IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、米国で「Surface Duo 2」を発売 − 日本では来年前半 |
qualcommsnapdragon |
2021-10-21 13:31:31 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Creating AWS Serverless batch processing architectures |
Creating AWS Serverless batch processing architecturesThis blog post shows how to use Step Functions features and integrations to orchestrate a batch processing solution You use two Steps Functions workflows to implement batch processing with one workflow splitting the original file and a second workflow processing each chunk file |
2021-10-21 13:14:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【第0週】プログラミング未経験者が独学成果物で「1万イイね」とれるまでリアルタイム実況 ~自己紹介~ |
とりあえず、Pythonでなんかゲームを作ってみようかと思う。 |
2021-10-21 22:43:59 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
echo hello > /dev/twitterをやりたい |
データが入ると処理再開textlistfreadlinesツイート送信msgnjointextlistrequestsposturlvaluemsgIFTTTアプレットの部分アプレットを共有するやり方を知らないので画像で。 |
2021-10-21 22:17:33 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
javascriptでタイマー秒後に遅延実行 |
javascriptでタイマー秒後に遅延実行経緯定期的に送られてくるjsonメッセージに対して、受信後設定時間以内に再度受信しなければ発火させる関数を考える必要があった。 |
2021-10-21 22:25:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ReactNativeのTextInputの{text}が理解できない |
ReactNativeのTextInputのtextが理解できない前提・実現したいことReactNativeでログイン画面を作成しようとしています。 |
2021-10-21 22:55:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Query関数がある2つの行でエラーが発生する |
Query関数があるつの行でエラーが発生する前提・実現したいこと最近MySQLを使い始めて戸惑っているPHP初心者です。 |
2021-10-21 22:51:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
loding画面を表示させたいのですが、onloadを使用したら何も表示されません。。。 |
イメージとしては、ページ全体が読み込まれるまで枚の画像を表示させておき、読み込み完了とともに全体のdisplaynoneを解除。 |
2021-10-21 22:42:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ローカルに保存した画像ファイルをNSImageとして表示したい |
ローカルに保存した画像ファイルをNSImageとして表示したい前提・実現したいことSwiftとCocoaフレームワークを利用して、macOS向けのアプリケーションを開発しております。 |
2021-10-21 22:37:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python csvを読み込んで一列ずつ抽出して処理をしたい |
pythoncsvを読み込んで一列ずつ抽出して処理をしたい現在下記のようなコードを使用しています。 |
2021-10-21 22:31:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'eqall2.csv'がわからない |
FileNotFoundErrorErrnoNosuchfileordirectoryxeqallcsvxがわからないコード全文を記載しますが、FileNotFoundErrornbspErrnonbspnbspNonbspsuchnbspfilenbspornbspdirectorynbspaposeqallcsvaposというエラー文がでています。 |
2021-10-21 22:22:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コードで分からないことがあります。 |
コードで分からないことがあります。 |
2021-10-21 22:21:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityのC#での名前空間の使い方について、とアクセス修飾子について教えてください。 |
で、知りたいことは、皆さんは、namespaceはどこまでの粒度で命名されていますか例えば、PlayerとEnemyのカテゴリー別でスクリプトをフォルダの中に分けているとします。 |
2021-10-21 22:14:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
プログラムにアクセス権を付与する |
プログラムにアクセス権を付与するApacheでhttps通信をするためにLetapossnbspEncryptからSSL証明書を発行して、その証明書をExpressjsのサーバでも使えるように、SSL証明書のパーミッションを全開にして使用しているんですが、セキュリティ上まずいので、証明書をrootユーザとnodejsのサーバからのみアクセスできるようにしたいです。 |
2021-10-21 22:10:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スクレイピング一部取得できないのでどなたか教えてください |
スクレイピング一部取得できないのでどなたか教えてくださいmsというサイトの動画アフィリエイトコードをスクレイピングしたいんですが、一部取得できなくて困っています。 |
2021-10-21 22:09:35 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】 通知機能の難しい箇所を解説してみた |
【Rails】通知機能の難しい箇所を解説してみた通知機能PFに通知機能を搭載したのですが、理解するのが難しかったため勉強もかねて通知機能の難しい箇所をひとつひとつ解説することにします流れ・モデルの解説・コントローラーの解説・ヘルパーの解説モデルの解説appmodelspost通知機能のアソシエーションhasmanynotificationsdependentdestroydefcreatenotificationbycurrentusernotificationcurrentusernotificationsnewpostididvisitediduseridactionlikenotificationsaveifnotificationvalidendcommentidはコントローラーでcommentidと指定しているので投稿のidを引数にいれているdefcreatenotificationcommentcurrentusercommentidCommentモデルのpostidに紐づくすべてのuseridを引っ張ってくるがcurrentuserは引っ張ってこない。 |
2021-10-21 22:55:46 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RSpecでNaNを判定する |
RSpecでNaNを判定する実行環境macOSHRubyRSpecRubyにおけるNaNの挙動以下のようにRubyにおいてNaNは期待通りの挙動をしない場合があります。 |
2021-10-21 22:41:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ゼロからAWS EC2のインスタンス作成してnginxをインストールする |
もしアクセスできない場合はセキュリティグループでSSHと自身のIPアドレスが許可されているか確認してみてくださいnginxをインストールするSSH接続できたらnginxをインストールします。 |
2021-10-21 22:45:29 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
goldenファイルを使用したテストデータとgo structのマッピング |
テストがパスするgoldenファイルで定義した値が構造体にマッピングされている、と言えます。 |
2021-10-21 22:13:49 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】 通知機能の難しい箇所を解説してみた |
【Rails】通知機能の難しい箇所を解説してみた通知機能PFに通知機能を搭載したのですが、理解するのが難しかったため勉強もかねて通知機能の難しい箇所をひとつひとつ解説することにします流れ・モデルの解説・コントローラーの解説・ヘルパーの解説モデルの解説appmodelspost通知機能のアソシエーションhasmanynotificationsdependentdestroydefcreatenotificationbycurrentusernotificationcurrentusernotificationsnewpostididvisitediduseridactionlikenotificationsaveifnotificationvalidendcommentidはコントローラーでcommentidと指定しているので投稿のidを引数にいれているdefcreatenotificationcommentcurrentusercommentidCommentモデルのpostidに紐づくすべてのuseridを引っ張ってくるがcurrentuserは引っ張ってこない。 |
2021-10-21 22:55:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Elemental MediaLive のパイプライン冗長時のフェイルオーバー条件について教えてください |
awselementalmedialive |
2021-10-21 13:54:43 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Dune 2021 film review: The spice must flow, but then it stops abruptly |
