IT |
気になる、記になる… |
YouTube、11月26〜28日に140以上のアニメ動画作品を完全無料で公開する「YouTube Anime Weekend」を開催へ |
youtube |
2021-11-15 07:08:14 |
Engadget Japanese |
「葬送のフリーレン」「キングダム」「ふたりソロキャンプ」「刷ったもんだ!」など|11月後半発売の人気マンガ新刊まとめ |
人気作品 |
2021-11-15 07:35:46 |
Engadget Japanese |
Pixel 6ユーザーに救世主 画面内指紋認証に対応した保護フィルム登場 |
Pixelユーザーに救世主画面内指紋認証に対応した保護フィルム登場GoogleのPixelシリーズ特に無印は画面に保護フィルムやガラスプロテクターを貼ると、画面内センサーによる指紋認証がうまくいかなくなったり、認証に時間がかかったり、といった問題が指摘されています。 |
2021-11-15 07:20:17 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コミックマーケット、年末に2年ぶりに開催へ 5万5000人規模、接種証明と陰性証明が必要 |
itmedia |
2021-11-15 16:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] インバースネット、GTX 1650を搭載したエントリー15.6型ゲーミングノートPC |
geforcegtx |
2021-11-15 16:23:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 積水ハウス、賃貸物件などの“トリセツ”を電子化 業務効率と利便性を向上 |
itmedia |
2021-11-15 16:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「求人情報の内容を半分以上信じていない」女性が37.3% 信じない理由3位は「少し盛っていると思う」 |
itmedia |
2021-11-15 16:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 7~9月期GDPは年率3.0%減 2四半期ぶりマイナス成長 |
ITmediaビジネスオンライン月期GDPは年率減四半期ぶりマイナス成長内閣府が日発表した令和年月期の国内総生産GDP、季節調整値速報値は、物価変動を除く実質で前期比減、このペースが年間続くと仮定した年率換算は減だった。 |
2021-11-15 16:11:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東芝などにみられる会社分割の動きについて |
itmedia |
2021-11-15 16:08:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ZoomやTeamsの通信優先 法人向け「OCN モバイル ONE」に「テレワークプラン」 |
itmedianewszoom |
2021-11-15 16:01:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
AI-OCR「DX Suite」で簡体字を読み取り可能に、現地企業の利用や請求書処理などを拡大 | IT Leaders |
aiocr |
2021-11-15 16:40:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
シスコ、Webex Meetingを強化、日本語から多言語へのリアルタイム翻訳字幕を表示可能に | IT Leaders |
シスコ、WebexMeetingを強化、日本語から多言語へのリアルタイム翻訳字幕を表示可能にITLeadersシスコシステムズは年月日、統合コミュニケーションサービス「WebexSuite」を機能強化すると発表した。 |
2021-11-15 16:14:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon SageMakerとAmazon QuickSightを使用した有害事象のリアルタイム検出システムの構築 |
この投稿の目的は、AmazonSageMakerと事前トレーニング済みのトランスフォーマーモデルを使用して、ソーシャルメディアで言及されているAEを検出する方法を紹介する例を提供することです。 |
2021-11-15 07:09:07 |
Google |
Google Developer Japan Blog |
Google OAuth の段階的な認証の改善について |
ユーザーがGoogleアカウントのデータをアプリと共有することにした場合、簡単かつ安全な操作で共有できます。 |
2021-11-15 17:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
管理者権限がない環境(Windows)でPythonを導入する方法 |
pythonが使えるか確認Powershellを使用して、以下のコマンドを実行し、Pythonが動くかどうか確認する。 |
2021-11-15 16:48:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
format()を使った文字の表示位置と幅指定 |
文字の表示位置と幅指定埋め込む文字列に含まれる中にフォーマットを指定することができる。 |
2021-11-15 16:32:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Makefile ライブラリリンクでカレントディレクトリを指定する方法が知りたいです。 |
Makefileライブラリリンクでカレントディレクトリを指定する方法が知りたいです。 |
2021-11-15 16:59:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python]matplotで描画した図のタイトルの部分に現在時刻を表示したい |
Pythonmatplotで描画した図のタイトルの部分に現在時刻を表示したい下のように現在時刻をdateに保持した後、matplotによる図の描画を行いタイトルに時刻を表示できるようにしたいです。 |
2021-11-15 16:40:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Fluentd Webhookで受け取ったメッセージを正規表現で名前付きキャプチャしたい |
FluentdWebhookで受け取ったメッセージを正規表現で名前付きキャプチャしたい実現したいことWebhookで受け取ったメッセージを正規表現で名前付きキャプチャしたいです。 |
2021-11-15 16:37:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
firebaseの無料枠から従量制への移行は自動? |
このプランの上限を超えた場合は勝手に従量制に移行してしまうのでしょうか。 |
2021-11-15 16:35:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
matlab エッジ検出後に指定したエッジに自動打点したい |
展望としてはイメージのエッジ検出を行い、近似円を算出したいエッジを選択すると自動で算出できるようなプログラムにしようと思っています。 |
2021-11-15 16:33:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyで暗号化してJavaで複合がしたい |
Rubyで暗号化してJavaで複合がしたい前提・実現したいことプログラミング初心者です。 |
2021-11-15 16:29:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
全画面の縦swiperが終了したらフッターにスクロールしたい |
発生している問題swiperを全画面で表示すると、その中でのスクロールしか効かず、フッターに行けません。 |
2021-11-15 16:28:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
利用されていない任意のドメインの取得 |
ezample |
2021-11-15 16:27:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CDN版Vue.jsでのカルーセル実装 |
CDN版Vuejsでのカルーセル実装閲覧ありがとうございます。 |
2021-11-15 16:22:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBAで使用するワークシート関数の制限について |
VBAで使用するワークシート関数の制限についてよろしくお願いいたします。 |
2021-11-15 16:22:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PDOオブジェクトを何回もnewしたくない |
2021-11-15 16:20:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ボタンを離したときに値を減らしていきたい |
2021-11-15 16:18:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails(Ruby)で制御文字を置き換えたい |
RailsRubyで制御文字を置き換えたいRubynbspです。 |
2021-11-15 16:16:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python CSVモジュールでリストデータをCSV出力したい |
PythonCSVモジュールでリストデータをCSV出力したいやりたいことPython環境でCSVモジュールでリストデータをCSVに書き込むプログラムを作成したい。 |
2021-11-15 16:14:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
物体をもっと広い範囲で動かしたいです。 |
物体をもっと広い範囲で動かしたいです。 |
2021-11-15 16:09:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity ListをJSON形式で保存したい |
UnityListをJSON形式で保存したい前提としてゲーム中、costとtimeというスコアがどんどん増えて行きます。 |
2021-11-15 16:01:40 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Databricks を VNET Injection でデプロイする (テンプレ利用) |
AzureDatabricksをVNETInjectionでデプロイするテンプレ利用はじめにAzureDatabricksのVNETInjectionでのデプロイは設定項目が多く、若干手間がかかります。 |
2021-11-15 16:26:48 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
パブリックなAPI Gatewayから仮想オンプレミスとして別ネットワークのALBをHTTPSバックエンドとして指定する |
apigateway |
2021-11-15 07:36:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
No-code tools, freelancing 101, CSS roadmap, and more
My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week: |
No code tools freelancing CSS roadmap and moreMy favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer This article was first published on my BlogNo code tools freelancing CSS roadmap and moreMy favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week Using no code tools can save you a lot of timeBy JustinSaaS Justin Welsh justinsaas Notion NotionHQ is basically the master hub for my whole life In Notion I Host my roadmap Manage my to do list Write all of my content Store my process docs And much more And I m still learning how to use it most effectively PM Nov The only web dev roadmap you ll ever needBy heyOnuoha ️Favor ️ heyonuoha To successfully learn web development you must divide and conquer web dev topicsFrontend→→Part HTML amp CSS→Part JavaScript→Part Tailwind→Part React→Part GitHubBackend→→Part Node JS→Part Express→Part MongoDB→Part Heroku AM Nov Freelancing By study web dev Kyle Prinsloo study web dev Get clients paying you month Or clients paying you month Offer website design marketing services Just monthly clients Then grow from there It s not easy but it s definitely possible and achievable within months AM Nov The daily inspiration doseBy csaba kissi Csaba Kissi csaba kissi I was years old Left my job Since then I did side projects and earned multi figures EUR on the internet All of this with CS degreeBootcampInternshipCertificatesSelf taught in ProgrammingSelf taught in EnglishNothing is impossible AM Nov The VScode extension that can save you a ton of timeBy Prathkum Pratham prathkum Tabnine is one of my favorite VS Code extensions AI algorithm analyzes your code patterns and gives you personalized suggestions based on your code Tabnine always writes code for me Definitely check it out if you want to be more productive Tabnine com AM Nov Learn CSS from hereBy georgemoller George Moller georgemoller CSS Developer Roadmap with FREE resources to learn from Thread PM Nov Everyone is figuring it out on the goBy SimonHoiberg Simon Høiberg simonhoiberg Don t worry I m a senior developer and have been a well paid consultant for years A lot of the time I don t know what the hell I m doing either Don t be shy go ahead and apply PM Nov Never stop practicingBy razacodes Raza Rython razacodes Good programming skills come from deliberate practise Whether that is at work or from side projects Practise is important Now go and code some Python Rython AM Nov It s always a love and hate relationshipBy VittoStack Vitto Rivabella vittostack The language I love the most JavaScriptThe language I hate the most JavaScript AM Nov I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter |
2021-11-15 07:31:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Maps with D3 and Svelte |
Maps with D and SvelteThis blog is fourth in a series of unofficial course notes for the Data Visualization with React and D series by Curran Kelleher Read the introductory blog post here The next chart in the series is a simple map of the world In this chart Curran actually uses a Topojson file then converts it into Geojson and then plots it I am not planning to do that as it seems complicated and also for some reason the topojson library does not play nice with Node on my computer and I was too lazy to actually debug it So instead I are going to use a simple geojson I found on D Graph Gallery I am going to start from a fresh Svelte project instead of carrying on from the last To do and install d along with its npx degit sveltejs template world mapcd word mapnpm installnpm install dAnd to run the app itself npm run devLet clean everthing in the App svelte The dataset for the map is available here Let s use the d json method to load in the data and use it import json from d let dataset json then data gt dataset data features I am only using the features array in the geojson and this contains everything we need to draw the map Let s start by making an SVG in the markup and adding a width and height property to it lt script gt const width height lt script gt lt main gt lt svg width height gt lt svg gt lt main gt If you console log the dataset at this point and well go deeper and deeper into the json tree you ll notice that the geojson contains the boundary information using a construct called geometry The only problem with this is that this construct is not a svg path and is instead of course a co ordinate you can plot To solve this problem D provides a powerful geographic path generator d geoPath which can take in a given GeoJSON feature or geometry to generate an SVG path D also provides a lot of geographical projections as well to transform how the map looks like I am going to split out this logic to drawing the paths themeselves into a different component called Marks So let import the new component into App svelte like so import Marks from Marks svelte And pass the dataset to the component like so lt Marks dataset gt Now of course this component does not exist so lets go about making it real We ll also import the projections and path generator lt script gt import geoPath geoNaturalEarth from d export let dataset const projection geoNaturalEarth const path geoPath projection lt script gt Afterwards its really easy We just need to iterate over the dataset and pass the data to the path function each dataset as data lt path d path data gt each And now we have it a perfectly horrible world map I actually kind of like the stark edgy nature of the map I was going to style this but this is actually rather nice So of course the next part will be dedicated to showing off a cool svelte feature I just found Let first remove all the fill colour from the map and add a stroke lt style gt path fill none stroke darkgreen lt style gt Svelte has great support for styling One thing I like in particular are the transition directives These are tools for using motion more effectively and gracefully in your app and generally making it look smoother Lets import the draw function from svelte transitons and add it to the path tag lt script gt import draw from svelte transition lt script gt lt path transition draw duration delay d path data gt These transition directives actually pack in a lot of flexibility We can pass in custom easing function to control the speed of the transition and we can even pass in custom CSS and JS to control the transtitions import quadInOut from svelte easing lt path transition draw duration delay easing quadInOut d path data gt Personally I think that s just awesome Here s the final code Well that s it for today Hope you have a nice day |
2021-11-15 07:30:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HTML tags | script |
HTML tags scriptIt is used to embed executable code or data this is typically used to embed or refer to JavaScript code The lt script gt element can also be used with other languages such as WebGL s GLSL shader programming language and JSON The lt script gt element either contains scripting statements or it points to an external script file through the src attribute asyncFor classic scripts if the async attribute is present then the classic script will be fetched in parallel to parsing and evaluated as soon as it is available For module scripts if the async attribute is present then the scripts and all their dependencies will be executed in the defer queue therefore they will get fetched in parallel to parsing and evaluated as soon as they are available This attribute allows the elimination of parser blocking JavaScript where the browser would have to load and evaluate scripts before continuing to parse defer has a similar effect in this case This is a boolean attribute the presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value and the absence of the attribute represents the false value crossoriginNormal lt script gt elements pass minimal information to the window onerror for scripts which do not pass the standard CORS checks Use this attribute to allow error logging for sites which use a separate domain for static media deferThis Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed but before firing DOMContentLoaded Scripts with the defer attribute will prevent the DOMContentLoaded event from firing until the script has loaded and finished evaluating This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent i e for inline scripts in this case it would have no effect The defer attribute has no effect on module scripts ーthey defer by default Scripts with the defer attribute will execute in the order in which they appear in the document This attribute allows the elimination of parser blocking JavaScript where the browser would have to load and evaluate scripts before continuing to parse async has a similar effect in this case integrityThis attribute contains inline metadata that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation nomoduleThis Boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script should not be executed in browsers that support ES modules ーin effect this can be used to serve fallback scripts to older browsers that do not support modular JavaScript code nonceA cryptographic nonce number used once to allow scripts in a script src Content Security Policy The server must generate a unique nonce value each time it transmits a policy It is critical to provide a nonce that cannot be guessed as bypassing a resource s policy is otherwise trivial referrerpolicyIndicates which referrer to send when fetching the script or resources fetched by the script no referrer the Referer header will not be sent no referrer when downgrade the Referer header will not be sent to origins without TLS HTTPS origin the sent referrer will be limited to the origin of the referring page its scheme host and port origin when cross origin the referrer sent to other origins will be limited to the scheme the host and the port Navigations on the same origin will still include the path same origin a referrer will be sent for same origin but cross origin requests will contain no referrer information strict origin only