IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ソニー、「Xperia」の新モデルを10月26日に発表へ |
xperia |
2021-10-12 08:29:18 |
Engadget Japanese |
Windows 11無償アップグレード対応のノートPCがお買い得! Amazonでセール開催中 |
amazon |
2021-10-12 08:45:25 |
Engadget Japanese |
Facebook、音声関連サービスをまとめたオーディオハブ機能を米国で公開 |
facebook |
2021-10-12 08:30:07 |
Engadget Japanese |
次期Pixel Standは無線イヤホン充電に対応、価格は据え置きで日本投入の可能性も |
google |
2021-10-12 08:00:18 |
ロボスタ |
【速報】豆腐もつかめるロボットハンド、天ぷら盛り付け/自律移動式下膳ロボット 立命館大学が飲食業界の自動化研究を発表 |
報道関係者 |
2021-10-12 08:26:49 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイルがauエリアへのローミングエリアを削減へ/約10カ月かけて登場した「ドコモのエコノミーMVNO」 |
itmediamobile |
2021-10-12 17:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 新Amazon Mastercardは、プライム付与のゴールドなし コンビニで1.5%還元 |
ITmediaビジネスオンライン新AmazonMastercardは、プライム付与のゴールドなしコンビニで還元アマゾンジャパンと三井住友カードが発行するクレジットカードがリニューアルし、月から「AmazonMastercard」「AmazonPrimeMastercar」の提供を開始する。 |
2021-10-12 17:12:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] インデックス投信「eMAXIS」シリーズ、純資産2兆円突破 |
emaixs |
2021-10-12 17:09:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] KDDIらが「スマホ依存」改善に向けた特定臨床研究を開始 2024年度以降の実用化を目指す |
itmediamobilekddi |
2021-10-12 17:05:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 話した言葉をアクリル板に表示、京セラがリアルタイム字幕システム パネル越しでも会話しやすく |
itmedia |
2021-10-12 17:05:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC188 C - ABC Tournament を解いた |
ABCCABCTournamentを解いた文章の通りやってみた。 |
2021-10-12 17:44:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】退屈な Zoom / Meet を自動退出するデスクトップアプリを開発してみた |
この中で、標準ライブラリであるTkinterを一度は使ってみましたが、Tkinterを使うのであればPySimpleGUIを使ってみたらという話Qiitaという記事にすごく影響されて、結局PySimpleGUIでアプリを作りました。 |
2021-10-12 17:26:28 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DeepL API の使用方法 |
彼は夜も寝るし、昼も働く。 |
2021-10-12 17:14:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ブラウザのテキスト読み上げに合わせてバーが伸び縮みするアニメーション |
MicrosoftEdgeは、音声で日本語を選択しないと読み上げてくれませんでした。 |
2021-10-12 17:51:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
「liquid」のファイルの整形の際に拡張機能「Beautify」が使えない件 |
「liquid」のファイルの整形の際に拡張機能「Beautify」が使えない件Shopifyの環境構築に初めて挑戦しているものです。 |
2021-10-12 17:51:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python txtファイルの読み込み→数値として配列に格納 |
python |
2021-10-12 17:47:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressで作ったサイトの移行・移管 |
WordPressで作ったサイトの移行・移管WordPressサヘディングのテキストイトの移行・移管下記つの内容のうち、実現出来ること・実現できないことを教えて欲しいです。 |
2021-10-12 17:37:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ハイパーリンクがクリックされた時に特定のマクロを実行したい |
2021-10-12 17:36:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
react formik バリデーションを設定したい |
電話番号にバリデーションを設定したいです。 |
2021-10-12 17:34:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カメラで撮影した動画ファイルをギャラリーに直接保存する方法について |
カメラで撮影した動画ファイルをギャラリーに直接保存する方法についてやりたいこと表題の通りですが、自作のカメラアプリで録画した動画ファイルを直接ギャラリーに保存できるようにしたいです。 |
2021-10-12 17:25:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
BQのCloudFunctionsでGCSからCSVを自動インポートしたい |
BQのCloudFunctionsでGCSからCSVを自動インポートしたいGCSにcsvをアップロードしたときに、自動でBQに取り込むCloudFunctionsを整備したいと思っています。 |
2021-10-12 17:21:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UbuntuでC++を利用したNTPクライアントソフトの作成 |
UbuntuでCを利用したNTPクライアントソフトの作成ubuntuで動作するNTPクライアントソフトを作成したいです。 |
2021-10-12 17:18:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Cent7 rsyslog ログの二重出力について |
Centrsyslogログの二重出力について質問内容LinuxnbspCentOSで、rsyslogの設定を入れて、各機器からのシスログを受信する様にしています。 |
2021-10-12 17:17:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Viewが勝手に戻ってしまう |
Viewが勝手に戻ってしまう前提・実現したいことSwiftでアプリ開発の勉強をしています。 |
2021-10-12 17:16:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
object型のリストから要素を削除したい |
2021-10-12 17:12:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
fetchで本文が読み込めない? |
fetchで本文が読み込めない前提・実現したいことTwitterの埋め込みコードをJavaScriptで取得しようとして書いたコードになります。 |
2021-10-12 17:12:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リクエスト毎に参照するModel名を変更しEloquentを利用したい |
リクエスト毎に参照するModel名を変更しEloquentを利用したいLaravelのModel名をリクエスト毎に動的Model名称でEloquentを利用したいです。 |
2021-10-12 17:06:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
KotlinでUDP受信しない |
KotlinでUDP受信しないいつもお世話になっています。 |
2021-10-12 17:05:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
動画の早送りや早戻しができないように videoのコントロールバーを出ないようにしたい |
動画の早送りや早戻しができないようにvideoのコントロールバーを出ないようにしたい前提・実現したいことお世話になります。 |
2021-10-12 17:02:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vba seleniumでiframeのidを取得する方法 |
vbaseleniumでiframeのidを取得する方法vbaとseleniumを使ってヤマトビジネスメンバーズでのcsvダウンロードの自動化を行おうとしております。 |
