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IT 気になる、記になる… 「macOS Monterey」へのアップグレード時に一部の古いMacが文鎮化する不具合が報告される https://taisy0.com/2021/11/01/148232.html macosmonterey 2021-11-01 13:28:16
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SIGNATEのSOTAに参加した話 https://qiita.com/jaguar2801/items/0b539b16f6c9e80782bf データを可視化することでデータの形を見たかったのですが、質的変数を可視化して解釈するのは難しいことを知ることができました。 2021-11-01 22:34:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 転移学習の使い方と効果の確認 https://qiita.com/ToppaD/items/837edc997633d281cf26 転移学習とは、既にに学習されたモデルを他の新しいタスクに適用することで、効率的に新しいタスクに適応することを基本的な考えとしています。 2021-11-01 22:10:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonのプログラミング(約数の列挙,個数) https://teratail.com/questions/367300?rss=all Pythonのプログラミング約数の列挙個数前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-11-01 22:59:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Reactで作成したプロジェクトを検索エンジンから削除する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/367299?rss=all Reactで作成したプロジェクトを検索エンジンから削除する方法Reactで作成したアプリをECにデプロイしました。 2021-11-01 22:57:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) アトムランナーで確認しても構文ミスで先に進めない https://teratail.com/questions/367298?rss=all アトムランナーで確認しても構文ミスで先に進めないpipinstallrequestspipinstallBeautifulSoupimportrequestsfrombsimportBeautifulSoupurlresrequestsgeturlsoupselectredこれで確認のためのアトムランナーを起動してもFilenbspquotltstdingtquotnbsplinenbsppipnbspinstallnbsprequestsSyntaxErrornbspinvalidnbspsyntax構文が違うとされて確認ができません。 2021-11-01 22:46:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python 三角関数の定義について https://teratail.com/questions/367297?rss=all defnbspfxreturnnbspnpsinx 2021-11-01 22:36:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GASでPDF出力時、ページ番号が表示されない https://teratail.com/questions/367296?rss=all GASでPDF出力時、ページ番号が表示されない前提・実現したいことGASを使ってスプレッドシートをPDF変換する際、ページ番号を表示させたいと考えています。 2021-11-01 22:23:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Linuxのkernel空間での制限について https://teratail.com/questions/367295?rss=all kernel 2021-11-01 22:06:03
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS S3で簡単ウェブサイト作成! https://qiita.com/aws-obenkyo/items/368f04297b7865b6e22b 先ほど注意書きにも書きましたが、このバスケットはインターネットに公開されていますので、貴重なファイル等をアップロードしないように注意してください。 2021-11-01 22:24:14
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [middleware] Nuxt.jsでページにアクセス制限をかける https://qiita.com/Bezzi05791520/items/af35c6e310c3188a5df6 middlewareNuxtjsでページにアクセス制限をかけるはじめにNuxtjsでmiddlewareを使用したページ制限管理者を担当したのでその備忘録環境MacOsdocker環境前提条件authModuleを使用したログイン機能が実装されているログイン後vuexにユーザー情報が保存されているまだの方はこちらを参考にどうぞこの記事を読んでできることvuexに保存されているユーザー情報で各ページに制限をかける今回はユーザーのadminカラムがtrueorfalseでページ制限をかけますmiddlewareってなにページが表示される前に実行される関数外部JSに記述するものファイル共通化ができるため、ページ制限で利用されるmiddlewareディレクトリの作成frontmkdirmiddlewarefronttouchredirectjsredirectjsファイル作成middlewareredirectjsexportdefaultfunctionstoreredirectconstuserstoregettersuserinformationgetUserユーザー情報を保存しているvuexのファイルを指定してくださいifuserampampuseradminredirectstoredispatchflashMessageshowMessagemessage権限がありませんtypeerrorstatustrueelseifuserredirectstoredispatchflashMessageshowMessagemessageログインしてくださいtypeerrorstatustruesamplevueファイル作成pagessamplevuelttemplategtltdivgtltpgtHelloWorldltpgtltdivgtlttemplategtltscriptgtexportdefaultnameSamplemiddlewareredirectmiddlewareのredirectjsを読み込みauthfalsefalseと表記しないと未ログインでアクセスした時にauthModuleで設定したルートへリダイレクトされるltscriptgtページ遷移確認dockerコンテナを起動して確認rootdockercomposeup①未ログイン状態でlocalhostsampleへアクセスログインしていないため、アクセス制限がかかります②一般ユーザーでログインして、再度localhostsampleへアクセスadminではないため、アクセス制限がかかります③管理者でログインして、再度localhostsampleへアクセスsamplevueの遷移が成功しHelloWorldが表示されます最後に各々のcompomentから共通のmiddlewareのファイルが読み込みできるのでシンプルでよいですねこれを使えば特殊なページ遷移も楽にできるのでぜひ使ってみてください最後まで見ていただきありがとうございました。 2021-11-01 22:32:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf Sportsmate 5: A Consumer Fitness Exoskeleton That Actually Works https://www.makeuseof.com/sportsmate-5-fitness-exoskeleton-review/ Sportsmate A Consumer Fitness Exoskeleton That Actually WorksThe Sportsmate is a consumer fitness based exoskeleton for fitness and general assistance It s an early prototype but it is quite impressive 2021-11-01 13:55:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf 5 Ways to Overcome the Most Common Task Management Challenges https://www.makeuseof.com/ways-overcome-common-task-management-challenges/ common 2021-11-01 13:32:01
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 10 Best Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Projects https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-best-raspberry-pi-zero-projects-far/ projects 2021-11-01 13:16:22
海外TECH MakeUseOf DNS over HTTPS: Is Encrypted DNS Slower? https://www.makeuseof.com/dns-over-https-is-encrypted-dns-slower/ https 2021-11-01 13:16:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf Why Your Android Phone Won't Connect to Your PC: 7 Fixes https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fixes-android-connect-computer/ android 2021-11-01 13:01:53
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Make an NFT, Then Sell It Online https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-make-sell-nft-art/ onlineinterested 2021-11-01 13:01:53
海外TECH DEV Community P2P Crypto Exchange Script https://dev.to/milinkovicmia/p2p-crypto-exchange-script-3poe PP Crypto Exchange Script What is the PP crypto exchange Peer to peer PP or decentralized exchanges are managed completely by the software and the owner of the exchange Also is a platform for buyers and sellers to directly transfer cryptocurrencies to the individual accounts PP crypto exchange platform avoids intermediaries to send and receive digital currencies without compromising on the seamless experience for trading PP exchanges permit market participants to trade directly with each other without any reliable third party to process all trades This alternative approach has a number of comparative advantages as well as downsides Overall peer to peer cryptocurrency exchanges are vivid examples of the decentralization philosophy How does PP crypto work PP crypto exchanges allow users to buy or sell directly with another user Unlike centralized exchanges where you have to complete KYC to process an order most PP exchanges allow you to send receive cryptocurrencies without asking you for identity verification Advantages of PP Crypto Exchanges •Desired Trading•Different Modes of Payment •Multiple Cryptocurrencies can be exchanged•Multiple Language Support•KYC and AML Checks •Atomic exchange •Matching Engine•Offers extreme privacy•Live chat•Power packed matching system•Administrative panelHere you will be able to find out the complete review about PP crypto exchange script What is pp crypto exchange script PP Crypto exchange script is a decentralized exchange script which permits peers in the crypto market to buying and selling directly with each other without any trusted third party processing their trades or holding their funds PP Exchange script accelerates peer to peer exchanges which are executed entirely by pre programmed