IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Surface Laptop Go」向けに2021年12月度のファームウェアアップデートをリリース |
windowsmayupdate |
2021-12-05 13:47:55 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
楽天市場、Google Playのギフトコードの5%オフセールを開催中 |
googleplay |
2021-12-05 13:37:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
数値流体力学3~数値流束~ |
数値流束を数値計算法に適用してみる第回、第回で考えた移流方程式の数値計算法に対して、jにおける数値流束の評価方法を考えてみましょう。 |
2021-12-05 22:46:21 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
HTTPXとasyncioを利用したPythonの非同期HTTPリクエスト |
大切なのは、外部のIOを行う処理がasyncioに対応していることです。 |
2021-12-05 22:20:11 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DenoからFirebaseを使う |
注意するポイントとしては、AdminSDKではなくブラウザ向けのSDKを使うesmshやskypackdevからimportするとエラーが発生することがあるので、gstaticcomからimportするセキュリティルールに注意するという所に気を付けて使う必要があります。 |
2021-12-05 22:28:08 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
forEachの中でasync awaitは使えない(コピペ例) |
2021-12-05 22:10:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【HTML/JavaScript】buttonタグでリンクをする方法 |
【HTMLJavaScript】buttonタグでリンクをする方法buttonタグとはltbuttontypebuttongtボタンltbuttongt※buttonタグはデフォルトでsubmitになるので、buttonをformタグで囲っておりsubmitしない場合には、「typebutton」をつけましょう。 |
2021-12-05 22:02:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
自作サイトマップを送信したいが設置場所がわからない |
2021-12-05 22:57:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
endの数が一致しない/最初に結果が出てくる |
ターミナルで実行すると、endの数が足りないとのエラーが出ます。 |
2021-12-05 22:55:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pytorchで、正解ラベルとランダム値から最適化計算したい |
pytorchで、正解ラベルとランダム値から最適化計算したい前提・実現したいことpytorchで機械学習モデルを扱っています。 |
2021-12-05 22:54:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jspファイルにjavaファイルで作ったクラスメソッドを呼び出したい |
jspファイルにjavaファイルで作ったクラスメソッドを呼び出したい現在、jspファイルにjavaファイルで作ったクラスメソッドを呼び出したいが、実行時にエラーが起きてしまう。 |
2021-12-05 22:32:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
aws lightsailにストレージディスクを追加した場合 |
awslightsailにストレージディスクを追加した場合awsnbsplightsailECnbspVPCを使用しております。 |
2021-12-05 22:23:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python データフレーム locでラベル名を指定しているのにエラーが起きる現象について |
pythonデータフレームlocでラベル名を指定しているのにエラーが起きる現象についてpythonデータフレーム型のある要素を参照するためにloc関数を使用しています。 |
2021-12-05 22:22:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
twittbotなどのアプリの仕組みについて |
twittbot |
2021-12-05 22:14:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
React 配列要素比較の書式が不明 |
React配列要素比較の書式が不明お世話になります。 |
2021-12-05 22:02:55 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】AWS Config |
AWSマネジメントコンソール、API、CLIを使用して、過去の任意の時点でリソースがどのように設定されていたかの詳細を取得できます。 |
2021-12-05 22:47:57 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails×AWS】yamlファイルにおける'please note that yaml must be consistently indented using spaces'の解決 |
私の場合、パスワードの頭文字がだったのですがyamlファイルの規則ではにはをつける必要があります。 |
2021-12-05 22:40:31 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure 利用スタートからポリシー・管理グループ・カスタムドメインなど設定 |
を表示されて完了プライマリドメインにする場合は、カスタムドメイン名の画面で対象をクリックして、プライマリにするをクリックしてはいをクリックするユーザ作成新規にカスタムドメインでのユーザ作成を実施するAzureActiveDirectorygtユーザーgt新しいユーザーをクリックするユーザーの作成で必要な項目を入力するプライマリにしていれば、作成したドメインとなっている設定していない場合は、プルダウンで選択できるActiveDirectoryのすべてのユーザーでアカウント目が指定したユーザー名・ドメインで作成できていることが確認できるグループ作成ユーザのグループを作成するAzureActiveDirectoryの管理にあるグループを選択する新しいグループをクリックするグループの種類をセキュリティ、グループ名に設定するグループ名ここではdevelopersを設定する所有者の所有者が選択されていませんをクリックして、所有者を追加して選択をクリックして追加する次にメンバーのメンバーが選択されていませんをクリックしてメンバーを追加して選択をクリックして追加する作成をクリックしてユーザグループを作成するグループが作成完了リソースグループ作成テストリソースなどを設置するリソースグループを作成するリソースグループを選択する作成をクリックリソースグループにリソースグループ名を入力してここではtestrg、リージョンを選択するここではAsiaPaciffic東日本確認及び作成をクリックする作成される内容を確認して作成をクリックする下記のようにリソースグループが作成が確認できるリソースグループへのロール付与作成したリソースグループに作成したアカウントセキュリティグループにロールを割り当てる作成したリソースグループtestrgを選択してアクセス制御IAMを選択して、ロールの割り当ての追加をクリックするロールタブで割り当てたいロールここでは共同作成者を選択して次へをクリックする追加できたらレビューと割り当てをクリックする再度内容を確認してレビューと割り当てをクリックアクセス制御IAMでロールの割り当てタブをクリックするとロールの状態が見え、developersが共同作成者に割り当てられたことが確認できる管理グループTenantRootGroup作成複数のサブスクリプションを管理する管理グループを試すため、管理グループ・TenantRootGroupを作成する管理グループを検索して移動する管理グループの使用を開始しますをクリックする初回の管理グループIDと表示名ここではinfraを入力してSubmitをクリックする構築が完了すると、自動的にTenantRootGroupルート管理グループが作成され、その下に作成した管理グループここではinfaraができていることが確認できる作成した管理グループinfraをクリックする作成した管理グループinfraへサブスクリプションAzuresubscriptionを移動するサブスクリプションの追加をクリックするサブスクリプションAzuresubscriptionを選択して保存をクリックする管理グループにサブスクリプションが追加されたことを確認できる管理グループに戻ると、TenantRootGroup→infra→Azuresubscriptionの階層になったことを確認できる既定では、ルート管理グループには誰もアクセスできません。 |
2021-12-05 22:39:47 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[初心者] Railsでyoutube APIを使って検索機能を実装してみた |
初心者RailsでyoutubeAPIを使って検索機能を実装してみたはじめにポートフォリオ作成をするにあたりyoutubeAPIを使い、検索機能を追加したく、実装してみました。 |
2021-12-05 22:42:10 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails×AWS】yamlファイルにおける'please note that yaml must be consistently indented using spaces'の解決 |
私の場合、パスワードの頭文字がだったのですがyamlファイルの規則ではにはをつける必要があります。 |
2021-12-05 22:40:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
