Engadget Japanese |
Amazonのブラフラでハリー・ポッターBlu-ray全8作セットが55%OFF |
amazon |
2021-11-27 08:30:41 |
Engadget Japanese |
Amazonブラックフライデー対象「無線リアフォ」REALFORCE R3レビュー |
amazon |
2021-11-27 08:30:18 |
Engadget Japanese |
SSD、HDD、microSDカードなどストレージ製品がお買い得!|Amazonブラックフライデー |
amazon |
2021-11-27 08:14:48 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 飲食店「満席」にするには? 忘年会で巻き返し戦略 |
巻き返し |
2021-11-27 17:47:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonデータ分析試験に合格したので勉強方法を残しておく |
翔泳社「Pythonによるあたらしいデータ分析の教科書」模擬や実際の問題の中には上記の書籍に記載されている文章ベースの問が幾つか出題されます。 |
2021-11-27 17:54:21 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
リクルートからA3RTのドメイン変更メールが来たのでline-botを修正する |
なお、ImageInfluenceSQLSuggestのサービスについては、旧ドメインのみ対応とし、新ドメインでの提供はいたしません。 |
2021-11-27 17:18:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
推しからおはようメッセージを受け取るBOTを作ったよ |
推しからおはようメッセージを受け取るBOTを作ったよはじめにpython初学者です。 |
2021-11-27 17:16:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
py2appで作成したMACOS用アプリのファイル更新エラーの解決 |
pyappで作成したMACOS用アプリのファイル更新エラーの解決前提・実現したいことpythonのpysimpleguiを使用してGUIアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-11-27 17:58:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
import Error DLL load failed while importing _sqlite3: |
importErrorDLLloadfailedwhileimportingsqlite環境WindosnbsppropythonVscodeanacondaSQLiteSQliteを使いコードからテーブルを作る勉強しています。 |
2021-11-27 17:50:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GoogleドキュメントでGASを用いてPDFの列や文章の削除をする |
GoogleドキュメントでGASを用いてPDFの列や文章の削除をするGoogleドキュメントのpdfをGASを用いて、任意の行を削除するスクリプトを作成したいです。 |
2021-11-27 17:43:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonで素因数分解を学習するためのゲームを作りたい |
python |
2021-11-27 17:40:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#にてSQLから読み込んだ数値が重なったときインクリメントする方法 |
CにてSQLから読み込んだ数値が重なったときインクリメントする方法お世話になっております。 |
2021-11-27 17:38:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
React Nativeで横にスワイプして表示項目を絞りたい |
ReactNativeで横にスワイプして表示項目を絞りたい前提・実現したいことReactnbspNativeで横にスワイプして表示項目を絞ったり、画面遷移を実現する機能を作りたく考えています。 |
2021-11-27 17:36:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wordpressの投稿ページ内で次の投稿へ行くリンクの実装 |
wordpressの投稿ページ内で次の投稿へ行くリンクの実装上記のサイト下部にあるNextnbspProjectをwordpressのsinglephpで作成できるでしょうかgetnextpostを使用して次の投稿のリンク先を取得できるようですが、次の投稿が無くなった場合、最初の投稿のリンク先を表示するといった処理などどのようなコードなら実現できるのでしょうかすみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。 |
2021-11-27 17:33:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【wordpress】タームで絞り込み検索機能を実装したい |
【wordpress】タームで絞り込み検索機能を実装したい前提・実現したいこと特定のカスタムタクソノミーからタームを抽出して、タームによる絞り込み検索を実装したいです。 |
2021-11-27 17:31:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
java swing drawlineについて |
javaswingdrawlineについて前提・実現したいことswingでグラフのメモリを書こうとしているのですが、自分で書いたコードではなにも表示されません。 |
2021-11-27 17:28:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studio CodeでCommand+[の入力ができずに困っています。 |
VisualStudioCodeでCommandの入力ができずに困っています。 |
2021-11-27 17:27:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python,LSTM]ゼロ除算エラーになる |
PythonLSTMゼロ除算エラーになる前提・実現したいことLSTMでの学習を行う時に除算によるエラーが起こる。 |
2021-11-27 17:19:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PowerShellによるcsvの要素集計 |
PowerShellによるcsvの要素集計Powershellで読み込んだcsvの特定列の項目の合致する値の個数を集計したいです。 |
2021-11-27 17:16:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
テキスト入力欄でアスタリスクが入力されたときに×を代わりに入力する方法が知りたいです |
2021-11-27 17:12:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Java GUI 月ごとに画像を付ける方法 |
eclipsenbspjdk |
2021-11-27 17:11:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Django OGPの取得方法 |
DjangoOGPの取得方法現在、Djangoを用いてWebアプリの開発をしています。 |
2021-11-27 17:03:05 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerインストールしてみた(Windows向け) |
Dockerの起動確認dockerの起動時、次のリンクのようなエラーが出たが、「WLSのカーネルを最新化する」と「Linuxディストリビューションをインストールする」を実行すれば直りました。 |
2021-11-27 17:25:33 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ROS講座129 Unityプロジェクトをgit管理する |
「Changes」タブに移って、一覧からcommitしたいファイル全部チェックで大丈夫ですをチェックして、画面下部の「CommitSummary」と「CommitDescription」を埋めて「committomaster」を押しましょうgithubと連携するremoterepositoryを作るgithubの使用するアカウントで新たにリポジトリを作ります。 |
2021-11-27 17:40:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Remix and Supabase integration |
Remix and Supabase integration PrefaceThis post will be the first part of the series on how I will create the entire application So I will start with a boring introduction about the motivation of this series Because I recently scored very low on my IELTS exam I plan to create an application to help me to expand my English Vocabulary while learning Remix With regards to why I have chosen Supabase to store my data it is because it will allow me to focus on the frontend part due to Supabase s easy to use API This part will focus on how to use Remix and Supabase for CRUD operations Prerequisites if you want to follow alongMake sure you have node installedBasic understanding of ReactBasic cli knowledgeSupabase accountIf you are not yet familiar with Remix I suggest checking first my previous blog post about it Create a Supabase projectRefer to their official documentation on how to create a Supabase project After creating your account go to SQL Editor tab and execute the queries below Create words tableCREATE TABLE words id bigint GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY name varchar NOT NULL definitions varchar ARRAY NOT NULL sentences varchar ARRAY NOT NULL type varchar NOT NULL Add a new wordINSERT INTO words name type definitions sentences VALUES hello noun ARRAY used as a greeting ARRAY Hello world In the Table Editor tab you