IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、新型「Kindle Paperwhite」を販売開始 − 6.8インチディスプレイやUSB-Cを採用 |
amazon |
2021-10-26 15:02:53 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ミニ四駆の勢いにobnizで水を差しにいく |
私の代わりに監視してくれる何かが欲しい、目の前にobnizが、、、というわけで、迷子防止センサーをobnizで作成することにしました。 |
2021-10-27 00:48:05 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
阿部寛のホームページを(力技で)遅くするChrome拡張機能を作ろう! |
するとmanifestjsonに記載した内容とIDが表示されるようになるので、画像URLに入れるIDはここで取得してください以上でIDを取得できるようになりますファイルができあがったら、拡張機能を「更新」すれば見事阿部寛のホームページが遅く表示されるように見えるようになりましたやったね絶対に見ることのできない光景を見るためだけに阿部寛のホームページを遅く表示させるChrome拡張作りましたpictwittercomevAgbQFdーむらかみmurakamireiwaOctoberおわりにいかがでしたか今回は画像のみの対応でしたが、テキストなども順番に出ていくようにすれば、よりリアルに阿部寛のホームページのページスピードが下がったように見えるかもしれませんね阿部寛のホームページが遅いところを見てみたいという方は、ぜひ試してみてください私はもうやりません。 |
2021-10-27 00:36:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
swift UIButtonのtitleが変わりません |
swiftUIButtonのtitleが変わりません前提・実現したいことXcodeを用いてiOSアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-10-27 00:54:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Express generouterで作ったejsが表示されません |
2021-10-27 00:48:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
キャラクターに複数のタイムラインをつけたい |
playabledirector |
2021-10-27 00:47:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
githubにpushできない |
2021-10-27 00:37:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Node.jsで、ejsが表示されません |
2021-10-27 00:26:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
予約システムの送信エラー[mts-simple-booking-c] |
コードが長くなってしまい申し訳ないです。 |
2021-10-27 00:25:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Outlook2016】CSVファイルで連絡先をインポートしたい |
【Outlook】CSVファイルで連絡先をインポートしたい前提・実現したいことOutlookアプリにおいて、CSVファイルを取り込むことで連絡先をインポートしたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-27 00:08:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ニューラルネットワークを用いたpythonコードについて |
python |
2021-10-27 00:04:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Sass記述 エラー表記 |
記述 |
2021-10-27 00:04:18 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS/cloud9】SQL起動方法と簡単な使い方 |
サーバーの起動sudoservicemysqlstartサーバーの起動状態確認sudoservicemysqlstatusサーバーの停止sudoservicemysqlstopサーバーを再起動sudoservicemysqlrestartデータベースサーバへの接続sudomysqlurootそうすると、、、mysqlgtが表示されるデータベースサーバからの切断mysqlgtexitデータベースの使い方データベースを作成するまずbookstoreというデータベースを作成する。 |
2021-10-27 00:30:08 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerfile付きのAngularアプリ作成する |
開発する際はコンテナを実行している状態でVSCodeからコンテナに入れば、windowsのローカル環境と同じようになります。 |
2021-10-27 00:07:20 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Spot VMの登場でGCPがどう変わるか |
SpotVMは時間の起動制限がないSpotVMの料金は日に回変動する可能性があるプリエンプティブVMの料金体系もSpotVMに準拠するようになるつまり、今後GCPでプリエンプティブルVMとSpotVMを運用する際には、インスタンスタイプ・リージョンごとに価格の変動を意識する必要が出てくるでしょうまあそこまで細かく意識しなくていいかもですが・・・。 |
2021-10-27 00:46:05 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ローカルからgithubのmasterもしくはmainブランチへpushさせないようにする設定 |
ローカルからgithubのmasterもしくはmainブランチへpushさせないようにする設定GitHubに任せられるものは任せよう今までgithooksのprepushとかでshell組み込んで対応していたが、github上でできるとのことなので時代の進化に合わせるでがんす。 |
2021-10-27 00:40:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
M1 MacBookProのTerminal設定でIntel版からなるべくそのまま移そうとしてドツボにハマった点を挙げてみる |
intel |
2021-10-26 15:04:00 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
This camera system is better than lidar for depth perception |
megapixel |
2021-10-26 15:17:50 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Set Up Ethernet and Wireless Powerline Adapters |
How to Set Up Ethernet and Wireless Powerline AdaptersStruggling to get Wi Fi in parts of your house Here s everything you need to know about to connect powerline adapters and increase network range |
2021-10-26 15:15:21 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Change Your Ubisoft Connect Avatar |
pictures |
2021-10-26 15:09:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Por que decidi aprender (e ensinar) Clojure |
Por que decidi aprender e ensinar ClojureEm comecei a me aprofundar no universo da Programação Funcional Este paradigma jáganhava bastante popularidade e cada vez mais as principais linguagens de programação orientadas a objetos incluíam recursos inspirados neste paradigma inclusive a linguagem que eu mais utilizava Java Após o lançamento da versão da JDK em março de passou a ser cada vez mais comum ouvir as pessoas desenvolvedoras Java usando termos como programação funcional streams optional map flat map etc Mas muitas pessoas em meu entorno ainda ignoravam estes novos recurso e confesso demorei para adotar essas novidades As ideias pareciam muita interessantes mas colocá las em prática se mostrou mais difícil do que eu esperava Depois de muita tentativa e erro resolvi me aprofundar nos conceitos O livro Functional Thinking me ajudou a dar os primeiros passos na direção correta Em paralelo decidi que iria aprender uma linguagem funcional mais pura ao invés de tentar aplicar o paradigma funcional em uma linguagem orientada a objetos Depois de pesquisar