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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SVGを<body>直下に置いて呼び出す方法 https://teratail.com/questions/372784?rss=all SVGをltbodygt直下に置いて呼び出す方法前提・実現したいことSVGをHTMLにべた打ちすると長いので、body直下に置いて呼びたいです。 2021-12-08 02:47:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) rails g controller コマンドでエラー出てしまいます https://teratail.com/questions/372783?rss=all railsgcontrollerコマンドでエラー出てしまいます前提・実現したいことWSL上でubuntuを使ってアプリケーション開発しています。 2021-12-08 02:26:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C#のSocketについて https://teratail.com/questions/372782?rss=all CのSocketについてやりたいこと以下のpythonコードと同じことをCでもやりたいのですがうまくいかないので助けていただきたいです。 2021-12-08 02:06:29
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【2021年末最新版】GCP Professional Cloud Architect 合格体験記 https://qiita.com/Ryo2021/items/85fd09377d28ab004b87 Qwiklabsが了できない方はcouseraのGoogle関連教材で同じ講義を受けられるのでご検討くださいGoogleCloudFundamentalsCoreInfrastructureGCPとは、から始まり基礎を徹底的に学べるVM、コンテナ、ストレージサービスなどの基礎固めに最適ElasticCloudInfrastructureScalingandAutomationネットワーク、AutoScaling、インフラ自動化などの全般知識ネットワークは難問が多いのでインフラの知識がない方は他の書籍なども使って重点的に抑えるEssentialGoogleCloudInfrastructureCoreServicesIAM、ストレージサービス、モニタリングサービスのコース特にIAMとストレージサービスは試験でも頻出なので要チェックCloudArchitectureKubernetesとVPCに関するクエスト仮のGCP環境で実際に環境を作成するハンズオンKubernetesはGKEに関連して近年最も注目されているサービスのつで試験でも頻出ServiceやDeploymentの概念をハンズオンで学べるのは非常に大きいCloudArchitectureDesignImplementandManageVMとKubernetesを用いた応用クエスト余裕があればPreparingfortheGoogleCloudProfessionalCloudArchitectExam試験でどんな問題を聞かれるか、何を理解しておくべきかなどを広く解説途中でサンプル問題もあるので問題の切り口を理解できる書籍GoogleCloudPlatformエンタープライズ設計ガイド遠山陽介、深津康行、中庄谷哲平、小島仁志円Kindle版主要なサービスがほぼすべて解説されており入門に最適特にストレージサービスの解説部分はサービスごとの細かい違いを丁寧に説明してくれている出版が年で情報が一部古いので、概要を学んだら公式ドキュメントなどで補足をGCPの教科書吉積礼敏円Kindle版こちらも入門者向けで丁寧な説明サービスの説明が手広いがGoogleCloudPlatformエンタープライズ設計ガイドと内容的には変わらない両方買う必要はないのでどちらか片方を徹底的にやるべきハンズオンで分かりやすく学べるGoogleCloud実践活用術データ分析・システム基盤編Google監修日経クロステック、大澤文孝円年月出版でとにかく情報が新しくGCPのデータ分析サービスをしっかり学べる特にDataflowを用いたデータパイプラインの構築やDataprepを用いたデータ前処理などはテストに直接出るほど重要ハンズオン前提なのでページ数のわりに内容は薄いが、説明部分を読むだけでもGCPのデータ分析基盤を理解できるさわって学ぶクラウドインフラdocker基礎からのコンテナ構築大澤文孝、浅居尚円AWSをつかってDockerを学ぶ内容だがとにかく説明が丁寧でわかりやすいDockerとKubernetesを学ぶ上で現状最高の本なので資格の勉強関係なく購入を強くおススメするUdemyGoogleCloud認定ProfessionalCloudArchitect模擬問題集円通常価格PCA向けの模擬テストを日本語でしてくれる講義同じ問題なのに答えが違う、明らかに答えが違う、解説文がほとんどない、日本語が不自然な箇所が多いなど劣悪な内容あまりにもひどいので人生初のUdemy返金申請をしたほどLatestGoogleCloudArchitectPracticeQuestion円通常価格PCA向けの模擬テストだが英語問題文の選択肢のほとんどすべてに解説がついておりなぜ間違いなのかをしっかり確認できる本番のテストにそのまま出題されたものも多く非常に有意義勉強方法と総勉強時間書籍で基礎固め⇒Qwiklabsで応用ampハンズオン⇒Udemyで最終調整というのが大まかな流れです書籍冊で時間、Qwiklabsの動画とハンズオンで時間時間、Udemyはテスト前に時間ほどかけて調整しました講義動画はしっかり見ることが重要です模擬テストは割以上とれるようになるまで答えと選択肢を暗記できるレベルまでやれば確実です公式の模擬テストもあるので試験前に挑戦して問題に慣れましょう勉強し始めてから合格までカ月ほど上述しましたがあくまでAWSの基礎知識があったため勉強時間を抑えることができています他の記事を拝見したところクラウド未経験の方は半年ほどかかっているようなのでご注意ください申込から受験まで受験申込GoogleCloudWebassessorで申し込みを行いますアカウント作成後にテストセンターと日程を決めます今回私はテストセンター受験でしたので自宅受験は割愛しますテストセンターは土日もやっていますが人気なのですぐに埋まりますので土日希望の方は早めに申し込みしてくださいアカウントは日本語名で登録することをおススメします理由は後述クレジットカードで支払いをしてメールが届けば申し込み完了ですキャンセルは試験開始の時間前までなら無料です受験当日試験会場に分前をめどに到着します身分証明書を提示して説明を受けます身分証明書は登録時の名前と完全一致する必要があるので英語で登録してしまった場合はパスポートなどが必要ですアカウント登録の際に日本語で登録しておきましょう時計やスマホなど持ち物をすべてロッカーに収納します試験開始です感想と問題の傾向感想かなり対策してましたがやはり難しかったです手ごたえとしては割くらいでしょうか、結果は表示されないので点数や間違った問題はわかりません問題の傾向Google公式のケーススタディから問題が出るのでなんとなく把握しておきましょう※問題解きながら右半分の画面でケースを見られるので覚える必要はないですが初見で慌てないように問題は持ち帰れないので大まかですが、全問の配分は以下のような感覚でしたUdemyの疑似問題と全く同じ問Udemyの疑似問題とほとんど同じ問初見だけどわかる問初見で択までは絞れる問全くわからん問Firebaseを用いたバックエンド設計、Anthosサービスの運用などGoogleが推したいサービス、最新のサービスが出題されました合計問FirebaseもAnthosも疑似問題に全く出ていなかったので焦りましたがFirebaseは過去に独学していたので何とか対応できましたまとめ今回は割としっかり対策できていたので無事合格できました。 2021-12-08 02:35:37
技術ブログ Developers.IO DeepRacerでAIレーシングカーを走らせてみた! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/trying_out_deepracer_by_hugo_obuchi/ deepracer 2021-12-07 17:15:53
海外TECH Ars Technica Android on Chromebook may be responsible for Chrome OS startup sluggishness https://arstechnica.com/?p=1818508 android 2021-12-07 17:24:41
海外TECH MakeUseOf Galaxy Buds2, Buds Pro, and Buds Live: Instant Rebates on Last-Minute Christmas Gifts https://www.makeuseof.com/galaxy-buds2-buds-pro-buds-live-holiday-deals/ Galaxy Buds Buds Pro and Buds Live Instant Rebates on Last Minute Christmas GiftsTurn your personal audio up to eleven with a generous holiday discount on Samsung s various Buds in ear headphones 2021-12-07 17:55:23
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is Lens Flare in Photography? How and Why It Happens https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-lens-flare-photography/ element 2021-12-07 17:45:12
海外TECH MakeUseOf Samsung Bixby Is Available for Windows: What You Need to Know https://www.makeuseof.com/samsung-bixby-available-for-windows/ Samsung Bixby Is Available for Windows What You Need to KnowWindows users can now download Samsung s Bixby on the Microsoft Store Here s what you should know about the intelligent assistant 2021-12-07 17:30:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf Smartphone vs. Dumbphone: 6 Reasons to Consider Switching https://www.makeuseof.com/smartphone-vs-dumphone-reasons-switch/ consider 2021-12-07 17:15:12
