypically a one byte It is an character type char variable name intSize depends on compiler bytes in bit compiler and bytes in bit compiler int variable name floatA single precision floating point value float variable name doubleA double precision floating point value double variable name voidRepresents the absence of the type void boolRepresent Boolean value i e either true or false bool Escape SequencesIn computer science an escape sequence is a combination of characters that has a meaning other than the literal characters contained therein Alarm or beepIt produces a beep sound a BackspaceIt adds a backspace b NewlineNewline Character n Carriage return r TabIt gives a tab space t BackslashIt adds a backslash Single quoteIt adds a single quotation mark Question markIt adds a question mark Octal NumberIt represents the value of an octal number nnn Hexadecimal NumberIt represents the value of a hexadecimal number xhh NullThe null character is usually used to terminate a string CommentsA comment is a code that is not executed by the compiler and the programmer uses it to explain the code where needed Single line comment It s a single line comment Multi line comment It s a multi linecomment StringsIt is a collection of characters surrounded by double quotes Declaring String Include the string library include lt string gt String variablestring variable Hello World append functionIt is used to concatenate two stringsstring firstName Bhagya string lastName Mudgal string fullName firstName append lastName cout lt lt fullName Output BhagyaMudgal length functionIt returns the length of the stringstring variable Bhagya Mudgal cout lt lt The length of the string is lt lt variable length Output The length of the string is Accessing and changing string charactersstring variable Hello World variable i cout lt lt variable Output Hillo World MathsC provides some built in math functions that help the programmer to perform mathematical operations efficiently To use functions these functions first include cmath in your program include lt cmath gt max functionIt returns the larger value among the given two values cout lt lt max Output min functionIt returns the smaller value among the given two values cout lt lt min Output sqrt functionIt returns the square root of the given number cout lt lt sqrt Output ceil functionIt returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest integer int x ceil x Output floor functionIt returns the value of x rounded down to its nearest integer int x floor x Output pow functionIt returns the value of x to the power of y int x y pow x y Output Control StatementsConditional statements are used to perform operations based on some condition if Statementif condition This block of code will get executed if the condition is True if else Statementif condition If condition is True then this block will get executed else If condition is False then this block will get executed if else if Statementif condition Statements else if condition Statements else Statements Ternary OperatorIt is shorthand of an if else statement variable condition expressionTrue expressionFalse Switch Case StatementIt allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values cases switch expression case constant expression statement statement break case constant expression statement break default statement break Iterative Statements known as LoopsIterative statements facilitate programmers to execute any block of code lines repeatedly and can be controlled as per conditions added by the programmer while LoopIt iterates the block of code as long as a specified condition is Truewhile condition code block to be executed do while loopIt is an exit controlled loop It is very similar to the while loop with one difference i e the body of the do while loop is executed at least once even if the condition is Falsedo code while condition for loopIt is used to iterate the statements or a part of the program several times It is frequently used to traverse the data structures like the array and linked list for int i i lt count i code Break Statementbreak keyword inside the loop is used to terminate the loop break Continue Statementcontinue keyword skips the rest of the current iteration of the loop and returns to the starting point of the loop continue ReferencesReference is an alias for an already existing variable Once it is initialized to a variable it cannot be changed to refer to another variable So it s a const pointer Creating Referencesstring var Value var variablestring amp var var reference to var PointersPointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable Declarationdatatype var name var name amp variable FunctionsFunctions are used to divide an extensive program into smaller pieces It can be called multiple times to provide reusability and modularity to the program Function Definitionreturn type function name data type parameter code to be executed Function Callfunction name arguments RecursionRecursion is when a function calls a copy of itself to work on a minor problem And the function that calls itself is known as the Recursive function void recurse recurse Object Oriented ProgrammingIt is a programming approach that primarily focuses on using objects and classes The objects can be any real world entities classA class in C is a user defined type or data structure declared with keyword class that has data and functions as its members whose access is governed by the three access specifiers private protected or public By default access to members of a C class