IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、新型「MacBook Pro」の取扱いを開始 − 約10,000円〜17,000円オフ & 1%のポイント還元 |
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2021-10-20 13:58:09 |
AWS Japan Blog |
コンテキスト情報とサードパーティデータを活用したレコメンデーションの改善 |
暑い日には清涼飲料の需要が増えるといったこれまでの観測に基づいて、気象情報を組み合わせることでAmazonPersonalizeモデルを高度にしたいと考えているでしょう。 |
2021-10-20 13:44:03 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
tensorflow-macosの正式版のインストール方法 |
2021-10-20 22:46:09 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
imgのwidth属性・height属性からpadding-topの値を算出する |
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2021-10-20 22:45:37 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptの論理演算子について |
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2021-10-20 22:00:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TkInter: Widgetの配置(GRID)が 思うようにならない |
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2021-10-20 22:51:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VPSに紐付けしていたお名前.comのドメイン名をAWSに紐付け。ドメインが有効になるまでの時間を教えてください。 |
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2021-10-20 22:47:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
OutlookのメールをOnenoteに送信する方法 |
OutlookのメールをOnenoteに送信する方法前提・実現したいことお疲れ様です。 |
2021-10-20 22:47:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$.ajax()の後にwindow.close()があると、ajaxがerrorに分岐する |
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2021-10-20 22:39:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
overflow: hiddenが効きません。 |
overflowhiddenが効きません。 |
2021-10-20 22:31:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Vue.js】vue-image-lightboxを用いて、画面に配置されている画像をギャラリー表示する方法 |
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2021-10-20 22:29:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
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2021-10-20 22:24:55 |
Program |
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2021-10-20 22:04:04 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのEC2(Ubuntu)にZabbix5.0を構築 |
Zabbixの構築後に確認ができますが、無料枠のメモリではZabbix上でメモリの使用率が高騰しているとアラートが出ます。 |
2021-10-20 22:31:56 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS CLIでS3からフォルダをコピーする方法 |
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2021-10-20 22:54:17 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのEC2(Ubuntu)にZabbix5.0を構築 |
Zabbixの構築後に確認ができますが、無料枠のメモリではZabbix上でメモリの使用率が高騰しているとアラートが出ます。 |
2021-10-20 22:31:56 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RapidSSLなどで購入したSSL証明書をALBに設置する |
そのため、ローカルからECにscpコマンドでアップしますローカルscpオプション鍵pem認証ファイルユーザ名サーバのホスト名orIPアドレス保存先パスscppi鍵pemhogehtmlecuserxxxxxxxxxxxx指示されたフルパスを指定サーバー証明書と中間証明書をうけとるECサーバー側の認証されると、サーバー証明書と中間証明書がもらえます。 |
2021-10-20 22:28:47 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
BenQ V7050i 4K HDR Laser Projector Review: Incredible for Home Theater, But Gamers Should Look Elsewhere |
BenQ Vi K HDR Laser Projector Review Incredible for Home Theater But Gamers Should Look ElsewhereThe BenQ Vi produces the most visually stunning large projections I ve ever seen but the ms input lag will be killer for gamers |
2021-10-20 13:56:11 |
海外TECH |
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5 Useful Web Tools Every Student Should Use |
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How to Quickly Find Certain People's Photos on iPhone and Mac |
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2021-10-20 13:15:11 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Change Your Facebook Page's Username or URL |
facebook |
2021-10-20 13:00:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Exploring the CSS Paint API: Polygon Border |
Exploring the CSS Paint API Polygon BorderNowadays creating complex shapes is an easy task using clip path but adding a border to the shapes is always a pain There is no robust CSS solution and we always need to produce specific “hacky code for each particular case In this article I will show you how to solve this problem using the CSS Paint API Before we dig into this third experimentation Here is a small overview of what we are building And please note that everything we re doing here is only supported in Chromium based browsers so you ll want to view the demos in Chrome Edge or Opera Live DemoYou will find no complex CSS code there but rather a generic code where we only adjust a few variables to control the shape The main ideaIn order to achieve the polygon border I am going to rely on a combination of the CSS clip path property and a custom mask created with the Paint API Live DemoWe start with a basic rectangular shape We apply clip path to get our polygon shape We apply the custom mask to get our polygon border The CSS setupHere s the CSS for the clip path step we ll get to box path width px height px background red display inline block clip path polygon var path Nothing complex so far but note the use of the CSS variable path The entire trick relies on that single variable Since I will be using a clip path and a mask both need to use the same parameters hence the path variable And yes the Paint API will use that same variable to create the custom mask The CSS code for the whole process becomes box path border px width px height px background red display inline block clip path polygon var path webkit mask paint polygon border In addition to the clip path we apply the custom mask plus we add an extra variable border to control the thickness of the border As you can see everything is still pretty basic and generic CSS so far After all this is one of the things that makes the CSS Paint API so great to work with The JavaScript setupI highly recommend reading the first part of my previous article to understand the structure of the Paint API Now let s see what is happening inside the paint function as we jump into JavaScript const points properties get path toString split const b parseFloat properties get border value const w size width const h size height const cc function x y var p points trim split p cc p p ctx beginPath ctx moveTo p p for var i i lt points length i p points i trim split p cc p p ctx lineTo p p ctx closePath ctx lineWidth b ctx strokeStyle ctx stroke The ability to get and set CSS custom properties is one of the reasons they re so great We can reach for JavaScript to first read the value of the path variable then convert it into an array of points seen on the very first line above So that means become the points for the mask i e points Then we loop through the points to draw a polygon using moveTo and lineTo This polygon is exactly the same as the one drawn in CSS with the clip path property Finally and after drawing the shape I add a stroke to it I