IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] Uber Eatsの配送料定額サービス、大幅値下げ 月額980円→498円に |
itmedia |
2021-12-13 22:17:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Djangoプロジェクト作成時の設定ファイル名を指定する方法 |
Django公式startprojectmysiteプロジェクトファイル├ーconfig設定ファイル│├ーinitpy│├ーasgipy│├ーsettingspy│├ーurlspy│└ーwsgipy└ーmanagepyまとめ設定ファイル名を指定してプロジェクトを作成するには以下の手順でstartprojectをします。 |
2021-12-13 22:44:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python で標準出力をリアルタイムに取得するときにハマった件 |
環境UbuntuPythonやりたいことあるPythonメインプロセスを実行させながら、外部コマンドffmpegvlcの標準出力される結果をリアルタイムでPythonメインプロセスで読み込みたい。 |
2021-12-13 22:32:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画像表示について 画像を型にはまらない表示にさせたい |
配置 |
2021-12-13 22:58:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Property or method is not defined |
Propertyormethodisnotdefinedlaravelとnuxtjsでレビュー機能を作成したいです。 |
2021-12-13 22:51:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
npm start を実行するとMissing script: "start"となってしまいます... |
npmstartを実行するとMissingscriptquotstartquotとなってしまいます前提・実現したいことfirebasenbspを使ってhostingしたいのですがその過程においてnbspnpmnbspstartnbspを実行したときにerrorを起こしてしまいます。 |
2021-12-13 22:48:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アクティビティから別のアクティビティのメソッドを実行する方法は? |
アクティビティから別のアクティビティのメソッドを実行する方法はアクティビティAからアクティビティBののメソッドを実行したいのですが、可能でしょうかアクティビティAはメイン、アクティビティBはPreferenceFragmentCompatを継承したフラグメント持ったアクティビティでアクティビティBの設定が変更されたらアクティビティAのメソッドtestを実行するということがしたいです。 |
2021-12-13 22:48:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python tkinter キャンバスウィジェットのテキストを更新 |
pythontkinterキャンバスウィジェットのテキストを更新前提・実現したいことボタンを押したらCanvas内にあるtextをdeleteしてtextを更新したいです。 |
2021-12-13 22:47:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails consoleでreload!コマンドを打たないとデータベースに保存できない |
railsconsoleでreloadコマンドを打たないとデータベースに保存できないCategoryというmodelを作成し、nameというカラムのsring型を追加しました。 |
2021-12-13 22:44:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ImageDataGeneratorから生成されるデータに偏りはあるのでしょうか。 |
ImageDataGeneratorから生成されるデータに偏りはあるのでしょうか。 |
2021-12-13 22:43:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptにてカラーの変更方法がわからない |
JavaScriptにてカラーの変更方法がわからないJavaScriptで波のアニメーションを作ろうと思っています。 |
2021-12-13 22:26:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】管理者側で従業員を登録することができない |
【Rails】管理者側で従業員を登録することができない実現したいことRubynbsponnbspRailsnbspを使用してバイトのシフト管理アプリを作ろうとしています。 |
2021-12-13 22:14:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
マーカー上にオブジェクトの描画をしたい。 |
aruco |
2021-12-13 22:11:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pug: テンプレートにした_header.pug内にあるbodyに対して、URLを条件としてclass名を付与したい |
Pugテンプレートにしたheaderpug内にあるbodyに対して、URLを条件としてclass名を付与したいpugのテンプレート拡張を使い記述をしています。 |
2021-12-13 22:03:07 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ReactからRailsAPIにクッキーを送るときにはまった話 |
こちらの記事を読んでみてください。 |
2021-12-13 22:18:36 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Laravel x Docker構築 |
その後workspaceに接続するdockercomposeexecworkspacebashパッケージの更新aptgetupdateworkspaceコンテナ内では、composerコマンドが使えるようになっているので、これを使用してlaravelをインストールcomposercreateprojectpreferdistlaravellaravelインストールが完了したら再度ブラウザでhttplocalhostにアクセスするとLaravelが立ち上がり完了です。 |
2021-12-13 22:32:09 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Recovery Services コンテナー の削除手順 |
AzureRecoveryServicesコンテナーの削除手順削除できずに困っている人がいたのでメモ。 |
2021-12-13 22:25:45 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初心者がwin10へVSCode(salesforce)開発環境を構築してみた |
2021-12-13 22:51:14 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
(git) submodule かつ LFS を使用している repository を clone する |
gitsubmoduleかつLFSを使用しているrepositoryをcloneする以下の様な関係の状況で後述コマンドを使用することで、repositoryABのファイルの実体を全て取得できる事を確認できた。 |
2021-12-13 22:23:07 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
モデルスペックにおける超基本的なテスト(Postモデルver.) |
Postモデルのバリデーション確認今回Postモデルにはcontentカラムが存在することpresencetrueがバリデーションによって制限されています。 |
2021-12-13 22:42:31 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ReactからRailsAPIにクッキーを送るときにはまった話 |
こちらの記事を読んでみてください。 |
2021-12-13 22:18:36 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】Not Null制約とpresence: trueの違い【初学者の疑問点を簡潔に解説】 |
空文字とは空文字長さの文字列Null何も存在していないcf空白半角スペース、全角スペースNotNull制約とバリデーションpresencetrueは両方指定することができる調べたところ、バリデーションはトラフィックが多い場合に不正な値がすり抜けてしまうことがあるようで、すり抜けても対処できるようにNotNull制約とバリデーションの両方を設定しておいた方が良いようです。 |
2021-12-13 22:07:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Make A Extension For Edge or Chrome |
How To Make A Extension For Edge or ChromeEver install a extension on your web browser A ad blocker a game a tool Its almost guaranteed that you have installed a extension for your web browser sometime in your life Extensions are a great way to add useful features to your browser or personalize it Sometimes you can t find what you need and you would like to make one yourself but you don t know how That s what we are going to be going over Why Should You Make One Making a extension is a great idea as it can grow to be a great source of income Extensions also can act as previous work proof that you can use to get into a good college or job that you would like While making a extension you may learn a new programming language and it may be something to do on the side if you dont have something already And to be honest it s pretty easy to do Getting StartedBefore you make a extension you need to have a IDE or some file editor That will be