send the origin of the document as the referrer when the protocol security level stays the same HTTPS→HTTPS but don t send it to a less secure destination HTTPS→HTTP strict origin when cross origin default send a full URL when performing a same origin request only send the origin when the protocol security level stays the same HTTPS→HTTPS and send no header to a less secure destination HTTPS→HTTP unsafe url the referrer will include the origin and the path but not the fragment password or username This value is unsafe because it leaks origins and paths from TLS protected resources to insecure origins An empty string value is both the default value and a fallback value if referrerpolicy is not supported If referrerpolicy is not explicitly specified on the lt script gt element it will adopt a higher level referrer policy i e one set on the whole document or domain If a higher level policy is not available the empty string is treated as being equivalent to strict origin when cross origin srcThis attribute specifies the URI of an external script this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document typeThis attribute indicates the type of script represented The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type this indicates the script is JavaScript The HTML specification urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provide a redundant MIME type In earlier browsers this identified the scripting language of the embedded or imported via the src attribute code JavaScript MIME types are listed in the specification module causes the code to be treated as a JavaScript module The processing of the script contents is not affected by the charset and defer attributes Unlike classic scripts module scripts require the use of the CORS protocol for cross origin fetching Any other value the embedded content is treated as a data block which won t be processed by the browser Developers must use a valid MIME type that is not a JavaScript MIME type to denote data blocks The src attribute will be ignored NotesScripts without async defer or type module attributes as well as inline scripts are fetched and executed immediately before the browser continues to parse the page The script should be served with the text javascript MIME type but browsers are lenient and only block them if the script is served with an image type image a video type video an audio audio type or text csv If the script is blocked an error is sent to the element if not a load event is sent Browsers that support the module value for the type attribute ignore any script with a nomodule attribute That enables you to use module scripts while also providing nomodule marked fallback scripts for non supporting browsers You can also use the lt script gt element to embed data in HTML with server side rendering by specifying a valid non JavaScript MIME type in the type attribute lt Generated by the server gt lt script id data type application json gt userId userName John Doe memberSince T Z lt script gt lt Static gt lt script gt const userInfo JSON parse document getElementById data text console log User information o userInfo lt script gt Type Self closing NoSemantic value NoDefinition Example Support |
2021-11-15 07:13:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Frontend Developer Learning Path 2021 [With 50+ Free Resources] |
Frontend Developer Learning Path With Free Resources A front end developer is a person who develops the user interface of the website and applications They are responsible for determining the structure and design of the web application build features to improve user experience make a balance between design and functionality optimize web app for different devices optimize pages for speed and scalability use different markup languages for coding web pages maintain brand consistency and write reusable codes In simple terms front end development refers to the lines of code that determine the operation and structure of the user interface However the front end web development is not just limited to using HTML CSS or JS instead there are a bunch of other technologies that you need to learn if you wanna become a prominent developer this year Read More Frontend Developer Learning Path With Free Resources |
2021-11-15 07:09:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Short Introduction to Pipeline Operator, and Piping, in JavaScript |
A Short Introduction to Pipeline Operator and Piping in JavaScriptFunctional programming provides many useful concepts One of these concepts is pipeline operator and piping This tutorial will help you understand what pipeline operator and piping are how they work and how to use them You will also learn how to create your own pipe function in JavaScript A brief introductionThe pipeline operator is one of those features that has been discussed for a long time but never became a feature of JavaScript language This changed and pipeline operator entered as a draft the stage of TC process In it moved from stage to stage This means that pipeline operator is still not a stable feature of JavaScript language and its specification can change However there is already a Babel plugin that allows us to work with this feature That said we don t even need the plugin or the feature to emulate what pipeline operator does We can take existing JavaScript syntax and create our own function that will lead to similar results as the pipeline operator But before we do that let s take a look at the pipeline operator and piping Piping made simpleThe idea of piping functions may sound difficult to understand but it is not Put simply piping about taking some input and passing it into a function and then sending it into another function This way you can take some value as an input and send it through a sequence of functions to get one value as an output One way to get this done is by using method chaining With this approach you take a value and call some method on it Then instead of calling another method on the result of previous call separately you chain the next method the first Chaining example with string const sentence There is some mess around Modifying the string with method chaining const cleanedSentence sentence replace g replace s g trim console log cleanedSentence Output There is some mess around Another option is using piping but without the pipeline operator This solution works well with custom functions Instead of chaining functions you pass one function call as argument to another function call This way you can pass a value returned by one function to another to get the result you need Piping example Define some functions const add num gt num const subtract num gt num const multiply num gt num Use piping to pass value through cascade of functions const num multiply add subtract console log num Output There is one problem with this Your code can quickly become pile of unreadable mess as you add more and more function calls Now let s take a look at how we can handle this with the help of pipeline operator The pipeline operatorIn JavaScript the pipeline operator uses a very specific syntax It uses this pipe gt symbol When you want to use this operator you have to put it on a specific place This place is between the value you want to pass to a function call and the function you want to call If you want to pipe multiple functions you put the gt symbol between each of them Remember that you don t put the gt symbol after the last function The last function is the last thing in the chain Let s demonstrate pipeline operator by rewriting the example with piping to this new syntax Without pipeline operator const add num num gt num