IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「ポケモンユナイト」のスマホ版、明日16時よりサービス開始へ |
unite |
2021-09-21 14:44:52 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
スクエニ、ゲームボーイ版「Sa・Ga」3作をセットにした「Sa・Ga COLLECTION」のスマホ版を配信開始 |
collection |
2021-09-21 14:32:32 |
Engadget Japanese |
iPhone 13 |13 mini 新色ピンク 実機動画レビュー |
iphone |
2021-09-21 14:01:56 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
インスタの撮影ライトでおすすめの人気LED照明7機種【2021年版】Instagramライブや撮影の距離や環境でおすすめメーカーから選べばOK。 |
instagram |
2021-09-21 14:59:50 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS — Part 2 |
Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart This is the second installment of a two part tutorial by Björn Wilmsmann Philip Riecks and Tom Hombergs authors of the book Stratospheric From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS Björn Philip and Tom … |
2021-09-21 14:36:41 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS — Part 1 |
Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS ーPart This is the first installment of a two part tutorial by Björn Wilmsmann Philip Riecks and Tom Hombergs authors of the book Stratospheric From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS Björn Philip and Tom … |
2021-09-21 14:36:31 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
Googler Marian Croak is now in the Inventors Hall of Fame |
Googler Marian Croak is now in the Inventors Hall of FameLook around you right now and consider everything that was created by an inventor The computer you re reading this article on the internet necessary to load this article the electricity that powers the screen even the coffee maker you used this morning To recognize the incredible contributions of those inventors and the benefits they bring to our everyday life the National Inventors Hall of Fame has inducted a new group of honorees every year since In this year s combined inductee class of Googler Marian Croak is being honored for her work in advancing VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol Technology which powers the online calls and video chats that have helped businesses and families stay connected through the COVID pandemic She holds more than patents and recently was honored by the U S Patent and Trademark Office These days Marian leads our Research Center for Responsible AI and Human Centered Technology which is responsible for ensuring Google develops artificial intelligence responsibly and that it has a positive impact We chatted over Google Meet to find out how plumbers and electricians sparked her interest in science how her inventions have made life in a pandemic a tiny bit easier for everyone and what the NIHF honor means to her When was the first time you realized you were interested in technology I was probably around or I know that we don t usually think of things like plumbing or electricity as necessarily technology but they are I was very enchanted with plumbers and electricians who would come to our house and fix things They would be dirty and greasy but I would love the smell you know I felt like Wow what a miracle worker I would follow them around trying to figure out how they d fix something I still do that today So when you have electricians come to your house you re still like “Hey how did you do that There was a leak once and I was asking the plumber all these questions and he asked me to quiet down Because he needed to listen to the invisible flow of water through the pipes to determine the problem It was amazing to me how similar it was to network engineering You ve had a few different roles at Google and Alphabet so far How did you move to where you are today When I first came to Google my first role was bringing the Internet to emerging markets Laying fiber in Africa building public Wi Fi in railroad stations in India and then exploring the landscape in countries like Cuba and countries where there wasn t an openness yet for the Internet And that was a fascinating job It was a merger of technology policy and governmental affairs combined with an understanding of communities and regions Then I worked on bringing features and technology and Google s products to the next billion users And after I did that for a few years I joined the Site Reliability Engineering organization to help enhance the performance of Google s complex integrated systems Now my current role is leading the Research Center for Responsible AI and Human Centered Technology group I m inspired that my work has the potential to positively impact so many of our users Today you re being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for your work in advancing VoIP technology What inspired you to work on VoIP and can you describe that process of bringing the technology to life I have alway been motivated by the desire to change the world and to do that I try to change the world that I m currently in What I mean by that is I work on problems that I am aware of and that I can tackle within the world that surrounds me So when I began working on VoIP technology it was at a time in the late s when there was a lot of change happening