Engadget Japanese |
Alienwareの新生Auroraシリーズが海外販売開始 第12世代Core搭載のR13など |
alienware |
2021-10-28 12:30:54 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 農工大、「ホウ素」と「硫黄」から新たな半導体 電子デバイスへの応用に期待 |
itmedia |
2021-10-28 21:49:00 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
Accelerating government innovation in Japan |
Accelerating government innovation in JapanThe Japan Digital Agency DA has selected Amazon Web Services AWS as one of the cloud service providers that support Government Cloud which delivers common cloud infrastructure that central government agencies local governments and other government organisations can use As a cloud services provider directly contracted with the DA AWS will help the Japanese government modernize IT by directly offering advanced technologies and global best practices to help customers innovate securely at pace |
2021-10-28 12:52:03 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Expressのerror handlingはmiddlewareで実装するのが良さげ |
errorhandling |
2021-10-28 21:41:19 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Vue.js】算出プロパティと監視プロパティの比較 |
【Vuejs】算出プロパティと監視プロパティの比較はじめにこんにちは今回は【Vuejs】算出プロパティと監視プロパティについて比較していきます算出プロパティVS監視プロパティ算出プロパティと監視プロパティどちらでも実装できてしまう場合、基本的には算出プロパティを利用することを推奨されている。 |
2021-10-28 21:30:21 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
arrow関数で名前付きの即時関数の書き方 |
amparamgtreturnparamparam |
2021-10-28 21:10:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript |
JavaScriptイタリックテキストボールドテキストここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-10-28 21:57:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails Googlemap 表示できない。 |
railsGooglemap表示できない。 |
2021-10-28 21:57:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ASP.NETのWebApiのkeyについて |
認証に使うKeyはサンプルのPOSTデータにある「Key」と「Key」です。 |
2021-10-28 21:48:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelのバリデーションが通過できない |
そのままだと整数で指定してくださいというエラーが出たためrulesでvardumpしてtimeの型を確認しましたが、int型になっていました。 |
2021-10-28 21:46:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TypeScriptでJavaScriptのメソッドを呼び出すことは可能か(tsファイルからjsファイル内メソッドの呼び出し) |
TypeScriptでJavaScriptのメソッドを呼び出すことは可能かtsファイルからjsファイル内メソッドの呼び出しやりたいことJavaScriptで作成したメソッドをTypeScript上で呼び出すことは可能でしょうかリンクのページを見てみたのですが、ライブラリの設定で、TypeScriptでJavaScirptの記述ができるようになる言った内容で、自分が行いたいメソッド呼び出しとは違うのかなと思っています。 |
2021-10-28 21:37:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コマンドラインからPythonを実行するときにマルチバイト文字がある場合の対処法 |
コマンドラインからPythonを実行するときにマルチバイト文字がある場合の対処法お世話になります。 |
2021-10-28 21:36:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dr--r--r-- と drw-rw-rw- の違い |
drwrwrw |
2021-10-28 21:31:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLite3、Sequelでそんなテーブルはない(no such table:)と言われる |
SQLite、Sequelでそんなテーブルはないnosuchtableと言われる前提・実現したいことRuby、SQLite、Sequelを使用しています。 |
2021-10-28 21:27:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TkInter: フォントのサイズ・タイプの簡易な適用方法を知りたい(フレーム上のWIDGET全てに同じ適用を施したい) |
TkInterフォントのサイズ・タイプの簡易な適用方法を知りたいフレーム上のWIDGET全てに同じ適用を施したい大変初歩的なことですがお分かりの方教えてください。 |
2021-10-28 21:22:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
laravel Collectionメソッドとfactoryの組み合わせについて |
laravelCollectionメソッドとfactoryの組み合わせについてlaravelを勉強し始めて日の初心者です。 |
2021-10-28 21:21:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptで記事一覧を取得、表示する一連のプログラムを作りたい |
javascriptで記事一覧を取得、表示する一連のプログラムを作りたい実現したいことjavascriptで記事のhtmlファイルに予め記述した見出しなどの要素を取得→javascriptで記事のhtmlファイルの数を取得してforで要素を取得したい。 |
2021-10-28 21:08:08 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntuでdocker daemonのプロキシを設定する方法 |
dockerdaemon |
2021-10-28 21:22:37 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntuでdocker daemonのプロキシを設定する方法 |
dockerdaemon |
2021-10-28 21:22:37 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
テーブルにないカラムにも値を入れて送信できる件 |
分からなかったこと選択肢に値を持たせて、その値によってコントローラーで処理を分けるところまでは想像がついたのですが、今回で言うと、注文テーブルに選択肢optionカラムはないのでどうすれば良いのか戸惑いました。 |
2021-10-28 21:42:52 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
EC2インスタンスのVirtualHost(Apache)からサイトを分離する |
apache |
2021-10-28 12:39:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Mine TetherUS USDT on Your Laptop in 2021 |
How to Mine TetherUS USDT on Your Laptop in A Step by Step Guide to Pool Mining TetherUS USDT in with a CPU or GPUs Sometimes mining can seem to be too complex for the average computer user so I thought about putting together a quick guide to get you excited about mining cryptocurrency and USDT in particular Anyone can start mining TetherUS USDT with any laptop in under minutes using this guide regardless of your technical skill level you will be able to increase your crypto knowledge and start mining USDT with your CPU and GPU today USDT Tether is called a stablecoin because it was originally designed to always be worth US maintaining in reserves for each tether issued Now let s get you started STEP Get yourself a Wallet I recommend getting Tronlink or Metamask to receive the mined USDT as either a TRC or BEP token This means in the Tron blockchain or over the Binance Smart Chain In metamask you would have to add the Binance Smart Chain network and then add the token USDT to your wallet Make sure you connect the Binance Smart Chain network to metamask Google the instructions or get them from this link Binance AcademySTEP Download the Unmineable Miner SoftwareBefore downloading the file set some folder exclusions on Windows Defender in your antivirus and also in your browser so you can download the file without being bothered with notifications of dangerous files Official Unmineable software can be downloaded from this site Unmineable DownloadDownload the MFI version Miners files included