投稿時間:2021-10-25 00:24:30 RSSフィード2021-10-25 00:00 分まとめ(27件)

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AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudWatchのアラートをSNS経由でLambdaを実行し、Slack通知 https://qiita.com/holdout0521/items/bbb64f843322d0665756 【AWS】CloudWatchアラーム通知をLambdaでSlack投稿するただ、KMSはお金がかかりますし、それほどセキュリティー対策が必要なければ、Lambdaの環境変数に、WebhookURLを設定します。 2021-10-24 23:44:55
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python] Dockerコンテナでseleniumを使ってみる https://qiita.com/y_kitchens/items/eb5a2f4d176807335fcc 今回はスクレイピングのようなことをしてみましたがseleniumはwebアプリのテストでもよく使用されているようなので時間を見つけてそちらも試してみたいと思います。 2021-10-24 23:29:51
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita あなたの知っているJavaScriptはもう古い(書き方編 -その3- ) https://qiita.com/k-tetsuhiro/items/007f5b2ed9dbfbc5793d mapは配列を順番に処理していって、処理した結果を返します配列mapといった形で使用して、中身はアロー演算子で処理します。 2021-10-24 23:44:28
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita React + JavaScriptでまるばつゲーム(三目並べ)を作ってみた https://qiita.com/qq_kaq/items/8eecea06abfb24b60fef 上記のように、クリックしたら順番に応じてか×かがマス目と文字列に反映されるようになりましたリセットできるようにするこちらの実装は簡単ですね。 2021-10-24 23:31:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Swift 「Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value」の解決方法について https://teratail.com/questions/366026?rss=all 2021-10-24 23:52:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unknown MySQL server host 'http://database-1.xxxxxxxxxx.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com' (-2) https://teratail.com/questions/366025?rss=all UnknownMySQLserverhostxx前提・実現したいこと【RailsnbspAWSnbspDocker】既存RubynbsponnbspRailsnbspnbspMySQLアプリをDockerで構築し、AWSにデプロイするこちら全て参考に進めておりました。 2021-10-24 23:50:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) tableのtrを削除したいのですが、うまくできないのでレクチャーいただければ幸いです。 https://teratail.com/questions/366024?rss=all tableのtrを削除したいのですが、うまくできないのでレクチャーいただければ幸いです。 2021-10-24 23:46:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 2つのスレッドを実行するプログラムについて https://teratail.com/questions/366023?rss=all つのスレッドを実行するプログラムについて前提・実現したいこと下記のつのファイルからなるプログラムのコンパイルが成功しません。 2021-10-24 23:19:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ハノイの塔のプログラムがなぜ動くのかがわからない https://teratail.com/questions/366022?rss=all ハノイの塔のプログラムがなぜ動くのかがわからないハノイの塔を再帰で実装するプログラムを教わりましたが、なぜ、これだけのコードでハノイの塔が解けるのかがわかりません。 2021-10-24 23:05:29
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyの書き方 ハイパー基礎その1 https://qiita.com/yukoki/items/f40c6c28b88d68b2e715 人間界には人間の言葉、パソコン界にはパソコンの言葉があって、人間の言葉をパソコンにわからせるには、「」←これダブルクォーテーション意味あるのターミナルと同じようにしてしまいましたが、キーボードの「」を、shiftキーを押しながら入力するとでてくる「」←これで言葉を囲む必要があります。 2021-10-24 23:02:07
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudWatchのアラートをSNS経由でLambdaを実行し、Slack通知 https://qiita.com/holdout0521/items/bbb64f843322d0665756 【AWS】CloudWatchアラーム通知をLambdaでSlack投稿するただ、KMSはお金がかかりますし、それほどセキュリティー対策が必要なければ、Lambdaの環境変数に、WebhookURLを設定します。 2021-10-24 23:44:55
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python] Dockerコンテナでseleniumを使ってみる https://qiita.com/y_kitchens/items/eb5a2f4d176807335fcc 今回はスクレイピングのようなことをしてみましたがseleniumはwebアプリのテストでもよく使用されているようなので時間を見つけてそちらも試してみたいと思います。 2021-10-24 23:29:51
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita gitで修正が消えてしまって原因がわからないときに過去のcommitとマージする方法 https://qiita.com/teruto725/items/15ac7583c7e247daa970 gitで修正が消えてしまって原因がわからないときに過去のcommitとマージする方法初めに原因がわかってないのでもしかすると間違っているかも知れません。 2021-10-24 23:53:00
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Amazon SNS] SMSの送信者IDを指定してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-sns-i-tried-specifying-a-sender-id-in-sending-sms/ amazon 2021-10-24 14:52:57
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Transfer Your Signal Account to a New Android Device https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-transfer-signal-account-android/ current 2021-10-24 14:30:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Subtract Dates in Excel https://www.makeuseof.com/subtract-dates-in-excel/ months 2021-10-24 14:15:21
海外TECH DEV Community Testing Locally is Slowing You Down https://dev.to/codesphere/testing-locally-is-slowing-you-down-4jak Testing Locally is Slowing You DownIf you re not using a live test environment you re making your life harder than it needs to be Tell me if this sounds familiar You re building a backend application that s working exactly how you want it to on your local machine Time to ship After setting up your hosting you deploy wait a minute or two and…It s not working right If this was your local machine you could see all the error messages and tweak things until it s working properly   but it s not You have to figure out what in the world is wrong with your app by navigating your cloud s third party error messages So now your only option is trying to debug locally redeploy and repeat This process