Engadget Japanese |
テスラのスーパーチャージャーが他社EVでも利用可能に。オランダからテスト開始 |
利用可能 |
2021-11-02 07:30:42 |
Engadget Japanese |
Meta、ニカラグア政府機関が運営していたFacebook上のトロールファームを排除 |
facebook |
2021-11-02 07:00:11 |
ロボスタ |
Telexistence、新型ロボット『TX SCARA』を発表 飲料陳列業務を独自AIシステムで自動化「ファミリーマート経済産業省店」に導入 |
gordon |
2021-11-02 07:07:28 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 北関東の「住みここちランキング2021」発表 3位「茨城県つくば市」、2位「茨城県東海村」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-11-02 16:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 50%が「ご近所トラブル」を経験 圧倒的な差で1位となった原因とは? |
itmedia |
2021-11-02 16:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] タクシーの「相乗りサービス」開始 配車アプリで目的地が近い客をマッチング、運賃は乗車距離で案分 |
itmedia |
2021-11-02 16:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 汚れたまま乗り込めるアウトドア向け特別使用車 日産、「キックス コロンビアエディション」発売 |
itmedia |
2021-11-02 16:32:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
さようなら Microsoft SQL Server、こんにちは Babelfish |
ただし、データベースとやり取りするアプリケーションコードを書き直すなど、アプリケーション自体を移行するには、常に多くの作業が必要です。 |
2021-11-02 07:00:28 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pytnonでMoodleの出席を自動化させてみた |
pytnonでMoodleの出席を自動化させてみたはじめに今更ではありますが、一年前に書いたコードを紹介したいと思います。 |
2021-11-02 16:45:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
expected <block end>, but found Scalarの対処法 |
expectedltblockendgtbutfoundScalarの対処法前提・実現したいことebnbspdeployを成功させたいです。 |
2021-11-02 16:58:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails jsファイルが読み込めない |
Railsjsファイルが読み込めない問題点appassetsjavascriptsdiarynewjsと便宜的にjsファイルを構成しています。 |
2021-11-02 16:40:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP 多次元配列 for文 |
ltphp |
2021-11-02 16:40:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
逆フーリエ変換による音源抽出について |
逆フーリエ変換による音源抽出について・わからないこと現在Pythonを用いて音声にハイパスフィルターをかけ、そのハイパスフィルターをかけたFFTグラフに逆フーリエ変換をして、さらにハイパスフィルターのかかった音源を抽出しようとしています。 |
2021-11-02 16:30:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
BlazorでRazorコンポーネントが表示されない |
BlazorでRazorコンポーネントが表示されない前提・実現したいこと使用エディタVisualnbspStudioプロジェクト種類nbspBlazornbspWebAssemblyアプリ初期プロジェクトを使用CounterFetchdataIndexのもの実現したいことはCounterなどのページにもう一つページを追加したい。 |
2021-11-02 16:27:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
redash上で複合グラフを作りたい |
イメージとしてはExcelで折れ線グラフを作成する際に追加できる「マーカー」をredash上でも実現しようと考えています。 |
2021-11-02 16:27:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP正規表現 英字と半角スペースの表現方法について |
PHP正規表現英字と半角スペースの表現方法について前提・実現したいことltformgtタグで受け取った値をチェックした時、英字と半角スペースはOKとなる正規表現を教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-11-02 16:24:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Segmentation faultについて |
Segmentationfaultについて前提・実現したいことリストを用いた逆ポーランド記法のプログラムを作成しているのですが、「Segmentationnbspfault」と出てしまい動作しません。 |
2021-11-02 16:21:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
シェルでpsqlの処理件数と実行結果を取得したい |
シェルでpsqlの処理件数と実行結果を取得したいシェル初心者です。 |
2021-11-02 16:20:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Safariで中央を揃えたい |
Safariで中央を揃えたい前提・実現したいことHTML、CSSでWebサイト作っているのですが、Safariでリロードすると、中央が揃わないのですがどこが違うのかわかりません。 |
2021-11-02 16:12:33 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntu18.04が突然起動できなくなった話と対処法 |
削除したGPUドライバーを再インストールしましょう。 |
2021-11-02 16:48:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Intern online survey |
Intern online surveyGuys please give this survey it only takes min it is really important for internship |
2021-11-02 07:47:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setting up react native app from ground up🔥⚛️ |
Setting up react native app from ground up️ What is React Native React Native is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create real time natively rendered mobile apps for both iOS as well as Android platforms It s built on React Facebook s JavaScript toolkit for creating UIs although it s designed for mobile platforms rather than the web Web developers can now create mobile applications that look and feel fully native by leveraging the power of this library Furthermore because most of the written code can be shared across platforms React Native makes it simple to develop for both Android as well iOS platforms simultaneously In brief we have the react js library and then we have the react native library they work together so when you build the web application with the React js which is part of it that displays it to the browser with a separate library called react dom React and react dom work together to allow you to build front end browser client side applications but react native is something that you see along with the react library that can render out native components to a mobile device like an IOS device or an android Therefore understanding react js is critical for comprehending react native Cross platformLet s imagine you re merely developing an app for two separate platforms iOS and Android you might have a swift project for iOS and Java Kotlin for Android and they re two completely distinct codebases so you ll need to hire two different devs for the same projects which are quite