python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】デバッグ用のグラフ描画関数 |
【Python】デバッグ用のグラフ描画関数背景Anacondaの商用有償化でVSCodeで実装およびデバッグを行っているが、デバッグ時にグラフを書くためのコードの記述が面倒対策pyplotのimport、グラフの描画、メモリの解放までやってくれる関数を作成する。 |
2021-11-03 18:52:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JupyterLabのkernelにアイコンを設定する。 |
logoxpnglogoxpng画面を確認うちの子の例だと、PHP、JavaScript、TypeScript、Swiftにアイコンを設定しています。 |
2021-11-03 18:31:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
時系列データの対数差分を取る 【python】 |
・対数差分の取り方※全てのデータが正の数であることが条件。 |
2021-11-03 18:12:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitHub Code Copilotで画像収集してみた |
2021-11-03 18:01:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
セレクトボックスの値からプルダウンを表示・非表示にしたい |
セレクトボックスの値からプルダウンを表示・非表示にしたい表題の通り、Laravelでセレクトボックスの値からプルダウンを表示・非表示にしたいです。 |
2021-11-03 18:53:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WindowsのPath変数宣言はどこで行われる? |
WindowsのPath変数宣言はどこで行われるWindowsでパスを通す場合「システムのプロパティ」gt「環境変数」からGUIでパスの登録を行っています。 |
2021-11-03 18:43:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SpringSecurityのDB認証,WebSecurityConfigでの引数エラー |
SpringSecurityのDB認証WebSecurityConfigでの引数エラー前提・実現したいことSpringnbspSecurity初学者ですDBからユーザ情報を取得し認証を行う処理を実装したいのですが以下のエラーメッセージが発生しました。 |
2021-11-03 18:41:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
tensorflow.keras Conv2Dのpaddingの仕様が分からない |
tensorflowkerasConvDのpaddingの仕様が分からない前提・実現したいこと現在、「PythonとKerasによるディープラーニング」という本で勉強をしています。 |
2021-11-03 18:39:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
processingでランダムに画像表示 |
それと枚の画像をランダム表示させる前に、スタート画面を付けてそこでクリックしてから次のシーンでクリックしてランダムに画像を表示させたいです。 |
2021-11-03 18:38:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
とある中国のメーカーサイトにアクセスできない |
とある中国のメーカーサイトにアクセスできないXiaomiという中国のメーカーサイトにアクセスできません。 |
2021-11-03 18:27:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studio 2019 でツールボックスに項目が表示されない |
VisualStudioでツールボックスに項目が表示されない前提・実現したいことVisualnbspStudionbspnbspでCを使い、簡単な物理シミュレーションをしようとしています。 |
2021-11-03 18:14:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
blenderでグラスBSDFを用いると灰色一色になってしまいます。 |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージグラスBSDFノードをマテリアル出力の「サーフェス」に繋いで、Dビューポートをレンダーの表示にすると、ガラスでなく完全に灰色になってしまいます。 |
2021-11-03 18:07:37 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【RSpec】Railsチュートリアル第6版 第9章 |
【RSpec】Railsチュートリアル第版第章はじめにRailsチュートリアル第版のテストをRSpecで書き直していく。 |
2021-11-03 18:46:51 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
where メソッドで複数のカラムから同時に検索する方法 |
whereメソッドで複数のカラムから同時に検索する方法開発環境rubyRubyonRails本題複数のカラムの情報まとめてあいまい検索したかったらTaskwherecontentLIKEortitleLIKEparamstasksearchparamstasksearchこんな感じでつのカラムとつの条件式をいれることでまとめて検索できる。 |
2021-11-03 18:02:45 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのコンソール画面を英語設定してみた |
AWSのコンソール画面を英語設定してみたzennのほうでも同じ記事を投稿していますzennではフロントエンドのことも含め、いろいろ投稿しているのでぜひご覧くださいAWSは日本語のドキュメントが充実しているので、あまり英語にするメリットがなさそうだと思われるかもしれないのでメリットを考えてみました。 |
2021-11-03 18:29:32 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Docker】起動中のコンテナのシェルに接続する方法 |
ただし、起動時にデーモン※を起動していた場合はそのデーモンの標準入出力に接続されてしまう。 |
2021-11-03 18:09:10 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1MacでECSにデプロイする時の注意点 |
ローカル環境でDockerを立ち上げる場合は問題ないのですがECSでコンテナデプロイをする場合はCPUアーキテクチャがAMDと明記されているDockerイメージを使用しなければなりません。 |
2021-11-03 18:08:39 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SpannerにおけるMutationの数え方 |
SpannerにおけるMutationの数え方SpannerのMutationの数え方を調べたのでメモMutationMutationはDBへの操作Insert・Update・Deleteの単位として使われる言葉Transactionを使ってアトミックに複数のMutationをまとめて実行する際にはkMutation問題を意識する必要があるkMutation問題とは一つのTransactionで扱えるMutationが万個までという制限のことMutationの罠spannerパッケージにあるspannerMutationはコード上でInsertやUpdateなどの処理の単位を表しているがSpannerの内部ではもっと細かい処理の単位に分解されるらしくコード上で扱うspannerMutationの数を数えてもk制限対象のMutationの数とは一致しないコードのMutationの数が個以下ならOKとかそういうことではないfuncwritewioWriterdbstringerrorctxcontextBackgroundclienterrspannerNewClientctxdbiferrnilreturnerrdeferclientClosesingerColumnsstringSingerIdFirstNameLastNamealbumColumnsstringSingerIdAlbumIdAlbumTitlemspannerMutationspannerInsertOrUpdateSingerssingerColumnsinterfaceMarcRichardsspannerInsertOrUpdateSingerssingerColumnsinterfaceCatalinaSmithspannerInsertOrUpdateSingerssingerColumnsinterfaceAliceTrentorspannerInsertOrUpdateSingerssingerColumnsinterfaceLeaMartinspannerInsertOrUpdateSingerssingerColumnsinterfaceDavidLomondspannerInsertOrUpdateAlbumsalbumColumnsinterfaceTotalJunkspannerInsertOrUpdateAlbumsalbumColumnsinterfaceGoGoGospannerInsertOrUpdateAlbumsalbumColumnsinterfaceGreenspannerInsertOrUpdateAlbumsalbumColumnsinterfaceForeverHoldYourPeacespannerInsertOrUpdateAlbumsalbumColumnsinterfaceTerrifiederrclientApplyctxmreturnerr引用ドキュメントにも挿入や更新などの操作はカラムの数・インデックスの数に影響されると記載されている挿入と更新のオペレーション回数は、オペレーションの影響を受ける列数を単位としてカウントされ、主キー列は常に影響を受けます。 |
2021-11-03 18:17:27 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【RSpec】Railsチュートリアル第6版 第9章 |
【RSpec】Railsチュートリアル第版第章はじめにRailsチュートリアル第版のテストをRSpecで書き直していく。 |
