lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFrontのキャッシュを削除するコンソール画面の作成 |
CloudFrontのキャッシュを削除するコンソール画面の作成はじめにCloudfrontのキャッシュ削除は、AWSコンソールから操作しますが、チームで開発時やお客さんに納品後、お客さん側でキャッシュ削除する場合、キャッシュ削除するためだけにIAMユーザーを作成するのは手間だったり不都合があったため、Sに配置したhtmlでECを操作できる仕組みを作成しました。 |
2021-11-03 23:44:17 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RedashのPythonで自作ロジックを動作させる方法 |
環境把握Redashは、docker上で動かしているので、スクリプトはdocker内部に設置する必要がある。 |
2021-11-03 23:32:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Django / heroku】デプロイ後のアプリケーションエラーに対する確認すべき点 |
herokuへのデプロイ経験は回しかありませんが、その際に起こったエラーに対する確認した点を述べていきます。 |
2021-11-03 23:31:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonでマルチスレッドについて勉強してみる |
マルチスレッド対応している言語はあえてシングルスレッドで非同期処理をする意味がないため、シングルスレッドでやるのは逆にしんどいマルチスレッドのメリット・デメリットメリットプログラムをスレッドに分割すると、メモリコンテキストを共有しながら並行に実行できるマルチコアCPU上でマルチスレッド化すると、各スレッドが別々のCPUに割り当てられ同時に並列して実行することでプログラムの速度が向上するまた、プログラムの速度とは別で、UI持つアプリケーションであればUXの向上を図ることが可能時間のかかるタスクをバックグラウンドで処理したり、ユーザに一定時間内にフィードバックを返すようすることが可能デメリット外部リソースを利用していない場合、シングルコアCPU上ではマルチスレッド化しても高速にならないプログラミングミスが起こりやすいむしろ遅くなる可能性があるマルチスレッドではシングルスレッドに比べて仕事を細分化する処理や同期制御が追加で必要になる。 |
2021-11-03 23:01:18 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
あなたはイヌ科?ネコ科?それとも・・・を顔判定 |
実際にやってみた結果は・・・・・・馬でした。 |
2021-11-03 23:57:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MVVM で Fragmentでの値の変更を DataBinding で反映したい |
MVVMでFragmentでの値の変更をDataBindingで反映したい前提・実現したいことMVVMnbspDataBindingnbspnbspRepositorynbspパターンの構成です。 |
2021-11-03 23:44:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JAVAで .txtの中に99表を作りたいです |
JAVAでtxtの中に表を作りたいです前提・実現したいことJavaについてです。 |
2021-11-03 23:41:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【WP】VScode使用。テンプレートタグの赤下線と投稿者が表示されません。 |
テンプレートタグの赤下線と投稿者が表示されません。 |
2021-11-03 23:39:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リストから新しいリストをつくる |
リストから新しいリストをつくる“““のように一列ずつかかれたテキストファイルを読み込んできて、これの番目の要素だけをリストにする方法を教えてください、fileopenfilenamerfileをopenしたforlineinfile一列ずつよみこむlinelistlinesprit一列ずつリストにしたsecondlinelist番目をとってきたここまでやってみたのですがlistsecondにしたらみたいになってしまいこのあとがわかりません。 |
2021-11-03 23:18:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPでDBのmacaddressカラムからmacアドレスを取得しl2pingを打つ方法 |
address |
2021-11-03 23:17:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのkerasを用いてsin波の2値分類をしたい |
手順周波数がのsin波を作成し、テストデータとする。 |
2021-11-03 23:16:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
複数のファイルをまとめてexeファイルにする |
unity |
2021-11-03 23:09:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Operaブラウザでsend_keysを使用したい |
Operaブラウザでsendkeysを使用したい前提・実現したいことsendkeysを用いて、input要素の中身にテキストを追加したいと考えています。 |
2021-11-03 23:06:57 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
scaffold で出来るよくわからんコード |
scaffoldで出来るよくわからんコード今まで見て見ぬふりしてきたけどscaffoldで出来るコントローラー内のよくわからないコードに真剣に向き合ってみたstatusunprocessableentity文法は正しいからエラーがださない。 |
2021-11-03 23:47:38 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
レイアウトテンプレートについて! |
2021-11-03 23:06:46 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFrontのキャッシュを削除するコンソール画面の作成 |
CloudFrontのキャッシュを削除するコンソール画面の作成はじめにCloudfrontのキャッシュ削除は、AWSコンソールから操作しますが、チームで開発時やお客さんに納品後、お客さん側でキャッシュ削除する場合、キャッシュ削除するためだけにIAMユーザーを作成するのは手間だったり不都合があったため、Sに配置したhtmlでECを操作できる仕組みを作成しました。 |
2021-11-03 23:44:17 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
scaffold で出来るよくわからんコード |
scaffoldで出来るよくわからんコード今まで見て見ぬふりしてきたけどscaffoldで出来るコントローラー内のよくわからないコードに真剣に向き合ってみたstatusunprocessableentity文法は正しいからエラーがださない。 |
2021-11-03 23:47:38 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
レイアウトテンプレートについて! |
2021-11-03 23:06:46 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第11章 AccountActivationのデータモデル |
ubuntuenvironmentsampleappaccountactivationrailstRunningviaSpringpreloaderinprocessStartedwithrunoptionsseedTimeTimeFinishedinstestsassertionsfailureserrorsskipsコンソールからUserクラスのインスタンスを生成し、そのオブジェクトからcreateactivationdigestメソッドを呼び出そうとするとPrivateメソッドなのでNoMethodErrorが発生することを確認してみましょう。 |
2021-11-03 23:03:12 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第11章 AccountActivationsリソース |
railsチュートリアル第章AccountActivationsリソースアカウントの有効化アカウントを有効化するステップを新規登録の途中に差し込むことで、本当にそのメールアドレスの持ち主なのかどうかを確認できるようにしてみます。 |
2021-11-03 23:02:54 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第10章 destroyアクション ユーザー削除のテスト |
railsチュートリアル第章destroyアクションユーザー削除のテストdestroyアクションdestroyアクションへのリンクを追加ユーザー削除用リンクの実装管理者にのみ表示されるappviewsusersuserhtmlerbltligtltgravatarforusersizegtltlinktousernameusergtltifcurrentuseradminampampcurrentuseruser現在のユーザーが管理者のときに限りdeleteリンクが表示ltlinktodeleteusermethoddeleteDELETEリクエストを発行するリンクの生成は、methoddeleteによって行われているdataconfirmYousuregtltendgtltligt実際に動作するdestroyアクションを追加するappcontrollersuserscontrollerrbclassUsersControllerltApplicationControllerbeforeactionloggedinuseronlyindexeditupdatedestroybeforeactioncorrectuseronlyeditupdatedefdestroyUserfindparamsiddestroyflashsuccessUserdeletedredirecttousersurlendendbeforeフィルターでdestroyアクションを管理者だけに限定するappcontrollersuserscontrollerrbclassUsersControllerltApplicationControllerbeforeactionloggedinuseronlyindexeditupdatedestroybeforeactioncorrectuseronlyeditupdatebeforeactionadminuseronlydestroybeforeactionメソッドを使って何らかの処理が実行される直前に特定のメソッドを実行する仕組みログインをさせるeditとupdateアクションだけ管理者かどうか確認defadminuserredirecttorooturlunlesscurrentuseradmin管理者でなければホーム画面に移動するendend演習管理者ユーザーとしてログインし、試しにサンプルユーザを人削除してみましょう。 |