const subtract num num gt num const multiply num num gt num const num multiply add subtract Log the value of num console log num Output With pipeline operator const numPiped gt add gt subtract gt multiply Log the value of num console log numPiped Output Notes Value gets passed to add fn The value returned by add fn is passed to subtract The value returned by subtract fn is passed to multiply The value returned by multiply fn is assigned to numPiped variableAs you can see our code is much more readable when we use the pipeline operator It may take a moment to get used to the new syntax and some differences such as missing parentheses in function calls Custom piping functionThe pipeline operator looks useful The problem that may prevent us from starting using it is that it is only in stage This means it is not guaranteed it will make it to the JavaScript specification Even if it will eventually make it we don t know when It already took a lot of time for the operator to make it to stage Fortunately there are two options The first one is the Babel plugin This plugin will allow as to use pipeline operator right now before it reaches stage or Another option is creating our own custom piping function using current JavaScript Let s focus on the second option and create the custom function This piping function will be simple What we need is a function that accepts unknown number of arguments This function will iterate over all arguments which will be functions and call each Each function call will return a value Our piping function will take each value and add it to the previous For each call our piping function will use the previously returned value as an argument for the current call After the last function is called our piping function will add the last value to the accumulator of previous values and return the final value This may sound complicated but we can get this done easily with reduce method Functions to pipe const add num num gt num const subtract num num gt num const multiply num num gt num Custom piping function Pipes functions and returns a single value param Array args array composed of initial value and functions return any const pipeFn args gt args reduce acc fn gt fn acc Testing custom piping function const numPiped pipeFn add subtract multiply console log numPiped Output As you can see the custom piping function is very simple It is composed of two things array of arguments and one reduce method One thing some developers may not like is the initial value passed as the first argument One way to fix this is by using currying We can remove the initial value from the arguments array with functions in the first call and move it to a separate function call Functions for piping const add num num gt num const subtract num num gt num const multiply num num gt num Updated piping function const pipeFn args gt val gt args reduce acc fn gt fn acc val Test const numPiped pipeFn add subtract multiply console log numPiped Output Final noteIt is worth repeating that at the moment of writing this article pipeline operator is at stage Although there is a Babel plugin that can transpile pipeline operator syntax into JavaScript modern browsers can understand I would use this feature in production code A lot can change and a lot can break For anyone who wants to use this feature I would suggest using some custom implementation either one we used or some alternative This will ensure your code works no matter the changes in the operator proposal And when the operator is out you can easily migrate your custom implementation if you want Conclusion A short introduction to pipeline operator and piping in JavaScriptPipeline operator makes it easy to use the concept of piping functions while keeping your code readable and short This operator is not an official part of JavaScript yet However this doesn t mean we can use it today either directly with the help of Babel or indirectly through custom implementation |
2021-11-15 07:06:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Microsoft BI as a Career- Full Guide For You! |
Microsoft BI as a Career Full Guide For You In today s data driven environment Business Intelligence BI appears to be the one sector that appears to offer a more appealing professional potential If you want to work in Power BI you ll need to know what job opportunities exist for Power BI developers Power BI will be the most crucial tool for ambitious candidates because data visualization is the company s future and tools used to visualize data will be in demand One of the most likely reasons you want to study Power BI is to work in the field You might be asking yourself many questions to make sure you re thinking on the right path So don t worry we ll provide you with all the details on Power BI Career Opportunities including salary and a thorough explanation of the Power BI scope and about microsoft bi training Let s take a quick look at Microsoft Power BI before we get into the employment opportunities What is BI Power BI is a set of procedures systems and technologies that turn raw data into valuable and instructive content that aids in the execution of profitable business strategies By studying historical data rather than assumptions it fosters fact based and logical decision making As a result most businesses use business intelligence BI tools to visualize data As more companies adopt these tools the demand for Power BI experts will rise Why do so many businesses utilize Power BI Data is the most precious asset that enables businesses to make the best judgments possible about future business plans and expansion In today s data driven corporate world analyzing trends statistical numbers and facts is critical before taking action Every firm has to deal with a large amount of data regularly making manual data analysis impractical As a result business owners prefer to employ the best data monitoring solutions to acquire a degree perspective and plan for future growth Best Platform for BI CertificationJanBask MSBI Training teaches you how to use SQL Server to learn popular MSBI tools including SSIS SSRS and SSAS As part of the course you will acquire hands on expertise in report generation data integration dashboards cubes data analysis and other topics The system will help you pass the MCSE Business Intelligence certification exam So certify your talents with JanBask and take your profession to the next level JanBask BI is currently one of the most promising fields in the IT industry You ll need structured training with an updated curriculum designed according to industry standards to take advantage of the opportunities accessible in the BI field In addition rather than collecting theoretical knowledge you should work on real world projects to gain practical experience with the platform Working on the MSBI platform right now you ll require expert counsel For more information click on Salary Ranges for Various Job PositionsWe ve listed the average salary per annum for several Power BI job titles below A Power BI professional s average compensation is Rs per year Data Analyst Power BI Rs Developer Power BI Rs Software Engineer for Power BI Rs Analyst Power BI Rs Rs for a Senior Software EngineerRs for a Senior Business Intelligence BI AnalystBusiness Analyst IT Power BI Rs Power BI s Roles and ResponsibilitiesWe can see Power BI s responsibilities and responsibilities here A Power BI developer s significant roles and responsibilities include creating a detailed summary of vast volumes of data for decision makers to review and make quick decisions based on the information presented Because data may not be in a usable format it is the