2021-11-03 18:46:51 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
where メソッドで複数のカラムから同時に検索する方法 |
whereメソッドで複数のカラムから同時に検索する方法開発環境rubyRubyonRails本題複数のカラムの情報まとめてあいまい検索したかったらTaskwherecontentLIKEortitleLIKEparamstasksearchparamstasksearchこんな感じでつのカラムとつの条件式をいれることでまとめて検索できる。 |
2021-11-03 18:02:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS DataSync で東京リージョンにあるEFSのデータを大阪リージョンにあるS3へデータ転送してみる |
awsbackup |
2021-11-03 09:14:51 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Will the Kleiman vs. Wright Court Case Finally Reveal Who Invented Bitcoin? |
bitcoin |
2021-11-03 09:55:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 reasons I started a developer blog and why you should concider starting one too |
reasons I started a developer blog and why you should concider starting one tooAfter a two month “blogging dry spell it might be a little ironic that now is when I decide to write a blogpost about blogging But I d like to get back into the habit of writing regularly and I think you should consider it too In this blogpost I will explain why After a decade as a front end developer I finally started a developer tech blog in february Why now Why not years ago or years ago The short answer is “imposter syndrome I felt like everything was written before and or I didn t know enough about a subject to blog about it None of these are good reasons for not blogging You have a unique point of viewIt does not matter if you have worked as a developer for years or if you are just starting out Your point of view are unique Your ways of explaining something is unique and even though there are hundreds of blogposts about a subject your blogpost might be the one that will help someone else In my experience I can read multiple different blogposts about exactly the same topic and only one of them makes sense to me Thats why I decided to add my voice to the mix and thats why there are always room for more bloggers We wan t to learn from someone at our own level or just one step aboveHave you ever read a blogpost and thought “I feel like there is something secret written between the lines and I don t know what it is This can typically be a problem when an expert tries to write something for beginners The expert have forgotten what it was like when they just started out and take a lot of knowledge for granted and without even thinking about it they leave it out of their explanations Thats why you should write about stuff as you re learning them or right after When you still remember all the questions you had and what type of challanges you met You get a deeper understanding of the subjectThe process around writing a blogpost will give you a better understanding of a subject And probably about some related subjects too For most of my blogposts I try to find some good resources that the reader can benefit from and that means I have to locate and read those resources myselfe to make sure they are relevant If I was not blogging I probably would not read as many other blogs either and I would miss out on the knowledge other people share Writing things down also helps you to remember it better And it gives you an reference you can go back to later Like my github cheat sheet I use and update regularly You help others avoid the issues you have encounteredAt some point in your developer journy you have probably encountered an issue that you have trouble finding good resources on You know when you actually go to page on google out of desperation “Someone must have solved this before And after hours days weeks you are finally able to fit together small pieces of information from multiple sources and find the solution to your issue The next time this happens you should write about the issue and the solution so the next person that is googling it doesn t need to spend as much time on it Sharing is caring It can give you opertunitiesA lot of developers have portfolios to showcase what they can do But if you don t have time to create multiple portfolio projects a blog is a great way to showcase your knowledge and highlight what you re most interested in A blogpost can also be a great outline to a conference talk or even a workshop You can use it as a baseline if you are sending in a call for papers or creating an online course You can earn some moneyThis is not one of my reasons and it is not a goal for me right now But that does not mean that it can t be one of yours Lots of people make money of their content here are some great resources you can look into “How I made on side projects in Emma Bostian compiled blog“ ways developers can make money through blogging Edidiong AsikpoMaybe one day I ll take this blog to the next level and monitize it but for now I m happy with keeping it simple and don t overthink this blogging thing Did you find this article usefull Follow me on twitter to be notified when I publish something new Also if you have any feedback or questions please let me know in the comments below Thank you for reading and happy coding Eli |