expensive Hence one of the major advantages of using react native is that you have a single code base What this means is that if you want to build a mobile app for a variety of operating systems you can do so using this single stack of technology because react native helps to compile to both platforms saving you not only time but also money So in terms of requirements if you have a MacBook you can simply create compile and test IOS and Android apps You can create for Android and iOS on Windows but you won t be able to compile or test for iOS There are some workarounds where you can hack it by using the physical device or any other available third party software NOTE If you are building with react native on windows you are going to be building and testing In Android only but if you are on a mac you can compile run and build both IOS and Android applications Components in react nativeSo it s the same as when you use the React js library to create a web application With react native you also have the concept of components You can design your own components but there are also a lot of built in components to help developers construct native apps and User Interfaces with it Basic components include items such as the view which is just a container component that includes text components Image text input ScrollView and Stylesheet So there you have it these are the most essential elements You can also look inside the react native documentation for a detailed overview Now there are Button Picker Slider and Switches for the UI component And then there are list views components consisting of FlatLists where if you want to display a bunch of items and SectionLists It is like a FlatList but meant for sectioned List Finally there are platform specific components such as ActionSheetIOS and AlertIOS which are components for the iOS platform Then there are Android components such as back handler DatePickerAndroid for the Android Platform Therefore React Native includes both Agnostic and Platform Specific components NOTE You can use react native to do everything that react provides such as props drilling state handling and all the other good stuff In react native you can use both functional and class based approaches However in this blog tutorial we will construct the app using a functional based approach Getting started with react nativeSo Without any further ado let s jump right into creating a simple application The first step visit the react native documentation site There are two approaches to learning React native One method is to use expos CLI which acts as a kind of wrapper that abstracts out and runs the react native application and all you really need on your PC is node js You can also test and run your application on your own Smartphone or handheld device However in this blog tutorial we will be using the react native CLI If you re going to use the react native CLI a few things must be installed The first one is Android Studio along with the Android SDK If you are using a Mac you will also need Xcode installed which can be obtained from the App Store So once you ve installed XCode you may have access to the iOS simulator Installing android studioSo let us now proceed to install the Android Studio The very first step is to open the installer and hit the next button After that check marking the Android Virtual Device and again click next Now select the path for your installation and hit next Finally click the install button and wait for the Android Studio to be installed on your PC which should take about to minutes If everything went well you can finally launch your android studio The next step is check that you have Android with API level installed So go ahead and install all of the necessary SDK Click on the SDK manager and make sure you have Android API level installed After that we need to create an emulator so after installation go to Android Studio and click on configure then select AVD manager which is an abbreviation for Android Virtual Device Manager After that click on Create Virtual Device select a device and then click NEXT Select the required SDK version then click NEXT Rename the device name and then click FINISH Your device will be created and finally click the Play button The emulator gets launched So emulator is just an Android device running right inside your desktop Installing XcodeThis article will help you install Xcode on your Mac Freecodecamp articleAfter you have successfully installed Xcode on your MacBook you can either open the simulator in Xcode or go to the terminal and type open a simulator which will launch the iPhone simulator Building a react native projectCreate one folder first open your vscode inside it and open your terminal React Native has a built in command line interface which you can use to generate a new project You can access it without installing anything globally using npx which ships with Node js and also you can install the react native CLI