Engadget Japanese |
EU、iPhone内蔵のNFCチップとApple Payを独禁法違反として告発か |
applepay |
2021-10-08 03:40:15 |
Engadget Japanese |
マイクロソフト、Xbox20周年を記念した半透明コントローラーを発売 |
記念 |
2021-10-08 03:20:51 |
Engadget Japanese |
AnkerからLiberty 2 Pro(第2世代)登場 LDACハイレゾ再生/外音取り込みに対応 |
anker |
2021-10-08 03:00:17 |
ロボスタ |
配膳ロボット「Servi」を導入した高齢者住宅でインターン生が職業体験 コロナ禍で交流が難しくなった高齢者と若者を繋ぐ場に |
servi |
2021-10-08 03:10:02 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ユニクロ、アプリ注文→店頭受け取り「ORDER & PICK」 最短2時間、レジ並ばずOK |
itmedia |
2021-10-08 12:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 静岡県の「住み続けたい街」ランキング 3位「静岡市葵区」、2位「浜松市北区」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-10-08 12:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ASUS、有機ELパネルを採用した11世代Core搭載15.6型ノート「Vivobook 15 OLED」 |
asusjapan |
2021-10-08 12:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Twiterで「テレワークできるならすべき」の声 首都圏で最大震度5強の地震受け |
itmedianewstwiter |
2021-10-08 12:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 金融所得課税と1億円の壁 |
itmedia |
2021-10-08 12:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ハウスコム、家賃と初期費用を自由に設定できる「スマートレント」 |
itmedia |
2021-10-08 12:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] オンラインAI商標登録プラットフォーム「Cotobox」、出願取扱件数1万件を突破 2019年度比で約5.6倍増 |
ITmediaビジネスオンラインオンラインAI商標登録プラットフォーム「Cotobox」、出願取扱件数万件を突破年度比で約倍増cotobox東京都千代田区は月日、運営するオンラインAI商標登録プラットフォーム「Cotobox」コトボックスが、サービス提供開始の年月から年月末時点で、同サービス経由の商標出願取扱件数が万件を突破したと発表した。 |
2021-10-08 12:13:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
IoTBASEの「Canvas」、福島県昭和村の有害鳥獣対策スマート化事業に採用 |
canvas |
2021-10-08 03:00:10 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon EC2 Macインスタンス が東京リージョンでご利用可能になりました |
ベアメタルサーバーは、独自のハイパーバイザーを使用したいお客様、または仮想化されていない環境で実行する必要のあるアプリケーションを対象としています。 |
2021-10-08 03:05:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【FastAPI】テストケース毎に独立したDBデータを使用する(GitHub Actions付き) |
参考一部重複内容ありFastAPIでテスト用のクリーンなDBを作成してpytestでAPIのUnittestを行う本記事のソースコードskokadofastapitutorial環境PythonfastapiSQLAlchemySQLAlchemyUtilspytestfactoryboyアプリケーション準備ユーザ認証とブログ管理を行う簡単なアプリケーションを用意する。 |
2021-10-08 12:39:20 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GraphQL Clientの使い方 |
GraphQLサーバーの起動cdfullstacktutorialfinalservernpmrunstartスキーマ定義LaunchConnectioncursorは、打ち上げデータに付与されているlaunchdateunixに対応。 |
2021-10-08 12:26:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
json_encodeでJavaScriptのオブジェクトに変換をうまくできない |
jsonencodeでJavaScriptのオブジェクトに変換をうまくできない以下のような情報をPHPでfetchAllPDOFETCHASSOCしております。 |
2021-10-08 12:55:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelにてテーブルにデータ追加時、必ず別テーブルにもデータを作成したい |
Laravelにてテーブルにデータ追加時、必ず別テーブルにもデータを作成したいLaravelのeloquentでデータを追加する際、例えばAモデルにデータを追加する際は必ずBモデルにもデータを入れたいです。 |
2021-10-08 12:40:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
追加したファイルがGitlabに反映されない |
追加したファイルがGitlabに反映されない前提・実現したいことGitlabでaddcommitpushを行いたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージ外部リポジトリをcloneしてローカルで新規ファイルを作成してpushを行ったのですが、追加したファイルがgitlabに反映しません。 |
2021-10-08 12:33:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBAで別シートへの転記がしたい |
VBAで別シートへの転記がしたいあるシートにリスト形式で記載されている内容を別シートに自動的に転記できるようにしたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-08 12:32:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity ボタン 選択時の動作 |
Unityボタン選択時の動作前提・実現したいこと初めてこのサイトを使用させていただきます。 |
2021-10-08 12:11:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【OpenAPI3】【C#】【列挙型(enum)】OpenAPIGeneratorを使用した列挙型の値設定について |
【OpenAPI】【C】【列挙型enum】OpenAPIGeneratorを使用した列挙型の値設定について前提・実現したいことOpenAPIからCのソースコードを出力し、DLL化しようとしております。 |
2021-10-08 12:08:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
2021-10-08 12:04:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AVCaptureSynchronizedDepthData vs ARFrame.sceneDepth (背面カメラを使用した場合) |
2021-10-08 12:02:28 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SonarQubeを日本語化する |
日本語化されているか確認画面を更新すると、ログイン画面に戻されると思うので、再びログインします。 |
2021-10-08 12:19:22 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
さくらのVPSでスケールアップでパーテーション拡張 |
ここから、growpartコマンドを使って既存パーテーションを拡張します。 |
2021-10-08 12:16:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
enumの値によって遷移先を変えたい |
enumの値によって遷移先を変えたいはじめに現在プログラミング学習を始めてヶ月目の初学者です。 |
2021-10-08 12:05:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
古くからのユーザ程混乱しがちな1Password機能拡張の今について確認してみた |
chrome |
2021-10-08 03:02:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Opinionated Project Structures in React.js without a Framework |