海外TECH DEV Community Make & Deploy Doxygen https://dev.to/siddhantkcode/make-deploy-doxygen-1c50 Make amp Deploy DoxygenUsing this Workflow file you can deploy your Doxygen docs to GitHub pages in this example I have created this Workflow for MetaCall landing page to deploy their landing page They are using Docsify also for documentation so that part is also getting deployed using the same workflow file My WorkflowMake amp Deploy doxygen yml Submission Category DIY Deployments Yaml File Additional Resources InfoWe Are using at MetaCall s Landing Page metacall landing page Repository containing the landing page for MetaCall Core project MetaCall Polyglot Runtime MetaCall io Install Docs MetaCall allows calling functions methods or procedures between multiple programming languages sum pydef sum a b return a bmain jsconst sum require sum py sum shellmetacall main jsMetaCall is a extensible embeddable and interoperable cross platform polyglot runtime It supports NodeJS Vanilla JavaScript TypeScript Python Ruby C Go C C Rust D Cobol and more InstallThe easiest way to install MetaCall is the following curl sL shFor more information about other install methodologies and platforms or Docker check the install documentation ExamplesYou can find a complete list of examples in the documentation If you are interested in submitting new examples please contact us in our chats View on GitHubLive Demo Preview 2021-12-07 17:45:57
海外TECH DEV Community Quickest Way to Secure API Keys on the Frontend (In Minutes) https://dev.to/korconnect/quickest-way-to-secure-api-keys-on-the-frontend-in-minutes-1g97 Quickest Way to Secure API Keys on the Frontend In Minutes There are often times when we are building websites that leverage the benefits of being delivered on a CDN security performance no backend infrastructure required but we want more powerful dynamic functionality The best way to increase functionality is through APIs i e email contact forms processing of outside data or present information like the weather forecast flight schedules currency exchange rates etc How would we make these API integrations quickly and securely if we do not want to build out a backend or add infrastructure to handle these API calls Where do we secure the private API keys What if we don t want user authentication prior to allowing our users to interact with the rd party APIs The answer is KOR Connect KOR Connect is a middleware platform that allows CDN front ends to secure API Keys in a quick and simple way while automatically deploying security layers during the API integration process The bonus is that it is also free to use We will talk through an example of integrating a Covid tracker Let s create a COVID tracker In order to do this we have to pick the API that we want to use I decided on the COVID Statistics API that uses data from John Hopkins University If you already have a KOR Connect account you can sign in here or you can create a new account Let s start by creating an API connection on KOR Connect by clicking on the “ Connect API button The connection details were all copied directly from RapidAPI More information regarding the API connection module here Done After making the connection go to View Details for your new API connection Now you will see the Secure API and Public API key both generated by KOR Connect You can also adjust your per user rate limit for your API calls at the top left of the screen the default is calls per second In this example we will be using the Single URL Security Type provided by KOR Connect If you want here is a great video tutorial by Traversy Media walking you through building the site on Vue js Here is the code for his COVID tracker Note In the tutorial he uses a public API we will use KOR Connect to easily integrate the private API into our site Now all you have to do is grab the Secure URL and Public API Key provided by KOR Connect refer to the image above and use them to make an API request Here s an example of the fetch request fetch lt YOUR SECURE URL gt method GET headers x rapidapi key lt YOUR PUBLIC API KEY gt then response gt console log response catch err gt console error err That s it now you are ready to start testing using your API integration KOR Connect automatically sets the Connection Mode to Testing When you are ready to go to production make sure you remember to switch the Connection Mode to Production this will activate security and remove localhost from the allowed domains more information here It was as simple as that now your API integration works without any additional libraries or configurations If you re interested in adding even more security through an attestation service click here for additional instructions In case you are interested in what happens automatically on KOR Connect s end after you make a connection Bot controls are activated that inspect for miscellaneous bots security related bots calls coming from automated browsers black listed origins and user agents that don t seem to be coming from a browser these calls are blocked if they don t pass inspection Furthermore KOR Connect validates the access control allow origin header from your allowed origins as well as provides a per user rate limiter that can block malicious actors abusing calls without causing any interruptions to other users 2021-12-07 17:13:19