2021-10-12 17:01:25 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
何故俺のプロキシの環境変数の設定は反映されないんだ |
絶対パス |
2021-10-12 17:44:21 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerを使ってGolangでHello,World!(超初心者向け) |
書き方pホスト側のポート番号コンテナのポート番号ポートフォワード「このポートに届いたデータは、あいつに送ってやるぜ」な設定がされている詳しくはこちらgolang構築するイメージを指定bashコンテナ内でBashシェルを起動ローカルマシン❯❯❯dockerrunitnamefirstapppgolangbashdockerコンテナの中にはいるDockerVimを使いたいのでupdate実行rootcfbgoaptupdateGetbusterInReleasekBGetbusterupdatesInReleasekBVimをインストールrootcfbgoaptinstallvimReadingpackagelistsDoneVimでmaingoファイルを作成rootcfbgovimmaingomaingoファイル内に下記のような簡単なコードを書いてみるmaingopackagemainimportfmtfuncmainfmtPrintlnHelloWorldVimを閉じてmaingoを実行する。 |
2021-10-12 17:59:44 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerを使ってGolangでHello,World!(超初心者向け) |
書き方pホスト側のポート番号コンテナのポート番号ポートフォワード「このポートに届いたデータは、あいつに送ってやるぜ」な設定がされている詳しくはこちらgolang構築するイメージを指定bashコンテナ内でBashシェルを起動ローカルマシン❯❯❯dockerrunitnamefirstapppgolangbashdockerコンテナの中にはいるDockerVimを使いたいのでupdate実行rootcfbgoaptupdateGetbusterInReleasekBGetbusterupdatesInReleasekBVimをインストールrootcfbgoaptinstallvimReadingpackagelistsDoneVimでmaingoファイルを作成rootcfbgovimmaingomaingoファイル内に下記のような簡単なコードを書いてみるmaingopackagemainimportfmtfuncmainfmtPrintlnHelloWorldVimを閉じてmaingoを実行する。 |
2021-10-12 17:59:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[Bubble]別のタイプにリンクしたデータを取り扱ってみる |
bubble |
2021-10-12 08:08:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AVOID Problems with Kubernetes: Best Practices Enforcement with Datree |
AVOID Problems with Kubernetes Best Practices Enforcement with DatreeStarting with Kubernetes is relatively easy What is hard is doing it the right way applying all the best practices and preventing misconfigurations to affect the security and reliability of your production environments Luckily there is a tool that not only can do it for us but it is also powerful really easy to use and you can start with it for free Datree Today I m going to tell you everything about it how to install it what it can do for us how to use it locally and in our CI systems and of course why we would want to use it About Shifting LeftIf you ve been following this blog or the YouTube Channel for a while you know that I m a big proponent of the shift left strategy Whether it is testing security or validation I believe we should do it as soon as possible in the development workflow When it comes to validation and security however there are just a handful of tools that are really designed with that shif left in mind And if we talk about Kubernetes specific tools then you can count them on the fingers of one hand Today we talk about one of those tools which promises to be the one stop shop for Kubernetes and Helm configuration and best practices validation And boy it delivers About DatreeThe tool I m talking about is called Datree It s a CLI based tool which works on Windows Linux and MacOS and it is Open Source datreeio datree Prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations from reaching production again Datree is a CLI tool to ensure Ks manifests and Helm charts follow best practices as well as your organization s policies See our docs Datree can do several things for us and we will explore them in just a second but the key point for me is that it works just the same on a local development environment in any CI system and anywhere else It can even be configured as a pre commit git hook allowing us to truly shift the Kubernetes validation left Take a look here for references on this At the time of writing Datree uses some predefined rules and policies based on best practices but it allows you to customize those rules and in the very near future even define new custom rules to fit all your needs VideoAs usual if you are a visual learner or simply prefer to watch and listen instead of reading here you have the video with the whole explanation and demo which to be fair is much more complete than this post Link to the video If you rather prefer reading well let s just continue Installing DatreeDemo for this section in the video starts at minute Alright enough talking let s install it and see it in action If you are on Linux or MacOS you can just execute this command curl bin bashIn Windows instead you can use PowerShell iwr useb iexThere are also options to run this in Docker or using Homebrew see here As you can see the installation