Opinionated Project Structures in React js without a FrameworkAfter using React professionally for nearly two years I ve finally settled on sensible ways to structure or compose applications in React This strictly applies to using vanilla React not any sort of framework ecosystem or starter environment I say all that to say this there s a million ways to structure a react app and none of them are wrong on their face but do they really make sense design systems shouldn t dictate project structure focus on composability both in your system architecture and componentsI ve spent lots of time studying different ways to structure a react app and they often felt disjointed or opinionated in ways that I think a person would have a hard time justifying or explaining why it s structured that way At the point of working on react apps I finally asked myself why do we structure these apps the way we do and can I give at least one reason for every folder or file being where it is that isn t arbitrary Studying different methods of application structure not just revolving around react but software in general I finally decided to plunge into refactoring applications at work and being able to say this is why these folders are where they are and this is why I think it s a good idea I settled on a project structure that tries to embody the word responsibility I realized that in a UI library it s very easy to cram everything into messy hierarchies or paths Basically this thing is inside this thing is inside this thing and so on One final note before laying out the structure and the why for testing is crucial and is the only first class file meaning it can live where you want it to based on needs since many people need to test various parts of their app in widely different ways since unit feature integration and browser testing can be a wild place to wander The Structure We Make Assumptionssrc tests common components context forms hooks layouts pages routes services tables utils constants jsx helpers App jsxI ll step through each directory and explain the thought behind its placement and its responsibility This is after all entirely about inferring structure based on responsibility src just simply what contains the app in total tests would contain feature and integration tests for me but may also contain your unit tests if that is what the team needs or likes no opinion beyond you need testing common this houses any component that is used more than once in the app with the potential of living in your own design system or external library excludes other components we ll go over Be cautious about abstracting too early because refactoring is very easy using this structure Considering that everything has its place we need good reason to say this component is common to the app yet doesn t have behavior which determines it to belong in another directory components houses one offs or atoms as well as wrapper or container components These will usually have business logic hoisted state and provide a place that atoms are composed and used with each other context any context providers these contain your global state extended stores and dependency injection components forms houses any form element component in full Forms make up the majority of data driven applications so its important to either reuse them in smart ways or keep track of their namespaces hooks any custom hooks you may need to wrap the native react lifecycle hooks layouts any structured or skeleton like html templates Think navs footers sidebars dashboard wrappers content containers Usually encapsulates exactly what the name implies the page layout of your app pages any component that is routed to very simple concept to apply and maintain if it is a routed component it is a page Then you take it from there with how you compose pages inside layouts or vice versa Match the page name to the route which should match the URL It s a document location so keep it simple and absolutely consistent dashboard would be Dashboard users id would be User users would be Users etc Follow namespacing rules for nested URL structure users id profile would be UserProfile routes route declaration files protected and role based routing These routes will only ever point to a page Depending on what router you use determines how you compose or use the route definitions services links to the outside world via http ws and any rd party integrations Defines the network clients tables the other half of data driven applications are tables namespaced and composed of only ever a table element integrating other components as needed from common components utils contains a constants page and a helpers dir constants are meant to be used throughout the app whether environmental