Engadget Japanese |
最大50%オフ! Kindleストアでマンガとライトノベルを対象にしたセールが開催中 |
kindle |
2021-11-08 09:56:45 |
Engadget Japanese |
「#外食はチカラになる」対応店舗でのau PAY支払いで総額1000万Pontaポイントが当たるキャンペーンを実施 |
aupay |
2021-11-08 09:00:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] マツダ、CX-5を大幅改良 全販売台数の3分の1を占める基幹車種 |
itmedia |
2021-11-08 18:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] “ビッグボス”新庄監督の経済効果は「約59億円」 関西大学名誉教授が試算 |
itmedia |
2021-11-08 18:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 小田急、小児IC運賃を全区間一律50円に 2022年春から 狙いは? |
取り組み |
2021-11-08 18:19:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] クラウド会計のfreee、全サービスで障害 金銭の振り込みなど一部機能が不安定に |
freee |
2021-11-08 18:01:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
あのレクサスにスプレーで落書きできるイベントが開催。VRを活用しながら肉眼で体験 |
株式会社 |
2021-11-08 09:00:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
boston データセットで NGBoost を試す |
データセットの選び方によっても結果が有る程度変わると思われるので、本当に精度を調べようとしたら交差検証などが必要かもしれない。 |
2021-11-08 18:11:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonファイルをexe/app化する。 |
ちなみに Windows で は dist ファイル に デフォルト で exe ファイル が 、 Mac で は app ファイル が でき ます 。 |
2021-11-08 18:07:45 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】正規表現を用いるときのブラウザによるバリデーションを非表示にしたい |
こちらの記事では、ブラウザのフォームのバリデーションを非表示にする方法を記しています。 |
2021-11-08 18:57:56 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Node Scheduleで定期処理を行う |
cronではないフォマットをスケジュールしたい場合はNodeScheduleが良いと思います。 |
2021-11-08 18:20:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
気象庁の強震観測データから,フーリエスペクトルの図を再現したいです. |
2021-11-08 18:49:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
型が参照出来ない原因がわかりません。 |
型が参照出来ない原因がわかりません。 |
2021-11-08 18:37:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
二要素認証が強制されているM365の環境でPowerShellを使用してSharePoint Onlineのドキュメントライブラリにファイルをアップロードしたい |
二要素認証が強制されているMの環境でPowerShellを使用してSharePointOnlineのドキュメントライブラリにファイルをアップロードしたい前提・実現したいことSharePointnbspOnlineへのファイルのアップロードを自動化することになり、今までVBAばかり書いていましたが、PowerShellを書くことになりました。 |
2021-11-08 18:30:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
devise ログイン中に新規登録したい |
deviseログイン中に新規登録したい前提・実現したいことrubyのgemであるdeviseを使用して、ログイン中にも新規登録を行いたい。 |
2021-11-08 18:25:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
RAWデータ(Y8フォーマット)をPython(+OpenCV)で画像処理したい(前回続き) |
RAWデータYフォーマットをPythonOpenCVで画像処理したい前回続き前提・実現したいことYYフォーマットで取得したカメラ画像について、PythonOpenCVを使って画像処理したいと考えています。 |
2021-11-08 18:21:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonで格子座標を作成して、クリックできるようにしたい |
python |
2021-11-08 18:19:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
find_element_by_xpathで最後の要素だけ取得できない |
findelementbyxpathで最後の要素だけ取得できない前提・実現したいこと上記のサイトをスクレイピングしています。 |
2021-11-08 18:13:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
<!--nextpage-->の表示数字とURLを任意の文字に変更したい |
ltnextpagegtの表示数字とURLを任意の文字に変更したい前提・実現したいことltnextpagegtを使用するとという様にページ数がでてくると思いますが、これを任意の文字に変更したい。 |
2021-11-08 18:05:53 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
MaxRequestWorkersによってロードバランサーのEC2ヘルスチェックがタイムアウトするようになったのでCloudWatchで監視するようにしてみた |
apache |
2021-11-08 09:15:14 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS Amplify for JavaScript がS3のリジューム可能なファイルアップロードをサポートしました |
awsamplifyforjavascript |
2021-11-08 09:13:29 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[iOS] StoryboardからのViewController生成時にDIを行う(外部ライブラリ不使用) |
didependencyinjection |
2021-11-08 09:05:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 31 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Mobile Navbar and react-css-modules |
Day of Days of Code amp Scrum Mobile Navbar and react css modulesGood day everyone It s Monday again the start of a new week I have to admit this has become pretty normal for me now that it s been a month Speaking of which I will be writing about my experiences in my first month of blogging I might go for a more realistic depiction of what beginner bloggers experience instead of the typical click bait articles about starting a blog With all the things I m new juggling right now I might publish it around the end of the week we ll see Anyway let s move on to my daily report YesterdayI did my Sprint Planning yesterday and I said I ll be focusing on Next js and Typescript while still studying Scrum TodayHere are the things I learned and worked on today Next jsI learned about and used react css modules to make modular CSS a lot easier to utilize I finished the mobile version of the navbar skeleton working on my company website I decided on what things I ll be working on for my company website Here are some of them I m using Zenhub as my task project management tool ScrumI did some practice flashcards for Scrum reviewed some of the things I ve learned before Once again thank you to everyone for reading and supporting me I wish you all the best Resources Recommended Readingsreact css modules GithubZenhubOfficial Next js tutorialThe Typescript HandbookThe Scrum GuideMikhail Lapshin s Scrum Quizzes DISCLAIMERThis is not a guide it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions based on my limited knowledge and is in no way a substitute for actual references If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree I would appreciate corrections in the comments |