The unmineable software is just one executable file it already contains all the configurations so it is the best and easiest way to mine USDT Run the file as an Administrator in windows It looks exactly like this when you run it You can select GPU cards or CPU It will take you to the second screen where you will enter your TetherUS USDT Address and also the code which will allow you to drop your Dev Fee from to Use the code exd wmzl to drop your Dev Fee from to it makes a difference Your screen should look like this Once you click on the Start button you should see a similar screen At this point I would recommend you to click the option at the bottom to display the logs Looks like a sheet of paper here click Force Stop Then click the Settings Icon Looks like a cog wheel in the screen that pops up you want to double check a few things Make sure the algorithm selected is ETCHASH if you are mining with GB cards use ETHASH for cards with GB or more if you selected CPU everything is ready to start mining no need to select anything Make sure the Code exd wmzl is showing in the referral box Recommended not mandatory Set a name for your worker The computer you are mining from Set your mining Intensity at the top I would recommend High for those periods when you are not using the computer It looks similar to this Click on the Save amp Restart button to start mining Once it starts you can check the speed of your Graphic card which shows as the Current Hashrate Also you can click on the stats button on the top right to go directly to the Unmineable website where you can check your balance and request a manual payment note it is recommended you change a few settings in Windows there s people that disable the Updates and also disable sleeping mode hibernation or anything that could turn off the computer while it is not in use When using a Laptop make sure it has some battery or is plugged so it won t shut down Congrats if you are using Unmineable you are now a miner If you want a bit more of control over the mining software and configurations then you can download the miners and manually set them up For those of you mining with CPU then you could follow below Go to the xmrig site to download the latest version MSVC or from the oficial github repository Once you download the latest version you would have to edit a file named pool mine example cmd or start cmd or start bat Inside this file you need to modify lines if the file doesn t exists you would have to create itIt could look similar to this cd dpxmrig exe o rx unmineable com u USDT TCQGtbtixGRaafEifywgjrFsfNz wrkID exd wmzl p xpauseIn the second line after the o you can see the Pool URL in this case all you have to do depending on your location is to use one of the following URLs select the one closer to your location USA rx us unmineable com Europe rx eu unmineable com Asia rx asia unmineable com Then the third line is where you will enter your wallet s public address copied in STEP place it after the USDT and before the first dot The general structure of the address needs to be COIN Wallet address workerID Code to lower mining fee The workerID is any name you want to give to each computer where you are running the miner so it can easily be identified later on under the pool stats The code after the is important because mining with that code will drop the Mining Fee from to it makes a difference You can start mining using that code exd wmzl Run the file as an administrator If everything goes well you are now running XMRig and are mining Congrats For those of you mining with GPU I would recommend you to get Teamredminer AMD cards Phoenixminer AMD NVIDIA or Trex Nvidia Download these miner from the oficial sites Phoenix miner Bitcoin Talk forum Teamred miner GithubTrex GithubThen set them up with a smilar Start bat file as mentioned in the CPU section above Pay attention to some changes you would need to implement if you are mining with gb cards you need to set the algo on the miner to ETCHASH and the coin to ETC check for miner CLI parameters if you are mining with gb cards or more then you need to set the algo on the miner to ETHAS and the coin to ETH check for miner CLI parameters Make sure to also set the pool url accordingly ETCHASH etchash unmineable com ETHASH ethash unmineable com Once done run the file as administrator Now you can Log into Unmineable to check your stats Unmineable com is a mining Pool which allows you to mine with your CPU using RandomX or GPUS using Etchash or Ethash and pay you in any coin you select Remember when you set up the address inside the Miner starter file Well there you just let Unmineable know the coin you want to be paid in in this example USDT and then the address where they will transfer the mined coins In order to check your balance log into Unmineable and then select the coin you want to mine In this example TetherUS USDT Then you can select the Tab that reads RandomX or ETCHAS or ETHASH depending on your algo and enter your address in the box that reads Enter your address to check your stats After doing this you will see the balance on your account and you will even be able to request a payment Congrats you are a miner now I recommend downloading some software to monitor the running temperature of your CPU and GPU a good and free one is Hardware Monitor Try not to exceed the temperature more than degrees celsius In case you are mining with a laptop change the thermal paste of your CPU get it cleaned inside and get some heat extractors for laptops If you take care of the temperature your computer should work very well the amount of coins you can mine will depend on the hashrate of your CPU and GPUs For GPUS download MSI Afterburner and set the appropriate Overclocking profile so you can get higher hashrates Remember to use a valid address for each coin for example if you want to be paid in ADA then you need a valid Cardano blockchain address In this example Binance Smart Chain is used and you would receive a CAKE token on the BSC blockchain If you are having any difficulties please join me on discord so I can help you furtherIf you are looking for more information into CPU mining there s a good guide in a PDF ebook and is Free get it at Referral Disclosure Please read the Unmineable Referral Policy at the following link to better understand How the referral code works in detail Unmineable Referrals |
