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IT 気になる、記になる… Appleの整備済み商品情報 2021/11/26 https://taisy0.com/2021/11/26/149052.html apple 2021-11-26 10:35:35
TECH Engadget Japanese 気軽に自宅で居酒屋のような串焼きの美味しさを楽しめる。自動で回る卓上BBQコンロ『Merystar e-BBQ』 https://japanese.engadget.com/merystar-e-bbq-105051502.html 気軽に自宅で居酒屋のような串焼きの美味しさを楽しめる。 2021-11-26 10:50:51
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] VR空間でガチに原稿を書いたらその実用度に驚いた 「バーチャルで仕事」のメリットと課題 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2111/26/news193.html vrhmd 2021-11-26 19:15:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RDS自動起動停止をlambdaで https://qiita.com/talomina/items/3b1b0280a786231ed910 ActionStartInstancepostgresdbここでターゲットを追加できるので、引数だけ変えていくつものRDSを起動することも可能です。 2021-11-26 19:03:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Discord.jsコマンド https://teratail.com/questions/371120?rss=all channel 2021-11-26 19:53:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ”"return "は関数内でのみ使用可能”エラーの解決 https://teratail.com/questions/371119?rss=all quotreturnquotは関数内でのみ使用可能エラーの解決前提・実現したいことpythonで財務諸表を自動で分析できるようなシステムを作っています。 2021-11-26 19:48:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) gitlab apiを使ってissueにある添付ファイルをダウンロードする https://teratail.com/questions/371118?rss=all gitlabapiを使ってissueにある添付ファイルをダウンロードするgitlabnbspapiを使ってissueにある添付ファイルをダウンロードする方法を教えいただけないでしょうか以下のコマンドを実行し、拡張子pptという文字列があればファイル名と判断するなどから添付ファイルが見つかった場合にそのファイルをダウンロードするということを実施したいです。 2021-11-26 19:29:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) typescriptのreturnでbrタグを返す。 https://teratail.com/questions/371117?rss=all typescriptのreturnでbrタグを返す。 2021-11-26 19:04:11
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RDS自動起動停止をlambdaで https://qiita.com/talomina/items/3b1b0280a786231ed910 ActionStartInstancepostgresdbここでターゲットを追加できるので、引数だけ変えていくつものRDSを起動することも可能です。 2021-11-26 19:03:11
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita M1チップのMacでDockerを使った環境構築(エラーと解決方法) https://qiita.com/hamuki72718/items/328b09308f73f5ace397 解決方法Mチップ搭載のMacではDockerFileのコードを修正する必要がある。 2021-11-26 19:07:45
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Laravel】画像保存処理実行時のエラー対処 https://qiita.com/yuuichimizuta/items/77369765fe3b2e20def1 srcresourcesviewuserseditbladephpltenctypemultipartformdata追加gtltformmethodPOSTclasspmbactionrouteusersupdatenamegtAuthusergtnameenctypemultipartformdatagt再度フォームをクリックして拡張子JPEGの画像ファイルを選択。 2021-11-26 19:06:21
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Storage/bucket からデータをダウンロードする https://qiita.com/aronkim/items/94c00dd2fd7c2ae7adc3 GoogleStoragebucketからデータをダウンロードする背景このような悩みの方いますかある日突然お客様からデータが連携されて、gsから始まるリンクとキーであるJsonファイルをもらいました。 2021-11-26 19:10:28
技術ブログ Developers.IO Cloudflare で取得した SSL/TLS 証明書をACM へインポートする際に「Provided certificate is not a valid self signed」と表示され証明書チェーンが必要なときの対処方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-acm-import-external-certificate/ Cloudflareで取得したSSLTLS証明書をACMへインポートする際に「Providedcertificateisnotavalidselfsigned」と表示され証明書チェーンが必要なときの対処方法困っていた内容Cloudflareで取得したSSLTLS証明書をACMAWSCertificateManagerへインポートしたいです。 2021-11-26 10:41:23
技術ブログ Developers.IO 「DX実現の第一歩!クラウド技術を活かしたデータ分析、成功のヒント」の第2回を開催しました #SnowflakeDB https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/eliminating-cloud-anxiety-with-snowflake/ snowflake 2021-11-26 10:33:37
技術ブログ Developers.IO Spring Boot 2 アプリケーションを Fargate Graviton2 で起動する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/spring-boot-application-on-fargate-graviton2/ awsfargate 2021-11-26 10:31:25
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to mutation testing with PiTest https://dev.to/promyze/introduction-to-mutation-testing-with-pitest-3lgo Introduction to mutation testing with PiTest Mutation testingWrite tests for your software has many advantages It ensures your business requirements are satisfiedIt s a security net against regressionsIf you practice TDD it guides your implementation thanks to an emerging design That s what we promote at Promyze since it helped us a lot Once we said that the most challenging part of the works comes in writing valuable and relevant tests It s one thing to say We have a bunch of unit tests and a high code coverage rate But it s another thing to have relevant tests that do not run only to increase this metric beloved by non technical people Mutation testing is a discipline that aims at improving the quality of our tests suite Let s see the basic principles and a concrete example The concept of code mutationUsing a mutation testing framework will run many executions of your test suite with some modifications to your business code These modifications are called mutants and can have the following form An arithmetic operator is changed to another valueSome statements are removed Boolean literals are reversedAssignment expressions are changed to for instance The idea is straightforward if your tests survive mutants introduction they re not robust enough If your tests failed the mutants have been killed A mutation testing framework will identify for you which mutants survived questioning the relevance of these lines and also the scope of your tests An example with PiTest in JavaPIT is a mutation testing framework for Java This is how you can include it your pom xml file lt build gt lt plugins gt lt plugin gt lt groupId gt org pitest lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt pitest maven lt artifactId gt lt version gt lt version gt lt plugin gt lt plugins gt lt build gt I ll take a straightforward example here to illustrate the concept package com promyze shop import java util ArrayList import java util List public class Basket private List lt Product gt products new ArrayList lt Product gt public void addProduct Product product this products add product public int computePrice return this products stream mapToInt Product getPrice sum public int computePriceWithDiscount int discount int price computePrice if price discount lt return return price discount And this test suite was written with JUnit package com promyze shop test import com promyze shop Basket import com promyze shop Product import org junit Test import static junit framework Assert assertEquals public class BasketTest Test public void testProductPrice Basket basket new Basket basket addProduct new Product orange