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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、起動不能になる問題を修正した「iTunes 12.12.1 for Windows」を公式サイトとApple Software Updateでも配信開始 https://taisy0.com/2021/09/24/146401.html apple 2021-09-24 02:47:12
IT InfoQ Amazonが第4回Alexa Prize SocialBotグランドチャレンジの受賞者を発表 https://www.infoq.com/jp/news/2021/09/alexa-prize-winners/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global Amazonが第回AlexaPrizeSocialBotグランドチャレンジの受賞者を発表Amazonは最近、第回AlexaPrizeSocialBotグランドチャレンジの受賞者を発表した。 2021-09-24 02:29:00
IT InfoQ 「Align-Define-Design-Refine」を使ったAPI設計ファーストプロセス https://www.infoq.com/jp/news/2021/09/api-design-first-addr/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 「AlignDefineDesignRefine」を使ったAPI設計ファーストプロセスAPIコンサルタントのJamesHigginbotham氏は最近、「AlignDefineDesignRefine」ADDRプロセスを使ってAPI設計ファーストアプローチを採用することのメリットについて書いている。 2021-09-24 02:27:00
IT InfoQ CIS Service CatalogとReference Architecture 2.0の一般供与が開始 https://www.infoq.com/jp/news/2021/09/gruntwork-cis-ga/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global CISServiceCatalogとReferenceArchitectureの一般供与が開始再利用可能なインフラストラクチャコードの開発を専門とする企業であるGruntworkは、CISServiceCatalogとCISReferenceArchitectureの一般供与を開始すると発表した。 2021-09-24 02:20:00
IT InfoQ 次期LTSリリースJava 17の提供が開始 https://www.infoq.com/jp/news/2021/09/java17-released/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 次期LTSリリースJavaの提供が開始Oracleは、Javaプログラミング言語と仮想マシンのバージョンをリリースした。 2021-09-24 02:18:00
TECH Engadget Japanese 12年間の歩みが生んだ、生き方の NEW NORMAL.ドキュメンタリー映画「Dr. Bala」 https://japanese.engadget.com/dr-bala-024054014.html signup会員登録やご支援の方法についてはこちらをご参照くださいgtgtはじめにこのプロジェクトは、年間、毎年自分の夏休みを利用し、東南アジアへの医療技術支援を続けてきた一人の医師と、その姿を、カメラを持って追いかけ続けた男の物語。 2021-09-24 02:40:54
TECH Engadget Japanese ASUS Chromebook Detachable CZ1が2万円オフ! Amazonで発売記念キャンペーン開催中 https://japanese.engadget.com/sale-asus-chromebook-detachable-cz1-023534041.html amazon 2021-09-24 02:35:34
TECH Engadget Japanese 「ベヨネッタ3」発売は2022年内。大魔獣を操作できる新アクション入りトレーラーも公開 https://japanese.engadget.com/bayonetta-3-2022-new-trailer-020209946.html nintendodirect 2021-09-24 02:02:09
TECH Engadget Japanese フェイスブックがバッテリー内蔵型スマートディスプレイ「Portal Go」を海外発表 https://japanese.engadget.com/facebook-portal-020033175.html portal 2021-09-24 02:00:33
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] アニメ映画「スーパーマリオ」22年12月に北米で公開 声にハリウッドの人気俳優を多数起用 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2109/24/news086.html itmedia 2021-09-24 11:50:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 着陸時も騒音少なめ! エアバスが電動航空機「CityAirbus」の次世代モデルを発表 https://techable.jp/archives/162813 cityairbus 2021-09-24 02:00:21
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders Celonis World Tour 2021 Japanを2021年10月に開催、ニコンシステムと豊田通商のプロセスマイニング事例を紹介 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22089 CelonisWorldTourJapanを年月に開催、ニコンシステムと豊田通商のプロセスマイニング事例を紹介ITLeadersプロセスマイニングツールベンダーの独Celonisの日本法人は年月日、オンラインの年次イベント「CelonisWorldTourJapan」を同年月日に開催すると発表した。 2021-09-24 11:30:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog インダストリアルIoTソリューションにおける10のセキュリティゴールデンルール https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/ten-security-golden-rules-for-industrial-iot-solutions/ AWSリソースAWSは、適切なネットワークセグメンテーションの作成と維持、またAWSクラウドへのトラフィックを安全に制御するために、次のサービスを提供しています。 2021-09-24 02:33:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) discord.js v13でslash commandのidを取得する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/361065?rss=all discordjsnbspv 2021-09-24 12:00:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 外部ライブラリをインストールしたのにimportできない https://teratail.com/questions/361064?rss=all 2021-09-24 11:51:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) フェードインを適応した中央配置の文字を中央配置のまま折り返すときに左で折り返したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/361063?rss=all フェードインを適応した中央配置の文字を中央配置のまま折り返すときに左で折り返したい。 2021-09-24 11:49:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) interfaceしているときのはてなマークの使い方 https://teratail.com/questions/361062?rss=all 2021-09-24 11:46:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Kotlin AudioTrackで内部ファイルを再生したい https://teratail.com/questions/361061?rss=all ストリーム系だとAudioTrackが良いとの事でしたので勉強しておりますが、参考見分があまりなく、Java見分を変換しながらソースを作成しています。 