IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Satechi、「iMac 24インチ」用クランプハブや「M1 Mac mini」向けドックなどを10月中旬より国内でも順次発売へ |
usbcclamphubforinchim |
2021-10-01 07:31:41 |
Engadget Japanese |
Kindle本月替わりセール:10月は「多様性の科学」「新説 恐竜学」「日本版FIRE超入門」「メスティン自動レシピ」など |
kindle |
2021-10-01 07:35:50 |
Engadget Japanese |
ジェフ・ベゾスの宇宙企業Blue Origin、元・現従業員から性差別や安全軽視など「有害性」の指摘 |
blueorigin |
2021-10-01 07:15:31 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ASUS、APUを採用した2in1タイプの14型Chromebookなど2製品 |
asuschromebookflipcm |
2021-10-01 16:03:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
[AWS Black Belt Online Seminar] CON207 Auto Scaling in ECS, CON307 ECS Capacity Providers |
AWSBlackBeltOnlineSeminarCONAutoScalinginECSCONECSCapacityProvidersAWSBlackBeltオンラインセミナー「AmazonECSDeepDive」と題しまして、「CONAutoScalinginECS」と「CONECSCapacityProviders」のつのセッションを公開します。 |
2021-10-01 07:57:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLで曜日ごとの集計はできるが平日の集計方法を知りたい |
SQLで曜日ごとの集計はできるが平日の集計方法を知りたいタイトルの通り、あるデータの集計をSQLで集計しているんですが、平日の集計をする方法がわかりません。 |
2021-10-01 16:59:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【知識のある方お願いします】while文を入れた途端シュミレーターが真っ白 |
【知識のある方お願いします】while文を入れた途端シュミレーターが真っ白今までうまくいっていたのに、ifindexPathsectionwhileiltcountifindexPathrowIntsubjectNameCodeicellsetupwithStringscoreiprint点数scoreiiiここにwhile文を入れた途端にシュミレーターが真っ白で何も映らなくなってしまいました。 |
2021-10-01 16:57:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
html 文字の色をcssを使って変更させたい。 |
html文字の色をcssを使って変更させたい。 |
2021-10-01 16:55:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python ソート 配列 |
2021-10-01 16:51:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBAで、一部の処理をfunctionで外部化すると戻り値がとれない |
VBAで、一部の処理をfunctionで外部化すると戻り値がとれない前提・実現したいことVBAで、エクセルのセルに入力された値を元にHTTP通信し、結果を受け取りセルに出力したいです。 |
2021-10-01 16:51:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
URLのソースコードを見ますと、テキスト部分の内容が一切見当たりません。 |
URLのソースコードを見ますと、テキスト部分の内容が一切見当たりません。 |
2021-10-01 16:47:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ドメイン設置が不明。。 |
2021-10-01 16:46:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
templateが思った通りに表示できない |
templateが思った通りに表示できないteamlisthtmlでteam選択のaタグに対してlinelistに遷移した時にmodelDepartmentのline全てが反映されてしまします。 |
2021-10-01 16:39:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
try文とその他の処理について |
2021-10-01 16:38:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Anaconda Navigator (anaconda3)が起動しない |
AnacondaNavigatoranacondaが起動しない前提・実現したいことAnacondanbspspyder環境で作業中、処理が重くなったため一度リブートさせようとしましたが起動しなくなりました。 |
2021-10-01 16:32:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript setInterval+XHR |
2021-10-01 16:19:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
http://[ip]:[port]にわかりやすいアドレスを与えたい |
httpipportにわかりやすいアドレスを与えたい社内のサーバーにWEBインターフェースを持ったアプリケーションを配置しています。 |
2021-10-01 16:19:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ネットワークフォルダの確認時間を短縮したい。 |
ネットワークフォルダの確認時間を短縮したい。 |
2021-10-01 16:17:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
php入門者 [このページは動作していません] の原因が知りたい。エラーログのとり方が知りたい。 |
提示コードですがNewAccountphpからCreateAccountphpに推移するとnbspこのページは動作していません、というエラーが出るのですがこれはなぜでしょうかエラーログのとり方が知りたいです。 |
2021-10-01 16:08:18 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
メソッドにおいての引数と返り値 |
領域 |
2021-10-01 16:49:59 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
logger.debugの使い方 |
2021-10-01 16:44:24 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】filter / detect / mapの違い |
2021-10-01 16:21:35 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Unity、AWS】実践!構築から開発をしてウェブアプリを公開する! |
作成手順スタックファイル作成AWS上でアプリの実行環境を構築します。 |
2021-10-01 16:55:02 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EmbulkでRDS→S3へ転送する際に、Access key,Secret keyを使わず、IAMロールを使う |
EmbulkでRDS→Sへ転送する際に、AccesskeySecretkeyを使わず、IAMロールを使うWhatsthisこれは何こちらの記事で、SAPIcallを行う際に、IAMユーザーを作成し、AccesskeySecretkeyを設定ファイルにベタ書きしていたのですが、やはりこれはセキュアとは言えないなと感じておりました。 |
2021-10-01 16:49:47 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
logger.debugの使い方 |
2021-10-01 16:44:24 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Rails 新規登録機能を実装する |
appviewstasksnewhtmlslimhタスクの新規登録navjustifycontentend一覧へのリンクlinkto一覧taskspathclassnavlinkformwithは、モデルオブジェクトを使ってHTMLの要素を作成するためのメソッドformwithmodeltasklocaltruedofbootstrapで用意しているデザイン用の要素を配置formgroup入力欄の名前を表示とラベル部分のクリックで対応する入力欄にフォーカスしてくれる役割がある。 |