2021-11-03 23:02:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Step FunctionsステートマシンでDynamoDBテーブルからアイテムを取得してMapステートで処理する(AWS CDK) |
awscdk |
2021-11-03 14:53:37 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Station Eleven teaser is intriguing, but will show run afoul of pandemic fatigue? |
emily |
2021-11-03 14:50:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
PS4 Streaming Services: What's Available and How to Download the Apps |
PS Streaming Services What x s Available and How to Download the AppsThere are plenty of streaming services available for the PS from big and small names Here s how to use them on your PS |
2021-11-03 14:45:21 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Get Music Controls in Google Maps on Android |
android |
2021-11-03 14:30:21 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Back Up Your PS4's Saved Data: 2 Quick and Easy Ways |
playstation |
2021-11-03 14:15:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Source of success: how not to lose confidence after a promotion? |
Source of success how not to lose confidence after a promotion When you re promoted you feel you re the king of the world You worked your ass off You deserved it you deserved your new title your hopefully hefty raise Of course you d have deserved just any raise right Oh the joy you felt over your promotion The problem is that this feeling fades soon Probably it s not even a problem as you should not define who you are based on your previous achievements The real problem is that often your confidence fades and without it it ll be hard to progress further or even just to feel fulfilled in your current role Let s see from where your confidence comes from how it helps you to progress then how it fades because of that progress Finally we see how you can regain your confidence Five sources of confidenceLet s explore essential sources of confidence and how not to let them dry up Get things doneSome people claim that in order to achieve something you must be confident These people are already confident but they forget that it was not always the case Confidence doesn t come out of the blue That is called ego Confidence is the outcome of action Get things done no matter how small they are but be consistent and you ll build up your confidence fast Follow throughGetting things done is often mentioned in relation to small tasks If something would not take more than minutes to complete just do it do it now That s one of the foundational rules of getting things done It s important It also helps gain some confidence Confidence that is needed to follow through with more complex tasks Tasks that cannot simply be get done Projects that require that you break them down into smaller chunks Into pieces that will require you to work on them every day or so By doing so by completing some big projects you had in mind you ll further boost your confidence Focus on your gainsIf you want to improve something you have to measure it You cannot improve your finances if you don t know in detail your financial situation You cannot prepare well for an exam if you don t know where your weaknesses are You must monitor your progress and use the insights to adjust your direction But it s not enough As Dan Sullivan the world class business coach and Dr Benjamin Hardy organizational psychologist explained in their book The Gap And The Gain you have to focus on how much you progressed not on how far you are from your ideal You ll always find people who are still further away from you and it feels daunting You shouldn t compare yourself to others Compare yourself to your past self focus on how long you came how much you improved That s a surefire way to boost your confidence Do something outside your work Sure work is important but your life is hopefully more than that You might have a family a hobby a passion How does that relate to your career In many different ways but let s focus on confidence Even if confidence in one area cannot be directly translated to confidence in another still it has an effect Life is a complex system If you re improving one area of your life it will affect all the others Therefore it s important to do something outside of work that you enjoy that you are good at and that you can use as a source of inspiration a source of confidence It can be raising your kid making your home beautiful doing some sports baking Whatever you truly care about Achieving results in that area will boost your confidence in every area of your life Visualize your successMichael Phelps one of the most successful swimmers ever like other successful sportspeople had a thorough pre race routine Part of it was closing his eyes and visualizing himself during the race He saw himself from the outside he saw himself swimming