2021-11-03 09:21:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to implement Redis Cache Using Spring boot? |
How to implement Redis Cache Using Spring boot Hello Its Rohan Kadam Hello All You all may have in mind many questions such as What is Redis Cache Why use Redis Cache How to use Redis Cache In this blog we are going to answer all the questions asked above but predominately How Redis Cache implemented Using Spring Boot What is Redis Cache Redis which stands for Remote Dictionary Server is a fast open source in memory key value data store The project started when Salvatore Sanfilippo the original developer of Redis wanted to improve the scalability of his Italian startup From there he developed Redis which is now used as a database cache message broker and queue Redis is an open source BSD licensed in memory data structure store used as a database cache and message broker Redis provides data structures such as strings hashes lists sets sorted sets with range queries bitmaps hyperloglogs geospatial indexes and streams Redis has built in replication Lua scripting LRU eviction transactions and different levels of on disk persistence and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster Why use Redis Cache Redis is a great choice for implementing a highly available in memory cache to decrease data access latency increase throughput and ease the load off your relational or NoSQL database and application Redis can serve frequently requested items at sub millisecond response times and enables you to easily scale for higher loads without growing the costlier backend Database query results caching persistent session caching web page caching and caching of frequently used objects such as images files and metadata are all popular examples of caching with Redis Redis can be used with streaming solutions such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis as an in memory data store to ingest process and analyze real time data with sub millisecond latency Redis is an ideal choice for real time analytics use cases such as social media analytics ad targeting personalization and IoT How to use Redis Cache The use of Redis Cache is are many its can be used as a database or cache but in these parts we going to cover how we can use Redis as a cache Step How to generate Spring Boot Project Spring Initializr Step Which dependencies should I include Step What are the properties we need to add to the application properties Step What will be the Configuration for Redis Cache Note We are using building a spring boot application so we are going to Jedis Configuration in configuration Step What are the Controller Endpoints or API Endpoints Step What is GenericResponse AddUserDto amp AuthUserDto Step Where is business logic or so called UserService Step Where is my entity class Step How to perform CRUD operations for Redis cache Step How to test It are project Testing of API endpoint can be done using many different ways if you asked me its will using PostmanAPI Endpoints are User Registration Endpointhttp localhost redis demo addUser Login Endpointhttp localhost redis demo Conclusion In the article we tried to answers many questions related to Redis Cache and how to implement the same using Spring boot Redis Cache powerfully features such as caching and fast querying are used by many fortune companies to provide service to others Please do share and like if you find the article useful Follow me on medium Rohan Ravindra Kadam and on Twitter at rohankadam |
2021-11-03 09:21:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Bitcoin nasil alinir |
Bitcoin nasil alinirHemen şimdi siz de bitcoin nasıl alınır öğrenin Tek yapmanız gereken sitemizi ziyarette bulunup bitcoin nasıl alınır adım adım takip edip uygulamak Hemen Şimdi bitcoin satın alın |
2021-11-03 09:21:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Improve Your Programming Skills As Developers and Non-Developers |