involving the internet Netscape had put a user friendly web browser in place and there was a lot of new activity beginning to bubble up all over the online world I was part of a team that was also very interested in doing testing and prototyping of voice communications over the internet There were some existing technologies but they didn t scale and they were proprietary in nature so we were thinking of ways we could open it up make it scalable make it reliable and be able to support billions of daily calls We started to work on this but had a lot of doubters telling us that this wouldn t work and that no one would ever use this “toy like technology And at the time they were right It wasn t working and it wasn t reliable But over time we were able to get it to a point where it started working very well So much so that eventually the senior leaders within AT amp T began to adopt the technology for their core network It was challenging but an exciting thing for me to do because I like to bring change to things especially when people doubt that it can happen What advice would you give to aspiring inventors Most importantly don t give up and during the process of creation listen to your critics I received so much criticism and in many ways it was valid That type of feedback motivated me to improve the technology and really address a variety of pain points that I hadn t necessarily thought of What does being inducted into the NIHF mean to you Well it s humbling and a great experience At the time I never thought the work that I was doing was that significant and that it would lead to this but I m so I m very grateful for the recognition What does it mean to be a part of a class that sees the first two Black women inducted into the NIHF I find that it inspires people when they see someone who looks like themselves on some dimension and I m proud to offer that type of representation People also see that I m just a normal person like themselves and I think that also inspires them to accomplish their goals I want people to understand that it may be difficult but that they can overcome obstacles and that it will be so worth it |
2021-09-21 14:30:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Lambda】Node.js + Stream API によるファイル結合、圧縮、解凍 |
【Lambda】NodejsStreamAPIによるファイル結合、圧縮、解凍きっかけとある案件でLambdaでStoSのファイル結合等の操作をするため、StreamAPIを用いたメモリに展開しないファイル変形を実装した。 |
2021-09-21 23:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Javascript】オブジェクトの配列をuniqueにする(重複を削除する)ときはfilterではなくMapオブジェクトを使う |
filterを使わない理由以下のような方法でも重複を削除することが可能です。 |
2021-09-21 23:39:13 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
React Testing Library 入門編 |
目次項目ReactTestingLibraryとは何ができるのか使用するメリットJestとの違い導入方法実際に使ってみるReactTestingLibraryとはReactコンポーネントをテストするための非常に軽量なライブラリで、ユーザーが操作するテストに近いテストを行うことができます。 |
2021-09-21 23:36:49 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[iOS15 Safari] Canvas2Dの文字列描画でページがクラッシュする場合がある |
iOSSafariCanvasDの文字列描画でページがクラッシュする場合があるクラッシュする条件iOSでSafariなどのAppleWebKitエンジンを使用しているブラウザ。 |
2021-09-21 23:09:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonのエラー KeyError: 'count' を解消したい |
PythonのエラーKeyErrorxcountxを解消したいpyhtonで以下のコードを実行するとエラーがでていまいます。 |
2021-09-21 23:57:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ReactNative のアプリが、外部のアプリから、文字列を受け取る方法として、どんなことができるか、ご教示お願いします。 |
Bは認証成功するとトークンTを発行し、Bで保持します。 |
2021-09-21 23:38:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
is not a registered namespace のエラー出る(django) |
isnotaregisterednamespaceのエラー出るdjangoajax通信でpythonファイルを実行したいdjangoでwebアプリケーションを作成中に出たエラーについてです。 |
2021-09-21 23:36:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
App Store ConnectでGoogleログイン認証を使用しているアプリの審査を通したい |
AppStoreConnectでGoogleログイン認証を使用しているアプリの審査を通したいやりたいことAppnbspStorenbspConnectでGoogleログイン認証を使用しているアプリの審査を通したい発生している問題下記理由でリジェクトされるapple側は下記画像の画面が出てそこから先に進むことを中断している模様IPアドレスをアメリカにしてデバイスにログインしてから申請したが、その時はアイルランドからのログインを試みたようで、結局は不審なアクテビティ扱いになってしまっていた。 |
2021-09-21 23:34:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLにてデータの集計を行いたい |
2021-09-21 23:28:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
bootstrapのnavbarの設定方法 |
bootstrapのnavbarの設定方法三段のnavbarを作ろうと思っています。 |
2021-09-21 23:22:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C++で存在しないプロセスのIDを取得したときに返る結果が読めない |
Cで存在しないプロセスのIDを取得したときに返る結果が読めない前提・実現したいことCでシェルコマンドの結果からプロセス名のPIDを取得しようとしたとき、存在しないプロセスについて取得を試みると返った文字列の結果が文字化けしていました。 |
2021-09-21 23:18:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
processingについて |
processingについて前提・実現したいことからの重複しない乱数配列を、break文を使わず書き、また下から番目に小さい数を出力したい。 |
2021-09-21 23:11:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データフレームから図を描画するコードが理解できません。教えてください。 |
データフレームから図を描画するコードが理解できません。 |
2021-09-21 23:07:01 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[TypeScript] Axiosのtry/catchでの例外オブジェクトを型付けする |
axios |
2021-09-21 14:52:18 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
How To Static Website EP2: การเก็บข้อมูลเว็บไซต์ลงบน Amazon S3 เพื่อให้ไปแสดงผลผ่าน Amazon CloudFront |
How To Static Website EP การเก็บข้อมูลเว็บไซต์ลงบนAmazon S เพื่อให้ไปแสดงผลผ่านAmazon CloudFrontสวัสดีค่ะทุกคนกลับมาพบกับพิชชาอีกแล้วนะคะวันนี้พิชชาก็มาพร้อมกับบทความต่อจากHow To Static Website EP แนะน |