and winning It helped him to relax to be less anxious and more confident After all winning just became something he already saw You don t have to be a world class swimmer to follow similar habits Before you start into a complex venture close your eyes and visualize yourself succeeding at it Don t be shallow focus on the details It will both help you prepare think about things you might have forgotten otherwise and it will also grow your confidence Confidence leads to more resultsWith the increased level of confidence you earned you will reap many benefits in your life including better performance healthier relationships openness to try new things and resilience Better performanceFirst of all it s worth emphasizing that confidence is not a prerequisite of action it s a byproduct By taking action by performing well you ll gain confidence But by gaining confidence you ll perform even better you ll take more action It s an upward spiral Or if you prefer it s like letting the flywheel turn on its own The first few actions earning the first few bits of confidence is difficult but once the momentum builds up you re becoming unstoppable Healthy relationshipsYour confidence will also improve your relationships in two different ways First you ll stop comparing yourself to others you ll stop being jelaous therefore you can be happier both for others successes and for your own as well Second your confidence originates from your within you don t have to rely on others If you feel that others just try to bring you down they just try to hold you back you ll be able to walk away more easily Openness to try new thingsWhen you are confident when you believe in yourself you feel free to try new things This openness will not just manifest itself at work but in your personal life as well Remember the different parts of life constitute a system If you improve one part the rest will also improve A confident person is an open person Open to think about new ideas open to try himself in new circumstances ResilienceConfidence will also make you more resilient Imagine that you fail with one of your projects Not just a little but you fail hard If you had no confidence it puts you down Probably you were already down so it just pushes you downward in the spiral But if you are confident you know that you cannot fail You either win or you learn You ll bounce back you ll be even more capable than before You might lose your confidence after a big win and it s okayEven if you drink from all the wells of confidence every morning even if you enjoy all the benefits of being confident sometimes you ll lose your spirit You ll feel alone You ll be afraid You won t understand what just happened Promotion leads to incompetenceDon t worry You re not alone This is a common feeling a bit after a promotion Think about how people get promoted You do a great job as a software developer and you might become a tech lead Or an engineering manager You never learnt it It will be difficult You might even fail Most businesses promote people according to the Peter principle People will be promoted to new positions to positions that require a different skillset until they will reach a position where they don t perform well A part of your confidence came from successes that you achieved in your previous position Those are gone They are irrelevant You have less to rely on Promotions as acknowledgement are betterThat is why I found a good practice that you have to perform in your new role for some time before you can officially be promoted If you want to become a senior engineer if you want to become a staff engineer you have to perform tasks that a senior or a staff engineer would do I know that it can seem unjust to work in a higher position without the tile or the financial rewards but it s still beneficial not only for your employer in terms of better judgement but also for you to be a bit stressed about your promotion and more confident on how well you can perform The feeling of incompetence should not hurt your confidenceBut if you scroll back to the section about how to gain more confidence you ll realize that most of the sources are still relevant to you You can still get small things done Your activities outside your job are still there You already gained a lot that you can focus on And while probably following through big projects will still have to wait a bit you can already visualize those successes Don t let new circumstances make you feel incompetent don t let the new incompetence take away your confidence You have already come far Regain your confidenceWhat can you do if despite what we discussed you still lose your confidence after the promotion Accept you cannot know everythingFirst and foremost you have to do a mental shift You have to accept that you do not you cannot know everything but you can always learn more You have to accept that you ll meet less experienced people who can do things that you cannot do You should not be afraid of them taking over your role you