basket addProduct new Product apple assertEquals basket computePrice Test public void testBasketPriceWithDiscount Basket basket new Basket basket addProduct new Product orange basket addProduct new Product apple assertEquals basket computePriceWithDiscount Test public void testBasketPriceWithDiscountWhenDiscountIsHigherThanBasketPrice Basket basket new Basket basket addProduct new Product apple assertEquals basket computePriceWithDiscount Let s now run PIT with the following maven command mvn test pitest mutationCoverage pitest report e f pom xml️One important thing to know is that mutation testing may require a long execution time depending on the size of your codebase You won t get an instant result just be aware of that An HTML report is now available in the target pit reports folder and you can navigate through the result The report indicates which mutants were introduced and whether they were killed or survived hover the Markers on the left side In this example it probably changed lt to ≤ and the test still passed I could indeed reinforce my test suite with another test or change that condition That s all for the intro I think you got the concept now Should I kill all mutants There s no silver bullet here since the fact that mutants survived may not imply an issue with your tests You should review each mutant to figure out if an action is necessary To go further you ll find a curated list of open source mutation testing frameworks on this link You can also discover another post we made on Property based Testing 2021-11-26 10:44:51
海外TECH DEV Community Understanding The Building Blocks Of Android https://dev.to/surhidamatya/understanding-the-building-blocks-of-android-17ig Understanding The Building Blocks Of AndroidApp components are the essential building blocks of an Android app Each component is an entry point through which the system or a user can enter app Some components depend on others In this post we are going to discuss about the four fundamental building blocks from which all the android applications are built These building blocks are implemented as Java classes There are four major building blocks of Android let s understand them ActivityAnything that is visible to the user has an activity Basically activity is defined to present the graphical user interface to the user and capture user s interaction through that interface An activity should support a single focused thing that the user can do eg any UI visible in the app Basically it is an entry point for interacting with user ServicesUnlike activities services don t require any user interface and runs in the background thread We basically place long running operations in services They provide a way for different processes to request operations and share data eg music application while we play a song it is still playing in the background even though the app is closed We can say Service is an entry point for keeping an application to run in background Broadcast ReceiverBroadcast receivers are the fundamental components that listens to and responds to events Broadcast receiver acts as a subscriber that listens to its required Intents and respond to it eg messaging app which shows a notification when a message is received A broadcast receiver is a component entry point that enables the system to deliver events to the app outside of a regular user flow allowing the app to respond to system wide broadcast announcements Content ProviderIf an application manages data and needs to expose that data to other applications we use Content Providers Content Providers allows applications to store and share data If an application needs to access data from another application this is done through Content Provider of that application The access might be read or write or both operations Similarly content provider is used to provide data to the same containing application as well Thus we can say content provider is a database style component that handles interprocess communication between applications eg messaging app which can explore our contacts through contacts application You must declare all app components using the following elements lt activity gt elements for activities lt service gt elements for services lt receiver gt elements for broadcast receivers lt provider gt elements for content providers Activities services and content providers that you include in your source but do not declare in the manifest are not visible to the system and consequently can never run However broadcast receivers can be either declared in the manifest or created dynamically in code as BroadcastReceiver objects and registered with the system bycallingregisterReceiver Reference 2021-11-26 10:39:35
海外TECH DEV Community Day 71-72/100 HTTP and Forms https://dev.to/riocantre/day-71-72100-http-and-forms-2bjj Day HTTP and Forms Communication must be stateless in nature such that each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server Roy Fielding Architectural Styles and the Design of Network based Software Architectures 2021-11-26 10:29:30
海外TECH DEV Community Lessons For Newbie Developers from The War of Art https://dev.to/ckvignesh/lessons-for-newbie-developers-from-the-war-of-art-15la Lessons For Newbie Developers from The War of ArtIn October I challenged myself to take up the DaysofCode challenge after I read about Alex Kallaway s journey on freeCodeCamp On my journey I have faced many ups and downs Some parts of the journey were easy and some were really hard But I never stopped learning Becoming a software developer is no easy job It s a continuous journey of learning When the journey is easy it s a pleasure to travel But the real test of grit perseverance and patience takes place when the odds are against you That s when I came across an article by Alex Kallaway I believe most developers out there are self taught at least most of the ones I personally know The best engineers I ve worked with learned to code before or after college rarely during ーSahil shl May Alex Kallaway mentioned books in his article The War of Art Winning the Inner Creative BattlesThe Power of Habit Why We Do What We Do in Life and BusinessThe Obstacle Is the Way The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into TriumphI read The