should see the new entry Add anonymous accessALTER TABLE words ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY CREATE POLICY anon select ON public words FOR SELECT USING auth role anon CREATE POLICY anon insert ON public words FOR INSERT WITH CHECK auth role anon CREATE POLICY anon update ON public words FOR UPDATE USING auth role anon CREATE POLICY anon delete ON public words FOR DELETE USING auth role anon Lastly in Authentication Policies tab should be seeing this Create a Remix project Installationnpx create remix latestcd whatever you named the project Cleaning up Remove demo filesrm rf app routes demos app styles demos We ll recreate this files laterrm app routes index tsx app root tsx Re create file root tsx file under app folder app root tsximport Links LiveReload Meta Outlet Scripts ScrollRestoration useCatch from remix export default function App return lt Document gt lt Layout gt lt Outlet gt lt Layout gt lt Document gt function Document children title children React ReactNode title string return lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charSet utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt title lt title gt title lt title gt null lt Meta gt lt Links gt lt head gt lt body gt children lt ScrollRestoration gt lt Scripts gt process env NODE ENV development amp amp lt LiveReload gt lt body gt lt html gt function Layout children React PropsWithChildren lt gt return lt main gt children lt main gt export function CatchBoundary let caught useCatch let message switch caught status case message lt p gt This is a custom error message for pages lt p gt break You can customize the behavior for other status codes default throw new Error caught data caught statusText return lt Document title caught status caught statusText gt lt Layout gt lt h gt caught status caught statusText lt h gt message lt Layout gt lt Document gt Re create file index tsx file under app routes folder app routes index tsxexport default function Index return lt div gt lt h gt Hello world lt h gt lt div gt The mandatory hello world page is now ready Integration PrerequisitesInstall Supabase javascript librarynpm install supabase supabase jsORyarn add supabase supabase js Create a Supabase client utilityThe next step will allow us to create a Supabase client utility that we can use across the whole application Create a env file to hold your Supabase credentials SUPABASE ANON KEY YOUR SUPABASE ANON KEYSUPABASE URL YOUR SUPABASE URLMake sure to add env in the gitignore file Create a Supabase client utility for reusability libs supabase client tsimport createClient from supabase supabase js const supabaseUrl process env SUPABASE URL as string const supabaseKey process env SUPABASE ANON KEY as string export const supabase createClient supabaseUrl supabaseKey Chores before integration OPTIONAL Create type definitionIf you prefer not to use TypeScript remove the declarations and usages of types and change the file extensions from tsx to jsx app models word tsexport enum WordType NOUN noun VERB verb ADJECTIVE adjective export type Word id number name string sentences string definitions string type WordType OPTIONAL Redirect to wordsAs I plan to create multiple mini apps in this project I ll redirect to words for now The code below will ensure we don t need to manually navigate to words every time we open the root page app routes index tsximport redirect from remix export function loader return redirect words Integrating Supabase with Remix Create the words listing page fetch data from Supabase using Remix s loader app routes words tsximport type LoaderFunction from remix import supabase from libs supabase client import Word from models word export const loader LoaderFunction async gt const data words await supabase from lt Word gt words select id name type We can pick and choose what we want to display This can solve the issue of over fetching or under fetching return words Create a React component to display the list of words app routes words tsximport useLoaderData Link from remix export const loader export default function Index const words useLoaderData lt Word gt return lt div gt lt h gt English words I learned lt h gt lt ul gt words map word gt lt li key word id gt lt div gt lt Link to words word id gt word name word type lt Link gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt The code above will fetch the data from Supabase and display it in a list Word details page Create a file named id tsx under app routes words folder Create the loader function app routes words id tsximport type LoaderFunction from remix import supabase from libs supabase client import Word from models word export const loader LoaderFunction async params gt const data await supabase from lt Word gt words select eq id params id as string single return data Create the component app routes words id tsx import import other imports useLoaderData from remix export const loader export default function Word const word useLoaderData lt Word gt return lt div gt lt h gt word name word type lt h gt word definitions map definition i gt lt p key i gt lt i gt definition lt i gt lt p gt word sentences map sentence i gt lt p key i gt sentence lt p gt lt div gt The image below shows that it still won t show even after creating the words id route Adding a router OutletWe need to add an Outlet inside our Words Index component to fix the above issue app routes words tsximport other imports Outlet from remix export const loader export default