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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、来年発売の次期「iPad Air」への有機ELディスプレイの採用を断念か https://taisy0.com/2021/10/03/146912.html apple 2021-10-02 16:04:35
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure の使用料金を Teams の チャネル に POST してみました 【Subscription-Daily編】 https://qiita.com/turupon/items/62e9134b650bcd2b2f69 実行環境macOSBigSurpythonAzureCLIAzureFunctionsCoreToolsAzureFunctionRuntimeVersion事前の準備実行するプログラム用のServicePrincipalの作成この記事にありますように、ServicePrincipalのクライアントシークレットの有効期限はデフォルトで年、最大年までの設定となります。 2021-10-03 01:29:59
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python SQLAlchemyとPostgreSQLをローカルで試せる環境を作りました https://qiita.com/engineer-taro/items/baf39084fc94a83b7238 PythonSQLAlchemyとPostgreSQLをローカルで試せる環境を作りました表題の通り、SQLAlchemyの動きをローカルで確認しながら実装したかったので、環境を作りました。 2021-10-03 01:10:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) wordpress投稿ページにてcssがすべてに適応されてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/362463?rss=all wordpress投稿ページにてcssがすべてに適応されてしまうwordpress投稿ページにて下記HTMLとcssを記入したところspanタグのcssとulタグのcssがすべてに適応されてしまいます。 2021-10-03 01:43:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ruby で hash値をthrow,catchしたい https://teratail.com/questions/362462?rss=all rubyでhash値をthrowcatchしたい前提・実現したいこと元々Java開発をしていましたが、現在Rails開発に携わっています。 2021-10-03 01:33:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 「Visual Studio Code extension for Arduino」が機能しない https://teratail.com/questions/362461?rss=all 「VisualStudioCodeextensionforArduino」が機能しない実現したいこと・発生している問題ArduinonbspIDEでは、検索やコーディングに関する機能が今一なので、VSCodeと連携できないかと思い「VisualnbspStudionbspCodenbspextensionnbspfornbspArduino」をインストールしたのですが、上手く機能していないようです。 2021-10-03 01:08:25
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita VMware Cloud on AWSやVMware HCX関連のリンクまとめ https://qiita.com/mtoyoda/items/4c6faf527064af986247 VMwareCloudonAWSやVMwareHCX関連のリンクまとめはじめにVMwareCloudonAWSVMCおよびVMwareHCXに関してどこでドキュメントを確認できるか、どこから有用な情報を入手できるか、質問を頂くことがありまして良い機会なので個人的に良く参考にさせて頂いているリンクをまとめてみました。 2021-10-03 01:40:45
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Github]git push origin master後、password入力後エラー(Authentication failed for~) https://qiita.com/mkato1013/items/86040c5e0317951cfaef またトークンは、後で確認することができないので、どこかにメモしておきます。 2021-10-03 01:03:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsアプリをHerokuデプロイする際につまづいたエラーたち https://qiita.com/Yusuke_Sak/items/2a745e6d5fd5e99ca57d railsアプリをHerokuデプロイする際につまづいたエラーたちherokuにデプロイした際に出たエラーの対応を、備忘として記録します起きたエラーたちYourbundleonlysupportsplatformsxdarwinbutyourlocalplatformisxlinuxAddthecurrentplatformtothelockfilewithbundlelockaddplatformxlinuxandtryagainSprocketsDoubleLinkErrorMultiplefileswiththesameoutputpathcannotbelinkedsessionscssModulenotfoundErrorCantresolveimagesintmpbuildbcacappjavascriptpacksYourbundleonlysupportsplatformsxdarwinbutyourlocalplatformisxlinuxAddthecurrentplatformtothelockfilewithbundlelockaddplatformxlinuxandtryagain結論bundlelockaddplatformxlinuxするエラーとコードの意味herokuのbundlerとローカルでのbundlerのバージョンに相違があるとのことなのでbundlelockaddplatformxlinux実行して揃えた※heroku環境がLinuxだがらローカルをそれに合わせたようです解決までの流れエラーでググる→以下の記事を参考に、bundleinstallwithoutproductionしてcommitしてデプロイ→できない→Herokuとローカルのbundlerのバージョンが違うかも→記事にもコードにもbundlelockしろとあるのでbundlelockaddplatformxlinux実行add・commit・pushも忘れず→このエラーは解決したが以下エラー発生参考エラー解決Herokuにpushしようとしたら「FailedtoinstallgemsviaBundler」というエラーが出たQiita参考コードの意味macでherokuに初回pushするときに起こるエラー、herokuのプラットフォームを指定するSprocketsDoubleLinkErrorMultiplefileswiththesameoutputpathcannotbelinkedsessionscss結論sessionsscssを削除エラーとコードの意味エラー文の意味同じ出力パスを持つ複数のファイルをリンクすることはできません解決までの流れエラー文と調べた感じファイルが重複していた模様エラー文にthesefileswerelinkedremotetmpbuildcaappassetsstylesheetssessionscssremotetmpbuildcaappassetsstylesheetssessionsscssとあったのでsessionscssとscssを見てみた→どちらも空だったので試しにscss削除してみた→このエラーは解決したが以下エラー発生ModulenotfoundErrorCantresolveimagesintmpbuildbcacappjavascriptpacks結論appjavascriptimagesに画像追加解決までの流れapplicationjsconstimagesrequirecontextimagestrueからapplicationjsconstimagesrequirecontextimagestrue→してみたが変わらず→そもそも画像読み込めてないと考えてltimagepacktagdummypnggtしてみたが読み込めてたなかなか調べても解決方法わからなかったが、なんとなくimagesフォルダが空が原因と考えた→サンプル画像入れて再デプロイ→行けたまとめやったこととしては三つだけですがそこに辿り着くまでにかなり時間を使ってしまいました。 2021-10-03 01:38:25
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsコンソール第七章 Userリソース https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/f7dbdd4d008e1442e42b resourcesusersUsersリソースをroutesファイルに追加するRailsapplicationroutesdrawdorootstaticpageshome何の意味がわからんホーム画面がhomeページなるらしいgethelptostaticpageshelpstaticpagesコントローラからhomeアクションに紐付けされるgetでアクセルすることでページを取得することができるgetabouttostaticpagesabout何を書いているかはわからないgetcontacttostaticpagescontactaboutアクションにGETリクエストを送るgetsignuptousersnewurlにsignupと書くとuserコントローラのnewアクションを起こすresourcesusersusersの有効にするためend今の短期的な目的はWebページ上にユーザーを表示することではありますが、resourcesusersという行は、ユーザー情報を表示するURLusersを追加するためだけのものではありません。 2021-10-03 01:19:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第七章 ユーザー登録 https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/788eaa2b5faec11a632c railsdbmigrateRAILSENVproductionところで、サンプルアプリケーションを既にHeroku上にデプロイしている場合は、herokurunrailsconsoleというコマンドを打つことで、本番環境を確認することができます。 2021-10-03 01:19:07