2021-09-24 11:35:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GitHubからDLしたXCodeプロジェクトがビルドできない https://teratail.com/questions/361060?rss=all GitHubからDLしたXCodeプロジェクトがビルドできない背景最近、仕事でMacBookを使い始めてVPNでサーバーにアクセスしようとしているのですが、Mac標準のVPN機能を使ってもうまくいきません。 2021-09-24 11:32:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VB.NetでPanel1に新しいフォームを表示させたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/361059?rss=all VBNetでPanelに新しいフォームを表示させたい。 2021-09-24 11:32:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jsで日本語(漢字、カタカナ、ひらがな(一応数字も))五十音順でソートしたい https://teratail.com/questions/361058?rss=all jsで日本語漢字、カタカナ、ひらがな一応数字も五十音順でソートしたい前提・実現したいことapiのデータでtitlequotりんごquotquot担当quotquot山田quottitlequotみかんquotquot担当quotquotハナコquottitlequotりんごquotquot担当quotquotたろうquottitlequotりんごquotquot担当quotquot鈴木quot、、、、、このような形であったとします。 2021-09-24 11:32:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【GAS】B列とC列の文字を連結させてD列に反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/361057?rss=all 【GAS】B列とC列の文字を連結させてD列に反映させたいスプレッドシートからGoogleカレンダーに反映させるための作業をしていて、割がた完成したのですが最後のピースが中々解決せずにご質問させていただきました。 2021-09-24 11:16:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) CSSを非同期で反映させたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/361056?rss=all CSSを非同期で反映させたいです。 2021-09-24 11:13:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) swiftでのletの使用方法 https://teratail.com/questions/361055?rss=all swiftでのletの使用方法とても初歩的な質問で恐縮なのですが、letの使い方についてお伺いしたいです。 2021-09-24 11:07:16
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MySQLでパスワードなしでログイン https://qiita.com/9ever/items/c2e28db3dc65cca14316 環境AmazonWebServiceLightsailAmazonLinuxインストールされていることを確認。 2021-09-24 11:24:29
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Terraform Cloud の Variables 設定 (認証情報) https://qiita.com/Bacalhau/items/9d6afac5f86a54aa1880 2021-09-24 11:23:20
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (9/16-9/22/2021) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/1db34a7be40b49e4d8a1 GoogleCloudアップデートCloudFunctionsSepPHPがGAになったよSAPonGoogleCloudSepNetWeaver用のmonitoringエージェントvがGAになったよAnthosclustersonAWSSepKubernetesでCVEが見つかったよコンテナでボリューム外のホストのファイルシステムがマウントできてしまう問題GKESepgke以降でVPCnativeがデフォルトになったよAutopilotでgke以降で以下ができるようになったよmutatingwebhooksを作れるように自動でGoogle管理のネームスペースを除外するように一部使えないリソースがあるので注意SYSPTRACEが使えるようになったよAutopilotpolicyenforcementでGatekeeperを使わなくなったので、ユーザがインストールできるよIAMSepサービスアカウントキーの有効化無効化ができるようになったよAnthosclustersonVMwareSepgkeが利用可能になったよKubernetesgke。 2021-09-24 11:32:21
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Terraform Cloud の Variables 設定 (認証情報) https://qiita.com/Bacalhau/items/9d6afac5f86a54aa1880 2021-09-24 11:23:20
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Terraform Cloud の Variables 設定 (認証情報) https://qiita.com/Bacalhau/items/9d6afac5f86a54aa1880 2021-09-24 11:23:20
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GitHubアクセストークン作成を画像で分かりやすく解説 https://qiita.com/mokio/items/f6c67c8f9af050383fc0 作成画面Noteに任意の名前実際にコマンドに入力しないので分かりやすい名前を設定Expirationはトークンの有効期間なのでなるべく残したければ有効期限を長期に設定最大年間SelectScopes権限付与において「repo」にチェックを入れないとターミナルからpushする際アクセス権限エラーが発生するのでチェックを忘れずに。 2021-09-24 11:45:58
海外TECH DEV Community Karpenter - Scaling Nodes Seamlessly in AWS EKS https://dev.to/aws-builders/karpenter-scaling-nodes-seamlessly-in-aws-eks-19f Karpenter Scaling Nodes Seamlessly in AWS EKSHello everyone If you are running your workloads on the AWS EKS cluster you may explore the rules and limitations of node group scaling to provision the deployments dynamically This blog will explore the node lifecycle management solutions AWS Lab s Karpenter an alternative approach to the frequently used Cluster Autoscaler solution Kubernetes AutoscalingAutoscaling allows you to dynamically adjust to demand without manual intervention through metrics or events Without autoscaling there will be considerable efforts to provision the scaling up or down resources When the running conditions change and optimal resource utilization and managing the cloud spending is challenging The cluster is always running at peak capacity to ensure availability or not meeting peak demand as they don t have enough resources When it comes to the Kubernetes Autoscaling there are two different layers Pod Level Autoscaling Horizontal HPA and Vertical HPA Node Level Autoscaling Pod