IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「HomePod mini」をイタリアで発売 − ドイツなどでは新カラーモデルを発売 |
apple |
2021-11-23 12:16:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
都道府県別「直近1週間の人口10万人あたりの感染者数」をクラスター分析 |
都道府県別「直近週間の人口万人あたりの感染者数」をクラスター分析概要教師なし機械学習のクラスター分析を用いて、都道府県ごとの「直近週間の人口万人あたりの感染者数」をつのクラスターに分類して期間ごと、その分類結果を考察する。 |
2021-11-23 21:35:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】東証上場銘柄の株価データを取得する(その2) |
2021-11-23 21:03:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Colaboratory にて for 文の進捗を可視化する |
Colaboratoryにてfor文の進捗を可視化する調べれば無限に出てくるよくある進捗の可視化方法についてメモする。 |
2021-11-23 21:01:27 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
jQuery Treeview を使ってサーバ側のツリー構造データをブラウザで表示・検索するプロトを爆速で実装した話 |
jsonオブジェクトとしては以下のプロパティを設定しておけばよい。 |
2021-11-23 21:49:08 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Magenta.js の MusicRNN の basic_rnn/melody_rnn/chord_pitches_improv を試す(環境は p5.js Web Editor上) |
機械学習・AIで音を作れる「Magenta」のJavaScript版MagentajsをpjsWebEditor上で動かしてみるQiita上記の記事の中では、公式の手順を試す中でMusicRNNの「basicrnn」を使う部分がありました。 |
2021-11-23 21:21:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptでもっと効率的に記述するfor文 |
JavaScriptでもっと効率的に記述するfor文for文の書き方選扱うリストconsttodosidtitlebysomestrawberriescompletedtrueidtitlebuyafreshcreamcompletedtrueidtitlemakeabirthdaycakecompletedfalse出力したい結果bysomestrawberriesbuyafreshcream一般的なfor文forletiilttodoslengthilettodotodosiiftodocompletedtrueconsolelogtodoidtodotitle変数iの宣言変数iの範囲変数iの増加量とするごくごく一般的な、progateとかでよく扱われる方法。 |
2021-11-23 21:29:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
なぜ範囲外になってしまうのか |
なぜ範囲外になってしまうのか前提・実現したいことpythonでpcのカメラで動画を撮影しながら、勾配計算をした画像laplacianと背景差分計算をした画像fgmaskに縦横pxごとに分けるプログラムを作っています。 |
2021-11-23 21:54:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C++をやっている人がC#を触ったときに間違えてしまうようなことはありますか |
Cをやっている人がCを触ったときに間違えてしまうようなことはありますか質問した経緯DirectXでCになれてきた後にUnityを触ったのですが、参照型intampやポインタintの変数がつくれなかったり、classではコピーができなかったりで驚きました。 |
2021-11-23 21:52:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue/TypeScriptの開発環境をDockerで立ち上げた際のエラーについて |
VueTypeScriptの開発環境をDockerで立ち上げた際のエラーについて以下のページにあるファイルを一式ダウンロードし、PCへインストールし実行しました。 |
2021-11-23 21:46:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
配列pに配列aの末尾1文字だけを代入したい |
配列pに配列aの末尾文字だけを代入したい配列pに、配列aの最後の文字だけを代入したいです。 |
2021-11-23 21:45:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カメラスクロール画像を別画面で使用し、元ページへ戻った際にも画像を使用したい |
カメラスクロール画像を別画面で使用し、元ページへ戻った際にも画像を使用したい前提・実現したいこと初めてアプリ開発に取り組む初心者です。 |
2021-11-23 21:43:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
パーティションキーを指定してDynamoDBから複数のデータを取得 |
パーティションキーを指定してDynamoDBから複数のデータを取得前提・実現したいことDynamoDBからLambda関数を使ってデータを複数取得する処理で躓いています。 |
2021-11-23 21:35:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Flexsliderで再生時間を個別に設定したい |
Flexsliderで再生時間を個別に設定したい前提・実現したいことFlexslidernbspを利用して動画と画像が混在したスライドを制作。 |
2021-11-23 21:25:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wsl --installで入れたubuntuでnpmを実行すると固まる |
wslinstallで入れたubuntuでnpmを実行すると固まる解決したいことここに解決したい内容を記載してください。 |
2021-11-23 21:13:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Systems Managerの管理対象インスタンスにする |
SystemsManagerの管理対象インスタンスに付与するためのインスタンスプロファイルロールを作成する私の場合は、下記のロール「RoleSSMManagedCore」を新規作成しました。 |
2021-11-23 21:51:27 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【GitHub】スクリーンショットからURLを発行する方法 |
手順READMEの作成をするときに、PCMacで撮ったスクリーンショットを使用したいことがあると思いますが、URLが発行されないのでテキストURLこの記法では、画像やGIFを表示できません。 |
2021-11-23 21:28:09 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Railsチュートリアル】 プロフィール画像をアプリ内で設定できるように変更 |
画像を表示するgravatarで表示していたビューをimagetagに変更していく。 |
2021-11-23 21:09:24 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 7 Best High DPI Gaming Mice |
quick |
2021-11-23 12:00:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 JavaScript Array methods you need to know! |
JavaScript Array methods you need to know While building applications you would have noticed yourself using Array s a lot So let s take a look at the Array methods To show you all the methods with examples I am going to create a simple Array with some fruits and their prices const fruits name Mango price name Apple price name Banana price MapA map function is similar to loop and if you are a React developer you probably have seen this function be used quite a lot So let s understand this properly with an example function getFruitNames return fruits map fruit gt fruit name console log getFruitNames The getFruitNames maps through the fruits Array and returns the name of each fruit So if we run the function it will return an Array with all the fruit names Mango Apple Banana FilterIf you want to filter some products out based on some conditions like getting the fruits that cost more than then we will use the filter function to do so This is how you use a filter function function getCostlyFruits return fruits filter fruit gt fruit price gt console log getCostlyFruits This function returns name Apple quantity name Banana quantity ReduceReduce lets you add up a bunch of numbers inside an Array in a very easy way Let s see it in action function getTotalCost return fruits reduce acc fruit gt acc fruit price console log getTotalCost So the first parameter is the number formed by adding the previous numbers and the second parameter is the amount that will get added to the first value The that you see at the end can be replaced with the number you want the count to start with This