How To Improve Your Programming Skills As Developers and Non DevelopersWhether you re a developer designer or even a marketing specialist learning how to code and improving your programming skills can be critical to your career growth With that said the path you take to improve your technical knowledge will differ based on your background and familiarity with programming In this blog post we ll dig into why people from all sorts of backgroundsーespecially developersーwant to get better at programming and what “getting better at programming means We ll then outline the best ways to learn programming depending on your backgrounds and goals Why improve your programming skills What does that mean From personal to work projects from passion to career from curiosity to practicality there are many reasons why you may want to improve your programming skills While a common reason people choose to learn programming is to become a developer that is not the only reason Non developers such as designers and business owners might also want to learn programming to add to their skill set In this article we ll look at three groups of people who may want to improve their programming skills Developers from all levels of seniorityStudents and aspiring developersNon developers e g designers marketers business analysts etc To help you figure out how to improve your skills we want to expand on what improving your programming skills might mean We ran a survey to better understand what people mean when they say they want to “improve their programming skills and will use that as a starting point As shown above the top three scenarios people need help with to get better at programming are Get hands on guidance to solve specific tasks or eliminate blockersLearn basic programming skillsDeepen my understanding of technical conceptsThe first scenario applies to both developers and non developers the second scenario to students aspiring developers and non developers and the third scenario to mid level and senior developers Let s dig deeper into each scenario to see which scenario fits your needs best Get hands on guidance to help me solve specific tasks or eliminate blockersDevelopers regardless of seniority usually look for targeted learning that caters to specific problems or blockers they re facing They seek out coding mentors to show them how to identify and solve problems so that they can do it themselves in the future I can watch how they solve my issue and then when I have a similar issue I can solve it by myself Robert bachelor s student in Computer ScienceWhat about non developers Their intentions are almost identical to that of developers regardless of whether they re business analysts marketing specialists UX designers or even CEOs They have specific projects they re working on and the project requires programming skills that are beyond their current abilities Rather than simply outsourcing their projects these users want to learn programming languages that ll give them more autonomy and power to deliver projects and strengthen their careers By working with my mentors I learned how to approach the problems and find solutions to them Philip Founder and Product Manager Learn basic coding skillsAnother major user group is aspiring programmers who identify as students at the beginning of their coding journey Oftentimes these are students who are getting a Bachelor s or Master s degree in Computer Sciencetaking online classes or in coding bootcamps All of the above provide coding lessons and coding training However many students still look for mentor despite having professors peers and sometimes even mentors to assist them in their coding bootcamps Jared a current coding bootcamp student explained why he sought mentorship outside of his bootcamp We re assigned a mentor but we re usually only able to talk with them once a week It s hard to get help immediately when I m stuck Another thing is that my mentor doesn t always know what I m struggling with and they only assist with projects and concepts that are taught in the syllabus I feel like mentors here can identify what I really really need to know to be able to become a good developer in the real world What on mentorships provide that other structured courses don t provide include Personalized diagnoses from senior developersIndividualized coding training based on one s existing knowledgeTrack your progress provide you with extra resources and tailor your learning experience as you growIn other words students use mentorship as an additional resource to enhance their learning experience The mentorship relationship often extends beyond their programs as students eventually become developers and continue to grow and learn through long term mentorships Deepen my understanding of technical conceptsLast but not least a lot of developers want to deepen their understanding of technical concepts Some of the questions and requests developers post include Would like to meet weekly to discuss process in iOS dev clarifying principles in SwiftHelp learning Vue js and advanced JavaScript also help with backendNeed someone to personally coach me DS Algorithms in JavaAs you can see many programmers in this category already have some understanding of the tech stacks and technology they re working with but want to take their skills to the next level For mid level developers structured courses are unhelpful as they re looking to dive deep into specific areas not typically covered by