lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS LambdaにJava11のプログラムをデプロイし、パラメータストアから値を取得するメモ |
2021-10-17 21:53:47 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
昔挫折したReactの勉強を、じゃけぇ本を見ながらリベンジしているときにハマったこと |
昔挫折したReactの勉強を、じゃけぇ本を見ながらリベンジしているときにハマったこと数年前に挫折したReactを、じゃけぇ本モダンJavaScriptの基本から始めるReact実践の教科書を参考にリベンジ再学習しているときに色々とハマったことがあったので、参考までに共有させていただきます。 |
2021-10-17 21:35:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Firebaseでユーザー情報の変更を全てのフィールドに反映するベストな方法 |
Firebaseでユーザー情報の変更を全てのフィールドに反映するベストな方法タイトルの通りですが、ユーザーがプロフィールを変更した際に、当該ユーザーが既に作成したコンテンツのユーザー情報も同時に変更したいです。 |
2021-10-17 21:57:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SSDの学習が進まない |
SSDの学習が進まない概要物体検出アルゴリズムSSDSinglenbspShotnbspMultBoxnbspDetecterを学習させてみるの記事を参考に、プログラムの中身についてはほぼ理解が出来ておりませんが、自前で用意した画像を用いて物体検出をしたいと考えております。 |
2021-10-17 21:57:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
timeitについて |
timeitについて単純に下記のようにすると、NameErrorとなります。 |
2021-10-17 21:46:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
laravelでstorage配下に置いた画像が表示されない |
laravelでstorage配下に置いた画像が表示されないやりたいことlaravelアプリでstorageapppublicshops内に保存した画像を表示させたい。 |
2021-10-17 21:38:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
一度設定されたmargin:0,padding:0を部分的に無効にしたい |
このサイトのHTMLを参照したところ、HTML標準のulliタグを使用してインデントを作っていたので自分も同じ作りにしようと思いました。 |
2021-10-17 21:36:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データベースのマイグレーション方法 |
データベースのマイグレーション方法前提・実現したいことfastapiを利用して、apiに関して学習を進めようと思っております。 |
2021-10-17 21:30:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ログイン画面に遷移後、ActionView::SyntaxErrorInTemplate in Staff::SessionsController#new |
ログイン画面に遷移後、ActionViewSyntaxErrorInTemplateinStaffSessionsControllernew前提・実現したいことformwithメソッドを使用して、指定したURL先にフォームに入力したデータを送信したいのですが、ActionViewSyntaxErrorInTemplateと表示され解決できません。 |
2021-10-17 21:26:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
日付ピッカーのツールバーボタン(done)をタップすると落ちる。 |
日付ピッカーのツールバーボタンdoneをタップすると落ちる。 |
2021-10-17 21:22:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vimで毎回~/.vimrcを入力するのがめんどくさい |
tabnewvimrc |
2021-10-17 21:21:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
java 配列の最大値と最大値のインデックス |
2021-10-17 21:11:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript 特定の要素が真ん中にきたら処理をしたい |
JavaScript特定の要素が真ん中にきたら処理をしたい特定の要素が画面の真ん中にきた時のみ、処理をするようにしたいです。 |
2021-10-17 21:07:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
android studioで scheduleAtFixedRateを規定の回数だけ実行する方法に関して |
scheduleAtFixedRateを使用して、無限ループさせるところまではできたのですが例えばループを回繰り返したら一旦別の処理をさせたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-17 21:00:42 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初めてのオリジナルアプリ【My内閣】 |
なので、受講が終了しても、教材のRailsの部分をもう一度振り返っていきたいと思っています。 |
2021-10-17 21:28:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS LambdaにJava11のプログラムをデプロイし、パラメータストアから値を取得するメモ |
2021-10-17 21:53:47 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSにセルフイントールでKubernetesクラスター作ってみる。'21年10月Kube v1.22 |
マスターノード台を構成する仮想マシンの用意いつもはAmazonLightsail使うのだが、スペック的に月のマシンが必要になるのでさすがに。 |
2021-10-17 21:02:14 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Docker] M1 Macで「 no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries」のエラーの対処法 |
DockerMMacで「nomatchingmanifestforlinuxarmvinthemanifestlistentries」のエラーの対処法環境macOSBigSurバージョンdockervdockercomposevMySQLやりたいことDockerで開発環境の立上げエラー内容dockercomposeupdでエラーエラーメッセージnomatchingmanifestforlinuxarmvinthemanifestlistentriesマニフェストリストのエントリにlinuxarmvに一致するマニフェストがありません原因Mチップのプラットフォームはarmであるのに対し、mysqlのイメージのサポートプラットフォームはAMDとなっており、対処dockercomposeymlでplatformを指定をするvidockercomposeymlで以下を追記。 |
2021-10-17 21:50:45 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudBuildで設定されている環境変数 |
2021-10-17 21:10:59 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初めてのオリジナルアプリ【My内閣】 |
なので、受講が終了しても、教材のRailsの部分をもう一度振り返っていきたいと思っています。 |
2021-10-17 21:28:30 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ソリューション実装 AWS QnABotを使って15分でQ&Aボットを構築する |
awsqnabot |
2021-10-17 12:08:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Spa SEO: How To Optimize Single Page Application Apps |
Spa SEO How To Optimize Single Page Application AppsBuilding a Single Page application is different as compared to that of a static website this difference in how the page is created affects the visibility of the site as now the social media agents and the search engine has to deal with JavaScript instead of HTML Having a SPA by default does not imply that it will be bad for SEO in fact if done right they tend to top the rankings in Google Since Googlebot is the only crawler that is able to render JavaScript and index dynamic content one should know a few points before starting to customize their page to have a higher ranking on the google page Each app view must have a clean URL The success of an app s SEO depends a lot on JavaScript rendering speed and stabilitySearch engines and social media bots should get metadata in static HTMLLet s dive into these facts and see how they affect your site s ranking URLs and internal linkings should be SEO friendlyThe most common problem that arises while using SPA is that they rely on routers to generate their UI and content in sync with the variable URLs and the most common pitfalls of SPA URLs is that they either use hash based routing or History API routing which a lot many times gives birth to errors when the user tries to directly access a non existent URL or the crawlers