Engadget Japanese |
Clearview AI、無断収集画像で開発した顔認識AIで米国の特許取得へ |
clearviewai |
2021-12-06 08:30:10 |
Engadget Japanese |
Google フォトのロックフォルダ機能、Pixelスマホ以外へも展開開始 |
googlephotos |
2021-12-06 08:00:39 |
ロボスタ |
オランダがん研究所 NVIDIA AI Enterpriseで腫瘍の位置を特定できるディープラーニングモデルを構築 |
nvidia |
2021-12-06 08:36:15 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 三井不動産、柏の葉スマートシティに新たな2つの商業施設 オフィス空間も併設 |
itmedia |
2021-12-06 17:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] プロ向けグラフィックスカード「NVIDIA RTX A2000」が登場するも取り合い状態で即入手困難化 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-12-06 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大学1、2年生が就職したいと思う企業ランキング 「任天堂」や「トヨタ」を抑えた企業は? |
itmedia |
2021-12-06 17:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] テックワン、10.1型2in1モバイルPC「OneMix4」の限定カラー“鯉”モデルを販売 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-12-06 17:15:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
キヤノン、立ち止まらずに顔認証ができる「スマートフォーカス顔認証for Milestone XProtect」 | IT Leaders |
formilestonexprotect |
2021-12-06 17:16:00 |
Google |
Google Developer Japan Blog |
Firebase Summit 2021 で発表された新機能 |
nbsp新しいビルディングブロックでアプリ開発を加速重要なeコマース機能を短時間で追加する新しい拡張機能Appleプラットフォーム、ゲームエンジン、Flutterのサポート強化AppCheckによるアプリのセキュリティ強化導入予定のGooglePlayのセーフティポリシーについての詳細ドキュメント自信をもってアプリを運営するために実用的な知見を獲得PerformanceMonitoringの新しいリアルタイムアラートCrashlyticsにANR応答しないアプリレポートとシグナルを追加強力なエンゲージメントツールによる容易なスケーリングCloudMessagingとInAppMessagingのキャンペーン管理機能の統合RemoteConfigコアの改善とパーソナライゼーション機能のベータ版リリース新しいビルディングブロックでアプリ開発を加速Firebaseは効率的に操作できるフルマネージドなインフラストラクチャを提供するので、皆さんは一番重要なことに集中してアプリを開発、運営できます。 |
2021-12-06 17:52:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PyAEDT チートシート |
PyAEDTチートシートPyAEDTチートシート参照サイトGithubDocuments起動と停止pyaedtDesktopclasspyaedtDesktopspecifiedversionNonenongraphicalFalsenewdesktopsessionTruecloseonexitTruestudentversionFalseパラメータspecifiedversionstringsoptional起動するAEDTのバージョンを指定、デフォルトはNoneでインストールされている最新バージョンが指定されるnongraphicalbooloptionalGUIの表示True・非表示Falseを指定、デフォルトはFalsenewdesktopsessionbooloptional新規インスタンスの作成、デフォルトはTruecloseonexitbooloptional終了時のインスタンス削除、デフォルトはTruestudentversionbooloptional教育機関向けライセンスを使用、デフォルトはFalseサンプルコードopenclosedesktoppyimportpyaedtdesktoppyaedtDesktopspecifiedversionnongraphicalFalsedesktopclosedesktopHFSSのデザインの追加新規デザインの追加pyaedtHfssclasspyaedtHfssprojectnameNonedesignnameNonesolutiontypeNonesetupnameNonespecifiedversionNonenongraphicalFalsenewdesktopsessionFalsecloseonexitFalsestudentversionFalse新規デザインの追加プロジェクト名およびデザイン名を指定すると、プロジェクトを作成しデザインを追加する。 |
2021-12-06 17:40:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AtCoder】ABC230をPython3で解説(ABCD) |
このときすべての壁を破壊するためには、少なくとも何回のパンチが必要かを求める問題。 |
2021-12-06 17:15:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
concurrent.futuresで関数内部の関数をsubmitしたい |
2021-12-06 17:54:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ハンバーガーメニューでロゴの切り替え方法 |
ハンバーガーメニューでロゴの切り替え方法こちらのサイトなのですが、ハンバーガーメニューをクリックした後にロゴの画像黒いlogoから白いlogoへが切り替わるのですが、どれがどのように実装されているのかわかりません。 |
2021-12-06 17:49:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
要素を均等配置し、その中にさらに均等配置する |
要素を均等配置し、その中にさらに均等配置するhtmlにて、ウェブページを作りたいと考えています。 |
2021-12-06 17:47:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Inertiaでpaginationを実装 |
Inertiaでpaginationを実装Vuejs、laravelでSPAアプリを作っています。 |
2021-12-06 17:36:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Build input file cannot be found: '/path/fileName' |
BuildinputfilecannotbefoundxpathfileNamex前提・実現したいこと本エラーの解消し、ビルドしたい。 |
2021-12-06 17:22:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DiscordのメンバーのIDの取得ができません。 |
DiscordのメンバーのIDの取得ができません。 |
2021-12-06 17:16:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PCAの寄与率がinfになる |
nbspinfnbsp |
2021-12-06 17:15:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Lravel6 投稿の編集を行うと、新規投稿として保存されてしまう。 |
Lravel投稿の編集を行うと、新規投稿として保存されてしまう。 |
2021-12-06 17:13:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】Devise.mappingsに:admin_userが反映されない |
【Rails】Devisemappingsにadminuserが反映されないRailsnbspAdminにアクセスするとNoMethodErrornbspundefinednbspmethodnbspaposfailureappaposnbspfornbspnilNilClassというエラーが起こります。 |
2021-12-06 17:10:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【rubyonrails】新規登録ができない(エラー表示なし) |
【rubyonrails】新規登録ができないエラー表示なし前提・実現したいことRubynbsponnbsprailsで簡単なアプリケーションを作成しています。 |
2021-12-06 17:09:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python / 文字列処理 / 正規表現 |
python文字列処理正規表現実施したい事ファイル内でアルファベットまたは数字で始まる行を抜き出して処理をする。 |
2021-12-06 17:02:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】S3の使い方をおさらい |
オブジェクト補足オブジェクトサイズTBファイルアップロード可能サイズGBPUTオブジェクトのネーミングスキーマオブジェクトは、バケット内にフラットに格納されるキーのパス指定で、フォルダ階層のように表示も可能「」を区切り記号として、マネジメントコンソールではフォルダ構造を表現しているストレージクラス各ユースケース向けに幅広いストレージクラスが提供されている。 |
2021-12-06 17:37:17 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
テスト時間を短くするための分散テスト実行 |
hellip |
2021-12-06 09:30:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
スポンサーパートナーのサービスを紹介するシリーズ – ChaosSearch 使ってみる – #ChaosSearch #reinvent |
chaossearch |
2021-12-06 08:56:42 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【現地セッションレポート】 {New Launch} Introducing AWS IoT TwinMaker #IOT219 #reinvent |