bastante optei por aprender Elm O fato de ser uma linguagem funcional pura e imutável me chamou atenção Alem disso ela éfocada no desenvolvimento de webapps e atéentão eu não havia encontrado nenhuma solução para desenvolvimento de páginas web que me agradasse Depois de passar por todo Guia de introdução àlinguagem Elm e ler o livro Elm in Action jáme sentia bastante confortável em desenvolver webapps neste paradigma Gostei tanto de Elm que iniciei um projeto para ensinar programação para iniciantes usando esta linguagem e disponibilizei as primeiras aulas no site elm dev br Mas havia um problema sério que ainda precisava encarar Elm éuma linguagem concebida para desenvolvimento de webapps e funciona muito bem para isso mas eu buscava uma solução de uso geral que pudesse ser utilizada também no desenvolvimento de backends Por isso voltei a estudar as alternativas Elm éuma linguagem estaticamente tipada e inspirada em Haskell O passo natural seria utilizar Elm no frontend e Haskell no backend E foi o que tentei fazer Li com certa dificuldade o livro Learn You a Haskell for Great Good disponível gratuitamente aqui e aprendi muita coisa legal Mas criar um backend completo usando Haskell mostrou se um passo maior do que eu conseguiria dar naquele momento Resolvi então procurar outras alternativas Durante todo esse processo a palavra Lisp não saía da minha cabeça De tempos em tempos esbarrava em algum vídeo de alguma pessoa influente na comunidade falando sobre ela como este vídeo ou este twit do John Carmack fundador da id Software Parecia algo místico E o fato do Nubank ter adotado Clojure trouxe um estudo de caso bastante real e pragmático do uso de um dialeto de Lisp no Brasil Atéentão estava postergando estudá la pois estava priorizando linguagens estaticamente tipadas e os dialetos mais famosos de Lisp são linguagens dinâmicas Mas no começo de resolvi finalmente dar uma chance Escolhi a linguagem Clojure e comecei a ler o livro Getting Clojure Ao contrário dos meus estudos de Haskell consegui ler este livro em poucos dias Em paralelo comecei a fazer as aulas da Formação Clojure da Alura que me ajudaram a ver mais na prática como programar nesta linguagem Foi uma boa combinação no livro eu aprendia mais a fundo os conceitos da linguagem e no curso revisava estes conceitos e aprendia a parte um pouco mais prática Principais características de ClojureLisp não éuma linguagem de programação mas uma família de linguagens com diversos dialetos Os dialetos mais famosos incluem a Common Lisp Clojure Scheme e Racket Desta forma após decidir que iria aprender Lisp precisaria escolher um de seus dialetos Clojure se destacou para mim por duas razões ela utiliza a máquina virtual do Java possibilitando interoperabilidade com aplicações Java que como disse no início do artigo éa linguagem que costumo utilizar no backend ela utiliza predominantemente o paradigma funcional Alguns dialetos de Lisp como o Common Lisp por exemplo são multiparadigma mas como minha intenção era me aprofundar no universo da programação funcional fazia mais sentido adotar um dialeto que desse preferência para este paradigma A experiência de programar em Clojure foi bastante libertadora Praticar TDD junto com o REPL Driven Development técnica bastante difundida dentro dacomunidade Clojure faz com que o ciclo de feedback seja muito rápido O fato de Clojure ser uma linguagem dinâmica também contribui para isso Outra característica de Clojure éser uma linguagem impura ou seja podemos efetuar efeitos colaterais a qualquer momento A principal vantagem disso éque torna a linguagem mais fácil de aprender embora traga junto uma série de outros problemas que não acontecem em linguagens mais puras como Elm ou Haskell Escrevi um artigo sobre Funções Puras onde explico melhor este tema Também gravei um vídeo explicando o que são Função Puras Mas embora seja uma linguagem impura ela incentiva uma série de boas práticas que fazem com que os potenciais problemas dessa abordagem sejam significativamente reduzidos Como dar os primeiros passos em ClojureTodas essas características que citei ao longo do artigo fazem com que Clojure embora tenha uma aparência um pouco intimidadora no começo seja na verdade bastante fácil de utilizar Por isso escolhi também esta linguagem para compartilhar com outras pessoas desenvolvedoras os fundamentos básicos da programação funcional Para quem gosta de livros recomendo iniciar pelo Getting Clojure que como disse éuma ótima forma de entender os princípios básicos por trás do Clojure ou se preferir uma opção gratuita pode começar pela versão online do livro Clojure for Brave and True Outra opção mais focada nos fundamentos do paradigma e que aborda outras linguagens além de Clojure éo livro Functional Thinking do Neal Ford Gravei um podcast onde falo um pouco sobre esta obra Estes livros são em inglês Se quiser uma leitura em português a editora Casa do Código tem disponível o livro Programação Funcional Uma introdução em Clojure Se preferir estudar através de cursos online vocêpode se inscrever no meu curso Clojure Introdução àProgramação Funcional Ou pode fazer os cursos da Formação Clojure da Alura E você qual seu paradigma preferido Játentou programar utilizando o paradigma funcional Quais foram suas principais dificuldades Compartilhe suas experiências nos comentários Se vocêgostou deste texto talvez goste dos meus outros artigos vídeos e podcasts disponíveis em segunda tech |