海外TECH DEV Community Have fun with Windows message boxes https://dev.to/clementgaudiniere/have-fun-with-windows-message-boxes-ckl Have fun with Windows message boxesHello everyone today we are going to focus on our computers and more particularly on those under Windows We will generate a Windows message box using the following programming language Visual Basic Don t worry no prerequisites are necessary to follow this tutorial and all the steps will be explained Through this article we will also see how to enrich and improve our message box so that for example it can no longer be closed that it remains in the foreground etc This way you can joke with your friends in a friendly manner as there are several solutions to remove a dialogue box that cannot be closed This type of dialog box can also be called fake virus since it can worry the person at first even if it does not affect the user s computer in any way You can already see what the dialog box will look like at the end The basicsTo begin with you will need your computer running the Windows operating system Once turned on we will use the basic notepad software installed on almost all computers in the operating system If you do not have a notepad you can also use a code editor Once open we will write our first line of code msgbox Your text here Once written click on File then on Save as now give your file a name in the following form name vbs Then click on Save It is important to specify the extension of the vbs file otherwise the file will be executed as a text file and no action will be performed VBS means Visual Basic Script Once saved the file icon will normally look like this If you double click on this file you will see a windows dialogue box open which you can close by clicking on Ok or on the cross A non closable message boxNow we are going to add a few lines of code so that our box can no longer be closed simply with the cross nor with Ok To do this we will use the Visual Basic Do Loop statement The previously written code will be wrapped up in the do and loop instructions domsgbox Your text here loopWe re save the file as a vbs file and when we execute the file we will not be able to close it simply with the cross or with the Ok button since the loop instruction allows to create an infinite loop You can also put several messages in your code domsgbox Your text here msgbox Your other text here loopSo once both messages have been read the code will go back to the beginning and read the first and second messages over and over again To permanently close a message box go to the Windows Task Manager For example you can right click in the navigation bar and then click on Task Manager Once this is done click on Microsoft Windows Based Script Host and then on End Task If you can t find it here s an overview of what to find You can also turn off your computer and all messages will be gone the next time you turn it on Customise the message boxBefore you become a Windows message box pro you need to know the different ways to customise it Indeed you can for example give a title to your message box add a critical error icon a questioning warning We will also see how to make sure that our dialog box is always in the foreground In the following non functional piece of code the variables x y z can have several values Non functional codedomsgbox Your text here x y z Title loopWe will detail these values later but first let s break down the msgbox The first string in quotes represents the text inside the dialog box the x allows you to define the buttons of the dialog box the y enables you to put an icon and the z permits you to make the message box always in the foreground Finally the last string represents the title of the popup Let s first look at the x this is a number which can have different values and which allows the buttons to be defined All the values of x and their effects are here in the table below xEffectOK buttonOK and Cancel buttonsAbort Restart and Ignore buttonsYes No and Cancel buttonsYes and No buttonsRestart and Cancel buttonsThen the values of y can be as follows yEffectCritical error iconInterrogative warning iconSimple warning iconMessage iconFinally the z values can be zEffectNormal dialogue boxDialog box always in the foregroundLet s put into practice what we have just learned if we want to create a message box that is always in the foreground with the title Virus the content Trojan Horse with the Ok and Cancel buttons and with a critical error icon our code will look like this domsgbox Trojan Horse Virus loop To go furtherTo go further and make a joke to your friends we will see how to customize the appearance of our vbs file so that it looks like a web browser For example the following icon refers to a vbs file which opens an infinite message box To do this you need to save your vbs file anywhere unobtrusively Then right click and click on copy Then go to the place where you want to create your shortcut and right click and paste shortcut Then right click on the item you have just created and click on Properties and then Change Icon in the Shortcut tab Choose the icon you prefer then click on Ok then on Apply All that s left to do is rename it and you re done I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you liked the concept I might do another article on fake viruses If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments 2021-10-02 16:40:17