review |
2021-10-21 13:00:29 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Improve Time Management With Outlook's Delay Delivery Feature |
delay |
2021-10-21 13:45:46 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
What Version of Android Do I Have? Here's How to Tell |
android |
2021-10-21 13:31:52 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Create a Finsta Account (and Why You Might Want To) |
account |
2021-10-21 13:15:21 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Add or Remove Someone From the People Album on iPhone and Mac |
macthis |
2021-10-21 13:01:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a Slack Bot with NodeJS |
Create a Slack Bot with NodeJS IntroPlatforms like Slack Teams and Discord have become much more than just a communication mechanism In the world of remote work these platforms become the very venue through which our teams operate In this tutorial we re going to be using NodeJS to create a Slack Bot which you can customize to handle HR operations pull data or just create a more enjoyable slack experience for your team If you re interested in learning how to create bots on other communication platforms let us know down below Project SetupOur project file system is going to be relatively simple We re just going to need a standard node project which we can initialize with npm initLet s then add Slack s Bolt API for creating Slack Apps npm i slack boltFinally create a file called index jsNext we need to actually register our app with Slack To do this visit And create an App from scratch Name your app and pick the workspace you want to test it in From there there are a number of settings that we are going to edit First in Basic information go to App Level Tokens and generate a new Token Give this token the scopes connections write and authorizations read Next go to Socket Mode and enable Socket Mode This will allow us to connect to the Slack API with WebSockets If you are publicly distributing your Slack App you are going to want to host it somewhere More on that later Next go to OAuth amp Permissions and find the Scopes section Add the following Bot Token Scopes Depending on what you are doing you may want to add others but for this tutorial this is all we will need That s all we need for configuration Finally we can initialize our app in index js If we run this file and don t get any errors then we ve successfully authenticated our app Slash CommandsThe first way that we can add functionality to our Slack bot is by creating Slash commands These are exactly what you might imagine Someone in our workspace can simply type command name and call some sort of function To add a command go to the Slash Commands tab in the Slack API dashboard and press Create New Command We can then add functionality to this command in index js Once you reinstall the app to your workspace which can be done from the oAuth amp Permissions Tab you can use it like so Handling EventsThe next way we can add functionality to our Slack Bot is through events An event can be anything from direct messaging our bot or a new user joining our workspace We can set up our bot to listen to these events and do certain things when the event is triggered To set this up go to the Events and Subscriptions tab and enable Events From there addFrom there we can add the following code to our index js And use it like so again don t forget to reinstall the app to your workspace Using Slack Apps to Optimize Your Business OperationsNow obviously the examples we built here are pretty rudimentary but the key thing to note here is that you can now interact with Slack however you want This can allow you to build any number of tools such as Commands to pull certain metrics just pull from API s in NodeJS Run internal pollsFind meeting availabilityGet progress reports perhaps even integrate with Trello or Asana Now that the code is at your fingertips anything you can do with NodeJS you can now do in Slack Publishing Your AppIf you want to publish your bot so that anyone can integrate it into their workspace you re going to need to deploy it somewhere If you ve ever built a bot that requires live deployment you know how difficult and time consuming it can be to test your app in the cloud when you can only develop it locally At Codesphere we re building a cloud IDE so that you can code and deploy seamlessly With Codesphere s live test environment you can make and test ad hoc changes to your Slack bot instead of wasting time deploying after each minor change you make So what kind of bot are you going to build Let us know down below Happy coding |
2021-10-21 13:37:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Skills in Python That Every Junior Should Know |