deserved your promotion Not because you know everything and everything better than others If you don t do the mental shift you ll not focus on growing you ll not focus on getting better but instead you ll spend most of your energy on defending your position building a silo around yourself so that you feel less threatened by those who are better in some aspects of your job You don t want that do you Focus on your strengthsInstead you have to focus on your own strengths and hone those skills further You might lack some skills that you should improve but in general you re better off if you actively seek out the help of more competent people When you face a problem that goes out of your competency zone you should not think about how to solve it but rather about who you can solve it for you Focus on who not how as Benjamin P Hardy explained in his book It ll deliberate you from wanting to know everything and let you focus on what you are great at There is a reason why not every company produces everything but only what they are good or even great at In economics it s also called having a comparative advantage The best thing you can do is that you set your next big goal and start working towards them little by little Building up your confidence again also relies on other parts of your life And don t let success and others knowledge discourage you You don t have to be better at everything ConclusionWouldn t it be great to live your life in a way that always goes upwards It s not a realistic expectation after mountains there are valleys Yet it doesn t mean that whenever you go down into a valley you should lose your confidence We saw that there are many sources of confidence therefore if you feel less comfortable in one area of your life you should not lose it all we should still be able to gain force from the other areas Think about what activities make you more confident and how you can do more of those Connect deeperIf you liked this article please hit on the like button subscribe to my newsletter and let s connect on Twitter |
2021-11-03 14:36:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The problem with code screenshots and how to fix it |
The problem with code screenshots and how to fix itSo you decided to write a tutorial about a topic you know extremely well You are very familiar with the topic so much so that you know all the code like the backside of your hand This tutorial has a lot of code and you need it to look good So you either screenshot your code editor which colours your code or you use a tool like Carbon to generate some great looking code snippets as PNGs This is awesome as now you can get away from using bland ugly code snippets console log Hi The problem s While pasting a picture or screenshot of code might look good on your blog it presents major issues Your users can t copy your codeImagine you re running into a problem while coding You search on Google and stumble upon a great tutorial Clear and concise explanations with code examples You want to try the code for yourself to see if it s fit for your purpose but to your frustration and horror the code you ve been reading is actually a screenshot How would you feel You d rub your temples or scream at the screen and move away from the article to find something else That s exactly what your users will do But there s another more major issue Code images are inaccessibleFor screen reader users an image is only as good as its alt text So what are you going to do Write the entire code snippet as alt text No you shouldn t So anyone with a screen reader is unable to read your code The solutionThe solution to both these problems is pretty simple Use proper MarkdownThe first thing to do is to use proper Markdown for code snippets So if you re adding code you should use this syntax console log Hi Blogging platforms like DevTo and Hashnode have excellent code snippet colouring support console log Hi So if you just include the language next to your top backticks then they should be automatically coloured javascriptconsole log Hi But what if I m writing on my own blog Use HighlightJSIf you want to make your code look beautiful on your own website or blog without the need for inaccessible screenshots or Carbon images you can use Javascript libraries like HighlightJS Here s a tutorial to get started ConclusionYou work hard on your blog and you want everything including your code to look great Code snippets as images or screenshots might sound like the easy way towards this but you also need to think of your visitors Visitors who would want to copy your code for later use and users who are only able to read your posts using screen readers Be inclusive Be human Thank you for reading |
2021-11-03 14:03:34 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's $100M settlement with developers likely headed for approval |