online classes or bootcamps Through working directly with coding mentors the learning process can be tailored to each developer s needs With all that said we want to highlight some ways to help you improve your programming skills depending on which stage of the coding journey you re at and what your goals are Overview of different ways to improve your programming skillsDifferent people learn differently Depending on your skill level goals and availability you may want to consider coding training that is structured semi structured or unstructured Generally speaking structured learning is most suitable for aspiring developers semi structured learning is more fitting for non developers and unstructured learning is more effective for mid to senior level developers We ll talk more about which approach may fit you better and what resources are available to you Structured LearningIf you don t have any coding foundation and want to become a developer structured and comprehensive coding training that has dedicated instructors detailed projects and hard deadlines may be the most effective for you These programs are highly intensive require high levels of commitment and can be quite pricey Your options include Four year or two year degrees from universities and community collegesCoding certification programsOnline or in person coding bootcamps Some examples include Software Development Web Development Codesmith Full time Software Engineering Immersive USD Tech Elevator Coding Bootcamp Program USD Hack Reactor Coding Bootcamp USD Mobile Applications DevelopmentThe Tech Academy Mobile App Developer Bootcamp Devmountain iOS Development Course If becoming a software developer and pursuing full time programming careers are not your goals a comprehensive bootcamp may be an overkill Instead you can choose semi structured learning that aligns with your needs and goals Semi Structured LearningIf you simply want to learn one or two programming languages or tech stacks online courses are a good alternative as they often focus on specific topics and languages Most online courses are semi structured meaning you will be given a syllabus and structured lessons but no dedicated instructors hard deadlines and sometimes not even hands on projects You ll have more freedom but less guidance and built in accountability If this sounds like something you prefer here are some examples Data ScienceHarvard University s online coursesUdacityDatacampFrontend DevelopmentUdemyFreeCodeCampKhan AcademyBackend DevelopmentFreeCodeCamp University of Michigan s online coursesCoding courses online are accessible and flexible However there are some possible downsides The courses can sometimes be outdatedThere is little to no accountability May be too theory heavy with little focus on applicationNo available mentors to reach out to when questions ariseIf you do choose semi structured courses we d suggest finding a mentor to help guide you along the way You can take full control over your learning by asking a coding mentor to explain concepts that are hard to grasp keep you accountable and provide you with hands on guidance on how to apply the theories in real world settings Unstructured LearningIf you re starting from scratch we wouldn t suggest going the unstructured route While there is a plethora of coding resources available it can be hard to know where to start Without a solid foundation or a good grasp of the help or answer you re looking for finding the right books blog posts and YouTube videos can be like searching for a needle in a haystack Even worse you could go down a rabbit hole that may be misleading With that said unstructured learning is the most common way experienced developers continue to grow their programming skills Developers are known to be resourceful community oriented and driven learners If you already have the foundations you need and know what you re looking for here are some generic resources you may find useful Stack OverflowGitHubAwesome Learning Resources lauragift Awesome Learning Resources GDGAhmedabad Learn to code ashleymcnamara ProjectLearn Project Based Learning Xtremilicious Redditr learnprogrammingr ProgrammingBuddiesr cscareerquestionsYouTubeProjects amp gamesDevProjectsConferences and webinarsMeetupsBook ClubsWith a solid enough foundation you can find any resource that ll help you learn However as you grow as a developer you ll also have less time dedicated to learning new technologies This is where coding mentors could be helpful Richa a senior developer with years of experience said I am a developer and trying to learn more tech stacks Now there s just not enough time to schedule a time for dedicated learning like I used to do during my learning days years ago Pair programming sessions at Codementor have reduced that learning time dramatically