define the thickness of the stroke using lineWidth and I set a solid color using strokeStyle In other words only the stroke of the shape is visible since I am not filling the shape with any color i e it s transparent Now all we have to do is to update the path and the thickness to create any polygon border It s worth noting that we are not limited to solid color here since we are using the CSS background property We can consider gradients or images Live DemoIn case we need to add content we have to consider a pseudo element Otherwise the content gets clipped in the process It s not incredibly tough to support content We move the mask property to the pseudo element We can keep the clip path declaration on the main element Live Demo Questions so far I know you probably have some burning questions you want to ask after looking over that last script Allow me to preemptively answer a couple things I bet you have in mind What is that cc function I am using that function to convert the value of each point into pixel values For each point I get both x and y coordinates ーusing points i trim split ーand then I convert those coordinates to make them usable inside the canvas element that allows us to draw with those points const cc function x y var fx fy if x indexOf gt fx parseFloat x w else if x indexOf px gt fx parseFloat x if y indexOf gt fy parseFloat y h else if y indexOf px gt fy parseFloat y return fx fy The logic is simple if it s a percentage value I use the width or the height to find the final value If it s a pixel value I simply get the value without the unit If for example we have where the width is equal to px and the height is equal to px then we get If it s px px then we get And so on Why are you using CSS clip path if the mask is already clipping the element to the stroke of the shape Using only the mask was the first idea I had in mind but I stumbled upon two major issues with that approach The first is related to how stroke works From MDN Strokes are aligned to the center of a path in other words half of the stroke is drawn on the inner side and half on the outer side That “half inner side half outer side gave me a lot of headaches and I always end up with a strange overflow when putting everything together That s where CSS clip path helps it clips the outer part and only keeps the inner side ーno more overflow You will notice the use of ctx lineWidth b I am adding double the border thickness because I will clip half of it to end with the right thickness needed around the entire shape The second issue is related to the shape s hover able area It s known that masking does not affect that area and we can still hover interact with the whole rectangle Again reaching for clip path fixes the issue plus we limit the interaction just to the shape itself The following demo illustrates these two issues The first element has both a mask and clip path while the second only has the mask We can clearly see the overflow issue Try to hover the second one to see that we can change the color even if the cursor is outside the triangle Why are you using property with the border value This is an interesting ーand pretty tricky ーpart By default custom properties like border are considered a “CSSUnparsedValue which means they are treated as strings From the CSS spec CSSUnparsedValue objects represent property values that reference custom properties They are comprised of a list of string fragments and variable references With property we can register the custom property and give it a type so that it can be recognized by the browser and handled as a valid type instead of a string In our case we are registering the border as a lt length gt type so later it becomes a CSSUnitValue What this also does is allow us to use any length unit px em ch vh etc for the border value This may sound a bit complex but let me try to illustrate the difference with a DevTools screenshot I am using console log on a variable where I defined em The first one is registered but the second one is not In the first case the browser recognizes the type and makes the conversion into a pixel value which is useful since we only need pixel values inside the paint function In the second case we get the variable as a string which is not very useful since we cannot convert em units into px units inside the paint function Try all the units It will always results with the computed pixel value inside the paint function What about the path variable I wanted to use the same approach with the path variable but unfortunately I think I pushed CSS right up to the limits of what it can do here Using property we can register complex types even multi value variables But that s still not enough for the path we need We can use the and symbols to define a space separated or comma separated list of values but our path is a comma separated list of space separated percentage or length values I would use something like lt length percentage gt but it doesn t exist For the path I am obliged to manipulate it as a string value That limits us just to percentage and pixel values for now For this reason I defined the cc function to convert the string values into pixel values We can read in the CSS spec The internal grammar of the syntax strings is a subset of the CSS Value Definition Syntax Future levels of the specification are expected to expand the complexity of the allowed grammar allowing custom properties that more closely resemble the full breadth of what CSS properties allow Even if the grammar is extend to be able to register the path we will still face issue in case we need to include calc inside our path path calc px px In the above calc px is a value that the browser considers a lt length percentage gt but the browser cannot compute that value until it knows the reference for the percentage In other words we cannot get the equivalent pixel value inside the paint function since the reference can only be known when the value gets used within var To overcome this we can can extend the cc function to do the conversion We did the conversion of a percentage value and a pixel value so let s combine those into one conversion We will consider cases calc P Xpx and calc P Xpx Our script becomes const cc function x y var fx fy if x indexOf calc gt var tmp x replace calc replace if tmp indexOf gt tmp tmp split fx parseFloat tmp w parseFloat tmp else tmp tmp split fx parseFloat tmp w parseFloat tmp else if x indexOf gt fx parseFloat x w else if x indexOf px gt fx parseFloat x if y indexOf calc gt var tmp y replace calc replace if tmp indexOf gt tmp tmp split fy parseFloat tmp h parseFloat tmp else tmp tmp split fy parseFloat