responsibility of the Power BI Developer to arrange and transform the data needed for reporting Create Power BI graphics that are unique to you Embedded analytics similarly Power BI service or API automation can integrate Power BI reports with other applications Prototyping designing and requirement analysis are all skills that are required Create data models that meet the needs of the company Methodologies should be developed and project documentation should be prepared Create conventional tabular and multidimensional warehouse models Create reporting models for analytical services Transform raw data into visually appealing graphs and reports Know what the application security layer is and how to use it On the Power BI desktop create DAX queries Skills Required for BIBecause Power BI appears and functions like an advanced version of Excel pursuing a career in Power BI necessitates advanced MS Excel skills The most significant part of Power BI visualization is data modeling thus you should be familiar with data modeling methodologies Because DAX formulae are comparable to MS Excel formulas you should be familiar with them Power Query is used to convert data and organize it to meet the demands of users Thus it s essential to know how to use it The most crucial ability for retrieving data from SQL servers is Structured Query Language SQL Building interactive dashboards are an essential skill to acquire if you want to work for Power BI A bachelor s degree in computer science or IT or an equivalent certification Be familiar with JavaScript CSS and SQL At the minimum years of experience working with any self service technologyPractical knowledge of data warehousing initiatives Power BI s Future Scope and DemandPower BI has become a favorite tool of the business world due to its excellent cloud based data visualization capabilities Its popularity is unlikely to wane shortly Furthermore it is a Microsoft product which has already released several market leading goods Because Power BI is a cloud based product it has a lot of potential in the future as businesses migrate to cloud platforms and away from on premise work environments As a result we can conclude that Power BI has a bright future and anyone interested in pursuing a career in this industry can do so with confidence ConclusionAs a result the Power BI Profession encompasses all of the above If you re interested in this subject receive good microsoft bi training so that when you join the corporate world you ll have an easier time There are many Power BI jobs available in the market whether you re a newbie or a seasoned pro Go out and seize the chances that your aptitude and skills provide |
2021-11-15 07:03:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Custom Initial exchange Offering Service |
Custom Initial exchange Offering ServiceGet completely customizable Initial exchange Offering Service from the top developers in the market Initial Exchange Offering IEO is the newest fundraising strategy for the blockchain startups where authentic cryptocurrency exchanges govern the processes on behalf of the token issuers In an IEO the issuer concerned mints the tokens and sends them to the exchange and the investors can buy tokens from the exchange using Ether in order to take part in IEO |
2021-11-15 07:01:03 |
医療系 |
内科開業医のお勉強日記 |
COPD急性増悪:4m歩行速度試験による退院後リスク評価 |
テストを開始する前に、各参加者に歩行のデモンストレーションを行ったが、参加者自身は歩行の練習を行わなかった。 |
2021-11-15 07:10:00 |
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2021-11-15 16:55:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
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2021-11-15 09:00:00 |
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[東証]株価指数算出上の取扱いについて(ソフトフロントホールディングス) |
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2021-11-15 16:20:00 |
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バーゼル委が最終文書「マーケット・リスクに係る開示要件の見直し」を公表 |
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2021-11-15 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
バーゼル委が最終文書「ソブリン・エクスポージャーに係る任意開示」を公表 |
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2021-11-15 17:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
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Shipping companies feel the heat as investors shun coal |
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2021-11-15 16:09:03 |
ニュース |
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Covid-19: Lockdown for unvaccinated and charities face rising demand |
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2021-11-15 07:39:58 |
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BBC News - Home |
Real Living Wage rises to £9.90 an hour |
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2021-11-15 07:02:53 |
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One Englishman and four Aussies - who made the T20 World Cup team of the tournament? |
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2021-11-15 07:22:30 |
LifeHuck |
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2021-11-15 17:00:00 |
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釧路沖の商業捕鯨、今季18頭 海水温上昇で昨年より8頭少なく |
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北海道 |
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NBA、ウィザーズが4連勝 9勝3敗でトップ争い |
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2021-11-15 16:01:00 |
IT |
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待望の横画面レースが実現!『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』新機能満載のアップデートを実施 |
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2021-11-15 16:55:00 |
IT |
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スマホアプリ『ユージェネ』にて「田中・コズミック・天」と「アニャ」の歌唱曲が追加! |
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2021-11-15 16:45:00 |
IT |
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2021-11-15 16:30:00 |
IT |
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2021-11-15 16:05:00 |
マーケティング |
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「目の前の課題を解決したい」、POLA社員の想いを伝える企業広告 |
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2021-11-15 07:47:47 |
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[ITmedia Mobile] ドコモオンラインショップ、ドコモ回線MVNOからMNP手続きが可能に |
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2021-11-15 17:01:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】イベント・イベントハンドラ④ 「loadイベント」 |
構文indexjswindowonloadfunctionイベントハンドライベント時に発生してほしい処理・windowwindowオブジェクト・onloadページが読み込まれた時のイベントハンドラ名例題内容windowオブジェクトのloadイベント発生したタイミングで、コンソールにloadイベント発生と出力されるプログラムの作成※windowオブジェクトは、ブラウザオブジェクトの階層構造のトップ実践前のチュートリアル実践に入る前に、完成形を先に表示しておく。 |
2021-11-15 17:42:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
react 子コンポーネントに渡すprop(optional)がインスタンスを持ってからレンダリングしたい |
react子コンポーネントに渡すpropoptionalがインスタンスを持ってからレンダリングしたいreactで、親コンポーネントでoptionalな値を子に受け渡しているのを想定します。 |
2021-11-15 17:48:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
XMLファイルをブラウザで見やすく表示する方法 |
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2021-11-15 17:32:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
EXCEL VBAにてLOOPで特定のキャラクタの入った右横のセルの内容をデリートしたい |
2021-11-15 17:28:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
-1から1までの乱数を発生させたいが、0より大きくなる。 |
からまでの乱数を発生させたいが、より大きくなる。 |
2021-11-15 17:19:21 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】lib配下にクラスを自作し読み込む方法 |
【Rails】lib配下にクラスを自作し読み込む方法環境RubyRailsrakeタスク内のメソッドをクラスに切り出してリファクタリングしたいときに使える。 |
2021-11-15 17:23:25 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
軽量ディストリ『Runtu』のススメ |
でも、使う・runtu独自の設定ツールプリンタードライバ・LibreOfficeインストールツールがロシア語表記↑ただし、ディストリで親切に設定してくれている箇所であり、また、Enterを押すだけの箇所ではあるので、欠点というほどのことはないと、いうワケで、runtuのインストールの仕方基本的にこちらを元にしていけばOKだが、以下二点の補足。 |