2021-11-08 09:35:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to build a Node.js admin panel |
How to build a Node js admin panelWhat is great about Node js is that it allows for building even complex applications that can handle a plethora of real time data In the last couple of years many well known established companies like Netflix eBay or Uber have rewritten their microservices using Node js LinkedIn in turn has successfully migrated a part of the code that has been written in Ruby on Rails to Node js It shouldn t come as a surprise that robust applications need robust internal tools How to build a Node js admin panelNode js doesn t have a default admin panel solution like Django Admin for Django or Active Admin for Ruby on Rails However there are quite a few options for building an admin panel for a Node js application Build all internal tools in house from scratch This option gives you the maximum flexibility but it also comes with disadvantages like the fact that on average developers spend up to of their time on building and maintaining internal tools At Forest Admin we agree there are more efficient ways to equip companies with internal tools Take advantage of open source admin frameworks and libraries In contrast to building internal tools from scratch it s a quick and relatively easy option that comes with limitations and cannot be edited by non technical team members Pick one of numerous and often free admin panel templates especially when all you need is a simple dashboard or a CRM Just keep in mind that you will face even more limitations compared to open source frameworks They are designed to fit the most general applications and provide the essential features out of the box but there is usually too little customization available Choose a low code solution that gives you the best of both worlds an out of the box solution the possibility to code custom features with Smart Actions and Smart Views dedicated support and top class security Why choose Forest Admin as a Node js admin panelAs you can see in most cases there is some tradeoff between the efficiency of a ready to use solution and the flexibility and scalability of the one built in house A custom made internal tool is always designed to fit the needs of a specific organization and its business logic There is one major problem though Building and maintaining it takes up to of development time requires a lot of effort and defocuses design and product teams At Forest Admin we think that all this effort should rather be spent on a customer facing shiny app but does it mean that internal tools can be neglected On the contrary that s why we ve built a highly customizable and secure admin panel solution Why is Forest Admin the perfect fit for Node js applications Forest Admin s architecture consists of four components the database the admin backend the Forest Admin API server and the Forest Admin UI server When you install Forest Admin you can generate a Node js application on your local machine that includes a RESTful API that connects to your database It also provides the Forest Admin API Server with the information needed to build the User Interface Another possibility is to install Forest Admin to an Express Sequelize or an Express Mongoose app as your data source Such a special architecture makes it possible to achieve top level security as Forest Admin API Server is never proxying requests to your database In short Forest Admin never sees your data and you are in full control of it You own the admin backend and you can extend it like any Node js app Using JavaScript and npm packages you can add any custom logic you want Are you ready to start Building a Node js admin panel PrerequisitesTo build your internal tools with Forest Admin you need minutes of your time Basic knowledge of JavaScript Web browser we recommend Chrome and Firefox Your favorite code editor A database or another data source for example an Express Sequelize or an Express Mongoose app Getting started with Forest AdminCreate your account on ForestAdmin com You can get started for free You will be asked to fill a sign up form choose whether it s a personal project or you need to create an organization and name your project You will be asked to fill a sign up form choose whether it s a personal project or you need to create an organization and name your project Once it s done it s time to pick your data source Follow the onboarding instructions For more information check Forest Admin Installation Guide Once your project is working an automated quick tour will walk you through the basic views and settings click on the blue circles whenever you need more information Now adjust your internal tool to fit your business logic Check how powerful our Layout Editor is and invite team members Pro tip Use tags to facilitate their onboarding If you don t have an account yet sign up for free and join thousands of innovative companies |