tmp h parseFloat tmp else if y indexOf gt fy parseFloat y h else if y indexOf px gt fy parseFloat y return fx fy We re using indexOf to test the existence of calc then with some string manipulation we extract both values and find the final pixel value And as a result we also need to update this line p points i trim split …to p points i trim split s g Since we need to consider calc using the space character won t work for splitting That s because calc also contains spaces So we need a regex Don t ask me about it ーit s the one that worked after trying a lot from Stack Overflow Here is basic demo to illustrate the update we did so far to support calc Notice that we have stored the calc expression within the variable v that we registered as a lt length percentage gt This is also a part of the trick because if we do this the browser uses the correct format Whatever the complexity of the calc expression the browser always converts it to the format calc P Xpx For this reason we only have to deal with that format inside the paint function Here is a Demo with different examples where we are using a different calc expression for each one If you inspect the code of each box and see the computed value of v you will always find the same format which is super useful because we can have any kind of calculation we want It should be noted that using the variable v is not mandatory We can include the calc directly inside the path We simply need to make sure we insert the correct format since the browser will not handle it for us remember that we cannot register the path variable so it s a string for the browser This can be useful when we need to have many calc inside the path and creating a variable for each one will make the code too lengthy We will see a few examples at the end Can we have dashed border We can And it only takes one instruction The lt canvas gt element already has a built in function to draw dashed stroke setLineDash The setLineDash method of the Canvas D API s CanvasRenderingContextD interface sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines It uses an array of values that specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps which describe the pattern All we have to do is to introduce another variable to define our dash pattern Live DemoIn the CSS we simply added a CSS variable dash and within the mask is the following const d properties get dash toString split ctx setLineDash d We can also control the offset using lineDashOffset We will see later how controlling the offset can help us reach some cool animations Use cases After exploring the behind the scene of this technique let s now focus on the CSS part and check out a few uses cases for our polygon border A collection of buttonsWe can easily generate custom shape buttons having cool hover effect Notice how calc is used inside the path of the last button the way we described it earlier It works fine since I am following the correct format BreadcrumbsNo more headaches when creating a breadcrumb system Below you will find no “hacky or complex CSS code but rather something that s pretty generic and easy to understand where all we have to do is to adjust a few variables Card reveal animationIf we apply some animation to the thickness we can get some fancy hover effect We can use that same idea to create an animation that reveals the card Callout amp speech bubble“How the hell we can add border to that small arrow I think everyone has stumbled on this issue when dealing with either a callout or speech bubble sort of design The Paint API makes this trivial In that demo you will find a few examples that you can extend You only need to find the path for your speech bubble then adjust some variables to control the border thickness and the size position of the arrow Animating dashesA last one before we end This time we will focus on the dashed border to create more animations We already did one in the button collection where we transform a dashed border into a solid one Let s tackle two others Hover the below and see the nice effect we get Those who have worked with SVG for some time are likely familiar with the sort effect that we achieve by animating stroke dasharray Thanks to the Paint API we can do this directly in CSS The idea is almost the same one we use with SVG We define the dash variable dash var a The variable a starts at so our pattern is a solid line where the length equals with a gap where length hence no border We animate a to a big value to draw our border We also talked about using lineDashOffset which we can use for another kind of animation Hover the below and see the result Finally a CSS solution to animate the position of dashes that works with any kind of shape What I did is pretty simple I added an extra variable offset to which I apply a transition from to N Then inside the paint function I do the following const o properties get offset ctx lineDashOffset o As simple as that Let s not forget an infinite animation using keyframes We can make the animation run continuously by offsetting to N where N is the sum of the values used in the dash variable which in our case is We use a negative value to have the opposite direction direction I have probably missed a lot of use cases that I let you discover You want to support me OR |
2021-10-20 13:48:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deploying a Telegram Bot to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot. [Step by step] for absolut beginners. |
Deploying a Telegram Bot to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot Step by step for absolut beginners The purpose of this project is to share my experience and hope to be of help to someone Copilot is a young tool for creating and deploying containerized services without handling all the configuration troubles of ECS EC and Fargate Maybe there is a better way to deploy this kind of project out there but please humor me we are having fun and trying new things Hope you like this post and let s get down to business Table of content The StackInstalling NodeInstalling AWS CLIInstalling Copilot CliInstalling DockerSetting up the projectCreating the BotLet s codeTesting the CodeConfiguring dockerfileDeploying to ECS with Copilot CliMaking some refactoring amp updatingThe End The Stack ️ For this project we are going to use the following tools don t worry if you don t know how to use them I ll leave you the documentation links down below Anyhow I would guide you step by step all the way OS Windows should work on others OS as well Node docs installationAWS CLI v docs installationCopilot Cli docs installationDocker docs installationTelegraf