2021-10-26 15:35:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Operators - Part One |
Beginner x s Guide to JavaScript Operators Part OneHave you thought about how we can tell our program to do a specific task For example how do we add two numbers together or compare two values If you remember your arithmetic lessons we use the sign to add two numbers We use this same sign in JavaScript for additions and we call them operators In this first article of the beginner s guide to JavaScript operators series we will explore some of the basic operators in JavaScript Are you ready Check out the Table of Contents below to see what we will be going over in this article Table of ContentsWhat are operators and operands Arithmetic OperatorsAssignment OperatorsOperator Precedence What are operators and operands An operator performs some operation on single or multiple operands data values and produces a result What does this mean Let s look at the below example Here we have to add and to get the final value So we are using to add these two values And the final value is In the above example the sign performs an arithmetic operation to add these two values So this sign is the operator here In modern programming languages we use this sign to add two values An operand is a data value that the operator will carry out the actions It is the values on which we operate So in the above example and are operands There are binary operators unary operators and a ternary operator in JavaScript Binary operators have two values or operands that one value comes before the operator and one comes after the operator For example is a binary operator So and are the operands and is the operator here There is only one operand in unary operators We place the operand before or after the operator x is an example of the unary operator We can see only one operand here which comes before the operator Don t worry if you don t understand this syntax Let s come back to this in a later section in this post The ternary operator has three operands It is also known as a conditional operator An example of a ternary operator is age gt can drive can t drive We will dive into ternary operators later in this post Alright I hope now you understand what s an operator and what s an operand You are going to hear these two names many times in this post JavaScript supports various operators and we will be exploring six types of operators which are Arithmetic OperatorsAssignment OperatorsComparison OperatorsLogical OperatorsTernary Operatorstypeof OperatorIn this article we will learn about Arithmetic and assignment operators and we will go through the rest in the second part of this series Arithmetic OperatorsWe use arithmetic operators to do mathematical operations like addition subtraction multiplication division etc It simply takes numerical values as the operands performs an arithmetic operation and returns a numerical value Let s look at some of the arithmetic operators in javaScript in the below list Operator NameOperator symbolDescriptionExamplelet x y Addition Adds two numeric operands x y Subtraction Subtract right operand from left operand x y Multiplication Multiply two numeric operands x y Division Divide left operand by right operand x y Remainder Returns remainder of two operands x y Increment Increase operand value by one x Decrement Decrease value by one y Exponentiation Raise one operand to the power of the other operand x y Now let s see some examples of the above operators let x let y let z console log x y gt console log x y gt console log x y gt console log x y gt console log x z gt console log x console log y console log y y gt Have you noticed that we used two different styles to write increment and decrement operators Sometimes we used the operator after the operand x sometimes before the operand y For example we used x in the example above and the output result was So what happens if we write it as x Then the output result would be Are you confused Let s find out why this is happening JavaScript prefix and postfixWe can assign the JavaScript increment and decrement operators either before the operand or after the operand If we assign or before the operand x then we call it prefix If we assign it after the operand x we call it postfix Using After the OperandWhen we use the increment decrement operator after the operand