Level AutoscalingHorizontal Pod Autoscaling Scaling out dynamically increase or decrease the number of running pods per your application s usage changes Vertical Pod Autoscaling Scaling up scale the given deployments vertically within a cluster by reconciling the pods size CPU or memory targets based on their current usage and the desired target HPA and VPA essentially make sure that all of the services running in your cluster can dynamically handle the demand Node Level AutoscalingNode Level autoscaling solves the issue to scale the nodes in the cluster when the existing nodes are overloaded or pending to be scheduled with newly scaled pods or scale down when the nodes are underutilized There is already an industry adopted open source and vendor neutral tool Cluster Autoscaler that automatically adjusts the cluster size by adding or removing nodes based on the presence of pending pods and node utilization metrics It uses the existing cloud building blocks Autoscaling Group on AWS for scaling The challenges in the cluster autoscaler are the limitations on node groups and the scaling is tightly bound to the scheduler kubernetes autoscaler Autoscaling components for Kubernetes KarpenterKarpenter is a node lifecycle management solution incubating in AWS Labs OSS and vendor neutral It observes incoming pods and launches the right instances for the situation Instance selection decisions are intent based and driven by the specification of incoming pods including resource requests and scheduling constraints awslabs karpenter Kubernetes Node Autoscaling built for flexibility performance and scalability Note Karpenter is in active development and should be considered pre production software Backwards incompatible API changes are possible in future releases and support is best effort by the Karpenter community Karpenter is a node lifecycle management solution It observes incoming pods and launches the right instances for the situation Instance selection decisions are intent based and driven by the specification of incoming pods including resource requests and scheduling constraints It s responsible for Launching nodes for unschedulable podsReplacing existing nodes to improve resource utilizationTerminating nodes if outdated or no longer neededDraining nodes gracefully before preemptionFor most use cases the entirety of a cluster s capacity can be managed by a single Karpenter Provisioner Availability zone instance type capacity type machine image and scheduling constraints are automatically determined by the controller using a combination of defaults and overrides Additionally you can define multiple Provisioners enabling use cases like… View on GitHubHow does it work Observes the pod resource requests of unscheduled podsDirect provision of Just in time capacity of the node Groupless Node Autoscaling Terminating nodes if outdatedReallocating the pods in nodes for better resource utilizationKarpenter has two control loops that maximize the availability and efficiency of your cluster Allocator Fast acting controller ensuring that pods are scheduled as quickly as possibleReallocator Slow acting controller replaces nodes as pods capacity shifts over time Getting startedIn this section we will quickly see the node lifecycle scenarios using Karpenter in an AWS EKS cluster Create necessary IAM roles for Karpenter autoscaler with the cloud formation template and Create EKS cluster with the below config file using eksctl Please refer to the documentation here apiVersion eksctl io valphakind ClusterConfigmetadata name eks karpenter demo region us east availabilityZones us east a us east bmanagedNodeGroups name eks karpenter demo ng instanceType t medium minSize maxSize You need to enable the service account and auth config map accounts to the Karpenter Please refer to the document here Install the karpenter helm chart helm repo add karpenter helm repo updatehelm upgrade install karpenter karpenter karpenter namespace karpenter create namespace set serviceAccount create false version Configure the Karpenter ProvisionerConfigure the Karpenter provisioner as below Please check the provider spec for more details apiVersion karpenter sh valphakind Provisionermetadata name defaultspec