War of Art Winning the Inner Creative Battles in less than half a day It s a small book that s crystal clear and something that ll make the reader feel it was written for them It s written in parts The first one deals with the bad guy Resistance Alex talks about it in his article The second one is about how to deal with the bad guy Turning Pro The third one is about inspiration The book is a treat for those who are spiritual If you aren t no problem it ll still teach you many invaluable lessons Here are some lessons I have learnt from it and every developer or an aspiring developer needs to know I m not a fan of the aspiring developer label Either you re a developer or not Beating resistance is not difficult but boring Steven starts the book with how he spends his day As a writer he has to rely on creativity to get going But this is where Resistance comes to play He wins over it by following a routine Though there s nothing extraordinary or fancy in it he describes how he wins over resistance There s a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don t and the secret is this It s not the writing part that s hard What s hard is sitting down to write What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance Steven Pressfield The War of Art It can get boring to solve javascript coding problems or even learn HTML and CSS Most of the work that happens in production is boring too But the boring tasks need a lot of practice Understand that everyone struggles with resistanceComparison is the thief of joy It s easy to compare yourselves to a senior and established developer and feel that you can never be like that Remember they also went through the same fears struggles and feelings Who knows they may also be going through self doubt and anxiety As a developer your main goal is to learn to code not focus on what others are doing Everyone who has a body experiences Resistance Steven Pressfield The War of Art Do not look up and get overwhelmed If you re a beginner developer looking at complex projects and apps can demotivate you That s because you re trying to see the hilltop from a valley Do not focus on becoming someone Try to do something Grandiose fantasies are a symptom of Resistance They re the sign of an amateur The professional has learned that success like happiness comes as a by product of work Steven Pressfield The War of Art It s not a one day battleResistance has to be fought anew every day Not every day is the same Some days are really overwhelming Some of you may be learning to code with a full time job or other responsibilities Every day is a new day and a chance to move ahead Had a bad day yesterday Forget it and start afresh RESISTANCE NEVER SLEEPS Steven Pressfield The War of Art The best opportunity is most likely one step ahead of your worst setbackWe all have problems Some of them seem like the worst and can be devastating The COVID Pandemic was one that caused a lot of distress at a collective level But all this can be conquered when you conquer Resistance Keep this in mind the fight is not over as long as you re alive RESISTANCE IS MOST POWERFUL AT THE FINISH LINE Steven Pressfield The War of Art Do not Rationalize Rationalization means attempt to explain or justify behaviour or an attitude with logical reasons even if these are not appropriate As a developer struggling to learn a new technology or programming language understand that it s hard It s going to be tough and that should not be an excuse for you to drop it or go in search of an easier technology Many of you may be trying to juggle a full time job personal responsibilities and study But remember to keep your eyes on your goal becoming an expert Developer What Resistance leaves out of course is that all this mean s diddly Tolstoy had thirteen kids and wrote War and Peace Steven Pressfield The War of Art Put yourself out there and cut through criticismAre you learning web development Share your journey publicly Are you building projects Talk about it Make connections People out there must know you exist It can be difficult You may get criticized and mocked by people who don t even know to write a Hello World program Be your own critic Individuals who are realized in their own lives almost never criticize others If they speak at all it is to offer encouragement Steven Pressfield The War of Art There s a slight difference between showing off and putting yourself out there The former is mostly boastful and condescending It may border being unethical too if you try to show off things that you can t do A professional s work has style it is distinctively his own But he doesn t let his signature grandstand for him His style serves the material He does not impose it as a means of drawing attention to himself Steven Pressfield The War of Art The path to mastery is alone at first but not alwaysWhen you embark on a new journey you may be alone But fret not you ll soon discover similar people and some may even join you Keep the faith and go ahead Here s the trick We re never alone As soon as we step outside the campfire glow our Muse lights on our shoulder like a butterfly The act of courage calls forth infallibly that deeper part of ourselves that supports and sustains us Steven Pressfield The War of Art Fall down if you must but once Not more than that There may be some bad days that force you to miss practice or work for a day If it s something real and needs more than a day gladly take it But if it s lethargy or aimlessness that forces you to do it don t skip studying building for more than a day The professional has learned better He respects Resistance He knows if he caves in today no matter how plausible the pretext he ll be twice as likely to cave in tomorrow Steven Pressfield The War of Art 2021-11-26 10:22:36