2021-11-15 17:41:05 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[AWS]サーバーで障害が起きた時に自動的にソーリー画面へ切り替える |
画像引用元簡単に設定方法を説明すると、Sにドメイン名と同じ名前のバケットを作成し、静的Webサイトホスティング設定を行うSへメンテナンスページindexhtmlを配置するRouteで既存のAレコードの種別をフェイルオーバーのプライマリに変更するRouteで同名のAレコードを作成して、種別をフェイルオーバーのセカンダリ、行き先をSのエンドポイントにする詳細な設定方法は以下。 |
2021-11-15 17:16:26 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Shield AdvancedのSNS通知設定で気づいたこと |
ShieldAdvancedのSNS通知設定で気づいたことこれはなに最近、業務でShieldAdvancedを入れているのでその中でSNS通知設定に関して気づいたことを書こうと思います。 |
2021-11-15 17:01:00 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】lib配下にクラスを自作し読み込む方法 |
【Rails】lib配下にクラスを自作し読み込む方法環境RubyRailsrakeタスク内のメソッドをクラスに切り出してリファクタリングしたいときに使える。 |
2021-11-15 17:23:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is WordPress? A super simple guide for beginners |
What is WordPress A super simple guide for beginnersThis post was originally published at webinuse comWhat is WordPress WordPress is the most popular content management system or CMS in the world According to TectJury more than of all websites are created with WordPress and according to Kinsta over WordPress is licensed under GPLv which means that anyone can install it change it modify it for free One of the first things we will notice is that there are two “different types of WordPress WordPress org When someone says WordPress of the time this is what they are talking about and this is the one that we are talking about This is free self hosted version We download it and install it on our server After that we are free to use it in any way we want WordPress com This is paid version of WordPress When we create account we can create website there but in a much smaller capacity than we can do with WordPress org Another drawback of WordPress com is that we are not in control over our content If you want to learn more about what is WordPress you can check this awesome course Building websites with WordPress by Nat Miletic This course is excellent for those who want to start with WordPress Nat is teaching us what is WordPress what can we use it for how can we use it in really nice and simple way Affiliate link What makes WordPress so popular First of all it is so simple to install it From no website to website in several minutes Once we get used to it and we have prepared content we can build websites pretty fast Another feature of WordPress is that it has a large library of plugins Usually whatever problem we have somebody already made a plugin for that Sometimes we have to use or more in combination but we can still have the job done A lot of these plugins are free and even ones that are paid of the time have a free version Besides plugins WordPress offers a large number of free themes There is a really big market for paid themes also Nowadays basically all we have to do is have content ready everything else is already prepared The next thing on the list would be SEO WordPress is “naturally prepared to rank well It is not guaranteed that we will end up on the first page of Google but it is much easier to achieve that with WordPress than with “some custom solution Also WordPress is good at accessibility too most of the themes come with accessibility in mind Same as with SEO we have to do some things to make it even better but it is much easier than starting from scratch What is WordPress good for WordPress is good for everything There are a lot of popular and “big sites created with WordPress Even though WordPress was a blogging platform at the beginning today s WordPress is suitable for creating any kind of website Landing pages One page websites Multi page websites Blogs Portfolios e Commerce webshop Membership sites Booking sitesand a lot more WordPress alone without a developer is just another CMS But with all these plugins and themes we can create almost anything we want What is WordPress main advantageWordPress main advantage is that we do NOT have to know how to code and we can build an awesome website Apart from plugins and themes WordPress has great support for several page builders Those page builders are actually drag and drop apps that help us build websites visually Some of the most popular ones are Elementor Visual Composer Beaver Builder There are also page builders that come with themes like Divi Builder and GeneratePress Also there are a lot of ready made solutions for WordPress that can help us build more beautiful more practical and more interactive websites Some of those solutions include automation integrations and a lot of other stuff WordPress disadvantagesEverything has its downsides So what is WordPress downside There are quite a few actually The first downside is that WordPress can be very slow But that is usually due to poor hosting If our WordPress is slow due to our design there are some things we can do to improve loading times like caching image compressing lazy loading etc But when we have poor hosting all we can do is change it The second disadvantage is security Being the leading CMS in the world it has a target on its “head WordPress team releases update almost weekly especially if a security flaw is found But not everyone is updating every week even though we should Hackers are relying on our laziness and they use it to their advantage Also a lot of different people are creating themes and plugins And not each and every one of them is a security expert Even if we have secure plugins and theme we have to update them regularly to protect ourselves from attacks If you want to learn more about what is WordPress you can check this awesome course Building websites with WordPress by Nat Miletic This course is excellent for those who want to start with WordPress Nat is teaching us what is WordPress what can we use it for how can we use it in really nice and simple way Affiliate link Conclusion on what is WordPressWordPress is probably the best way to build websites Especially if we do not know how to code or we are not that good at it We can build almost any website in a reasonable amount of time that will be of equal quality to any other website What is WordPress offering us is a fast reliable and easy way of creating websites If you have any questions or anything you can find me on my Twitter or you can read some of my other articles like easy ways to add class to an element using JavaScript |
2021-11-15 08:32:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top VS Code extensions that would bust your brain 🤯 |
Top VS Code extensions that would bust your brain JavaScript ES Code SnippetsIt provides JavaScript Vue React and HTML code snippets JavaScript ES code snippets Live ServerLive server extension provides the live preview of your web applications right within the editor This is handy and useful for front end developer Live Server Prettier Code formatterThis Extension helps in code formatting for JavaScript Html and CSS Prettier Better CommentThis extension helps you to create user friendly comments on your code Better Comment Bracket Pair ColorizerThis extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colors The User can define which token to match Bracket Pair Colorizer Git LensWe use Git almost every day of our life Git lens is the visual studio code plugin to supercharge git capability Git Lens GitHub CopilotGitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer which suggests line completions and entire function bodies as you type GitHub Copilot is powered by the OpenAI Codex AI system trained on public Internet text and billions of lines of codeGitHub Copilot Git HistoryGit History extension gives you the complete Git History including a history of inland files all within Visual Studio code Git History HTML CSS Class CompletionThis extension auto completes CSS class names as you type based on the CSS files in your workspace HTML CSS Class Completion |