awsiotfleetwise |
2021-12-06 08:41:17 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Review: Halo Infinite’s campaign finishes the fight—but arrives in tatters |
issues |
2021-12-06 08:01:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is an NFT token? It's all about the irreplaceable token |
What is an NFT token It x s all about the irreplaceable tokenNFT token which like other cryptocurrencies is active on the blockchain platform These days it is one of the most popular and discussed concepts in the world of cryptocurrency NFTs are a non interchangeable and proprietary type of cryptocurrencies that can be used in a variety of contexts to make them unique In this article we intend to review the features and applications of these tokens But before we begin we need to mention the concept of interchangeability if you are unfamiliar with the concept of tokens it is best to read the article on the difference between coins and tokens first What does interchangeability mean Fungibility means that one currency or asset can be exchanged for another currency of the same value This asset also has the ability to be divided into smaller parts To better understand this concept imagine you have a Toman banknote that you can exchange with a banknote of the same value Or you can exchange it with banknotes with other amounts the total of which is thousand tomans Therefore your Toman banknote in addition to being replaceable with other banknotes of the same value It can be divided into other amounts So this banknote is a exchangeable currency This example also applies to digital currencies such as Bitcoin Ripple Atrium Bitcoin Cash and other cryptocurrencies One bitcoin can be exchanged for another bitcoin and it can be divided into smaller parts satoshi In a nutshell currencies that have one unit of equal value against another unit of the same currency are exchangeable or Fungible What is an NFT token Non Fungible Token or NFTfor short An encrypted digital currency that issues a title deed to a digital work in the blockchain space These tokens were originally developed based on the ERC standard which is similar to the ERC standard and were known as a specific atrium token But now they are being developed on other blockchains as well Main features of NFT token IrreplaceabilityThis is the main feature of NFT tokens These tokens cannot be exchanged for an asset like their own RarityThe developers of these tokens have the ability to produce them in large numbers but their preference is to produce NFTs in limited numbers and to keep these tokens unique IndivisibilityNFT tokens cannot be broken down into smaller sections NFT always remains a single token Being uniqueThese tokens have registered and immutable information and this information is the certificate of NFT authenticity Advantages of NFT tokens are transferableThese tokens can be bought and sold in certain markets and not in digital currency exchanges The price of NFT is calculated based on its uniqueness They are validAs you know there is no possibility of forgery in the blockchain space Irreplaceable tokens are also active in this context Therefore their authenticity can be assured The right of ownership is reserved in themThe information cannot be changed or deleted after being registered in the blockchain blocks Therefore since NFT token data is stored on blockchains it is not possible to change their original data under any circumstances and the original rights of the original owner of the work are always protected What are the differences between NFT tokens and Fungible tokens Non Fungible tokens are fundamentally different from Fungible tokens The main difference between these two types of digital currency tokens is in the same interchangeability that in NFT tokens it is not possible to exchange tokens with the same type same value These tokens also contain specific information that is recorded exclusively on them The exclusivity of this information can be compared to the information on the plane ticket Passenger information exact travel time travel destination and row and seat number are entered on the plane ticket and no one else can travel with that ticket The data recorded on the NFT token is also exclusive to that particular token Another difference between NFT and interchangeable tokens is the divisibility NFTtokens cannot be broken down into smaller pieces and always remain a single token Finally non replaceable tokens contain more information than replaceable tokens What are the uses of NFT NFT tokens can be used in a variety of contexts and these tokens are not limited to a specific domain or the world of cryptocurrencies Registration of digital artworkArtists working in the field of digital arts They can use these tokens to register their works and no longer have to worry about copyright and theft of their works The gaming industryProfessional gamers can transfer their assets in the gaming world to various games through NFT tokens and