or domain driven The helpers dir is non react helper functions Individual Component Hierarchycomponents YourComponent index jsx test jsxThe rule to follow is that every component only ever contains an index jsx file that exports itself as the default named function This allows for extremely easy colocation of unit tests per component and if you need it styles as well I personally avoid CSS in JS due to responsibility but you may favor that as a development habit or your build tool may necessitate it though I prefer to be unbound by structuring my app based on the build tool Be cautious about deeply nesting inside components when you find yourself nesting too much take the time to think about how you could compose it to not nest at all or would it serve better at being pulled into atoms TakeawayTake the time to understand why code locates where it does and it ll become second nature to build systems that follow structured approaches Reducing cognitive overhead is crucial to being effective in software Complexity in structure or the lack of structure does not help Focus on composability based on responsibility With a structure like this it is extremely easy to refactor an application when you see code bloat or code rot Focusing on responsibility means you reduce spaghetti since component dependencies are decoupled more and more |
2021-10-08 03:12:46 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Android executive offers to help Apple deploy RCS messaging |
Android executive offers to help Apple deploy RCS messagingA Google SVP in a tweet Thursday extended an open invitation to assist Apple should the tech giant choose to support the Rich Communication Services RCS which is primed to succeed SMS as the next mobile to mobile text standard Hiroshi Lockheimer Google SVP of platforms and ecosystems did not mention Apple by name in the tweet but alluded to the tech giant as the folks who can put an end to broken group chats involving iOS and Android users Lockheimer was commenting on a Twitter conversation sparked by a Golf Digest story about PGA Tour golfer Bryson DeChambeau who is the odd one out in group texts because his Android texts appear as green bubbles in Messages strings The official Android account responded with a reference to the Masters green jacket in a message subsequently quoted by Lockheimer Read more |
2021-10-08 03:10:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Watch Series 7 prices leak ahead of start to preorders |
Apple Watch Series prices leak ahead of start to preordersA rumor on Thursday claims to shed light on Apple Watch Series pricing with the information detailing purchase costs that are largely identical to those of Apple Watch Series Citing sources familiar with the matter hit or miss leaker Jon Prosser claims to have a price list for a number of Apple Watch Series configurations The wearable is due to go up for presale on Friday though Apple has yet to disclose exact pricing saying only that the device starts at Apple appears to be carrying over its pricing strategy from Apple Watch Series with aluminum models topping out at for mm variants with cellular capabilities Stainless steel versions start at for mm models and move to for the larger mm case size Apple Watch with a titanium chassis sells for and depending on size Apple Watch Hermes is not included in the list Read more |
2021-10-08 03:48:23 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tesla is moving its headquarters to Texas from California |
Tesla is moving its headquarters to Texas from CaliforniaTurns out Tesla isn t just building a factory in Austin Texas ーit s also moving its headquarters to the city from California Elon Musk has announced the move at the company s most recent annual shareholder meeting where he also clarified that Tesla still plans to expand production at its California plant by percent He explained however that there s quot a limit to how big you can scale in the Bay Area quot because house prices are sky high which means long commutes for workers who have to live elsewhere nbsp The move doesn t come entirely as a surprise Musk previously threatened to move Tesla s headquarters out of California after coronavirus lockdowns forced the company to suspend production in the state He even called the lockdown orders quot fascist quot during an earnings call in and then personally relocated from LA to Austin a few months later That said it s worth noting that Tesla is now based in a state where it can t sell its cars to buyers directly which has been its approach from