software without requiring human operation or supervision Buy the way as an admin you need not store your trader s cryptocurrencies and their address So you can free from the difficulties risk free pp exchange script Features of Pp Crypto Exchange Script •Multiple payment options Peer to peer crypto exchanges offer anonymous ways to buy and sell cryptocurrency with a wide range of payment methods •Accurate and private transaction Both buyers and sellers can pick their desired orders over the large volume for crypto trading and vice versa •Hassle free crypto swapping this option allows the buyers and sellers to carry out a secure trading process avoiding interaction of any middleman parties The transactions can be processed and eliminated entirely avoiding the fraud lent of any digital agreements •Support multiple language and multiple cryptocurrencies supports multiple language and numerous cryptocurrencies to achieve crypto transactions over world •Escrow service pp crypto exchange helps you stay up to date on all the paperwork and transactions and makes sure the buyer and seller follow through with their contractual agreement Also offers secure and trusted smart contract based escrow system fuels the trust and hope to make successful trading between the platform s users •No third parties No intermediaries or central authorities to deduct crypto transaction fee •Instant KYC and profile verification KYC AML permits admins to authorize the user profiles quickly and efficiently which helps remove unauthorized users to your reliable crypto exchange platform •Real time market value Pp exchange script has built with displaying the volatile cryptocurrency value which can be checked in real time with no difficulties •Automated transactions Though it s a decentralized peer to peer swaps automated crypto transactions drives trusted users transactions eliminating the need for a middleman and eliminates unnecessary transaction fee •Multi factor authentication Multi factor authentication is when a user must provide two or more pieces of evidence to verify their identity to gain access to an app or digital resource Multifactor authentication MFA is used to protect against hackers by ensuring that digital users are who they say they are •Faster way to trade This ensures an easier secure smooth trading process •User interface UI pp crypto exchange script offers single paged solutions so it makes users can register and sign themselves using their social media accounts and log and trade themselves in the platform with ease manner Security Features of Decentralized Exchange Script•Secure Admin Panel•Two Factor Authentication•Multi SIG Wallet Integration•Secure Cold Wallet Storage•Anti Denial of Service DOS •HTTPS Authentication•Registry Lock•Secure Data Encryption•Jail login System•Email VerificationsHere s how you can easily buy cryptocurrency using a PP crypto exchange •Register for a free account •You choose a seller you d like to trade with or create a new trading advertisement •You send the payment •The seller will send cryptocurrency straight to your wallet Which is the best pp Crypto Exchange script Top Cryptocurrency Exchange Scripts Binance clone script binance clone script is a pp cryptocurrency exchange which is currently the largest exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies Binance clone script is ready to market bug free tested source code to launch exchange like binance Coinbase clone script Coinbase clone script is a peer to peer crypto exchange a popular platform for buying and selling cryptocurrency like Bitcoin etc Coinbase clone script is a ready made secure customizable and multi tested clone script software that is an exact replica of a popular cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase LocalBitcoins clone script LocalBitcoins is a pp cryptocurrency exchange script that helps entrepreneurs to successfully a crypto exchange website to buy and sell cryptocurrencies or fiat Paxful clone script Paxful works on a PP network based decentralized platform that upholds trading transparency and efficiency Paxful Clone Script will be the proper choice for startups and budding entrepreneurs who wish to establish a cryptocurrency trading website alike Paxful Wazirx clone script WazirX Clone script is premier PP cryptocurrency exchange platform software that developed on the lines of the top crypto exchange player WazirX It supports a range of popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Litecoin Ethereum etc and facilitates buying and selling of them among users 2021-11-01 13:46:12
海外TECH DEV Community My first day on dev.to https://dev.to/vadimkolobanov/my-first-day-on-devto-d7e My first day on dev toHello everyone it was the first day since my registration on Dev I ll tell you right away I write through a translator so some phrases may seem strange to you So my impressions Wow It is very cool I will explain why this is the case but laterI collected a lot of different materials on programming and Python in particular and at that moment I came up with the idea Why don t I put all this where everyone can find it The problem was in English but thanks to the translator I went to the website created an account uploaded some of my work to the translator and posted it all here By the way your markdown is very cool I have published articles with my ideas and a short article about the basics of SQL for beginners After the articles were published I updated my page every minute to find out if anyone was interested in my work After hours the articles received views and several reactions Well for a beginner it probably should be Okay I m going to bed Morning I went to my favorite job and looked at Dev without much hope One of my articles received views Cool It s more than a lifetime I started refreshing the page again every minute and was surprised when after hours there were views and after another it was already And it seems I didn t write anything I wrote well known facts But the incredible uplift I experienced was priceless I created my blog on Medium and now there are only views It s such a contrast between dev to and Medium and I firmly decided first of all to publish articles about Dev and then think about whether the Medium is worthy for this I was very pleased with the first subscribers I wanted to do even more more often and more interesting I have a lot of templates about VCS and Git Python and programming in general I saw something that I had never seen in my endeavors this is the assessment and reaction of people completely unfamiliar to me with whom we are separated not only by distance but also by language and ideology But they understood me Sometimes it s ugly and through a translator with incomprehensible expressions but they understand And today I m happy because I met you I will be very glad if they write me comments it is possible in Russian I will be glad if they show me errors in the English text or in the subject I am very happy with this platform I m waiting for you I went to create 2021-11-01 13:37:06