2021-09-21 14:23:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Supabase/Postgres SQL Cheatsheet - Curated List of SQL |
Supabase Postgres SQL Cheatsheet Curated List of SQL Hey If you are a PostgreSQL user you are missing out on Big Thing You could spin up a Backend Server with PostgreSQL as Database in just minutes How That is using Supabase Supabase has raised million as an Open Source Backend as a Service BaaS startup Mind blown Built on Top problem Supabase is indeed build on top of Postgres and thus enabled developers to utilize all the awesome and stable extension scripts that has been around the industry for years You agree with me right Because of the continuous updates by Postgres and I heard v is drawing near many of the scripts on Stackoverflow has outdated and causes Supabase users including myself which switch from Firebase NoSQL to encounter some problem when running SQL query Thus we need Postgres expert like you to give Supabase a try and join the Supabase community Discord and most importantly make Open Source better Solution CheatsheetsDue to the reason mentioned previously I ve curated some of the SQL scripts to aid Supabase users or Postgres users in finding the relevant up to date and tested SQL scripts Where s the list here it is gt Supabase SQL If you find it useful please spare a at the Github RepoIf you found any issue bug create issues is much appreciated If you wanted to contribute the SQL scripts PR is even more welcomed That s itThat s all the good news I wanna share with you today If you are a Supabase user hope you ll like it If you are a Postgres user I hope you ll give Supabase a try If you are none of the above then you are really missing out on GREAT things Until next time bye Follow meBird app zernonia Zernonia zernonia Ask and you shall receive Here comes the open source supabase SQL Welcome your PR and feedback supabase sql vercel app supabase sql postgresql opensource nuxt AM Sep |
2021-09-21 14:48:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Git Hotfix Branches : The Final Guide |
Git Hotfix Branches The Final GuideHotfix branches are very much like release branches in that they are also meant to prepare for a new production release albeit unplanned They arise from the necessity to act immediately upon an undesired state of a live production version When a critical bug in a production version must be resolved immediately a hotfix branch may be branched off from the corresponding tag on the master branch that marks the production version The essence is that work of team members on the develop branch can continue while another person is preparing a quick production fix Creating the hotfix branchHotfix branches are created from the master branch For example say version is the current production release running live and causing troubles due to a severe bug But changes on develop are yet unstable We may then branch off a hotfix branch and start fixing the problem git checkout b hotfix masterSwitched to a new branch hotfix bump version shFiles modified successfully version bumped to git commit s a m Bumped version number to hotfix ebb Bumped version number to files changed insertions deletions Don t forget to bump the version number after branching off Again the bumpversion sh script will automatically determine the new version number starting from the branch name Then fix the bug and commit the fix in one or more separate commits git commit hotfix abbed Fixed severe production problem files changed insertions deletions Finishing a hotfix branchWhen finished the bugfix needs to be merged back into master but also needs to be merged back into develop in order to safeguard that the bugfix is included in the next release as well This is completely similar to how release branches are finished The one exception to the rule here is that when a release branch currently exists the hotfix changes need to be merged into that release branch instead of develop Back merging the bugfix into the release branch will eventually result in the bugfix being merged into develop too when the release branch is finished If work in develop immediately requires this bugfix and cannot wait for the release branch to be finished you may safely merge the bugfix into develop now already as well Finally remove the temporary branch git branch d hotfix Deleted branch hotfix was abbed For More The Final Guide see the Index Page |
2021-09-21 14:19:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to check if the mouse right button has been clicked? |
How to check if the mouse right button has been clicked We have some site Let s click with the mouse right button The default context menu pops up We need to add an event listener to the “contextmenu event And we need to prevent the default behaviour of the context menu event That s all Let s click with the mouse right button There s no default context menu Only our right button message I hope you found this article useful if you need any help please let me know in the comment section See you next time Have a nice day Subscribe to our channel |