function Index const words useLoaderData lt Word gt return lt div gt lt h gt English words I learned lt h gt To put the list and outlet side by side lt div style display flex justifyContent space between gt lt ul gt words map word gt lt li key word id gt lt Link to words word id gt word name word type lt Link gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt Outlet gt lt this is where id tsx will render lt div gt lt div gt After clicking on a word id tsx route will render on where we put the Outlet Delete a word entrySince we re already on the words id page let s proceed with deletion first Add a button to delete the word app routes words id tsximport other imports Form from remix export const loader export default function Index return lt div gt previous content lt Form method post gt lt input type hidden name method value delete gt lt button type submit gt Delete lt button gt lt Form gt lt div gt The image shows a message that we did not define any action to handle the submit event Delete the word in the database using Remix s action app routes words id tsximport other imports redirect from remix import type other imports ActionFunction from remix export const action ActionFunction async request params gt const formData await request formData if formData get method delete await supabase from lt Word gt words delete eq id params id as string return redirect words rest of the codeAfter we click on the delete button the word hello will be deleted from the database and the page will redirect to the words page Explanation We created a form with a hidden input field named method with value delete When the submit button is clicked the action handler will trigger in the server Inside the action handler we check if the method is delete If it is we delete the word from the database Why go through all this trouble It just happens that this approach does not need any JavaScript to run try it on your browser This means our app is interactive even before we load the JavaScript from the server Add a new wordNow we don t have anything on the list let s create the route to handle creation Create a button in the words route that will navigate to words add app routes words tsximport other imports useNavigate from remix export const loader export default function Index const words const navigate useNavigate return lt div gt lt h gt English words I learned lt h gt lt button type button onClick gt navigate words add gt Add new word lt button gt previous contents lt div gt Create the add new word routeTo avoid a page let s create the add route Create the component app routes words add tsximport Form from remix import WordType from models word export default function AddWord return lt Form method post gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor name gt Word lt label gt lt input id name name name type text placeholder Word required gt lt div gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor type gt Type lt label gt lt select id type name type defaultValue WordType NOUN gt lt option value WordType NOUN gt Noun lt option gt lt option value WordType VERB gt Verb lt option gt lt option value WordType ADJECTIVE gt Adjective lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor sentence gt Sentences lt label gt lt textarea id sentence name sentence placeholder Sentence minLength gt lt div gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor definition gt Definitions lt label gt lt textarea id definition name definition placeholder Definition minLength gt lt div gt lt button type submit gt Submit lt button gt lt Form gt The image below shows the form we created after clicking on the Add new word button Add an actionTo avoid the missing action error after clicking on the Submit button let s add an action on the words add route app routes words add tsximport other imports redirect from remix import type ActionFunction from remix import supabase from libs supabase client export const action ActionFunction async request gt const formData await request formData const newWord name formData get name type formData get type sentences formData getAll sentence definitions formData getAll definition const data await supabase from words insert newWord single return redirect words data id After clicking on the Submit button the word will be added to the database and the page will redirect to the words id page Edit a word detailsNow to handle the missing operation in our CRUD app let s add the ability to modify an existing entry Create a file named edit id tsx under app routes wordsWhen we add a between words it will transform to in the URL The above example will result in words edit id Create a form for editing the word RefactoringSince the edit form is very similar to the add form we can reuse the same form with additional checks to determine if we are adding or editing app components WordForm tsximport Form from remix import Word WordType from models word export default function WordForm word word Word return lt Form method post gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor name gt Word lt label gt lt input id name name name type text placeholder Word required defaultValue word name disabled Boolean word name gt lt div gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor type gt Type lt label gt lt select id type name type defaultValue word type WordType NOUN gt lt option value WordType NOUN gt Noun lt option gt lt option value WordType VERB gt Verb lt option gt lt option value WordType