投稿時間:2021-09-21 16:48:57 RSSフィード2021-09-21 16:00 分まとめ(51件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… NTTドコモ、解約金や解約金留保を10月より廃止へ − 2年縛りプランの新規受付を終了 https://taisy0.com/2021/09/21/146109.html 契約満了 2021-09-21 06:59:23
IT 気になる、記になる… auとUQ mobile、「YouTube Premium」の無料提供を期間限定で6カ月間に拡大 https://taisy0.com/2021/09/21/146103.html mobile 2021-09-21 06:00:39
TECH Engadget Japanese iOS 15で『dアカウントメニューが正しく表示されない』とドコモが注意喚起 プライベートリレー機能ONで https://japanese.engadget.com/docomo-ios15-061034588.html iosipados 2021-09-21 06:10:34
ROBOT ロボスタ KDDIエボルバ AI・高性能チャットボット「スグレス」を静岡ガスに導入 正答率80%以上で利便性とCX向上へ https://robotstart.info/2021/09/21/ai-chatbot-sugures.html 株式会社kddiエボルバ 2021-09-21 06:20:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] ドコモが10月から解約金を廃止 旧プランの「解約金留保」も廃止に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2109/21/news125.html itmediamobile 2021-09-21 15:49:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] エイサー、ゲーミングPC「Predator Orion 3000」に第11世代Core i7搭載の新モデル https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2109/21/news116.html corei 2021-09-21 15:13:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWS IoT Core のカスタムドメインを利用してコネクテッドデバイスを AWS に移行する https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/migrating-devices-aws-iot-custom-domains/ はじめにAWSは、お客様がカスタムドメイン名でAWSIoTCoreのデータエンドポイントの動作をカスタマイズできる新機能nbspConfigurableEndpointswithCustomDomainsforAWSIoTCoreを提供開始しました。 2021-09-21 06:53:08
AWS AWS Japan Blog 週刊AWS – 2021/9/13週 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/aws-weekly-20210913/ AmazonCodeBuildがより小さなARMベースのインスタンスによるビルドをサポート従来はARMプラットフォームを対象にビルドを行う場合、vCPUを搭載したインスタンスが利用されていましたが、今回のアップデートでvCPUのインスタンスを利用できるようになりました。 2021-09-21 06:50:53
AWS AWS Japan Blog Amazon MSK Connect のご紹介 – マネージドコネクタを使用して Apache Kafka クラスターとの間でデータをストリーミングする https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/introducing-amazon-msk-connect-stream-data-to-and-from-your-apache-kafka-clusters-using-managed-connectors/ ただし、KafkaConnectクラスターを手動で実行するには、必要なインフラストラクチャを計画およびプロビジョンし、クラスターオペレーションを処理し、負荷の変化に応じてスケールする必要があります。 2021-09-21 06:29:05
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Detectron2でバッチ処理をする方法 https://qiita.com/tomoyaLab/items/77013b9d53681c33a563 このバッチはtorchTensorfloatのbatchchannelheightwidthの形になっていて、前処理として全て同じ大きさにリサイズされていて正規化されていないものとします。 2021-09-21 15:54:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Databrick(Spark)にて、TPC-H、および、TPC-DSのデータを生成する方法 https://qiita.com/manabian/items/710cc4d6a3b54e75661b DatabrickSparkにて、TPCH、および、TPCDSのデータを生成する方法概要DatabrickSparkにて、TPCH、および、TPCDSのデータを生成する方法を共有します。 2021-09-21 15:04:23
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Javascriptのスプレッド構文 https://qiita.com/aliceroot0678/items/301ae42e3c775957ec97 Javascriptのスプレッド構文スプレッド構文を使ってできること配列やオブジェクトを展開できる。 2021-09-21 15:18:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ビット演算 python 計算の中身 https://teratail.com/questions/360599?rss=all ビット演算python計算の中身ビット演算について、どなたか教えてください。 2021-09-21 15:47:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) リストを用いた制約条件を1行で書きたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/360598?rss=all リストを用いた制約条件を行で書きたい。 2021-09-21 15:45:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) react-chartjs-2 ラベルのクリックを検知したい https://teratail.com/questions/360597?rss=all reactchartjsラベルのクリックを検知したいやりたいことReactでchartjsを使って円グラフを表示しました。 2021-09-21 15:41:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 文字を180度回転したい https://teratail.com/questions/360596?rss=all 文字を度回転したいエクセルで将棋盤を再現したいと思い、VBAをから学び始め週間です。 2021-09-21 15:32:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ログインユーザー名 表示 https://teratail.com/questions/360595?rss=all ログインユーザー名表示プログラミング学習の為、本の検索アプリケーションを作成しています。 2021-09-21 15:21:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python エラー処理を検知しエクセルのデータを追加したい https://teratail.com/questions/360594?rss=all Pythonエラー処理を検知しエクセルのデータを追加したいPythonとSeleniumnbspopenpyxlを使ってExcelのデータを読み込みYahoonbsp乗換案内の検索をしています。 2021-09-21 15:21:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [Unity] MidiJackでのMIDI入力のサンプリングレートを上げたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/360593?rss=all UnityMidiJackでのMIDI入力のサンプリングレートを上げたい。 2021-09-21 15:20:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Ant Design Vueのtableをレスポンシブ対応したい https://teratail.com/questions/360592?rss=all AntDesignVueのtableをレスポンシブ対応したい解決したいことAntnbspDesignnbspVueのtableを、スマホで見ても横が途切れないようにレスポンシブ対応したいです現在は画像のようなtableで、スマホで見ると横が画面外に途切れてしまいますなので、スマホで見た時はこちらにある「疑似要素で見出しを用意するテーブルレスポンシブ」のような見た目にしたいです。 2021-09-21 15:14:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 掲示板でのコメントが全ての投稿に反映されてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/360591?rss=all 上記でも記載しましたが、コメントも投稿はされるのですが、全ての投稿に対してコメントが反映している状態であります。 2021-09-21 15:05:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) heroku rake db:migrate したのに、カラムの型が変更されない https://teratail.com/questions/360590?rss=all herokurakedbmigrateしたのに、カラムの型が変更されない前提・実現したいことローカルでカラムの方を変更したので、Herokuに同じ内容を反映させたい。 2021-09-21 15:05:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PHPでのユーザー登録 重複登録できないように https://teratail.com/questions/360589?rss=all PHPでのユーザー登録重複登録できないようにPHPでのユーザー登録で登録されているメールアドレスを何度も登録できないようにするようにしたく、コードを書いてもバリデーションが効かない状態です。 2021-09-21 15:05:09