is really quick just one command and it is also very fast There is one more step we should do for a proper configuration but will see that in just a second Let s first try and use the tool First Scan with DatreeDemo for this section in the video starts at minute To start a scan with Datree you use the datree test command passing the file s you want to scan datree test myksmanifest ymlAfter just a few seconds the tool will get you the output As you can see the tool does multiple things it validates the YAML to make sure everything is ok so it is basically also a YAML linter it validates the Kubernetes specific schema against a predefined versionit checks the manifest against the policiesAt the bottom there is a summary table that also contains a link with a cliId or token A new token is generated every time you execute the very first scan on a new system If you click on the link the login page will show up and you have the choice to login create a new account using you GitHub or Google account After logging in the Datree Dashboard appears This is the Centralized Policy Management dashboard which is one of the key points of the service In here you can see the rules that are applied to the scans by default over and for each rule you can have additional information clicking on the i button This will take you to the documentation page relative to that rule where you can find the complete information about it The interface is pretty minimal but I appreciate it because it contains all and only the information you need and therefore it is not confusing Kubernetes Schema VersionDemo for this section in the video starts at minute As mentioned before Datree validates your manifests for a specific predefined version of the Kubernetes schema There are ways to change the version Via the SettingsThe first way is to go to the settings using the user icon in the upper right and selecting settings Here you have the dropdown for the version selection from v to the latest one Be careful with this setting though because changing the version here will change it for each and every scan you perform with Datree Via the CLIIf you want to perform a one off scan against a specific Kubernetes schema version instead you can override the value in settings using the schema version CLI flag datree test schema version myksmanifest ymlThis for example will run the schema validation against the version of Kubernetes schema no matter what the default selected version is Configuring DatreeDemo for this section in the video starts at minute As I ve mentioned before there is a simple configuration change that we should make But I wanted to show you the tool without doing that first because it just works Really easy and quick setup indeed The configuration I m talking about is the Token Before I said that Datree generates a new token every time you run the first validation on a new system I ve also said that the centralized policy management is of the key features of the service But how can we centrally manage the policies and assign them to all our users and system if the token changes every time Well the answer is the Account Token If you go again in the settings you will notice that you have a Token field Just copy the value of the Token and replace it in the Datree configuration file in your system You can find the file with this path datree config yamlOnce this is done you can start managing your policies and rule effectively Also thanks to the token every time you run a validation with Datree you will see it in the History In here you not only have recorded all your scans but also the results Policy ManagementDemo for this section in the video starts at minute Alright let s finally talk about the Centralized Policy Management With the token in place we can use the dashboard to the fullest We can of course enable and disable the rules using the toggle next to the rule s name As soon as you do it and re scan your manifest files you ll see the new rules being taken in consideration The changes are automatically propagated to all the clients that use the same token You can also customize the output message of the rules This is very useful if you want to give additional information to your user regarding a specific exception or how to solve it Again the changes are automatically propagated so you will see the new message as soon as you execute a