for me Communities like Stack Overflow dev to and GitHub are crucial to the continuous growth of every developer and coding mentors can help you navigate through the programming knowledge shared in these communities Will working with a mentor help improve my programming skills We ve briefly discussed the benefits of having a coding mentor in your coding journey throughout the process but what is coding mentorship Coding mentors are senior developers who act as your advisor and coach to help you learn new technologies personal skills and career guidance Here are some hard and soft skills that coding mentors can provide Help kickstart your programming professional development Understand your unique pain points and cater to your individual needsImpart knowledge and wisdom through their working and coding experienceHold you accountable to achieve your goalsDiscover and hone your leadership skillsBoost your confidence and problem solving abilitiesRegardless of whether you decide to take the structured semi structured or unstructured route to learn how to code and reach your goals having a coding mentor or two can help you grow technically personally and professionally ConclusionThere is no right way to go about learning how to code just as there is also no right track for those who choose to learn to code If you re figuring out which learning style is the best for you one of the most important things is to identify what your goal is Once you ve identified your short term and long term goals you can mix and match the learning styles that fit your needs the best If you re unsure what you need to achieve your goals finding a mentor is a great place to start Mentors can help you identify and clarify your goals They would also provide you with the best resource to help you learn according to your skill level and learning style There is no cookie cutter approach and no shortcut to improve your programming skills Getting the results and reaching the goals you have takes strategizing and the right kind of help We hope this article will help you find what suits you best If you have any questions thoughts or experience to share about honing your programming skills leave a comment below |
2021-11-03 09:13:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learning Resources for Developers |
Learning Resources for DevelopersPhoto by Abby Chung from PexelsYou would like to continue your journey as a developer by intentionally taking some time to learn something new Or maybe deepen your existing knowledge in a specific subject but are not sure where to find appropriate resources Trust me I ve been there In the past I sometimes got so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options that I simply spent most of my time browsing around hopping from one great course to the next until there was no more time to study But fear no more I put together a list of reliable options for you to dig in If you are missing something please feel free to add it in a comment I d love to check it out Tiny Teachers This morning I read in Stefan Judis newsletter literally my favourite web development newsletter out there hands down that he put together the platform Tiny Teachers where you can browse resources by category currently things like CSS Vim amp Typescript are on there to name a few and add your own Will be great to see how this one develops once more people contribute Frontend Masters A classic I was lucky enough to get free access for a year through my education program maybe your school or employer offers the same Here you can find a wide range of topics from Developer Productivity to specific frameworks Grid amp Flexbox or an Intro to Computer Science all at a high quality and with the benefit of the name Frontend Masters is popular enough to ring a bell when you put it on your CV CodeJourneys Code Journeys is a friendly inclusive developer community welcoming everyone regardless of level experience or interest in a specific language or framework The community meets on Slack or calls for coding challenges and workshops a great way to get in touch with like minded people ask questions and learn beyond the scope of one s own horizon And founder Raffaele makes sure everyone gets the support they need EggheadAnother classic I stumbled upon during my bootcamp an epic number of courses on what seems to me like all the topics one could ever want to learn some free like the beginners guide to react some part of their pro membership like docker fundamentals Besides that a great library of articles and podcast episodes in case you want to switch learning methods around a little bit Just JavaScriptI signed up for Just JavaScript on recommendation of my mentor back when it was still in beta testing and free Yet I would pay every cent of the it costs now cause it