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TECH Engadget Japanese KDDI、「povo2.0」を9月29日に提供開始 https://japanese.engadget.com/kddi-povo-041828724.html 提供開始 2021-09-27 04:18:28
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AWS AWS Japan Blog [AWS Black Belt Online Seminar] CON142 Docker 入門 資料公開 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/aws-black-belt-online-seminar-con142-docker/ 過去のコンテナ技術はOS仮想化領域に注力していましたが、Dockerはアプリケーションをパッケージングしデリバリするところに注力し、スムーズな開発者エクスペリエンスを提供したことで新しいイノベーションを起こし市場の注目を集めました。 2021-09-27 04:13:54
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Web サービスのサーバー構築で躓いたところ https://qiita.com/amaten00/items/6a04a970f1ce50232a49 Webサービスのサーバー構築で躓いたところサーバーの構築・さくらのサーバーで構築pythonをDGIで動かすには、下記のように書く必要あり下記のも書く必要あり。 2021-09-27 13:52:41
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発】自分のPC上で実行できるDiscord読み上げBotを作りました https://qiita.com/GardenTree/items/96af44a93ace2608624e 読み上げ停止ボイスチャンネルから切断するときはyomidcと入力してください。 2021-09-27 13:52:19
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsアプリ作成の忘却録 https://qiita.com/ryutake459/items/ff6cb4d32739d95fa84c railsアプリ作成の忘却録webアプリケーションの新規作成railsnewアプリ名その後にオプションの指定railsnewアプリ名datebasepostgrepapiPostgreSQLデータベースSQLのつオープンソース、データベースと関連付けた丈夫さ、パフォーマンス性に特徴があるインストール方法とか使い方の記述が豊富データベーステーブルを作成した際のエラーbundleexecrailsdbcreatebundleexecrailsdbmigrateを記述したらcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLCouldntcreatescaffoldappdevelopmentdatabasePleasecheckyourconfigurationrailsabortedActiveRecordConnectionNotEstablishedcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinrailsinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinblockinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringintapUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinlttoprequiredgtCausedbyPGConnectionBadcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinrailsinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinblockinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringintapUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinlttoprequiredgtTasksTOPgtdbcreateSeefulltracebyrunningtaskwithtraceのようにエラーが発生postgreSQLを再起動したら解決しました。 2021-09-27 13:48:19
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsを使ったクイズアプリで問題を1問ずつ表示する方法 https://qiita.com/ykemoemo/items/de8195a261233cb8a997 Railsを使ったクイズアプリで問題を問ずつ表示する方法前提quizがquestionとアソシエーションの関係である。 2021-09-27 13:25:30
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS S3 静的ウェブサイトをHTTPS化 https://qiita.com/ebtiag/items/674899fdd1b94df2d0af AWSS静的ウェブサイトをHTTPS化年月日でのAWSのコンソールで確認大まかな手順Sに静的Webサイトをデプロイする独自ドメインを取得し、Routeに登録するAWSCertificateManagerで証明書発行CloudFrontからSにアクセスできるようにするSへの直アクセスを制限するRouteにCloudFrontのドメインを登録Sに静的WebサイトをデプロイするチュートリアルAmazonSでの静的ウェブサイトの設定がわかりやすい独自ドメインを取得し、Routeに登録する独自ドメインをRouteでホストするACMで証明書発行ACMを発行する際、リージョンはバージニア北部にするAWSCertificateManagerのコンソール画面証明書のリクエストパブリック証明書のリクエストを選択証明書のリクエストをクリック取得したドメインを入力DNSの検証を選択任意のタグをして確定とリクエスト検証状態のステータスが「検証保留中」になっていることを確認するRouteでのレコードの作成をクリックレコード作成のポップアップが表示作成をクリックしばらく待つ。 2021-09-27 13:08:12
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Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Database for MySQLでテーブルを作成した時につまらないエラーで悩んだ話 https://qiita.com/MonoShobel/items/ba43cfad053bff53fa72 AzureDatabaseforMySQLでテーブルを作成した時につまらないエラーで悩んだ話初めにこれは自分用のメモであるため簡潔に書いてあります。 2021-09-27 13:32:37
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsアプリ作成の忘却録 https://qiita.com/ryutake459/items/ff6cb4d32739d95fa84c railsアプリ作成の忘却録webアプリケーションの新規作成railsnewアプリ名その後にオプションの指定railsnewアプリ名datebasepostgrepapiPostgreSQLデータベースSQLのつオープンソース、データベースと関連付けた丈夫さ、パフォーマンス性に特徴があるインストール方法とか使い方の記述が豊富データベーステーブルを作成した際のエラーbundleexecrailsdbcreatebundleexecrailsdbmigrateを記述したらcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLCouldntcreatescaffoldappdevelopmentdatabasePleasecheckyourconfigurationrailsabortedActiveRecordConnectionNotEstablishedcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinrailsinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinblockinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringintapUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinlttoprequiredgtCausedbyPGConnectionBadcouldnotconnecttoserverNosuchfileordirectoryIstheserverrunninglocallyandacceptingconnectionsonUnixdomainsockettmpsPGSQLUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinrailsinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinblockinlttoprequiredgtUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringintapUsersdevrailsscaffoldappbinspringinlttoprequiredgtTasksTOPgtdbcreateSeefulltracebyrunningtaskwithtraceのようにエラーが発生postgreSQLを再起動したら解決しました。 2021-09-27 13:48:19
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsを使ったクイズアプリで問題を1問ずつ表示する方法 https://qiita.com/ykemoemo/items/de8195a261233cb8a997 Railsを使ったクイズアプリで問題を問ずつ表示する方法前提quizがquestionとアソシエーションの関係である。 2021-09-27 13:25:30