Apple x s M settlement with developers likely headed for approvalApple s proposed settlement with developers which includes a loosening of App Store anti steering provisions is poised to be approved by the judge in the case Credit Laurenz Heymann UnsplashOn Tuesday U S District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers told lawyers that she anticipates preliminary approval of the settlement In a video call she stated that as it stands it seems to me like a fair and good settlement according to Courthouse News Read more |
2021-11-03 14:51:19 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best deals Nov. 3: 41% off 3-pack Philips Hue color bulbs, 54% off Netgear Orbi, more! |
Best deals Nov off pack Philips Hue color bulbs off Netgear Orbi more Wednesday s best deals include an exclusive coupon for a Snapback AirTag wallet heavily discounted Epson projectors and over off an outdoor portable power station Wednesday best dealsThere are a lot of sales each day but only a handful are worth pursuing So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements we ve hand picked a bunch just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-11-03 14:15:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple reportedly pushes OLED MacBook Pro plans past 2025 |
Apple reportedly pushes OLED MacBook Pro plans past A new report claims that Apple intended to introduce a MacBook Pro with OLED screens in but that model is now expected to be launched later MacBook ProApple has previously been said to have cancelled an OLED display for the iPad Air over technical concerns Now similar concerns are causing the OLED MacBook Pro to slip from an anticipated launch Read more |
2021-11-03 14:03:59 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Netatmo debuts new HomeKit-compatible smart CO detector |
Netatmo debuts new HomeKit compatible smart CO detectorSmart home accessory maker Netatmo has announced a new carbon monoxide alarm that s compatible with Apple s HomeKit platform Credit NetatmoThe Netatmo Smart Carbon Monoxide Alarm can monitor carbon monoxide levels in various rooms through a home and alert users when it detects the odorless gas As with normal carbon monoxide alarms it s equipped with an alarm but it will also notify users via smartphone That should give additional peace of mind if a user isn t at home Read more |
2021-11-03 14:46:15 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
US bans trade with security firm NSO Group over Pegasus spyware |
US bans trade with security firm NSO Group over Pegasus spywareSurveillance software developer NSO Group may have a very tough road ahead The US Commerce Department has added NSO to its Entity List effectively banning trade with the firm The move bars American companies from doing business with NSO unless they receive explicit permission That s unlikely too when the rule doesn t allow license exceptions for exports and the US will default to rejecting reviews NSO and fellow Israeli company Candiru also on the Entity List face accusations of enabling hostile spying by authoritarian governments They ve allegedly supplied spyware like NSO s Pegasus to quot authoritarian governments quot that used the tools to track activists journalists and other critics in a bid to crush political dissent This is part of the Biden Harris administration s push to make human rights quot the center quot of American foreign policy the Commerce Department said The latest round of trade bans also affects Russian company Positive Technologies and Singapore s Computer Security Initiative Consultancy bot of which were accused of peddling hacking tools We ve asked NSO Group for comment although its official media contact address produced an error The company has strongly rejected claims of enabling abuses in the past including denials that Pegasus was used to target murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi NSO said it had blocked access for previous abuses and it even hired a libel attorney who accused investigative journalists and their partners of misinterpretation and making unfounded assumptions The Commerce Department claims to have evidence of NSO s actions though The net effect is the same NSO isn t necessarily doomed Like blocklist member Huawei though it may struggle to operate without access to any American partners it used before nbsp |
2021-11-03 14:53:47 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best board games to gift this holiday season |