海外TECH DEV Community Creating transactions, mining rewards, mint and gas fee https://dev.to/freakcdev297/creating-transactions-mining-rewards-mint-and-gas-fee-5hhf Creating transactions mining rewards mint and gas feeHi all in the previous article I have covered how to create a simple Blockchain in just lines of code So today I will start working on the second part of the series transactions Please read the previous article first if you haven t known anything about blockchains yet Also you should definitely check out this tutorial on my new videos on Youtube for detailed information Part Building a Blockchain proof of work in lines of Javascript Part Creating Transaction Mining reward Mint and Gas fee on the Blockchain in Javascript What we are trying to achieveBasically we need to have a representation of a transaction that includes the sender s wallet address the receiver s wallet address and the amount we are sending We will add it to a transaction pool and when we create a new block we will move all pending transactions to that block s data To prevent faulty transactions we will use a signing mechanism along with a key pair That key pair will include keys a private key and a public key The public key can be shown to others as a wallet address the private key is used for signing transactions Because only you hold the private key only you can sign your account s transactions ensuring safety We will talk about some other stuff like minting initial coin release and gas fee No more saying let s start coding The transaction classSo we will have a basic class like this class Transaction constructor from to amount this from from this to to this amount amount Mining transactionsMoving back to the Blockchain class first of all we need a transactions pool which holds all the pending transactions this transactions Now we will have a method to create a transaction addTransaction transaction this transactions push transaction Mining the transactions mineTransactions this addBlock new Block Date now toString this transactions this transactions We just basically pass in the pending transactions and then clear the current pending transactions pool Mining rewardNo one would like to lose their computational power to mine transactions for you for free so you need to have some form of reward for the miners validators First we will have a mining reward property you can set it to whatever you like I ll set it to for no real reason this reward Now we shall create a transaction that transfers the reward to the miner mineTransactions rewardAddress this addBlock new Block Date now toString new Transaction CREATE REWARD ADDRESS rewardAddress this reward this transactions Right now we are just going assume the from address is something like this we will get back to this later in the next part of the article this transactions MintingThis is a well known term in blockchain development it simply refers to the act of adding more coins or printing more money to be simple When the chain gives miners reward it is actually minting coins in the mean time SigningWe can t miss the signing mechanism it s ESSENTIAL Before we proceed it s important to do some research about signing first it s a popular mechanism in cryptography I will use an algorithm used by Bitcoin and Ethereum secpk for generating key pairs Since we are staying simple we wouldn t want to implement the algorithm on our own since it s terribly long and can even be longer than this article We are using a package called elliptic note that elliptic also supports Curve and other algorithms Install it through npm npm i elliptic Generate a keypairThis is an example of generating a key pair const EC require elliptic ec ec new EC secpk const keyPair ec genKeyPair public key keyPair getPublic hex private key keyPair getPrivate hex Signing transactionsCreate a sign method in the Transaction class sign keyPair Check if the public key matches the from address of the transaction if keyPair getPublic hex this from Sign the transaction this signature keyPair sign SHA this from this to this amount base toDER hex ValidationThe chain is valid when all blocks have valid transactions transactions are valid only when From to amount are not empty Sender s address has more money than the amount sent The signature matches with the data of the transaction First we will create a method in the Blockchain class to get an address s balance for convenience We can implement a method to get an address s balance based on the transaction history of the chain getBalance address let balance this chain forEach block gt block data forEach transaction gt Because if you are the sender you are sending money away so your balance will be decremented if transaction from address balance transaction amount But if you are the receiver you are receiving money so your balance will be incremented if transaction to address balance transaction amount return balance So we will have a method like this in our Transaction class isValid tx chain return tx from amp amp tx to amp amp tx amount amp amp chain getBalance tx from gt tx amount amp amp ec keyFromPublic tx from hex verify SHA tx from tx to tx amount tx gas tx signature Inside the Block class create a method to check if it has valid transactions or not hasValidTransactions chain return this data every transaction gt transaction isValid transaction chain Update the isValid method of the Blockchain class if currentBlock hash currentBlock getHash prevBlock hash currentBlock prevHash currentBlock hasValidTransactions blockchain return false Now we also need to check if a transaction is valid before pushing it to the pool addTransaction transaction if transaction isValid transaction this this transactions push transaction Now let s get back to minting as I have promised First I ll create an address just for minting const MINT KEY PAIR ec genKeyPair const MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS MINT KEY PAIR getPublic hex New method mineTransactions rewardAddress Create a mint transaction for reward const rewardTransaction new Transaction MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS rewardAddress this reward rewardTransaction sign MINT KEY PAIR We will add the reward transaction into the pool this addBlock new Block Date now toString rewardTransaction this transactions this transactions Chain s address will have an exception Its balance will not be checked since we are printing money so we need to update Transaction isValid as well Also its amount must be the exact same as the defined reward isValid tx chain return tx from amp amp tx to amp amp tx amount amp amp chain getBalance tx from gt tx amount tx from MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS amp