2021-10-28 12:44:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building the first open-source notification infrastructure |
Building the first open source notification infrastructureHi Community Looking forward to hear your thoughts about this Notifire was started out of pain me and combarnea felt when developing products that required product based notifications We ve built the infrastructure so many times that we decided to take it out to the world That s when Notifire was born We took the multi channel notifications and provided a unified set of API s to generate notification content and simplify delivery across multiple channels It s more than just sending an email or push Part of slacks notification system From our past experience we know that a wholesome notification infrastructure requires more than a unified API We believe that building a solid notification infrastructure is something that is accessible not only to fortune companies but to every developer out there Notificaiton infrastructure foundations Smart Notification EngineUsing a stateful API instead of local config files can provide further functionality like Run time changes without redeploying your code Digest mechanism that allows to aggregate multiple events messages to a single email or in app notification for the customer For example a user received an email a minute ago we don t want to send him the next one immediately and wait if further messages are planning to arrive User preferences With the ever growing number of channels an end user can get notifications can create a lot of noise Notification preferences are an expected thing from most users this day A stateful API can manage all the complexities of it out of the box Priority management Not all notifications created equally while password reset email must be delivered in real time Repeatable and frequent notifications can be throttled or scheduled to a later time Timezone awareness Send a specific set of notifications only in the user wake hours Monitoring and webhook integrations to all the delivery providers Analyze sending patterns and debug deliverability across multiple channels In app notification centerAn embeddable widget that is easy to integrate and customize Real time update using a socket User preference widget to control the channels and motivation groups he would love to receive The ability of the user to Snooze mute and hide notifications easily We would love that everyone can have the best notification infrastructure possible without investing thousands of hours on it again and again By the community For the community Next stepsWe are working on porting parts of the closed source platform we developed over the years to OSS This includes an out of the box API for managing notifications an embeddable notifications widget activity monitoring and more What are your thoughts about the need for such a system Have you built something similar with your team What would expect to see there Feel free to comment here or at our Github page |
2021-10-28 12:34:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to host your website on Azure? |
How to host your website on Azure Hosting your website on Azure is very simple Just a few clicks Final result PrerequisitesSignup for an Azure account for free if you don t have already Note If you are a student you can get free credits Basic git knowledge and a GitHub account Your website Let s get startedAfter creating Azure account login into portal azure com Click on Create a resource Search for Static Web App and select static web app Click on Create Here we need to fill in a few details In the project details choose your subscription For Resource Group click on create new and name it anything you like Next give your app a Name Hosting plan Free For hobby or personal projectsNext select a region After that in deployment details select GitHub as source and sign in with your GitHub account For Organization choose your GitHub account from the dropdown Next select Repository and Branch Now Build detailsFor Build Presets if your website is built with a framework or a static site generator then choose accordingly otherwise choose Custom For App location choose where your app files are there or if it is a simple website with only HTML and CSS files leave it as Click on Review Create Verify all the provided details and click Create Wait for a few seconds after deployment is complete click on Go to resource Copy the URL paste in a new tab and see Congrats Your website is now live on internet If you have any doubts ask in the comments below Hope this helps you Save for reference Connect with me on Twitter and GitHub Follow me for more |
2021-10-28 12:11:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Flask and Django - the backend web frameworks |