not only is long but it s frustrating You d think as developers we wouldn t have to deal with this kind of bureaucracy Ship In A BottleTrying to debug your deployment without access to the actual deployment environment is like trying to fix a ship in a bottle Instead of having full access to what you need to fix you re bottlenecked by your cloud provider As developers we are trained in debugging but we can t debug if we don t have all the information in front of us That s the issue with not having a live test environment Deploying locally is rarely difficult because we can see what goes wrong Deploying in the cloud however creates an information asymmetry that takes way too much time resources and headspace to navigate Shopify Slack And MoreA whole different layer to this issue exists when you re building something like a Shopify or Slack app that can only be tested when hosted live When building software like this testing locally becomes nearly impossible forcing you to play the cloud waiting game any time you want to test your code What if working in your cloud environment was as easy as working locally Development doesn t have to be this way If you re not using a live test environment you re making your life harder than it needs to be A live test environment will allow you to debug your code directly in the cloud where it s going to be deployed This way anything that goes wrong in deployment will be fully visible to you and you can make sure everything is working exactly how you need it Additionally debugging directly in the cloud means no more waiting for your app to deploy just to find out if it works Running in the cloud can be just as easy as it is on your local machine That s what we re building at Codesphere an intuitive cloud provider meant to give you full live access to the cloud environment including the terminal monitoring and file system Through a web IDE Our goal is to take the bottlenecks out of shipping your app see what I did there so you can spend less time debugging your deployment and more time actually coding Is this a problem you ve been facing Let us know down below 2021-10-24 14:16:50
海外TECH DEV Community Copy & Paste - The Tricky Way on macOS Terminal https://dev.to/cytim/copy-paste-the-tricky-way-on-macos-terminal-42bk Copy amp Paste The Tricky Way on macOS TerminalEvery of us knows copy amp paste by ⌘ C and ⌘ V Today I want to introduce you the pbcopy and pbpaste commands for macOS exclusively pbcopyImagine that you want to copy the content of a file that has more than lines on the terminal One way is to cat path to file and use your mouse trackpad to scroll and highlight the content then press ⌘ C to copy However this seemingly simple task could be very annoying because scroll and highlight isn t so straight forward sometimes A much simpler way is to pipe the output to pbcopy cat path to file pbcopyNow you can ⌘ V the copied content anywhere pbpasteYou can echo the copied content by pbpaste For example you can save the copied content into a file pbpaste gt path to fileOr process the copied content before saving it Remove the empty linespbpaste egrep v gt path to fileOr process the copied content AND copy the new content with pbcopy pbpaste egrep v pbcopy Summarypbcopy and pbpaste is just a small trick but very useful in my day to day work Hope they could become your favourite commands too 2021-10-24 14:15:18
海外TECH DEV Community Guia Básico sobre Princípios de Programação e SOLID https://dev.to/guilhermemanzano/guia-basico-sobre-principios-de-projetos-e-solid-4m59 Guia Básico sobre Princípios de Programação e SOLIDEstudando um pouco sobre Clean Code e boas práticas no desenvolvimento de software me deparei com os princípios de programação e princípios SOLID Aliados com o Clean Code eles são uma ferramenta poderosa para mantermos um código de fácil entendimento fácil refatoração e com o menor número possíveis de bugs Princípios de programação são recomendações concretas que os desenvolvedores devem seguir para atender às propriedades de projeto Cinco destes princípios formam os Princípios SOLID em português são eles Responsabilidade Única Aberto Fechado Substituição de Liskov Segregação de Interfaces e Inversão de Dependência Estes princípios aliados com as práticas de Clean Code permite que desenvolvemos códigos mais maleáveis que são mais fáceis de se refatorar e melhorar Vou descrever um pouco dos princípios do SOLID além de falar sobre o princípio de Prefira Composição a Herança e do princípio de Demeter Princípio de Responsabilidade ÚnicaEste princípio relacionado a coesão diz que cada classe pode ser aplicado a funções componentes entidades entre outros deve ter apenas uma responsabilidade ou seja deve existir apenas um motivo para modificar