function outputs a number in this case FindIf you want to find fruit based on its price or by its name then this is the method you are looking for function getFruitByName name return fruits find fruit gt fruit name name console log getFruitByName Mango This will return the Mango object when run name Mango price IncludesThis method lets you check if there is an item in that Array Suppose I want to check if banana is present in the fruits Array If it is present then it will return true otherwise false You can t check items inside an object in the Array so I am going to use the Array with the names from our getFruitNames function const fruitNames getFruitNames console log fruitNames includes Orange This will return false as Orange isn t inside the fruits Array but if we try Apple then it would return true const fruitNames getFruitNames console log fruitNames includes Apple Hope you found this useful If you have any questions drop them down in the comments Until next time Peace ️Useful Links CodePenConnect with me |
2021-11-23 12:29:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 46 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Raging at CORS, AWS Lambda, and API Gateway |
Day of Days of Code amp Scrum Raging at CORS AWS Lambda and API GatewayGood day everyone Today was my weekly visit to the physical therapist so I wasn t able to code much I didn t really make that much progress because I was still stuck on the same problem as I was yesterday I spent most of the time troubleshooting my AWS API Gateway integration and Lambda function Apparently there is something wrong with the preflight request part of the communication between frontend and backend I used tools such as AWS CloudWatch Logs to retrieve the error message for the integration of the API Gateway I m hoping that I manage to solve this issue tomorrow Anyway let s move on to my daily report YesterdayI set up my contact form to connect with the AWS serverless backend but I got stuck on this bug Access to XMLHttpRequest at API GATEWAY ENDPOINT from origin http localhost has been blocked by CORS policy Response to preflight request doesn t pass access control check No Access Control Allow Origin header is present on the requested resource I also selected a design scheme for my website TodayHere are the things I learned and worked on today Company WebsiteI spent most of my time trying to solve the bug above reviewed how to use CloudWatch Logs to gain insight as to what s going on with the AWS services I use learned a lot about CORS did a lot of searching about Access Control headers ScrumI learned about why the Daily Scrum is more than just a status report I did some practice flashcards for Scrum reviewed some of the things I ve learned before Thank you for reading Resources Recommended ReadingsUsing AWS Lambda with Amazon API GatewayTroubleshooting issues with HTTP API Lambda integrationsScrum Master learning pathway Scrum orgThe Scrum GuideMikhail Lapshin s Scrum Quizzes DISCLAIMERThis is not a guide it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions based on my limited knowledge and is in no way a substitute for actual references If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree I would appreciate corrections in the comments Other MediaFeel free to reach out to me in other media |
2021-11-23 12:14:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
High Salary Leads to Burnout. Unobvious Career Trap No One Is Talking About |
High Salary Leads to Burnout Unobvious Career Trap No One Is Talking AboutThe story was orginally published on Vectorly blogLow salaries and boring monotonous work are among the top reasons for employee burnout studies on developer productivity show link A lot has been written about dealing with such situations and by now this stuff is common knowledge However if an employee is overpaid and is lacking in skills or experience the situation can get even worse than that Initial euphoria caused by a nice paycheck quickly brings boredom for the employee and jealousy from peers A worker who is overpaid is interested in maintaining the status quo and preserving their position in the company often at the expense of initiative and risk taking Here is how a company can address this issue How do salary and job satisfaction influence developer burnout The graph below shows the likelihood of employee burnout in relation to their level of salary and job satisfaction level On the X axis is the level of job satisfaction which can be defined as a combination of factors including Participation in interesting projectsChallenging tasksGreat team and relationships with colleaguesLearning and skill improvementCareer opportunitiesAnd on the Y axis you can see the level of salary a developer gets for his work from very low to very high relatively depending on the market in each individual country and a person s perception These two values define the following developer PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE ZONES sketchily High risk of burnout Zone Professional growth Zone High salary Zone Comfort zone Zone Ideal world Zone Let s take a closer look at each of these zones and see what psychological issues a developer may experience then move on to the career traps they can meet there High risk of burnout Zone Description Low salary low job satisfaction Newly graduated