海外TECH DEV Community OpenTelemetry SDK and Collector Deployment Strategies https://dev.to/aspecto/opentelemetry-sdk-and-collector-deployment-strategies-5848 OpenTelemetry SDK and Collector Deployment StrategiesSo you are starting your journey with OpenTelemetry congrats When looking back on my OpenTelemetry journey it wasn t always smooth sailing So I m writing this to try and help In this article I will walk you through the different deployment methods More specifically what options are available for us when it comes to the SDK and Collector By the end of reading this you will hopefully have a clearer view of which option you should choose OpenTelemetry ComponentsThe first thing that you should do is get yourself familiarized with the different OpenTelemetry components and their roles So let s jump right into it Similar to any full stack system you have a frontend a backend and a database OpenTelemetry is a bit like a full stack system SDK Distro Collecting telemetry data from your services Collector Ingest the telemetry data and persist it DB Stores all the telemetry data Visualization UI to display traces Your end goal is to visualize quality traces and have the ability to understand your system and troubleshoot issues Here is the TL DR version of how it works the OpenTelemetry SDK sends data to the collector that saves the data in a database The visualization layer then queries the DB and displays your beautiful traces Once you have this setup you are a happy engineer When it comes to the visualization layer you have two options a vendor like Aspecto or an open source Jaeger Deployment MethodsWhen it comes to collecting and ingesting the data there are two components in play The SDK in charge of collecting the data The Collector the component responsible for how to receive process and export telemetry data You can choose between the open source only path the vendor path or a combination of the two Choosing a vendor an open source vendor comboThere are a few ways to go about it How you collect the data SDK Distro Vendors may tell you to install their OpenTelemetry distribution also referred to as distro or you can install the native out of the box OpenTelemetry SDK An OpenTelemetry distribution distro is a customized version of an OpenTelemetry component Essentially it is an OpenTelemetry SDK with some customizations that are vendor or end user specific Where to send the data Collector If you choose to install the OpenTelemetry native SDK you can send data directly to the vendor or send data to your OpenTelemetry collector that then sends it to the vendor In any case you must install some OpenTelemetry SDK in your services It can be either the OpenTelemetry out of the box SDK or a vendor distro Pro tip always prefer going vendor neutral unless you get significant value for using the vendor distro As for the OpenTelemetry Collector you do not have to use it As I mentioned above you can send data directly to the vendor from the OpenTelemetry SDK or send it to a collector you manage and from there to the vendor Choosing an open sourceIf you choose the open source only path you must run the whole stack yourself i e OpenTelemetry SDK Collector Jaeger as a visualization layer It has now become your operational responsibility scaling securing DRP etc Are you ready for the challenge Using a Vendor Distro Pros amp Cons ProsThe easiest and simplest way Many times it ends with a few lines of code and the vendor does the heavy lifting for you You also have the vendor s full support if anything goes wrong ConsVendor lock If you ever decide to change vendors make sure you have enough capacity to do so and that the new vendor s offer is worth it because it will take plenty of time and effort Managing Collector on Your Own Pros amp Cons ProsThis option gives you the most flexibility to decide where you want to send your data ConsManaging a collector on your own takes time and knowledge do you have that Should You Manage an OpenTelemetry Collector Here are a few tips to help you decide if you should manage a collector on your own The collector receives a lot of data For every API call DB query cloud vendor interaction or rd party API call your back end is handing the collector will receive one event one span in OpenTelemetry terminology Are you experienced in managing data on a large scale Do you have time to learn how to optimize the OpenTelemetry Collector If yes consider running it yourself Do you have the capacity to make a disaster recovery plan for when things go sideways with the collector If the answer is no I would suggest not running it on your own Telemetry data becomes the data to debug troubleshoot your production which means it has to be available at all times Are you running OpenTelemetry primarily for traces or are you interested in metrics and logs as well OpenTelemetry can collect logs traces and metrics Sending them all to one backend and then distributing