海外TECH DEV Community 5 tips to finish your side projects (and make money doing so) https://dev.to/mustapha/5-tips-to-finish-your-side-projects-and-make-money-doing-so-27eo tips to finish your side projects and make money doing so This past year I worked on a side project and for once I saw it through to completion and profit While working on this project I made some good decisions as well as a lot of mistakes In this post I ll share with you points that worked for me Hopefully they will work for you  But before we start let me establish some context I began developing a tool to help me memorize the fretboard layout of my guitar the notes on the fretboard The project received some attention after I shared it on Reddit Other guitar players including bass and ukulele were interested in such an app So i quickly made an MVP and shared it with them Their feedback was so encouraging that I decided to start working more seriously on this project I soft launched the product pretty much a year ago and it generated k without any marketing at all only organic traffic on the App store Some times you just have to publish your work Of course that s not a lot compared to other projects and I need to do some marketing if I want to increase the revenue from the app but that s another story Revenue from Fretboard Learning app Disclamer The tips I will provide below are useful for relatively small projects involving a small team you Moreover nothing beats hard work if you do not put in the necessary effort your project will not move forward on its own However if you do put the necessary effort you can use these suggestions as a guide   Don t be shy talk about your project earlyOne thing I learned is that there s two things you should do at the very beginning of your project Write the code and talk to users Talking to users early on allows you to get the necessary feedback to test your ideas Reddit pinterest are great for that Then once this first step is done it s critical to keep them engaged because you ll need their continuous input as your side project shifts and ideas evolve into a complete and marketable product Those early testers can then become beta testers and eventually customers users So connect with them ask for their emails or use any other method to stay in touch Also Another benefits is that seeing that your product is being used might provide you with the additional motivation you need to keep going Choosing a goal Definition of doneThe Definition of Done is an agreed upon set of items that must be completed before a project or a feature can be considered complete It s important to have that so you don t fall victim to perfectionism which can lead to a loss of motivation and a lot of time wasted on features that may or may not be discarded later Always try to make it work and give it to users before trying to make it right and fast This goes hand in hand with the first point so don t be afraid to ship your project early you can always make adjustments afterwards Have a backlogThis one is straight forward Having a backlog can help you track your progression and keep track of what needs to be done This backlog will evolve overtime as your project progresses and will help you stay on track with your objectives Break every idea into small steps and prioritise them Then set some confortable weekly or monthly goals Discipline over motivationSelf discipline and the ability to stay committed are required for a job in software engineering The same is true for side projects you cannot rely solely on motivation because motivation can fluctuate and decrease from time to time So you must continue working on your project even if you lack the motivation Set a time during the day to work on your project and stick to it If you feel like you re about to abandon the project take a short break now and then maybe a week or so but don t take a long break because it can kill your project How many times have you put a project on hold and never touched it again Keep a technical journalKeep a detailed technical journal for your project Write problems down and document all the dead ends that you encounter This will make context switching a lot less painful and it will give you a better notion of how much work was done compared to lines of code or commit count In addition if you drop the project at some point it will be easier to pick it up again  That s it for this post I hope some of these points will help you in your journey If you liked this post please share it with your friends or colleagues and follow me on twitter at theAngularGuy Have a nice day What to read next A deep dive into ES Classes Mustapha Aouas・Oct ・ min read javascript webdev programming 2021-11-01 13:25:03
海外TECH DEV Community Containerization with Docker 🐳 https://dev.to/jryther/containerization-with-docker-40o0 Containerization with Docker Hello everyone This week I am going to go over containerization in docker and when it might be best to use it For those that are familiar with virtual machines containers have the same concept Their purpose is to create an isolated environment that can be configured for a specific application Since virtual machines and containers are similar I think it is important to explain the difference between them for those that aren t familiar Virtual machines were developed first and they are essentially virtual computers that are ran on the same hardware Each VM has it s own OS and environment It uses something called a hypervisor to manage the hardware resources between each VM Disadvantages of a VM is that they are resource heavy and difficult to migrate between platforms Containers are similar to VMs in concept but the big difference is that they don t include the OS in the container This allows developers to create an environment for the application without including the resource heavy components of the VM Unlike VMs containers are easy to migrate between platforms with the same OS and are lightweight Containers do have their downsides though some of which have to do with sharing the OS Any security vulnerabilities introduced with one container that effects the OS will therefore affect all of the containers on the same machine The containers are also initialized to work on a specific OS so if you want to migrate it the new platform will need to be the same With the positives and negatives weighed the developer will need to consider what migration resource and security concerns will effect the application Neither method is inherently better and will depend on the type of project I hope you all found this post helpful in understanding the basics of what containerization in docker is Next week I plan on giving a tutorial for setting up and using docker Please like and comment to let me know how I am doing and I hope you all have a great rest of your week Happy coding Resources getting started 2021-11-01 13:17:26