via globally by typing npm install g react native cli Now wait for it to install fully Now that it is installed globally it s time to initialize the application So for that simply type react native init niceworld It will take some time to get fully installed After your app is installed now it will provide some instructions on “how to run the application for both IOS and Android So for IOS you need to go inside the folder and simply type npx react native run iosFor android if you are on windows you need to go inside the folder and typenpx react native run androidLet s run our application So for that simply type react native run android for android and react native run ios for IOS It should automatically open the emulator Now that we ve got everything up and running Let s fix and add some features to our app Go to our App js because it is the application s entry point and root component just like it is in a standard React application where you embed and import various other different components The first step is to remove all of the boilerplate that it provides and start from scratch Now just as if we were using a react library to create a web app we can use either functional components or class based components and if you use a class you can use life cycle methods such as component did mount and component did unmount and so on Hooks can thus be used if functional components are used In this blog tutorial we ll use functional components with hooks The first thing we ll do is import react and create a function called APP Let s return it from within that function Keep in mind that you can use HTML tags inside the return statement only We must use react native components So proceed to the top and import two items One is the View component and the other is the Text component both of which will be from react native Now inside the return use the imported view component So the view component is the container that supports the layout with Flexbox allowing us to style our layout with flexbox and it also maps directly to the native view equivalent on whatever platform react native is running on allowing us to embed other components within the view Use the imported text component within the return statement now Text is a react component that simply displays text Now its time to add some styles to our project App jsimport React from react import View Text from react native const App gt return lt View style flex justifyContent center alignItems center gt lt Text gt Hello World lt Text gt lt View gt export default App As you can see writing styles inside the component can get a little messy so let s add the styleSheet component from react native This component aids in the differentiation of the styles So import the StyleSheet component from react native and copy the following code App jsimport React from react import View Text StyleSheet from react native const App gt return lt View style styles container gt lt Text gt Hello World lt Text gt lt View gt const styles StyleSheet create container flex justifyContent center alignItems center text color blue fontSize export default App Your application should look like this inside the emulator Now let s try to add some images to our app for this there is a component in react native called the Image component Provide the source props and pass in the object so two curly braces with a URI and provide the image URL link inside the image After that let s add some styles to it as well Full article available here gt Happy Coding Follow aviyelHQ or sign up on Aviyel for early access if you are a project maintainer contributor or just an Open Source enthusiast Join Aviyel s Discord gt Aviyel s worldTwitter gt |
2021-11-02 07:22:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React vs Vue: Which JavaScript Framework to Choose for Your Project |
React vs Vue Which JavaScript Framework to Choose for Your ProjectThe original article was published on Codica blog Web tools like Vue js and React offer developers reusable custom components to build various web apps However each framework has its own best use cases So we prepared a Vue js vs React js comparison ーfrom overview to technical features Vue js vs React Side by Side ComparisonIt is worth mentioning that ReactJS was a source of inspiration for Evan You during his work on a Vue js framework “I figured what if I could just extract the part that I really liked about React and build something really lightweight without all the extra concepts involved I was also curious as to how its internal implementation worked I started this experiment just trying to replicate this minimal feature set like declarative data binding That was basically how Vue started Let s start with a brief overview Take a look at the basic information on Vue vs React down below Core similaritiesOn a feature wise level Vue js and React js have a lot in common Besides it can be easily confirmed by Vue js official documentation Here you