them to different vendors open sources gives you a lot of power Running your collector allows you to ship data anywhere and change it as you see fit For example you can start with one vendor and flip it in a simple configuration change You can even run multiple POCs with vendors and open sources at the same time quite easily The price is operational The Bottom LineHere is a quick summary of our deployment options Use a vendor s distro Use the OpenTelemetry native SDK and send data directly to the vendor s collector Use an OpenTelemetry SDK send data to your collector and then to the collector provided by the vendor It all mainly comes down to whether you have the capacity and resources to set up and manage all the components on your own in this case you should give the open source path a try 2021-12-07 17:09:55
海外TECH DEV Community Type-safe JSON.parse() with joi https://dev.to/armenhalajyan/type-safe-jsonparse-with-joi-4ja Type safe JSON parse with joiAs developers we often interact with APIs and databases that return a response in JSON format To parse that JSON response we have to reach for the JSON parse method By default JSON parse will return the object with type any This means that we can simply declare the type of our object inline like this interface MyObject key string key number key boolean const jsonString api get const myObject MyObject JSON parse jsonString This would be sufficient if we were absolutely sure that jsonString is assignable to type MyObject However if for any reason the API sends us a different response Typescript will not prevent us from misusing that response and potentially getting runtime errors To address this issue we can use a runtime data validator such as joi import ObjectSchema ValidationError from joi export const typedParse lt TSchema gt jsonString string schema ObjectSchema lt TSchema gt TSchema gt const value error warning value TSchema error ValidationError warning unknown schema validate JSON parse jsonString handle error and warning cases as needed if error throw error if warning console log warning return value Now we can import and use this reusable function anywhere we use JSON parse by providing the JSON string and the corresponding joi schema import Joi from joi import typedParse from util typedParse ts interface MyObject key string key number key boolean const jsonString api get const schema Joi object lt MyObject gt keys key Joi string required key Joi number integer key Joi boolean required const myObject typedParse jsonString schema This allows us to take advantage of all the type safety and autocompletion that Typescript offers when the API request matches what we expect and at the same time prevents unexpected behavior when the API returns a different response 2021-12-07 17:03:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Razer Phone Cooler Chroma chills your MagSafe iPhone for $60 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/07/razer-phone-cooler-chroma-chills-your-magsafe-iphone-for-60?utm_medium=rss Razer Phone Cooler Chroma chills your MagSafe iPhone for Game peripheral producer Razer has launched its Phone Cooler Chroma a MagSafe compatible cooling device for the back of an iPhone The Razer Phone Cooler Chroma is an accessory that attaches to the back of smartphones including the iPhone and Android devices Rather than using a case with cooling capabilities the cooler is meant to be attached to the iPhone when needed Connecting using MagSafe or a clip for older iPhones and Android smartphones the cooler consists of a Peltier cooling tile that sits close to the smartphone s rear A seven bladed fan is used to draw air from the surrounding aluminum heatsink spinning at up to RPM which is then exhausted at the back Read more 2021-12-07 17:42:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Amazon Web Services is having problems, so the Internet is too https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/07/amazon-web-services-is-having-problems-so-the-internet-is-too?utm_medium=rss Amazon Web Services is having problems so the Internet is tooOn Tuesday afternoon AWS is having some big connectivity problems impacting Facebook Amazon Disney and so much more The outage has affected even AWS s own management console homepage for the US EAST region As with IMDb it is displaying only an error page According to DataCentre Dynamics Amazon has acknowledged the problem and issued a statement Read more 2021-12-07 17:35:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Elizabeth Holmes biopic 'Bad Blood' starring Jennifer Lawrence coming to Apple TV+ https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/07/elizabeth-holmes-biopic-bad-blood-starring-jennifer-lawrence-coming-to-apple-tv?utm_medium=rss Elizabeth Holmes biopic x Bad Blood x starring Jennifer Lawrence coming to Apple TV Apple TV is backing a new feature film from Adam McKay titled Bad Blood with Jennifer Lawrence set to star as the Theranos CEO Apple TV Bad Blood will chronicle the rise and fall of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes played by Lawrence Apple Original Studios will produce the film alongside Legendary Pictures Variety reported Tuesday Read more 2021-12-07 17:22:36