ignore the hashed URLs as they indicate the parts of the same page Having a Unique URL is enough for indexing but to stand apart from the competition you ll have to provide these URLs with unique titles preview images and descriptions moreover to ensure that other agents pick up these links you will need to put these into static HTMLTip Make sure to create an XML sitemap for the project which makes it easier for search engines such as Google Bing and others to crawl your website better Fast and Flawless JavaScript CodeOne of the most important aspects of SEO ranking is dependent upon how fast the JavaScript Code runs on the site and for SPAs it is important to keep an eye on how GoogleBot processes the client side rendering of the page As per the official documentation GoogleBot has a three stage workflow for processing JS which includes crawling rendering and indexing in the same order Because of the extra stage needed for rendering it takes a significant amount of time for SPA to appear in search in comparison to static HTML which increases the risk of an indexing error To counter this you need to make sure that your JavaScript code is fast enough to fit into GoogleBot s render budget Tip Use small JS code for fast initial page load as it concerns both server and client side rendering and this approach of lazy loading solves the problem of slow web apps efficiently Unique META tagsThe header of the SPA belongs to the static HTML part which does not change whenever the page is loaded however it is necessary to have titles and descriptions that clarify the users and the bots to the information that they ll find on each of the page s URL To ensure this there are special utilities that are available in frontend frameworks that help in generating dynamic metadata and push it into the page header though the problem that arises here is that there will still be some JS code that executes before the metadata is crawled and indexed which will hide it from search engines that don t process the JS code To counter this make sure to send the metadata with the HTML when the page loads If done right having a SPA is more advantageous in comparison to static HTML pages as these are built using modern web frameworks that evolve fast also these technologies provide the design and the interactivity which satisfies both the user s and the search engine s requirements |
2021-10-17 12:25:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Working with Bitbucket Pipelines |
Working with Bitbucket Pipelines Hi Guys Good Day It s been a long time since I posted here there were a lot of changes in my life for over almost years now mostly because of the pandemic But anyways let s learn about Pipelines in Bitbucket Before that let s understand few concepts that you may have heard but dont understand CI Continuous Integrationis a software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository CD Continuous Delivery or Continuous DeploymentContinuous Delivery is a software development practice where code changes are automatically prepared for a release to productionContinuous Deployment every change that passes all stages of your production environment Basically the difference between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment is that the former releases our project in a non production environment like testing or staging but also can be released in the production environment with a manual approval in the pipeline while the latter releases our project in the production environment automatically without a manual approval These two combined makes CI CD CD can be interchangeable between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment CI CD automate steps in your software delivery process such as testing or building our application when someone pushes in the repository and also automates the release process in the specific environments after the test or build steps depending the configuration in your pipeline That s where Bitbucket Pipelines comes into play A Pipeline in Bitbucket helps as achieve building a CI CD in our application All we need is a configuration file bitbucket pipelines yml The Free Plan gives us build minutes which is enough for us We will be deploying our project in AWS ElasticBeanstalk Before making the bitbucket pipelines yml config file We will install the packages that we will need in this demo We will be using Node js in our project Run this command in your command line We will be initializing the node project and install the express framework to build our api npm init y amp amp npm i expressapp jsconst express require express const app express app use express json app get req res gt return res send message Hello World app all req res gt return res status send message Not Found module exports appserver jsconst app require app const port process env PORT app listen port gt console log Server listening at port port We also need to make some sample tests for our api Install these packages to use for our testing npm i D jest supertestMake a directory for our testing mkdir testInside the test folder make this file app test jsconst app require app const request require supertest describe request server gt it should return with a status of for the root path done gt request app get expect end done it should return with a status of and the correct response done gt request app