use them in spaces where in app purchases are limited Digital assetsOwnership of any digital asset such as an Internet domain or a social media account can be permanently registered in the name of a person or group through a non exchangeable token Physical assetsThese tokens can even be used when trading non digital assets such as buying a house or car and registering ownership of a property or car on a blockchain platform The NFT token can also be used in the field of personal identification or registration of academic and personal documents NFT has also received a great deal of attention from collectors in the field of collecting works But these are just some of the uses of NFT and certainly in the future these digital currency tokens will enter more domains and become more popular around the world Some successful NFT token projects so farCryptoKitties A platform for producing buying and selling cats in the popular virtual cat Atrium blockchain gameOpenSea Active system for registering works of art and collectibles via NFT tokenEthereum Name Service The system for providing domain name services and registering them through NFTsAsync Art A platform for registering and buying works of art by NFTDecentraland A platform for virtual land distributionOrigin Protocol FLOW and Rarible projects Azure Heroes and AlterVerse games and programs such as NBA Top Shot and Dr Seuss to present and record collectible digital assets are some of the other projects that have successfully used irreplaceable tokens to date But due to the growing trend of people towards the blockchain world in various fields as well as the growing popularity of NFT among different classes and fields we will undoubtedly see a multiplication of Non Fungible Token based projects in the not too distant future Concluding remarksConsidering the points we have made so far regarding the NFT token The question arises as to why these tokens have not yet been properly raised and used in the world The first reason is the substrate of irreplaceable tokens Blockchains are a fascinating world for those with enough knowledge But those who are not familiar with this technology and decentralized networks have not shown much interest in joining the users of these networks NFT technology alone may be very enticing but its platform has not yet been able to impress all individuals and groups The next point is the decision of the developers to keep these tokens scarce Because NFT tokens are growing and developing very slowly Using them is costly and organizations and individuals are trying to use lower cost technologies and get less access to these digital ownership documents |
2021-12-06 08:30:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Discover the Exclusive Secret to Developing a Successful Food Delivery App Now |
Discover the Exclusive Secret to Developing a Successful Food Delivery App NowIn the revenue generated through online food delivery is projected to reach a whopping USD million What s more the number of users in the online food delivery market is expected to surpass million by Judging by these figures it is safe to say that food delivery mobile apps are gaining massive popularity across the globe A number of entrepreneurs are stepping into the hot market to leverage the opportunity If you are wondering how to make a food delivery app then read on Here are some secrets to ensure a successful food on demand food delivery app development Conduct Market ResearchGoing for on demand food delivery app development without doing proper market research is akin to taking a shot in the dark There s a lot of risks and dangers involved and a successful app deployment can only be ensured if the marketing is backed by appropriate market research Market research helps in analyzing what the customers are looking for Once the customer expectations are known the developer will be able to create the right solution Moreover nobody should develop an app without first understanding the competition The better you know who you are competing with the better will be your chances of developing a successful app Explore the different strategies followed by your rivals and determine how they stand out For instance Uber Eats makes use of machine learning to make accurate predictions concerning how long it takes to cook arrive and deliver These accurate estimates ensure happy and satisfied customers Define the Scope of FeaturesThe food delivery mobile app development strategy must involve the establishment of key features Factors like the market users and the app itself must be considered in consolidation to offer customers a unique value amazing usability and seamless performance Accessibility should also play a major role during app development The essential features to bear in mind during on demand food delivery app development are Value driven push notifications to notify users about discounts deals and loyalty programs Allowing users to view the location and contact information of the delivery agent Real