EC2 で TPM を利用可能とし TPM 依存のオンプレミスワークロードの EC2 移行を促進する AWS Nitro TPM が 2022年に登場します #reinvent |
awsnitrotpm |
2021-12-05 13:33:50 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
The movement to hold AI accountable gains more steam |
accountable |
2021-12-05 13:10:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Make a Mind Map in Excel: 5 Easy Methods |
excel |
2021-12-05 13:46:44 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 7 Best Online Concept Map Makers for Any Purpose |
concept |
2021-12-05 13:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Turn Off Comments on Instagram Posts |
posts |
2021-12-05 13:15:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
New Release Banner Creator 🖼️🎉 |
New Release Banner Creator ️ My WorkflowReleaseBannerAction creates custom banners ️about new releases or for certain GitHub stars thresholds and then posts the banner on Twitter or Discord Everything is described deeply in README md please check the repository s readme to learn more Quick Starton watch types started release types released jobs Running runs on ubuntu latest name ReleaseBannerAction steps name Checkout uses actions checkout v name Action uses RajvirSingh ReleaseBannerAction v with repo content object toJson github release version github event release tag name platform Both banner theme Dark discord webhook url secrets DISCORD WEBHOOK URL twitter consumer key secrets TWITTER CONSUMER API KEY twitter consumer secret secrets TWITTER CONSUMER API SECRET twitter access token secrets TWITTER ACCESS TOKEN twitter access token secret secrets TWITTER ACCESS TOKEN SECRET Submission Category Maintainer Must Haves amp DIY Deployments I think so Link to Code RajvirSingh ReleaseBannerAction ReleaseBannerAction creates custom banners about new releases or for certain GitHub stars thresholds and then posts the banner on Twitter or Discord TopicsWhat is ReleaseBannerAction How to useGetting EssentialsHow to get keys from TwitterHow to get webhooks from DiscordQuick StartInputsCustomizationsThemesHow Create amp Use Custom BannerStoryRoadMapLicenseWhat is ReleaseBannerAction ReleaseBannerAction is a simple GitHub Action that creates a dynamic image by fetching the information from the repository and using it in the image and then posting the banner to Twitter or discord or both There are various themes for the image and various other customizations that users can customize to fit their repository How to useUsing ReleaseBannerAction is super easy There are several things you can customize First of all you need the credentials for Twitter or Discord for posting messages Getting EssentialsYou can choose between Twitter and Discord or both for uploading thebanner Here are the guides for getting all the required credentials for Twitter… View on GitHub These below sections are part of the README md please check the repository s readme to learn more ThemesThere are total of themes That I have created I will add more themes in future You can set the theme of the banner by settings the banner theme property Default is Dark Dark Blue Orange Wonder LightYear StoryLet me warn you I don t know what I wrote last night And I am not gona change below paragraph because I want you to enjoy it So yeah just enjoy I created this project for the Github Actions Hackathon I am pretty exhausted while writing this long readme I am sure that it has a lot of mistakes in it But I am just gonna ignore them This idea came like the merged idea as first I thought about creating an action that will just notify others and the other one was just my curiosity about a project which was updating the Twitter profile banner with the latest tweet reactions of the user s tweet Anyways the funny part of what happened to me is that when I first read about this hackathon I thought that it is just about a one day competition as I mistakenly took December as November I don t know why how I read it But even then without confirming it I just made a quick submission with the first idea submitting when I read the article again I was like wait It is December Oh damn then I quickly deleted it and Just chilled for like a week for some ideas to flow in my mind but the first idea kinda just stuck in my mind And another funny thing that happened to me while creating this project was that Whenever I created a new developer application in the Twitter developer portal every app got suspended after just hours And every time it happened I just deleted the application and just created a new one Twitter just said It violated some terms and conditions but they never told me which ones are violated So out of frustration I thought what if it happened to the user who will use ReleaseBannerAction would they also go through the same suffering So that s when I thought about adding Discord support The libraries used in this project I want to thanks all the creators and maintainers of these following libraries to make my life easier actions coretwittersharpaxiosdiscord webhook node RoadmapThese following things that I may or will add in future Showing the reactions on the published release on github in the bannerShowing the tags of the repo in the bannerCustom Fonts |