海外TECH DEV Community Here's Why You Should Be A Programmer https://dev.to/mrdanishsaleem/heres-why-you-should-be-a-programmer-53p4 Here x s Why You Should Be A Programmer SalaryThe average salary of a front end developer in was about K per year This varies even more depending on which country you live in CreativityHaving the ability to create whatever you want is an amazing perk of being a programmer You don t depend on anyone to build your projects Transferrable SkillsUsually most of the things you learn in programming are transferrable skills you can reuse in another job position or company Side HustlesThere are more and more remote jobs for programmers which means more time to focus on side hustles while having a job This is one of the best perks Building your empireIf you look closely at the most successful people most of them knew to program Programming allows you to do anything Did you find it help Let me know your thoughts in the comments below Let s connect You can follow me on Twitter LinkedIn amp GitHubIf you like this post Kindly support me by Buying Me a Coffee 2021-11-01 13:15:28
海外TECH DEV Community Tips for developers switching from Windows to Mac https://dev.to/returnofthemac/tips-for-developers-switching-from-windows-to-mac-3d51 Tips for developers switching from Windows to MacI was a Windows fan all my life both at home since I was years old and at work for years of my frontend development career However when I moved jobs recently I was given a MacBook Pro and so I had little choice but to dive headfirst into everything MacOS It was a bit strange at first and it honestly took me a few days to get settled in with the Mac but once I did I really started to like it From the beginning there were a couple of things I missed about Windows and some alternative apps that I had to find In this article I go through some of the things that helped me in the hope that I can help smoothen the ride for other developers starting out on their Windows to Mac journey Package manager I used to use Chocolatey as my package manager on Windows I found it really useful to install and organise all of my various packages and so I wanted to find the best alternative for Mac Brew was the answer I ve been using it for the past year and haven t had any issues or missing features compared to Chocolatey Terminal ConEmu was my go to terminal on Windows and so I was pretty bummed out when I realised that it wasn t supported on Mac After asking some folks on my team they suggested iTerm and I must admit it s equally fantastic One feature that is not included in iTerm though is the ability to display the currently active git branch at a glance Worry not oh my zsh to the rescue ‍ ️You can install it using this curl command and hey presto you now see those nice pretty git branches in your terminal Similar to ConEmu I use a feature in iTerm called window arrangements to automatically launch tabs whenever I open the terminal I find this really handy as it automatically navigates to the correct directory and opens my regular git serve and test tabs for me This feature has saved me countless hours over the years Finder Finder is the default file manager on the Mac and it s equivalent to Windows Explorer with some differences The biggest difference for me was the lack of a classic cut and paste On Windows you could simply press ctrl x and ctrl v However to do this on Mac you have to select the file and then press cmd c and cmd option v Hidden FilesTo show hidden files in Finder just press command shift i If you want to show hidden files by default just open your terminal and run this command defaults write com apple finder AppleShowAllFiles YES killall Finder Split screen I often use split screen to view both the browser and VS Code side by side On Windows this is quite simple to do using a feature called Snap Assist You simply just drag a window to the edge of the screen and then select the other window you want to show beside it Again I was pretty disappointed to find out that you couldn t easily achieve this on the Mac Not to worry though it does have a feature called Split View which is close enough for me It s not as quick and easy but gets the job done MS Paint Oh man how I loved this app As a frontend developer I was constantly taking screenshots pasting them into Paint and then drawing arrows boxes and text on top of them to include in JIRA tickets emails etc I even remember using it to create some icons back in the day I couldn t believe the Mac didn t have a native paint app However I found two solutions that helped me dry my tears Shape detection in PreviewI may be easily amused but this feature blew my mind when I first tried it When you take a screenshot command shift a thumbnail will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen Once you click on the thumbnail the native Preview app on the Mac will open From here you can draw a rough circle square or arrow and if it s recognised as a standard shape it s replaced by that shape How cool is that SketchpadOne drawback to the native Preview app is that you can t simply copy and paste two images onto one canvas Again I do this a lot when creating before and after screenshots of tasks I m working on It s so much easier to convey this in one single side by side image instead of two separate ones Again MS Paint was great for this so I had to find an alternative I tried lots of Mac apps browser extensions and web apps but struggled to find anything suitable user friendly and free which had similar features to MS Paint Finally I found it Sketchpad is a fantastic web app where you can quickly copy and paste images side by side draw add text fill vectors and lots more Screenshots and video recording I touched on this earlier but as a frontend developer I take a lot of screenshots and recordings so that I can attach them to JIRA tickets Slack messages emails and so on I think that this is an important part of any frontend developer s workflow so I wanted to go through it in a bit more detail Basic screenshotUsing the command shift shortcut you can take a screenshot of the currently active screen You should then see a thumbnail appear in the right bottom corner of your screen Clicking on this will bring up the native Preview app which as mentioned earlier you can use to draw on the image It will save the image to your default screenshots folder on your Mac which is useful if you want to refer back to it later Capture a portion of the screenUsing the command shift shortcut you can take a screenshot of a portion of the screen This will save the image to your Mac Out of all the screenshot options I probably use this the most Capture a portion of the screen and copy to clipboardUsing the command shift control shortcut you can take a screenshot of a portion of the screen The difference between this and the previous shortcut is that it will