cluster name eks karpenter demo endpoint lt CLUSTER ENDPOINT gt instanceTypes t medium ttlSecondsAfterEmpty DeploymentLet s do the deployment to check the launching capacity and terminating capacity features kubectl create deployment inflate image public ecr aws eks distro kubernetes pause Provisioning NodesScale the deployment and check out the logs in the Karpenter controller kubectl scale deployment inflate replicas Check the logs of the karpenter controller➜eks karpenter demo git main kubectl logs f n karpenter kubectl get pods n karpenter l karpenter controller o name T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Starting provisioning loop commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Waiting to batch additional pods commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Found provisionable pods commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Computed packing for pod s with instance type option s t medium commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Launched instance i aafedfb type t medium zone us east b hostname ip ec internal commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Bound pod s to node ip ec internal commit bc T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Watching for pod events commit bc The allocation controller listens for pods changes It launched a new instance and bound the provision able pods into the new nodes by working with kube scheduler The provisioning time is fast compared to other node management solutions The other node management solutions usually take min to min for the node to be available After deploying the pods the instances are immediately created and binding The provisioner decides to launch a new instance within a second and the node joins the cluster for under seconds Within seconds the nodes are available to cluster for running pods You can configure the instance types capacity type os architecture and other provisioner spec fields Terminating NodesNow delete the deployment inflate After seconds ttlSecondsAfterEmpty Termination grace period Karpenter should terminate the empty nodes cordon amp drain by listening to the rebalance and termination events T Z INFO controller allocation provisioner default Watching for pod events commit bc T Z INFO controller Node Added TTL to empty node ip ec internal commit bc T Z INFO controller Node Triggering termination after s for empty node ip ec internal commit bc T Z INFO controller Termination Cordoned node ip ec internal commit bc T Z INFO controller Termination Deleted node ip ec internal commit bc Next StepsAutoscaling nodes are always challenging Karpenter addresses key areas of challenges by eliminating Node Group and directly provision nodes Karpenter is easy to configure high performance portable solution and vendor agnostic It scales seamlessly working alongside native kube scheduler and efficiently responds to dynamic resource requests Check out the AWS Labs Karpenter Roadmap It s still in beta In the year Karpenter is going to focus on covering the majority of known use cases and plan to rigorously test it for scale and performance I m Siva working as Sr Software Architect at Computer Enterprises Inc from Orlando I m an AWS Community builder Auth Ambassador and I am going to write a lot about Cloud Containers IoT and Devops If you are interested in any of that make sure to follow me if you haven t already Please follow me ksivamuthu Twitter or check out my blogs at 2021-09-24 02:49:51
海外TECH DEV Community Test updates https://dev.to/siddharthshyniben/test-updates-1h16 Test updatesEDIT this is a test edit If you see this it worked Markdown Syntax Overview Philosophy Inline HTML Automatic Escaping for Special Characters Block Elements Paragraphs and Line Breaks Headers Blockquotes Lists Code Blocks Horizontal Rules Span Elements Links Emphasis Code Images Miscellaneous Backslash Escapes Automatic LinksNote This document is itself written using Markdown youcan see the source for it by adding text to the URL Overview PhilosophyMarkdown is intended to be as easy to read and easy to write as is feasible Readability however is emphasized above all else A Markdown formatteddocument should be publishable as is