2021-10-01 16:00:33 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】メルペイのキャンペーンの舞台裏 〜Growthを支える仕組み〜 – 小川 芳樹【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:44 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】メルペイスマート払いにおけるマイクロサービス化の軌跡 – 吉田 拓矢【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:37 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】Frontend Testing: Cypress as a Testing Platform – Wilson Lau【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:34 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】Product Ownerとしての開発の進め方 – 森脇 聖太【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:28 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】技術発信のための文化とリレーション – 安藤 喜子/日高 正博【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:26 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】The World Is at Your Pull Request! – How to Make a Dynamic QA Environment on Kubernetes and Istio - Yuki Ito【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
【書き起こし】TheWorldIsatYourPullRequestampHowtoMakeaDynamicQAEnvironmentonKubernetesandIstioYukiIto【MerpayTechFest】MerpayTechFestは、事業との関わりから技術への興味を深め、プロダクトやサービスを支えるエンジニアリングを知れるお祭りで、年月日月からの日間、開催しました。 |
2021-10-01 09:00:24 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】共通QRコード決済システムの裏側 – 青木 太郎 【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:24 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】技術コミュニティとの相互作用 – 上田拓也 @tenntenn【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:23 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】Merpay Tech Fest 2021 Keynote – 曾川景介【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:23 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】Vertex PipelinesとFeature Storeを活用した不正防止システム – Liu Songjie【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:13 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】モバイルアプリの大規模開発における組織的なソフトウェア改善から得た学び – 花田善仁【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:13 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】お客さまに選ばれるサービスを継続的に届けるために必要なこと〜QAエンジニアの立場で考えてみた〜 – 櫻井 みづき【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:11 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
【書き起こし】リグレッションテストの自動化を段階的に実装した話 – 高野 純知【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 |
hellip |
2021-10-01 09:00:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a Chrome Extension in Minutes |
Building a Chrome Extension in MinutesEver wondered how you can build your own Chrome Extension It s not as hard as you might think In this tutorial we ll create a simple Chrome Extension that converts all the text on a webpage into comic sans Why would you ever want to do that Because some people just like to see the world burn Let s get started Setting up Our ManifestFirst let s create an empty folder to house the contents of our extension The minimum necessary file to define your extension is your manifest which tells Chrome the defining characteristics of your extension Create a file in your folder called manifest json and fill it with the following fields Let s go over what the non straightforward ones mean Manifest version You re most likely going to want to put but in case you might need to have your manifest in a different format you can check out the other Manifest versions that Chrome acceptsBackground Here you can put scripts that run in the background of your extensionPermissions These are the APIs that you are accessing with your extension Here we are going to use storage to store persistent data activeTab to check the active tab and scripting to run operations on our active tabAction Here you can put different types of components of your extension For this example we are just going to create a popup menu and tell Chrome to grab the popup menu from popup html The CodeThe first part of this is by no means necessary but I think it s helpful to show you how persistent data storage and background scripts work Let s create a file called background js Next let s create our popup html file You can of course create a separate CSS file but for simplicity s sake we ll just use style tags Finally let s actually do the conversion to Comic Sans when the button is pressed Create a popup js file with the following code And there you have it The next step is loading it into Chrome Using Our ExtensionLoading our extension into chrome couldn t be easier Go to the extensions menu with the url chrome extensions Make sure developer mode is enabled can be done in the top right corner and then press Load unpacked From there you can select the folder where all of our extension files are and the extension will be loaded in We can now use it like so Uploading to the Chrome StoreGetting your app in the public Chrome store is a whole different ordeal that Chrome documents very well You can learn more about that here Next StepsSo what extension are you going to make At Codesphere we actually just released an extension that allows you to open a Github repo in Codesphere straight from Github You can check it out here Thanks for reading Happy Coding from your good friends at Codesphere the next generation cloud platform |
2021-10-01 07:52:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I landed a job at |