amp tx amount this reward amp amp ec keyFromPublic tx from hex verify SHA tx from tx to tx amount tx signature Releasing the first few coins everGoing back to the Blockchain class we will make some changes to our genesis block We will mint some coins for one address creating a max diluted marketcap If anyone wants to buy our currency they will lend us some money and we will send them coins This is also called a contract Create the keyPair firstconst holderKeyPair ec genKeyPair In the genesis block simply create a transaction for inital coin release We will release coin const initalCoinRelease new Transaction MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS holderKeyPair getPublic hex this chain new Block Date now toString initalCoinRelease The problem with mintingIf you are wondering if anyone can access the minting address can t we print out a lot and a lot faulty money You would be right but we are going to handle all of our problems with a peer to peer server which I m going to make in the next article The peer to peer server handles this problem by simply dismissing the chain of which block Has more or less than transaction for minting Has lower than transaction other than the mint transaction it basically means that he s constantly minting blocks without actually producing some real transactions Gas feesThere is also a kind of miner s reward called gas fee but it s a little different It s basically user s reward for miners This makes mining more appealing to miners and it also pays for the energy used for mining and people would have to pay a higher gas fee to be picked by miners quicker We are adding the gas property into our Transaction class class Transaction Gas will be set to because we are making it optional constructor from to amount gas this from from this to to this amount amount this gas gas sign keyPair if keyPair getPublic hex this from Add gas this signature keyPair sign SHA this from this to this amount this gas base toDER hex isValid tx chain return tx from amp amp tx to amp amp tx amount amp amp Add gas chain getBalance tx from gt tx amount tx gas tx from MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS amp amp tx amount this reward amp amp ec keyFromPublic tx from hex verify SHA tx from tx to tx amount tx gas tx signature We will update the getBalance method too getBalance address let balance this chain forEach block gt block data forEach transaction gt if transaction from address balance transaction amount balance transaction gas if transaction to address balance transaction amount return balance Now we should give the gas fee to the miner mineTransactions rewardAddress let gas this transactions forEach transaction gt gas transaction gas const rewardTransaction new Transaction MINT PUBLIC ADDRESS rewardAddress this reward gas rewardTransaction sign MINT KEY PAIR Prevent people from minting coins and mine the minting transaction if this transactions length this addBlock new Block Date now toString rewardTransaction this transactions this transactions Testing Your original balance is const girlfriendWallet ec genKeyPair Create a transactionconst transaction new Transaction holderKeyPair getPublic hex girlfriendWallet getPublic hex Sign the transactiontransaction sign holderKeyPair Add transaction to poolJeChain addTransaction transaction Mine transactionJeChain mineTransactions holderKeyPair getPublic hex Prints out balance of both addressconsole log Your balance JeChain getBalance holderKeyPair getPublic hex console log Your girlfriend s balance JeChain getBalance girlfriendWallet getPublic hex It should look like this So that s it Here s the full source code if you want ResourcesFind me on GithubTwitterYoutubeVibloCheck out the Youtube version of this article Creating Transaction Mining reward Mint and Gas fee on the Blockchain in Javascript 2021-11-26 10:16:38
海外TECH DEV Community How to crack FAANG Interviews? https://dev.to/thenomadevel/how-to-crack-faang-interviews-3889 How to crack FAANG Interviews Hello everyone Nomadev here back with another blog on tech Today we will be discussing in brief about How to crack FAANG interviews or how to start preparing for big product based companies FAANG stands for Facebook now meta Amazon Apple Netflix Google These are well known for their great work culture and high salaries This is a fact that many of them do not want you to have expertise in any specific language or framework they just want you to be a great problem solver and have logical thinking Even your approach will play a very important role in your selection wondering how to be one let s start Programming LanguageYou can start by learning a programming language This can be C C Python Java or any other of your choice You need to learn a language that is easy for you to understand and use Remember the thing that understanding logic is more important than just mugging up the syntax so learn wisely You should not try to learn all languages one language is more than is enough Data Structure and AlgorithmsNow you know all the basics of the language of your choice The next step is to learn the Data Structure and Algorithms These are the very fundamentals of computer science and remember the thing that these are not language specific you just have to understand that you have to understand the logic and mugging up the syntax will simply give you nothing language is just used for the implementation of those Data structures and Algorithms Data structures are named locations that you can use to store and organize your data And an algorithm is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem By learning data structures and algorithms you can create efficient and optimized computer programs Understanding of space and time complexity can be great kick start so chime in The more you practice the more you learnAlways stay motivated enough to solve problems and this will help to improve your problem solving skills Some good online platforms where you can practice are LeetCode CodeChef HackerRank When you have gained enough confidence you can participate in various online contests on CodeChef Codeforces Mock InterviewGive mock interviews as they help you to learn how to explain your logic develop interview strategies improve