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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita BookoffオンラインのAPIをつくってみた。 #1 https://qiita.com/tetsuya111/items/7064648ca7d4dc218817 何をしたい主にしたいのは、データの取得データベースの作成手元のリストから、bookoffオンラインのカートに追加などなど。 2021-10-24 22:34:18
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita あなたの知っているJavaScriptはもう古い(書き方編 -その2- ) https://qiita.com/k-tetsuhiro/items/4e9e299f4f18f87ff8dc 分割代入昔の書き方ではobjectに対して要素をとり方出すときに、こんなやり方をしていたと思います。 2021-10-24 22:57:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画像を横並びして画面幅より大きくし、中央を基準として両端を切る https://teratail.com/questions/366021?rss=all 画像を横並びして画面幅より大きくし、中央を基準として両端を切る前提・実現したいこと画像をつ横並べし、画面幅より大きくしたのち、番目の画像を中心に中央に寄せて余った左右の画像を切りたいです。 2021-10-24 22:47:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) LINQ 左外部結合のやり方について https://teratail.com/questions/366020?rss=all LINQ左外部結合のやり方についてLINQで外部結合のやり方を調べるために試行錯誤しましたが、分かりませんでした。 2021-10-24 22:45:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ディープランニングに対するカスケード分類器の認識速度での優位性 https://teratail.com/questions/366019?rss=all ディープランニングに対するカスケード分類器の認識速度での優位性質問一般的に、「カスケード分類器はディープランニングに対して認識速度が速い認識時の演算量が少ない」と言われていて、どの文献やサイトを見ても前提として扱われていますが、それを示す文献はないのでしょうか。 2021-10-24 22:44:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) タグを発行し利用者にウェブサイトにタグを張り付けもらって、mysqlから呼び出したデータを元に色々なものを表示するプログラムを開発しようと思った際の疑問 https://teratail.com/questions/366018?rss=all タグを発行し利用者にウェブサイトにタグを張り付けもらって、mysqlから呼び出したデータを元に色々なものを表示するプログラムを開発しようと思った際の疑問表題の件でございますが、上手い質問文が思い浮かばなかったため改めて疑問の詳細を述べさせて頂きます。 2021-10-24 22:28:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) custom field suiteのloopで画像取得したい https://teratail.com/questions/366017?rss=all ループで画像を複数登録し、sidebarphpで表示したいです。 2021-10-24 22:27:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javaの継承について https://teratail.com/questions/366016?rss=all javaの継承について前提・実現したいことPersonクラスからEmployeeクラスへの継承を行いたいのですが、Employeeのコンストラクタの引数を「StringnbspnamenbspintnbspagenbspintnbspemployeeID」ではなく、「PersonnbsppersonnbspintnbspemployeeID」としたいと考えています。 2021-10-24 22:23:12
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita サービス設計について③! https://qiita.com/TAKAHIRO__k/items/9e48e7a6a833580a66a7 2021-10-24 22:39:10
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 幹事をランダムに設定する https://qiita.com/tkht2401/items/4acb9169934477e057b2 幹事をランダムに設定する前回投稿した記事の応用編sampleメソッドを使って、より応用したBooleanの「truefalse」を切り替えたいと思います。 2021-10-24 22:31:03
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第9章 [Remember me]をテストする https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/426f24e44d0b0f31249f railsチュートリアル第章RemembermeをテストするRemembermeをテストするテストされていないブランチで例外を発生するapphelperssessionshelperrbmoduleSessionsHelper記憶トークンcookieに対応するユーザーを返すdefcurrentuserifuseridsessionuseridログイン中のidを代入する永続セッションログイン中にするためcurrentuserUserfindbyiduseridカレントユーザーまたは検索結果があったものを代入するelsifuseridcookiessigneduseridそうでなければ書名付きクッキーを代入raiseテストがパスすれば、この部分がテストされていないことがわかるプログラムを強制的に終了させて、ログをみることができます。 2021-10-24 22:41:56
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第9章 [Remember me]のテスト https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/f8f73fe15fe3e006db0e コントローラで定義したインスタンス変数にテストの内部からアクセスするには、テスト内部でassignsメソッドを使います。 2021-10-24 22:41:35
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第9章 [Remember me]チェックボックス https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/7bc55d7d98e322c8e1c6 railsチュートリアル第章RemembermeチェックボックスRemembermeチェックボックスremembermeチェックボックスでログインを保持する方法を解説remembermeチェックボックスをログインフォームに追加するappviewssessionsnewhtmlerbltprovidetitleLogingtlthgtLoginlthgtltdivclassrowgtltdivclasscolmdcolmdoffsetgtltformwithurlloginpathscopesessionlocaltruedofgtltセッションの場合はリソースのスコープとそれに対応するURLを具体的に指定する必要gtltflabelemailgtltfemailfieldemailclassformcontrolgtltflabelpasswordgtltfpasswordfieldpasswordclassformcontrolgtltflabelremembermeclasscheckboxinlinedogtltremembermeチェックボックスを追加うまく動作するためにラベルの内側に配置gtltfcheckboxremembermegtltspangtRemembermeonthiscomputerltspangtltendgtltfsubmitLoginclassbtnbtnprimarygtltendgtltpgtNewuserltlinktoSignupnowsignuppathgtltpgtltdivgtltdivgtremembermeチェックボックスのCSSappassetsstylesheetscustomscssformscheckboxmargintoppxmarginbottompxspanmarginleftpxfontweightnormalsessionremembermewidthautomarginleftremembermeチェックボックスの送信結果を処理するappcontrollerssessionscontrollerrbclassSessionsControllerltApplicationController・defcreateuserUserfindbyemailparamssessionemaildowncase送信されたメアドを使ってデータベースから取り出す。 2021-10-24 22:41:13
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita サービス設計について③! https://qiita.com/TAKAHIRO__k/items/9e48e7a6a833580a66a7 2021-10-24 22:39:10
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 幹事をランダムに設定する https://qiita.com/tkht2401/items/4acb9169934477e057b2 幹事をランダムに設定する前回投稿した記事の応用編sampleメソッドを使って、より応用したBooleanの「truefalse」を切り替えたいと思います。 2021-10-24 22:31:03
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS Transit Gateway をVPCにアタッチメントしたTransit Gateway専用サブネットのルートテーブルのルート設定について https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/routing-of-the-dedicated-transit-gateway-subnet/ awstransitgateway 2021-10-24 13:08:30