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to create a PDF of a webpage for offline reading on iPhone and iPad https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/07/how-to-create-a-pdf-of-a-webpage-for-offline-reading-on-iphone-and-ipad?utm_medium=rss How to create a PDF of a webpage for offline reading on iPhone and iPadOne of the easiest ways to read articles offline is to save them as a PDF and thanks to a handy feature provided by Apple it s effortless to do on your iPhone and iPad Saving a webpage as a PDF ensures that you ll be able to read an article while offline but it also is advantageous if you wish to share it or view it on another device The whole process is surprisingly easy and only requires a single app ーSafari Read more 2021-12-07 17:23:38
金融 金融庁ホームページ 関東財務局及び中国財務局が高病原性鳥インフルエンザ疑似患畜の確認を踏まえ、金融上の対応について要請しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/ginkou/20211207.html 中国財務局 2021-12-07 18:15:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Early signs Omicron spreads more easily, says No 10 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59563939?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-12-07 17:11:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Storm Barra: Weather warnings for most of UK as gales and snow hit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59563935?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA wales 2021-12-07 17:50:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Biden and Putin hold talks amid Russia-Ukraine tensions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59567377?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA europe 2021-12-07 17:42:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Jamal Khashoggi: Suspect in murder of journalist arrested in Paris https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59561881?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA gaulle 2021-12-07 17:43:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Tottenham face disruption after coronavirus outbreak in squad https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59560114?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA coronavirus 2021-12-07 17:34:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Jockey Robbie Dunne says he used 'figure of speech' and did not threaten Bryony Frost https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/horse-racing/59554778?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Jockey Robbie Dunne says he used x figure of speech x and did not threaten Bryony FrostRobbie Dunne said he was using a figure of speech when he told fellow rider Bryony Frost that he would put her through the side of a fence 2021-12-07 17:48:21
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cases 2021-12-07 17:05:10
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 売上は下がっても利益は増える! 「親広告」と「子広告」の 知られざるマネジメント法 - 売上最小化、利益最大化の法則 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/286888 2021-12-08 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【弐億貯男の株式投資で2億円】 IPO投資で当選確率を上げる方法 - 10万円から始める! 割安成長株で2億円 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/287828 2021-12-08 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 精神科医がすすめる! 完璧主義者をやめるための たった1つの方法 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 1秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/287958 精神科医がすすめる完璧主義者をやめるためのたったつの方法精神科医Tomyが教える秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉シリーズ万部突破のベストセラー『精神科医Tomyが教える秒で幸せを呼び込む言葉』、渾身の感動作で自身初の小説『精神科医Tomyが教える心の荷物の手放し方』年月日発売の著者が、voicy「精神科医Tomyきょうのひとこと」を音声配信。 2021-12-08 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 就職したことがないのに株式投資で4.5億円! 日本の現金主義は世界的に見ると「異常」 - 賢明なる個人投資家への道 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/288839 就職したことがないのに株式投資で億円日本の現金主義は世界的に見ると「異常」賢明なる個人投資家への道中学年から株ひと筋で、株式投資歴年以上のベテラン専業投資家、かぶが『賢明なる個人投資家への道』を著した。 2021-12-08 02:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 負け組投資家がやってしまう「ざんねんな戦略」とは? - サイコロジー・オブ・マネー https://diamond.jp/articles/-/288493 負け組 2021-12-08 02:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「片づけ嫌いの夫が、掃除好きに変わった!」精神科医がやった驚きの方法とは? - ストレスフリー超大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289070 「片づけ嫌いの夫が、掃除好きに変わった」精神科医がやった驚きの方法とはストレスフリー超大全人は「命令」をしても動かない。 2021-12-08 02:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 相手が驚く聞き方 「整理オウム返し」とは? - 武器になる話し方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289184 相手が驚く聞き方「整理オウム返し」とは武器になる話し方万部超のベストセラー『超一流の雑談力』著者安田正さんによる、新しい話し方の本『武器になる話し方』が月日に発売になりました。 2021-12-08 02:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 相続というニッチジャンルで「人気YouTuber」になれた理由 - だから、この本。 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289680 youtuber 2021-12-08 02:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 iDeCoが老後の資産形成で第一に選ばれる理由 - iDeCo(イデコ)活用入門 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289810 iDeCoが老後の資産形成で第一に選ばれる理由iDeCoイデコ活用入門『税金がタダになる、おトクな「つみたてNISA」「一般NISA」活用入門』や『改訂版一番やさしい一番くわしいはじめての「投資信託」入門』など著者累計万部、大ベストセラーの著書がある竹川美奈子さんが、年ぶりに改訂版『改訂新版一番やさしい一番くわしい個人型確定拠出年金iDeCoイデコ活用入門』を上梓。 2021-12-08 02:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 育ちがわかる! 食べ方がきれいでも、気になること - もっと!「育ちがいい人」だけが知っていること https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289620 諏内えみ 2021-12-08 02:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 パリ五輪の代表監督に大岩氏有力 サッカー男子、元J1鹿島監督 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/620279/ 日本代表監督 2021-12-08 02:04:00