docs installationBinance API docsAxios docs Installing Node ️First we install node there is not much to say about it just follow this link here to download Node and the installer will guide you through the process At the moment this post is been created we are using version Installing AWS CLI ️First we need to have an AWS account so if you don t have one get down to it Once you have the account created we install AWS CLI v and check if it is working with the command aws helpWith everything in order the next step is to configure AWS credentials So we need to create access keys for an IAM userSign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at here On the navigation pane choose Users Choose the name of the user whose access keys you want to create and then choose the Security credentials tab In the Access keys section choose Create access key To view the new access key pair choose Show You will not have access to the secret access key again after this dialog box closes Your credentials will look something like this Access key ID AKIAIOSFODNNEXAMPLESecret access key wJalrXUtnFEMI KMDENG bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEYTo download the key pair choose Download csv file Store the keys in a secure location You will not have access to the secret access key again after this dialog box closes Keep the keys confidential to protect your AWS account and never email them Do not share them outside your organization even if an inquiry appears to come from AWS or Amazon com No one who legitimately represents Amazon will ever ask you for your secret key After you download the csv file choose Close When you create an access key the key pair is active by default and you can use the pair right away To add the credentials to AWS CLI we write the command aws configure profile myprofilename in the terminal and follow the steps AWS Access Key ID None AKIAIQHDHBEXAMPLE AWS Secret Access Key None jeMtGbClwBF EXAMPLEKEY Default region name None us east Default output format None jsonThat s it know you have successfully set up AWS CLI Installing Copilot Cli ️The instructions for the installation are here once you are done write copilot help in your terminal if everything works as it supposes to Congratulations your pc is smarter than mine if you had an error don t worry I had the same problem Here is how you can fix it Remember this solution I only tested on Windows OS Find the installed files and delete them copilot exe copilot asc and ecs cli asc Install them again using the terminal as administrator but in this folder Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot copilot exe Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot copilot asc Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot ecs cli asc Type Win R and write this rundll exe sysdm cpl EditEnvironmentVariables it will open your environment variables panel Go to system variables select path and click edit add a new path C Program Files Amazon Copilot or the path where the copilot exe file is Save the changes and restart Write the command copilot help in your terminal and it should work Installing Docker ️Download docker here and follow the instructions Before you install the Docker Desktop WSL backend you must complete the following steps Install Windows version or higher or Windows Enable WSL feature on Windows For detailed instructions refer to the Microsoft documentation Download and install the Linux kernel update package Setting up the project ️Create a folder a give it a name of your choice mine will be crypto bot app open your folder on your IDE and write npm init yNow we add the packages Write on the terminal npm i telegraf axiosAll set Creating the bot ️Open your Telegram app and search for the BotFather and start the bot Write the command newbot and give it a name mine will be crypto bot and username crptobotYou should receive a token like this AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX save it for later You created your first bot congratulation now let add some code to it Let s code ️Create an index js file on the project folder where we are going to put this code const Telegraf require telegraf const axios require axios const bot new Telegraf AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX your token START bot start async ctx gt await ctx reply Hi ctx from first name await ctx reply I still under development but you can use me to get the latest price of a cryptocurrency await ctx reply For example to know the price of an specific crypto write the command price and the symbol of the cryptocurrency await ctx reply price btc COMMANDS bot command price Price PRICE ctx gt try const ticker ctx message text toLowerCase split price toUpperCase const data await axios get ticker USDT ctx reply ticker data price USDT catch error ctx reply Some error occurred in your request please try again bot launch Testing the code ️Before initiating the code let s add the following piece of code to our package json scripts start node index js here test test Now run the command npm start go to telegram open your bot and type start or price btc Once you receive the expected response we may continue this journey Configuring dockerfile ️Create a file in your project directory and name it Dockerfile add this configuration codeFROM node WORKDIR appCOPY package json RUN npm installCOPY EXPOSE CMD npm start Also create a file with the name dockerignore and add this copilotnode modules Deploying to ECS with Copilot Cli ️Now that we have the dockerfile configured correctly we are going to deploy the bot to ECS to work Write the command copilot init Name de app I ll use crypto bot app We choose the workload in my case Backend Service Name backend service as bot main service Deploy the app with the command copilot app deploy Making some refactoring ️At this point we can make some refactoring to optimize our code First we are going to create a folder src with a javascript file named bot functions js and add this code bot functions jsconst axios require axios module exports functions start message async ctx gt await ctx reply Hi ctx from first name await ctx reply I still under development but you can use me to get the latest price of a cryptocurrency await ctx reply For example to know the price of an specific crypto write the command price and the symbol of the cryptocurrency await ctx reply price btc getCryptocurrencyPrice async ctx gt try const ticker ctx message text toLowerCase split price toUpperCase const data await axios get ticker USDT ctx reply ticker data price USDT catch error ctx reply Some error occurred in your request please try again then go to index js and make some changes to it index jsconst Telegraf require telegraf const functions require src bot functions js const bot new Telegraf AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX your tokenbot start ctx gt functions start message ctx bot command price Price PRICE ctx gt functions getCryptocurrencyPrice ctx bot launch Now we test that everything is working correctly we add the changes with the command copilot app deploy The End ️Keep in mind that this is a dev project for educational purposes in the real world you should storage tokens and important information on environment variables and all the good practices that the job demands If you like it give a thumbs up and share it to the next post |