ADJECTIVE gt Adjective lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt div gt word sentences map sentence i gt lt SentenceField index i sentence sentence key i gt lt SentenceField index sentence gt lt div gt lt div gt word definitions map definition i gt lt DefinitionField index i definition definition key i gt lt DefinitionField index definition gt lt div gt lt button type submit gt Submit lt button gt lt Form gt const SentenceField index sentence gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor sentence index gt Sentence index lt label gt lt textarea id sentence index name sentence defaultValue sentence placeholder Sentence index minLength gt lt div gt const DefinitionField index definition gt lt div gt lt label htmlFor definition index gt Definition index lt label gt lt textarea id definition index name definition defaultValue definition placeholder Definition index minLength gt lt div gt That s a lot of code however we can reap the benefits of simplifying the code in add tsx and edit id tsx Update routes words add tsx app routes words add tsx other code export default function AddWord return lt WordForm gt Create routes words edit id tsx app routes words edit id tsximport useLoaderData from remix import WordForm from components WordForm import Word from models word export default function EditWord const data useLoaderData lt Word gt return lt WordForm word data gt Now we have a reusable form If we have to make a style change we can update the WordForm component reflecting the change on both routes NOTE I m extracting everything to WordForm tsx since it is applicable in my use case Create a loader for the word detailsIn order for the edit form to be populated with the existing data we need to create a loader app routes words edit id tsximport supabase from libs supabase client import type LoaderFunction from remix export const loader LoaderFunction async params gt const data await supabase from lt Word gt words select eq id params id as string single return data export const EditWord Create a button in the words id page to edit a word app routes words id tsximport other imports useNavigate from remix export const loader export default function Word const word const navigate useNavigate return lt div gt other code lt button type button onClick gt navigate words edit word id gt Edit lt button gt lt div gt The image below shows the pre filled form depending on the content of id in the URL Add an action handlerTo handle the form submission we need to add an action handler app routes words edit id tsximport other imports redirect from remix import type other imports ActionFunction from remix export const action ActionFunction async request params gt const formData await request formData const id params id as string const updates type formData get type sentences formData getAll sentence definitions formData getAll definition await supabase from words update updates eq id id return redirect words id export const loader export const EditWord After modifying some fields and clicking the submit button the page will redirect to the words id page with the updated data Add indicator for state transitionBy utilizing the useTransition hook we can add or change something on the screen depending on the route s state Routes you want to use useTransitionimport useTransition from remix Somewhere in the route s compnentlet transition useTransition lt div gt State transition state lt div gt We can replace the text states below with global loading indicator local component spinner disabling elements etc ConclusionSo far I m having a positive experience with the framework Of course I m still learning but I m enjoying the process I m starting to agree with the Remix team said that if we become better with Remix we become better with the Web Working with Remix allows me to refresh my HTML skills that are almost diminishing due to too much dependency on JavaScript I m looking forward to using more of their features in the next iteration of this app What s next Error handlingStyling AuthenticationPaginationDeeply nested routesSEO Link to the repo Leave your thoughts in the comments section |
2021-11-27 08:38:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
20 Awesome Github Repos Every Web Developer Should Know |
Awesome Github Repos Every Web Developer Should KnowHere I list excellent JavaScript based GitHub resources that will help you to understand the language better and help you to write clean code This list is based on my personal preference ReadUI amp quot More Awesome Github Repos Every Web Developer Should Know |
2021-11-27 08:32:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
100+ JavaScript Projects For Beginners to Advance |
JavaScript Projects For Beginners to AdvanceThe best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects I have created a list of beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript React and TypeScript My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video build the project break it apart and rebuild it your own way Experiment with adding new features or using different methods That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article Read More JavaScript Projects for Beginners Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS |
2021-11-27 08:31:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Username Validator |