2021-11-15 08:28:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JavaScript Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS [Beginners - Advance] |
JavaScript Projects for Beginners Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS Beginners Advance The best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects I have created a list of beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript React and TypeScript My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video build the project break it apart and rebuild it your own way Experiment with adding new features or using different methods That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article Read More JavaScript Projects for Beginners Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS |
2021-11-15 08:16:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Things You Must Do To Get A Junior Web Developer Job |
Things You Must Do To Get A Junior Web Developer Job Build A Portfolio Site Full Of Relevant WorkYour portfolio is the first thing potential employers will look at when considering you for a junior web developer job so your site needs to be a real reflection of your skills and personal brand But before you can load up your portfolio you need to code it launch it and make sure it stands out from other websites You ll want to include any work you ve done for companies or clients with their permission that you feel particularly good about and remember to include projects that show your range as a design and developer What s important here is that you re uploading strong clean work that is indicative of both your skill level and brand Do Freelance ProjectsA great way to get some work for your new junior web developer portfolio if you feel like it needs some beefing up is to seek out freelance clients Taking on projects as a freelancer will help you build business skills like negotiating establish trustworthiness as a developer and get you some up to date recommendations to show potential employers It ll also give you the chance to gain experience for full time entry level web developer jobs if that s your goal while building up your bank balance Put Your Code On GitHubGitHub is the industry standard for version control and many companies want to know that you have hands on experience before extending an offer You can prove that and show off your best code by creating your own GitHub account and using it as a repository for your projects After you get an account set up make regular contributions to GitHub This shows potential employers that you re consistently working on your junior web developer skills even if they re only for imaginary projects Contribute To An Open Source ProjectIf most of your coding so far has been for classes mock projects or solo gigs you can also increase your teamwork cred by getting involved in an open source project Open source is the term for source code that s publicly available and can be modified by anyone Getting involved in open source projects are the route to becoming a junior web developer It will strengthen your development skills get you hands on experience and help you meet and network with other developers Participate In A HackathonYou can t turn around nowadays without bumping into a hackathon They re fun and exciting ways to get to know tech people who share your interest help tackle relevant problems test your coding skills learn from others and maybe win prizes At a hackathon you ll end up coding on a team and if you ve been learning to code on your own proving you can hack it with a team of coders makes you a lot more appealing to hiring managers at web development agencies Meet Techies Online And IRLHopefully you ll gain contacts at hackathons but don t let the networking stop there Keep reaching out to the people you meet and learn more about the web development industry by talking online and in person The easiest way to do this is through tech meetup groups Almost every city has them and if yours doesn t you can set up your own Just pick the focus find a place even a coffee shop or local park will do and spread the word on social media email or in person Follow Industry NewsMake a point to keep up with what s happening in tech this is critical for both your first web developer job interview and all the small talk you ll be making with new tech friends You don t need to be an expert on every story or topic out there just get to know what s hot and what s happening You can read blogs or tech news sites over breakfast listen to podcasts when you re walking your dog or scan Twitter lists while you re waiting in line at the store Let s connectYou can follow me on Twitter LinkedIn amp GitHubIf you like this post Kindly support me by Buying Me a Coffee |
2021-11-15 08:14:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Video Analytics - Future of Analytics? |
Video Analytics Future of Analytics Hello from Sarvesh one of the co founders at excited to share some deep insights into the world of video analytics What is Video Analytics Video Analytics can be understood something related to monitoring the user s behaviour for your product Often it happens you have event analytics turned on giving you the product usage in an abstracted manner but doesn t provides the exact sense of product usage leading to less behavioural insights of product usage Let s take a scenario You have a product XYZ and you are tracking a certain KPI of login dropoff on the platform And you have certain A tool tracking events for that purpose Now let s assume two scenarios a A person clicks on the Login buttonb A person doesn t clicks on the Login buttonBut you get to know that you have a high dropoff on that step Now you are bound to see what was the behaviour of users dropping off at the location instance But you can t simply do it with a regular event analytics tool Let s assume now you want to run an A B testing for that section But you don t have any POC of what you should do to incur a lower dropoff than before You can do it in random but not in targetted manner leading to more time wastage How does Fusion helps in Video Analytics At Fusion we care for both company s time and also development effort and minimize the efforts with larger output and assured success We provide with the visual analysis of your product through small video recordings and help to see the visual journey of a particular user and then convert him by either engaging him or running an A B testing for a certain set of users A B testing in pipeline yet to be developed You can view product usage videos and take actions according to that with backing of event analytics to confirm you POC and run engagement in a certain targetted manner Hope you like the article and definitely visit for more insights |
2021-11-15 08:13:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding callback functions and closures in JavaScript. |