get expect expect res gt expect res body message toBe Hello World end done it should return with a status of for an invalid path done gt request app get ddd expect end done package json name api version description main server js scripts test jest start node server keywords author license ISC dependencies express devDependencies jest supertest bitbucket pipelines ymlimage atlassian default image pipelines default step name Install image node caches node script npm install parallel step name Test image node caches node script npm test step name Build zip script apt get update amp amp apt get install y zip zip r application zip x node modules artifacts application zip step name Deployment to Production deployment production script pipe atlassian aws elasticbeanstalk deploy variables AWS ACCESS KEY ID AWS ACCESS KEY ID AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY AWS DEFAULT REGION AWS REGION APPLICATION NAME APPLICATION NAME ENVIRONMENT NAME ENVIRONMENT NAME ZIP FILE application zip Ok I will explain our pipeline config If you want to know more about yaml files here s a link will help you to get started image atlassian default image This field specifies the docker image that we will be running our build environment You can see the list of valid values here pipelines default This pipelines field speaks for itself The default pipeline field run on every change on the repository or push We can also use the branches pipeline field to configure our pipeline to run in specific branch changes but in our case we will be using the default step name Install image node caches node script npm installThis specifies a build step in our pipeline The name field specifies the Name of the step The image field specifies a different docker image that we can use in this step I am specifying a new image because this atlassian default image has an older version of node installed The caches field specifies the list of dependencies that we need to cache every build so we can save time for future builds it will only download the dependencies when the pipeline first runs and it will cached it after a successful build The script field specifies the list of scripts we need to run in this step Note Steps are executed in the order that they appear in the config file parallel step name Test image node caches node script npm test step name Build zip script apt get update amp amp apt get install y zip zip r application zip x node modules artifacts application zipThe parallel field is really useful if you want to run a couple or a lot of steps at the same time This will save you a lot of time and of course makes your build faster if the steps you run here don t rely on other steps As you can see above we are running the Test step and Build zip that will make zip file that we can use to our last step The artifacts field specifies the output file or files of the step which in the Build zip is the application zip step name Deployment to Production deployment production script pipe atlassian aws elasticbeanstalk deploy variables AWS ACCESS KEY ID AWS ACCESS KEY ID AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY AWS DEFAULT REGION AWS REGION APPLICATION NAME APPLICATION NAME ENVIRONMENT NAME ENVIRONMENT NAME ZIP FILE application zip Ok we are in our last step The deployment field indicates the environment of this deployment the only valid values are production staging and test In our script you can see that we have a pipe field we need the pipe field to integrate to ElasticBeanstalk Pipes are an amazing feature to work with third party services If you see this syntax VARIABLE this is Repository Variables we can add dynamic configuration using Repository Variables you can see this in Repository Setting gt Pipelines gt Repository variables but first you need enable Pipelines which we will be talking a little bit later After this you need to make repository in Bitbucket you can name it whatever you want or make Here s a gif on how to make a repo in BitBucket Also we need to enable the pipeline Here s a gif on how to enable the pipeline in Bitbucket Adding Repository Variables And also we need to make a Application in ElasticBeanstalk Here s a gif on how to make a Application in ElasticBeanstalk And lastly bear with me We need to make a AWS S Bucket to store our zip files The name of the bucket must be in this format APPLICATION NAME elasticbeanstalk deployment The refers to the ElasticBeanstalk Application that we created earlier The name of your bucket must be globally unique this is a S constraint that we must follow so you must application name must be really different because it s a part of the name our bucket You need to initialize git in your project and also add the remote repository in Bitbucket as the origin git init git remote add origin lt your repo link gt git add git commit m Initial commit git pull origin master git push origin masterThis is my finished pipeline Sorry I can t post another gif file because of the maximum frames By the way if you notice the this is the second time that my pipeline ran the first time I encountered the S bucket PutObject error basically the bucket didn t exist because it had a different name the bucket that existed in my S had the name demo api elasticbeanstalk deployment it should have the name demo api elasticbeanstalk deployment So let s access our ElasticBeanstalk Environment Yey it works Even though we learned a lot this still is basically simple you might change the pipeline configuration base on your application needs But anyways One step at a time guys Thank you guys for reading this post Have a Nice Day |