qualquer classe em um sistema Ou seja este princípio prega que não devemos criar uma Classe Deus que por exemplo valida e mail lêarquivo acessa o banco de dados grava no banco de dados consulta uma API entre outros Como cada classe deve ter apenas uma função neste exemplo devemos ter uma classe apenas para acessar o banco de dados outra apenas para ler um arquivo outra para validar um e mail e assim por diante cada qual com sua função Princípio Aberto FechadoEste princípio diz que uma classe deve estar fechada para modificações e abertas para extensões Seu objetivo éa construção de classes flexíveis e extensíveis capazes de se adaptarem a diversos cenários de uso sem modificações no seu código fonte Neste princípio o projeto da classe possibilita extensões e customizações através do uso de herança funções de mais alta ordem ou funções lambda e padrões de projeto como Abstract Factory Template Method Strategy Princípio da Segregação de InterfaceEste princípio define que as interfaces têm que ser pequenas coesas e especificas para cada tipo de cliente Trata se de um caso particular de Responsabilidade Única com foco em interfaces relacionado a coesão também o objetivo deste princípio éevitar que clientes dependam de interfaces com métodos que eles não irão usar Ou seja se vocênão for utilizar algum dos métodos daquela interface na classe que pretende implementá la émelhor criar uma nova interface específica para aquela classe do que sobrescrever métodos que não serão utilizados Princípio da Substituição de LiskovEste princípio explicita regras para redefinição de métodos de classes bases em classes filhas Apesar de herança não ser muito utilizada ela pode ser útil em alguns casos específicos A sua vantagem éque comportamentos métodos comuns a classe base e subclasses podem ser implementados uma única vez na classe base e poderão ser herdados em todas as subclasses Alguns exemplos de classes que violam este princípio são aquelas que sobrescrevem ou implementam através de uma interface métodos que não fazem nada pois alguns métodos desta interface sóestásendo utilizado por uma outra classe específica por exemplo lança uma exceção inesperada ou que retorna valores de tipos diferentes da classe base Princípio de Inversão de DependênciaEste princípio recomenda que uma classe cliente deve estabelecer dependências prioritariamente com abstrações e não com implementações concretas pois as abstrações interfaces são mais estáveis do que implementações concretas classes A ideia levantada por este princípio então éde inverter as dependências ou seja ao invés dos clientes dependerem de classes concretas eles devem depender de interfaces A vantagem deste princípio éque quando um cliente se acopla a uma interface ele fica imune a mudanças na implementação dessa interface Prefira Composição a HerançaEste princípio recomenda o uso de composição a herança pois quando usamos herança isso acaba gerando um forte acoplamento entre superclasses e subclasses A herança expõe para subclasses detalhes de implementação das classes fazendo com que a implementação das subclasses se torna tão acoplada àimplementação da classe pai que qualquer mudança nelas pode forçar modificações nas subclasses Uma outra vantagem de se utilizar composição éque a relação entre as classes não éestática permitindo assim fazer mudanças em tempo de execução Princípio de DemeterEste princípio defende que a implementação de um método deve invocar apenas os seguintes outros métodos Da sua própria classe caso De objetos passados como parâmetros caso De objetos criados pelo próprio método caso De atributos da classe do método caso O objetivo deste princípio éevitar problemas de encapsulamento em projeto de sistemas orientados a objetos ele recomenda que os métodos de uma classe devem falar apenas com métodos da própria classe ou com métodos de objetos que eles recebem como parâmetros ou que eles criam 2021-10-24 14:12:26
海外TECH DEV Community Microservices Architecture for Roadrunners | 6 key benefits https://dev.to/developertharun/microservices-architecture-for-roadrunners-6-key-benefits-4898 Microservices Architecture for Roadrunners key benefits Freaky AnalogyImagine a feature in your application that records the number of times a user has visited a page Suppose there is a bug in the code that does this and if you have put all of the code that you need to render the application in a single code base then chances are your entire application will go down and you will face downtime just because of a bug in a small part of the code Now imagine an alternate scenario where the code that is responsible to record the number of times the user has visited a page is isolated from the entire application and any bug or downtime in it will in no