new validation scan This is already pretty cool by itself because it assures you have uniformity across environments But it is not all we can do more We can in fact create multiple set of rules or policies using the Datree naming The creation is done directly from the UI just click on the Create Policy button give it a name and start enabling the rules you want You can also clone an existing policy and customize it as well as deleting existing policies Once you have a new policy created you can use it for your validation instead of the default policy using the policy flag datree test policy MyNewPolicyName manifest yamlAbout deleting a policy remember that if you try to use a policy that doesn t exist anymore Datree won t fall back to the default one will give you an error message Policy as CodeDemo for this section in the video starts at minute There is one more thing about policies and rule I want to show you It s been very recently introduced in the product and it will make all of you code enthusiast very happy Policy as Code As we have seen by default Datree uses the UI to manage policies and rules If we want to use Policy as Code we have to enable it Remember that once the Policy as Code mode is enabled the only way to change the policies in your account is by publishing a YAML configuration file policies yaml with the defined policies We can either create a policy file from scratch or as I d recommend download the default file and customize it The Policy file as you can see in an extract below is just a normal yaml file that contains the definition of the rules and other metadata for the policy apiVersion vpolicies name Default isDefault true rules identifier CONTAINERS MISSING IMAGE VALUE VERSION messageOnFailure Incorrect value for key image specify an image version to avoid unpleasant version surprises in the future identifier CONTAINERS MISSING MEMORY REQUEST KEY messageOnFailure Missing property object requests memory value should be within the accepted boundaries recommended by the organization identifier CONTAINERS MISSING MEMORY LIMIT KEY messageOnFailure Missing property object limits memory value should be within the accepted boundaries recommended by the organization You can disable a rule by commenting the line with identifier CONTAINERS MISSING IMAGE VALUE VERSION messageOnFailure Incorrect value for key image specify an image version to avoid unpleasant version surprises in the future identifier CONTAINERS MISSING MEMORY REQUEST KEY messageOnFailure Missing property object requests memory value should be within the accepted boundaries recommended by the organization And once again you can change the output message by editing the messageOnFailure field You can also create one or more new policies simply copy paste the same structure change the name set the default and you are done apiVersion vpolicies name Default isDefault true rules identifier CONTAINERS MISSING IMAGE VALUE VERSION messageOnFailure Incorrect value for key image specify an image version to avoid unpleasant version surprises in the future identifier CONTAINERS MISSING MEMORY REQUEST KEY messageOnFailure Missing property object requests memory value should be within the accepted boundaries recommended by the organization name AnotherPolicy isDefault false rules identifier CONTAINERS MISSING IMAGE VALUE VERSION messageOnFailure Incorrect value for key image specify an image version to avoid unpleasant version surprises in the future identifier CONTAINERS MISSING MEMORY REQUEST KEY messageOnFailure Missing property object requests memory value should be within the accepted boundaries recommended by the organization Once you are satisfied with your policy file it s time to make it available to the service by publishing it datree publish policyfile yamlOnce a new policy configuration file is published it will override the existing policies set up in your account That s it now you can start using your new policies as we have seen before Using Policy as Code is super interesting because then as we do with any normal source code and the different as code models like IaC CaC etc we can version them store them in our source control platform and even use Pull Requests Code Review etc to make sure they are exactly as we want them to be and to keep them under control Datree for HelmDemo for this section in the video starts at minute So far we