your communication skills and reduce stress levels before the actual interview You should give as many mock interviews on platforms like InterviewBuddy Pramp etc Some other important topicsYou also need to have a good understanding of DBMS operating system and network Apart from good coding skills you should also bear good communication skills if you get failed in explaining how your approach looks like that would definitely make a bad impression of you on them So this was it All the very best for your upcoming interviews If you liked this blog make sure to follow me on Twitter where I post daily threads on Programming Open Source and on Getting better remote job opportunities Here are a few Top Websites where you can master programming for Free TOP GitHub Repo to Master Javascript The Best VS Code Extensions to Supercharge Your Git Top Sites To Find Remote Developer Jobs MOST USED GIT COMMANDS YOU MUST LEARN If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee Your appreciation is my motivation Happy Coding AnnouncementVery soon I will be publishing a mega article on git commands so if you haven t followed me here or on Twitter make sure to do it for all the updates and Keep supporting for more awesome content 2021-11-26 10:12:49
海外TECH DEV Community React js Developer To Build Out the e-commerce Application https://dev.to/amelias26018837/react-js-developer-to-build-out-the-e-commerce-application-47bf React js Developer To Build Out the e commerce ApplicationReact for eCommerce is trending nowadays as it offers many benefits to businesses Today there are more than live websites using React js Without any doubt Reactjs is the most used UI library that builds many web applications with less effort and minimal coding Moreover features such as component driven approach high speed atomic design principles make React js the first choice for developing eCommerce web applications Are you looking to hire React developer right But before that we need to look out the core benefits of React for eCommerce that you leverage more advantage while building web applications The benefits we can leverage from React js for eCommerce with understanding the key principles of its working So let s get started Componentization React offers the building of a front end website where the feature or components are responsible for the UI functionality like buttons or data calls While this react component is the modular pieces of code that will be reused with different websites or eCommerce apps in multiple locations This approach will also accelerate development time with maintaining the customer experience Moreover it abolishes the need of developers by decreasing the work on code from scratch faster to debug and scale easily DOM Virtual Document Object Model Virtual DOM is important for interactive websites that have a lot of user engagement Without the Reactjs website it depends on the HTML for the updation of DOM While the UI component clicks then it requires the page to refresh and the entire DOM to reload Due to React js the library constructs the representation of the page in the virtual memory and uses the reconciliation algorithm that ensures the minimum number of operations will be held to render the page with updates This helps with the superior performance of web applications Tools React offers many tools that help you in inspecting React components tree in firefox and chrome It also shows the developer warning that also spots the developer s mistake easily Speed Reactjs has a component based approach that provides the ability developers to can reuse the code snippets with all eCommerce apps or multiple web applications This provides new touchpoints and makes the change easier and also debugs existing ones Developer Experience In React js the code is easy to maintain because of the component based nature As it saves time and effort as a long term perspective The tools also boost the productivity of developers by offering testing efficiency React js is used in Facebook as a backend so the components and available library are growing and it is easy to learn and build a small or large eCommerce ecosystem Apart from the features there are many eCommerce websites that are built with React Here are some websites that you can look at before developing your eCommerce website Shopping inHayneedle comPetsmart comShop jaguars comShop noes comSearspartsdirect com I hope you get the best examples and benefits that you can take utmost advantage of while building eCommerce websites with React Moreover there is no doubt that React for e commerce brings the out of the box change by offering many business benefits 2021-11-26 10:07:30
海外TECH DEV Community Fix slow tests with Jest in Github Actions https://dev.to/ddoice/fix-slow-tests-with-jest-in-github-actions-5h00 Fix slow tests with Jest in Github ActionsAt bob io we were migrating a ton of repositories from our oldie Jenkins to GitHub Actions and everything was going really smooth in some of our tests with mocha and chai we shaved a nice running time and with the matrix strategy we can run a lot of test in parallel removing a lot of friction from our CI process We were in heaven until we migrated a frontend app with tests made in Jest On our first try the tests took a hefty amount of timeFor reference the same tests in Jenkins The same tests on my computer At first glance it appeared that is CPU bound but in mocha and chai the history was the opposite we reduced the run times so I did a small investigation using the time command like this usr bin time v npm run testIn my computer the tests were parallelized and used a good amount of CPU powerMeanwhile in the Github runners the history was differentLooks like under the hood Jest checks the number of cores available and uses as much as possible but never uses all the cores the instances running our test have cores available but Jest only uses After digging into the Jest documentation I found the maxWorkers option which allows you to control the number of CPU cores used I tried to run the same test but forced the workers to fully use the available cores in the runner usr bin time v npm run test maxWorkers Not but better CPU usage And even better run times Just for the sake of curiosity I tested with workers and it took so we left it with workers 2021-11-26 10:07:05
