AWS Architecture Blog |
Migrate your Applications to Containers at Scale |
Migrate your Applications to Containers at ScaleAWS AppContainer is a command line tool that you can install on a server to automate the containerization of applications This simplifies the process of migrating a single server to containers But if you have a fleet of servers the process of migrating all of them could be quite time consuming In this situation you can … |
2021-11-05 15:42:49 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python × bottle】 PCで立ち上げたローカルのサーバーに、スマホからアクセスする方法 |
【Python×bottle】PCで立ち上げたローカルのサーバーに、スマホからアクセスする方法目的Pythonのライブラリbottleを使用してローカルなサーバーを作成する手持ちのスマホから作成したサーバーにアクセスする作成したサーバーへPC以外を使用して接続するのに少し詰まった。 |
2021-11-06 00:27:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
netkeibaスクレイピング |
レースIDの取得netkeibaでは、各レースがレースIDという数字で管理されているようです。 |
2021-11-06 00:09:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
動画判定→NG箇所→⚪︎分⚪︎秒〜⚪︎分⚪︎秒と出力する方法を知りたい |
箇所 |
2021-11-06 00:48:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
djangogirlsのチュートリアルにおいて webブログの本文が表示されません |
djangogirlsのチュートリアルにおいてwebブログの本文が表示されません前提・実現したいこと初めての質問ですので拙い文章でしたらすみません。 |
2021-11-06 00:44:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavascriptでtextContentがブラウザで反映されない。 |
script |
2021-11-06 00:22:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ons-navigator と ons-splitter-content の併用 |
onsnavigatorとonssplittercontentの併用前提・実現したいことousenUI・ホットペッパーAPInbspを使って、現在地からお店の検索をするアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-11-06 00:18:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
有効期限OKとNGで処理を分ける場合、どういった条件をつけたらいいでしょうか? |
有効期限OKとNGで処理を分ける場合、どういった条件をつけたらいいでしょうかログインでコードをつ入れてボタンを押すとメインメニューが表示されるという、シンプルな画面を作っています。 |
2021-11-06 00:12:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PC-Android間のソケット通信において受信データのアクセス方法が知りたいです。 |
ソケット通信よって受信したデータを書き込み後、再度アクセスしたいPCServernbspnbspAndroidClient間でのソケット通信で画像jpgをPCからAndroidへ送信するためのプログラムを書いています。 |
2021-11-06 00:11:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails パラメータが渡ってくれない |
railsパラメータが渡ってくれない前提・実現したいこと写真のようなモデルの構成で、グループごとのカレンダーを作成して、チャットもできるようなアプリを作っています。 |
2021-11-06 00:05:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
接続行列(無向グラフ)をランダムに生成したい |
接続行列無向グラフをランダムに生成したい前提・実現したいこと頂点の数を入力し無向グラフをランダムに生成し、そのグラフを接続行列で出力したいです。 |
2021-11-06 00:05:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Javascriptで1回しかアクションしない |
Javascriptで回しかアクションしないお世話になります。 |
2021-11-06 00:03:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
postfixadmin.confの編集方法 |
postfixadminconfの編集方法以下の環境下で、MariaDBnbspでPostFixAdminの設定をしているのですが、作成したDBの設定ファイルが見つかりません。 |
2021-11-06 00:01:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
link_toの適用範囲を広げる |
linktoの適用範囲を広げる修正前lttableclasstabletablehoveroffsetmdgtltuserseachdousergtlttbodygtlttrgtlttdgtltlinktouserpathuserdogtltattachmentimagetaguserprofileimageformatjpegfallbackuserimagejpgsizexclassuserimagegtltendgtlttdgtlttrgtlttbodygtltendgtlttablegtこのままだと、attachmentimagetagの範囲しかlinktoが適用されない、、修正後lttableclasstabletablehoveroffsetmdgtltuserseachdousergtlttbodygtlttronclickwindowlocationltuserpathusergtrolelinkgtlttdgtltattachmentimagetaguserprofileimageformatjpegfallbackuserimagejpgsizexclassuserimagegtlttdgtlttdgtltusernamegtlttdgtlttrgtlttbodygtltendgtlttablegttrにJavaScriptのwindowオブジェクトを追加して遷移させることができる。 |
2021-11-06 00:28:12 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Laravel 【入門】 チーム開発でenvファイルを書き換えた時にやること |
envファイルを作成するenvexampleファイルの内容をenvファイルにコピーするコマンドで作成します。 |
2021-11-06 00:14:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
link_toの適用範囲を広げる |
linktoの適用範囲を広げる修正前lttableclasstabletablehoveroffsetmdgtltuserseachdousergtlttbodygtlttrgtlttdgtltlinktouserpathuserdogtltattachmentimagetaguserprofileimageformatjpegfallbackuserimagejpgsizexclassuserimagegtltendgtlttdgtlttrgtlttbodygtltendgtlttablegtこのままだと、attachmentimagetagの範囲しかlinktoが適用されない、、修正後lttableclasstabletablehoveroffsetmdgtltuserseachdousergtlttbodygtlttronclickwindowlocationltuserpathusergtrolelinkgtlttdgtltattachmentimagetaguserprofileimageformatjpegfallbackuserimagejpgsizexclassuserimagegtlttdgtlttdgtltusernamegtlttdgtlttrgtlttbodygtltendgtlttablegttrにJavaScriptのwindowオブジェクトを追加して遷移させることができる。 |
2021-11-06 00:28:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Binance Chain vs. Binance Smart Chain: What's the Difference? |
difference |
2021-11-05 15:45:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Record and Edit Slo-Mo Videos on Your iPhone |
record |
2021-11-05 15:15:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Next JS Starter Kit with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS |
Next JS Starter Kit with TypeScript and Tailwind CSSI ve just updated my Next JS Starter Template to the latest version Next JS The perfect starter kit to start your Next JS in seconds with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS It was built for developer experience in mind with linter ESLint and Code formatter Prettier and VSCode You can test the Next JS Starter Kit live demo You can check out the repo at Next JS Starter Template GitHub ixartz Next js Boilerplate Boilerplate and Starter for Next js Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Boilerplate and Starter for Next JS Tailwind CSS and TypeScript Boilerplate and Starter for Next js Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Clone this project and use it to create your own Next js project You can check a Next js templates demo FeaturesDeveloper experience first Next js for Static Site GeneratorIntegrate with Tailwind CSS w JIT mode PostCSS for processing Tailwind CSS and integrated to styled jsxType checking TypeScriptStrict Mode for TypeScript and React ️Linter with ESLint default NextJS NextJS Core Web Vitals and Airbnb configuration Code Formatter with PrettierHusky for Git HooksLint staged for running linters on Git staged filesVSCode configuration Debug Settings Tasks and extension for PostCSS ESLint Prettier TypeScriptSEO metadata JSON LD and… View on GitHub Built with latest technologyHere is all the features included out of box Next JS Integrate with Tailwind CSS with JIT modeTypeScript️React️ESLint for TypeScriptwith Next JS default configuration and Next JS Core Web Vitalswith Airbnb configurationCode Formatter with PrettierHusky for Git HooksLint staged for running linters on Git staged filesVSCode configuration Debug Settings Tasks and extension for PostCSS ESLint Prettier TypeScriptSEO friendly️Bundler Analyzer️One click deployVercelOr NetlifyOr you can deploy manually to any hosting service ixartz Next js Boilerplate Boilerplate and Starter for Next js Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Boilerplate and Starter for Next JS Tailwind CSS and TypeScript Boilerplate and Starter for Next js Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ️Made with developer experience first Next js TypeScript ESLint Prettier Husky Lint Staged VSCode Netlify PostCSS Tailwind CSS Clone this project and use it to create your own Next js project You can check a Next js templates demo FeaturesDeveloper experience first Next js for Static Site GeneratorIntegrate with Tailwind CSS w JIT mode PostCSS for processing Tailwind CSS and integrated to styled jsxType checking TypeScriptStrict Mode for TypeScript and React ️Linter with ESLint default NextJS NextJS Core Web Vitals and Airbnb configuration Code Formatter with PrettierHusky for Git HooksLint staged for running linters on Git staged filesVSCode configuration Debug Settings Tasks and extension for PostCSS ESLint Prettier TypeScriptSEO metadata JSON LD and… View on GitHub |
2021-11-05 15:54:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a Voice Assistant |
Building a Voice AssistantHi there In this guide we will be learning how to integrate voice user interface in our web application We are working with React To incorporate Voice User Interface VUI we will use Web Speech API For simplicity we will not be focusing on design Our aim is to build a voice assistant which will recognize what we say and answer accordingly For this we are using Web Speech API This API allows fine control and flexibility over the speech recognition capabilities in Chrome version and later The Web Speech API provides us with two functionality ーSpeech Recognition which converts speech to text Speech Synthesis which converts text to speech We will start by installing two npm packages for speech recognitionnpm i react speech recognition for speech synthesisnpm i react speech kitNow before moving on to the next step let s take a look at some important functions of Speech Recognition Detecting browser support for Web Speech APIif SpeechRecognition browserSupportsSpeechRecognition Render some fallback function content Turning the microphone onSpeechRecognition startListening Turning the microphone off It will first finish processing any speech in progress and then stop SpeechRecognition stopListening It will cancel the processing of any speech in progress SpeechRecognition abortListening Consuming the microphone transcript To make the microphone transcript available in our component const transcript useSpeechRecognition Resetting the microphone transcriptconst resetTranscript useSpeechRecognition Now we re ready to add Speech Recognition text to speech in our web app In the App js file we will check the support for react speech recognition and add two components StartButton and Output The App js file should look like this for now import React from react import StartButton from StartButton import Output from Output import SpeechRecognition from react speech recognition function App Checking the supportif SpeechRecognition browserSupportsSpeechRecognition return lt div gt Browser does not support Web Speech API Speech Recognition Please download latest Chrome lt div gt return lt div className App gt lt StartButton gt lt Output gt lt div gt export default App Next we will move to the StartButton js file Here we will add a toggle button to start and stop listening import React useState from react function StartButton const listen setListen useState false const clickHandler gt if listen false SpeechRecognition startListening continuous true setListen true The default value for continuous is false meaning that when the user stops talking speech recognition will end else SpeechRecognition abortListening setListen false return lt div gt lt button onClick clickHandler gt lt span gt listen Stop Listening Start Listening lt span gt lt button gt lt div gt export default StartButton Now in the