海外TECH DEV Community I made a tool in Rust to play mechanical keyboard sounds on key press https://dev.to/kb24x7/i-made-a-tool-in-rust-to-play-mechanical-keyboard-sounds-on-key-press-2ji5 I made a tool in Rust to play mechanical keyboard sounds on key press RustyvibesA Rust CLI that makes mechanical keyboard sound effects on every key press It was a collaborative effort that took months to make is now finally releasing macOS brew install kbx rustyvibes rustyvibes Windows Linux cargo install rustyvibes Usagerustyvibes lt soundpack path gt Download Soundpacks Here Mechvibes vs RustyvibesHow does Rustyvibes compare to its competitors like Mechvibes Mechvibes uses Electron and Chromium which is very resource intensive Rustyvibes on the other hand is made with Rust and can be upto x x more resource efficient Mechvibes Soundpacks Here PrivacyRustyvibes is a fully open sourced project and never uses any network activity at all If you like what I m doing you can join my Discord server here 2021-10-02 16:39:26
海外TECH DEV Community 10 things I add to every Rails app https://dev.to/phawk/10-things-i-add-to-every-rails-app-3fag things I add to every Rails appI end up creating a lot of Rails apps and each time I get started I often find myself wanting to add similar features or gems that I m using in other projects Here s a short list of of the most common things I add to every Rails app Tailwind CSSI ve been using Tailwind now for almost years I am super productive with it and urge you to give it a try if you haven t yet As Adam the founder says If you can suppress the urge to retch long enough to give it a chance I really think you ll wonder how you ever worked with CSS any other way Check out my post below for the best way to use Tailwind with Rails The best way to run Tailwind CSS on Rails Pete Hawkins・Oct ・ min read rails hotwire tailwindcss Authentication Devise Unless the project has really specific authentication requirements like nine shopping s auth code approach I ll use devise to manage logins Alongside this devise masquerade is a fantastic plugin to use with your admin area allowing you to login as other users This is helpful for debugging account specific issues etc Email systemsWether it s just for forgot password emails pretty much any Rails app I am building is going to send email There are two handy tools I use for this Letter opener webThis gem makes sure you don t embarrasingly send emails to real users whilst developing or testing life saver PostmarkPostmark is a service I have been using for years It s really easy to integrate into Rails using their postmark rails gem plus the product is great easy to use and very reliable Admin systemI try to make all of my products as self serve as possible requiring as little of my time to set up accounts or keep the product running Because of this having an in depth admin system to allow me to check on things block malicious users or make billing changes is necessary I usually tend to create these from Scratch but moving forward I ve started to use thoughtbot s administrate gem It sticks to the Rails conventions of controllers and routing so it s easy to customise and add new functionality to TestsI am a big fan of TDD and having decent test coverage this gives me confidence in continuously deploying code and ultimately helps me to develop apps faster For testing I use RSpec along with shoulda matchers for easily testing model relations amp validations I use Rails built in fixtures instead of something like FactoryBot This is purely for performance reasons fixtures allow your tests to run much much faster Ultimately I find a fast test suite is more useful and interrupts my workflow a lot less RubocopSticking with the automated testing side of things I like to use rubocop to make sure my code is consistent and it also catches some common issues with my code I usually follow the Shopify Ruby styleguide with a few minor tweaks SentryNext up is error monitoring with Sentry Exceptions usually happen in production when real users get a hold of your code and making sure these are tracked helps a ton in seeing what s going on and fixing it SidekiqI often don t set this up right away but within the first week or two of development comes the time for background jobs I like to stick with what I know and Sidekiq along with it s web interface is easy to use and reliable MetamagicThis one is a small but very useful gem It helps set page titles meta keywords and even open graph tags for sharing on social sites This is a must if you have a lot of publicly accessible pages and want to start doing some SEO lt meta title Sign in to your account gt Rack attackThe final gem I like to include in all projects is rack attack This is a rate limiting tool which is great for throttling dangerous actions in your app to prevent bot attacks or other malicious users It works great with APIs but I also like to use it for login sign up pages too like so Rack Attack throttle authentication ip limit period hour do req if req post amp amp w users sign in users sign up users password include req path req ip endend 2021-10-02 16:25:19