2021-12-05 13:42:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Let's Deep Dive into Full-stack Web Development |
Let x s Deep Dive into Full stack Web DevelopmentHello readers this is Abhinav maurya here I m a frontend developer and heading up towards backend In this article I am going to talk about those technologies which are being used for web development and you should learn it to become Full stack Developer Also I m going to talk about how you can learn those technologies how much time you should spend with those techs and from which resources you can practice those technologies Before moving ahead with tech talks ask yourself why you want to learn Web development Here is my answer ️Web development will be easy for you if you are new in programming world ️Every start up or small business who wants to put their business online they usually go for websites because websites are cheaper than applications So in future there will be lot of high demand for web developers ️Web development is fun also there is large developer community out there on twitter amp LinkedIn so you will get lots of help and guidance from other developers ️Read this article till the end because I m going to share some awesome links from where you can learn web development and practice it Okay Now let s begin with tech talks So First Language you need to learn is HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML is not a programming language it s a Markup language It gives skeleton structure to your website ️You can easily learn and master HTML amp HTML within Days just giving hours per day CSS Cascading Style Sheets With the help of CSS you can give style to your website you can give beautiful layout to your website and make it responsive make it available for all devices Few important topics which you should cover while learning CSS ️Box model ️Layouts Flex Grid ️Media Queries ️Spend a month with HTML amp CSS make at least to projects try to make responsive projects Beginner Book for HTML amp CSS it is optional Sass Syntactically Awesome Style sheets Once you are pretty confident with CSS amp CSS features then shift to Sass Sass is nothing its just pre processor for CSS it gives more power to your CSS and you can use it in small projects but it is mainly designed for big amp complex projects ️Spend a week or two week with Sass this much time is enough to learning Sass Beginner Book for Sass Bootstrap As I already said that Sass is optional tech So if you are not going to learn Sass then start with Bootstrap framework It is CSS Framework it is one of the famous frameworks of CSS ️You should spend Days with Bootstrap this much time is enough to learning Bootstrap and make at least projects JavaScript JavaScript is a programming language but there is other developers community who called it scripting language Remember I told you HTML gives skeleton structure to your website CSS gives style to that skeleton structure Here comes JS it gives behavior to your styled skeleton structure JS is fun and also complex at the same time ️So you better spend at least months with it Make at least projects to understand better how JS works Few important topics which you should not ignore while learning JS ️DOM️BOM️ES Features Most IMP ️Spend more time with JS cause it s going to play huge role in your web development journey Beginner Book for JavaScript React React is a JS library which is being used in frontend development React is quite famous JS library and high in demand ️Spend at least month with react Have fun while making project Make at least projectsBeginner Book for React So far we have covered all famous amp high demand techs of front end Let s jump into backend developmentNode js Node js is an open source cross platform back end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser Node js is not a framework and it s not a programming language it is not even a library I know the above definition of Node js is little complex amp category of Node is also confusing but don t worry once you start with Node js all your doubt will be clear ️You should spend at least Month with NodeJS and make projects to understand it better Beginner Book for NodeJS Python As we all know Python is quite famous most in demand and beginner friendly language It is also being used in web development and apart from web development you should learn python basics to advance because it is very trending tech and has a very huge scope in future trends like AI ML ️You should spend