Skills in Python That Every Junior Should KnowHey Guys Today I ll be showing you which skill you absolutely need to know to become a really good Junior Python Programmer Also in this article I tried to describe the road to learning these skills right Hope You ll Enjoy Version Control System VCS For working in companies or with your team you absolutely need VCS It s created for working together and saving different steps of building your product with the ability to return to any stage of development if something went wrong The most popular VCS service is GitHub however you can use others like GitLab Bitbucket etc Also you can share your project with other programmers and hear their feedback You need to know At least one VCSBasic operations like Check in check outHow to work with Branches Understand the purpose of branches Create new branches Merge branches Centralized Trunk Based approach GitFlow approach Python General InformationUnderstand not only the basics of python like Data Types Operations Loops but also things like Tuples Dictionaries Sets Slices etc How every function or method works at the computer level One of the most popular mistakes that almost every beginner doing is to write your code in apps like Vscode or PyCharm because to understand python you need to write code yourself without any help from the code editor You need to know Differences between x and x in general Differences between List Dictionary Tuple You don t need to fully understand these conceptions just know basics and know what are the difference Definition and properties of SetsIndexing and SlicingMutable and Immutable typesDefinition of Dynamic Typing Dynamic Typing is a really big conception and you don t need to understand it fully just know the basics and how it works because it will be very useful OOPOOP Object oriented programming is a big sphere and one of the main directions of current programming In other languages living without OOP is almost impossible however in Python it s not so important because actually everything that you can do with OOP in python you can do with usual functions Also because of Python specials you just can t use many concepts of OOP But of course you need to understand the basics of this concept Definition and syntaxInheritanceAbstract base classBasic customization and Operators overloading AlgorithmsAlgorithms are maybe the most important part of learning programming itself and not only It helps you to think differently in life For example you need to guess the number from to with the least number of operations If you don t know any algorithms then you will probably iterate through every number and ask if it s right But what if I ll tell you that you can solve this problem in only steps by using algorithms called Binary Search And the efficiency for it is exponentially increasing if you need to guess the number from billion you ll need only steps by using Binary Search rather than take billion steps by linear searching There re many algorithms that you must know because you won t be able to build any serious project without them Firstly you need to read Grokking Algorithms which explain in a usual language how to use the most popular algorithms A list of algorithms Binary SearchBubble Sort Simple algorithm for sorting Quicksort As you may notice it s algorithms for sorting that works much faster Hash Function It s a programmer name for dictionaries Breadth first search and Dijkstra s algorithm Algorithms for finding the best way and to reach the finish line in the fastest way Working with SHELLThere re many analogies of shell console for different OP Operating System like for Windows Linux macOS And each of them has its own specific commands The question Why Do I need to learn Shell is a little bit confusing because shell is where you can run your files without it you just can t see what your code does and can t change something inside of it in the Django framework to start the server you need to refer to the python script manage py and call the runserver function as a parameter You need to know Simple commands for your specific OS like cd How to Launch Python scripts inside of itHow to use flags and parameters in shell commands ConclusionThese are the most common and important skills that every Python developer not only Junior should know I didn t include Framework Topic because it needs to better describing and I ll write an additional article about best frameworks for Python I hope you enjoyed |
2021-10-21 13:36:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[VIDEO] How to Deploy a Node.js App on Ubuntu with PM2, NGINX and Cloudflare |
VIDEO How to Deploy a Node js App on Ubuntu with PM NGINX and CloudflareIn this video you will learn how to deploy a Node js application ready for production on an Ubuntu server using the following A specific Node js versionPM to allow you to run and manage your Node application Nginx setup as a reverse proxy so that your users could access your website via HTTP on port Cloudflare so that you could use a domain name and secure your website with a free SSL certificate DigitalOcean free credit All commands used in the video can be found here Follow me on Twitter |