used to edit the files for your extension You will also need a idea of what to do with your extension such as making it a game or weather app Once you are ready to start making it read the following Manifest jsonBefore you start to make your extension you need a file to specify details about your extension In the manifest file you need to declare the name of your app the description the version needed permissions if used needed external sources if used etc Making the manifest file is the easiest step of making your extension The format for your manifest json file is below name Current Weather description Get the current weather from this small extension This extension needs your location to get the weather for your area version manifest version action default popup index html default icon cwlogo png options ui page settings html permissions geolocation notifications host permissions commands execute action suggested key default Ctrl Shift F mac MacCtrl Shift F description Opens index html This is the manifest json file for one of my extensions Current Weather which you can download on Edge here As you can see it uses the external source api openweathermap org and it uses services such as geolocation It also has a settings page which is not needed Looking at the manifest json you can see that it has a icon and a action page The icon is the small little picture that you see when you have a extension installed The action page is the little page that pops up when you click on the extension Those are the pages that are the actual extension itself Making The UIThis step is pretty easy The popup page uses HTML and HTML can use other sources My extension uses HTML and the HTML uses javascript If you are unfamiliar with HTML than view my other article about HTML You first need to make the layout for a HTML page and then you need to make sure that the name of the HTML file is in the manifest json file so that way it works when you click on it The layout for my HTML page is below lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width gt lt title gt Current Weather lt title gt lt link href style css rel stylesheet type text css gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id body gt lt table gt lt thead gt lt th gt Tempature lt th gt lt th gt Humidity lt th gt lt th gt Description lt th gt lt th gt Icon lt th gt lt thead gt lt tbody gt lt tr gt lt td id temp gt lt td gt lt td id humidity gt lt td gt lt td id description gt lt td gt lt td id icon style background color gray gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt lt table gt lt thead gt lt th gt Min Temp lt th gt lt th gt Max Temp lt th gt lt th gt Windspeed Degree lt th gt lt th gt Pressure lt th gt lt thead gt lt tbody gt lt tr gt lt td id mintemp gt lt td gt lt td id maxtemp gt lt td gt lt td id wspdg gt lt td gt lt td id pressure gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt lt center gt lt div id result style font size px gt lt div gt lt div id google translate element gt lt div gt lt center gt lt div gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt lt script src script js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt As you can see I use a javascript file to get the weather from api openweathermap org The HTML page that I have set up has a table for the weather data The javascript file uses the resources from the HTML page Which brings us to the next section The BackendNow that you got a nice and fancy UI you now need to make a less appealing file for the fancy UI Make a file named script js and make sure that it is in the same directory with the rest of the files Now make your js file the way you want your app to work and then you should link it to your HTML file and you should be good to go with the html The backend for my extension is below function googleTranslateElementInit new google translate TranslateElement pageLanguage en layout google translate TranslateElement InlineLayout HORIZONTAL google translate element navigator geolocation getCurrentPosition function position const latitude position coords latitude const longitude position coords longitude const altitude position coords altitude const accuracy position coords accuracy const altitudeAccuracy position coords altitudeAccuracy const heading position coords height const speed position coords speed const timestamp position timestamp work with this information however you d like function locationSuccess position const latitude position coords latitude const longitude position coords longitude const altitude position coords altitude const accuracy position coords accuracy const altitudeAccuracy position coords altitudeAccuracy const heading position coords height const speed position coords speed const timestamp position timestamp getweather latitude longitude work with this information however you d like function locationError error const code error code const message error message read the code and message and decide how you want to handle this document getElementById result innerHTML message navigator geolocation getCurrentPosition locationSuccess locationError function getweather latitude longitude const key eaefdcbfdac const link latitude amp lon longitude amp units imperial amp apikey key amp lang localStorage lang let