is private class Class name public Access specifier fields functions blocks objectIt is an instance of a class Class name ObjectName ConstructorsIt is a special method that is called automatically as soon as the object is created class className The classpublic Access specifierclassName Constructorcout lt lt Code With Harry int main className obj name return EncapsulationData encapsulation is a mechanism of bundling the data and the functions that use them and data abstraction is a mechanism of exposing only the interfaces and hiding the implementation details from the user include lt iostream gt using namespace std class ExampleEncap private Since we have marked these data members private any entity outside this class cannot access these data members directly they have to use getter and setter functions int num char ch public Getter functions to get the value of data members Since these functions are public they can be accessed outside the class thus provide the access to data members through them int getNum const return num char getCh const return ch Setter functions they are called for assigning the values to the private data members void setNum int num this gt num num void setCh char ch this gt ch ch int main ExampleEncap obj obj setNum obj setCh A cout lt lt obj getNum lt lt endl cout lt lt obj getCh lt lt endl return File HandlingFile handling refers to reading or writing data from files C provides some functions that allow us to manipulate data in the files Creating and writing to a text file include lt iostream gt include lt fstream gt using namespace std int main Create and open a text fileofstream MyFile filename txt Write to the fileMyFile lt lt File Handling in C Close the fileMyFile close Reading a filegetline function allows us to read the file line by linegetline Opening a Fileopen method opens a file in the C program void open const char file name ios openmode mode openmodes inOpens the file to read default for ifstream fs open test txt std fstream in outOpens the file to write default for ofstream fs open test txt std fstream out binaryOpens the file in binary mode fs open test txt std fstream binary appOpens the file and appends all the outputs at the end fs open test txt std fstream app ateOpens the file and moves the control to the end of the file fs open test txt std fstream ate truncRemoves the data in the existing file fs open test txt std fstream trunc nocreateOpens the file only if it already exists fs open test txt std fstream nocreate noreplaceOpens the file only if it does not already exist fs open test txt std fstream noreplace Closing a fileclose method closes the file myfile close Exception HandlingAn exception is an unusual condition that results in an interruption in the flow of the program try and catch blockA basic try catch block in python When the try block throws an error the control goes to the catch block try code to trythrow exception If a problem arises then throw an exception catch Block of code to handle errorsI hope this C Cheat Sheet will help you and save your time Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn You can follow me on Instagram To know more about me and my projects visit my Portfolio If you enjoyed this post you can support me and Buy Me A Coffee It encourages me to write more informational and useful content in the future |
2021-09-17 01:54:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
part 3: 5 cool css properties |
part cool css propertiesHi I m Aya Bouchiha and this is part of cool CSS properties part part word spacingword spacing specify the space between words line heightline height specifies the line height of specified content object fitobject fit specifies how an image video should be displayed and resized more info letter spacingletter spacing specifies the space between the letters cursorcursor specify the cursor type all cursor types Summarycursor specify the cursor type letter spacing specifies the space between the letters object fit specifies how an image video should be displayed and resized line height specifies the line height of specified content word spacing specify the space between words Suggested Postspart cool CSS cool properties part cool CSS cool properties Essential HTML Tags To Know As A Beginnerpart HTML Tags That Almost Nobody KnowsPart HTML Tags That Almost Nobody KnowsHave a great day |
2021-09-17 01:02:37 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
SpaceX Inspiration4 Updates: The Crew Spends Their First Day in Orbit |
earth |
2021-09-17 01:22:02 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Who Gets Sick in Space? Tourists Like Inspiration4 Offer More Clues. |
medical |
2021-09-17 01:15:41 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk Get Polite After Inspiration4 Launch |
inspiration |
2021-09-17 01:22:01 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
California fires: Blankets wrapped around world's biggest trees |
blaze |
2021-09-17 01:51:27 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
「東京都心部Aクラスビル市場」の現況と見通し(2021年9月時点) |
Aクラスビルの成約賃料オフィスレント・インデックスは、昨年の大幅下落を経て、年に入って概ね横ばいで推移しており、年第四半期は円月・坪前期比、前年同期比となった図表ー。 |
2021-09-17 10:42:53 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonタイムセール中!】ベアフットシューズが2,788円、角度調整できる卓上スマホスタンドが721円など |
amazon |
2021-09-17 10:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
家計資産、過去最高1992兆円 6月末、消費抑制や株価上昇で |
過去最高 |
2021-09-17 10:04:38 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
アップル、iPhone 13シリーズにTouch ID、USB-Cを採用しなかった理由【石川 温】 |
faceid |
2021-09-17 10:30:00 |