2021-10-21 13:12:00 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Feds probing Apple & big tech companies about consumer data use |
Feds probing Apple amp big tech companies about consumer data useThe U S Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is reportedly set to launch a probe into the consumer data and financial practices at Apple Amazon Google Facebook and other big tech companies Credit Consumer Financial Protection BureauAccording to The Wall Street Journal the CFPB is seeking information on how the Big Tech companies use consumers financial and other information Orders are expected to be sent out to the firms on Thursday Read more |
2021-10-21 13:51:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's record-breaking holiday quarter financial streak is in danger |
Apple x s record breaking holiday quarter financial streak is in dangerApple s series of record breaking quarterly earnings may be broken as supplies of nearly everything it sells ーincluding the iPhone ーare constrained leading to long delivery delays The new iPhone in PRODUCT RedJP Morgan analyst Samik Chatterjee has already predicted that Apple s Q earnings will be slightly lower than they should because of iPhone shortages And Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives believes the company will see a strong quarter Read more |
2021-10-21 13:08:39 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Oversight Board slams Facebook’s lack of transparency in VIP moderation |
Oversight Board slams Facebook s lack of transparency in VIP moderationFacebook s Oversight Board has issued a rebuke to the company in a new quarterly report claiming it was not quot fully forthcoming quot about its XCheck program for VIP users The documents shows the limits of the board s power over Facebook but also its ability to potentially apply public pressure nbsp quot When Facebook referred the case related to former US President Trump to the Board it did not mention the cross check system quot according to the report quot Given that the referral included a specific policy question about account level enforcement for political leaders many of whom the Board believes were covered by cross check this omission is not acceptable quot The Oversight Board sometimes called Facebook s quot Supreme Court quot started issuing important rulings earlier this year One of its first major rulings was that the ban of ex President Donald Trump was quot appropriate quot though it said an indefinite suspension was outside of Facebook s power In the Board s view the team within Facebook tasked with providing information has not been fully forthcoming on cross check On some occasions Facebook failed to provide relevant information to the Board while in other instances the information it did provide was incomplete Last month the board asked Facebook to explain its controversial rules for VIPs saying that the information was key to its Trump decision Facebook originally told the board that the XCheck program only applied to a quot small number of decisions quot but later admitted that statement was misleading The board also said that Facebook provided quot no meaningful transparency quot on how it determines which accounts should be included in XCheck nbsp An investigative report last month from the Wall Street Journal with information coming from a whistleblower later revealed to be former Facebook employee Frances Haugen showed that the program has actually enabled millions of high profile users to skirt its rules The report also addressed the board s own performance and whether Facebook is following its recommendations It said it took on average days to decide and implement each case and only handled a fraction that came up In total it has taken on important cases quot covering topics from hate speech to COVID misinformation quot and ruled on of them overturning Facebook s decisions eight times It made recommendations to Facebook which has not agreed to implement all of them nbsp Facebook is facing a major fallout in Washington over the Frances Haugen document leak Earlier this year it promised to quot fully implement quot the Oversight Board s recommendations and explain the rationale standards and review process of its VIP program nbsp According to the new report however Facebook is not following its own plan so far The board meanwhile has been criticized for allowing Facebook to duck blame for key decisions while having no authority to force Facebook to comply with its own decisions nbsp However the board said that today it accepted a request from Facebook to review the XCheck program and make recommendations Facebook is apparently looking for guidance on how to ensure fairness and objectivity govern the program and make recommendations on how it can be changed As part of that the Oversight Board plans to issue a call for public comments quot which we will launch in the coming days quot |
2021-10-21 13:26:03 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Twitch tests a rewind button for live streams |