at least Month with Python and made at least projects from the level of beginners to intermediate Beginner Book for Python Django Once you learn the basics and advance of python and you are pretty confident with it then start with Django framework of python which is being highly use in backend and it has a high demand in industry ️You should spend month with Django and make few projects Beginner Book for Django You don t need to learn all of these techs You can either go with node or with Django both have their own specifications amp advantages So far we have done with backend techs now it is time to shift on database We have two databases one is SQL amp the other one is MongoDB A newbie programmers think that MongoDB is trending and new one so let s learn MongoDB but my advice to all of you is First learn MySQL or SQL because it is traditional one and still being used in so many large amp small projects MongoDB is specifically design for large projects which has large amp complex data ️You should spend month with databases and you can almost master it Beginner Book for MongoDB Beginner Book for SQL Now one last tech you need to learn is Git amp GitHub Git is a version control system GitHub is a web based user Interface which uses git In Simple Words With the help of git you can track changes in your projects you can push your projects to GitHub amp make it available for the world with the help of GitHub you can host your project for free Beginner Book for Git Best YouTube Channels for learning Web Development freeCodeCamp GeeksforGeeks Devslopes Clever Programmer edureka EduRise CodeWithHarry Those who prefer Hindi Tutorial Programming With Mosh Traversy Media Telusko Best Websites for Projects Frontend Mentor Seconds of Code CodeWell CSSbattle Treehouse Coderbyte Javascript Few Points ️In every tech I have told you how much time you should spend but that doesn t mean that you should spend that much time only Learn according to your comfort and take as much time as you need but understand concept properly ️If you have observed in the article I have written “you almost master it I have used word almost because no one can fully master it techs are being update according to the need and also competition with other techs So there is always something new to learn Advice ️As a beginner there might be chances that you will stuck in the loop of tutorials So instead of just watching tutorials practice along with tutorials ️“Make you hand dirty means write as much code as you can don t be afraid of errors and failure Errors and failure comes to conqueror you take it as a positive way and solve it ️Project based learning are the best way to learn amp master techs so make projects ️Don t rush to finish things quickly if you rush now you ll face difficulties later So better give enough time to learn and understand concepts properly ️Do not learn programming languages together one by one finish it all ️Be active on LinkedIn twitter and dev to You will find lot of amazing developers community here So many tech bloggers are there you can follow them and ask any doubt of yours they will revert back to you and guide you Slow and Steady Wins the race Confession ️There are also lot of other languages which are being used for frontend amp backend but I have discussed about those languages which I have used and in high demand from job perspective ️I have shared my best knowledge and give you a path to become Full Stack Developer If you follow this path properly then within a months you will find yourself as a Full Stack developer ️Thank you so much reader if you have read it till here I hope you love this article if you loved it give it a like If you have found it meaningful give it a unicorn amp bookmark it as well If you have found any point which is not correct feel free to let me know in comment section Share it with your coding buddies so they will also get to know about these awesome techs Don t forget to follow me for such informative and amazing article Do share It on twitter and tag me as well My Social Media Handles LinkedIn Twitter Github |
2021-12-05 13:17:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a number facts app using JavaScript |