only copy the image to your clipboard It will not save the image to your Mac This is useful if you want to quickly copy and paste screenshots into chat or an email body but not take up space on your hard drive Screenshot a windowUsing the command shift control space shortcut you can take a screenshot of a particular window Record the screenUsing the command shift shortcut you will see a toolbar appear which allows you to record the entire screen or just a portion of it To stop recording just press the same command shift shortcut again and press the stop button I use this very often in PRs or when showing my team some early progress of a feature I m working on You can even trim the beginning and end of the video using this button Noteworthy screenshot appI thought it was worth calling out a great free tool which I ve found very useful called Shottr It hasn t fully replaced the native screenshot functionality for me but it s mighty close Shortcuts ️First of all the keyboard is subtly different compared to Windows The command key is what you ll use for most shortcuts and commands it s mostly similar to the ctrl key on Windows In most cases shortcuts that require the use of the alt key on windows will use the option key on Mac Once I got used to these differences I started to look up various shortcuts for applications I use every day Below are only some of the shortcuts I use but here is the full list if you need it BasicsShortcutDescriptioncommand xCutcommand cCopycommand vPastecommand wClose windowcommand zUndocommand spacebarOpen spotlight to quickly find and open apps documents and other files command tabSwitch appscommand nNew finder windowcommand deleteDelete file foldercommand shift iShow hidden files in Findercontrol down arrowShow all windows of the active app i e all Chrome windows command shift Take a screenshot of the currently active screencommand shift Take a screenshot a portion of the screencommand shift spaceTake a sccreenshot of a window of your choosingcommand shift control Take a screenshot of a portion of the screen and copy it to the clipboardcommand c then command option vCut and paste files in finderenterRename selected file or folder Text editingShortcutDescriptioncommand left arrowGo to beginning of linecommand right arrowGo to end of linecommand control spacebarShow Emoji viewer command shift vPaste without formattingoption backspaceDelete wordcommand backspaceDelete all text left of cursor ChromeShortcutDescriptioncommand option iOpen dev toolscommand rReload pagecommand fSearch within the pagecommand shift tOpen last closed tab SlackShortcutDescriptioncommand shift cFormat higlighted text to codecommand kQuick switchercommand shift uAdd link text You can also paste a link directly onto highlighted text to achieve the same iTermShortcutDescriptioncontrol uDelete linecontrol yRestore previous deleted line This is handy if you need to run another command then come back to the previous one command tNew tab VS CodeFor VS Code I have customised a lot of the shortcuts myself as I personally think they make more sense and are easier to remember so I ve included them below However here s a list of the default out of the box shortcuts ShortcutDescriptioncommand clickGo to definitioncommand pQuick searchoption left arrowGo backoption right arrowGo forwardcommand dCopy lines down i e duplicate line of codecontrol eAdd cursor to next matching textcommand Comment out linecommand backspaceDelete linecommand Open file in side pane Final thoughts You might wonder if I miss Windows for frontend development well my answer is kinda but not really Yes Windows does some things better but Mac has some of its own advantages I think Mac is a happy medium for software developers who work on a lot of backend code as it s based on Unix runs most Linux applications but is still user friendly However as a frontend developer all I really need is VS Code and a browser to do my work both of which work exactly the same regardless of which OS I m using Hopefully this article can make the Windows to Mac switch that small bit easier for you If you found this article useful or have some tips of your own feel free to leave a comment Useful resources I found these resources useful when learning the basics during my Windows to Mac switcharoo Mac tips for Windows switchersA list of Windows and Mac terms to help you find what you re looking for Want more I mainly write about real world tech topics I face in my everyday life as a frontend developer If this appeals to you then feel free to follow me on Twitter for more Bye for now 2021-11-01 13:07:27
海外TECH DEV Community Hexagonal Architecture https://dev.to/abh1navv/hexagonal-architecture-3ocl Hexagonal ArchitectureIn the evolution of software architecture loose coupling has been at the centre There is an emphasis on breaking applications into components which can be switched replaced or updated without affecting the dependent components Hexagonal architecture is another advancement in loosely coupled architectures It originated around the beginning of the shift to domain driven designs and formed a basis of further advancements in the field of software design IntoductionA hexagonal architecture is divided into three parts and defines the strict roles that these parts play within the application User InterfacesThere can be many user interfaces to a backend mobile apps web apps desktop softwares etc They will all get their resources from the Business logic layer Business LogicIt forms the core of the application It s objective is to cater to the requests of user interfaces Based on the request it runs some custom logic gets the resources needed to fulfil the request and answers back in an agreed upon response format Below is a small word cloud of the responsibilities of a business logic layer The responsibilities can vary from one use case to another Backing servicesThese are services which support the business logic They each serve a specific purpose and provide data services to the application They interact with the business logic layer and are replaceable as long as the communication contract between the two layers is maintained A few examples Data sourcesCache aside servers like RedisNotification servicesAnother service like a payment gatewayIn microservices context another microservice Intent and principlesThe intent is to make the core of our application immune to changes in the communication with other layers Those concerns are to be handled at the boundary of our hexagon PortsPorts are what our core application interacts with Ports stay consistent for the inner application no matter what happens outside them They are interfaces that the inner components interact with without knowing whats being plugged into them AdaptersPorts are staying consistent but we still want to be able to plug multiple applications to them when needed These applications could have different needs and may not comply with