GCP Cloud Blog DevOps and CI/CD on Google Cloud explained https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/devops-and-cicd-google-cloud-explained/ DevOps and CI CD on Google Cloud explainedWhat is CI CD Continuous Integration CI at its core is about getting feedback early and often which makes it possible to identify and correct problems early in the development process With CI you integrate your work frequently often multiple times a day instead of waiting for one large integration later on Each integration is verified with an automated build which enables you to detect integration issues as quickly as possible and reduce problems downstream Continuous Delivery CD extends CI CD is about packaging and preparing the software with the goal of delivering incremental changes to users  Deployment strategies such as red black and canary deployments can help reduce release risk and increase confidence in releases CD makes the release process safer lower risk faster and when done well boring Once deployments are made painless with CD developers can focus on writing code not tweaking deployment scripts Click to enlargeHow has the application development landscape changed Much has changed in the app development space recently and you ll want to take these changes into account as part of your CI CD strategy Hybrid and multi cloud deployments Large enterprises want to deploy applications in hybrid cloud environments with tools and services that don t lock them into a specific vendor  The shift from monolith to microservices Teams are breaking down large monoliths into microservices for greater agility This makes it possible for different teams to use different languages tech stacks development lifecycles which means deployment patterns tooling needs and scaling patterns are changing Cloud native applications It s not just VMs anymore companies are shifting paradigms and embracing serverless containers and Kubernetes While simplifying some aspects of app development this move adds complexity in other areas How do you handle rollbacks Canary deployments It s different now   Ideally developers should be focused on their code not on ushering their changes through a CI CD process  CI CD steps should be triggered and run behind the scenes as soon as code is checked in So your CI CD pipeline should support Packaging source codeAutomated unit and integration testsConsistent build environmentsApprovals before deploying to productionBlue green and canary roll outs That s where Cloud Build comes in  Google Cloud DevOps overviewCloud BuildCloud Build is a fully managed CI CD platform that lets you build test and deploy across hybrid and multi cloud environments that include VMs serverless Kubernetes and Firebase Cloud Build can import source code from Cloud Storage Cloud Source Repositories GitHub or Bitbucket execute a build to your specifications and produce artifacts such as Docker container images or Java archives   Cloud Build executes your build as a series of build steps with each step run in a Docker container A build step can do anything that can be done from a container irrespective of the environment To perform your tasks you can either use the supported build steps provided by Cloud Build or write your own build steps As a part of the build step Cloud Build deploys the app to a platform of your choice You also have the ability to perform deep security scans within the CI CD pipeline using Binary Authorization and ensure only trusted container images are deployed to production  Cloud Build private pools help you meet enterprise security and compliance requirements These are private dedicated pools of workers that offer greater customization over the build environment including the ability to access resources in a private network For instance you can trigger fully managed DevOps workflows from source code repositories hosted in private networks including Github Enterprise Cloud CodeIf you are working entirely in a cloud native environment then you ll want to use Cloud Code to kick off your CI CD pipeline Use Cloud Code in your IDE it comes with tools to help you write run and debug cloud native applications quickly and easily Then push your code to Cloud Build for the build process package it in the Artifact Registry and run it on GKE or Cloud Run You can get all the visibility and metrics you want for the deployment in Google Cloud s operations suite  Cloud Deploy​​Google Cloud Deploy in preview is a managed opinionated continuous delivery service that makes continuous delivery to GKE easier faster and more reliable It has built in security controls and it can be integrated with your existing DevOps ecosystem  Cloud Shell EditorCloud Shell