海外TECH DEV Community sdssdsd https://dev.to/singhabhishek6/sdssdsd-18jc sdssdsdHi I m Abhishek Kumar SinghA passionate Front End Developer I am Web Devloper Strong in design and integration with intuitive problem solving skills Proficient in React Javascript Passionate about implementing and launching new projects Ability to translate business requirements into technical solutions Looking to start the career as a web developer with a reputed firm driven by technology I m currently learning MERN Stack‍All of my projects are available at My PortfolioAsk me about React JavaScriptYou can reach me on sabhisheksingh gmail comConnect with me Languages and Tools 2021-10-02 16:08:36
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Kuo: 2022 iPad Air will use mini LED to avoid harming 11-inch iPad Pro sales https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/02/kuo-2022-ipad-air-will-use-mini-led-to-avoid-harming-11-inch-ipad-pro-sales?utm_medium=rss Kuo iPad Air will use mini LED to avoid harming inch iPad Pro salesRumors of Apple s decision to cancel the development of an OLED display for the iPad Air have been bolstered by an analyst note to investors with Apple to continue using LCD in tandem with mini LED backlighting for the future model to avoid clashing with an inbound inch iPad Pro update On Wednesday it was reported that Apple was canceling plans to introduce an iPad Air with OLED screens in along with the iPad Pro getting the technology in In a note to investors famed analyst Ming Chi Kuo of TF Securities has seemingly backed the claim According to Kuo in the note seen by Appleinsider Apple is expected to continue to use TFT LCD technology in This is apparently both for marketing and technical reasons Read more 2021-10-02 16:21:29
海外TECH Engadget Hitting the Books: Why that one uncle of yours continually refuses to believe in climate change https://www.engadget.com/hitting-the-books-how-to-talk-to-a-science-denier-lee-mcintyre-mit-press-153022138.html?src=rss Hitting the Books Why that one uncle of yours continually refuses to believe in climate changeThe holidays are fast approaching and you know what that means pumpkin spice everything seasonal cheer and family gatherings ーall while avoiding your QAnon adherent relatives like the plague But when you do eventually get cornered by them come prepared nbsp In his latest book How to Talk to a Science Denier author Lee McIntyre examines the phenomenon of denialism exploring the conspiracy theories that drive it and explains how you can most effectively address your relatives misplaced concerns over everything from mRNA vaccines to why the Earth isn t actually flat The MIT PressHow to Talk to a Science Denier Conversations with Flat Earthers Climate Deniers and Other Who Defy Reason by Lee McIntyre published by The MIT Press Belief in conspiracy theories is one of the most toxic forms of human reasoning This is not to say that real conspiracies do not exist Watergate the tobacco companies collusion to obfuscate the link between cigarette smoking and cancer and the George W Bush era NSA program to secretly spy on civilian Internet users are all examples of real life conspiracies which were discovered through evidence and exposed after exhaustive investigation By contrast what makes conspiracy theory reasoning so odious is that whether or not there is any evidence the theory is asserted as true which puts it beyond all reach of being tested or refuted by scientists and other debunkers The distinction therefore should be between actual conspiracies for which there should be some evidence and conspiracy theories which customarily have no credible evidence We might define a conspiracy theory as an “explanation that makes reference to hidden malevolent forces seeking to advance some nefarious aim Crucially we need to add that these tend to be “highly speculative and based on no evidence They are pure conjecture without any basis in reality When we talk about the danger of conspiracy theories for scientific reasoning our focus should therefore be on their nonempirical nature which means that they are not even capable of being tested in the first place What is wrong with conspiracy theories is not normally that they have already been refuted though many have but that thousands of gullible people will continue to believe them even when they have been debunked If you scratch a science denier chances are you ll find a conspiracy theorist Sadly conspiracy theories seem to be quite common in the general population as well In a recent study by Eric Oliver and Thomas Wood they found that percent of Americans believed in at least one conspiracy theory This included the truther and Obama birther conspiracies but also the idea that the Food and Drug Administration FDA is deliberately withholding a cure for cancer and that the Federal Reserve intentionally orchestrated the recession Notably the JFK assassination conspiracy was so widely held that it was excluded from the study