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple AR headset to feature M1 Mac levels of processing power, says analyst https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/26/apple-ar-headset-to-feature-m1-mac-levels-of-processing-power-says-analyst?utm_medium=rss Apple AR headset to feature M Mac levels of processing power says analystAnalyst Ming Chi Kuo has reaffirmed predictions that the first Apple AR headset will launch at the end of but now says it will be a much more powerful device than expected Credit AppleInsiderBacking up his previous claim that Apple will launch its first augmented reality headset at the end of Ming Chi Kuo says it will be a standalone device Read more 2021-11-26 10:43:41
海外TECH Engadget The Amazon device deals worth your money on Black Friday https://www.engadget.com/best-amazon-device-deals-black-friday-2021-echo-speakers-fire-tablets-kindle-e-readers-blink-cameras-100048945.html?src=rss The Amazon device deals worth your money on Black FridayAside from Amazon Prime Day Black Friday is the best time of year to save on Amazon gadgets It s arguably better than Amazon s exclusive shopping day because anyone not just Prime members can get Black Friday discounts Everything from Echo speakers to Fire tablets to Kindles are down to record low prices and many devices have optional bundles you can choose from that get you things like a Blink Mini camera for extra or a free smart light bulb Here are the best deals on Amazon devices we could find for Black Friday EchoNathan Ingraham EngadgetAmazon s Echo smart speaker is on sale for right now We gave it a score of for its solid audio quality attractive design and inclusion of a mm audio jack Buy Echo at Amazon Echo DotEngadgetThe tiny Echo Dot has dropped to and you can grab the Echo Dot with Clock for only We gave it a score of for its good audio quality for the price compact design and tap to snooze feature Buy Echo Dot at Amazon Buy Echo Dot with Clock at Amazon Echo Show Nicole Lee EngadgetThe Echo Show has dropped to or off its normal price This is the best Echo smart display if you want one as a smart alarm clock We like its ambient light sensor smart home controls and tap to snooze feature Buy Echo Show nd gen at Amazon Echo Show EngadgetThe Echo Show smart display is on sale for or off its normal rate It earned a score of from us for its attractive design stellar audio quality and improved camera for video calls Both the first and second gen Show s have discounted bundles that include a Blink Mini camera for only extra too Buy Echo Show nd gen at Amazon Buy Echo Show nd gen bundle at Amazon Buy Echo Show st gen bundle at Amazon Echo Buds nd gen Billy Steele EngadgetThe second generation Echo Buds are on sale for right now Amazon massively improved its wireless earbuds this time around and we gave them a score of for their better sound quality good ANC and smaller design Buy Echo Buds nd gen at Amazon Echo FramesBrian Oh EngadgetThe Echo Frames are on sale for We gave them a score of for their lightweight comfortable design hands free Alexa access and compatibility with prescription lenses Buy Echo Frames at Amazon KindleEngadgetAmazon s standard Kindle has been discounted to which is its best price yet We gave this e reader a score of for its improved contrast display extra front lights and sleeker design The kids version of the e reader is also on sale for Buy Kindle at Amazon Buy Kindle Kids at Amazon Kindle PaperwhiteNathan Ingraham EngadgetThe new Kindle Paperwhite has dropped to for Black Friday or off its normal price This updated model has front lights a sleeker design an adjustable warm light weeks of battery life and Audible support You can also grab the kids edition for right now Buy Kindle Paperwhite at Amazon Buy Kindle Paperwhite Kids at Amazon Fire TV Stick K MaxAmazonThe higher end Fire TV Stick K Max has dropped to or off its normal price On top of all of the features in the standard Fire TV Stick K the Max version also supports WiFi and live picture in picture viewing You can get the standard Fire TV Stick for as well right now Buy Fire TV Stick K Max at Amazon Buy Fire TV Stick at Amazon Fire TV Stick LiteAmazonAmazon s most affordable streaming stick is even cheaper right now at It supports p streaming and gives you access to some of the most popular services like Netlfix and Disney Buy Fire TV Stick Lite at Amazon Fire TV CubeNicole Lee EngadgetAmazon s most powerful streaming device the Fire TV Cube has dropped to It supports K streaming Dolby Vision and Atmos plus hands free Alexa controls Buy Fire TV Cube at Amazon Fire tabletAmazonThe Fire tablet is on sale for If you re looking for a cheap tablet to be a couch device or to give your kid without worry this is a good option While it doesn t have the Google Play Store you can still use it to check email watch videos play music and more Buy Fire at Amazon Fire HD Valentina Palladino EngadgetThe Fire HD tablet is on sale for or half off its normal price We gave it a score of for its decent performance good battery life wireless charging capabilities and USB C port Buy Fire HD at Amazon Fire HD AmazonThe biggest of Amazon s tablets the Fire HD is half off right now bringing it down to It s the best Fire tablet to get if you care at all about performance We like its p display hour battery life and its Show Mode feature Buy Fire HD at Amazon Fire HD Kids ProAmazonThe inch version of Amazon s kids tablet is half off and down to This comes with a protective case a two year warranty and a one year subscription to Amazon Kids Bu Fire HD Kids Pro at Amazon Fire HD Kids ProAmazonThe Fire HD Kids Pro is percent off knocking it down to You re getting the same thing in this bundle ーa protective case a two year warranty and a one year subscription to Amazon Kids ーalong with a larger tablet Buy Fire HD Kids Pro at Amazon Blink security camerasAmazon BlinkThe Blink Indoor and Outdoor one camera kits are on sale for and respectively These cams are totally wireless so you can place them almost anywhere They supports p recording motion alerts two way audio and temperature monitoring The Blink Mini wired camera is also on sale for only Buy Blink Indoor at Amazon Buy Blink Outdoor at Amazon Buy Blink Mini at Amazon Eero eero LLCThe Eero dual band mesh WiFi system is down to or percent off its normal price One node can cover up to square feet and it supports WiFi The Eero Pro is also on sale and it s a bit more advanced than the standard it s a tri band system that supports WiFi and covers up to square feet with just one node Buy Eero at Amazon Buy Eero Pro at Amazon Get the latest Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers by visiting our deals homepage and following EngadgetDeals on Twitter All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team independent of our parent company Some of our stories include affiliate links If you buy something through one of these links we may earn an affiliate commission 2021-11-26 10:00:48