time tracking of food orders using GPS with estimated waiting and delivery time Simple and accessible payment getaways and mobile wallet software services Social media integration with loyalty or discount programs and redeemable coupons Contactless payment system through QR codes Displaying restaurant ratings and reviews to help customers make better decisions Ability to add items to the cart and schedule orders for a specific time Order history page with previous orders current orders and delivery status Find the Right Food Delivery Mobile App Development PartnerTo develop a successful app you need to find the right partner It can be time consuming to understand the tech stack outline the development challenges and other aspects Businesspersons and entrepreneurs without proper backgrounds and domain knowledge can find it to be challenging They can hire someone who can manage the app development Here are some of the available choices to consider Freelance developers If you have a tight budget or some level of expertise then you can find freelancers for on demand food delivery app development Make sure to verify the credentials and portfolio of the freelancers and ensure they have exposure to the food delivery industry In house team If you have a considerable budget time and space to accommodate a team then in house development would be an ideal choice for you While it involves a significant investment such as hiring costs operational costs infrastructure etc it offers you more control over the delivery terms and deadlines App development companies You can outsource the food delivery mobile app development project to an experienced agency Such agencies offer a team of experienced developers You can find an app development agency that has proven experience in developing food delivery apps and expertise in leveraging modern technologies Perform Thorough Quality Assurance TestingAll the features and functions of the food delivery mobile app should be tested multiple times throughout the development process You can hire a dedicated quality assistance expert for conceding extensive tests to make sure all the features within the application work how they are supposed to If any bug is caught within the testing process the app developers will get sufficient time to fix it before the application gets launched Moreover for checking compatibility the app should be tested on multiple devices across different operating systems Make sure to verify the quality and usability of the app on different devices such as smartphones and tablets All the functions and features of the app should work uniformly across devices and operating systems The competition in the food delivery app segment is cutthroat However do not let the competition discourage you from venturing into the profitable industry Take your chances and leverage the tips mentioned above to get the food delivery mobile app development right the first time itself |
2021-12-06 08:28:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Who needs my help? |
Who needs my help Hello Nice to meet you My name is Raphael Full stack developer If you need anything software development I can help you After graduating with my Bachelor s degree in Computer Science I ve spent the last years building professional experience as a Software Development Have an extremely software developing engineering s versatile skill set and I understand the importance of being interactive and enjoy communicating with others for the benefit of the company I am looking for a Full time remote job Part time contract freelancer also is okay My main expert skills are following Front end technologies React js Redux React Native TypeScript Vue js Vuex Angularjs HTML HTML CSS Back end Python Django Flask Node js Express MVC MVT NET C C PHP GolangORM MySQL MongoDB Google Firebase GraphQL AWS GCP Azure HerokuBlockchain Smart Contract Cryptography Web jsvariety web frameworks Laravel CodeIgniterAI and Machine LearningStrong version control Github Gitlab Bitbucket Good communicationI can be reached anytime by skype live cid baeb email futuresea dev gmail com I look forward to speaking with you soon Sincerely |
2021-12-06 08:10:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I personalized my Hashnode blog and you can too! 🌟 |