young specialists come to companies for experience and often find themselves in this zone Burnout risk status the highest level of risk obviously Examples of companies such an environment is often associated with agency work low tech startups and outsourced work involving bad technological decisions Professional growth Zone Description Low salary high job satisfactionZone environments provide engaging tasks pleasant working conditions and sufficient room for professional growth but below average salary Burnout risk status Employee burnout is likely but doesn t happen overnight Examples of companies These conditions are often found in pre seed round high tech startups agencies and low level positions at FAANG like companies High salary Zone Description High salary low job satisfactionZone jobs do not offer much besides a good paycheck After the initial euphoria wears off the employees find themselves doing boring monotonous work without much opportunity to grow professionally and a team that isn t very engaging or exciting to work with Burnout risk status The burnout risk is high for these positions but it s not obvious and is often overlooked by employers and managers We ll talk more about this trap later Examples of companies Zone environments are found in large corporations and companies which aren t prioritizing IT solutions instead relying on outdated stacks oil companies for example Comfort zone Zone Description Good salary good job satisfaction above average A comfort zone environment is a sweet spot for both the employee and the employer A developer who has landed such a position is content with their pay and engages in relatively interesting challenging projects There is often a lot of room for professional development and the employees are quite happy with the company Burnout risk status low Ideal world Zone Description High salary high job satisfactionEverything is possible in the perfect world Everything except employee burnout The pay is great the projects are really fun and engaging job satisfaction is high and every developer is happy Burnout risk status low Examples of companies Unfortunately such environments rarely exist in real life The issue is that every developer has their own understanding of the maximum in salary and job satisfaction What s the catch Juniors are usually prioritizing gaining some work experience to boost their career hence they often start their professional journey in Zone They receive a modest salary and do the unrewarding repetitive tasks banner layouts simple coding etc These jobs provide them with professional development opportunities However if a person stays in such a position long enough their dissatisfaction with the low salary and boring tasks will inevitably lead to burnout Zone has a high risk of burnout This is an obvious problem and there are some standard solutions for dealing with burnout in such environments However there is little publicly available info about the future career path of developers who have found themselves in Zone So we ll talk more about the main scenarios More often than not developers don t stay long in Zone due to low pay and low skill tasks A developer who has found themselves in such a position has two options to pursue More engaging projects and better professional development moving right on the X axis Better pay moving up on the Y axis Each employee determines their own level of professional development and its maximum but there are two most common scenarios Scenario Developers with high ambitions those who don t just want to code but are instead focused on developing their soft skills solving problems and taking on challenging tasks will gravitate towards moving right on the X axis They prioritize job satisfaction professional growth and development opportunities over a high salary The biggest risk for such a scenario is staying in Zone for too long In order to avoid this an employee needs to be picky when it comes to changing jobs For such a developer the right company will provide a proportional increase in income as they acquire new skills and become more engaged with the company If the new employee fails to receive such an increase the risk of burnout becomes quite high Over time the developer will take on more and more tasks but his income will not reflect this At the end of the day the developer will simply burn out and can degrade in his professional development returning to a Zone position again Right professional development for scenario One of the best ways to avoid this is to ensure an adequate increase in salary which should scale accordingly as the amount of responsibility the developer has grown The ideal career path here is to move from Zone through the Comfort Zone to the Ideal World by increasing your market value and salary Scenario This one is tricky The most dangerous scenario is for the developer to go from Zone straight to Zone In other words a developer without proper qualifications and experience gets tired of low salary and finds a new job that pays three times his old salary In theory this shouldn t happen But maybe the developer was interviewed by a manager who wasn t exactly qualified So they managed to charm the interviewer and exaggerate their actual skills Or maybe the manager was under a lot of pressure and just needed to hire someone These things