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 外来の医療内容などのデータ提出への評価を提案-厚労省、中医協・診療側は慎重姿勢 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211126185228 中央社会保険医療協議会 2021-11-26 19:10:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 無登録で金融商品取引業を行う者の名称等について更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/ordinary/chuui/mutouroku.html 金融商品取引業 2021-11-26 11:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles How fake news on Facebook helped fuel a border crisis in Europe https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/11/26/world/social-issues-world/belarus-poland-migrant-facebook/ How fake news on Facebook helped fuel a border crisis in EuropeAfter more than a week sleeping in a frigid encampment on the border between Belarus and Poland and an abortive foray across the frontier repelled 2021-11-26 19:43:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Channel migrants: Macron rounds on Johnson in boat crossings row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59428311?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA boris 2021-11-26 10:52:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Ava White: Liverpool murder arrests after girl, 12, dies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-59427833?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA liverpool 2021-11-26 10:43:28
ニュース BBC News - Home Bobbi-Anne McLeod: Man in court charged with murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-59427722?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA plymouth 2021-11-26 10:43:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Black Friday spending set to soar despite fewer deals https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59409507?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA black 2021-11-26 10:51:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Southampton FC left coach 'free' to abuse boys https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-59417390?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA football 2021-11-26 10:37:49
ニュース BBC News - Home NFL Thanksgiving: Umpire trips as Tony Pollard runs in 100-yard touchdown for Dallas Cowboys https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/american-football/59430480?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA NFL Thanksgiving Umpire trips as Tony Pollard runs in yard touchdown for Dallas CowboysTony Pollard runs in a tremendous yard touchdown while the umpire trips on the sidelines in the Dallas Cowboys loss to the Las Vegas Raiders 2021-11-26 10:16:04
ニュース BBC News - Home The African countries on the red list - and other UK travel rules https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52544307?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA african 2021-11-26 10:03:16
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 新型MacBook Proは、ついにゲーミングPCになったのか? https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/11/245893is-a-new-macbook-pro-finally-a-gaming-laptop.html macbookpro 2021-11-26 20:00:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 【Amazonブラックフライデー】松屋の牛めしが1食あたり196円。シュアラスターのカーワックスが40%オフに! https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/11/amazon-blackfriday-2021-1126-3.html 【Amazonブラックフライデー】松屋の牛めしが食あたり円。 2021-11-26 19:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 年俸ダウンの清宮「変わらないと」 ダイエットにも意欲 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/616041/ 契約更改交渉 2021-11-26 19:19:39
北海道 北海道新聞 29日に日EU首脳会談 初訪日、台湾問題を協議 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/616043/ 台湾問題 2021-11-26 19:13:00
北海道 北海道新聞 照ノ富士13連勝、27日にもV 阿炎は貴景勝破り1敗守る https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/616042/ 照ノ富士 2021-11-26 19:13:00
IT 週刊アスキー スマホ向け宇宙世紀ウォーSLG『機動戦士ガンダム U.C. ENGAGE』が11月30日にサービス開始決定! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/076/4076306/ ucengage 2021-11-26 19:50:00
海外TECH reddit [2021 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating] Rostelecom Cup - Men's Short Program Discussion Thread https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/comments/r2ddz8/2021_isu_grand_prix_of_figure_skating_rostelecom/ ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Rostelecom Cup Men x s Short Program Discussion ThreadDiscuss the Men s Short Program here Friday November Sochi Russia UTC Time and Date Converter Detailed Colour Schedule Entries ISU Page Planned Program Content Music Selections Results STREAMS The Official ISU YouTube Channel will stream all events and is available in nations without broadcaster agreements See the ISU How To Watch page for more information on what nations have broadcast agreements Or you know you can use a VPN to evade region restrictions The Opera internet browser has a free built in VPN or there are many paid VPN services USA viewers must be subscribed to Peacock Premium a month with a day free trial Canadian viewers CBC Streams Russian Viewers Channel will stream on their website and their YouTube channel Links for other national streams and possible fanstreams are available on SYWTWFS s post All hail SYWTWFS whose skate laces we are not fit to tie You can also discuss the events on the r figureskating Discord Channel more information on the community and its rules is here Rostelecom Cup Discussion Thread Masterpost submitted by u CountyKildare to r FigureSkating link comments 2021-11-26 10:16:18



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