2021-09-21 14:12:09 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Toggle switch to turn off iPhone 13 Pro macro photography coming in the fall |
Toggle switch to turn off iPhone Pro macro photography coming in the fallWhile users must rely on proximity sensors for macro photography right now Apple will add a manual toggle for macro photography in iPhone Pro at some point in the future iPhone Pro macro mode doesn t have a toggleThe macro mode on iPhone Pro is a desired photography feature however early reviews have found it to be an automatic feature not a separate camera setting When the iPhoneiPhone detects a subject is within about centimeters of the lens it automatically switches to macro mode Read more |
2021-09-21 14:51:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
What to do if your Apple TV 4K won't update to tvOS 15 |
What to do if your Apple TV K won x t update to tvOS If your Apple TV HD or Apple TV K won t update to the new tvOS you can force it to Apple TV K with new Siri RemoteAt the very most the normal idea is that you can get your Apple TV to update by going on it to Settings System Software Update and choosing Update Software While you re there turn on Automatically Update too and you won t even have to bother doing any of this in the future Read more |
2021-09-21 14:50:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone 13 review roundup: Great cameras, incredible battery life |
iPhone review roundup Great cameras incredible battery lifeThe initial reviews for the iPhone iPhone Pro and iPhone mini are out all heaping praise on improved cameras though also acknowledging that it s not a revolutionary year over year change Engadget All About the CamerasThe review of the iPhone and iPhone mini by Engadget points out that there not much to get excited about when looking at the specifications sheets However the incremental updates like battery capacity faster chips and a notch shrink add up to make them worthwhile upgrades especially when considered with their biggest changes Read more |
2021-09-21 14:50:46 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon updates Kindle Paperwhite lineup with USB-C |
Amazon updates Kindle Paperwhite lineup with USB CThe popular Kindle Paperwhite eBook reader starts at and is now available in three models ーstandard signature and kid Kindle Paperwhite has been updated with USB C faster processorThe Kindle Paperwhite has been upgraded to USB C and up to GB of storage The most expensive Signature Edition even has an auto brightness sensor and Qi wireless charging Read more |
2021-09-21 14:17:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Neat's first all-new microphone in the Turtle Beach era is the drab-looking Skyline |
Neat x s first all new microphone in the Turtle Beach era is the drab looking SkylineNeat Microphones has unveiled its first truly new mic since Turtle Beach bought the company in January and it s not what you d expect The normally quirky Neat has unveiled the Skyline a USB condenser mic billed as an quot elegant quot design reminiscent of skyscrapers but frankly is rather generic It looks a little too much like everyday office audio conference hardware a beard trimmer or if you re feeling generous a pen in an inkwell It s certainly a far cry from the whimsical Widgets and Bees you ve come to know from Neat so far The functionality is solid at least The Skyline is built with videoconferencing and podcasts in mind and the bit kHz audio should be a huge upgrade from your laptop s built in mic The large illuminated mute button should also be very helpful when you need to step away from a Zoom chat The Skyline s greatest advantage might be its price It potentially offers higher quality output than the kHz Blue Yeti Nano in a more affordable package With that said appearances can matter ーyou may want to pay more for the Yeti or AKG s new Ara if you re a livestreamer or otherwise concerned as much about form as function |
2021-09-21 14:44:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Oculus knocks $100 off a second headset when you buy a Quest 2 |
Oculus knocks off a second headset when you buy a Quest The Oculus Quest impressed us last year with its improved hardware versatility and reasonable price Those who have been eager to get their hands on one of these VR headsets can now get two at one of the best prices we ve seen Through September Oculus is running a deal that knocks off a second Quest headset when you buy one at full price That means you can get two of the GB models for or two of the GB versions for Buy Quest bundle at Oculus Oculus improved its machine in nearly every way with the Quest and the device ultimately earned a score of from us The headset itself is percent smaller and more comfortable to wear for long stretches of time although it does take a bit of fiddling to properly adjust its fit for your head Powered by a Snapdragon XR processor the Quest includes fast switching LCDs with a resolution of x per eye and although it didn t launch with this it will