2021-10-20 13:29:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
DataDog vs New Relic | Detailed comparison (5 key features) |
DataDog vs New Relic Detailed comparison key features Both DataDog and New Relic are enterprise monitoring tools that provide a wide range of products covering different aspects of application and infrastructure monitoring In this article we will compare DataDog and New Relic based on their different monitoring capabilities Businesses are embracing digital transformation now more than ever In most cases the digital channel is the primary driver of revenue and growth Customers and end users are going online to fulfill both their daily and long term needs The digital shift has made the app production environment a critical piece of an organization s success The performance of your application in production needs to be monitored to ensure high availability at all times DataDog and New Relic provide numerous products to monitor applications Some of the key products offered by both tools include Application Performance MonitoringInfrastructure monitoringLog ManagementNetwork monitoringBrowser or end user monitoringLet s compare DataDog and New Relic based on the features they provide in the above mentioned categories You can also check out SigNoz an open source APM tool It is built natively for OpenTelemetry and supports multiple backend storage ClickHouse or Kafka Druid Choosing an open source APM over SaaS vendors has many benefits for developers At the same time SigNoz is built to avoid the pain of maintenance that comes with most open source tools Application Performance Monitoring DataDog APMDataDog s APM provides end to end distributed tracing connecting frontend devices to databases Some of the key features of DataDog APM includes Distributed tracing can track requests from user sessions to services and databases Users can correlate their distributed traces to infrastructure and network metrics With DataDog s APM you can ingest of your traces from the last minutes You can then retain error and high latency tracesYou can inspect code level performance and break down slow requests DataDog APM tool dashboard Source DataDog dashboard New Relic APMNew Relic s APM covers performance monitoring for many programming languages and combines metrics from mobile and browser apps to services and databases Some of the key features of New Relic APM includes Auto instrumentation of eight programming languages Java Net Node js PHP Python Ruby Go and C C Distributed tracing and sampling options for a wide range of technology stackCorrelation of tracing data with other aspects of application infrastructure and user monitoringFully managed cloud native experience with on demand scalabilityNew Relic APM Dashboard Source New Relic Dashboard Infrastructure Monitoring DataDog Infrastructure MonitoringYou can monitor all your machines with DataDog s infrastructure monitoring A DataDog agent runs on all your hosts to capture events and metrics Some of the key features of DataDog s infrastructure monitoring includes You can see all your machines in the infrastructure list Each machine host has tags aliases metrics attached to itDataDog provides a Host map to visualize all your hosts on one screenIt also provides a container map and real time monitoring of containersSee detailed info about your hosts on DataDog dashboard Source DataDog website New Relic Infrastructure MonitoringNew Relic provides infrastructure monitoring for cloud services dedicated hosts to containers Some of the key features of New Relic infrastructure monitoring includes You can connect changes in your host performance with your configuration changes You can track the configuration change of your entire infrastructure If your infrastructure account is connected with the APM account then you can troubleshoot performance issues by connecting the server side to the application side Provides integrations to collect metrics for popular platforms like AWS GCP Azure Kubernetes etc New Relic Infrastructure Monitoring Dashboard Source New Relic documentation Log Management DataDog Log ManagementDataDog log management provides capabilities to search and analyze logs at any scale Some of the key features of DataDog Log Management includes Provides logging without limits can ingest of your logs before indexing Provides log processing pipelines for common technologiesFilter logs with a time range tags and full text searchProvides aggregation of indexed logsDataDog log management dashboard Source DataDog website New Relic Log ManagementWith New Relic Log Management you can easily ingest any text based data Some of the key features of New Relic log management include Custom charts and visualization for log dataQuick search response times for any volume of log dataProvides machine learning capabilities to detect issues from your log data automaticallyNew Relic Log Management Dashboard Source New Relic website Network Monitoring DataDog Network MonitoringSome of the key features of DataDog network monitoring include Provides metrics for point to point communication on your infrastructureGranular data for network flows in a multi cloud environment along with aggregation capabilities supported by tagsAutomatically collects tags from more than integrations You can see network volume between any two sets of tagsDataDog network monitoring Source DataDog website New Relic Network MonitoringSome of the key features of New Relic Network monitoring include Provides pre configured dashboards for monitoring popular cloud services like Azure AWS GCP etc and provides dynamic alertingProvides integrations with services You can check the full list of AWS Azure and GCP integrationsProvides advanced Kubernetes monitoring capabilities correlating metrics from the application and the infrastructureNew Relic Network Monitoring Source New Relic website Browser or real user monitoring