Output js file we will use useSpeechRecognition react hook useSpeechRecognition gives a component access to a transcript of speech picked up from the user s microphone import React useState from react import useSpeechRecognition from react speech recognition function Output const outputMessage setOutputMessage useState const commands here we will write various different commands and callback functions for their responses const transcript resetTranscript useSpeechRecognition commands return lt div gt lt p gt transcript lt p gt lt p gt outputMessage lt p gt lt div gt export default Output Before defining the commands we will add Speech Synthesis in our web app to convert the outputMessage to speech In the App js file we will now check the support for the speech synthesis import useSpeechSynthesis from react speech kit funtion App const supported useSpeechSynthesis if supported false return lt div gt Browser does not support Web Speech API Speech Synthesis Please download latest Chrome lt div gt export default App Now in the Output js file we will use useSpeechSynthesis react hook But before moving on we first take a look at some important functions of Speech Synthesis speak Call to make the browser read some text cancel Call to make SpeechSynthesis stop reading We want to call the speak function each time the outputMessage is changed So we would add the following lines of code in Output js file import React useEffect useState from react import useSpeechSynthesis from react speech kit function Output const outputMessage setOutputMessage useState const speak cancel useSpeechSynthesis The speak will get called each time outputMessage is changed useEffect gt speak text outputMessage outputMessage export default Output Whoa Everything is now setup The only thing left is to define our commands Now we re back at our Output js file to complete our commands const commands In this the words that match the splat will be passed into the callback command I am callback name gt resetTranscript setOutputMessage Hi name Nice name DATE AND TIME command What time is it callback gt resetTranscript setOutputMessage new Date toLocaleTimeString matchInterim true The default value for matchInterim is false meaning that the only results returned by the recognizer are final and will not change This example would match both What is the date and What is the date today command What is the date today callback gt resetTranscript setOutputMessage new Date toLocaleDateString GOOGLING search command Search on google callback gitem gt resetTranscript function to google the query gitem function toGoogle window open gitem blank toGoogle setOutputMessage Okay Googling gitem CALCULATIONS command Add and callback numa numb gt resetTranscript const num parseInt numa const num parseInt numb setOutputMessage The answer is num num CLEAR or STOP command clear callback gt resetTranscript cancel isFuzzyMatch true fuzzyMatchingThreshold isFuzzyMatch is false by default It determines whether the comparison between speech and command is based on similarity rather than an exact match fuzzyMatchingThreshold default is takes values between will match anything and needs an exact match If the similarity of speech to command is higher than this value the callback will be invoked We have successfully built a voice assistant using the Web Speech API that do as we say Note As of May browsers support for Web Speech API Chrome desktop Chrome Android Safari Microsoft EdgeAndroid webviewSamsung InternetFor all other browsers you can integrate a polyfill Here s a demo that I have made with some styling I call it Aether |
2021-11-05 15:18:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
C++ from the beginning, input and output |
C from the beginning input and outputTLDR this is part of the C from the beginning series This part is about how to write a program that reads and writes to the console ReferencesHere s some useful links to learn more C DocsStreaming IO cout and cinIomanip formatting Why console programsConsole programs are programs that work on the console they have no user interface but they are still heavily used and useful No UI you say how s that good Well console programs are fast really fast Additionally they are easier to script and used in the context of a build server if you need to send in args automatically and listen to the input as part of a build step if you are practicing CI CD for example Writing to the consoleOk we know why console programs can be a good idea sometimes How would I output to the console There are many libraries that does that for you but two common alternatives are iostream stream based library that s considered more C cstdio more C style formatting Has similar functionality to iostream but some say it has issues like not checking interpolation properly and yea iostream being more future safe Your first outputTo create a program that output to the console you need iostream and you need cout like so include lt iostream gt using namespace std int main cout lt lt Print this Note how you use cout and the stream operator that takes the lt lt operator meaning it writes to a stream that s going to console Mixing typesOk so you mostly likely want to combine numbers and strings like saying for example