How I landed a job at Daily devYou read it right I got a new job I m now a software engineer at daily dev I decided to write this article about getting hired and how it all came to be The beforeLet s first take some time to sketch my previous job I was a senior full stack developer working in the healthcare sector Mainly focused on building apps web mobile with PHP backends And I really loved doing it However I also really like writing articles being an active community member and developing in general It s the th of August and daily dev posted a job ad on Twitter saying they were searching for a dev advocate It sounded like the exact thing I was looking for However I knew I had no experience being an advocate What I do have is years of experience in development and a major interest in being one Besides that I love their product I ve written about it written for them and I enjoy what they are doing for the developer community So I applied for the job The waiting gameSeeing as I wasn t too sure if the job I applied for would fit me I had a chat with my boss at the time and we discussed my current contract He offered me a permanent contract which was amazing I was over the moon as this gives one so much stability and recognition for the hard work I got offered a permanent contract ーChris Bongers ️ dailydevtips August Back to the processBetween applying and getting this offer I got invited to a chat with the CTO daily dev Ido Shamun I was excited to make it to this step as I was sure many people applied for the position This first chat was quite casual Ido has some questions for me and we talked about my skills views on things and general things Together we also talked about the fact I had no experience in the dev advocate world Ido mentioned they also had an opening coming up for a developer That sparked my interest And we discussed if that would be a better fit for me Perhaps you remember that tweet I sent out about getting the permanent contract Ido saw that as well and mailed me back congratulating me but also mentioning they would also like to offer me a position And that we could progress to the technical interview step I was over the moon but also a bit in doubt about what to do next I had this permanent contract on one side and this fantastic dream job on the other The technical interviewAt this point it was a no brainer to continue to the technical interview as that might stop the whole process For this interview a zoom meeting was planned for three hours I would have to build a new feature on the daily dev codebase Seeing it was a lot of time investment the guys over at daily dev offered a for the session I think this gives them as a company such cool and modern character They value people and their time even in interview steps The interview started and I was pretty nervous By this time I set up the codebase on my laptop with Ido s help because of some M issues I was guided through the element I was making Ido shared an online design file At first we talked about what needed to be done and how to tackle the process From there it was up to me to develop this new element I had some guidance and was able to reflect with Ido on some of the ideas In the end we had a working new feature It didn t all go according to plan as my React was a bit rusty However I think we both enjoyed the process and were on the same mind about it all Now what After the technical interview I might even be more nervous because now what At this time I got even more excited about this fantastic company and having worked on the codebase made me super excited Luckily I didn t have to wait long as the next day I got an email with the subject line You made it It stated Ido found it great working with me and felt my technical skills It did mention some concerns about my rusty React fundamentals but nothing major And that they would like to process to the next step the CEO interview with Nimrod I was super stoked The CEO interviewWe didn t waste much time and that same day I had a chat with Nimrod Kramer CEO of daily dev This again was a pretty informal talk Nimrod talked about the company where they are at and where they want to grow to He had some questions to evaluate me as a person and eventually there was time for some questions from my side In the end I was super happy with the talk and I felt like Nimrod had a mutual feeling about it And boom Just like that another day later I got the fantastic news that all that was left to do was to send me an offer And here we are Today is my first day at daily dev I can t express how happy I am to be here and start my work as a software engineer for daily dev I would also like to thank Ido and Nimrod for this fantastic process Even if I didn t get the job I would have been happy with how they approached this They value people and see them as actual people instead of resumes It was a first going through a process like this and I must say this is a way of hiring that many companies can learn from Thank you guys and happy to be part of the team ️ Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter |
2021-10-01 07:49:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Waymo and Cruise get DMV approval to offer autonomous rides in California |
Waymo and Cruise get DMV approval to offer autonomous rides in CaliforniaThe California DMV has given both Waymo and Cruise permission to offer the general public autonomous vehicle rides ーbut only in certain parts of the state and under a set of conditions Waymo applied for a deployment permit from the DMV back in January while Cruise submitted its application in March Now both companies only have to secure a deployment permit from the California Public Utilities Commission to be able to offer paid passenger rides in the state nbsp Cruise s permit from the DMV would allow it to deploy five autonomous vehicles without a human driver for commercial services in designated parts of San Francisco It can offer fully autonomous rides because it was able to secure a driverless pilot permit from the CPUC back in June The company s vehicles can only take passengers between AM and PM can drive with a maximum speed of mph and are not allowed to operate in conditions worse than light rain and light fog nbsp Waymo s permit on the other hand requires the company to put human drivers behind the wheel Its vehicles can operate in parts of San Francisco and San Mateo counties with a speed limit of mph Like Cruise s vehicles they re not allowed on the roads in weather conditions worse than light rain and light fog When it applied for a permit with the DMV it said it will deploy hybrid Chrysler Pacifica minivans and all electric Jaguar I Pace SUVs which will operation around the clock As the DMV s announcement notes it has now approved three deployment permits in the state The first company it approved was Nuro which uses autonomous vehicles to make deliveries Since Nuro s vehicles won t be shuttling human passengers the company didn t have to secure a permit from the CPUC to start its operations nbsp |
2021-10-01 07:09:50 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
協会員の異動状況等 |
異動 |
2021-10-01 09:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
つみたてNISA取扱い証券会社一覧 |
証券会社 |
2021-10-01 09:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
世界各国の金融政策・市場動向(2021年9月)-先進国でも金融政策正常化の動き |
nbsp【金融政策】【株価・対ドル為替レートの動き】・株価はこれまでの上昇傾向から転じ、多くの国で下落した図表。 |
2021-10-01 16:09:31 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Shohei Ohtani hits triple before Angels fall against Rangers |
ohtani |
2021-10-01 16:13:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sarah Everard: Challenge plain-clothes officers, Met Police says |
everard |
2021-10-01 07:15:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pret allergy death: Parents welcome Natasha's allergy law |
sufferers |
2021-10-01 07:40:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid in Scotland: Vaccine passport app launch hit by problems |
status |
2021-10-01 07:55:45 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
ドコモが映像サービスの「dTVチャンネル」を22年3月末で終了 - 不景気.com |
携帯通信 |
2021-10-01 07:42:27 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
暗号化の最新情報: Cloud Storage セキュリティの新機能 |
顧客管理の暗号鍵で暗号化された複合オブジェクトを作成するには、CloudKMS鍵のリソース名を作成リクエストのクエリパラメータとして指定し、作成する複合オブジェクトを暗号化します。 |
2021-10-01 08:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
元横綱白鵬「ほっとした気持ち」 引退会見で間垣親方、優勝45度 |
史上最多 |
2021-10-01 16:01:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』次期の「チャンピオンズミーティング ライブラ杯」は10月下旬に開催予定 |
開催 |
2021-10-01 16:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
“ギザミ”が復活!『モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク』の登場モンスターが一部公開 |
発売予定 |
2021-10-01 16:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
なか卯の「担々うどん」が今年も! うまくて辛い季節の定番 |
限定メニュー |
2021-10-01 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PC(Steam)版『モンスターハンターライズ』が2022年1月13日発売決定!4K60fpsに対応 |
pcsteam |
2021-10-01 16:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ケンタでお芋収穫! まるでさつまいもな「スイートポテトパイ」 |
数量限定 |
2021-10-01 16:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
無観客で中止の東京2020大会ツアー お客さまに寄り添う贈り物に反響 |
無観客で中止の東京大会ツアーお客さまに寄り添う贈り物に反響新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で年延期の後、月日に閉幕した東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会。 |
2021-10-01 07:22:54 |
Cloud Blog JA |
暗号化の最新情報: Cloud Storage セキュリティの新機能 |
顧客管理の暗号鍵で暗号化された複合オブジェクトを作成するには、CloudKMS鍵のリソース名を作成リクエストのクエリパラメータとして指定し、作成する複合オブジェクトを暗号化します。 |
2021-10-01 08:00:00 |