DataDog Real User MonitoringDataDog provides end to end visibility into user journeys for mobile and web applications Some of the key features of DataDog end user monitoring Provides aggregated fronted performance metrics with slice and dice capabilities by location device application etc Provides root cause analysis for slow loading times with visibility into code network and infrastructureOffers customer segmentation with the help of tags for error tracking in real timeDataDog Real User Monitoring New Relic Browser MonitoringNew Relic provides monitoring for end users using your application across web browsers devices operating systems and networks Some of the key features of New Relic Browser Monitoring include Provides full stack visibility to identify end user latency from backend or network issuesProvides session performance with a heatmap of a user s interaction with the webpageProvides Javascript error analytics using which you can see end user steps leading to errorsNew Relic Browser monitoring Source New Relic website Issues with existing monitoring vendorsDataDog and New Relic are great monitoring tools and provide a gamut of monitoring products that any organization can use But these enterprise monitoring tools can have the following issues Crazy node based pricing Node based pricing doesn t make sense in today s micro services architecture Any node which is live for more than hrs in a month is charged So unsuitable for spiky workloadsVery costlyThese tools are very costly if you want to do things like sending custom metrics Cloud onlyHence not suitable for companies that have concerns with sending data outside their infraClosed product roadmapFor any small feature you are dependent on their roadmap We think this is an unnecessary restriction for a product which developers use A product used by developers should be extendibleThe other alternative can be going for an open source alternative But the problem with most open source products is that they are resource intensive to set up maintain and scale up That s where SigNoz comes into the picture SigNoz is a full stack open source APM platform with easy configuration and scalable architecture An alternative to DataDog and New Relic SigNozSigNoz is a full stack open source application performance monitoring and observability tool which can be used in place of DataDog and Grafana SigNoz is built to give SaaS like user experience combined with the perks of open source software Developer tools should be developer first and SigNoz was built by developers to address the gap between SaaS vendors and open source software Key architecture features Native OpenTelemetry supportSigNoz is built to support OpenTelemetry natively which is quietly becoming the world standard to generate and manage telemetry data Flexible and scalable Database storageSigNoz provides users flexibility in terms of storage You can choose between ClickHouse or Kafka Druid as your backend storage while installing SigNoz Architecture of SigNoz with ClickHouse as storage backend and OpenTelemetry for code instrumentatiioSigNoz comes with out of box visualization of things like RED metrics SigNoz UI showing application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateYou can also use flamegraphs to visualize spans from your trace data All of this comes out of the box with SigNoz Flamegraphs showing exact duration taken by each spans a concept of distributed tracingYou can also build custom metrics dashboard for your infrastructure You can also build a custom metrics dashboard for your infrastructureSome of the things SigNoz can help you track Application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateSlowest endpoints in your applicationSee exact request trace to figure out issues in downstream services slow DB queries call to rd party services like payment gateways etcFilter traces by service name operation latency error tags annotations Run aggregates on trace dataUnified UI for both metrics and traces Getting started with SigNozIf you have docker installed getting started with SigNoz just takes three easy steps at the command line git clone https github com SigNoz signoz gitcd signoz deploy install shYou can read more about deploying SigNoz from its documentation You can check out SigNoz s GitHub repo here Related ContentDataDog vs PrometheusDataDog vs GrafanaMonitor Spring Boot App with SigNoz and OpenTelemetry |
2021-10-20 13:24:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Stoicism and Mindfulness w/ Michael McGill |
Stoicism and Mindfulness w Michael McGill What is HTML All The ThingsHTML All The Things is a web development podcast and discord community which was started by Matt and Mike developers based in Ontario Canada The podcast speaks to web development topics as well as running a small business self employment and time management You can join them for both their successes and their struggles as they try to manage expanding their Web Development business without stretching themselves too thin AnnouncementsThe Svelte for Beginners Udemy course is now live Mike took his experience in teaching and learning Svelte and created a course This course will teach you the fundamentals of JavaScript frameworks Get it now on Udemy Link for off expires in days What s This One About In this episode Matt and Mike sit down with Michael McGill to discuss his journey through stoicism and mindfulness The tech industry is forever changing and is always online so it can be a very stressful place to work at times Having worked in tech for over years Michael has surely seen his fair share of fires and other high stress situations which makes his comments on stoicism and mindfulness all the more real Guest IntroductionMichael McGill has been in the tech industry for years He s a Computer Science graduate that transitioned to a leadership role as a CIO chief information officer Some refer to him as the Stoic CIO because of his unique perspective on leadership We ll be talking about how Michael uses Stoicism and Mindfulness in his everyday life as well as how they apply when managing a team Michael s Twitter ProfileMichael s Newsletter Show Notes Can you explain what Stoicism and Mindfulness are Can you tell us a little bit about your journey and how you stumbled on Stoicism and mindfulness on your way to CIO What are some ways Stoicism intersects the IT world Servant Leadership What are some indicators that someone needs to take these concepts more seriously What are ways being can start practicing and learning about Stoicism and Mindfulness now ResourcesA Guide to the Good Life The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy William B IrvineHeadspace Key TakeawaysStoicism gives you the ability to take a more objective look at critical situationsServant leadership is a methodology where the leader manager is there for you to succeed Thank you If you re enjoying the podcast consider giving us a review on Apple Podcasts or checking out our Patreon to get a shoutout on the podcast Support us on PatreonYou can find us on all the podcast platforms out there as well asInstagram htmlallthethings Twitter htmleverything TikTok Html All The Things |