2021-11-08 09:19:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
😎 How to convert a normal React form to use react-hook-form? |
How to convert a normal React form to use react hook form Hey everyone Nice to see you all around again Today you ll find out how easy it is to use the react hook form library for forms instead of the normal method of forms in React So the first thing is first normally in React we use state and whenever the value of an input changes we change the state This method s good but there is a lot of code Here s how the code looks like in this case import useState from react export default function LoginForm const email setEmail useState const password setPassword useState const onSubmit e gt e preventDefault Submit logic return lt div gt lt form onSubmit onSubmit gt lt input type email value email onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt input type password value password onChange e gt setPassword e target value gt lt form gt lt div gt And I personally feel that this is indeed a lot of code that could be made better That s why you should use react hook form So to convert this normal one to use react hook form we install it via NPM or Yarn npm i react hook form yarn add react hook formAnd then the first thing we have to do is get rid of the state we created the onSubmit function and the value and onChange props too After we remove that bit of code we import useForm from react hook form and this is how we use it import useForm from react hook form export default function LoginForm const register handleSubmit useForm return lt div gt lt form gt lt input type email gt lt input type password gt lt form gt lt div gt Then we use the register function as a prop in the inputs to register each input with a name to get the value of it like this return lt div gt lt form gt lt input type email register email gt lt input type password register password gt lt form gt lt div gt Then for the form submission we use the handleSubmit provided by the useForm hook with our own submit function which provides us the values of the inputs directly We can also destructure the values from it import useForm from react hook form export default function LoginForm const register handleSubmit useForm const onSubmit data gt OR DESTRUCTURING email password console log data email data password Submit logic return lt div gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit onSubmit gt handleSubmit is invoked and onSubmit is passed into it lt input type email register email gt lt input type password register password gt lt form gt lt div gt This way it automatically prevents the page from refreshing on submit Using it with TypeScriptUsing RHF with TypeScript is super easy because firstly you don t need to install separate type definitions as they come along with RHF You ve to define an interface for the fields you re using and then pass it in useForm as generic interface LoginFields email string password string In componentconst register handleSubmit useForm lt LoginFields gt And while calling the submit function you ve to set the type of the onSubmit function to the type SubmitHandler provided directly by RHF import useForm SubmitHandler from react hook form In componentconst onSubmit SubmitHandler lt LoginFields gt email password gt console log email password Submit logic This way you also get good IntelliSense in your IDE or code editor ConclusionYou can read a lot more functionalities provided by react hook form on their website I hope you liked it Comment down your thoughts There is always room for improvement so let me know your suggestions on this project Connect with me on my YouTube channel and my Twitter Until next time keeping awesome ️ |
2021-11-08 09:11:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Exclude Pages from WordPress Search Results |
How to Exclude Pages from WordPress Search ResultsDo you want to learn how to exclude pages from the WordPress search results By default the internal search on your WordPress site will include all posts and pages in the search results To make it easier for your site visitors to find what they re looking for you may want to exclude certain content so it never appears in those results In this article we ll show you how to exclude certain pages from the WordPress search results Why Exclude Pages from WordPress Search Results The default WordPress site search includes all of your posts pages and custom post types in the search results This works well enough for many WordPress website owners However if you re running an online store then you may want to hide pages like your account page checkout page thank you page and more The same goes for those running membership websites or online courses You may want to hide subscriber only content from appearing in search With that said let s show you how to exclude pages from your sitewide WordPress search results Note This guide covers on site search results when a visitor to your website uses a search box to search through your website content If you re looking to exclude pages from Google search results then you should see our guide on how to hide a WordPress page from Google To read complete detail Exclude Pages from WordPress Search Results |