happen more often than you d think This leads to a situation where the developer is paid much more than he is actually worth in terms of his experience and qualifications This leads to a situation where the developer is paid much more than he she is actually worth in terms of his experience and qualifications which in turn leads to blurry professional self esteem and anxiety The developer enjoys rapid growth in income and standard of living They begin to increase their expenses take out loans and enter various financial commitments But after a few months they get used to a new standard of living and the rose colored glasses fall off They realize that they have been doing busy work for months They never have a chance to learn something new as there are no better tasks Thus no professional growth occurs Buried in monotonous tasks and lacking any adrenaline from growth and development the developer realizes that they do not like their job at all But they will not be able to leave their job since they are already used to the standard of living provided by their higher salary They begin to look around and see that other companies have more interesting projects better teams and more influence in the industry And even though their employees get paid less they still enjoy their comfort zone The developer from Zone looks at the employees in their comfort zone with envy But the truth is they won t accept a decrease in income as a trade off for higher job satisfaction and more growth opportunities They are trapped since the ideal world zone is unattainable Only the blue chip seniors working for digital giants can get there The Ideal World zone is a magical place Everyone wants to get there but most of us get trapped in Zone We often make the mistake of striving for a high salary and not for a great team leader which will help us to quickly grow in qualifications and raise our own market value So what is the trap of Zone For an employee to get out of it they need to move back into their comfort zone Zone which means accepting a lower salary They have to sacrifice their standard of living and think about what to do with all the new financial obligations they might ve acquired This involves a lot of risk and not many are willing to take it Of course this doesn t apply to everybody Many developers can be quite happy doing routine tasks for decades But the risk of burnout in this zone is much higher than in Zone since it s easier to get out of Zone to grow in salary or to search for great projects How to escape this trap Exit For experienced developersIf a developer enters a Zone environment with enough experience and skills they realize they are worth the money and just made the mistake of going with the wrong company where their skills aren t put to good use They will quickly realize that burnout is just a matter of time The tasks are routine the company is unlikely to change anything about it and the developer doesn t get much say in anything All this leads to low levels of job satisfaction The easy way out is to just change jobs The employee can sacrifice a part of their salary and get a chance to make a real impact Since they already possess the necessary experience and skills with the right choice of company the salary decrease will be minimal The main conclusion here is that Zone is less dangerous for experienced developers They have options and high market value Exit For juniors middles without much skill or experience For developers without experience the best strategy is to aim for a comfort Zone type of environment Hence it s important for them to plan their career in advance That means an employee should accumulate some sort of a rainy day fund and go back to Zone where they will get to experiment and gain skills to increase their real market value This will allow them to participate in cool projects at a salary below what they re used to without sacrificing their standard of living So the main financial advice for people who have dramatically increased their income is to set aside most of this newly found wealth That way they can avoid raising their standard of living too drastically This in turn will allow them to be free in their choice of a career path For such an employee the most important question is how do you find out your real market value The first option is to begin applying for new jobs go to the interviews get a few offers and find out the average salary they re being offered at This will reflect their market value The second option is to find a company with a transparent assessment of skills The employees working for companies that use Vectorly do not need to go to interviews and look for a third party assessment of their skills Transparent reviews and skill matrices help you see the real current value of job roles and never lose touch with reality So the main option for inexperienced developers to get out of Zone is to create a financial buffer and search for great team leaders and challenging projects in Zone without sacrificing their standard of living Thus a developer has a chance to develop professionally and grow their market value This is the place where his experience starts to correlate with the salary ConclusionTo sum it up here are the main career strategies for developers Developers need to strive for the comfort zone which means that their salary should grow proportionally with the development of their skills the balance scenario on the graph Do not go for an unreasonably high salary but instead look for a great team leader who will increase your market value Choose a company that can provide you with financial growth as you gain experience Increase your standard of living not in relation to your salary but to your real market value And find a company that offers opportunities for transparent evaluation of skills so every developer there has an understanding of their real market value These simple recipes should help you avoid burnout at every stage of your career path Read more on engineering management amp developers productivity in Vectorly blog |