2021-10-20 13:13:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How FORMULA 1 insights are powered by AWS |
How FORMULA insights are powered by AWSMotorsports especially Formula is a perfect example of engineering marvel where engineers build extraordinary machines Artificial Intelligence help engineers innovate faster by harnessing the power of data which plays an crucial role in the split second decisions on the track redesigning and maximising the performance of vehicles by running analytics and so much more MotivationThe motivation to write this article is that I love working with AI ML technologies leveraging the cloud and I am big fan of Formula In Formula AWS powers F insights and I took a look under the hood to find some amazing details and the way how it works So fasten your seatbelt and we are now going for an amazing learning experience About Formula The Fastest Car deserves Fastest CloudFORMULA is a battle between the world s best drivers but it s also a battle of some of the world s most innovative engineers No other sport has been as dynamic in its evolution and embrace of new technology While some of the tech goes to helping drivers who are hitting speeds as high as MPH taking pit stops in under seconds and flying around corners with a force of G much of it goes to enhance the experiences of its growing base of over a half a billion fans This is why AWS is proud to be both the official cloud service and machine learning provider for FORMULA OverviewTechnology has always played a central role in the evolution of the sport but serverless and machine learning are changing how F automates collects analyzes and leverages data to make decisions F is taking the competition to the next level by altering some of the rules around car design F simulates these changes using AWS High Performance Compute services to make sim cycles faster and more sophisticatedF uses Amazon SageMaker to build machine learning models that help fans better understand the split second decisions made by a driver or pit crew that can dramatically affect the outcome F DataDuring a FORMULA Grand Prix every car contains sensors which generate M telemetry data points per second transmitted from the cars to the pits This real time data is combined with over years of historical race data stored on S to inform fans and teams about the unparalleled track side decision making Computational Fluid Dynamics ProjectAmazon Web Services Inc AWS an Amazon com company NASDAQ AMZN and Formula One Group Formula have completed a Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD project to simulate the aerodynamics of cars while racing carrying out detailed simulations that have resulted in the car design for the racing season The project modelled the impact of one car s aerodynamic wake on another based on million data points running on compute cores for detailed simulations By use of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC cn instances the average time for running simulations was reduced to which is equivalent to that of a supercomputer The entire project duration was for months The Project addressed some of the common problems and proposed the results with the help of the AWS Machine Learning Platform Let s look into that Downforce LossWhat is Downforce For Formula cars the downforce generated by their aerodynamics is the single largest performance differentiator helping a car travel faster through corners The Problem Loss of downforce when they are running close to one anotherReduces drivers ability to sustain close racing and increasing the difficulty of overtaking Currently a car running one car length behind another loses up to percent of its downforce The Solution F used AWS to look closely at how the aerodynamics of cars interact when racing in close proximity These simulations looked at cars in common racing situations and the results have driven the changes to the proposed car design The Result Formula has been able to design a car with only percent downforce loss at the same one car length distance The resulting car will feature a brand new bodywork design with a new front wing shape simplified suspension new rear end layout underfloor tunnels wheel wake control devices and will run on inch wheels with low profile tyres for the first time TurbulenceCFD simulates the impact of a liquid or gas on an object and requires extensive compute capacity to perform this kind of simulation requiring high performance computing HPC clusters to do the job The Problem HPC clusters on premises requires considerable upfront capital expenditure lengthy procurement cycles and regular hardware refreshes to avoid obsolescence The Solution AWS provides the most elastic and scalable cloud infrastructure to run HPC applications With virtually unlimited capacity engineers and researches can innovate beyond the limitations of on premises HPC infrastructure To complete the CFD work Formula used AWS ParallelCluster on Amazon EC to run the OpenFOAM CFD framework and Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S for data storage The Result Leveraging the scalability of the cloud Formula was able to run CFD simulations on core counts much larger than they were previously able to execute The increased speed with which the aerodynamics team could run detailed two car turbulence simulations on AWS meant they could increase the number of car designs they could investigate from one to five per week Moving forward there are plans to expand the application further up to cores and to introduce AWS Machine Learning ML tools such as Amazon SageMaker to allow ML technologies to help with the design and further optimise the performance of the car AWS Machine Learning with F DataLet s now see some of the F insights derived using AWS SageMaker F Insights by AWSThe F insights derived using AWS SageMaker can be put into three major categoriesRace StrategyCompetitor AnalysisCar PerformanceLet s look into some of the insights under each category Race StrategyBattle Forecast Using track history and projected driver pace Battle Forecast will