can see wide ranging features both JS frameworks are filled with Virtual DOM Reactive and Component Structure JavaScript usage TypeScript support Easy version migration Backward compatibility A variety of libraries and tools Flexibility Support of PWA High performance Active communities DistinctionsWhen it comes to the fundamental distinctions between React and Vue we should start with the terminology React is a library while Vue on the other hand is a framework Another distinction is the technique of rendering content to the Document Object Model While React makes extensive use of JSX Vue relies on HTML templates in addition to JSX Finally there are differences between React and Vue in terms of pre built and third party technologies React features capable architecture DOM hierarchy and state management The rest of the functions are created and maintained by the community This way developers get a noticeable room for maneuver Meanwhile newbies may find an abundance of third party instruments a bit tricky The Vue development team originated a large amount of pre written JS libraries and tools Meanwhile a significant portion of newer code was brought by the Vue community So Vue proved to be more balanced in the compatibility of third party and pre built tools This framework easily satisfies the needs of both professionals and newcomers Time proven reputationLooking for a tool for your development project To pick up the right one make sure it has a proven track record When going for immature tools you may face certain risks as Unexpected errors or vulnerabilities Inadequate knowledge base or a community for assistance Let s briefly discuss which one of the two frameworks matured most ReactJS was made and released by Facebook in and Vue debuted just a year later in It means both frameworks have been around for a while to be called mature enough During this period their original flows were eliminated and the technologies have been considerably enhanced Continuous improvements have enabled React and Vue to become the most elegant Javascript frameworks for developing major online applications such as Instagram Facebook Gitlab and Trivago as previously noted Popularity and communitiesTo have an idea of technologies popularity have a look at the results of the survey State of JS Developer satisfaction ratiosIn terms of pleasure and interest we can observe that React marginally beats Vue Source State of JS What developers think about Vue and ReactOverall developers value both technologies positively in terms of use Which one is the most wanted JS frameworkThe Stack Overflow Developer Survey is a dependable source of useful insights regarding popular technology The latest findings suggest that React and Vue are first and second among the frameworks professionals want the most Being more popular React consequently offers a richer ecosystem than Vue does However we cannot but note almost identical satisfaction ratios among developers So the future outcomes may depend on community driven improvements rather than framework origins Which one will suit your project best Both tools are used for solving numerous tasks React and Vue help you create web applications single page apps and UI elements Here is the comparison a table considering different occasions to choose ReactJS or Vue js Wrapping upAs we can see Vue and React give you comprehensive options to deal with solutions of different complexity React is excellent for building complex web apps including SaaS products and multi vendor marketplaces Thanks to the large community it is easier to maintain such a library Writing code from scratch is almost unnecessary since there are so many out of the box solutions Meanwhile Vue js comes in handy for lightweight projects and easy to repair software The entry lever barrier for newcomers is lower The Vue community is smaller compared to React but it is on the rise At Codica we are big fans of Vue js and ReactJS Both technologies helped us build custom software of different complexity ーfrom a travel marketplace to an accommodation search To see more details about Vue js vs ReactJS check our full article Vue js vs React Comparison of Two Most Popular JS Frameworks |
2021-11-02 07:07:10 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Squid Game' cryptocurrency collapses in a $3 million scam |