support Hz refresh rates Its controllers are larger than before but still easy to hold and they include a bit more space next to the gamepad buttons so you can rest your thumbs The slight design changes and the better processor help make the Quest an improvement on its predecessor in nearly every way It excels at being both a standalone and a desktop headset delivering more realistic VR experiences It does have some limitations when it comes to standalone games mostly due to its mobile hardware but that s to be expected Also you must sign in with a Facebook account to use the Quest which is also to be expect but nevertheless a bummer for those who don t use the social network Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-09-21 14:40:32 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Marvel shows are now available through Apple Podcast subscriptions |
Marvel shows are now available through Apple Podcast subscriptionsMarvel and SiriusXM have opened a new Apple Podcasts channel which includes a paid tier The free Marvel channel includes Marvel s Wolverine The Long Night nbsp and the sequel Marvel s Wolverine The Lost Trail You ll be able to listen to Marvel Method in which Method Man interviews celebrities about Marvel and This Week in Marvel a weekly show about the latest news in the company s ecosystem Other podcasts on the channel includeWomen of Marvel Marvel s Voices and Marvel s Pull List In addition you can check out the first episode of the Marvel s Wastelanders Star Lord podcast which stars Timothy Busfield as Peter Quill as well as Chris Elliott Rocket Danny Glover Red and Vanessa Williams Emma Frost The paid tier Marvel Podcasts Unlimited offers early and exclusive access to a selection of shows It features new scripted and unscripted podcast series such as Marvel s Wolverine La Larga Noche a Spanish language version of Wolverine The Long Night which is available today You ll also be able to listen to exclusive programming such as the documentary series Marvel s Declassified which delves into the history of Marvel Comics On October th subscribers will get early access to the first two episodes of Marvel s Wastelanders Hawkeye which features Stephen Lang as Hawkeye and Sasha Lane as his estranged year old daughter Ash You ll be able to listen to future installments of Marvel s Wastelanders including ones centered around Black Widow Wolverine and Doctor Doom before they re available elsewhere Other podcasts are on the way too The new channels build on the partnership Marvel and SiriusXM forged in They ve released original podcasts on other platforms such as Pandora Stitcher and of course SiriusXM The companies say they ll share new episodes of podcasts elsewhere after they debut on Marvel Podcasts Unlimited The Marvel channel is available in more than countries You ll be able to subscribe to Marvel Podcasts Unlimited through the channel The service costs month which may vary by country after a seven day trial Marvel and SiriusXM are launching the channel and subscription three months after Apple rolled out paid channels in the Podcasts app |
2021-09-21 14:36:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tenways’ e-bike debut blends value with style |
Tenways e bike debut blends value with styleIn the age of electric mobility the trusty bicycle has played a surprisingly low key role scooters seem to grab all the headlines and app rental dollars Instead the e bike has become the preserve of those that can afford one A decent conventional bike already costs a bit so adding a motor understandably only adds to that cost Enter Tenways a new player in the e bike world that s trying to buck that trend Its debut model the CGO is currently available on Indiegogo for around and despite its relative affordability it doesn t scrimp on features Now the usual disclaimer With Indiegogo and other crowdfunding platforms there s always an inherent risk But Tenways states its production is already underway and given that the review model they sent appears to be full and final hardware we were somewhat assured that things are ready to go The CGO is clearly a city bike with its thinner tires and classic diamond frame It s powered by a W battery which is discreetly hidden in the downtube to the point where it s almost impossible to tell that this bike is electric at all The rear hub motor is visible but also small enough to not catch the eye That motor offers a max assistance speed of mph in Europe or mph in the US which are the maximum allowed in those territories The claimed range is around miles per charge though this seems optimistic and it s all bundled into a package that weighs around kilograms around pounds James Trew EngadgetBeyond the key specs the motor uses a torque sensor for fast smooth acceleration with three levels of assistance The bike has no gears so the motor acts as either regular assist or can be used like gears when going uphill The brakes are hydraulic for easier maintenance and the carbon belt transmission should mean no oily fingers or pit stops to set it back in place The CGO can be fully charged