talked about validating Kubernetes manifests Datree however supports also the validation of Helm charts Datree provides a Helm plugin so the validation can be run directly from the Helm CLI helm plugin install Once installed using the command above you can just run the helm datree test command passing the folder containing your helm charts as a parameter After the scan is completed you ll have the same results as you do running the datree CLI directly Datree PricingCool right I have one more thing for you let s talk about pricing As I ve said before Datree is free to start with and actually it s totally free to use for a number of scenarios You get in fact free policy scans per month every month and it doesn t matter if you scan a single file or a hundred one datree test execution counts as one policy scan If you need more than scans per month there are paid options You can get policy scans a month and additional support with the Pro Plan and customizable amount of policy scans and dedicated support with the Enterprise Plan Even better you can get month of the Premium plan for FREE is you use this link medium youtube ConclusionsSo what do you think about Datree Is it something you will adopt as part of your workflow Let me know in the comment section below I d really like to know it You may also want to watch this video in which show you how to deploy to Kubernetes in Azure Pipelines starting from scratch Like share and follow me for more content YouTube Buy me a coffeePatreonNewsletterCoderDave io WebsiteMerchFacebook pageGitHubTwitterLinkedInPodcast |
2021-10-12 08:24:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory Hatası Çözümü |
Failed to create bus connection No such file or directory HatasıÇözümüMerhabalar bugün benim de karşılaşmışolduğum ufak bir sorunun çözümünüsizlere sunacağım Umarım faydalıolur Bu hata ile karşıkarşılaşanlar genelde aşağıdaki iki komutu çalıştırdığında karşılaşmakta hostnamectltimedatectlKomutlar çalıştırıldığında ise aşağıdaki gibi bir output döndürmekteler Bu sorunu çözebilmek için öncelikle dbus adlıservisin çalıştığından emin olunmalıdır systemctl status dbusEğer bu komut sonrasıdönüt aşağıdaki gibi ise servisin bulunmadığınısöylemektedir Bu durumda aşağıdaki komut ile servis yüklenir apt install dbusSonrasında servis otomatik olarak active hale gelmişolabilir Yine de kesinlik kazandırmak için servisi başlatmalıve enable hale getirmeliyiz Böylelikle makine her başladığında çalışır duruma gelebilmektedir systemctl start dbussystemctl enable dbusEğer systemctl status dbus komutunun dönütüaşağıdaki gibi ise servis bulunmakta fakat aktif olmadığıanlamına gelmektedir Servis aktif edilir systemctl start dbusBöylelikle dbus servisi sorunu çözümlenmişolur Eğer bu işlemlere rağmen çözüm sağlanılmamışise bunun sebebi var run ile run arasındaki gerekli symbolic linkin bozulmuşolmasıolabilir Bunun için aşağıdaki komutlar çalıştırılır ve servisin durumuna bakılır sudo rm var run Rsudo ln s run varsudo reboot |
2021-10-12 08:04:48 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google countersues Epic Games for sidestepping fees on in-app purchases |
Google countersues Epic Games for sidestepping fees on in app purchasesGoogle has countersued Epic Games over in app purchases on Fortnite saying it quot willfully breached quot its Play Store developer agreement ZDNet has reported Epic originally sued Google in August shortly after it filed a complaint against and was countersued by Apple quot Epic has alternatively been unjustly enriched at Google s expense quot the company said in its complaint nbsp As a reminder Epic sued Google for removing Fortnite from its Play Store after a quot Mega Drop quot update gave players a way to bypass Play and get discounted items Google later forced OnePlus to break off a deal that would have seen the Fortnite launcher pre installed on its OnePlus smartphone bypassing the Play Store and eliminating Google s commission on in app purchases nbsp Google stated that unlike with Apple s App Store Android developers aren t forced to use Google Play quot They choose to use it when given a choice among Android app stores and distribution channels quot according to the complaint quot Google supports that choice through Android itself Google Play s policies and Google s agreements with developers and device manufacturers quot Unlike competitors like Apple Google