Twitch tests a rewind button for live streamsHave you ever just missed a big moment during a live Twitch stream You might not have to in the future The Vergereports Twitch is launching a month long test that includes a quot Rewind the Stream quot button for live channels Tap it and you ll jump two minutes back in the broadcast with options to scrub through the entire stream history and play at different speeds It s akin to playing an on demand video just with the choice to leap back to a live view The test also includes a quot Remind Me quot button to alert you ahead of an upcoming stream and quot Watch Trailer quot for channels with intro videos Twitch stressed that the test would quot inform future features only quot and that the buttons would vanish after the test About a quarter of viewers should see the rewind test There are potential safety issues Just Chatting streamers that is real world cameras are concerned this poses a safety risk People might have a better chance of spotting and clipping an unintentional terms of service violation say a prankster in the background or doxxing a streamer who inadvertently reveals sensitive info This isn t the definitive implementation of the rewind button though and that s assuming it isn t scrapped We wouldn t be surprised if Twitch let streamers restrict the rewind feature to certain viewers or even disable it entirely Over the next month some viewers may see up to new buttons on live channels pages Rewind the Stream Remind Me amp Watch Trailer This experiment will inform future features only and the buttons will be removed once it s complete For feedback ーTwitch Support TwitchSupport October |
2021-10-21 13:22:53 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's AirTags are 10 percent off at Woot today |
Apple x s AirTags are percent off at Woot todayApple s tiny Bluetooth trackers are already fairly affordable but Woot s latest one day sale makes them even cheaper You can get an AirTag from the online retailer for today only which is percent off its normal price Woot knocked the price of a four pack down to earlier this month and while this price for one AirTag isn t as cheap as that it remains the best discount we ve seen on a single pack Just make sure to familiarize yourself with Woot s return policy before picking one up Buy Apple AirTag at Woot AirTags are the trackers to get if you live within the Apple ecosystem They pair just as quickly to iOS device as AirPods do and those with newer iPhones can use Precision Finding to see when they re close to their lost items From the Find My app you can force the AirTag to play a chime to better direct you to your things and if the item isn t anywhere near you the app can show you its last known location With Lost Mode enabled you ll get an alert when Apple s network of devices detects the location of the AirTag in question and you can choose to share your phone number and message ーjust in case someone else finds your stuff Aside from the fact that AirTags will only work with Apple devices ーsorry Android fans ーthe biggest problem with them is their lack of a keyring hole So unless you plan on sticking the tracker in the folds of a wallet or a backpack pocket you ll need an AirTag holder to hook it onto your keys and other items Thankfully you don t need to drop more than the price of the tracker itself on one of Apple s own cases there are plenty of solid affordable third party AirTag cases out there right now Also while an AirTag s battery should last for a year it s wise to keep a couple of extra watch batteries on hand for when you inevitably need to replace it nbsp Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-10-21 13:10:07 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Fearsome Dinosaur That Stalked Australia Was a Timid Plant Eater |
dinosaur |
2021-10-21 13:01:06 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
South Korea’s First Homemade Rocket Lifts Off but Is ‘One Step Short’ |
South Korea s First Homemade Rocket Lifts Off but Is One Step Short The country aspires to be a leader in space technology with plans to land an uncrewed craft on the moon by President Moon Jae in said the initial launch was excellent “for a first try |
2021-10-21 13:55:15 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
個人投資家の証券投資に関する意識調査について |
意識調査 |
2021-10-21 13:43:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sir David Amess: Ali Harbi Ali charged with murder of MP |
terrorist |
2021-10-21 13:45:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Doctors call for Covid Plan B to start in England |
cases |
2021-10-21 13:33:26 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
カメラ初心者が気をつけたい7つの失敗とその対処法 |
気をつけ |
2021-10-21 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
応援弁士で濃淡 衆院選北海道4区 立憲=候補自身でのPR優先 自民=積極的に「大物」を投入 |
衆院選 |
2021-10-21 22:13:59 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[Bloomberg] ティール氏、ビットコインに「投資不足」だった-価格「恐らく」上昇 |
bloomberg |
2021-10-21 22:21:58 |