the interface defined by the ports This is where out adapters come in Their purpose is to convert the data provided by the outer applications into a format digestible for the inner application Note Hexagonal is just a term that has stuck with the architecture for simplicity It is not to be misunderstood as the business logic layer having ports There can be many more sides to the polygon as per the services required to connect ExampleWith respect to the above diagram imagine a small application a REST API which deals with user related operations Frontend Port the requests can come from a website or an app They may have different parameters and may expect a different response formats We create an adapter for each frontend actor It receives the request converts it into a consistent format defined by the port passes it onto the inner application When the request reaches the inner application it is consistent with the interface exposed by the port The application works on it and returns the response in a format that the port expects The port forwards the response to the adapter it received the request from The adapter converts the response into a format suitable for the requesting party Database port the inner application needs to get some data from the database to fulfil the request Once again it interacts through a consistent port And we are able to plug in whichever database we need into that port The actual DB to be used will be decided at runtime or through configurations Let s see a use case of the Database port through code Let s see some codeDesign Intention We want to start with a MySQL database but we are not sure if a different database would be necessary in future Our code should allow for easy swapping of databases when needed The port Interface We provide an interface for our core to interact with The interface performs crud operations public interface UserRepository void save User o void delete User o void update User o User find int id AdapterMySQL Database adapterpublic class MySqlDatabaseRepository implements UserRepository Override public void save User User System out println Saving to database Override public void delete User User System out println Deleting from database Override public void update User User System out println Updating database Override public User find int id System out println Finding in database return null Interacting with the databasesAs we already know all communication happens using the interfaces Our core application will not look beyond the UserRepository interface Let s look at one of our core services The below class is concerned with getting the user details either basic or full public class UserDetailsClient private UserRepository userRepository public UserDetailsServiceImpl UserRepository userRepository this userRepository userRepository public BasicDetails getBasicDetails int id User user userRepository find id return new BasicDetails user getName user getEmail public FullDetails getFullDetails int id User user userRepository find id return new FullDetails user getName user getEmail user getAddress Look how it uses an object of the interface and does not care about which specific database works in the background Still we will need to pass into the service the actual implementation There are a large number of ways to do that especially with modern frameworks What I have used here is constructor dependency injection which will hold true for most object oriented programming languages which use interfaces Other patterns could be Factory and Strategy patterns In my case the outer layer which tries to get User details will initialize UserDetailsClient by passing the required adapter For e g UserDetailsClient userDetailsClient new UserDetailsClient new MongoDbRepository userDetailsClient getBasicDetails userId Swapping databasesAfter a while it was agreed that having a NoSQL database made things easier due to scalability reasons What was needed in this case was to introduce another adapter for MongoDb database and make it implement the functionalities defined by the port MongoDB adapterpublic class MongoDbRepository implements UserRepository Override public void save User User System out println Saving User to mongoDb Override public void delete User id System out println Deleting User from mongoDb Override public void update User User System out println Updating User in mongoDb Override public User find int id System out println Finding User in mongoDb return null To use the MongoDb database the only change required is in the way the UserDetailsClient is initialized Our calling code changes in the below way UserDetailsClient userDetailsClient new UserDetailsClient new MongoDbRepository userDetailsClient getBasicDetails userId AdvantagesSwappable components as we can see in the database layer There could also be other services in the same pattern For e g I could have notification services and swap between emails and SMS whenever needed Separation of business logic If implemented well the hexagonal architecture does not pose a threat to the business rules at the core of the application when outer layers change Easier testing across ports Testing of the core application can be performed around the ports If needed mock resources can be introduced using adapters of their own to make unit testing without databases easier Although hexagonal architecture is not something that is explicitely thought about when designing the architecture of the application it is often accidentally used throughout modern applications especially the Java world which revolves around dependency injection and coding to interfaces rather than implementations Nowadays there is a lot of emphasis on configurability and adaptability of applications It is important to keep the ports and adapter pattern in mind in the low level design process more than the high level design Thank you for reading Hope you enjoyed the article Please leave any appreciation and suggestions in the comments If you want to connect with me you can find me on TwitterFun Fact The code samples are created by Github Co pilot with little manual intervention 2021-11-01 13:00:37
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 2021 AirPods Pro with MagSafe drop to record low $189.99 this November https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/01/2021-airpods-pro-with-magsafe-drop-to-record-low-18999-this-november?utm_medium=rss AirPods Pro with MagSafe drop to record low this NovemberIt s official early Black Friday AirPods deals are in full swing with price wars erupting on Apple s brand new AirPods Pro with MagSafe Charging Case AirPods Pro with MagSafe salePrice wars are in full swing this November on Apple s new AirPods with AirPods with MagSafe Charging Case dropping to a record low At off this AirPods steal is perfect for holiday gift giving with units in stock and ready to ship well before Black Friday The sub price is also within of Amazon s AirPods deal with the Pro model offering three sizes of silicone tips for a customizable fit Read more 2021-11-01 13:47:57