The best board games to gift this holiday seasonBoard games are a great gift for anyone who wants to spend time with friends and family without staring at the TV They re interactive fun and you get to tell everyone to put away their phones and tablets for a while But instead of pulling out the same old classics like Monopoly and Scrabble we recommend giving some new titles a try Here we ve compiled a list of games that you might not have heard of but will still make excellent gifts this holiday season Some are perfect for fantasy and video game nerds while others are likely to be a hit with the whole family Trails A Parks GameKeymaster GamesTrails is a great little board game for anyone who loves hiking or even just the idea of it In Trails players hike on picturesque nature paths while gathering resources taking pictures and encountering wildlife earning points along the way Whoever gets the most points wins The art in this game is beautiful featuring national park illustrations from the Fifty Nine Park Print series Trails makes an especially great game for nature lovers as a portion of every game sale is donated to the National Park Service Buy Trails at Target Sleeping GodsWill Lipman Photography for Engadget Red Raven GamesIf your loved one is a fan of open world video games such as Skyrim or No Man s Sky Sleeping Gods could well be the perfect board game for them In this cooperative game you and up to three friends play the part of Captain Sofi Odessa and her crew who find themselves lost in the Wandering Sea With a game atlas of connecting maps and a thick choose your own adventure style storybook players will have to explore the land to uncover its secrets fight beasts complete quests and make game changing decisions It all adds up to an engrossing and immersive experience sure to please anyone who loves a good story Buy Sleeping Gods at Amazon Marvel UnitedWill Lipman Photography for Engadget CMONMCU fans will definitely appreciate it if you give them Marvel United a game where the player and their friends have to work together to defeat the forces of evil They can take on the role of one of seven heroes such as Captain America Iron Man and Black Widow each with their own unique powers and abilities To win players must choose their cards carefully and also collaborate with their partners to combine each other s actions whenever possible They ll have to fight off henchmen rescue civilians and of course take down one of three super villains Red Skull Ultron or Taskmaster If X Men is more their style you could get them the Marvel United X Men version instead where they get to play as characters like Professor X Cyclops and Storm Buy Marvel United at Amazon CanvasWill Lipman Photography for Engadget Road to InfamyCanvas is perhaps one of the prettiest board games we ve ever seen ーit s so lovely that we almost want to hang the cover on a wall It s apropos because in Canvas players are painters in an art competition They collect art cards layering them on top of one another to create their own unique “painting As they do so certain icons will be revealed or hidden which will determine the resulting score depending on the objectives for that round It might sound confusing but Canvas is a beginner friendly game that should make a great gift for art lovers of all stripes Buy Canvas at Amazon Space InvadersBuffalo GamesSpace Invaders is an enjoyable dexterity game for the whole family even for those who don t remember playing the classic arcade title of the same name In this game players have to work together to defeat descending aliens plus the UFO mothership before their health runs out But instead of smashing buttons they ll take turns launching battle tokens with a mini catapult and each player has a special ability they can deploy as well It all adds to a bunch of silly fun that anyone aged eight and up can partake in Buy Space Invaders at Target Summer CampBuffalo GamesAnother excellent family game is Summer Camp which will have your loved ones recalling fond memories of canoeing making friendship bracelets and roasting marshmallows In this game players are racing against each other to earn merit badges in different categories such as adventure arts and crafts cooking friendship outdoors games and water sports They ll want to buy the right cards build the best combos and beat their opponents across the finish line to get the most points possible It might not be as fun as actually being at summer camp but hey at least they won t get eaten by mosquitos while playing Buy Summer Camp at Target Summoner Wars nd EditionPlaid Hat GamesIf your loved one isn t new to the world of tabletop gaming then consider giving them Summoner Wars nd Edition a tactical dueling card game that pits them against a rival to see which one will reign supreme Players take on the role of powerful summoners that each control a large army of units in the form of cards which are then placed in a head to head board They also choose one of six different factions each with unique attacks and moves Some wield dark magic that can drain enemies while others utilize brute strength to force their way through If they re really into combat games with a lot of tactics and strategy Summoner Wars would make a thoughtful gift The only downside is that you ll have to gift this a bit late as it comes out on January Buy Summoner Wars at Amazon Wrath of the Lich King A Pandemic System Board GameZ Man GamesFor those who are really into World of Warcraft but might not have a lot of board gaming experience Wrath of the Lich King A Pandemic System Board game is the perfect introduction to the pastime Based on a WoW expansion of the same name