request new XMLHttpRequest request open GET link request responseType json request send request onload function const data request response showweather data function showweather obj var date new Date obj dt Hours part from the timestampvar hours date getHours Minutes part from the timestampvar minutes date getMinutes Seconds part from the timestampvar seconds date getSeconds var formattedTime hours minutes substr seconds substr const weather obj weather var mt obj main temp min for let i i lt weather length i var icon weather i icon document getElementById temp innerHTML obj main temp amp deg F document getElementById humidity innerHTML obj main humidity document getElementById description innerHTML weather i description iconshow icon mt document getElementById mintemp innerHTML mt amp deg F document getElementById maxtemp innerHTML obj main temp max amp deg F document getElementById wspdg innerHTML obj wind speed MPH obj wind deg amp deg document getElementById pressure innerHTML obj main pressure function iconshow icon mt var img new Image img src icon x png img style width px img style height px document getElementById icon appendChild img if mt gt document getElementById result innerHTML Its gonna be hot today Bring some water wherever you go outside chrome notifications create hotoutside type basic iconUrl images png title Test Message message You are awesome priority else if mt lt document getElementById result innerHTML Its going to be chilly today Wear some warm clothes It uses the service geolocation which is a permission to get the users location to get the weather in their area Then using the html file it displays it in the table for the user to read If you would like to make a settings page for your extension too than keep reading Making A Settings PageWant your user to have some options Make another HTML page and js file and declare it in your manifest You can give the user the option to change colors language etc You can see mine below HTML lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width gt lt title gt Current Weather lt title gt lt link href style css rel stylesheet type text css gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id body gt lt center gt lt h gt Settings lt h gt lt p gt View and set the settings for the current weather app lt p gt lt h gt Language lt h gt lt p gt Set the extensions language to your preferance lt p gt lt select name language id language gt lt option value en selected gt English lt option gt lt option value de gt German lt option gt lt option value sp gt Spanish lt option gt lt option value ja gt Japanese lt option gt lt option value fr gt French lt option gt lt select gt lt div id currentlang gt lt div gt lt button id submitlang gt Set Language lt button gt lt h gt Privacy lt h gt lt p gt I will never share sell you location or information to anybody because it is your information and only you shall decide what you would like to do with your privacy If you decide that you do not want the extension to see your location anymore go to the three dots in the upper right corner click more tools click on details for the extension disable location access Please note that the extension does not work without location access lt p gt lt h gt Help Support lt h gt lt p gt If you are having problems with the extension then please go to the following site as it contains a forum with help and support lt a href target blank gt a gt That is the github discussion page contatining the files for the project and help and support for anyone that needs it lt p gt lt center gt lt div id google translate element gt lt div gt lt div gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt lt script src settings js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt JS function googleTranslateElementInit new google translate TranslateElement pageLanguage en layout google translate TranslateElement InlineLayout HORIZONTAL google translate element document getElementById submitlang addEventListener click function var sellang document getElementById language value var curl document getElementById currentlang if sellang en curl innerHTML English localStorage lang en else if sellang de curl innerHTML German localStorage lang de else if sellang sp curl innerHTML Spanish else if sellang ja curl innerHTML Japanese else if sellang fr curl innerHTML French else curl innerHTML None Selected Your DoneNow that your extension is made you can publish it where you would like to publish it Google s chrome web store needs a fee Microsoft edge is free to publish and so is firefox but if you publish here you will need to change the manifest json a little bit as it uses version |
2021-12-13 13:38:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Criar uma Exception personalizada no Magento 2 |