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to manage notifications in macOS Monterey https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/01/how-to-manage-notifications-in-macos-monterey?utm_medium=rss How to manage notifications in macOS MontereyYou ve still got all the tools to manage Mac notifications in macOS Monterey but the introduction of Focus Mode means they ve been rearranged and improved Even bunched up notifications can be very distractingIt s still brilliant that your Mac can tip you off when there s a new email or message or really anything that you need to know It s still extraordinarily annoying when your Mac keeps telling you things you don t want to know ーand seemingly does so every ten seconds Read more 2021-11-01 13:27:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to live with a smart home addict or reviewer, on the HomeKit Insider podcast https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/01/how-to-live-with-a-smart-home-addict-or-reviewer-on-the-homekit-insider-podcast?utm_medium=rss How to live with a smart home addict or reviewer on the HomeKit Insider podcastThis week s HomeKit Insider podcast has a surprise guest host and the pair tackles the news before having an in depth discussion about the pitfalls and benefits of testing so many smart home devices As always we start the episode with the news This week Apple released iOS which brought a few changes to the Home app as well as support for lossless audio on HomePod Apple also released more than mood based playlists for Apple Music as announced during its Unleashed event We saw some app updates this week including popular app Signals making the jump the Mac Developer Matt Corey also put together a great shortcut to scare trick or treaters that would play music and flash your porch lights whenever the doorbell is pressed Read more 2021-11-01 13:19:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Canada's Rogers set iPhone clocks back one hour, a week early https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/01/canadas-rogers-set-iphone-clocks-back-one-hour-a-week-early?utm_medium=rss Canada x s Rogers set iPhone clocks back one hour a week earlyAs Daylight Saving Time changes occur around the world some iPhone users in Canada have seen their Rogers carrier jump the gun You can switch iPhone to manual and set a time yourselfSpring forward fall back ーit s harder than it sounds Previously Europeans have woken up an hour late because of Apple s iPhone alarm bug Australians have fallen foul of an Apple Watch Series issue and iOS Calendar hasn t been immune either Read more 2021-11-01 13:07:39
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple AR headset will wirelessly connect to iPhone, production in late 2022 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/01/apple-headset-will-have-wi-fi-6-production-to-begin-q4-2022?utm_medium=rss Apple AR headset will wirelessly connect to iPhone production in late Analyst Ming Chi Kuo reports that production of the first Apple AR headset will being in the fourth quarter of and alongside the expected G will also feature Wi Fi e at launch Backing up a claim by Bloomberg that Apple s AR VR headset will launch in as a premium device analyst Ming Chi Kuo says it will begin being made in Q In his note to investors seen by AppleInsider Kuo does not say when he expects the device to either be announced or shipped However he does have new details of the device and also of its competition Read more 2021-11-01 13:21:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Early Black Friday deals hit Apple's 2021 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro, AppleCare savings https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/27/early-black-friday-deals-hit-apples-2021-14-inch-and-16-inch-macbook-pro?utm_medium=rss Early Black Friday deals hit Apple x s inch and inch MacBook Pro AppleCare savingsEarly Black Friday deals on Apple s brand new inch and inch MacBook Pro are here with over configurations eligible for an exclusive coupon discount Enjoy triple digit savings on the latest Macs featuring M Pro and M Max chips Early Black Friday MacBook Pro dealsUnlocking the Early Black Friday MacBook Pro deals at Adorama can be done in two easy steps Read more 2021-11-01 13:09:06
海外TECH Engadget Apple is reportedly working on a way for iPhones to detect car crashes and auto-dial 911 https://www.engadget.com/apples-i-phone-could-soon-detect-a-car-crash-and-dial-911-automatically-134124164.html?src=rss Apple is reportedly working on a way for iPhones to detect car crashes and auto dial Your iPhone might have a new capability as soon as next year detecting a car accident and automatically dialing Apple plans to unveil a feature called quot crash detection quot for both iPhones and Watches according to a Wall Street Journal report The feature would supposedly use sensors like the accelerometer built into Apple devices Apple has reportedly been working on the feature for several years and testing it using real world data According to documents seen by the WSJ Apple has been collecting data shared anonymously from iPhone and Watch users It has detected more than million suspected vehicle impacts with more than of those accompanied by a call to Apple has been using that data to improve the accuracy of its crash detection algorithm since a emergency call is pretty solid confirmation of a serious crash nbsp It s certainly not first to the gate with this Google introduced a similar feature for the Pixel and Pixel via its Personal Safety app that can detect when you ve been in a car crash and alert emergency services GM has been offering it for years in its cars with OnStar and recently introduced crash detection to smartphones via the OnStar Guardian app OnStar s in vehicle service reportedly responds to over crash notifications a month as the WSJ noted nbsp Apple introduced fall detection to the Apple Watch series and it can automatically call emergency services and contact your loved ones if you don t respond to a prompt in a certain amount of time The crash detection feature is supposed to come out for iPhone and Apple Watches in provided everything goes to plan nbsp 2021-11-01 13:41:24