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita HTMLとCSSの役割と基本! https://qiita.com/TAKAHIRO__k/items/c82a6ebd5391133e4654 2021-09-21 15:09:15
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [AWS EC2] [ubuntu] EC2インスタンスのユーザー管理 https://qiita.com/nthr7286/items/754b605c3ca8f4ec0f42 AWSECubuntuECインスタンスのユーザー管理・ECインスタンス内に複数のユーザーを作成し、ユーザー毎に別々のsshキーペアを使ってECへssh接続できるようにする。 2021-09-21 15:02:45
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [AWS EC2] [ubuntu] EC2インスタンスのユーザー管理 https://qiita.com/nthr7286/items/754b605c3ca8f4ec0f42 AWSECubuntuECインスタンスのユーザー管理・ECインスタンス内に複数のユーザーを作成し、ユーザー毎に別々のsshキーペアを使ってECへssh接続できるようにする。 2021-09-21 15:02:45
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita パスワード認証廃止の解決(アクセストークン生成) https://qiita.com/NG-noha/items/e113e64f60dd404164cf パスワード認証廃止の解決アクセストークン生成コマンドラインでgitpushしようとしたらいつもは入力しないユーザーネームを求められたので入力し、パスワードを入力したらエラーになりました。 2021-09-21 15:13:52
技術ブログ Developers.IO CloudFormation で特定ユーザだけ「Invalid request provided」が発生します。なぜでしょうか? https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-i-get-invalid-request-provided-for-a-specific-user-in-cloudformation-why-is-this/ cloudformation 2021-09-21 06:46:58
海外TECH DEV Community Top Free React Dashboards to Use for Your Next Project https://dev.to/suhailkakar/top-free-react-dashboards-to-use-for-your-next-project-4de9 Top Free React Dashboards to Use for Your Next ProjectIt is not necessary to spend a lot of money to create a professional looking dashboard for your website or app That s why in this post we will look at some of the great react admin panels that you can utilize in your next project This selection of the top free admin templates will assist you in launching your project with a minimal financial commitment CoreUICoreUI is meant to be the UX game changer Pure amp transparent code is devoid of redundant components so the app is light enough to offer the ultimate user experience Download Live Demo BlackBlack Dashboard React is a beautiful Bootstrap Reacstrap and React create react app Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business this dashboard is the thing for you Download Live Demo Datta AbleDatta Able React Free Admin Template made using Bootstrap framework Datta Able React Free Admin Template comes with a variety of components like Button Badges Tabs Breadcrumb Icons Form elements Table Charts amp Authentication pages Download Live Demo CoronaCorona Admin is a free responsive admin template built with Bootstrap The template has a colorful attractive yet simple and elegant design The template is well crafted with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template Download Live Demo MatxMatX is a full featured React Material Design Admin Dashboard template MatX is built with React Redux amp Material UIWe implemented all the features you might need to start a new Web application The free version includes all Material UI components Form elements and validation JWT authentication Sign in sign up pages Vertical navigation Lazy loading Code splitting SASS integration Download Live Demo Light BlueLight Blue React Template is a great template to quick start the development of SAAS CMS IoT Dashboard E Commerce apps etc It is a free and open source admin dashboard template built with React and Bootstrap Download Live Demo Shards LiteShards Lite is a free React dashboard template that includes a modern design system as well as a variety of configurable layouts and components Download Live Demo Notus ReactNotus React is Free and Open Source It features multiple HTML and React elements and it comes with dynamic components for React It is based on Tailwind Starter Kit by Creative Tim and it is built with both presentation pages and pages for an admin dashboard Download Live Demo BerryBerry is a creative free react admin template build using the Material UI It is meant to be the best User Experience with highly customizable feature riched pages It is a complete game changer React Dashboard Template with an easy and intuitive responsive design as on retina screens or laptops Download Live Demo ConclusionI hope you found this article useful if you need any help please let me know in the comment section Would you like to buy me a coffee You can do it here Let s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn Thanks for reading See you next time 2021-09-21 06:56:32