Username Validator Usernames should be formatted and they should conform to follow some validation constraints As an example TypeConstraintsLength of usernameInclusive to to charactersContaining figuresOnly of alphanumeric charactersFirst figure beingAn alphabetical characterThese usernames can be validated inside in register sign up functionalities of your web application Now user enters an username as a string in the registration form provided Then they fills out the rest of info like email password and confirm password etc and submits After that you need to validate these user inputs To do this we have few options i Using javascript regex to validate it before submitting the form With using jquery React JS or other frontend js library ii Using model attributes in your User view model class With using RegularExpression for ASP Net or Pattern for Spring iii Using server side code to match and validate the pattern This enables us to check the availability uniqueness within the user table A recommended regex pattern for Java given below checks if the string input follows validation constraints given above String userRegex a zA Z a zA Z The tokens used in the regex are as below This denotes the first character of the string a zA Z All the alphabetical and non numerical chracters a zA Z The first character being a alphabetical character a zA Z The rest of the string can be alphanumerical characters with no spaces Alphabetical characters with mixed case integer numbers underscores This denotes the length constraint The length of the string input should be between and inclusive Since the first token of a zA Z if checked the length we checking reduced by one So we need to check if it ranges from to for rest This denotes the whole pattern will be checked This denotes the end of the pattern The following Java program matches if the given username is valid and conform to our ruleset public static void main String args String userRegex a zA Z a zA Z java util Scanner sc new java util Scanner System in String userName sc nextLine if userName matches userRegex System out println Valid Username else System out println Invalid Username sc close Learn more about regex using following links |
2021-11-27 08:31:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
22 Tech Skills Java Programmers can Learn in 2022 |
Tech Skills Java Programmers can Learn in Disclosure This post includes affiliate links I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article Hello Devs If you want to upskill to become a better Java developer or looking forward to start your career as Java developer but not sure which skills to learn in then you have come to the right place In the past I have shared The Java developer RoadMap and essential Java development frameworks and in this article I am going to share tech skills for professional Java developers Yo don t need to learn all but these are the skills which are in demand and can help Java developers to land better Job Recently I was doing some research on what skills Java developers should learn in to become a better developers and give their career a boost and I found some interesting skills like Kafka and Elastic Search apart from obvious ones like Spring Boot and Microservices One of my favorite places for doing such research is examining Job listings on LinkedIn from different companies like Investment banks Service based companies startups and mid tier companies where Java is used extensively When I saw those skills I can immediately tell that those are really useful and worth sharing with you guys as I have often seen those skills playing important roles while hiring Java developers While there are a lot more skills based upon different job requirements I chose the most common and popular skills for this article from those job listings from top tech companies that hire Java developersThis list is by no means comprehensive but it s a decent list and you can learn these skills to not only become a better Java developer but also get job ready or give your career a boost in I have also shared resources to learn these tech skills for java developers along the way One of the biggest challenges and probably the most exciting aspect of the software developmentcareer is learning Technology keeps evolving and today s things become passed very quickly Java has survived for so many years but it has also been kept changing with significant changes coming on Java and Java Nowadays Java is even changing faster every six months and it s tough to keep up but that s the challenge of a programming career The same goes with the skills gone are the days of the nineties when you can ticket to silicon valley but just learn Applet The same goes for JME and some other popular Java frameworks like Struts which has been the go to skill for quite some time to find a Java job It s time to learn new in demand tech skills for Java developers Technical Skills Java Developers Can Learn in As I said today s technology world requires advanced skills and here are some of the modern skills a Java developer should learn to give his her career or boost in The list includes essential frameworks like Spring Spring Boot and Hibernate a database like MySQL Big Data framework like Spark Elastic Search Architect like REST SOA and Microservices and backbone technology like SQL Spring FrameworkThere is no doubt that Spring is the king of the Java stack It s not an option but a must have skill for a Java programmer Lately Spring Boot has also joined the mainstream but at the bare minimum you need Spring It not only provides