2021-11-08 09:06:19 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Disney+ special offer cuts subscriptions to $2 for the first month |
Disney special offer cuts subscriptions to for the first monthAs part of Disney Day on November th Disney is trying to tempt folks to its streaming service with an offer of one month for just it announced It s available to new or eligible returning subscribers and will cost per month after that but you can cancel at any time On top of a cheap month of streaming Disney has special offers at its parks including an early minute entry at Disney World and Disneyland with free Disney PhotoPass photo downloads It will also unveil new ShopDisney merchandise from Marvel Pixar and Star Wars along with discounted ebooks available at just until November th nbsp Other perks include and percent off Disney Plus products at WizKids and Funko respectively with the code DISNEYPLUSDAY More than AMC theaters will screen surprise Disney movies on November th th for per ticket with special concessions and a Disney Plus poster thrown in Finally Disney is jumping onto the NFT bandwagon with golden NFT statues of characters from The Simpsons and other franchises nbsp The promotional pricing is now available until November th providing a good way to try out the service Just remember that it will revert to the regular price a month later so don t forget to cancel if you don t want to keep it nbsp |
2021-11-08 09:18:49 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
オンライン診療、高齢者の利用率1%台-目立つ対面希望、MICIN調べ |
micin |
2021-11-08 18:30:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
インドネシア経済:21年7-9月期の成長率は前年同期比+3.51%~成長率は2期連続のプラス成長も、感染再拡大に伴う行動規制強化の影響を受けて減速 |
インドネシア経済年月期の成長率は前年同期比成長率は期連続のプラス成長も、感染再拡大に伴う行動規制強化の影響を受けて減速インドネシアの年月期の実質GDP成長率は前年同期比原系列増前期同増と低下し、市場予想同を下回る結果となった。 |
2021-11-08 18:06:50 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Bureaucracy blunts impact of Japan’s eased border controls |
rules |
2021-11-08 18:22:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: US reopens border to UK travellers after almost two years |
doses |
2021-11-08 09:44:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Amy Winehouse: Singer's items raise millions at auction |
auctionthe |
2021-11-08 09:01:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Transport secretary Grant Shapps has operation after bike fall |
hospitals |
2021-11-08 09:09:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What are the UK travel rules, what tests do I need and can I visit the US? |
restrictions |
2021-11-08 09:11:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: When can I get my Covid booster jab? |
booster |
2021-11-08 09:33:30 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
ひろぎんHDが取立不能おそれ、神田造船所の事業再編で - 不景気.com |
神田造船所 |
2021-11-08 09:56:41 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
ZATSUのオスス麺in武蔵野多摩79回 |
walker |
2021-11-08 09:13:42 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Eventarc のロケーションを詳しくご紹介 |
ただし、PubSubトリガーを作成する際は、以下のようにlocationフラグを使用してリージョンを指定する必要がありますEventarcトリガーはリージョン内に存在する必要があるため。 |
2021-11-08 11:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Forrester、Google AppSheet を自社開発向けのローコード プラットフォームのリーダーに選出 |
また、ドキュメントの取り込みのような便利で実用的なAIサービスも提供しています」とも評されています。 |
2021-11-08 10:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
政府、首相訪米へ高官協議 月内を想定、国務次官補と |
国務次官 |
2021-11-08 18:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
広範囲で大雨の恐れ、大気不安定 土砂災害や浸水、氾濫に警戒 |
土砂災害 |
2021-11-08 18:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
仮想通貨詐取か6人再逮捕 マッチングアプリで勧誘 |
仮想通貨 |
2021-11-08 18:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
看護師の月収、医師の4割 財務省、分配改善を提言 |
諮問機関 |
2021-11-08 18:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大阪で15人感染、1人死亡 累計の死者は3054人 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-11-08 18:05:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
サンワサプライ、三脚をキャスター付きにできる折り畳み式三脚台を発売 |
手持ち |
2021-11-08 18:15:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Eventarc のロケーションを詳しくご紹介 |
ただし、PubSubトリガーを作成する際は、以下のようにlocationフラグを使用してリージョンを指定する必要がありますEventarcトリガーはリージョン内に存在する必要があるため。 |
2021-11-08 11:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Forrester、Google AppSheet を自社開発向けのローコード プラットフォームのリーダーに選出 |
また、ドキュメントの取り込みのような便利で実用的なAIサービスも提供しています」とも評されています。 |
2021-11-08 10:00:00 |