simply wowed me The episode program is created by Dan Abramov himself in cooperation with illustrator Maggie Appleton and teaches you mental models behind JavaScript giving participants a deeper understanding of the concepts they might be working with already To quote their website “a way of thinking about JS that will completely shift your understanding of the language These are some of my favourite resources to learn more about web development When browsing around dev to I found this great article that put together exclusively free resources which is absolutely amazing and a lot more accessible of course than some of the paid programs Which one is your favourite resource for learning something new in web development And why I d love to learn about it please leave a comment below to let me know |
2021-11-03 09:02:29 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Wemax Nova 4K UHD Laser Projector review: high quality home entertainment system |
Wemax Nova K UHD Laser Projector review high quality home entertainment systemThe Wemax Nova K is one of a slew of short throw laser projectors that can project an image when positioned very close to a wall ーbut is it worth your time and money Wemax Nova K UHD Laser ProjectorThe Wemax Nova projector can be used for presentations but its strength is as a TV That s not from any lack of functionality it s from how this is intentionally a sturdy even heavy projector that s meant to be set up to stay in one place Read more |
2021-11-03 09:04:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple sold a record number of MacBooks last quarter, says Strategy Analytics |
Apple sold a record number of MacBooks last quarter says Strategy AnalyticsApple got some of its MacBook sales mojo back last quarter thanks to discounts on the MacBook Air according to the research firm Strategy Analytics The company sold a record million MacBooks in Q up percent over last year ーno doubt contributing to its blockbuster Mac quarter Meanwhile Chromebook sales actually declined for the first time since the pandemic started IDC reported nbsp Laptop sales in general were up eight percent over last year to million units due largely to commercial and educational sales That was aided in part by quot higher discounts on premium products like MacBook Air and gaming notebooks quot according to Strategy Analytics nbsp Strategy AnalyticsSales could have been even higher if not for a shortage of components and higher freight costs that drove prices higher and caused some delays Lenovo topped the sales list for the fourth quarter in a row with million units shipped with HP Dell Apple and ASUS rounding out the top five nbsp Chromebook and tablet sales didn t fare so well though according to IDC Chromebook sales tumbled by percent year over year to million units thanks largely to quot saturation quot in the education market quot Many schools and governments blew out their budgets to provide devices for remote learning and even consumers aggressively purchased devices for learning in quot the firm wrote Lenovo again topped the sales list for Chromebooks followed by Acer Dell HP and Samsung Tablet sales slowed percent to million units due to reduced demand and limited supply The exception to that trend was Apple which saw iPad sales grow percent over last year to million units That dominated the category as Samsung sold just over half that number million followed by Amazon Lenovo and Huawei nbsp |
2021-11-03 09:12:33 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
COP26: UK firms forced to show how they will hit net zero |
government |
2021-11-03 09:35:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
COP26: UK firms forced to show how they will hit net zero |
government |
2021-11-03 09:35:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Glenn Youngkin: Win for Republican in Virginia governor vote |
election |
2021-11-03 09:49:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Owen Paterson: Tory MP's allies seek to save him from sleaze punishment |
paterson |
2021-11-03 09:42:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Heathrow Airport: Luggage conveyor belt filled with frozen fish crates |
conveyor |
2021-11-03 09:09:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The woman defying the Taliban on girls' education |
weeks |
2021-11-03 09:15:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What is net zero and how are the UK and other countries doing? |
uk |
2021-11-03 09:39:26 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ラグビー帝京大5連勝、早大破る 関東大学対抗戦、明大も5戦全勝 |
駒沢陸上競技場 |
2021-11-03 18:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
将棋、藤井三冠が初の決勝進出 JT杯、永瀬王座を破る |
将棋日本シリーズ |
2021-11-03 18:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コンサドーレJ1残留確定 湘南と1―1ドロー |
札幌ドーム |
2021-11-03 18:05:01 |