dependency injection which makes writing testable codeeasier but even many libraries and utility classes like JdbcTemplate which makes day to day Java programming better If you don t know Spring Framework then don t worry now is the best time to learn Spring and if you need resources I highly recommend Spring Beginner to Guru by John Thompson on Udemy to start with Spring BootSpring Boot is one of the top Java frameworks you should learn and it has been on my list for quite some time now Just like the Spring framework takes away the pain of developing Java applications by removing boilerplate code and making it easier to test using dependency injection Spring Boot takes away the pain of using the Spring framework by auto configuring most of the stuff you need which makes Spring Framework easier to use and also cuts down the time you spend on bootstrapping your Java project If you don t know Spring Boot I strongly suggest you learn this because most of the new development project is using Spring boot and if you need a resource there is no better course than Learn Spring The Certification Class from Eugen Paraschive is a great course to start with RESTThis is another useful skill for Java programmer because there is hardly any web application nowadays which doesn t expose API or make use of REST API GraphQL is slowly replacing REST but in the Java world REST is still a king If you need some recommendations to learn REST then check out this RESTful Web Services Java Spring Boot Spring MVC and JPA course on Udemy for Java developers SQLThis is another core skill for a Java programmer or I say any programmer Since Data is the real king of any programmer and SQL is the most critical tool to interact and analyze data you just cannot live without it If you don t know SQL this is the perfect time to learn SQL with the growing needs of a Data Engineer If you need a recommendation The Complete SQL Bootcamp Go from Zero to Hero of Jose Potila on Udemy is the best course to learn SQL Cloud ComputingCloud is slowly taking over the entire technology world More and more companies are moving towards the cloud and with the advancement and maturity of major cloud platforms like AWS Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure the next generation of Java applications will be built for clouds If you want to get an introduction to Cloud Computing from a developer perspective Introduction to Cloud Computing on AWS by Neal Davis is one of the best courses I have seen in recent times It not only teaches you how to develop Java applications for the cloud but also all the right tools and practices MavenMaven is the most essential Java tool I have ever learned Since I came from the pre Maven world of ANT and Batch script I know how painful it was to assemble and manage dependencies for a Java application Maven not only solved the problem of dependency management but also provides a standard structure to Java projects which considerably shortens the learning curve for a new developer It s an absolute must have skill for Java programmers and if you don t know Maven learns it today If you need a recommendation the John Thompson The Apache Maven Beginner to Guru course on Udemy is the best of a lot AWSThe Amazon Web Service is the most popular cloud platform today and that s why it has become a skill of itself There is a massive demand for people who knows how to work with AWS tools and environments like EC S and Virtual Private Cloud I have seen many of my friends flocking to get AWS certified in recent years too If you have an interest in AWS and want to know more about it here is a list of free AWS courses you can join to learn online CI Jenkins Bamboo GitLab etc Along with Maven I think Jenkins is another must know skill for today s Java developer Continuous integration has significantly improved both the quality and process of software development and most organizations now have CI and CD The advent of DevOps has further fueled the adoption of Jenkins and that s why I believe every Java developer should learn Jenkins If you need references then I highly recommend you to check out Jenkins From Zero To Hero Become a DevOps Jenkins Master course on Udemy You can buy this course for just on a Udemy sale HibernateAlong with Spring Hibernate is the king of Java frameworks It s actually the most popular persistence framework in the Java world Since Data is an integral part of any Java application Hibernate also becomes an essential framework for many Java applications It takes away the pain of JDBC to interact with persistent technology like Relational databases and allows you to focus on building application logic using Objects If you want to learn Hibernate I suggest you join Spring amp Hibernate for Beginners includes Spring Boot course by Chad Darby on Udemy MicroservicesYou might have heard about this buzzword for the last couple of years Microservices got their fame when startups like Uber and Netflix started using them but it offers much more The critical principle of Microservices is simplicity Unlike monolithic applications that are hard to build and maintain microservices are much easier to code develop and maintain because they split an application into a set of smaller composable fragments Java world has excellent support for building Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and that s why the demand for Java developers who knows and understands Microservice is rising every day If you want to