ways affect the functionality of the application as a whole apart from just this feature not working Introducing microservices architecture Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture is a technique where you have multiple tiny applications that function together towards serving an entire application in such a way that each of the smaller applications can be worked on independently and doesn t have major impact on other smaller applications that form the entire application If you observe the above illustration  The monolithic architecture has all components of the social media application together and needs all to function properly in order for the application as a whole to serve traffic Here all services are tightly coupled with each other Even if one of the service is malfunctioning then it might affect the application as a whole  The microservices architecture has individual services functioning in a loosely coupled manner The social media application would be further divided into smaller applications for any depth This means the authentication app in the above diagram could be further divided into several smaller applications These applications can have their individual teams who work on them independently and the applications would have interfaces through which they communicate with each other It would be possible to allocate resources on a granular level to only those applications that need it If one of the smaller application say the Ads app goes down either for maintenance or due to a bug even then rest of the application should function as usual besides the issue with displaying the Ads on the application Features of Microservices architecture Loosely coupled micro applicationsThe application that follows microservices architecture will consist of multiple smaller applications that are loosely coupled with each other They are least dependent on each other Easily maintainable and testableSince the applications would be isolated individual teams will be able to work on it in parallel have down times when needed without affecting other micro applications will be able to test micro applications individually Independently deployable scalable amp cost savingThe individual teams will be able to deploy the micro services individually rollback or fix bugs when necessary and redeploy when needed without worrying about the rest of the applications The resource allocation can be defined on a granular level for each and every micro service as and when needed and there will be minimal over provisioning thereby saving costs for huge enterprises Fresher friendlyThe new joinees to the project will be able to pick up the responsibilities quicker no matter what the size of the entire application is because of the microservice architecture The stakeholder only needs to pick up the knowledge pertaining to the micro services that his team handles and the interfaces it uses and need not look at the application as a whole at once This significantly reduces the time needed to on board an employee Better fault isolation amp monitoringIndividual teams will be able to monitor their respective microservices They will be able to monitor identify and isolate the issues effectively As discussed earlier this also prevents cascading effect of issues No technical dependencyThe microservices do not have any dependency in the technologies used in building or maintaining the applications They are free to use their own technologies and communicate using an interface like REST APIs This dissolves all technical dependencies across teams Better data security amp complianceEach microservices or smaller application groups can have their own data stores and can prevent other parts of application from accessing it This ensures enhanced security This is also extended to isolation between teams in such a way that only the team that manages the microservice is given access to it even within the same organization Most of the next gen organizations today function based on a microservices architecture that helps them to delegate secure be resilient deliver performant applications and reduce costs You can find more articles here Roadrunners is a series that is aimed at delivering concepts as precisely as possible Here a roadrunner is referred to as a person who does things super fast amp efficiently Are you a roadrunner Thank you 2021-10-24 14:09:14