players will take on the roles of legendary characters such as Thrall Varian Wrynn Sylvanas Windrunner Tirian Fordring and Jaina Proudmoore all of which will be familiar to anyone who s ever played WoW They ll travel around the frozen continent of Northrend completing quests and setting up strongholds in order to defeat armies of the undead and eventually the Lich King himself Why the long name Well the game utilizes similar mechanics found in Pandemic a much beloved board game about eradicating the world of diseases Those who are already familiar with Pandemic should be able to learn the game quite easily as a result though Wrath of the Lich King has enough differences that it won t feel like the same thing Buy Wrath of the Lich King at Target Cuphead Fast Rolling Dice Game img alt The Cuphead Fast Rolling Dice Game board game for the Engadget Holiday Gift Guide src Will Lipman Photography for Engadget CupheadOne of the most popular video games in was Cuphead a run and gun style video game that features a hand drawn s art style If you know someone who loved it when it came out they might be interested in this card and dice version of the same game Players play as Cuphead Mugman Elder Kettle or Ms Chalice and will attempt to defeat a gauntlet of bosses by rolling dice Players can roll the dice as many times as they want per round but there s one problem the time limit It all adds up to a chaotic experience that really emulates the insane adrenaline rush of the original video game Buy Cuphead at The Op |
2021-11-03 14:44:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Ford electrified a classic F-100 truck to showcase its EV motor kit |
Ford electrified a classic F truck to showcase its EV motor kitChevy isn t the only one electrifying vintage cars to sell you on aftermarket EV motors Ford has introduced an F Eluminator concept that upgrades the circa pickup truck with two of the company s new Eluminator electric crate motor kit The powerplants taken from the Mustang Mach E GT Performance Edition give the F a total HP and lb ft of torque Ford didn t discuss performance benchmarks or range but it s safe to presume you could smoke some sports cars with that kind of power The truck has more customizations beyond the EV motors including the vertical center stack touchscreen from the Mach E You ll also see custom aluminum Forgeline wheels a billet aluminum dash from JJR Fabrication and avocado tanned leather from MDM Upholstery This may look like a classic truck but it s not appointed like one You can t buy this concept as you might have guessed Instead Ford would rather you buy the Eluminator motor for your project car The automaker eventually hopes to supply everything you might need for an EV retrofit including batteries controllers and traction inverters You d only want to buy the motor right now if you have the resources to complete the rest of the puzzle yourself This does however hint at a future where many beloved combustion engine cars can get a second life through an EV transplant Ford |
2021-11-03 14:05:43 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Sponsorship is an Action Verb |
Sponsorship is an Action VerbI ve always thought I had a strong support network until I saw what that looked like for others I wondered how my peers were able to navigate these corporate streets arriving on time and unscathed They were climbing the proverbial ladder and progressing in ways I wasn t even the ones I outperformed by far I learned it was because they had active sponsorship |
2021-11-03 14:07:53 |
Linux |
OMG! Ubuntu! |
Ubuntu is Working on a New Firmware Updater App |
Ubuntu is Working on a New Firmware Updater AppCanonical is working on a new firmware update tool for the Ubuntu desktop This new GUI utility is being built using Flutter and Dart further cementing Ubuntu s commitment to go all in on Flutter for future desktop apps The tool will be distributed as a Snap and provide a Ubuntu style front end to the fwupd tool and the Linux Vendor Firmware Service A clear cut way to check for manage and install firmware updates is perhaps needed It used to be possible through Ubuntu Software before it was a Snap it may still be possible too However on my Ubuntu install This post Ubuntu is Working on a New Firmware Updater App is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission |
2021-11-03 14:47:47 |
海外TECH |
Movies Need to Stop Using Historical Atrocities for Pathos |
events |
2021-11-03 14:13:55 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
あいおいニッセイ同和損保、J-クレジット事業者支援保険を販売開始 |
2021-11-04 00:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Owen Paterson: Boris Johnson backs shake-up of MP standards rules |
conduct |
2021-11-03 14:35:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Glenn Youngkin: Win for Republican in Virginia governor vote |
election |
2021-11-03 14:42:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
England pace bowler Mills out of T20 World Cup |
injury |
2021-11-03 14:16:43 |