the operator returns the variable value first and then only the value will be incremented decremented by Let s look at the below example to understand this better Incrementlet x console log x console log x Decrementlet y console log y console log y In the above example the first values for x and y have the same original value That s because the original value of the operand is returned before the operand is changed If you checked the second console log results which we use the variable the next time you could see that we get the result including the and values Using Before the OperandWhen we use the increment decrement operator before the operand It will increment the value of the operand even before returning its value Let s look at the below example to understand this better Incrementlet x console log x console log x Decrementlet y console log y console log y As you can see in the above example the operation executes the addition and subtraction before returning the value So you cannot see any difference in each log This way it helps us to check the resulting value of an operand instantly Well now you know how the increment and decrement actually work Before moving into assignment operators I would like to mention one more use case for the operator Using the operator to concatenate stringsYou can use the operator to combine two or more JavaScript strings into one The process of combining strings is called JavaScript string concatenation Here is the syntax for the concatenation operator string string Now let s see how this is useful Let s say that you have two names that you want to combine One is the first name and the other is the last name Let s combine these two strings using the operator const firstName John const lastName Smith console log firstName lastName JohnSmithIn the above example we created two variables for the first and the last name and we combined the two names with the operator to print the full name If you try this code you will notice that there is no space between the two names This is because these names are not automatically separated by a space So if we want to keep a space between we have to specify it by adding either a space after the first name or space before the last name or adding an empty string in between Check the below example to understand this Space after the first nameconst firstName John const lastName Smith console log firstName lastName John Smith Space before the last nameconst firstName John const lastName Smith console log firstName lastName John Smith Add empty string in between variablesconst firstName John const lastName Smith console log firstName lastName John SmithI hope that is clear Let s move on to assignment operators Assignment OperatorsAn assignment operator assigns a value to the left operand based on the value of the right operand Let s say that we want to assign the value to the variable x So we use the equal sign to assign this value x Here s a list of assignment operators in JavaScript Operator NameSymbolDescriptionLongform versionExamplelet x y Assignmentx yAssigns right operand value to the left operand x Additionx ySums up left and right operand values and assigns the result to the left operand x x yx Subtractionx ySubtract right operand value from the left operand value and assigns the result to the left operand x x yx Multiplicationx yMultiply left and right operand values and assigns the result to the left operand x x yx Divisionx yDivide left operand value by right operand value and assign the result to the left operand x x yx Remainderx yGet the remainder of left operand divide by right operand and assign resulted remainder to the left operand x x yx In the above list you have seen that we have combined the assignment operator with arithmetic operators for example x We call these compound assignment operators This is a shorthand version to its long form version which is x x It s better to get familiar with these compound assignment operators because you will be using them a lot in the future Now you must be wondering how these expressions should be evaluated when there are multiple operators in the same expression For example let s look at the below expression Let s see how JavaScript understands which part of this mathematical expression should be evaluated first Operator PrecedenceIf you remember your arithmetic lessons you might remember the acronym P E M D A S Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally This acronym PEMDAS helps us to remember which part of our mathematical expression should be evaluated first First we work with what is inside the parenthesis next exponents then multiplication then division after that addition and the last subtraction So if we take the example since the is within parenthesis we add these two numbers together which gives us Then we take that result of and multiply it by So the final result is So in