海外TECH Engadget The best laptops and tablets to give as gifts https://www.engadget.com/holiday-gifts-best-laptops-and-tablets-130051902.html?src=rss The best laptops and tablets to give as giftsIf you re thinking of getting a laptop or tablet as a gift you ve got a wealth of options Thanks to the latest round of hardware from Intel Apple AMD and NVIDIA all of our portable devices have gotten steadily faster and more efficient Even the cheapest iPad can be a decent productivity machine while gaming laptops now have almost all of the power of their desktop siblings And with the arrival of Windows it s a perfect time to give someone a nifty PC upgrade especially since very old computers won t be able to step up Dell XPS DellNot to sound like a broken record but the XPS is still the best Windows ultraportable you can buy The design hasn t changed much but that s not a huge problem It s still incredibly light and features extraordinarily thin screen bezels And now you can also take advantage of Intel s latest th generation processors The XPS can also be configured with an OLED screen an ideal gift for someone who could use a bright and color accurate display And if you ve got someone in mind who could use even more power the new XPS has the same sleek design but it has more room for a bigger display and better hardware Buy XPS at Dell starting at Apple MacBook AirWill Lipman Photography for EngadgetApple s MacBook Air hasn t been upgraded since last year s miraculous model ーwhich gave it the winning combination of Apple s M processor a fan less design and incredible battery life ーbut it s still one of the best laptops on the market It s powerful enough to handle most productivity tasks and a few games and whoever s lucky enough to get it won t have to worry about any fans spinning up since it s completely passively cooled You can also find the M equipped MacBook Air on sale occasionally making it one of the smarter gift purchases this season Buy MacBook Air M at Amazon Apple iPadAppleKudos to Apple for continually improving its entry level iPad Once again it s one of the best tablet gift options on the market It s faster than ever thanks to Apple s A Bionic processor and it includes more storage The model now comes with GB or you could bump up to GB for That s more than enough space to save every episode of Bluey and several seasons of Sesame Street to survive long car trips Sure the design hasn t changed much since last year but that doesn t matter much ーit s still a more than capable tablet Buy iPad at Amazon Amazon Fire HD Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetAmazon s Fire tablets are basically just video first Android slates but they also prove you don t have to pay a ton to buy a useful tablet for someone This year the Fire HD is a bit faster has percent more memory and features a slightly brighter screen And as a bonus there s a Bluetooth keyboard accessory that can turn it into a cheap productivity tablet But its core selling point is the same as always it can tackle most tablet tasks easily and it won t cost too much There are also kid centric Fire tablets worth considering which come with a more durable case and two years worth of free replacements Buy Fire HD at Amazon Razer Blade RazerYou can take all of the praise we ve given Razer s Blade over the years and apply it to the latest model Razer s flagship gaming notebook still has a sleek unibody aluminum case and it packs in the latest CPUs and GPUs including NVIDIA s top end RTX And thanks to improved screen choices you can also gift models with fast p displays which are sharper than p screens and easier to run natively than K displays If portability is a greater concern take a look at the new Razer Blade a sub four pound notebook sporting AMD s latest processors Buy Blade at Razer ASUS Zephyrus G img alt ASUS Zephyrus G for the Engadget Holiday Gift Guide src Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetIf the gamer in your life wants something more flashy and a bit lighter than the Razer Blade consider the Zephyrus G With the combined power of AMD s latest processors and NVIDIA s latest graphics cards it ll handle practically any game thrown at it And if you re on a budget you can find lower end models cheaper than the equivalent Razer s Mostly though we love this laptop because it has pretty much everything we d want in a mobile gaming rig ーthat includes an excellent keyboard a speedy Hz p screen and excellent battery life The only downside is that there s no webcam but any aspiring streamer would rather have a separate external camera anyway Buy Zephyrus G at Best Buy Acer Chromebook Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetThe best Chromebooks are cheap sturdy and powerful enough to handle basic school and office work Acer s Chromebook is one of the best current options especially if you re looking for something for a child It has a spill resistant keyboard a sturdy impact resistant case and anchored keys that are harder for kids to pull off Its Intel Celeron N chip isn t the fastest but it s enough to work on Google Docs Sheets and Presentations without breaking too much of a sweat Buy Acer Chromebook at Amazon Microsoft Surface Laptop Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetSometimes it seems like there are just too many PC ultraportables to choose from but Microsoft s Surface Laptop line are always a solid option They feature some of the best keyboards on the market excellent displays and support for all of Microsoft s notebook accessories like the Surface Stylus But mostly we appreciate them for their design simplicity They re sturdy attractive and built for productivity The latest inch model also packs in speedy AMD processors that are powerful enough to play a few rounds of Overwatch Buy Surface Laptop at Microsoft starting at 2021-11-01 13:15:06
金融 金融庁ホームページ LIBOR利用状況簡易調査の結果概要について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/ginkou/20211101/20211101.html libor 2021-11-01 15:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home COP26: Get serious about climate change or it will be too late - Johnson https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59121535?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA boris 2021-11-01 13:28:24
ニュース BBC News - Home David Fuller: Double murder accused abused corpses, court told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-59102068?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA caroline 2021-11-01 13:54:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Cumbria coal mine: What is the controversy about? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-56023895?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA whitehaven 2021-11-01 13:50:27
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 iPhoneに車衝突時の緊急通報機能 アップル、来年導入か - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/286421 iphone 2021-11-01 22:15:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 「AirPods第三世代」はウェブ会議で重宝する最高級イヤホンと化していた!【今日のライフハックツール】 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/11/245024lht-airpods-3rd-generation.html airpods 2021-11-01 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 高校生読書体験記 最優秀に近田さん https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/606959/ 高校生 2021-11-01 22:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 COP26、首脳級会合 温暖化対策強化へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/606954/ 国連気候変動枠組み条約 2021-11-01 22:02:00



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