2021-10-17 12:25:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Lazy Load Content in Rails from Scratch |
Lazy Load Content in Rails from Scratch Lazy Load Content in Rails from ScratchAre certain pages on your Rails app loading slowly You might want to consider loading those requests in the background It s easier than you think In this tutorial I ll show you how to lazy load content in Rails without Hotwire ReferencesLazy loading content with Turbo Frames and skeleton loaderBuilding GitHub style Hovercards with StimulusJS and HTML over the wire FormulaCreate an endpoint that does not return a layout class LazyLoad PostsController lt ApplicationController def index posts Post all render partial lazy load posts post collection posts layout false endendAdd a placeholder element onto the page that will represent where the content will be loaded lt div data controller lazy load data lazy load url value lt lazy load posts path gt gt lt div data lazy load target output class d grid gap gt lt render partial shared placeholder gt lt div gt lt div gt Make a Fetch request to the endpoint and replace the placeholder with the response from the endpoint import Controller from hotwired stimulus export default class extends Controller static targets output static values url String connect this request new Request this urlValue this fetchContent this request fetchContent request fetch request then response gt if response status response text then text gt this renderContent text else this renderContent Could not load data catch error gt this renderContent Could not load data renderContent content this outputTarget innerHTML content this dispatchEvent lazy load complete dispatchEvent eventName const event new Event eventName document dispatchEvent event Example Step Create EndpointsGenerate namespaced controllers rails g controller lazy load postsrails g controller lazy load usersAdd namespaced routes with default values config routes rbRails application routes draw do namespace lazy load do defaults layout false do resources posts only index resources users only index end endendBuild controller actions app controllers lazy load posts controller rbclass LazyLoad PostsController lt ApplicationController def index posts Post all render partial lazy load posts post collection posts endend app controllers lazy load posts controller rbclass LazyLoad UsersController lt ApplicationController def index users User all render partial lazy load users user collection users endendBuild views Card app views shared card html erb lt div class card gt lt div class card body gt lt h class card title gt lt title gt lt h gt lt p class card text gt lt body gt lt p gt lt p class card text gt lt small class text muted gt lt timestamp gt lt small gt lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt Placeholder Card Variant app views shared card html empty erb lt div class card mb gt lt div class card body gt lt p aria hidden true class d grid gap placeholder glow gt lt span class placeholder col placeholder lg gt lt span gt lt span class placeholder col gt lt span gt lt span class placeholder col placeholder xs gt lt span gt lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt List Group app views shared list group html erb lt li class list group item d flex justify content between align items start gt lt div class ms me auto gt lt div class fw bold gt lt name gt lt div gt lt email gt lt div gt lt a href data bs toggle tooltip data bs placement top title lt tooltip gt gt lt svg xmlns width height fill currentColor class bi bi info circle viewBox gt lt path d M A a zm A a z gt lt path d m c l c l c L zM a z gt lt svg gt lt a gt lt li gt Post app views lazy load posts post html erb lt render partial shared card locals title post title body post body timestamp time ago in words post updated at gt User app views lazy load users user html erb lt render partial shared list group locals name user name email user email tooltip pluralize user posts size Post gt What s Going On Here We create a namespaced route and controller This isn t required but it helps keep our endpoints organized We re also not limited to just index actions either We set a default for those endpoints to not render a layout This means that just the raw HTML for the partials will be returned We choose to create custom views for each endpoint but we could use the existing views or partials if we wanted to This is just personal preference If you navigate to http localhost lazy load users you should see that the content has loaded without a layout If you open the network tab you will see that the server responded with raw HTML without a layout Step Build a Stimulus ControllerCreate a Stimulus Controller to fetch data from the endpoints app javascript controllers lazy load controller jsimport Controller from hotwired stimulus export default class extends Controller static targets output static values url String connect this request new Request this urlValue this fetchContent this request fetchContent request fetch request then response gt if response status response text then text gt this renderContent text