Criar uma Exception personalizada no Magento Contextualizando O que éuma Exception Éum mecanismo que sinaliza um evento excepcional significa algo que não écomum A exceção ocorre quando acontece algo fora da regra de negócio prevista O tratamento de exceção éo mecanismo responsável pelo tratamento da ocorrência de condições que alteram o fluxo normal da execução de programas de computadores Exceção são usadas para fazer tratamentos no código ou seja podemos fazer um controle de exceção em determinada parte de um código fonte para saber qual foi o erro que levou ao problema Uma exceção pode ser lançada através da palavra reservada throw quando o trecho de código estiver envolvido na palavra reservada try e capturada através da palavra reservada catch Cada bloco try precisa ter ao menos um catch ou finally correspondente Uma classe de exceção definida pelo usuário pode ser criada herdando a classe Exception consequentemente o objeto lançado precisa ser uma instância da classe Exception ou uma subclasse de Exception Tentar lançar um objeto sem essa ascendência resultaráem um erro fatal Para saber mais consulte a documentação oficial do PHP sobre as exceptions Código para criar uma ExceptionEste tipo de arquivo deve seguir a estruturas de pastas Vendor Module Exception Name Exception php Cada arquivo de Exception deve estender a classe Magento Framework Exception LocalizedException lt phpnamespace Vendor Module Exception use Magento Framework Exception LocalizedException use Magento Framework Phrase class Name Exception extends LocalizedException public function construct Phrase phrase null Exception cause null array params code parent construct phrase cause params code A classe Magento Framework Exception LocalizedException estende da classe Exception do PHP e éestendida por um conjunto de classes que o próprio Magento jádisponibiliza para o uso estas classes de excessão estão disponíveis no caminho Magento Framework Exception Disparando uma excessãoAo disparar uma excessão o código seráinterrompido e será capturado pelo primeiro catch que envolveráo código podendo ser de outra função ou método Para disparar uma excessão personalizada no Magento éigual a lançar qualquer outra excessão throw new Vendor Module Exception Name Exception Message exception FinalizaçãoValores entre chaves test devem ser alterados na implementação do código Habilitando as alteraçõesExecute o comando PHP para limpar todos os caches de armazenamento em cache do processos php bin magento cache cleanphp bin magento flush Diretórios e ArquivosSegue a a lista de diretórios e arquivos que devem ser criados app code Vendor Module etc module xml Exception Name Exception php registration php composer json |
2021-12-13 13:26:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding Docker in a visual way (in 🎥 video): part 3 – Build images |
Understanding Docker in a visual way in video part Build imagesUnderstanding Docker can be difficult or time consuming In order to spread knowledge about Cloud technologies I started to create sketchnotes about Docker then I ve auto published a book and since now I ve started a new serie of video I imagined a serie of short videos with a mix of sketchnotes and speech I think it could be a good way more visual with audio amp video to explain Docker and others technologies The second episode is focused on another very important Docker object Build images The video is in French BUT I done the subtitles in english and french too If you liked the video and are interested to watch another ones please give me some feedbacks and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel if you want to ️ I can also give you in an article the full english transcript and sketchnotes in high quality about this video if you are interested If you are interested I published all the sketchnotes on Docker and new ones to make a book of pages Understanding Docker in a visual way If you like theses sketchnotes you can follow me I will publish others sketchs shortly |
2021-12-13 13:22:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 5 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Flutter |
Top Visual Studio Code Extensions for FlutterVisual Studio Code is an IDE used for Flutter App development So in this article we will see the top V S code extensions for Flutter There are many extensions you can use to improve productivity in Flutter Top VS Code extensions for FlutterAs a developer you need productive tools and extensions to improve workplace productivity and efficiency As Flutter users grow significantly there is a huge collection of plugins and extensions on the market that can help developers be more productive Now let s take a look at some extensions that you can use to improve your productivity Pubspec Assist Every Flutter project has a pubspec yaml file This file contains the dependencies needed to develop your project or app The Pubspec yaml file contains the package version fonts assets or images The Pubspec yaml file is a very important file Even one wrong interval will result in an error and the package will not install properly Pubspec Assist is a very useful Visual Studio Code extension It allows developers to add dependencies amp development dependencies to Dart and Flutter project s pubspec yaml easily without leaving the editor Starting from Dart version gt this feature is available by default Error lensError lenses are an important addition to VS Code When developing an app or project I get errors that need to be fixed such as missing semicolons or brackets Errors are usually displayed at the bottom of the console The console lists many errors in the console Therefore the task of ascertaining which particular line failure is occurring and fixing the problem