Other common conspiracy theories ーwhich run the range of popularity and outlandishness ーare that “chemtrails left by planes are part of a secret government mind control spraying program that the school shootings at Sandy Hook and Parkland were “false flag operations that the government is covering up the truth about UFOs and of course the more “science related ones that the Earth is flat that global warming is a hoax that some corporations are intentionally creating toxic GMOs and that COVID is caused by G cell phone towers In its most basic form a conspiracy theory is a non evidentially justified belief that some tremendously unlikely thing is nonetheless true but we just don t realize it because there is a coordinated campaign run by powerful people to cover it up Some have contended that conspiracy theories are especially prevalent in times of great societal upheaval And of course this explains why conspiracy theories are not unique to modern times As far back as the great fire of Rome in AD we saw conspiracy theories at work when the citizens of Rome became suspicious over a weeklong blaze that consumed almost the entire city ーwhile the emperor Nero was conveniently out of town Rumors began to spread that Nero had started it in order to rebuild the city in his own design While there was no evidence that this was true nor for the legend that Nero sang while the city burned Nero was apparently so upset by the accusation that he started his own conspiracy theory that it was in fact the Christians who were responsible which led to the prevalence of burning them alive Here one understands immediately why conspiracy theories are anathema to scientific reasoning In science we test our beliefs against reality by looking for disconfirming evidence If we find only evidence that fits our theory then it might be true But if we find any evidence that disconfirms our theory it must be ruled out With conspiracy theories however they don t change their views even in the face of disconfirming evidence nor do they seem to require much evidence beyond gut instinct that their views are true in the first place Instead conspiracy theorists tend to use the conspiracy itself as a way to explain any lack of evidence because the clever conspirators must be hiding it or the presence of evidence that disconfirms it because the shills must be faking it Thus lack of evidence in favor of a conspiracy theory is in part explained by the conspiracy itself which means that its adherents can count both evidence and lack of evidence in their favor Virtually all conspiracy theorists are what I call “cafeteria skeptics Although they profess to uphold the highest standards of reasoning they do so inconsistently Conspiracy theorists are famous for their double standard of evidence they insist on an absurd standard of proof when it concerns something they do not want to believe while accepting with scant to nonexistent evidence whatever they do want to believe We have already seen the weakness of this type of selective reasoning with cherry picking evidence Add to this a predilection for the kind of paranoid suspicion that underlies most conspiracy minded thinking and we face an almost impenetrable wall of doubt When a conspiracy theorist indulges their suspicions about the alleged dangers of vaccines chemtrails or fluoride ーbut then takes any contrary or debunking information as itself proof of a cover up ーthey lock themselves in a hermetically sealed box of doubt that no amount of facts could ever get them out of For all of their protests of skepticism most conspiracy theorists are in fact quite gullible Belief in the flatness of the Earth is a great example Time and again at FEIC I heard presenters say that any scientific evidence in favor of the curvature of the Earth had been faked “There was no Moon landing it happened on a Hollywood set “All the airline pilots and astronauts are in on the hoax “Those pictures from space are Photoshopped Not only did disconfirming evidence of these claims not cause the Flat Earthers to give up their beliefs it was used as more evidence for the conspiracy And of course to claim that the devil is behind the whole cover up about Flat Earth could there be a bigger conspiracy theory Indeed most Flat Earthers would admit that themselves A similar chain of reasoning is often used in climate change denial President Trump has long held that global warming is a “Chinese hoax meant to undermine the competitiveness of American manufacturing Others have contended that climate scientists are fudging the data or that they are biased because they are profiting from the money and attention being paid to their work Some would argue that the plot is even more nefarious ーthat climate change is being used as a ruse to justify more government regulation or takeover of the world economy Whatever evidence is presented to debunk these claims is explained as part of a conspiracy it was faked biased or at least incomplete and the real truth is being covered up No amount of evidence can ever convince a hardcore science denier because they distrust the people who are gathering the evidence So what