the sum is How would you do that The answer is to use the stream operator lt lt to separate the two different data types like so include lt iostream gt using namespace std int main int sum cout lt lt The sum is lt lt sum Is that the only way to do things what if I want to write something like this program has run for days a clear mixture of string int and string again do I have to use lt lt many times There are a few different options as illustrated in the below code include lt iostream gt include lt cstdio gt using namespace std int main int sum cout lt lt The sum is lt lt sum lt lt n cout lt lt This program has been running for to string sum days printf The program has been running for d days sum cout lt lt format The program has been running for days to string days lt lt string lt lt number lt lt string This is the version you ve seen so far separating different data types by lt lt string to string number In this version you concatenate string by first converting your number using the function to string printf Here you use the library cstdio a c style library that interpolates allows you to mix strings and numbers by using a placeholder The says what position it has as an argument example printf Here s a number and another one format Here we are using a function introduced in C Ensure you have upgraded C to be able to use this one Formatted outputThere s a library iomanip that enables you to format the output and with it you can do things such as set alignment you can decide on whether to align what you print to the left or to the rightset width you can have what you print take up N characters thereby you can print output like a tableHere s an example program using many of iomanips features include lt iostream gt include lt iomanip gt using namespace std int main cout lt lt setw lt lt rowcol lt lt setw lt lt rowcol lt lt n cout lt lt setw lt lt rowcol lt lt setw lt lt rowcol lt lt n We have setw set width that s used to create two difference columns Where you to run this you get the following output rowcol rowcol rowcol rowcolThere s more functionality than that have a look at the references section at the top of the article Reading from the consoleTo read from the console we can use cin from iostream You use it like so include lt iostream gt include lt string gt using namespace std int main string name cout lt lt what s your name cin gt gt name cout lt lt Hi lt lt name lt lt endl return Here cin gt gt name waits for the user to type a string and then a return key Then the value will be stored in name Lastly we type the value To try this demo take the following steps Save the above code in a file app cppCompile the program with g app cppRun the program a out macOS Linux a out exe windows You should see the program running like so what s your name chris Hi chris Multiple inputsImagine you have a situation where you need to collect multiple inputs In the below program we have a calculation program include lt iostream gt include lt string gt using namespace std int main int no no cout lt lt Add two numbers n cout lt lt First number cin gt gt no cout lt lt Second number cin gt gt no cout lt lt The sum is lt lt no no lt lt n return In the above code you ask for one number then the next But what if you want to collect everything on one row We can do that just change the code to the following include lt iostream gt include lt string gt using namespace std int main int no no cout lt lt Add two numbers n cout lt lt Input numbers separated by space cin gt gt no gt gt no cout lt lt The sum is lt lt no no lt lt n return Note the row cin gt gt no gt gt no where you separate the user input by gt gt The reason we do it like that is that cin only takes the first value until the first space Another approach we could use is getline that reads the whole row like in the below code include lt iostream gt include lt string gt using namespace std int main int sum string s numbers cout lt lt Add numbers n cout lt lt Input numbers separated by space getline cin s numbers add code to split and convert numbers to int cout lt lt The sum is lt lt sum lt lt n return getline reads the whole line regardless of whether you use a space character or not However now you are in a situation where you need to parse s numbers because that line is stored as a string How to fix First we need a split function vector lt int gt split const string line char delimiter stringstream ss line string item vector lt int gt numbers while getline ss item delimiter numbers push back stoi item return numbers First thing we do is to read line that came from user input into a stringstream object Imagine the user did an input that looks like so Now we iterate over the stringstream object using a while construct This enables us to read every substring in that user string so for each iteration you get However we need to convert that to an int which we do with stoi that takes a string and turns it into an int Additionally we need to add each value to numbers of type vector vector is a dynamic list that can take any number of items Ok we solved half the problem We now need to summarise the values in the vector like so int sumNumbers vector lt int gt v int sum for int i i lt v size i sum v i return sum Great so we have something