Flask and Django the backend web frameworks IntroductionWe all have seen the buzz around web frameworks like Django Flask Node js etc but have you taken time to learn all of them No and you shouldn t Because many web frameworks share the same principle and workflow with a bit of difference It s just like learning one programming language and applying the same concepts in a different syntax and mechanism In the world of web frameworks this is the case as well but most of them will disagree with it as every web framework is unique in its design and that s true don t get me wrong Before we get into frameworks let us understand the key components of the web applicationDatabase It holds the data for our application Server Used to fetch store manage requests from the client API Used as an interface between the client and the Database Client The browser or any client that requests for resources Every web framework will serve the same purpose with different design architecture language but it will have a similar pattern in developing the application Let s clear the concepts in this article What is a back end Web framework A web framework is a tool application meant for designing creating testing web applications a lot quicker with a lot of ease Without web frameworks you will have been writing some code that will tire you very quickly It even seems impossible to manually write markups for each piece of data in the application which is taken care of by dynamic templating in Python based frameworks like Django Flask The database queries are managed by the web frameworks as well otherwise you will have been writing SQL queries manually How painful and frustrating that would look of course you can create scripts for querying to the database but you are then creating a component of a framework Don t waste time that s a takeaway from the philosophy of all the web frameworks Another thing that back end web frameworks do is create homogeneity in development across different environments and applications It also creates a developer friendly environment We must not forget how easy and quick applications can be built using the back end web frameworks A back end Web framework provides some of the features like Handle web requestsManage DB by just using some simple scriptsRender Dynamic TemplatesProvide a lot of native language libraries integrationOrganize a project much easily and effectivelyOptions to scale the application at any levelProvide some standard and secure way to run the server production Design APIs much easilyLet us look at two of the most popular frameworks in the Python community Flask DjangoWe are seeing that Django and Flask are among the top back end web frameworks in So there is no double thought on why you should learn these technologies What is FlaskFlask is the bare bones framework that provides a lot of customizability with a lot less boilerplate code It is a framework that provides a lot of third party libraries to add functionalities to our application Flask is a micro web frameworkFlask as per the official documentation is a micro framework indicating it has a very minimal setup It is a back end web framework that can be structured as per needs with a very little configuration overhead That being said it can get a bit limited in structuring and functionalities as it needs to taken care of manually Flask is the easiest back end web framework to get started and learn the fundamentals of server side Flask is quite flexible in terms of scalability and maintenance of decent sized applications as well Though the community is not that big and absence of standardization in Flask it is a go to back end web framework for beginners as well as experts due to its simplicity and flawless integration with Python libraries The main concepts in Flask might be Virtual Environment WSGI as a web serverApp routingJinga as a templating languageCreating Database connectionsSo Flask is kind of a DIY back end web framework with rich sets of libraries and customizability out of the box This can easily be a beginner s choice and a right one too What is DjangoDjango is also a back end web framework based on Python programming language but it is more standardized and high level Django encourages a defined pattern for development but with customization and freedom in mind Django also modularizes the components into so called apps to provide a scalable experience It has a lot of boilerplate code to get up and running quite easily it also has a Admin section pre built with all the functionalities Similar to Flask it also provides flawless integration with all the Python libraries It provides a much easier Database integration and pre built User authentication along with its model ready to plug in and use Django is a Batteries included FrameworkThat means it has baked in functionalities like User Authentication Admin Section Database Integration RSS Atom syndication feeds etc The main concepts in Django include Virtual EnvironmentWSGI ASGI as web serversProject structureModel View Controller Architecture in developing appsDjango Templating Language for rendering Dynamic Templates Object Relational Mapping in creating the applicationsUnlike Flask Django is already baked in with a lot of functionalities and integration with a ton of features It should be good for beginners but many things are already taken care of that can be a huddle in actual learning process that being said it is a much scalable and production ready web framework not only back end What are the similarities between them Well