2021-11-23 12:00:42 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's Lisa Jackson wants to protect 'most vulnerable communities' from climate change |
Apple x s Lisa Jackson wants to protect x most vulnerable communities x from climate changeIn a new interview Apple s Lisa Jackson says that environmental protection efforts must consider communities that are poor and have no political power Credit AppleApple recently joined the First Movers Coalition an initiative by the US government and the World Economic Government that aims to improve the environment Now in an interview about her work in the field and Apple s aims Lisa Jackson has told MarketWatch said that all technology companies have a responsibility to the whole world Read more |
2021-11-23 12:09:53 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple struggling to make enough iPhones, iPads for Christmas in Asia |
Apple struggling to make enough iPhones iPads for Christmas in AsiaCustomers across key Asia markets can no longer guarantee getting iPads or the iPhone in time for the holidays as shortages push delivery dates into January Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderApple s iPhone range has previously been hit by supplier chip shortages to the extent that Tim Cook says it cost the company billion in lost sales for Q Now a new report says that Apple will not be able to deliver the iPhone Pro or some iPad models to customers across Asia Read more |
2021-11-23 12:00:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon and Apple fined $228 million in Italy for unfairly restricting Beats sales |
Amazon and Apple fined million in Italy for unfairly restricting Beats salesThe Italian Competition Authority AGCM has fined Apple and Amazon a combined total of € million US million after an antitrust investigation involving the reselling of Beats products According to the watchdog the two companies signed an agreement in that would prohibit both official and unofficial resellers of Apple and Apple owned Beats products on Amazon s Italian website That agreement allegedly contained contractual clauses that only allowed Amazon itself and select sellers quot chosen individually and in a discriminatory way quot to sell those items AGCM said in its announcement that those clauses violate article of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union In addition the watchdog said the agreement restricted cross border sales ultimately limiting buyers options and depriving them of the discounts typically offered by third party sellers The Italian authority opened the antitrust case against both companies in and even searched their offices in the country nbsp A total of percent of consumer electronics purchases in the country are from Amazon AGCM explained and percent were purchases from sellers that use the website as their main platform That s why it s essential for Amazon to implement Italy s competition rules and ensure a level playing field for all sellers as well as to ensure that buyers have access to more options AGCM imposed a fine of € million US million on Amazon and a fine of € million US million on Apple It also ordered the companies to end the restrictions and allow the sale of Apple and Beats products on Amazon Italy in quot non discriminatory manner quot In a statement sent to Reuters Amazon called the imposed penalty quot disproportionate and unjustified quot A spokesperson said in a statement quot We reject the suggestion that Amazon benefits by excluding sellers from our store since our business model relies on their success As a result of the agreement Italian customers can find the latest Apple and Beats products on our store benefiting from a catalogue that more than doubled with better deals and faster shipping quot Meanwhile Apple denied any wrongdoing quot To ensure our customers purchase genuine products we work closely with our reseller partners and have dedicated teams of experts around the world who work with law enforcement customs and merchants to ensure only genuine Apple products are being sold quot According to Reuters both companies are planning to appeal the watchdog s penalty |
2021-11-23 12:33:25 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Fitness smartwear that almost looks like normal gym gear |