How I personalized my Hashnode blog and you can too Many people have asked me that how does my blog feels so similar to my portfolio and matches the theme even though it is built using Hashnode and I have done very little work for the blog The answer is with custom CSS What is Hashnode For the readers who don t know about hashnode here is a little brief on what is Hashnode Hashnode is a free developer blogging platform that allows you to publish articles on your domain and helps you stay connected with a global developer community If you want to know more about hashnode check out there website Become a Hashnode AmbassadorWe are going to add custom CSS to our blog so you need to become an ambassador to be able to do that You can become an ambassador here Now that we are ready let s see how I customized my blog and how you can too The blog home page Styling the headerGo to your blog dashboard and click on Appearance Changing the logoIn the appearance tab you can select logos for dark mode and light mode I built these with Figma you can use any tool you like Changing the color of the headerNow let s get to the CSS part There is an option to change the color of the header in the appearance tab itself but I will change it with CSS because I want different colors for light and dark mode So scroll down and you will see an add custom CSS button Toggle it on and click on update Now click on Add Custom CSS you will be redirected to a page where you can write some code Add the following blog header background dee important dark blog header background af important Click on Save styles then Preview On seeing the preview the header s color will be changedFeel free to you use your brand color s here instead of mine Customizing the layoutIn the appearance tab you have layouts to choose from I use the magazine layout I would recommend you to use the magazine layout if you have quite a few articles Changing the themeInside custom CSS I am going to add colors to different classesBackground for the articles section css juz blog body blog featured area background feb important dark css juz dark blog body dark blog featured area background e important In the preview it will add colors for light and dark mode Aqua for light mode Blue Gray for dark mode P S Some CSS classes may differ due to layouts so if you see that some stylings are not applied then get the class of that section and add it in there The author and footer sectionI am going to keep the same colors for the header footer and author container So you can use the following blog author container blog header background dee dark blog author container dark blog header background af blog footer area border color af important background dee important dark blog footer area border color dee important background af important To remove code duplication you can remove the styles for the blog header that we added because I have added it together with the author container Load more buttonI have also customized the load more button so it looks like this To get the same button to add the following styles css swncjx color e important border color e important css swncjx hover background color e important color dee important dark css swncjx color dee important border color dee important dark css swncjx hover background color dee important color e important The scrollbarFinally on the homepage I will change the scrollbar as the normal one looks boring webkit scrollbar width px webkit scrollbar track border radius px background color e webkit scrollbar thumb border radius px background dee Final code for home pageMy complete CSS looks like this css juz blog body blog featured area background feb important dark css juz dark blog body dark blog featured area background e important blog author container blog header background dee dark blog author container dark blog header background af blog footer area border color af important background dee important dark blog footer area border color dee important background af important css swncjx color e important border color e important css swncjx hover background color e important color dee important dark css swncjx color dee important border color dee important dark css swncjx hover background color dee important color e important webkit scrollbar width px webkit scrollbar track border radius px background color e webkit scrollbar thumb border radius px background dee The article page HeaderSince we are changing the header color via CSS and not in the appearance tab we need to add the same code in articles page also blog header background dee important dark blog header background af important Background of the main content To change the background of the main content i e the text image reactions button etc we need to target the blog content wrapper class blog content wrapper background dee dark blog content wrapper background af Divider near author and article detailsThe contrast in this border is not very good so I will change it to a brighter color css ptcni border color e important dark css ptcni border color feb important Newsletter and audioI use a gradient for the background of the two boxes and have some bright colors inside css sbhj blog subscription article wrapper background linear gradient deg hsla hsla blog subscription form message email subscription form message color white important css lmbqe blog subscription form button color be important dark css lmbqe dark blog subscription form button color feb important audio webkit media controls play button audio webkit media controls panel background color feb color white important Reaction buttonLet s style our reaction buttons to make them pop a little bit css wwro border color e important color be important dark css wwro border color