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Recognize Objects in Photos With Visual Look Up on iPhone https://www.makeuseof.com/recognize-objects-photos-with-visual-look-up-iphone/ objects 2021-10-24 13:45:21
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海外TECH MakeUseOf The Types of Content Facebook Hides From Your News Feed (and Why) https://www.makeuseof.com/content-types-facebook-hides-why/ content 2021-10-24 13:15:11
海外TECH DEV Community Upload Files to Azure Storage using a PowerShell Function App https://dev.to/pwd9000/upload-files-to-azure-storage-using-a-powershell-function-app-15li Upload Files to Azure Storage using a PowerShell Function App OverviewWith Hacktober coming to an end soon I thought I would share with you a little experiment I did using an Azure serverless Function App with Powershell as the code base The idea was to create an easy to use reusable File Uploader API that would allow someone to upload a file to an Azure Storage Account blob container by posting a HTTP request The HTTP request would be a JSON body and only requires the file name and the file Content data in a serialized Base string The PowerShell Function App would then deserialize the base string into a temporary file rename and copy the file as a blob into a storage account container called fileuploads Set environment up automaticallyTo stage and setup the entire environment for my API automatically I wrote a PowerShell script using AZ CLI that would build and configure all the things I would need to start work on my function There was one manual step however I will cover a bit later on But for now you can find the script I used on my github code page called setup environment ps First we will log into Azure by running az loginAfter logging into Azure and selecting the subscription comes the script that will set everything up Setup Variables randomInt Get Random Maximum subscriptionId get azcontext Subscription Id resourceGroupName Function App Storage storageName storagefuncsa randomInt functionAppName storagefunc randomInt region uksouth secureStore securesa randomInt secureContainer fileuploads Create a resource resourceGroupNameaz group create name resourceGroupName location region Create an azure storage account for secure store uploads az storage account create name secureStore location region resource group resourceGroupName sku Standard LRS kind StorageV https only true min tls version TLS Create an azure storage account for function appaz storage account create name storageName location region resource group resourceGroupName sku Standard LRS kind StorageV https only true min tls version TLS Create a Function Appaz functionapp create name functionAppName storage account storageName consumption plan location region resource group resourceGroupName os type Windows runtime powershell runtime version functions version assign identity Configure Function App environment variables settings SEC STOR RGName resourceGroupName SEC STOR StorageAcc secureStore SEC STOR StorageCon secureContainer az functionapp config appsettings set name functionAppName resource group resourceGroupName settings settings Authorize the operation to create the container Signed in User Storage Blob Data Contributor Role az ad signed in user show query objectId o tsv foreach object az role assignment create role Storage Blob Data Contributor assignee scope subscriptions subscriptionId resourceGroups resourceGroupName providers Microsoft Storage storageAccounts secureStore Create Upload container in secure storeStart Sleep s az storage container create account name secureStore name secureContainer auth mode login Assign Function System MI permissions to Storage account Read and container Write functionMI az resource list name functionAppName query identity principalId out tsv foreach object az role assignment create role Reader and Data Access assignee scope subscriptions subscriptionId resourceGroups resourceGroupName providers Microsoft Storage storageAccounts secureStore az role assignment create role Storage Blob Data Contributor assignee scope subscriptions subscriptionId resourceGroups resourceGroupName providers Microsoft Storage storageAccounts secureStore blobServices default containers secureContainer So lets take a look step by step what the above script does Create a resource group called Function App Storage Create an azure storage account secure store where file uploads will be kept Create an azure storage account for the function app Create a PowerShell Function App with SystemAssigned managed identity consumption app service plan and insights Configure Function App environment variables Will be consumed inside of function API later Create fileuploads container in secure store storage account Assign Function App SystemAssigned