as plain text without lookinglike it s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions WhileMarkdown s syntax has been influenced by several existing text to HTMLfilters including Setext atx Textile reStructuredText Grutatext and EtText the single biggest source ofinspiration for Markdown s syntax is the format of plain text email Block Elements Paragraphs and Line BreaksA paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text separatedby one or more blank lines A blank line is any line that looks like ablank line a line containing nothing but spaces or tabs is consideredblank Normal paragraphs should not be indented with spaces or tabs The implication of the one or more consecutive lines of text rule isthat Markdown supports hard wrapped text paragraphs This differssignificantly from most other text to HTML formatters including MovableType s Convert Line Breaks option which translate every line breakcharacter in a paragraph into a lt br gt tag When you do want to insert a lt br gt break tag using Markdown youend a line with two or more spaces then type return HeadersMarkdown supports two styles of headers Setext and atx Optionally you may close atx style headers This is purelycosmetic you can use this if you think it looks better Theclosing hashes don t even need to match the number of hashesused to open the header The number of opening hashesdetermines the header level BlockquotesMarkdown uses email style gt characters for blockquoting If you refamiliar with quoting passages of text in an email message then youknow how to create a blockquote in Markdown It looks best if you hardwrap the text and put a gt before every line This is a blockquote with two paragraphs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus Vestibulum enim wisi viverra nec fringilla in laoreet vitae risus Donec sit amet nisl Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit Suspendisseid sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing Markdown allows you to be lazy and only put the gt before the firstline of a hard wrapped paragraph This is a blockquote with two paragraphs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus Vestibulum enim wisi viverra nec fringilla in laoreet vitae risus Donec sit amet nisl Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit Suspendisseid sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing Blockquotes can be nested i e a blockquote in a blockquote byadding additional levels of gt This is the first level of quoting This is nested blockquote Back to the first level Blockquotes can contain other Markdown elements including headers lists and code blocks This is a header This is the first list item This is the second list item Here s some example code return shell exec echo input markdown script Any decent text editor should make email style quoting easy Forexample with BBEdit you can make a selection and choose IncreaseQuote Level from the Text menu ListsMarkdown supports ordered numbered and unordered bulleted lists Unordered lists use asterisks pluses and hyphens interchangably as list markers Red Green Blueis equivalent to Red Green Blueand Red Green BlueOrdered lists use numbers followed by periods Bird McHale ParishIt s important to note that the actual numbers you use to mark thelist have no effect on the HTML output Markdown produces The HTMLMarkdown produces from the above list is If you instead wrote the list in Markdown like this Bird McHale Parishor even BirdMcHaleParishyou d get the exact same HTML output The point is if you want to you can use ordinal numbers in your ordered Markdown lists so thatthe numbers in your source match the numbers in your published HTML But if you want to be lazy you don t have to To make lists look nice you can wrap items with hanging indents Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus Vestibulum enim wisi viverra nec fringilla in laoreet vitae risus Donec sit amet nisl Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing But if you want to be lazy you don t have to Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus Vestibulum enim wisi viverra nec fringilla in laoreet vitae risus Donec sit amet nisl Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing List items may consist of multiple paragraphs Each subsequentparagraph in a list item must be indented by either spacesor one tab This is a list item with two paragraphs Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Aliquam hendreritmi posuere lectus Vestibulum enim wisi viverra nec fringilla in laoreetvitae risus Donec sit amet nisl Aliquam semper ipsumsit amet velit Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing It looks nice if you indent every line of the subsequentparagraphs but here again Markdown will allow you to belazy This is a list item with two paragraphs This is the second paragraph in the list item You reonly required to indent the first line Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Another item in the same list To put a blockquote within a list item the blockquote s gt delimiters need to be indented A list item with a blockquote This is a blockquoteinside a list item To put a code block within a list item the code block needsto be indented twice spaces or two tabs A list item with a code block lt code goes here gt Code BlocksPre formatted code blocks are used for writing about programming ormarkup source code Rather than forming normal paragraphs the linesof a code block are interpreted literally Markdown wraps a code blockin both lt pre gt and lt code gt tags To produce a code block in Markdown simply indent every line of theblock by at least spaces or tab This is a normal paragraph This is a code block Here is an example of AppleScript tell application Foo beepend tellA code block continues until it reaches a line that is not indented or the end of the article Within a code block ampersands amp and angle brackets lt and gt are automatically converted into HTML entities This makes it veryeasy to include example HTML source code using Markdown just pasteit and indent it and Markdown will handle the hassle of encoding theampersands and angle brackets For example this lt div class footer gt amp copy Foo Corporation lt div gt Regular Markdown syntax is not processed within code blocks E g asterisks are just literal asterisks within a code block This meansit s also easy to use Markdown to write about Markdown s own syntax tell application Foo beepend tell Span Elements LinksMarkdown supports two style of links inline and reference In both styles the link text is delimited by square brackets To create an inline link use a set of regular parentheses immediatelyafter the link text s closing square bracket Inside the parentheses put the URL where you want the link to point along with an optionaltitle for the link surrounded in quotes For example This is an example inline link This link has no title attribute EmphasisMarkdown treats asterisks and underscores as indicators ofemphasis Text wrapped with one or will be wrapped with anHTML lt em gt tag double s or s will be wrapped with an HTML lt strong gt tag E g this input single asteriskssingle underscoresdouble asterisksdouble underscores CodeTo indicate a span of code wrap it with backtick quotes Unlike a pre formatted code block a code span indicates code within anormal paragraph For example Use the printf function 2021-09-24 02:48:13
海外TECH DEV Community Recommend an excellent HTML5 video player framework - MuiPlayer https://dev.to/leisbanon/recommend-an-excellent-html5-video-player-framework-muiplayer-3gk8 Recommend an excellent HTML video player framework MuiPlayerDocs Github IntroductionMuiPlayer is an HTML video playback plug in which is configured with exquisite and operable playback controls by default involving common playback scenarios such as full screen playback playback fast forward loop playback volume adjustment video decoding and other functions Support mp mu flv and other media formats to play solve most compatibility problems and adapt to play on PCs and mobile phones MuiPlayer has a wealth of parameters to customize the player instance and the video playback of the customized scene can be completed through easy configuration FeaturesMuiPlayer helped us solve some common problems in daily H Video application development The ui of different browser platforms cannot be unifiedConflicts between ui extensions and state processing are prone toIn