Understanding callback functions and closures in JavaScript Hello Everyone In this post we will explore the HOF Higher order function Callbacks and the crazy JavaScript Closures which made us all pull our hairs at some point in our learning journey Higher Order FunctionA function which accepts a function definition as a parameter and or returns a function is HOF Higher Order Function For instance function isEven n return n function printMsg evenFunc num const isEven evenFunc num console log The number num is even isEven printMsg isEven In the above snippet printMsg is the Higher Order Function because it accepts the isEven function as parameter CallbacksA callback is a function passed into another function as an argument to be executed later In the last code snippet isEven is the callback function It is called callback because it calls back to the place where it was created Let s see one more example let numbers function isOddNumber number return number function oddNumbers numbers filter isOddNumber console log oddNumbers In the above code snippet isOddNumber is the callback function Because isOddNumber is passed as argument to the filter function Callback functions can be used to handle Async JavaScript ClosuresFrom execution context we know that after a function is returned it is removed from the call stack and deleted from execution context So keeping that in mind here is the definition of a closure A closure is a function which has access to the outer variables even after the outer function is returned Once the outer function is returned it is removed from the callstack and deleted from execution context But the inner function can still access the outer function variables And this concept is known as closures let x function foo let y function bar let z return x y z return bar let test foo test In the above code bar is the closure function which has access to outer variables x and y even after outer function is returned Simplified Closure Definitions A closure is function which remembers the environment in which it was created When a function is returned from an outer function it carries the environment with itself Closures are possible in JS because of Lexical Scoping Lexical scoping means If a variable is not found in the local scope it looks in the outer scope and so on till the global scope Exeption in closuresThere is just one exeption in closures In JavaScript every function is a closure except for functions created via new Function syntax Usually a function have access to the lexical environment where it was created But when a function is created via the new Function syntax it doesn t have access to the lexical environment but the global one function getFunc let value test let func new Function alert value return func getFunc error value is not definedSo functions such as func in above code doesn t have access to outer variables only to the global ones So that s it for this post I hope you learned something new if so please do share and join my Newsletter to receive epic weekly content on building your skillset Thank You |
2021-11-15 08:09:07 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple offers $30 million to settle off-the-clock bag search controversy |
Apple offers million to settle off the clock bag search controversyLast year California s supreme court ruled that Apple broke the law by failing to pay employees while they waited for mandatory bag and iPhone searches Now Apple has offered to pay million to settle the suit and lawyers for the employees have urged them to accept it Apple Insider has reported quot This is a significant non reversionary settlement reached after nearly eight years of hard fought litigation quot wrote plaintiff attorney Lee Shalov in the proposed settlement seen by Courthouse News Employees launched the suit way back in saying they weren t paid while being searched for stolen merchandise or trade secrets The workers felt they were still under Apple s quot control quot during that five to minute process and should therefore be compensated Apple in turn argued that the employees could choose not to bring their bags or iPhones thus avoiding a search in the first place Apple won an earlier battle in district court but the case went to the California Supreme Court on appeal There the judges ruled that Apple workers were quot clearly under Apple s control while awaiting and during the exit searches quot The court dismissed Apple s argument that bringing a bag to work was an employee convenience particularly that Apple felt employees didn t necessarily need to bring their iPhones to work quot Its characterization of the iPhone as unnecessary for its own employees is directly at odds with its description of the iPhone as an integrated and integral part of the lives of everyone else quot the judges wrote In that statement the court referenced a Tim Cook interview where he stated that the iPhone was quot so so integrated and integral to our lives you wouldn t think about leaving home without it quot The settlement is still subject to approval by the plaintiffs Nearly current and former Apple Store employees in California involved in the lawsuit stand to receive a maximum payment of around |
2021-11-15 08:48:19 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
個人情報の苦情処理に関する実績報告 |
個人情報 |
2021-11-15 09:00:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定:ヒューマン・アソシエイツ・ホールディングス(株) |
監理銘柄 |
2021-11-15 17:10:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
進む育児・教育の‘家族化’(中国) |
出産しても保育所が不足している状況にあるので、自身の親世代とともに家庭内での育児に奮闘するという、育児の家族化が定着している。 |
2021-11-15 17:25:21 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Tokyo reports just seven new cases in new low for the year |
cases |
2021-11-15 17:02:11 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Shohei Ohtani already looking ahead after historic campaign |
campaign |
2021-11-15 17:03:17 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Even China’s biggest company is looking for an exit |
Even China s biggest company is looking for an exitWith the once hot China market cooling Tencent plans to invest more to leverage its foreign exposure including beefing up overseas games publishing operations |
2021-11-15 17:00:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool explosion: Three arrested under Terrorism Act after car blast at hospital |
hospital |
2021-11-15 08:03:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Norwich City: Dean Smith named new Canaries head coach |
coach |
2021-11-15 08:31:42 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
オプティマスグループ、2期連続の「増配」を発表し、 配当利回り5.8%に! 年間配当は2年で2.6倍に急増、 2022年3月期は前期比75円増の「1株あたり125円」に - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
オプティマスグループ、期連続の「増配」を発表し、配当利回りに年間配当は年で倍に急増、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュースオプティマスグループが、年月期の配当予想の修正増配を発表し、配当利回りがにオプティマスグループは、年月期の年間配当を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比では「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 |
2021-11-15 17:10:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
第一パンの21年12月期は6億円の赤字へ、原料費高騰で - 不景気.com |
第一パン |
2021-11-15 08:35:14 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Google Cloud でのネットワーク接続オプションの選択 |
それほど多くの帯域幅が必要ないMbpsGbps場合や、コロケーション施設でGoogleのネットワークに物理的に接続してVPCネットワークにアクセスすることができない場合は、PartnerInterconnectを使用して、Googleに直接接続するサービスプロバイダに接続できます。 |
2021-11-15 10:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
五稜郭の紅葉写真を加工投稿 地図のゼンリンが謝罪 |
北海道函館市 |
2021-11-15 17:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
半導体不足「長期化」懸念 日銀総裁、需要超過で |
名古屋市 |
2021-11-15 17:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大谷翔平「生涯大リーグ」の思い 「メジャーでやり遂げる」 |
大リーグ |
2021-11-15 17:05:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
多人数共闘型RPG『進撃の巨人 Brave Order』のアプリストア予約が開始! |
braveorder |
2021-11-15 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
【11日間限定】大阪王将「餃子一人前」注文で「餃子一人前の無料券」がもらえる |
大阪王将 |
2021-11-15 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
かっぱ寿司、怒涛のかに祭り!! 本ずわいがに「生」など冬の味覚を味わい尽くす |
冬の味覚 |
2021-11-15 17:15:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google Cloud でのネットワーク接続オプションの選択 |
それほど多くの帯域幅が必要ないMbpsGbps場合や、コロケーション施設でGoogleのネットワークに物理的に接続してVPCネットワークにアクセスすることができない場合は、PartnerInterconnectを使用して、Googleに直接接続するサービスプロバイダに接続できます。 |
2021-11-15 10:00:00 |