learn more about how to build Microservices in Java using the Spring framework I suggest you join Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course on Udemy GitIt s one of the fundamental skills not just for a Java programmer but also for any programmer and that s why I had included it in my list of things every programmer should know Both Git and Github have become ubiquitous and whether it s an open source codebase or a closed base git is used everywhere You just cannot survive without knowing those git commands and understanding key git concepts like push pull merge branch commit and rebase If you are new to Git or want to improve your understanding I suggest you go through this list of best git courses on Udemy Java EE Some of you might be surprised with Java EE or Jakarta EE is one of the most in demand skills for Java developers Well the truth is that Java EE is still alive and kicking well Many organization which uses Java on their web stack use Java EE for building their application The latest version of Java EE is Java EE and if you want to learn Java EE this list of the best Java EE Courses from Udemy Pluralsight and LinkedIn Learning is the best to start with SOAThe SOA stands for Service Oriented Architecture As the name suggests Service oriented architecture is a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by application components through a communication protocolover a network The basic principles of service oriented architecture are independent of vendors products and technologies It sounds very similar to microservice where also the application is divided into multiple services but the key difference is size microservice as the name suggests is much smaller in size and scope Since real world applications tend to be complex they often follow SOA architecture and that s why the demand of Java developerwith SOA skills are quite high See this list of best SOA courses If you want to learn more about SOA and get this skill DockerDevOps is quickly changing the way we develop and deliver software and Docker has been playing an important role Docker is a container that abstracts away environment specifics required to run your code like installing Java setting PATH putting libraries etc Docker makes it easy to replicate the environment without setting up servers and that s why very useful in the software development and deployment process I strongly suggest every Java developer to learn Docker to try new things and add this useful skill to your resume If you need a course there is no better than Docker amp Kubernetes The Practical Guide from Udemy I am learning from this course and it s awesome Elastic SearchElasticSearch is another awesome software developed in Java It s a search engine based on the Lucene library and allows you to reliably search analyze and visualize your data Elasticsearch is often used together with Kibana Beats and Logstash which form the Elastic Stack Since more and more application is now providing a way to analyze and visualize its data to the user Elastic search is getting importance and that s why Java developer with ElasticSearch skills are in demand It has many applications like searching and analyzing log files like the way Splunk does If you want to learn more this Complete Guide to ElasticSearch course on Udemy is a good one to join Java SEI was quite surprised to see the Java SE skill on in the list as it s one of the most important skills for any Java developer If you don t know Collections Multithreading Streams and other key Java SE library you just cannot code in Java Good knowledge of these essential classes is significant for any Java developer Hence if you are new to Java please spend some time learning and improving your core Java skills If you need a course The Complete Java Masterclass is one of the best courses to learn core Java It s also the most up to date recently updated for Java JUnitI have been suggesting many Java developers learn JUnit for a long time It s also on my list of things Java developers should learn in JUnit has also evolved now with JUnit leading the way It allows you to write tests better and faster Along with JUnit you should also learn Mockito a leading Java library for creating mock objects Since Java applications have heavily relied on the library including JDK a mocking framework like Mockito is always needed to write a test that can run in isolation If you want to learn further I suggest you check this list of best JUnit and Mockito courses from Udemy and Pluralsight TDDIf there is one thing I suggest Java developers learn today then it would be TDD Even though it s quite deep down in the skill for Java developers it is the single most practice that can improve the quality of your code and increase confidence in your coding TDD s test code test refactor cycle works fast and really well in Java I strongly suggest every Java developer follow TDD and if you need a resource to learn TDD there is no better resource than reading the Test Driven book It s like the bible for TDD in Java for me NoSQLNoSQL provides an alternative way of storing data which scales better for many applications mainly which loads a junk of attributes together It s different than the traditional relation model of storing data which tries to remove redundancy or duplication by normalizing the data There are many popular NoSQL databases available in the market like MongoDB and Cassandra Since the modern application has a lot more data