JavaScript we have the same way of evaluating expressions with well defined operator precedence You can use the MDN document to check the operator precedence table The MDN document has listed down all the operators with their precedence and associativity If you wonder what the meaning of associativity is it tells us the direction of evaluating the expression For example if you look at the table on the MDN document you can see that under the associativity column it tells us the direction left to right for some operators This is very helpful when two operators have the same level of precedence We have and in the same expression then the expression is evaluated left to right Let s check the below examples console log console log In the above example the first expression first calculates the and then is subtracted from that result So it does the calculation from left to right The second expression evaluates in the same way You don t have to remember each and every operator s precedence by heart but having a strong understanding of how the precedence works is crucial for your programming journey Alright that s it for the day I hope now you have a good understanding of Arithmetic operators assignment operators and operator precedence In the second part of this two part series we will be going over the following operators Comparison OperatorsLogical OperatorsTernary Operatorstypeof OperatorUntil that you can check out this JavaScript operators cheatsheet This article was originally published on Dasha |
2021-10-26 15:29:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🔥 Vue Tips #31: The limitations of props |
Vue Tips The limitations of propsThis newsletter was sent out to my list on October Sign up here to get emails like this each week As always here are some tips Enjoy ー Michael Static and dynamic classesWe can add static and dynamic classes to an element at the same time lt ul gt lt li v for item in list key item id class always here class item selected amp amp selected gt item name lt li gt lt ul gt This lets you apply basic styling through static classes and then dynamically add other styles as you need them You can also achieve the same thing when using an Object or Array with dynamic classes lt ul gt lt li v for item in list key item id class always here true selected item selected gt item name lt li gt lt ul gt Or with an Array lt ul gt lt li v for item in list key item id class always here item selected amp amp selected gt item name lt li gt lt ul gt I prefer splitting them out into class and class bindings though since it makes the code clearer It also makes it less likely to be broken when refactored The limitations of propsProps are useful but they have two glaring issues Impossible to pass markup Not that flexible not technically impossible but not something you want to do The solution to these two problems is the same but we ll get there in a second Many components you create are contentless components They provide a container and you have to supply the content Think of a button a menu an accordion or a card component lt Card title Shrimp Tempura gt lt img src picOfShrimp jpg gt lt div gt lt p gt Here are some words about tempura lt p gt lt p gt How can you go wrong with fried food lt p gt lt div gt lt a href www michaelnthiessen com shrimp tempura gt Read more about Shrimp Tempura lt a gt lt Card gt You can often pass this content in as a regular String But many times you want to pass in a whole chunk of HTML maybe even a component or two You can t do that with props again yes you could do this but you ll definitely regret it Props also require that you plan for all future use cases of the component If your Button component only has two values for type you can t just use a third without modifying the Button lt You just have to believe it will work gt lt Button type AWESOME gt Button vueexport default props type type String Unfortunately AWESOME doesn t work here validator val gt primary secondary includes val I m not a psychic and I m guessing you aren t either The solution to these problems I think I gave it away with my card example above slots Slots allow you to pass in whatever markup and components you want and they also are fairly open ended giving you lots of flexibility This is why in many cases slots are simply better than props A photoshop plugin with Vue Last week I shared an article on creating a VS Code extension Now we break out of the web world entirely and see how we can create a plugin for Photoshop I had no idea this was even possible Read it now Make Your First Plugin with Vue JS for Photoshop and Adobe XD Vue js London is today tomorrow Quick don t miss out on some amazing talks at Vue js Conference London ー happening right now Conferences are an amazing place to learn and connect with other Vue devs We re slowly starting to see some more in person events along with lots of virtual ones too