feb important color feb important Now the buttons look better Make sure to smash them Sponsor buttonIf you have hashnode sponsors enabled then you can add the stylings for it css encm background color e important border color e important color dee important dark css encm background color dee important border color dee important color af important This gives us a nice and simple button CommentsNow our comments look very plain so let us add some colors to it with the following code css x background feb important dark css x background e important LinksTo create the links pop up and be more evident I am going to change their colors a bit css azsmog a color e important dark css azsmog a color dee important Replace white borders in light modeThere were quite a few places in light mode where the white border wasn t looking good so I changed their border color blog similar article wrapper css rnkih css haj css sbhj blog subscription article wrapper border color e important ScrollbarLike the home page add some styles for the scrollbar webkit scrollbar width px webkit scrollbar track border radius px background color af webkit scrollbar thumb border radius px background dee FooterFinally I am gonna style the footer with some border and background color blog footer area border color e important background feb important dark blog footer area border color feb important background e important All the CSS for articles page blog header header background feb important dark blog header header dark background e important blog content wrapper main content background dee dark blog content wrapper main content dark background af css ptcni divider border color e important dark css ptcni divider dark border color feb important css sbhj blog subscription article wrapper email subscription and audio player background background linear gradient deg hsla hsla blog subscription form message email subscription form message color white important css lmbqe blog subscription form button Newsletter form subscribe button color be important dark css lmbqe dark blog subscription form button Newsletter form subscribe button dark color feb important audio webkit media controls play button audio webkit media controls panel audio player background color feb color white important css wwro Reaction button border color e important color be important dark css wwro Reaction button dark border color feb important color feb important css encm Sponsor button background color e important border color e important color dee important dark css encm Sponsor button dark background color dee important border color dee important color af important css x Comments background feb important dark css x Comments dark background e important blog footer area footer border color e important background feb important dark blog footer area footer dark border color feb important background e important css azsmog a color e important dark css azsmog a color dee important scrollbar webkit scrollbar width px webkit scrollbar track border radius px background color af webkit scrollbar thumb border radius px background dee White borders blog similar article wrapper css rnkih css haj css sbhj blog subscription article wrapper border color e important I have also added a few comments for you all so you can understand which class does what ConclusionI would recommend you to change the colors a bit try to tweak a few things and make your blog unique to yourself so people can know that this is your website as soon as they see it Also make sure to hit the publish button when you are done If you have customized your blog I would love to see them See you next time ️ Useful linksRead moreConnect with meHashnode |
2021-12-06 08:09:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Halo: Infinite' may have a grapple hook, but it's still a grind |
x Halo Infinite x may have a grapple hook but it x s still a grindThe best thing I can say about Halo Infinite is that it gets better as it goes The single player campaign starts out as a basic first person shooter dripping in nostalgia juice and it ends up as a rudimentary open world shooter swimming in sci fi tropes starring everyone s favorite emotionless space soldier and his co dependent AI assistant As the first open world entry in the Halo franchise and with more than a year of extra development time I had high hopes for Infinite Maybe too high And even with a grapple hook this game just can t reach them I say all of this with love in my heart I ve been a Halo fan since Combat Evolved and I have two decades of happy memories associated with the franchise most of which I ve re lived while playing Infinite That part has been a treat ーthere s nothing like turning the corner in a random metal lined corridor or driving a Warthog down a narrow mountain path and feeling that warm gleeful sense of familiarity This happens over and over again in Infinite EngadgetRevamping old environments is the easy part though Halo Infinite is the first open world entry in the franchise s history