the beginning due to pro dealership laws As CNBC notes Musk moving to Texas means he d be paying less taxes The state has no personal income tax whereas California has some of the largest income tax rates in the country Further the state has been offering companies tax breaks to build facilities in the state under the Texas Economic Development Act During the meeting shareholders also voted on proposals to improve company governance The New York Times said they agreed on most of the proposals aside from a couple that the company opposed one of which would require the company to publish reports on its efforts to diversify its workplace Tesla said in a report PDF last year that its leadership in the US is still mostly white and male while its workforce is percent male and percent white overall Just a few days ago the company was ordered to pay million in damages to a former Black worker The plaintiff accused the automaker of turning a blind eye to discrimination and racial abuse while he was working at its plant in Fremont California nbsp |
2021-10-08 03:07:29 |
海外TECH |
Network World |
Cisco: Networking, security, collaboration at heart of hybrid workforce concerns |
Cisco Networking security collaboration at heart of hybrid workforce concerns When it comes to supporting the emerging hybrid workforce getting the network and security right is top of mind among enterprise IT leaders That s one finding detailed in Cisco s new Hybrid Work Index which the company says will be updated quarterly to gauge how worker and technology habits are evolving as the COVID pandemic continues The most powerful companies in enterprise networking Cisco says the index gleans information from anonymized customer data points culled from a number of its products including Meraki networking ThousandEyes internet visibility Webex collaboration and security platforms Talos Duo and Umbrella The index also incorporates third party survey data from more than respondents across countries To read this article in full please click here |
2021-10-08 03:46:00 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Implement a Distributed Database to Your Java Application |
applicationinterference |
2021-10-08 03:18:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
China’s Power Crunch Exposes Tensions Ahead of Key U.N. Climate Summit |
China s Power Crunch Exposes Tensions Ahead of Key U N Climate SummitKeeping global temperatures from dangerous levels means China must pivot away from coal immediately Its soaring energy demand and rolling blackouts mean it probably won t |
2021-10-08 03:44:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Doctors alerted to dangerous dry scooping workout trend |
goers |
2021-10-08 03:34:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
US Senate votes to temporarily extend debt ceiling to avoid default |
government |
2021-10-08 03:30:43 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【楽天お買い物マラソン】Ankerの小型モバイルプロジェクターが1万円オフ、ダイソンのコードレス掃除機が31%オフなど |
anker |
2021-10-08 13:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Vertex AI でのデュアル デプロイ |
このプロジェクトでは次のコンポーネントが使用されます。 |
2021-10-08 05:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Google が 2021 年 Gartner® Magic Quadrant® でフル ライフサイクル API 管理のリーダーに選出 |
Gartnerのリサーチに関する発行物は、Gartnerのリサーチアドバイザリ組織の見解を表したものであり、事実を表現したものではありません。 |
2021-10-08 04:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
和歌山でも年金情報誤送付 受給額など漏えい、厚労相 |
厚生労働相 |
2021-10-08 12:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
首相、経済対策の策定指示 コロナ対応、補正編成へ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-10-08 12:00:55 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ソフトバンク長谷川が引退 13年に首位打者 |
今季限り |
2021-10-08 12:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証、午前終値597円高 米債務上限巡り心理改善 |
日経平均株価 |
2021-10-08 12:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
首相が祝意「若者の大きな励み」 ノーベル賞真鍋氏に |
真鍋淑郎 |
2021-10-08 12:09:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
おいしそ! ハーゲンダッツにザクザクの「ストロベリーショコラパフェ」 |
食感 |
2021-10-08 12:15:00 |
ニュース |
注目クラブトークン:仙台89ERS/佐賀バルーナーズ戦ハーフタイムで予想企画実施ほか |
注目クラブトークン仙台ERS佐賀バルーナーズ戦ハーフタイムで予想企画実施ほか注目ニュース仙台ERSはFiNANCiEにて、月日から日に開催する佐賀バルーナーズ戦ハーフタイムにて、マスコットキャラ「ティナとバルたんのフリースロー勝者予想企画」を開催する予定。 |
2021-10-08 03:00:59 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Vertex AI でのデュアル デプロイ |
このプロジェクトでは次のコンポーネントが使用されます。 |
2021-10-08 05:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google が 2021 年 Gartner® Magic Quadrant® でフル ライフサイクル API 管理のリーダーに選出 |
Gartnerのリサーチに関する発行物は、Gartnerのリサーチアドバイザリ組織の見解を表したものであり、事実を表現したものではありません。 |
2021-10-08 04:00:00 |