Editor powered by the Eclipse Theia IDE platform extends Cloud Shell with an online preconfigured cloud development environment that includes  Local emulators for Kubernetes and serverless andCommand line tools for working with cloud native appsInterested in getting started with CI CD on Google Cloud Check out the documentation here For more GCPSketchnote and similar cloud content follow me on twitter pvergadia and keep an eye out on thecloudgirl dev 2021-12-07 17:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog Tokopedia’s journey to creating a Customer Data Platform (CDP) on Google Cloud Platform https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/how-tokopedia-created-a-customer-data-platform-cdp-on-google-cloud/ Tokopedia s journey to creating a Customer Data Platform CDP on Google Cloud PlatformFounded in Tokopedia is an ecommerce platform that enables millions of Indonesian to transact online As the company grows there is an urgent need to better understand customer s behavior in order to improve the customer s experience across the platform Now Tokopedia has more than million Monthly Active Users and the demography and preferences of all these users are different A way to meet their needs is through personalization  Normally a user needs to browse through thousands of products in order to find the item they are looking for By creating product recommendations that are relevant to each user we shorten their search journey and hopefully increase conversion early on in the journey In order to build personalization the Data Engineering Team s Customer Data Platform CDP helped to gain access to user s attributes These attributes developed by the Data Engineering team come in handy for different use cases across functions and teams Previously two main challenges were observed The need for speed and answers caused an increase in data silos As the needs for personalization increased across the company different teams have been building their own personalization features However the limited time and the need to simplify communication across teams have resulted in the decision for each team to create their own data pipeline This caused a few redundancies due to the development of similar data across different teams and these redundancies caused slower development time for new personalized feature even though some of the attributes have been previously build in a different module Inconsistent data definitions As each team created their own data pipeline there are many cases where each team had a different definition of a user s attributes On several occasions this caused misunderstandings during meetings and unsynchronized user journeys due to different teams applying different attribute values to the same user For example team A evaluated user id as a woman in their s Meanwhile team B having a different set of attributes and definitions evaluated user id as a woman in their s These differences in definition and attributes can lead to different conclusions and results consequently giving different personalizations As a result customers might be facing inconsistent experience during their journey in Tokopedia and have a bad experience during their activity Imagine that you re being displayed by one set type of content that is related with college necessities and then in a different module you re being given a a content that is related to mom and baby Previous State of Data DistributionCurrently with CDP different teams do not have to constantly rebuild the infrastructure The same attributes will only need to be processed once and can be used by different teams across the company This optimizes the development time cost and effort Another advantage of having CDP is the single definition of attributes across services and teams Since different teams will be looking at the same attributes inside the CDP this will reduce the chances of misunderstanding and strengthen synchronization between teams This will give customers consistent experience across the Tokopedia platform and enable them to display relevant contents CDP High level ConceptMoreover there are several key factors required in building the CDP platform in Tokopedia The journey is as follows Define and Make a List of AttributesDuring this phase we work with the Product and Analyst teams to define all of the user s attributes required to build the CDP Our product team interviewed several stakeholders to understand different perspectives regarding user attributes As a result an initial attributes list was made to include gender age group location etc This process is done repetitively in order to have the best understanding of the user s attributes Platform DesignAfter doing comprehensive reviews we decided to build our CDP platform using several GCP tech stacks CDP ArchitectureBigquery was chosen as the analytics backend of our CDP self service Meanwhile Google Cloud BigTable was selected as the backend where our services will interact to enable the personalization In developing the storage for Big Table the design of the scheme is very important The frequency and categorization