else this renderContent Could not load data catch error gt this renderContent Could not load data renderContent content this outputTarget innerHTML content this dispatchEvent lazy load complete dispatchEvent eventName const event new Event eventName document dispatchEvent event Use the following markup to connect to the Stimulus Controller lt div data controller lazy load data lazy load url value lt lazy load users path gt gt lt div data lazy load target output class d grid gap gt lt times do i gt lt render partial shared card variants empty gt lt end gt lt div gt lt div gt What s Going On Here We could just use vanilla JavaScript instead of Stimulus but Stimulus pairs nicely with Rails and will make it easy to get up and running with this feature quickly When the Stimulus Controller first connects it will make a fetch request to whatever value is stored in the data lazy load url value attribute This keeps our Stimulus Controller flexible and reusable If the request was successful we replace the placeholder with the response Note that we call response text in order to return the response into a String If the request was not successful we simply replace the placeholder with an error message In all cases we dispatch a custom event on the document We could call this event anything we want but it s helpful to namespace it to avoid naming collisions with other libraries or specs This is what Rails UJS does and is helpful in cases where you need to re initialize JavaScript for elements that were just added to the DOM In our case this is helpful for re initializing tooltips app javascript controllers application jsdocument addEventListener lazy load complete function initilizeToolTips function initilizeToolTips var tooltipTriggerList slice call document querySelectorAll data bs toggle tooltip var tooltipList tooltipTriggerList map function tooltipTriggerEl return new bootstrap Tooltip tooltipTriggerEl Step Putting it all TogetherCreate a new Controller rails g controller Homescreens showUpdate the routes config routes rbRails application routes draw do root to homescreens show resource homescreen only show endAdd markup to lazy load content users and posts app views homescreens show html erb lt div data controller lazy load data lazy load url value lt lazy load posts path gt gt lt div data lazy load target output class d grid gap gt lt times do i gt lt render partial shared card variants empty gt lt end gt lt div gt lt div gt lt content for left column do gt lt div data controller lazy load data lazy load url value lt lazy load users path gt gt lt ul data lazy load target output class list group list group flush list unstyled gt lt times do i gt lt li gt lt render partial shared card variants empty gt lt li gt lt end gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt end gt Did you like this post Follow me on Twitter to get even more tips |
2021-10-17 12:19:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Key difference between Inheritance and compose |
Key difference between Inheritance and compose IntroductionEverything in JavaScript is treated as an object Functions too are high class objects in a way and are treated as such in javaScript ComposeTo make large complex objects simple many small objects are composed together Composition is a cleaner reusable and better solution for better code Let us take a look at an exampleconst MoneyInbank highRate investspeed devestSpeed return investspeed devestSpeed lowrate investspeed devestSpeed return investspeed investspeed const StopDebt stop investspeed this investspeed return const Bank model Grco To make this large object smaller and reusable and implement functionality we can create a function that implements a functionality const regulator function Des MoneyInbank StopDebt const bank Object create Des const money Object create MoneyInbank const stopmoney Object create StopDebt const props investspeed model bank model We can now create our set and get methods to access the props return set name value props name value get name return props name log name console log name props name slowLoan props investspeed money lowrate props investspeed speedLoan props investspeed money highRate props investspeed stopLoan props investspeed stopmoney stopLoan props investspeed We can now call the function const regulator regulator Des MoneyInbank StopDebt Run the methods in our console giving them values and we can see the outcome we can increase amp decrease the investspeed according to our preferences regulator slowLoan investspeed regulator speedLoan investspeed regulator stopLoan investspeed regulator can implement the functionality of regulator when needed Now regulator can increase its investspeed decrease its investspeed In composition the Inheritance gets assisted automatically InheritanceInheritance can be defined as gaining some or all traits functionality of parent and then providing a relational structure Mixin plays a vital role when it comes to inheritance in JavaScript Mixin is actually mixing which could be any i e bank into a moneymixin means mixing bank to the money To understand the concept properly let s take an examplescript gt const breadMixer set name value this name value get name return this name mixspeed inclinespeed this mixspeed console log Inclinedspeed is this mixspeed declinespeed this mixspeed console log Declinedspeed