海外TECH DEV Community Where do you host your PostgreSQL? https://dev.to/madza/where-do-you-host-your-postgresql-9f1 Where do you host your PostgreSQL The hosting of the data can get expensive For larger projects you will most likely end up paying for the database unless you host the database on your own machine I m looking for some DBaaS options for PostgreSQL Ideally pay for what you use services no fixed costs for a plan with great scalability options By the research I ve done I m aware of Heroku PostgreSQL which offers pretty limited free tier like k records or so Google Cloud SQL or Amazon RDS including their free tier for a year Self hosting on DigitalOcean droplet or similar services What are some of the most cost effective PostgreSQL hosting solutions that you use and would recommend 2021-09-21 06:30:54
海外TECH DEV Community 10 Best PHP Development Tools https://dev.to/sahilsachdeva1/10-best-php-development-tools-af Best PHP Development Tools“Enhance the Quality with PHP Tools Certainly PHP is a robust fast classic and globally used scripting language However there are numerous talks about PHP that indicate a lot of big statements like PHP is dead but there are companies that want to hire PHP developers Moreover the usage statistics are still drastically increasing and this proves that PHP isn t yet dead There are many big companies or brands that use PHP primarily Furthermore most developers appreciate the features of PHP as it is a very versatile programming language Moreover there are many tools that not just smooth the work but also enhance the whole process and final result Now if you re interested in learning PHP then you must opt for PHP training to acquire the desired skill set Before that let s discover the top PHP development tools today in this blog Best PHP Development ToolsThese are the best tools for PHP development PHPStorm Zend Studio NuSphere PhpED Netbeans Cloud Aptana Studio CodeLobster Sublime Text PHPDebugbar EclipseLet s have a brief look at the best PHP development tools PHPStormPHPStorm is a lightweight fast and smooth PHP development tool which is perfect for frameworks such as Zend Framework Symfony Yii Laravel CakePHP and CMS such as Drupal Magento and WordPress It allows live editing of major front end technologies including CSS HTML JavaScript etc along with functionality for code refactoring unit testing and debugging Furthermore it allows developers to link databases version control systems remote deployment tools composers command line tools rest clients and many other tools Zend StudioThe main reason web developers choose Zend Studio is because of its high quality performance Composing and debugging code in Zend Studio doesn t require extra effort or time and it debugs PHP scripts with X ray Xdebug and Zend Debugger Zend Studio offers an extensive collection of features and is able to make applications available on various servers including cloud servers Developers can extend Zend Studio with Eclipse plugins NuSphere PhpEDIn short it is a PHP development tool offered by NuSphere that incorporates an advanced PHP editor such as Visual Studio Code a PHP Profiler and a PHP Debugger The utility provides developers with a wide variety of tools and tweaks that make the whole process of developing a web application faster and easier It includes a PHP velocity acceleration tool called PhpExpress which gives developers the ability to accelerate the development of web applications It offers support for JavaScript HTML and CSS while offering robust PHP support Its refactoring capabilities enable developers to optimize their code NetbeansWith NetBeans you can write PHP applications with a number of rich features that support multiple interpreters and languages This tool was originally used for Java applications but the current version is more lightweight faster and supports the service architecture There are extensions to support other programming languages like C C and HTML Multilingual support includes Japanese Russian English Brazilian Portuguese and simplified Chinese NetBeans PHP IDE supports almost all PHP frameworks including Zend Symfony CakePHP FuelPHP Smarty and WordPress CMS It offers custom features relevant only to developing PHP web applications with the latest versions Cloud One of the benefits of Cloud an open source cloud IDE is that it supports hundreds of programming languages including PHP C JavaScript and Python A preconfigured environment called workspace allows developers to create web applications quickly and find out whether their web apps will run with browser compatibility testing and live previews They can collaborate with their colleagues by using collaborative coding features PHP IDE offers a smooth experience for creating serverless apps It helps you define resources execute serverless apps and debug remotely whenever and wherever you like As Cloud allows you to build serverless applications you can use your browser to code with ease Moreover you can share your development environment with your peers so that you can pair code and track real time input Aptana StudioIt s an open source PHP development tool used in conjunction with