many of them are switching to NoSQL for faster retrieval and increased scalability and that Java Programmer with NoSQL skill is in demand If you want to learn a NoSQL database like MongoDB then check out this list of best Mongo DB courses for beginners MySQLMySQL is one of the accessible relational databases and also used in the Java world a lot Since the database is an integral part of any Java application a good knowledge of a relational database like MySQL goes a long way in getting a Java development job I have worked in MySQL SQL Server and Oracle but if you are just starting with a relational database learn MySQL first If you need a recommendation you can see this list of the best MySQL courses to start with Apache KafkaIf you don t know Apache Kafka is a distributed data streaming platform that can publish subscribe to store and process streams of records in real time It s developed by LinkedIn written in Scala and Java and donated to the Apache Software Foundation It aims to provide a unified high throughput low latency platform for real time handling data feeds which is the requirement of many modern systems This is one of the leading technology which is getting more and more popular on Java world and having this on your resume can make you eligible for some of the exciting Java career opportunity in the world If you want to learn Kafka you can check out this list of best Kafka courses for beginners on Udemy That s all about indemand Tech skills Java developers need today to boost their career in Initially it may sound too many but you will find that you already know most of them Also you don t need to learn all of them pick the skills which interest you and are closer to the work you are doing now or want to do in the future Other Programming Articles you may like The Java Programmer RoadMap Tools Every Java Developer Learn in Top Courses to learn Spring Boot in Programming languages to Learn in Books Java Developers Should Read in Frameworks for Java and Web Developer in Libraries Java developer should know My favorite free courses to learn Java in depth Top courses to learn Spring Framework in Depth Free courses to learn Maven Jenkins and Docker Essential Skills for Every Software Developer Tips to become a better Java Developer AWS and Cloud Certifications to Aim in Thanks for reading this article so far If you like this Java skill article then please share it with your friends and colleagues If you have any questions or feedback please drop a note P S If you want to become a frontend and backend developer in then you can also check out The Web Developer RoadMap which also contains all the tech and resources you need to become a professional web developer P S S If you want to become a DevOps Engineer in then you should check out this awesome The Complete DevOps Engineer RoadMap which also contains all the tech and resources you need to become a professional web developer |
2021-11-27 08:23:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Crypto Wallet Sketch Mobile App UI Kit Design |
Crypto Wallet Sketch Mobile App UI Kit DesignHello designer Lover This is a Crypto Wallet Sketch Mobile App UI Kit design This high quality UI design kit is suitable for e wallet applications finance App and Crypto App The UI kit includes both vector shapes and all the original design files so you can use them wherever you want App Screen Kit is a collection of screens for your Mobile App It includes mock ups of every app screen that you will need All screens are made pixel perfect according to Apple Design Guidelines and will help you demonstrate and promote your new mobile application on the AppStore The design elements and components are easy to change Each screen is organized named amp very easy to use Download now to get this file from UI HUTDownload Design Resources From uihut Our designers are constantly creating new digital products uikit to resources for you to download With over downloads in Figma format in Sketch format icons in SVG format Thanks |
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海外TECH |
41 Best Black Friday Deals on Phones, Tablets, and Smartwatches |
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Japan to make some exceptions to eight-month guideline for COVID-19 booster shots |
Japan to make some exceptions to eight month guideline for COVID booster shotsElderly people in care homes and patients at hospitals hit by cluster infections could receive booster shots six months after their second doses |
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Kishida says enemy base strike capabilities are an option to boost defense |
Kishida says enemy base strike capabilities are an option to boost defenseIn a speech at a Ground Self Defense Force base Kishida expressed concern about North Korea s rapid development of missile technology and China s military expansion |
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Covid: World races to contain new Omicron variant |
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Storm Arwen: Man dies as gale-force winds hit UK |
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BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: World races to contain Omicron, and Whitty's 'greatest worry' |
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Vegan Ramen UZU Tokyo@新豊洲(ヴィーガンラーメン醤油) |
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堀川が単独トップ守る 男子ゴルフ第3日 |
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