if you learn one the other will be quite easy enough to pick up The overall development is almost similar but unique in its own way Pythonic syntax and librariesProject Structure is quite similar to blueprints in Flask and apps in DjangoTemplating Language is almost similarStatic Files are handled similarly with a different syntax URL Routing is the same as it binds the view functions with a patternEase in Deployment with minimal configuration What should you learn That question is dependent on the type of application you are trying to make but for a beginner trying to get hands dirty on the server side I would recommend Flask as it is quite minimal and helps in constructing the base for the concepts like APIs Databases Requests Admin section etc This might not be that difficult for people trying to learn back end from scratch but for people with a bit of programming and server side experience Django should be a go to framework for all their needs At the end of the day it hardly matters what you do with which framework what people see is the end result ConclusionThus from this article you might have got a bit understanding of why are the frameworks used in making applications and also the similarities and differences in the Python based back end web frameworks like Django and Flask If you have any thoughts please let me know in the comments or on my social handles any kind of feedback is much appreciated Thank you for reading till here until then as always Happy Coding |
2021-10-28 12:08:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to generate a random string in Python? |
How to generate a random string in Python In this short tutorial we look at how we can generate a random string in Python We also look at all the various types of string that can be generated Table of Contents Importing string and random modulesGenerate random string PythonString in different casesCryptographically Secure stringsClosing thoughts Importing string and random modules In order to generate random strings in Python we use the string and random modules The string module contains Ascii string constants in various text cases digits etc The random module on the other hand is used to generate pseudo random values In the last method we would be using the secrets module to help us generate cryptographically secure strings Generate random string Python Random strings are commonly generated and used widely Although they serve a large number of use cases the most common ones are random placeholder usernames random phone numbers passwords etc String ModuleBefore we use the string module to generate a random string let us look at the various types of string constants available String ascii letters returns a string of letters containing various cases String ascii lowercase returns a string with letters in lowercase String ascii uppercase returns a string with letters in uppercase String digits returns a string containing digitsString punctuation returns a string containing punctuationsI have listed the most commonly used string constant However you can view the entire list on the module documentation String module Random Module The random module is quite straightforward It helps us pick a character at random We use this method to pick characters from the string constant However there are two important sequences that you should be aware of Random choices returns elements at random Here characters can not be unique Random sample returns unique elements So while generating a random string in Python If you are okay with repeating characters you can use the first method and the second if you want unique characters Code and Explanation import randomimport stringprint random choices string ascii lowercase This code generated returns one character at random You can change the string constant method based on the characters you want Now let us write the code to generate a string of length import randomimport stringprint join random choices string ascii lowercase k For this we pass another argument k which denotes the size of the string This method returns a list of characters and hence we use the join method to convert it into a string String in different cases In the previous method we used string ascii lowercase Let us try the letters constantly we can also concatenate two different types of constants Random string in uppercase import randomimport stringprint join random choices string ascii uppercase k Using String ascii letters import randomimport stringprint join random choices string ascii letters k Concatenating different types of string constants import randomimport stringprint join random choices string ascii uppercase string ascii lowercase k I haven t provided output snippets as my output would vary from yours Also in all the methods I have used the random choices Please feel free to try it out using the random sample as well Cryptographically Secure strings While we could use the random method to generate random string in Python the string generated is not cryptographically secure Hence it is not recommended while creating temp passwords Python versions and greater have a better way to generate a cryptographically secure random string This method makes use of the secrets amp string methods Secrets are very similar to the random method you can read more about it here Code and Explanation import secretsimport stringprint join secrets choice string ascii uppercase string ascii lowercase for i in range The secret methods do not have a choices method which takes a second argument Hence we use a loop and get the range to the number of characters Closing thoughts Both methods can be used to generate a random string in Python However which method you use would largely depend on your use case A common mistake I have seen beginners make is forgetting to import the module before they use it Do keep this in mind while you practice using the methods with other string contents |