will affect how we design the column qualifier while the CDP attribute will affect how we design the row key We also opted to create a caching mechanism to reduce the load to big tables for similar read activity We build the cache system using redis with certain Time to Live TTL to ensure an optimized performance In addition we also applied a Role Based Access Control RBAC mechanism on the CDP API to ensure access control of different services towards attributes in the CDP Monitoring and alertingAnother important point in building a CDP is developing the correct monitoring and alerting system to maintain stability on our platform A soft and hard threshold on each metric is established and monitored Once this threshold is reached some alerts will be sent through the communication channel Based on the current architecture there are several parts in which we need to enable monitoring and alerting  Data PipelineOne of the things that we will need to monitor is resource consumption during computation and data pipeline from data sources to the CDP storages as we operate using Bigquery and Dataflow for Data Computation and Data Pipeline In Bigquery we need to monitor the slot utilization that is used to compute some data aggregation or manipulation to produce the attribute  Data QualityWhen building the CDP high quality data was important in order for it to be a trusted platform Several metrics that are important in terms of data quality are Data Completeness Data Validity Data Anomaly and Data Consistency Therefore several monitoring needs to be enabled to ensure these metrics Storage and API PerformanceSince CDP s backend and API directly interact with several front facing features we have to ensure the availability of the CDP service Since we re using Big Table as the backend the monitoring of CPU Latency and RPS is required This metric by default is provided in the Bigtable monitoring Discoverability across companyMany users have been inquiring on how they can browse attributes that our CDP offers Initially we started out by documenting our attributes and sharing it to our stakeholders However as the number of the attributes increased it became increasingly harder for people to go through our documentation This pushed us to start integrating the CDP terminology into our Data Catalog In this case our Data Catalog plays an important role in enabling users to browse attributes in CDP including the definition of each attribute and how they can retrieve the data Implementation and adoption of the platform Another key point for a successful CDP implementation is collaboration across teams on the front end services There are several types of CDP implementation in Tokopedia Personalization Marketing Analytics and Self Service Analytics PersonalizationThe most common usage of CDP would be in personalizing a user s journey One example of personalization is the search feature The product team personalizes the user s search result based on the user s address so that the user will be able to find products that are in proximity to their location After discussing the definition of user address we created a CDP API contract with the Search team so the development can run in parallel As a result today our users are able to have a better user experience based on their location Marketing AnalyticsWhen we started building the CDP platform we discussed with the Marketing team on their existing use cases One of their goals was to personalize and optimize marketing efforts such as sending out notifications to the right user based on the user s attributes to reduce unnecessary notification costs to unrelated users and to enhance the overall user experience by avoiding spam notifications Once we understood their needs we looked at the ways in which CDP could cater to those needs We discussed with the relevant team on how to integrate the segmentation engine and communication channel towards the CDP platform the type of user attributes to use when sending marketing push notifications and how to integrate it with the segmentation engine and communication channel of the CDP platform Self Service AnalyticsCDP also often uses self service analytics to enable quick insights on user demographics and behavior in certain segments To build this self serve analytics tool our team consulted with the Product and Analyst teams to define the user demographics attributes that business product users often select for insights After understanding the attributes required we discussed with the Business Intelligence team to enable the visualization for the end user This allowed different teams to understand our users better and gain insights on how we can improve our platform CDP implementation has created a significant impact on different use cases and helped Tokopedia to be a more data driven company Through CDP we are also able to strengthen one of our core DNA which is Focus on Consumer By sharing the CDP framework we hope to bring value and help others to more easily create a thriving CDP platform 2021-12-07 17:30:00



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