does not require Android users or developers to use Google Play in order to download install or distribute apps on Android That argument is complicated by documents unsealed in Epic s original lawsuit against Google however They showed that Google paid other game developers and phone makers like LG and Motorola to exclusively use the Play Store rather than offering other store options That s one reason cited by the US states and territories that filed an antitrust suit against Google in the same California federal court where Epic filed its own claim nbsp In Google reportedly offered Epic up to million to bring Fortnite to the Play Store ーeffectively cutting its usual percent take by around five percent According to the same court documents Google was so concerned by a potential loss of Play Store revenue that it even considered acquiring Epic Epic received a mixed ruling in its lawsuit battle with Apple On the one hand judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ordered Apple to eliminate App Store rules that prevent developers from adding in app links to payment sites On the other she ruled that Apple was not anticompetitive based on California law and ordered Epic to pay Apple million Both parties have appealed that ruling and Apple has said it won t letFortnite back on the store until all appeals are resolved nbsp |
2021-10-12 08:46:02 |
医療系 |
内科開業医のお勉強日記 |
【武漢肺炎ウィルス】universal boosterワクチン政策は拙速では? |
ブースターは血漿中の抗体レベルを上昇させ、一時的に抗体を介した防御を拡大させる可能性はありますが、ほとんどの免疫力の高い人々に重症疾患に対する長期的な防御を提供することが期待されるメモリーB細胞やT細胞の反応を増強することは示されていません。 |
2021-10-12 08:23:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
台湾からの医療機器支援、対象外施設への転用不可-厚労省がQ&A作成し都道府県などに事務連絡 |
医療機器 |
2021-10-12 18:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida defends backtrack on capital gains tax in Upper House grilling |
Kishida defends backtrack on capital gains tax in Upper House grillingThe new prime minister had floated an increase in the tax rate during the LDP leadership race but the idea was omitted from a policy |
2021-10-12 17:17:48 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
In election platform, LDP vows to raise middle-class income and boost security |
In election platform LDP vows to raise middle class income and boost securityRecently elected party leader and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has already seen his commitment questioned after he walked back earlier plans to review Japan s capital |
2021-10-12 17:16:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid response one of UK's worst health failures - report |
covid |
2021-10-12 08:33:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
PM expected to back loans for gas price-hit firms |
emergency |
2021-10-12 08:16:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK job vacancies reach 20-year high |
surge |
2021-10-12 08:42:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Why are gas prices so high and what is happening to fuel bills? |
suppliers |
2021-10-12 08:03:28 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
出光興産がCIS薄膜太陽電池の生産終了、宮崎・国富工場 - 不景気.com |
出光興産 |
2021-10-12 08:32:31 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
サインポストの22年2月期は4億円の営業赤字へ、減収や特損 - 不景気.com |
開発コンサルティング |
2021-10-12 08:00:57 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Google Cloud Next’21 での Active Assist に乞うご期待 |
セッションに登録して参加すると、GoogleCloudがActiveAssistのソリューションのポートフォリオの一部として提供するインテリジェントサービスについての最新情報を入手できます。 |
2021-10-12 09:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中日、立浪氏に監督就任を打診 与田監督は退任 |
球団代表 |
2021-10-12 17:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
財務相、次官寄稿は問題なし 「一般的な政策論」と指摘 |
事務次官 |
2021-10-12 17:12:05 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
池袋暴走、90歳元被告を収容 刑務所へ、「過失を反省する」 |
過失 |
2021-10-12 17:01:49 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
秋季全道高校野球 クラークが初優勝 |
円山球場 |
2021-10-12 17:04:28 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Apple Music、対象Apple製品を購入すると6ヵ月間無料で体験できるキャンペーン |
airpods |
2021-10-12 17:50:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
【悲報】ノーモララにセクシュアルディバイドが垣間見れる!! |悲報ノーモララにセクシュアルディバイドが垣間見れる/
ewsokunomorallinkcomments |
2021-10-12 08:26:17 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google Cloud Next’21 での Active Assist に乞うご期待 |
セッションに登録して参加すると、GoogleCloudがActiveAssistのソリューションのポートフォリオの一部として提供するインテリジェントサービスについての最新情報を入手できます。 |
2021-10-12 09:00:00 |