x Squid Game x cryptocurrency collapses in a million scamA cryptocurrency inspired by Squid Game successfully enticed enough investors to see its value soar to over before its creators cashed out and vanished The cryptocurrency called SQUID which wasn t officially sanctioned by Netflix launched in late October and rose up to percent in value within just a few days It was sold supposedly as a way to play an upcoming online game based on the South Korean series in which people buried in debt are forced to play a deadly game nbsp At AM on Monday morning however the coin s value plummeted to its website disappeared you can view an archive here and its Twitter account got blocked As Gizmodo explained its creators staged what s called in the crypto world as a quot rug pull quot wherein the coin s creators cash out for real money and disappear The scammers may have made off with as much as million nbsp There were multiple signs that the cryptocurrency was a scam from the start ーpeople merely missed or ignored them perhaps due to the promise of a game based on the popular Netflix show Its website was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors and as Gizmodo pointed out people were able to buy coins but weren t allowed to sell them nbsp This isn t the first time a coin based on a pop culture phenomenon was launched and it won t be the last While some may be legit those interested to invest in them will have to keep an eye out for signs of fraud Just earlier this year a cryptocurrency based on The Mandalorian turned out to be a scam as well |
2021-11-02 07:39:57 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
COP26: World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030 |
brazil |
2021-11-02 07:25:40 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
グリーン/ソーシャルボンド・コンファレンス(2021年11月12日)の開催について |
年月日 |
2021-11-02 09:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
国際資本市場協会(ICMA)主催「エグゼクティブ研修コース」(2021年11月11日)の開催について |
資本市場 |
2021-11-02 08:59:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行が受入れている担保の残高(10月末) |
日本銀行 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行による国庫短期証券の銘柄別買入額 |
国庫短期証券 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行が保有する国債の銘柄別残高 |
日本銀行 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
FSBが「新型コロナウイルス感染症の世界的大流行に関する金融安定上の観点からの教訓:最終報告書」を公表 |
世界的大流行 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
FSBがG20首脳会議へのレターを公表 |
首脳会議 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
三井ダイレクト損保、SBI日本少短「みんなのバイク保険」提供開始 |
2021-11-02 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
新規入国システムのタイランドパスが稼働 |
新規 |
2021-11-02 07:35:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
政府が新たな新型コロナ規制緩和策を公表、管理区域を再指定 |
規制緩和 |
2021-11-02 07:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
バンコク都が規制緩和措置を公表、条件付きで店内アルコール消費が可能に |
規制緩和 |
2021-11-02 07:25:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
オーストラリア政府、シンガポールからの隔離なしの渡航再開を発表 |
隔離 |
2021-11-02 07:10:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
ジョンソン英首相、COP26で開発途上国向けの支援策発表 |
開発途上国 |
2021-11-02 07:05:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Main opposition CDP leader Yukio Edano, all party execs to quit after election results |
october |
2021-11-02 16:39:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
COP26: World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030 |
brazil |
2021-11-02 07:25:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fishing row: France delays sanctions as talks over access continue |
access |
2021-11-02 07:41:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
MPs call for five year delay in all-lane smart motorways |
permanent |
2021-11-02 07:42:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Antonio Conte: Tottenham set to appoint former Chelsea and Inter Milan boss |
manager |
2021-11-02 07:36:41 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
JALの22年3月期は1460億円の最終赤字へ、コロナ影響続く - 不景気.com |
業績予想 |
2021-11-02 07:29:43 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
三井海洋開発の21年12月期は65億円の赤字へ、クラスター発生 - 不景気.com |
三井海洋開発 |
2021-11-02 07:14:16 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
メモは紙にしたい人にぴったりかも。手書きを瞬時にデータ化できる「DigiPen」を使ってみた |
digipen |
2021-11-02 16:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
共闘、山岡氏に追い風 衆院選北海道9区結果分析 共産支持9割固める |
日高管内 |
2021-11-02 16:16:54 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証反落、126円安2万9520円 前日の反動、利益確定の売り |
利益確定 |
2021-11-02 16:16:32 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日航、1460億円の赤字 22年3月期、旅客需要が低迷 |
日本航空 |
2021-11-02 16:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
4度目の対決、野党共闘が奏功 衆院選北海道9区分析 山岡氏、前回より2万5千票増 |
立憲民主党 |
2021-11-02 16:16:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
稲津氏、各地で安定得票 「空知重視」奏功 衆院選北海道10区結果分析 |
重視 |
2021-11-02 16:12:30 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
楽天の松井、右太もも痛から復帰 CS出場は3日に判断 |
松井裕樹 |
2021-11-02 16:01:21 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
11月3日の「カプコンTV!」は拡大SP!YouTuber「よしなま」さんと一緒に『モンハンライズ』をプレイできるチャンス |
youtuber |
2021-11-02 16:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
すた丼屋「お客様感謝祭」で肉増し・飯増し半額に!超ボリューム丼に挑戦はいかが? |
伝説のすた丼屋 |
2021-11-02 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ルーンマスター三国英傑伝(MSX2版)』が本日より「プロジェクトEGG」で無料配信開始! |
会員登録 |
2021-11-02 16:15:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
ジーユーの新CM、ボタン一つで自由にファッションを切り替えられるゲームのような世界を展開 |
ジーユーの新CM、ボタン一つで自由にファッションを切り替えられるゲームのような世界を展開ジーユーは、月に年秋冬シーズンのCMを開始。 |
2021-11-02 07:34:18 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
吉岡虎太郎さん、20年前と伝わる言葉って変わりましたか? |
言葉 |
2021-11-02 07:27:50 |