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Best Deals Oct. 24: $90 Corsair keyboard, $360 32-inch 4K Samsung monitor, and more! https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/24/best-deals-oct-24-90-corsair-keyboard-360-32-inch-4k-samsung-monitor-and-more?utm_medium=rss Best Deals Oct Corsair keyboard inch K Samsung monitor and more Sunday s best deals include off a inch Samsung K monitor off the Asus ZenBook Pro Duo a Corsair wireless mechanical keyboard for and more Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience You ll find more than just Apple products here Each section is organized by product type or brand and can contain anything from furniture to iPhone cases Read more 2021-10-24 14:46:59
海外TECH Engadget Garmin smartwatches are up to 52 percent off at Amazon for today only https://www.engadget.com/garmin-smartwatch-one-day-amazon-sale-142917590.html?src=rss Garmin smartwatches are up to percent off at Amazon for today onlyNow is a prime opportunity to buy a fitness watch for those cool weather workouts Amazon is running a one day sale on Garmin smartwatches that knocks up to percent off the price of the wearables The sweetest deals may be in the middle of the pack though The athletics oriented Forerunner is down to an all time low of percent off while the general purpose Vivoactive is at its own record low of percent off Buy Forerunner on Amazon Buy Vivoactive on Amazon The steepest discount is on the higher end Forerunner or percent off while deals also apply to the smaller Forerunner S and Venu Sq Music The Forerunner remains a solid choice if you re just starting to take your fitness routine seriously You can track your heart rate and detailed stats such as max oxygen volume for activities like running yoga and beyond The Vivoactive meanwhile steps things up with Pulse Ox tracking local music playback from services like Spotify and even animated workout instructions you can follow on your wrist Both are longevity champs with seven to eight days in regular smartwatch mode and six to hours of GPS based use The caveats are more to do with the age of the designs and Garmin s focus The Forerunner and Vivoactive are both from for example They re still well supported but they won t pack the features of the company s latest models There s also little doubt Garmin prioritizes fitness above general smartwatch features You won t get a rich app ecosystem like you might with an Apple Watch or Wear OS device Still you probably won t object if you re more interested in optimizing your workouts than checking the weather ーparticularly at these prices Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-10-24 14:29:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Tesco say website and app down after hack attempt https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59027423?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA possible 2021-10-24 14:06:31
北海道 北海道新聞 参院静岡補選で野党推薦の山崎氏が当選確実 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/603730/ 当選確実 2021-10-24 23:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ◇オホーツク管内湧別町議選開票結果 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/603727/ 開票結果 2021-10-24 23:09:44
海外TECH reddit DWG KIA vs. MAD Lions / 2021 World Championship - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qetjl9/dwg_kia_vs_mad_lions_2021_world_championship/ DWG KIA vs MAD Lions World Championship Quarter Final Post Match DiscussionWORLDS KNOCKOUT STAGE Official page Leaguepedia Liquipedia Live Discussion Eventvods com New to LoL DWG KIA MAD Lions DK advance to Semi Finals MAD are eliminated from worlds DK Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter Facebook YouTube MAD Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter Facebook YouTube MATCH DK vs MAD Winner DWG KIA in m Bans Bans G K T D B DK Irelia Nami Jarvan IV Thresh Xin Zhao k H M H I B O B MAD Leblanc Yuumi Twisted Fate Kennen Jayce k None DK vs MAD Khan Gwen TOP Gnar Armut Canyon Lee Sin JNG Graves Elyoya ShowMaker Syndra MID Orianna Humanoid Ghost Miss Fortune BOT Aphelios Carzzy BeryL Rakan SUP Leona Kaiser MATCH MAD vs DK Winner DWG KIA in m Bans Bans G K T D B MAD Aphelios Twisted Gate Graves Irelia Syndra k H I H M M M DK Lucian Leblanc Yuumi Xin Zhao Ryze k C B MAD vs DK Armut Jayce TOP Kennen Khan Elyoya Jarvan IV JNG Lee Sin Canyon Humanoid Orianna MID Azir ShowMaker Carzzy Miss Fortune BOT Jhin Ghost Kaiser Rakan SUP Leona BeryL MATCH MAD vs DK Winner DWG KIA in m Bans Bans G K T D B MAD Aphelios Graves Twisted Fate Leona Ezreal k B I DK Yuumi Lucian Leblanc Jarvan IV Xin Zhao k H O H M I B I MAD vs DK Armut Wukong TOP Jayce Khan Elyoya Gragas JNG Lee Sin Canyon Humanoid Viktor MID Syndra ShowMaker Carzzy Miss Fortune BOT Ziggs Ghost Kaiser Rakan SUP Pyke BeryL This thread was created by the Post Match Team submitted by u xKawo to r leagueoflegends link comments 2021-10-24 14:44:24
海外TECH reddit 参院補選 静岡 NHKで山崎 真之輔 当確 https://www.reddit.com/r/newsokuexp/comments/qesro9/参院補選_静岡_nhkで山崎_真之輔_当確/ tornewsokuexplinkcomments 2021-10-24 14:02:06



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