managed identity permissions to Storage account Read and container Write Remember I mentioned earlier there is one manual step In the next step we will change the requirements psd file on our function to allow the AZ module inside of our function by uncommenting the following NOTE Remember to save the manual change above That is it our environment is set up and in the next section we will set up the file uploader function API powershell code File Uploader FunctionNow onto our Function App code The following function app code can also be found under my github code page called run ps Navigate to the function app that we created in the previous section and select Create under Functions Select Develop in portal and for the template select HTTP trigger name the function uploadfile and hit Create Navigate to Code Test and replace all the code under run ps with the following powershell code and hit save using namespace System Net Input bindings are passed in via param block param Request TriggerMetadata Write to the Azure Functions log stream Write Host POST request File Upload triggered Set Status statusGood true Set Vars Func App Env Settings resourceGroupName env SEC STOR RGName storageAccountName env SEC STOR StorageAcc blobContainer env SEC STOR StorageCon Set Vars From request Body fileName Request Body fileName fileContent Request Body fileContent Write Host Write Host Please wait uploading new blob fileName Write Host Construct temp file from fileContent BaseString try bytes Convert FromBaseString fileContent tempFile New TemporaryFile io file WriteAllBytes tempFile bytes catch statusGood false body FAIL Failed to receive file data Get secureStore details and upload blob If tempFile try storageAccount Get AzStorageAccount ResourceGroupName resourceGroupName Name storageAccountName storageContext storageAccount Context container Get AzStorageContainer Name blobContainer Context storageContext CloudBlobContainer Set AzStorageBlobContent File tempFile Blob fileName Container container Name Context storageContext catch statusGood false body FAIL Failure connecting to Azure blob container container Name if statusGood status HttpStatusCode BadRequest else status HttpStatusCode OK body SUCCESS File fileName Uploaded OK to Secure Store container container Name Associate values to output bindings by calling Push OutputBinding Push OutputBinding Name Response Value HttpResponseContext StatusCode status Body body So lets take a closer look at what this code actually does In the first few lines we can see that the function app will take a request input parameter called request This parameter will be our main input and request body JSON object we will use to send details into our API about the file we want to upload We also set a status and some variables up NOTE Remember in the previous section step we set up some environment variables on our function app settings we can reference the function app settings as environment variables in our function code as env key as show below code run ps L Lusing namespace System Net Input bindings are passed in via param block param Request TriggerMetadata Write to the Azure Functions log stream Write Host POST request File Upload triggered Set Status statusGood true Set Vars Func App Env Settings resourceGroupName env SEC STOR RGName storageAccountName env SEC STOR StorageAcc blobContainer env SEC STOR StorageCon Set Vars From request Body fileName Request Body fileName fileContent Request Body fileContent Write Host Write Host Please wait uploading new blob fileName Write Host The next section we have a try catch block where we take a serialized Base String in our JSON request body object and try to deserialize the fileContent into a temporary file code run ps L Ltry bytes Convert FromBaseString fileContent tempFile New TemporaryFile io file WriteAllBytes tempFile bytes catch statusGood false body FAIL Failed to receive file data In the next section we have an if statement with a try catch block where we take the deserialized temp file from the previous step and rename and save the file into our fileuploads container Because our function apps identity has been given permission against the container using RBAC earlier when we set up the environment we should have no problems here code run ps L LIf tempFile try storageAccount Get AzStorageAccount ResourceGroupName resourceGroupName Name storageAccountName storageContext storageAccount Context container Get AzStorageContainer Name blobContainer Context storageContext CloudBlobContainer Set AzStorageBlobContent File tempFile Blob fileName Container container Name Context storageContext catch statusGood false body FAIL Failure connecting to Azure blob container container Name And finally in the last step if all went well we return a message to the user to say that the file has been uploaded successfully code run ps L Lif statusGood status HttpStatusCode