in about hours and there s a small LCD display that acts as an onboard trip computer and power button I won t lie the specs were pretty impressive at this price point but what initially drew me to the CGO was the understated design While it looks great in all the five colorways there s something about the black and green model that looks stealthy The fact that it doesn t scream “e bike makes it feel less of a lure for thieves and just all round makes for an attractive object In many ways it reminds me of the Cowboy € or roughly but with a little less aggressively modern design Your first task will be putting the bike together but it s not too much of a challenge and I was all set and done in less than an hour with a tea break and work interruptions along the way Once you have it together you can download the companion app if you wish it s not essential unlike on the Cowboy and get out there on the road There are two frame sizes on offer are cm inch and cm inch with no step through option if that s your preference or if the available sizes are too big for you I m a fairly average height and find the cm version I tested to be comfortable The riding position is a little forward leaning but not in a way that bothered me James Trew EngadgetThe very first thing you ll notice is both how fast to engage and how smooth the motor is When at a standstill at stoplights it only takes a fraction of a second for the assistance to kick in It s smooth enough that it s not jarring but powerful enough for you to instantly feel the benefit Once you re up to speed it sometimes feels like the assistance isn t really helping as much but you only have to turn it off and have the bike in manual mode for a few seconds before your thighs remind you you re running on your own steam It s when you re going uphill that you ll really feel the benefit The torque sensor means that the amount of assistance immediately responds to the intensity of the ascent I found that even on fairly steep inclines I didn t need to get up off the saddle just fire up the highest level of power and work the pedals The torque sensor is also magnetic rather than pressure based meaning you can happily ride the CGO entirely on your own leg power without any resistance or burden from the motor This is great if you re worried about it being less useful if the battery runs out About that Tenways claim of miles of assistance per charge is hard to gauge I certainly haven t ridden miles on it yet But on one full charge I ve covered just over with percent battery remaining On a crude calculation that means I am on track for about miles on a single charge That s much less than the advertised but I also really enjoy the full power assist so if you only rode on level one you d likely eke more miles out of it Either way miles or so would cover a mile commute back and forth over a week without charging It s worth mentioning that there s no throttle mode here That s fairly typical of e bikes in this style but in case you were hoping for it now you know That said if you press and hold the down button on the odometer the bike will creep along on its motor but it s only about three miles an hour so more of a gentle start or a lane splitter s tool than anything like a motorbike mode James Trew EngadgetIn keeping with the stealthy looks that motor makes nary a sound It s not entirely silent but certainly you re not going to hear it while riding around town I love that the hub motor is barely visible and that the battery is so well hidden Though of course that does mean there s no option to buy spares swap them out But it also means you can breeze past serious cyclists on their racers while barely breaking a sweat and enjoy their curious glances as you do so One last comment on how it rides It s definitely not an off road bike That is fairly obvious from the design but worth mentioning The CGO lives for asphalt I took it over some less friendly terrains potholes gravel and a decked pathway and while it handled it all fine the suspension is pretty hard so you ll feel every teeth clattering bump The onboard computer is useful but simple The default screen has everything you need to know at a glance speed battery distance etc Then there are sub screens that are accessible with a tap for more detailed information like average speed and range This is also where you can add some security via a passcode for the motor This obviously doesn t prevent someone stealing your bike but it s a small deterrent perhaps James Trew EngadgetAt only kg the CGO is definitely one of the lighter e bikes in this style Lighter than both the Cowboy kg and the VanMoof Electrified S kg This makes it a more manageable option if you need to lug it up stairs or like me man handle it into an elevator each time you want to head out It also makes manual mode a little easier on the legs should you prefer to go on human power or if the battery runs out On a more practical note Tenways included an integrated front light that s bright enough for those darker sections of your nighttime city commute How it fares in more rural settings is likely a different matter There s also a rear light included but it s an accessory you attach with its own battery so something you ll need to check regularly if you don t want to get caught out The humble city e bike has evolved greatly in the last few years but still needs a little push to bring it into the mainstream as a viable commuting option Companies like Cowboy VanMoof and Brompton have been chipping away at the remaining resistance points and now Tenways is here to show you can take most of the features from those models and package them in a more pocket friendly way The price will likely go up once the Indiegogo campaign ends but expect it to remain competitive even at retail prices |