predict how many laps before the chasing car is within striking distance of the car in front Pit Strategy Battle Undercutting and overcutting are strategies used by F teams during close racing scenarios to gain a lead over a rival with the margin between success and failure measured in tenths of a second Pit Strategy Battle provides fans and commentators with real time insight on the position of the two rival drivers the predicted gap after their respective pit stops and the percentage chance of an overtake helping fans to assess how successful each driver s strategy will be in real time and its potential outcome Pit Window Estimated pit stop windows based on tyre compound lap times and spread of cars Viewers will see how a race can be altered based on race dynamics including racing strategies of other teams safety cars and yellow flags Predicted Pit Stop Strategy Historical data is used to calculate race strategy during the formation lap comparing predicted tyre and race strategies This insight allows viewers to see when a driver should strategically make his next pit stop Competitor AnalysisCar Analysis and Development This insight shows how teams develop their cars how quickly they develop their cars and what the on track result is throughout the season The development race both during the season and from year to year is the principal KPI for an F team and this provides a unique insight into the inner workings of F and how the teams perform against each other in this area Car Performances This insight isolates an individual car s performance and allows fans to compare its performance to that of different vehicles head to head comparing building blocks that make up car performance namely cornering performance straight line performance and car balance or handlingDriver performance Driver Performance highlights which drivers are pushing their car to the absolute limit of performance in comparison to their teammates and competitors Calculating the forces generated by a car s tyres during a lap and comparing it to the car s maximum capability this will show how much of the car s potential performance is being extracted by the driver Three parameters will be shown to highlight three key areas of driver performance that have a major effect on the ultimate goal lap time Acceleration Braking Corners Driver Season Performance This provides a breakdown of driver performance based on the most important subset of driving skills by analyzing a wealth of data across effects of the car tyres traffic fuel and more to a scored output of each driver s performance across the season against seven key metrics Qualifying Pace Race Starts Race Lap Race Pace Tyre Management Driver Pit Stop Skill and Overtaking These metrics are normalized using from a range of to provide a score style metric and provide an insight for viewers fans and teams alike into where a certain driver s strengths and weaknesses lie and how they compare to others in the field Car PerformancesF looks closely at aerodynamics tyre performance power unit vehicle dynamics and vehicle optimisation to offer insights that help fans interpret overall car performance Braking Performance Braking graphics showing when drivers hit the brakes and how much pressure they apply the new AWS Insight will take fans even deeper into the black art of braking performance in Formula showing the braking points for each driver the speed the drivers are travelling at when they hit the anchors which drivers brake the hardest the speed decrease difference between different drivers and the maximum g forces generated Corner Analysis The single most important area for performance for an F car and this offers great insight into how good cars compare against great ones This breaks the corner down into the principal sections braking turn in mid corner and exit analyzing and comparing the performance through the principal sections of a corner via car telemetry data Tyre Performance Using car data namely car speed longitudinal and lateral accelerations and the Gyro gives us a tyre performance for each corner which indicates how much the tyre has been used with respect to its ultimate performance life AWS amp FF continues to innovate with the Professional Services team and Amazon ML Solutions Lab Team to accelerate development of F Insights by prototyping use cases and develop new proofs of concept The ProServ team then helps F get models in to production and integrated into the F infrastructure References The article is a case study of how Formula One leverages AWS for insights I do not own represent any material with respect to FORUMULA and AWS This is purely for educational purposes |
2021-10-20 13:00:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple to report solid Q4 earnings but may face iPhone shortages, analyst says |
Apple to report solid Q earnings but may face iPhone shortages analyst saysA Wedbush analyst is expecting Apple to beat across the board when it reports earnings later in October though he adds that supply constraints could lead to iPhone shortages in the holiday quarter Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderIn a note to investors seen by AppleInsider Wedbush lead analyst Daniel Ives says that Apple will deliver clear upside to Wall Street consensus in each of its product categories despite concerns about an ongoing global chip shortages Read more |
2021-10-20 13:52:45 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's iPhone 13 camera ambitions balance power and simplicity |
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海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Gates Foundation Pledges $120 Million to Help Get Covid Pills Quickly to Poor Countries |
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Waiting on U.S. Mandate, Some Nursing Homes Are Slow to Vaccinate Staff |
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BBC News - Science & Environment |
Covid vaccine pioneer: Lives depend on science funding |
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2021-10-20 13:40:58 |
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Queen cancels Northern Ireland visit on medical advice |
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Home secretary wants police update on spiking by needles |
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Manager Bruce leaves Newcastle after takeover |
Manager Bruce leaves Newcastle after takeoverManager Steve Bruce leaves Newcastle United by mutual consent just days after the Saudi Arabia backed £m takeover of the Premier League side was completed |
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