is the explanation Why do some people like science deniers engage in conspiracy theory thinking while others do not Various psychological theories have been offered involving factors such as inflated self confidence narcissism or low self esteem A more popular consensus seems to be that conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism that some people use to deal with feelings of anxiety and loss of control in the face of large upsetting events The human brain does not like random events because we cannot learn from and therefore cannot plan for them When we feel helpless due to lack of understanding the scale of an event its personal impact on us or our social position we may feel drawn to explanations that identify an enemy we can confront This is not a rational process and researchers who have studied conspiracy theories note that those who tend to “go with their gut are the most likely to indulge in conspiracy based thinking This is why ignorance is highly correlated with belief in conspiracy theories When we are less able to understand something on the basis of our analytical faculties we may feel more threatened by it There is also the fact that many are attracted to the idea of “hidden knowledge because it serves their ego to think that they are one of the few people to understand something that others don t know In one of the most fascinating studies of conspiracy based thinking Roland Imhoff invented a fictitious conspiracy theory then measured how many subjects would believe it depending on the epistemological context within which it was presented Imhoff s conspiracy was a doozy he claimed that there was a German manufacturer of smoke alarms that emitted high pitched sounds that made people feel nauseous and depressed He alleged that the manufacturer knew about the problem but refused to fix it When subjects thought that this was secret knowledge they were much more likely to believe it When Imhoff presented it as common knowledge people were less likely to think that it was true One can t help here but think of the six hundred cognoscenti in that ballroom in Denver Out of six billion people on the planet they were the self appointed elite of the elite the few who knew the “truth about the flatness of the Earth and were now called upon to wake the others What is the harm from conspiracy theories Some may seem benign but note that the most likely factor in predicting belief in a conspiracy theory is belief in another one And not all of those will be harmless What about the anti vaxxer who thinks that there is a government cover up of the data on thimerosal whose child gives another measles Or the belief that anthropogenic human caused climate change is just a hoax so our leaders in government feel justified in delay As the clock ticks on averting disaster the human consequences of the latter may end up being incalculable 2021-10-02 16:15:22
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Climate change: Stop smoke and mirrors, rich nations told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58774786?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA summit 2021-10-02 16:14:50
ニュース BBC News - Home In pictures: Queen officially opens Scottish Parliament https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-58775276?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-10-02 16:33:50
ニュース BBC News - Home Paris attacks: Haunting survivors' memories shake terror trial https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58759778?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA paris 2021-10-02 16:54:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Chilwell and Werner score late as Chelsea beat 10-man Southampton https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58667868?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Chilwell and Werner score late as Chelsea beat man SouthamptonChelsea score two late goals as Thomas Tuchel s side bounce back from consecutive defeats against Southampton to move top of the Premier League 2021-10-02 16:33:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Britain's Deignan wins first women's Paris-Roubaix https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cycling/58775065?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA roubaix 2021-10-02 16:45:18
ニュース BBC News - Home Leeds 1-0 Watford: Diego Llorente scores to give Leeds first win of season https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58667878?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Leeds Watford Diego Llorente scores to give Leeds first win of seasonLeeds pick up their first victory in the Premier League this season as defender Diego Llorente returns from injury to score the winner over Watford 2021-10-02 16:05:49
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 21/260 らーめん 一辰:塩チャーシューワンタン麺(中太麺)、味玉 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/RzLAzwfB8wg/single_feed.php 感染拡大 2021-10-02 17:14:20
北海道 北海道新聞 寿都町長選へ「前哨戦」 立候補予定者、公約訴え https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/595841/ 任期満了 2021-10-03 01:11:16



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