promising more exploration and spontaneity for Master Chief than ever before However in practice the world of Zeta Halo is contained and largely linear offering few surprises and little incentive to travel off the beaten path There are bases to capture and hordes to defeat but with such a cramped map these sidequests pop up naturally along the path of the main storyline and the game automatically switches the objective to whatever mission is nearby Sidequests are folded into the campaign like this and they become indistinguishable from the main missions nbsp By the time I felt ready to get out and explore the Ring I realized I d already hit all the icons on my map EngadgetThat said Infinite introduces new mechanics and tools that are really fun to play with and the best of these gadgets is the grapple hook There are no invisible walls in Infinite and the grapple hook allows players to take advantage of Zeta Halo s vertical space scaling mountains and buildings in a series of pops and swings The grapple hook opens up fresh vantage points for every battle and it saved my Master Chief from falling to his death many times over I may have even sang quot Spider Chief Spider Chief quot under my breath every now and then Maybe Playing with an Xbox controller the grapple hook lives on the D pad alongside three other tools that get added to Chief s arsenal as the game progresses a shield radar darts and a dash move that I rarely use I ve tried to deploy the dash but I really don t see the point when the grapple hook does the same thing but faster and in more directions nbsp Switching among these options on the D pad takes some practice but once that becomes second nature the hook shield and radar make each fight more dynamic than Halo s ever been The grapple hook allows Master Chief to pick up objects from afar like guns and throwable explosives it eventually shocks enemies on contact and it lets players smoothly take over enemy vehicles Infinite is at its best when it provides a rich environment for grappling shielding and landing floaty in air headshots with enemies attacking from all sides EngadgetNow I m going to talk some shit about the grapple hook I know I just sang its praises and I stand by everything I said but I have to put it all in context From my perspective the most obvious innovation in Halo Infinite is its use of vertical space aided by the grapple hook ーbut that s hardly a new idea at all and frankly other games have done it better nbsp To name just a few recent examples The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild made headlines in for rethinking vertical exploration in an open world space last year Doom Eternal beautifully demonstrated the power of parkour mechanics in an FPS environment and Insomniac s Spider Man series has perfected the art of high swinging action In comparison to games like these Infinite s mechanics aren t innovative at all I bring this up because I think it s a disservice to compare Halo Infinite only to other Halo games rather than its competitors After all competition is the root of evolution ーand that s kind of Halo s jam I expected more from a pioneer of the FPS genre as it ventured into open world gaming Just because it s new for Halo doesn t mean it s new for the industry Even with the fresh toys and larger world Infinite plays like a classic Halo game The levels are repetitive and mazelike and the story is packed with military stereotypes sarcastic robots women in skin tight bodysuits and cheesy dialogue There are a handful of cool new weapons like the reticle shifting Heatwave and the revolver like Mangler and the entire map is generously stocked with loose ammo and guns It s a blockbuster action movie in interactive form and it has high energy entertaining moments but these are largely overshadowed by the simplistic grind of it all Overall Halo Infinite lacks surprise and intrigue from the map to individual fights Failing a boss battle for instance rarely feels like a failure of strategy These encounters generally take place in simple settings with repetitive attacks and I don t feel like I m learning anything new with each runthrough I m just going through the motions until I catch a lucky break and I can follow the yellow diamond to my next checkpoint And then the next And the next EngadgetAll of this should make for an incredibly fun multiplayer component and so far it seems like that s the case Maybe Infinite s campaign is more engaging in split screen co op historically my preferred way to play but that mode won t be available until next year Neither will Forge mode for that matter If Halo Infinite had launched day one with the Xbox Series X and S I likely wouldn t have many complaints The fact that Industries and Microsoft took an extra year to build this game hyping it up the whole way through shifted my expectations a bit Maybe too much nbsp Regardless I ll see you in the Halo Infinite multiplayer lobby on December th |
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