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海外TECH DEV Community JavaScript Functions: Explain Like I'm Five https://dev.to/sumusiriwardana/javascript-functions-explain-like-i-m-five-5009 JavaScript Functions Explain Like I x m FiveIf you are a newbie to programming and JavaScript you might first find it hard to grasp the concept of functions When I first learned about functions I thought I got it all right Then when I tried to apply it in some code challenges I got more confused and I had to go back and forth reading my notes to understand functions more deeply I came to the point that I doubted myself and felt like I was not up for this But without giving up I started digging deeper into functions and finally understood them So this post is for newbies like me who are trying to understand this concept in a simple form Let s get going Check out the Table of Content below to see what we will be going over in this post Table of ContentWhat is a function Parameters and Arguments Return Statement Calling a Function Function DeclarationsFunction ExpressionsArrow Functions What is a functionA function is the fundamental building block of a JavaScript application It is one of the most essential concepts in the language Let s take a simple machine What does it do It takes an input processes it inside and gives an output For example think about this coffee machine below It takes ground coffee brews it and makes a great cup of black coffee That s exactly what functions do as well We pass data into a function and we process that data inside the function or do something with that data inside a function and then we output or return that data The most simple form of a function is a simple piece of code that we can repeatedly reuse in our code What does this mean With function you don t have to write that code over and over again throughout your program Instead once you create a function you can reuse it whenever you want Confused Let s come back to it later Now let s create a simple function function myName console log My name is Sumudu myName So what have we done here We started with the function keyword This is how we declare a function Then we defined a function name which is myName This is the given name for the function which is a function that will simply log something to the console Then we added parenthesis We use parenthesis to add parameters which we will be exploring more later in this post Then we used curly braces to create a function body All the code that is within this curly braces is called the function body And it s this code that will be executed when we run this function To use this function we simply write the function name followed by a parenthesis And this process is called invoking running or calling the function So this is the simple way of writing a JavaScript function and the syntax of it Now you might be thinking that we are writing more code with functions That s true But the beauty of it is that we can use this function again and again throughout our program when we need it So we don t have to duplicate the code Let s look at a simple example to understand this Let s say you want to add ten to a number Here s how we can do it without functions const number Answer Now let s write this using a function function addTen number return number const firstNumber addTen Answer As you can see we have written more code in the second example but it would be useful to write a cleaner code when we want to add ten to more numbers Check the below example function addTen number return number const firstNumber addTen Answer const secondNumber addTen Answer const thirdNumber addTen Answer const fourthNumber addTen Answer const fifthNumber addTen Answer I hope now you can understand how we can write something once and reuse it again with functions Functions help us reduce reuse and recycle our code which is something awesome Now let s move on to understand few other parts of functions Which are Parameters and ArgumentsReturn StatementCalling a Function Parameters and ArgumentsThis is something I really got confused with when I was learning about functions I couldn t remember the difference properly and was wondering why my function was not working properly Let s check the below picture As you can see we added the function parameter inside the parenthesis This is the input or list of input values that need to be received to perform the function You can think of it as an empty placeholder that needs to be replaced later on Arguments are actual values of function parameters for those input data So in the above examples the placeholder is replaced by the actual data the number Return StatementWith the return keyword we can return any value from the function Some functions may not return a value but most functions do We call this value the result of the function Then this value that is returned can be used anywhere later in the code Let s look at an example function addTen number console log number addTen Answer function addTwenty number return number const firstNumber addTwenty Answer In the first function we haven t returned a value we have simply logged a value inside the function And then we called the function and got the logged value as In the second function we have returned a value as a result of the function And then we have stored the function in another variable firstNumber and called the function So every time the function is called the returned value will be the result of the function