can be difficult and time consuming To make troubleshooting easier and save more time there is an extension called Error Lens If an error occurs the error lens immediately highlights the error in red at the end of that particular line This helps us know what mistakes we made and can fix them at the moment saving us a lot of time GitLens ーGit superchargedGitLens is an open source extension for Visual Studio Code that you can use in App development It will help you in understanding the code better You can quickly see who changed a line or block of code why and when Go back in history and learn how and why your code has evolved Take a quick look at the history and evolution of the codebase GitLens is powerful feature rich and highly customizable to your needs If the cord lens is annoying or if the current conviction is annoying that s okay Turn it off immediately or use GitLens s interactive settings editor to change its behaviour Awesome Flutter SnippetsAwesome Flutter Snippets is a collection of Flutter classes and methods that are used commonly Developers can increase their speed of development by terminating the boilerplate code associated with the widget creation For example you can type the shortcut streamBldr and singleChildSV instead of using Widgets such as StreamBuilder and SingleChildScrollView The features of Awesome Flutter Snippets are It will speed up development the development process Also it eliminates the boilerplate code It supports complex widgets such as Custom Clipper and Custom Paint blocVS Code supports the Bloc library Also it provides tools to effectively create blocks and cubits for Flutter and Angular Dart apps You can install bloc from the VS Code Marketplace or you can perform a search in VS Code To activate a command launch the Command Palette View gt Command Palette and enter the command name or right click the directory where you want to create the block cubit and select the command from the context menu Bloc New Bloc This command will generate a new Bloc Cubit New Cubit This command will generate a new Cubit Conclusion Thanks for remaining till the end of the article We hope you have enjoyed reading this article To summarize in this article we have discussed the top V S code extensions for Flutter Do let us know your feedback comments on the same Flutter agency is the best Flutter App development company with a highly experienced team of Flutter developers We promise to deliver the best application developed in Flutter which will excel in the market Also Flutter Agency is a portal full of excellent resources like Flutter Widget Guide Flutter Projects Code libs etc So contact us for your next project |
2021-12-13 13:07:24 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to: 4 ways to get into a locked iPhone without the Password |
How to ways to get into a locked iPhone without the PasswordApple devices are popular for their security features including a strong passcode lock preventing unauthorized access But if you forget the passcode you ll have a problem Here s how to bypass it Locked iPhone No problem The passcode lock is an effective security mechanism for iPhone devices Put simply you won t be able to access your device if you can t remember the passcode And even worse if you have entered the wrong passcode or more times your iPhone will be disabled Read more |
2021-12-13 13:37:05 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to set parental controls on iPhone or iPad |
How to set parental controls on iPhone or iPadAs iPhones and iPads become more ubiquitous in children s hands setting up parental controls on the devices properly and completely is more critical than ever Here are ways to set up those controls including ways to block content set time limits and prevent expensive in app purchases It s not uncommon for parents to feel torn about giving their children a smartphone Smartphones can do a lot of good giving kids an easy way to check in with parents when they re on their own However it is understandable that parents may find their child unrestricted access to the internet a bit daunting Apple has come up with a way to give parents a little peace of mind ーby providing them with plenty of parental controls Most of these controls fall under Screen Time a handy tool that allows parents to restrict access to apps and content while still allowing the child to access critical functions like texting and calling Read more |
2021-12-13 13:10:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's Mac Mini M1 hits new low of $570 on Amazon |