2021-09-21 14:30:51 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tumblr’s Post+ subscriptions are available to anyone in the US |
Tumblr s Post subscriptions are available to anyone in the USTumblr is opening its paid subscription features to more users Post the subscription offering it introduced in July is moving into an open beta the company announced Until now only a handful of creators had access to Post but with the next phase of the rollout any US based blogger can start experimenting with subscription backed content Tumblr says it plans to make Post available in more countries later this year For now Post allows bloggers to offer subscriptions at or a month though creators can continue to offer a mix of free content as well With the update Tumblr is joining an increasingly crowded field of companies hoping to lure users with the promise of subscription revenue But the company is hoping it can carve out a niche among younger users eager to experiment with the kind of creative ーand often deeply weird ーcontent the blogging platform has long been known for “This is not reserved for professionals Tumblr s Head of Product Lance Willet tells Engadget “On other places ー when I think of either Patreon or Substack you gotta kind of start with your content and then go out and find people We are flipping that around and saying you already kind of have a niche why not just start asking for people to become a supporter What s less clear is if the Tumblr user base will be willing to start paying for content they used to get for free Just hours after the company first announced plans for Post in July the company posted a message to its staff blog decrying the “targeted harassment and threats creators were facing over their participation in the initial Post beta But Willet says the company has also seen a large amount of interest from users who want to try the tools out Post he says is for anyone with a niche on Tumblr from Gen Z “meme lords and shitposters to artists and podcasters and bloggers “People can have five followers or or ーit doesn t matter |
2021-09-21 14:00:56 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Pfizer Vaccine Protection Wanes, C.D.C. Study Shows |
vaccination |
2021-09-21 14:06:49 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Why is there a CO2 shortage and how will it hit food supplies? |
dioxide |
2021-09-21 14:44:57 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
全国上場会社のエクイティファイナンスの状況 |
上場会社 |
2021-09-21 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
iriss |
2021-09-21 15:51:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
審判期日の予定を更新しました。 |
期日 |
2021-09-21 16:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Government strikes deal to restart CO2 production |
group |
2021-09-21 14:46:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson seeks to calm fears over tough winter |
issues |
2021-09-21 14:37:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Harry Dunn: Parents reach resolution in civil case against suspect |
sacoolas |
2021-09-21 14:50:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
World faces decisive decade - Biden |
assembly |
2021-09-21 14:45:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: Defence secretary angered over data breach |
afghan |
2021-09-21 14:52:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Hungary to play matches behind closed doors after racist behaviour of fans at England game |
Hungary to play matches behind closed doors after racist behaviour of fans at England gameHungary are ordered to play two matches behind closed doors by Fifa following the racism English players experienced at the World Cup qualifier in Budapest on September |
2021-09-21 14:55:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Where does the UK get its gas and is it facing a shortage this winter? |
times |
2021-09-21 14:35:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Why is there a CO2 shortage and how will it hit food supplies? |
dioxide |
2021-09-21 14:44:57 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
接種日時を自由に交換 北見工大がワクチン予約効率化実験 事務負担軽減を期待 |
北見工業大 |
2021-09-21 23:08:46 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
立憲がアベノミクスの検証結果公表 「格差や貧困問題、改善せず」 |
安倍晋三 |
2021-09-21 23:05:26 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[CoinDesk Japan] 暗号資産取引所の規制強化はプラス:FTXのサム・バンクマン-フリードCEO |
coindeskjapan |
2021-09-21 23:41:17 |