Create a number facts app using JavaScriptHello everyone today we are going to create Number Facts App It is a fun API project which gives you random facts about the numbers that a user input For this project we ll be working with JS and AJAX Fetch API concept to send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously without interfering with the display and behaviour of existing page I ve learnt these concepts by making this fun project API url that we are going to use in this project is Our final project will look like this HTMLSo basically our interface is going to look like thisNow you are free to use Bootstrap classes to design it or you may start from scratch just like me lt div class row gt lt div id header gt lt h gt Number Facts lt h gt lt div gt lt div id instruction gt lt p gt Enter a number and get random facts lt p gt lt div gt lt div id box gt lt input type number id numberInput placeholder Enter any number gt lt div gt lt div gt lt br gt lt div gt lt div id fact gt lt h gt Number Fact lt h gt lt p id factText gt lt p gt lt div gt lt br gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt CSSNow it s time to design our web page So I basically do a little CSS that is enough for this project And as always you re free to do experiments with this margin padding box sizing border box body background display grid place items center developer name margin top px font size px opacity fact display none h color cbb z index font family Fredoka One cursive row margin top background adadc width vw height max content border radius px box shadow px px px px adadc header display grid place items center instruction margin left font weight bolder fact margin left font weight bolder box display grid place items center margin top input type number background transparent width height fact margin top factText margin top JavaScriptThe most important part of this project So first take a look at JS part and I ll be explaining in last let fact document querySelector fact let factText document querySelector factText let numberInput document querySelector numberInput Firstly we defined variables Now we have to add addEventListener to numberInput to get the input and run a function whenever user input a numbernumberInput addEventListener input getFactFetch From this point we have ways either we use Fetch API or use AJAX I ll be providing code for both ways Fetch APIfunction getFactFetch let number numberInput value fetch number then response gt response text then data gt if number fact style display block factText innerHTML data else fact style display none catch err gt console log err We defined the getFactFetch •First we get the value of numberInput •Then use fetch and put the API url in parentheses •Then we check the condition if there is any number input run fact style display block factText innerHTML data •And if there is no number input this code will execute fact style display none • catch is used to show error if there is any AJAXFirst change the function getFactFetch to getFActAjaxfunction getFactAjax let number numberInput value let xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr open GET number xhr onload function if this status amp amp number fact style display block factText innerHTML this responseText if this status amp amp number fact style display none xhr send If you have any doubt or you don t know the AJAX and Fetch API concept I ll suggest you to check out this video by Traversy MediaAnd another important point This will work perfectly on your local host but if you want to it to deploy and use a browser like Chrome or FireFox then this will not work due to Mixed content |
2021-12-05 13:04:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Crime blotter: Rare Apple Store smash-and-grab in Santa Rosa |
Crime blotter Rare Apple Store smash and grab in Santa RosaTwo campaign officials are accused of Apple product related misdeeds while Canadian police warn of AirTags used in a spate of car thefts Apple Store in Santa Rosa Organized smash and grab robberies at high end retail stores have been in the news of late but with one exception they haven t taken place at Apple Stores Read more |
2021-12-05 13:35:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Travel changes too late to halt potential new wave - scientist |
covid |
2021-12-05 13:52:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Arthur Labinjo-Hughes: National inquiry into boy's death |
crimes |
2021-12-05 13:47:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pope condemns treatment of migrants in Europe |
francis |
2021-12-05 13:13:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Indonesia volcano: Volcano rescuers face ash as high as rooftops |
indonesia |
2021-12-05 13:29:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Banksy pledges to help save Reading jail with stencil sale |
artist |
2021-12-05 13:16:15 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
キングジムのラベルライターは書類の整理もコードの分別にも便利【今日のライフハックツール】 |
prosrgl |
2021-12-05 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新聞は工夫次第で「魅力的な教材」に 小学校教諭が実践例紹介 NIE苫小牧セミナー |
小学校教諭 |
2021-12-05 22:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
未払い残業代8億7千万円 国立大18法人に労基署勧告 |
国立大学法人 |
2021-12-05 22:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
山本が7位、渡部暁斗は14位 W杯複合男子、前半飛躍 |
渡部暁斗 |
2021-12-05 22:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
川崎と千葉Jが12勝4敗 バスケBリーグ1部 |
男子 |
2021-12-05 22:04:00 |