Here are some upcoming conferences VueConf Toronto ー November ー free onlineVuejs Global Amsterdam ー February ー Amsterdam Let me know if I ve missed any Brute forceWhen in doubt use brute force ー Steve McConnellI m often just not clever enough to come up with a clever solution But cleverness isn t the point of software development It s developing software that works Spaced repetition Levels of ReusabilityThe best way to commit something to long term memory is to periodically review it gradually increasing the time between reviews Actually remembering these tips is much more useful than just a quick distraction so here s a tip from a couple weeks ago to jog your memory My course on reusable components covers this framework which outlines six different levels of reusability that you can use in your components Here are the six levels of reusability Templating ー Reusing code by wrapping it up inside of a componentConfiguration ー Using configuration props to allow for varying behaviourAdaptability ー Allowing components to become future proofInversion ー Letting other components control the processExtension ー Using reusability throughout our componentNesting ー Creating powerful hierarchies of componentsI cover this in more detail in this excerpt from the course Exclusive tips and insights every weekJoin other Vue devs and get exclusive tips and insights like these delivered straight to your inbox every week You have great content in your emails I seriously learn something from every one of them ー Titus DecaliThanks for another beautiful tip ー Victor OnuohaLoving these and the spaced repetition ー Mark GoldsteinSign up here |
2021-10-26 15:14:51 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Deals Oct. 26: $100 off SanDisk 4TB Portable SSD, 30% off UGreen USB-C Hub for MacBook Pro |
Best Deals Oct off SanDisk TB Portable SSD off UGreen USB C Hub for MacBook ProTuesday s best deals include a off Ugreen USB C Hub Adapter for MacBook Pro off a Netgear Wi Fi Range Extender off SanDisk TB Portable SSD and more Best Deals Tuesday October Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-10-26 15:01:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
White House may pick Jessica Rosenworcel as first female FCC chair |
White House may pick Jessica Rosenworcel as first female FCC chairThe FCC might soon have its first permanent woman leader A New York Timessource says President Biden is quot expected quot to nominate current acting chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to a permanent position as soon as today October th making her the first female to lead the commission The nomination wouldn t be a surprising move given her existing title broad support and alignment with White House policies on issues like net neutrality but it would still represent a milestone for the agency Whether or not Rosenworcel is confirmed is another matter The Senate must confirm Rosenworcel to make her appointment official and she could face staunch opposition from Republicans who are both historically anti regulation and eager to reclaim FCC control The party could retake the majority in the commission if Rosenworcel and an empty commissioner position aren t confirmed by the end of If Rosenworcel is confirmed though she would contrast sharply with the last permanent FCC chair Ajit Pai While much of Rosenworcel s work as acting chairwoman has focused on easy to pass rules on issues like robocalls she has been a strong proponent of net neutrality and other efforts to keep big telecoms in check That s largely the opposite of Pai who dismantled neutrality and generally sided with incumbent telcos Don t be surprised if Rosenworcel used a permanent appointment to undo more of Pai s work at least so long as she has the votes |
2021-10-26 15:49:33 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Returnal' players can finally save their game (sort of) |
x Returnal x players can finally save their game sort of One of the main complaints players had about Returnal aside from the high level of difficulty is that until now there was no real way to save your game in the middle of a run Sure you could leave your PS on or put it in rest mode but if there was a power outage or an overnight automatic system software update you d lose all of your progress Given that runs can last several hours not having any kind of save state option wasn t great Housemarque now a PlayStation owned studio has finally attempted to remedy that problem in Returnal s nbsp patch With the Suspend Cycle option you can pause your run create a suspend point and close the game without worrying too much about losing progress nbsp There are some caveats though You ll only be able to resume your run from any suspend point one time So don t expect to return to that point if or more likely when Selene dies It s a smart way to introduce a save system and let players take a break