One important thing that you have to keep in mind is that this return keyword immediately exits the function It first returns the value that we ask it to return in this case the number After that the function is DONE It doesn t execute any other code after the return keyword So for example in the below code you can see that there s a console log after the return But if you run this code you can see that code stops right after the return and doesn t run the console log function addTen number return number console log Let s add numbers const firstNumber addTen Answer So if you want to run the console log you have to place it before the return keyword Calling a FunctionLet s say that you have written a function So how do we use this function To use a function we simply write the function name followed by a parenthesis And this process is called invoking running or calling the function If you remember the first example to log the name using the function we created we used the function name followed by the parenthesis below the function that we have written outside of the function function myName console log My name is Sumudu myName If you want to store the values that are returning from the functions and use them later on you can always store it in another variable by creating another variable and adding the function name as the value of that variable Let s look at the below example to understand how to do that function addTen number return number const firstNumber addTen Answer In the above example We have created a variable called firstNumber We have given the function name addTen as the value to that variable Now you can use this variable to call the function whenever you want Alright Now you have learned the basic parts of a function So let s look at the below pictures to recap everything and understand the anatomy of a function I hope now you have a basic idea of how the function works and the basic parts of Javascript functions There are different ways to write JavaScript functions We will be looking at three ways of writing functions in the next few sections These three types are Function DeclarationsFunction ExpressionsArrow FunctionAre you ready Let s go Function DeclarationsWe use the function keyword to declare a function Same like we declare a variable So let s declare another function to calculate the age based on the birth year Function declarationfunction calcAge birthyear return birthyear const age calcAge Let s see what we have done here We have created a function by giving the name calcAge to calculate the age And we have given the function parameter as birthyear So that s the input data that we will be taking to calculate the age We will be returning the results by subtracting the birthyear from the current year to calculate the age Then we stored this function in another variable age and called the function and we have given the actual data to calculate the age inside the calcAge So this is how we simply declare a function I hope this is clear to you Function ExpressionsNow let s see how we can perform the same function with the function expression Function expressionconst calcAge function birthyear return birthyear const age calcAge Earlier we have started with the function keyword But with function expression we write the function as an expression Remember that an expression produces a value so we must create a variable to store that value First we create a variable to store the function calcAge which will be the actual function Then we write the function as same as before but without a function name Next we add the function parameters function body and then call the function Yes simple as that Alright Now you might be wondering what s the big difference or big deal between function declaration and function expression There s one major difference between these two And that is we can actually call function declaration before it is defined in the code We call this hoisting Function declarations are hoisted but expressions are not In the code below I ve called the function before the function declaration and the function expression So if you run this code cosole log will produce an error for the calcAge Try it out Function declarationconst age calcAge function calcAge birthyear return birthyear Function expressionconst age calcAge const calcAge function birthyear return birthyear console log age age You can learn more about JavaScript hoisting here Okay let s dive into arrow functions Arrow FunctionsThere is another way of declaring functions in modern JavaScript and that s with the arrow function which actually looks like an arrow gt Arrow functions are actually shorter and faster to write Let s look at the same example that we used before and convert it to an arrow function Arrow functionconst calcAge birthyear gt birthyear const age calcAge Let s see what we have done here We have created a variable calcAge to store the function the same as before since the arrow function is also a function expression Then we have added the birthyear because we want to calculate the birth year Then we added an arrow gt and that s the reason we call