The Morning After Fitness smartwear that almost looks like normal gym gearThe ups and downs of smartwear have continued for at least a decade ーlonger than I ve written for Engadget For all the progress innovation and big player involvement Levi s Adidas Ralph Lauren Google and the rest you rarely see a professional athlete ーlet alone a normal runner or gym goer ーin connected clothing nbsp Instead we ve all adopted smartwatches and fitness trackers from cheap and cheerful step counters through to performance level running watches and the Apple Watch Series Is that ever going to change EngadgetI ve been testing out a new generation of smart clothing from Prevayl a UK based company looking to strike the middle ground between luxe gymwear brands like Jacques Lululemon Castore and the rest and tech companies that have tried to insert their sensors and technology into less style conscious garments Prevayl s tiny sensor which slides into an almost invisible pouch in the tee tank and crop tops has a “clinical grade ECG monitors breathing frequency motion body temperature There s even a bioimpedance sensor nbsp You can check out my early impressions here I m still intrigued in the future of smartwear but the pricing and need for multiple items remains the big challenge I don t need to wash my fitness tracker band after every workout session That can t be said for smartwear ーMat Smith nbsp nbsp Nintendo s Zelda themed Game amp Watch is a love letter to Link s bit originsIf you loved the oldest Zelda games this tiny console is worth EngadgetFor the th anniversary of Super Mario Bros last year Nintendo released a special edition Game amp Watch Nintendo s pulling the same trick this year with a th anniversary Legend of Zelda themed Game amp Watch that just went on sale And like last year s model it includes a color screen and full games but the selection is more generous It includes the original The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II The Adventure of Link both originally released on the NES It also includes The Legend of Zelda Link s Awakening which came out on the Game Boy in It s for die hard Zelda fans yes nbsp Continue reading Sponsored by LedgerInterested in crypto The best way to get started is with Ledger Rolls Royce s all electric airplane smashes record with MPH top speedIt also hit altitude and average speed records the company claims John M Dibbs Rolls RoyceJust two months after its maiden flight Rolls Royce s Spirit of Innovation has hit a top speed of MPH tentatively smashing the speed record for electric airplanes Gizmodo has reported It also claimed the top speed of MPH over a three kilometer course and lowest time to a meter altitude doing so in just seconds The records have yet to be certified but if the MPH speed stands it would beat the current record of MPH Continue reading Ridley Scott says a Blade Runner TV series is in developmentA script has been written for the pilot Blade Runner director Ridley Scott has confirmed a TV show based on the sci fi classic is in the works The filmmaker also mentioned in an interview on BBC Radio s Today that work is progressing on the Alien series Scott didn t provide any insight about who s involved with the Blade Runner series ーor how it ties into his movie or the sequel Continue reading Uber Eats users in Ontario can now buy cannabis through the appBut orders are for pickup only Uber Eats is moving into the cannabis market Starting today users in Ontario can place an order at retailer Tokyo Smoke through the app Don t expect an Uber driver to drop off joints though ーit s pickup only for the time being Users will need to confirm they re of legal age before they can make their purchase and orders will be ready for pickup within an hour At the store buyers will need to present their ID to Tokyo Smoke staff to prove they re aged or older Continue reading nbsp nbsp nbsp The biggest news stories and deals you might have missedPersonalized warnings could reduce hate speech on Twitter researchers sayAnalogue s Pocket handheld starts shipping on December thBlack Friday The best deals on Apple AirPods you can getBlack Friday Epson s excellent Home Cinema K Pro projector is off right nowBlack Friday GameStop s Black deals include all time low prices on some Switch games |
2021-11-23 12:15:10 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
SetComparers: A variety of comparers for collections of objects in C# |
easily |
2021-11-23 12:45:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Home working advised in Northern Ireland |
support |
2021-11-23 12:50:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sir David Amess: Funeral service takes place at Westminster Cathedral |
amess |
2021-11-23 12:40:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Bulgaria bus crash: Children among at least 46 killed |
macedonia |
2021-11-23 12:36:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Polluting greenhouse gases being sold online and smuggled to UK |
ukexperts |
2021-11-23 12:01:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Councils to be forced to take child asylum seekers |
homes |
2021-11-23 12:40:11 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
政府、子どもデータベース構築へ 貧困や虐待、情報一元化 |
子どもの貧困 |
2021-11-23 21:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
高校の部決勝は広陵―大阪桐蔭 国学院大、神奈川大4強 |
国学院大 |
2021-11-23 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
血液検査の特許、無償提供へ 新型コロナで初、WHOに |
世界保健機関 |
2021-11-23 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭川で8人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-11-23 21:13:15 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
なでしこ、池田体制初陣へ オランダで初練習 |
練習 |
2021-11-23 21:02:00 |