Apple x s Mac Mini M hits new low of on AmazonApple s latest Mac Mini is the most cost effective way to get an M machine and now you can get the desktop for even less The base GB model is going for on Amazon right now which is a new record low You ll get this price thanks to a discount plus an additional coupon that knocks another off at checkout The GB version has also been discounted to which is a price we ve seen a handful of times in the past but remains a good deal Buy Mac Mini M GB at Amazon Buy Mac Mini M GB at Amazon The Mac Mini is the best option if a desktop fits better into your lifestyle than a laptop and if you don t have a ton to spare a new computer It packs a good amount of power into a compact device thanks to Apple s M chipset While we haven t put the Mac Mini through its paces we have tested out the MacBook Air M and the previous MacBook Pro M ーboth of which impressed us with their overall smooth performance and remarkable speed It sports an eight core CPU and an eight core GPU plus a core Neural Engine that handles machine learning tasks While the GB model is probably sufficient for most people you ll future proof the device a bit if you spring for the version with extra storage because you won t run out of space as quickly With all of the improvements being internal the latest Mac Mini looks much the same as the previous version The silver box has a seamless appearance on most sides save for its back edge which holds all of its connectivity options including two Thunderbolt ports two USB A connectors an HDMI port an Ethernet port and a mm headphone jack Since we didn t get an updated Mac Mini this fall there s currently no telling when Apple may introduce a new version of its small desktop That makes a sale like this one a great opportunity to upgrade your home s computer without spending too much money If you plan on gifting the device just keep in mind that it may arrive after Christmas depending on which model you choose Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-12-13 13:55:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony will begin selling official PlayStation 5 covers next month |
Sony will begin selling official PlayStation covers next monthAfter shutting down third party PS console covers with legal threats Sony has launched its own official PlayStation five colors the company announced Those will go along with the DualSense controls it launched earlier this year and introduce three new colors in the same galaxy inspired theme The console covers and matching controllers will come in Midnight Black Cosmic Red Nova Pink Starlight Blue and Galactic Purple quot Simply remove your original white PS console covers and click your new ones into place quot the company said quot The PS console covers will be available for both the PS with the Ultra HD Blu ray disc drive and the PS Digital Edition quot nbsp The Midnight Black and Cosmic Red PS console covers will be available starting in January in specific regions including the USA Canada UK France Australia and China The Nova Pink Galactic Purple and Starlight Blue models will launch in those same locations during the first half of As you may remember Sony recently launched new DualSense wireless controllers in Cosmic Red and Midnight Black Now it will also release new controllers in the other three colors Nova Pink Starlight Blue and Galactic Purple for globally in January at participating retailers nbsp As a reminder last year a company called PlateStation unveiled replacement PS covers in colors like cherry red black and jungle camo However the company subsequently announced on Twitter that it would be canceling all orders and processing refunds quot due to patent and intellectual property issues quot with Sony Now we can see why Sony asserted its IP rights so strongly Given that it can t sell as many PS consoles as it would like due to semiconductor shortages accessories like this will provide another revenue stream Yes console color and design aren t that important but the new covers are a good option for the many folks who aren t that keen on white Pre orders are now open for the new controller colors and first two console covers ーif you re planning to get one let us know below nbsp |
2021-12-13 13:43:56 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Building a Scalable Security Architecture on AWS with Cisco Secure Firewall and AWS Transit Gateway |
Building a Scalable Security Architecture on AWS with Cisco Secure Firewall and AWS Transit GatewayCisco launched AWS Gateway Load Balancer support on the Cisco Secure Firewall enabling simplified insertion of Cisco Secure Firewall in AWS |
2021-12-13 13:00:55 |
海外TECH |
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IniReader: A Simple, Tiny INI Reader |
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2021-12-13 13:29:00 |
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At least one dead from omicron as U.K. boosts response |
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Covid: First UK death recorded with Omicron variant |
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Covid: Website crashes as thousands try to book boosters |
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UK ship investigated after Danish boat capsizes |
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Tony's sorry for missing advent chocolate stunt |
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'This has been manipulated' - Hamilton radio message emerges |
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Champions League last 16 to be redrawn after error |
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Rangers face Dortmund in Europa League, plus Celtic, Leicester & Spurs find out Conference League fate |
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LifeHuck |
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習慣化を助けてくれる神ツール3つ【今日のライフハックツールまとめ】 |
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