loops through the vector and we end up with an integer Now for the full program include lt iostream gt include lt string gt include lt vector gt include lt sstream gt using namespace std vector lt int gt split const string line char delimiter stringstream ss line string item vector lt int gt numbers while getline ss item delimiter numbers push back stoi item return numbers int sumNumbers vector lt int gt v int sum for int i i lt v size i sum v i return sum int main string s numbers cout lt lt Add numbers n cout lt lt Input numbers separated by space getline cin s numbers vector lt int gt numbers split s numbers cout lt lt Sum is lt lt sumNumbers numbers lt lt n You were taken through cin and getline and as you saw sometimes it s easier to just use cin with a few operators gt gt if the number of inputs are know However if we need to the user to write an unknown number of inputs we need to write more code and use constructs like stringstream and vector to be able to handle it SummaryThat was it for this article Input and output using iostream and iomanip can take you far and with stringstream and vector you can go even further and create programs that are flexible too |
2021-11-05 15:06:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating a platform like Forem With PHP |
Creating a platform like Forem With PHPHello all I m here to notify you about a platform like Forem created with PHP it s not ready yet but I need help developing it You can contribute to the code that is hosted on Github Some of it s features will be ArticlesCustom PagesNotificationsPagesReactionsAs I said it s not done yet Here are some screenshots if you would like to see Changes may happen And BTW this post was also written in the platform I create |
2021-11-05 15:03:28 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Developers get day in court over 'tyrannical greed' of Apple's App Store |
Developers get day in court over x tyrannical greed x of Apple x s App StoreApp developers arguing that Apple hundreds of thousands of hours work are being discarded by Apple exploiting its market power with the App Store App StoreIn July two developers of free apps sought billion in damages from Apple claiming that the App Store process restrains trade Now the case has expanded to include a further developer and representatives of the three have met Apple in a court session Read more |
2021-11-05 16:00:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to close apps on Apple Watch in watchOS 8 |
How to close apps on Apple Watch in watchOS While it may not be obvious how to close or force quit apps on the Apple Watch watchOS makes it easy with just a few button presses ーhere s how to do it Even though there s not much reason to close an app on your Apple Watch unless a cloud service that the app relies on is nonresponsive the process is simple enough to do How to close Apple Watch apps in watchOS Read more |
2021-11-05 15:48:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon's top 5 Apple deals: 2021 AirPods, iPad Pro, MacBooks & more on sale |
Amazon x s top Apple deals AirPods iPad Pro MacBooks amp more on saleAmazon s epic early Black Friday deals include steep savings on MacBooks iPads ーand even brand new AirPods Pro with MagSafe AirPods ProPrice wars are in full swing leading up to Black Friday with AirPods with MagSafe Charging Case dropping to a record low today At off this AirPods Pro steal is perfect for holiday gift giving with units in stock and ready to ship well before Black Friday Read more |
2021-11-05 15:27:20 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Everything Possible. For All of Us. Don’t Miss the Revolution. |
partner |
2021-11-05 15:00:45 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Energy Department Aims to Slash Cost of Removing Carbon From the Air |
Energy Department Aims to Slash Cost of Removing Carbon From the AirScientists say carbon removal may be needed to avert the worst effects of climate change But it still needs to be much cheaper and more reliable |
2021-11-05 15:57:10 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Greta Thunberg, at COP26, Says Talks Are Becoming a ‘Greenwash Campaign’ |
Greta Thunberg at COP Says Talks Are Becoming a Greenwash Campaign Ms Thunberg and other activists also spoke about the critical role that young women have played in pressuring world leaders to take action on climate change |
2021-11-05 15:41:10 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
サステナブル・ファイナンスに関する国際的な連携・協調を図るプラットフォーム(IPSF)による 報告書を掲載しました。 |
連携 |
2021-11-05 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
偽造キャッシュカード問題等に対する対応状況(令和3年3月末)について公表しました。 |
状況 |
2021-11-05 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Pfizer says antiviral pill 89% effective in high-risk cases |
initial |
2021-11-05 15:13:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Brexit: 'Serious consequences' if Article 16 triggered, warns EU |
ireland |
2021-11-05 15:40:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Maldon District Council meeting disrupted and police called |
councillors |
2021-11-05 15:40:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
MPs call for inquiry over Boris Johnson's Spanish holiday |
boris |
2021-11-05 15:02:46 |