is this mixspeed stopmachine this mixspeed console log Now the speed is this mixspeed Let us assign an object const Breadmill brand Maxpro mixspeed const Breadmill Object assign Breadmill breadMixer We can increase the speed of Breadmill Breadmill inclinespeed We can decrease the speed of Breadmill Breadmill declinespeed We can stop the Breadmill Breadmill stopmachine We access the brand of Breadmillconsole log Breadmill get brand We can change the brand of Breadmill Breadmill brand PowerMax console log Breadmill get brand It is visible from the operations performed by Breadmill which was assigned a Breadmill object which possesses breadMixer At First and foremost the mixspeed was after applying inclinespeed method the mixspeed increased by after that decline speed method was performed which reduced the speed by finally stop operation was performed which stopped the mixer by making its mix speed zero The brand was changed from Maxpro to Powermax which shows the power of InheritanceThe key differences between composition and inheritance areComposition allows code reuse while Inheritance does not allow code reuse In composition you will not need to extend classes while in inheritance you will need to extend classes |
2021-10-17 12:18:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is Neutralinojs? Alternative to Electron |
What is Neutralinojs Alternative to ElectronIf you are looking for alternatives for Electron Then you should give it a try to Neutralinojs So today I am going to help you found the best for you We will cover the following things What is Neutralinojs What is better How to get started What is Neutralionjs Neutralinojs is a lightweight and portable desktop application development framework It lets you develop lightweight cross platform desktop applications using JavaScript HTML and CSS Apps built with Neutralinojs can run on Linux macOS Windows and Web So Neutralino or Neutralinojs is a better way of creating desktop applications with web technologies Neutralionjs was created because Electron a popular desktop application tool is hated by developers for being memory hungry So Neutralionjs solves this problem by being lightweight and easier to develop What is better Simply Neutralionjs is better and faster than any other desktop framework right now If you take a glance at these benchmarks You will get a grasp of how blazing fast Neutralionjs is I am pretty sure you are convinced right now but if you are not convinced yet Then let me tell you that if a build size of Electron is Mb then with Neutralionjs it comes down to Mb So Clear Winner is Neutralionjs How to get started So if you want to get started with Neutralionjs right away Then follow the instructions to start a new project You can use Neu Cli built by Neutralionjs developers Type following commands in the terminal to get started Creating a new app npm i g neutralinojs neu neu create hello world cd hello world neu run Building your app neu buildYou can checkout Elecrue It is a CLI for generating starter code for Electron or Neutralionjs with React or Vue I am the maintainer of Elecrue So I am adding Neutralionjs this week or next And star it for staying updated with Elecrue s progress Conclusion Electron is not badElectron is good as ram is there to be used by on running programs but if you don t want your app to use a load of ram then you can try Neutralionjs Otherwise Electron is good for getting started with desktop applications if you are a web developer You can read this article on Electron Apps Aren t That Bad Neutralionjs is just a better and more efficient toolI have just scratched the surface about Neutralionjs It is a maintained open source project So you can contribute and make it even better You can check the documentation of the Neutralionjs to learn more about it If you have any feedback or any suggestions Then do let me know by commenting And Follow me on GitHub Have a good day Rajvir Singh |
2021-10-17 12:05:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Flexi-Chair Oka Office Chair BS9 review: a boon for long work sessions |
Flexi Chair Oka Office Chair BS review a boon for long work sessionsYou know that you shouldn t sit working for long periods at a time but you re still going to and the Flexi Chair Oka Office Chair BS stays comforting and supporting throughout It s not yellow it s orange Some companies just try to get you coming and going AppleInsider previously enthused about a Flexispot exercise bike and desk which practically tricks you into being more active Now the same company has an office chair that realises that sometimes you need the opposite Read more |
2021-10-17 12:32:56 |
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Sir David Amess: MP murder suspect held under Terrorism Act |
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2021-10-17 12:07:17 |
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ライフハッカー[日本版] |
フカフカの気持ち良さと首のサポートを両立した快眠枕「Dr. good night」 |
drgoodnight |
2021-10-17 22:00:00 |
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麺や 澪 濃厚な味わいの背脂味噌 |
看板メニュー |
2021-10-17 13:00:50 |
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北海道新聞 |
ロシア副首相、北方四島視察を終了 3日間滞在 |
北方四島 |
2021-10-17 21:19:36 |
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日本ハムの斎藤佑樹、最後は四球 プロ11年、涙の引退試合 |
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2021-10-17 21:13:18 |