without disrupting the game s start over when you die roguelite structure You won t be able to create a suspend point in certain scenarios either If you re in the midst of a boss battle intense combat sequence cinematic or first person section you ll need to see it through one way or another quot We felt there are certain moments in Returnal that are best experienced unfragmented to preserve the intended challenge and flow quot game director Harry Krueger wrote in a PlayStation blog post As deadly as the biomes of Atropos are they re often gorgeous too To help you capture the sights another feature that Returnal players have been clamoring for is now in the game ーPhoto Mode Other than in certain situations such as first person sections you can pause the PS exclusive and enter Photo Mode You have a selection of tools at your disposal including settings like focal distance aperture color gradient saturation and contrast as well as a way to change the scene s lighting There are also filters effects frames coloring options and other ways to jazz up your image before you capture it Meanwhile Sony is set to host its next State of Play stream on Wednesday The showcase will run for around minutes and primarily focus on third party games but don t be surprised if Sony sneaks a first party game or two in there |
2021-10-26 15:21:23 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco SD-Access and Cisco SD-WAN Multi-Domain Integration |
Cisco SD Access and Cisco SD WAN Multi Domain IntegrationCisco s Integrated Domain solution integrates the domain controllers Cisco DNA Center and Cisco SD WAN vManage to provide both seamless stitching of network connectivity between the two domains as well as ensuring policy consistency end to end |
2021-10-26 15:58:03 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
3 Reasons to use PoE Lighting |
Reasons to use PoE LightingThe demands of hybrid work require secure connectivity flexibility sustainability and environmental health and wellness All at once Now this may seem daunting at first blush but with the right network infrastructure and the right partners you can unleash your building “super power to handle it all And that super power gets its energy with a network |
2021-10-26 15:12:32 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Driving down IT OPEX with a Webex bot |
automation |
2021-10-26 15:10:36 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco Partner Summit 2021 – Make Everything Possible with Customer Experience (CX)! |
Cisco Partner Summit Make Everything Possible with Customer Experience CX Cisco Partner Summit starts on November All registered Cisco partners can participate and enjoy the executive insights rich content and special guests that are the hallmarks of our premier partner event Register today |
2021-10-26 15:00:39 |
海外TECH |
iOS 15 Is Here. Here Are All the Top New Features |
facetime |
2021-10-26 15:46:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「金融商品取引法第百六十一条の二に規定する取引及びその保証金に関する内閣府令の一部を改正する内閣府令(案)」に対するパブリックコメントの結果等について公表しました。 |
内閣府令 |
2021-10-26 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「金融商品取引法第百六十一条の二に規定する取引及びその保証金に関する内閣府令第六条第一項第四号の規定に基づき認可金融商品取引業協会の規則を指定する件(案)」について公表しました。 |
内閣府令 |
2021-10-26 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「ソーシャルボンドガイドライン」の確定について公表しました。 |
確定 |
2021-10-26 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁電子申請・届出システム利用時のブラウザについて公表しました。 |
電子 |
2021-10-26 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
北京冬季五輪・パラリンピックのテスト大会が順次開催、2,000人超が訪中へ |
北京冬季五輪 |
2021-10-26 15:40:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
阪急阪神エクスプレス、「南アジア開発室」を開設 |
南アジア |
2021-10-26 15:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米ジョージア州ピーチツリー・コーナーズ市、5Gを活用した複数メーカーの自動運転シャトルの運行を開始 |
自動運転 |
2021-10-26 15:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
労働者確保は困難、自動車販売台数はやや減少、米シカゴ連銀ベージュブック |
自動車販売 |
2021-10-26 15:10:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Budget 2021: Public sector workers set for pay rise, says Sunak |
budget |
2021-10-26 15:38:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
New funding plan paves way for Sizewell C nuclear plant |
suffolk |
2021-10-26 15:40:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Youth clubs still waiting for £500m government support scheme from 2019 |
priority |
2021-10-26 15:29:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Catania: Two dead as rare storm floods streets of Sicilian city |
italy |
2021-10-26 15:36:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sudan army seized power to prevent civil war - coup leader |
safety |
2021-10-26 15:23:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Manchester Arena bombing: Exclusive images of extradition of Hashem Abedi |
britain |
2021-10-26 15:20:09 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
宮崎で血を流した男性2人死亡 高千穂、殺人事件か |
宮崎県高千穂町下野 |
2021-10-27 00:09:55 |