2021-10-28 12:03:07 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple details headphone jack improvements on new MacBook Pro |
Apple details headphone jack improvements on new MacBook ProThe new inch MacBook Pro and revised inch MacBook Pro feature an improved headphone jack which Apple says adapts to low and high impedance headphones without external amps Apple has improved the headphone jack on the new MacBook ProDuring the launch of the inch and inch MacBook Pro Apple referred to how the improved audio features included a revised headphone jack Now the company has detailed what those revisions are and how they benefit users Read more |
2021-10-28 12:14:34 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Nikon officially unveils the 45.7-megapixel Z9 with 8K video and 20 fps burst speeds |
Nikon officially unveils the megapixel Z with K video and fps burst speedsNikon has officially unveiled its new flagship mirrorless camera the megapixel Z with K p video and up to fps RAW burst shooting speeds It s Nikon s first camera to use a stacked sensor with built in memory that allows for very fast readout speeds In fact Nikon is so confident in the electronic shutter that it has abandoned the mechanical shutter entirely so the Z is the first high end professional camera without one With that high speed sensor which has the same megapixel count as the Z II the Z allows a flash sync of up to th of a second which looks like the fastest sync speed ever for an electronic shutter That should also make it very resistant to rolling shutter which is crucial if the camera is to be used for sports or action photography nbsp The faster sensor allows JPEG burst shooting at up to fps or RAW photos at fps If you re willing to drop down to megapixels you can shoot photos at an astounding fps As with other stacked sensor cameras the Nikon Z has much improved buffering letting you capture up to frames at once with either JPEG or the new HE high efficiency RAW compression algorithms nbsp NikonNikon s autofocus AF system is also all new and makes even more extensive use of AI algorithms Much like Canon s EOS R it can now track a wide range of subjects including the eyes faces and bodies of people along with dogs cats and birds planes trains motorbike and bicycles And unlike other AI cameras there s no need to tell it what you re shooting ーthe camera will figure that out if you set it to quot Auto quot or you can set the subject type manually It also offers a quot D tracking quot system much like you can find on Nikon s DSLRs All of this falls into line with the Z s purpose as a sports action wildlife photography camera Nikon has also improved its in body stabilization system which it calls quot vibration reduction quot or VR Now it can combine in body and lens stabilization system for steadier video or fewer blurry photos This will only be available with several lenses to begin with however namely the Nikkor Z m F Z MC mm f VR and freshly announced Z mm F VR S nbsp Video performance is equally impressive The Z will be able to capture K at p at launch along with oversampled K p from an K capture that should be incredibly sharp If you don t mind pixel binning or line skipping it will also be able to capture K at up to fps To start with you ll be able to capture these formats at up to bit with H or H long GOP codecs On top of that Nikon is offering the very useful option of capturing video with ProRes HQ compression which is much easier to edit straight out of the camera nbsp Things will get even more interesting later on though Nikon plans to introduce a future firmware update that will enable bit K fps capture in a new proprietary N RAW format or using Apple ProRes RAW HQ capture at K p Nikon promises that you ll be able to capture the oversampled K p for more than two hours at quot normal quot temperatures nbsp The Z has a large pro style body with controls about where you d expect them other than a repositioned play button and AF button near the front It uses dual CFexpress Type B slots backward compatible with XQD for maximum performance for video and burst photos The new large EN ELd battery is rated for up to shots per charge with the LCD or shots with the EVF enabled It has a million dot OLED viewfinder with just a fps refresh rate but Nikon said that it always delivers that speed and never downgrades it It uses a multi direction rear LCD and not a fully articulating screen but you can tilt t he screen up to face yourself With the Z Nikon has taken some of the best aspects of Canon s EOS R and the Sony A and married them into a single large body It falls a bit short of those models in terms of shooting speed and the electronic viewfinder isn t too impressive on paper However Nikon seems to have vaulted ahead of both Sony and Canon in terms of video specs but we ll have to wait and see if video autofocus is up to snuff The Nikon Z will arrive by the end of the year in the US for for the body only nbsp nbsp nbsp |
2021-10-28 12:52:37 |
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LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
アウトドアメディアと電子機器メーカーが共同開発! 大光量&モバイルバッテリー機能搭載のランプシェード付きランタン |
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