various server side as well as client side web technologies including PHP Python CSS Ruby on Rails and HTML It offers a command line interface and debugger to support easy development With SFTP FTP and IDE customization Aptana Studio allows developers to build and test web applications in a single environment This powerful engine leverages the flexibility of Eclipse and contains information about the extent to which each element functions in the leading browsers In addition to its high performance Aptana Studio provides an array of attractive features that enhance productivity CodeLobsterIn terms of PHP tools CodeLobster IDE is the most popular one among the developers because it supports the most popular frameworks such as Symfony Laravel CodeIgniter CakePHP Magento Joomla and Drupal The CodeLobster IDE streamlines the development process by automatically implementing all arguments functions attributes and tags You are no longer required to remember the names of these parameters in HTML JavaScript PHP and CSS This PHP tool provides a built in PHP debugger to validate your code locally Additionally it automatically detects the setting of the current servers and automatically configures related files to allow you to use the free debugger It supports Drupal WordPress Magento and Joomla Sublime TextSublime Text is one of the best text editors for PHP developers out there but it is not an IDE Once you add the necessary plugins and packages it can be used as a suitable editor to develop PHP applications With its robust features and elegant designs it is considered the best editor for PHP development by the developer community This cross platform text editor supports several programming languages as well as markup languages With a custom UI toolkit this text editor can let you quickly change the position of symbols words or lines of code In addition any line of the code can be changed PHPDebugbarEssentially it is a PHP debugger that can be used with any project and display data from a wide range of web apps It is composed of two parts namely the mainDebugBar object and data collectors and the render In addition to PHP PHPDebugbar also catches JavaScript and HTML bugs as well as CSS elements the network and JavaScript code By providing more features than developers expect PHPDebugbar becomes an impressive open source tool It is the perfect solution for profiling data from any web application It can be customized for your own collection that allows the easiest integration EclipseThe majority of your digital results for the top PHP tools will contain Eclipse as a top contender Being a complete development tool it is often ranked as one of the best PHP tools In addition to its powerful plugin system a broad range of plugins allows you to easily develop and simplify PHP code as well as customize and extend it to meet your specific project needs An ideal PHP editor for large scale PHP projects this PHP IDE can support both GUI and non GUI applications The EndEvery web development company utilizes these PHP development tools to deliver world class level quality work to clients To upscale your work quality start using these tools now and enjoy great perks 2021-09-21 06:17:12
海外科学 NYT > Science Taking the ‘Shame Part’ Out of Female Anatomy https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/21/science/pudendum-women-anatomy.html questionable 2021-09-21 06:32:43
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Biden’s vaccine booster and export plans collide at summit https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/21/world/biden-vaccine-summit/ biden 2021-09-21 15:39:31
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Nikkei ends with biggest fall in three months on China property fears https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/21/business/financial-markets/nikkei-fall-china-evergrande/ Nikkei ends with biggest fall in three months on China property fearsThe Nikkei ended down points at on concerns that a potential default by a giant Chinese property developer could lead to a slowdown 2021-09-21 15:37:54
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ニュース BBC News - Home Gas crisis: Energy price cap will stay, say Kwasi Kwarteng and Ofgem https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58634106?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA power 2021-09-21 06:51:28
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LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 座りっぱなしは死亡リスクが40%高まる? 正しい姿勢でも長時間はNG https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/242386oka_koichiro_1.html 早稲田大学 2021-09-21 16:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 コロナが生活に影響、4人に1人 年収低いほど水準低下 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/591440/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-09-21 15:08:00
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