this arrow function Then we simply wrote what we wanted to return birthyear Then we have called the function the same as earlier As you can see this code is a lot easier and faster to write And one of the reasons for that is that we don t need the curly braces like previously to define a code block for the function body And another reason is that return actually happens implicitly here it automatically returns the value without explicitly defining the return keyword So this is actually just the simplest form But this form will be changed and gets more complicated when we have more than one parameter or more than one result to return Now let s look at a more complex example where we have to use multiple parameters and code Let s say that we need to check whether I m eligible to drive To do that I need my birth year and my name as parameters And then I want to check my current age and then check it against the eligible age to have a driver s license Then produce a result saying that I m eligible or not const eligibileToDrive birthyear firstName gt const age birthyear const EligibleToDrive age gt return firstName is eligible to drive const eligible eligibileToDrive Sumudu console log eligible So in here we have wrapped the parameters in parenthesis and wrapped our code in curly braces Same as we have done in function declarations and expressions That s the only difference that you will see between simple and complex arrow functions I hope that now you can understand how you can write simple and complex arrow functions To recap and better understand the difference between these three types of functions refer to the below code Function declarationfunction calcAge birthyear return birthyear Function expressionconst calcAge function birthyear return birthyear Arrow functionconst calcAge birthyear gt birthyear So this is all about the basics of JavaScript functions Of course there s a lot more to functions than these basic concepts but you can easily get through the rest when you understand these basics Let s give you all a big hand for reading to the end of this post and trying to understand this complex concept I hope this post helps you to clarify all your doubts about functions Happy learning 2021-09-27 04:10:14
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles In first, Japan names China, Russia and North Korea as cyberattack threats https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/27/national/cyber-attacks-measures/ In first Japan names China Russia and North Korea as cyberattack threatsThe government said it will take tough countermeasures using every effective means and capability available on the issue including diplomatic responses and criminal prosecutions 2021-09-27 13:03:49
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles How to retire in Japan decades earlier than you think https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/27/business/fire-movement-retirement/ How to retire in Japan decades earlier than you thinkJapan s pioneers of the FIRE movement ー financial independence retire early ーbelieve in living below one s means early in life so they re able to 2021-09-27 13:00:57
ニュース BBC News - Home COP26: Australia PM undecided on attending crucial climate summit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-58703128?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA emissions 2021-09-27 04:30:22
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: Army may deliver fuel amid petrol 'shambles' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-58701728?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA papers 2021-09-27 04:35:40
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【NISA口座】みんなが買っている人気の銘柄は? 2021年9/20~9/24までにSBI証券で買われた 国内株式の買付金額ランキングを大公開! - NISAで人気の株・投資信託ランキング https://diamond.jp/articles/-/283177 2021-09-27 13:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「鬼滅」視聴率は21・4% 25日放送の劇場版 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/593391/ 視聴率 2021-09-27 13:18:04
北海道 北海道新聞 総裁選、最終盤へ突入 決選見据え支持拡大に全力 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/593440/ 自民党総裁 2021-09-27 13:10:00
IT 週刊アスキー 2Dアクションゲーム『ロードス島戦記 -ディードリット・イン・ワンダーラビリンス-』がSwitchやPS5はじめ家庭用ゲーム機で発売! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/070/4070188/ Dアクションゲーム『ロードス島戦記ディードリット・イン・ワンダーラビリンス』がSwitchやPSはじめ家庭用ゲーム機で発売PLAYISMとWSSplaygroundは、PCSteamで配信中の『ロードス島戦記ディードリット・イン・ワンダーラビリンス』をNintendoSwitchPlayStationPlayStationXboxSeriesXSXboxOnePCMicrosoftWindowsStoreで発売すると年月日に発表。 2021-09-27 13:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー 【質問です】新米の季節、ご飯をおいしく食べるなら「お肉をのせる」「水をかける」それとも……? https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/070/4070190/ 質問 2021-09-27 13:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』で「有間都古vsヴローヴ」&「暴走アルクェイドvs軋間紅摩」のゲームプレイ動画が公開中! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/070/4070187/ meltybloodtypelumina 2021-09-27 13:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー アタリの予感「大人なガリガリ君ラ・フランス」が登場! 果汁22%で“ねっとり食感” https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/070/4070182/ 赤城乳業 2021-09-27 13:05:00



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