different environments android ios pc h video api may trigger events at different timesThere are various compatibility issues with media formats muiplayer handles most of the compatibility issues when playing in different environmentsRepeated stepping on some pits in the process of developing h video we provide a complete solution so that developers can avoid some detours 2021-09-24 02:39:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Foundation' podcast launches to coincide with Apple TV+ debut https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/24/foundation-podcast-launches-to-coincide-with-apple-tv-debut?utm_medium=rss x Foundation x podcast launches to coincide with Apple TV debutTo go along with Thursday s premiere of Foundation on Apple TV the company debuted an original podcast that invites series producers and writers to discuss newly aired episodes Hosted by Jason Concepcion and showrunner David S Goyer the weekly podcast offers viewers deep dives into new episodes of the Isaac Asimov adaptation Guests include series writers though Goyer should prove a more than abundant source of information for each episode As noted in an interview with Goyer published today the show is not a strict adaptation of Asimov s classic series While plot points remain the story focuses on Foundation s characters and places special emphasis on time which plays a pivotal role in the written work Read more 2021-09-24 02:32:09
Linux OMG! Ubuntu! Ubuntu 21.10 Beta Released, This is What’s New http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/m_i0ORbez2s/ubuntu-21-10-beta-ready-to-download Ubuntu Beta Released This is What s NewWe re just a few short weeks away from the final Ubuntu release but first things first a beta Yes Ubuntu beta is now available to download Developers and non developers alike can go hands on with the Impish Indri to try it out ahead of a stable release on October Those who install the Ubuntu beta can upgrade to the final version when it arrives just by installing all updates ーand I do mean all ーas they arrive down the chute Intro out of the way let s take a look at what s new Ubuntu This post Ubuntu Beta Released This is What s New is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2021-09-24 02:09:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 中国経済:景気指標の総点検(2021年秋季号)-景気評価結果は0勝,9敗,1分で0点に転落! https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=68821?site=nli nbspその他の指標を見ると、電力消費量と道路貨物輸送量は月以降ヵ月連続でldquotimesrdquo、工業生産者出荷価格は月以降ヵ月連続でldquotimesrdquoとなっており悪化傾向が鮮明である。 2021-09-24 11:33:57
金融 生命保険協会 「特定非営利活動法人 鳥取県自閉症協会」へ助成金を贈呈しました(鳥取県協会) https://www.seiho.or.jp/info/social/2021/cr_20210924_1.html 特定非営利活動法人 2021-09-24 12:00:00
金融 生命保険協会 介護福祉士・保育士養成給付型奨学生「決定通知書授与式」を開催しました(京都府協会) https://www.seiho.or.jp/info/social/2021/cr_20210924_2.html 介護福祉士 2021-09-24 12:00:00
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES SBI生命、10月1日から生命保険料控除証明書の再発行を完全自動化 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2021/09/24/120000 2021-09-24 12:00:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中国恒大問題、債務危機の連鎖と歴史の教訓 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/283033 債務危機 2021-09-24 11:09:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 FBが広めたワクチン忌避、CEOの熱意反映されず - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/283034 熱意 2021-09-24 11:08:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 新型iPad miniは最小で最強の仕事用タブレットになった!【今日のライフハックツール】 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/242884lht-ipad-mini.html ipadmini 2021-09-24 12:00:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 1日15分のスマホ首対策。あごを支えて理想的な姿勢をキープするネックサポーター https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/09/machi-ya-necksupporter-end.html machiya 2021-09-24 11:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日ロ外相、1年7カ月ぶり会談 四島免税、日本の立場伝達 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/592472/ 国連総会 2021-09-24 11:10:01
北海道 北海道新聞 リコール署名偽造、認否を留保 事務局長側が初公判で https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/592471/ 事務局長 2021-09-24 11:07:00
IT 週刊アスキー 「NoMaps2021」10月13日~17日開催 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/069/4069982/ nomaps 2021-09-24 11:40:00



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