BadRequest else status HttpStatusCode OK body SUCCESS File fileName Uploaded OK to Secure Store container container Name Associate values to output bindings by calling Push OutputBinding Push OutputBinding Name Response Value HttpResponseContext StatusCode status Body body Testing the function appSo lastly lets test our function app and see if it does what it says on the tin Before we test the function lets create a new temporary function key to test with Navigate to the function app function and select Function Keys Create a New function key and call the key temp token Make a note of the token as we will use it in the test script Also make a note of the Function App URL If you followed this tutorial it would be https lt FunctionAppName gt azurewebsites net api uploadfile Or you can also get this under Code Test and selecting Get function URL and drop down using the key temp token I have created the following powershell script to test the file uploader API The following test script can be found under my github code page called test upload ps fileToUpload C temp hello world txt functionUri https lt functionAppname gt azurewebsites net api uploadfile temp token lt TokenSecretValue gt fileName Split Path fileToUpload Leaf fileContent Convert ToBaseString Get Content Path fileToUpload Encoding Byte body fileName fileName fileContent fileContent ConvertTo Json Compress header x functions key temp token Content Type application json Invoke RestMethod Uri functionUri Method POST Body body Headers headerLets try it out with a txt file Lets do another test but with an image file this time NOTE Ensure to keep your function app tokens safe You can delete your temp token after testing I hope you have enjoyed this post and have learned something new You can also find the code samples used in this blog post on my Github page ️ AuthorLike share follow me on GitHub Twitter LinkedIn ltag user id follow action button background color cbb important color important border color cbb important Marcel LFollow Cloud Solutions amp DevOps Architect 2021-10-24 13:31:36
海外TECH DEV Community Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm https://dev.to/suvasish114/floyds-cycle-detection-algorithm-7cm Floyd s Cycle Detection AlgorithmThe purpose is to determine whether the linked list has a cycle or not This is the fastest method to find cycle in a linked list The terminology of this algorithm is Traverse linked list using two pointers named slow ptr and fast ptr Move the pointer slow ptr by and fast ptr by If these pointers meet at the same node then there is a loop If pointers do not meet then linked list doesn t have a loop AlgorithmINPUT Pointer to a linked list say HEAD OUTPUT Return true if linked list contains loop else return false DATA STRUCTURE A singly linked list STEPS If HEAD NULL HEAD gt link NULL then Return false Exit Else initializing staring pointers fast ptr HEAD slow ptr HEAD While HEAD NULL do move slow ptr by step and fast ptr by steps slow ptr slow ptr gt link fast ptr fast ptr gt link gt link If slow ptr fast ptr then Return true EndIf HEAD HEAD gt link EndWhile Return false EndIf ComplexityTime complexity O n Only one traversal of the loop is needed Auxiliary Space O There is no space required Referencescodingninjas com geeksforgeeks org ConclusionHope you understand this algorithm Let s solve some problem using this algorithm click here 2021-10-24 13:28:15
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles LDP wins one of two by-elections Sunday, a week ahead of general election: reports https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/10/24/national/politics-diplomacy/ldp-wins-one-two-elections-sunday-week-ahead-general-election-reports/ LDP wins one of two by elections Sunday a week ahead of general election reportsIn Yamaguchi Prefecture the LDP s Tsuneo Kitamura also backed by Komeito defeated JCP candidate Kiyo Kawai and Ryu Hezuma an independent according 2021-10-24 22:10:04
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ニュース BBC News - Home Morelos hits 100th goal in Rangers' comeback win at St Mirren https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58943618?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mirren 2021-10-24 13:16:53
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海外TECH reddit Damwon KIA vs MAD Lions - Worlds 2021 Quarterfinals - Game 2 Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qesede/damwon_kia_vs_mad_lions_worlds_2021_quarterfinals/ Damwon KIA vs MAD Lions Worlds Quarterfinals Game DiscussionDK MAD MAD obtained a strong advantage after some early and midgame skirmishes but DK bode their time and were able to mount a comeback following a well executed baron teamfight and some incredible engages from Khan and Canyon submitted by u Exos VII to r leagueoflegends link comments 2021-10-24 13:41:38



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