IT |
InfoQ |
Javaニュース総まとめ: IntelliJ IDEA、JEP 421、Groovy、Open Liberty、Hibernate ORM、Eclipse Collections |
Javaニュース総まとめIntelliJIDEA、JEP、Groovy、OpenLiberty、HibernateORM、EclipseCollections今週年月日のJava総まとめでは、OpenJDK、JDK、ProjectLoomBuildloom、複数のSpringプロジェクトポイントリリース、QuarkusFinal、WildFlyBeta、OpenLiberty、HibernateORMBeta、EclipseMojarra、GraalVMNativeBuildTools、GroovyRC、EclipseCollections、IntelliJIDEA、およびJReleaserからのニュースを特集する。 |
2021-12-14 04:44:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
ClusterFuzzLiteによりGitHubアクションや他のCI/CDパイプラインでClusterFuzzを実行可能に |
ClusterFuzzLiteによりGitHubアクションや他のCICDパイプラインでClusterFuzzを実行可能にClusterFuzzLiteは、その名前が示すように、GoogleClusterFuzzの軽量バージョンだ。 |
2021-12-14 04:41:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
AWSがAmazon Redshift Serverlessを紹介 |
AWSがAmazonRedshiftServerlessを紹介サーバレス分析のオプションへのトレンドの一環として、AWSはAmazonRedshiftServerlessのパブリックプレビューを発表した。 |
2021-12-14 04:36:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
macOS Monterey 12.1配信開始。SharePlayが利用可能に、ユニバーサルコントロールは「来春」に延期 |
macosmonterey |
2021-12-14 04:31:48 |
Engadget Japanese |
ピクミン ブルーム12月コミュニティ・デイは18日(土)終日。1万歩でポインセチアのバッジ獲得 |
開催 |
2021-12-14 04:21:32 |
ロボスタ |
Gatebox、逢妻ヒカリがスマホ画面から応援してくれるアプリ「CheerPro」を発表 2022年リリース予定 |
cheerpro |
2021-12-14 04:16:37 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] Apple、月額480円の「Apple Music」Voiceプランの提供を開始 Siriを介して利用可能 |
apple |
2021-12-14 13:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 無印良品、「コオロギチョコ」を発売 昆虫食の第2弾 |
itmedia |
2021-12-14 13:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ARPARA、高解像度OLEDパネルを採用したワイヤレス対応のオールインワンVRシステム |
arparaglobaltechnology |
2021-12-14 13:03:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
フリーランスエンジニアの新しい働き方を企業に啓蒙。保障面の不安も解消するマッチングサービス「Midworks」 |
brandingengineer |
2021-12-14 04:30:57 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
MDIS、Webシステム向け認証基盤サービス「MistyAuth」、複数の認証方式を選んで導入 | IT Leaders |
MDIS、Webシステム向け認証基盤サービス「MistyAuth」、複数の認証方式を選んで導入ITLeaders三菱電機インフォメーションシステムズMDISは年月日、Webシステム向け認証基盤「統合認証サービスMistyAuth」を販売開始した。 |
2021-12-14 13:15:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] __getitem__ |
pyrbgetitemはじめに移植やってます。 |
2021-12-14 13:49:03 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavascriptのPromise,async/awaitについて調べてみた |
処理非同期処理→→→→↓↑↓処理→処理→処理→→処理結果→こんな感じですかね非同期処理によって時間がかかるような処理がある場合もその他の処理が止まることがなく動かすことができます。 |
2021-12-14 13:38:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
特定の書式のみ抽出したい |
勤務時間 |
2021-12-14 13:52:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
adobe fontsのwebプロジェクトをjsファイル内で読み込む方法 |
adobefontsのwebプロジェクトをjsファイル内で読み込む方法質問adobenbspfontsでつのフォントを使用してwebプロジェクトを作りました。 |
2021-12-14 13:28:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MySQLをインストールするとエラーが起こる |
MySQLをインストールするとエラーが起こるmacのターミナルよりHomeBrewからMySQLnbspをインストールしようとすると、以下の注意とエラーが出てしまいます。 |
2021-12-14 13:21:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ボタンを大きさをきちんと反映して右側に配置したい |
ボタンを大きさをきちんと反映して右側に配置したい前提・実現したいことボタンを作成して右側に配置したい。 |
2021-12-14 13:12:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スプレッドシートのデータコネクタのパラメータでdatetime型を渡す方法 |
クエリを実行しデータコネクタに出力されるのは画像下のようにdate型で、抽出して書式を「日時」にしてみても画像中のCのように時間情報が失われています。 |
2021-12-14 13:02:33 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] __getitem__ |
pyrbgetitemはじめに移植やってます。 |
2021-12-14 13:49:03 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS SAMのデプロイ時に不要な「Stage」が作成されてしまう問題について |
AWSSAMのデプロイ時に不要な「Stage」が作成されてしまう問題についてちょっとハマったので解決策を残しておきます。 |
2021-12-14 13:22:38 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Laravel SailでDocker環境を作ってみる |
はじめにLaravelには簡単にDocker開発環境を作成・操作できる「Sail」があるので使ってみました。 |
2021-12-14 13:38:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Upload/Download/Delete files on AWS S3 bucket using node.js |
Upload Download Delete files on AWS S bucket using node jsWhat is aws s Aws s stands for simple storage service provided by amazon web service Here are some of the use cases of aws sStatic Website Hostingyou can host any static web site which is built in react nextjs angular vue gatsby remix Archive Datayou can archive much of the data with low cost Backups most used you can store your backups like db backup every day using cron job Also there are some additional advantage of it which you can explore in aws consoleLet s understand how s works In order to use s you need to create a bucket where you want to store anything you can compare it to folder where all files are stored Each bucket has unique name and you can create folder files in the bucket It stores data as key value pair We will see in further that how it stores data in key value pair S provides storage limit to TB Generally Root user of aws creates Identity and Access Management IAM user to provide access of aws with some rules IAM user can create bucket and also can perform some operations on it In order to create IAM user you need to create account on awsOnce you have created account you can find IAM user creation option After creating IAM user create the s bucket using s option See the below image Once you click on s you will find following screen Click on the create bucket and fill all the data You will also need to select rules like permissions and all After creating a bucket aws will provide you Access key id and Secret access key Save those key in your machine because we will need those keys in order to perform any actions on it Now create a new nodejs project using following command I assume that you have downloaded node in your machine npm init y y is a flag which is used when you want to give yes to all questions which is asked when you create node project Install few dependencies to create an app npm i express dotenv express fileuploadAbove dependecies are used to create express server and upload files dotenv file is for storing the private keys provided by aws Now create index js file with following code const express require express const app express const fileUpload require express fileupload express middlewaresapp use fileUpload useTempFiles true tempFileDir tmp const PORT process env PORT app listen PORT gt console log server is running on port PORT We will need express file upload middleware to upload files we also can create own functionality to create temporary folder and store file in folder once it is uploaded we can delete that folder Let s create two folder Rotues and utils In routes folder we will create routes of api and we will send response based on actions We surely can create controller folder but as of our job can be done using route In utils utility folder we will create one file which is called s js to perform some actions based on s GO to routes folder and create file with js extension Here I have created uploadFile jsWrite following thing in that file const router require express Router const s require utils s router post upload req res gt const file req files file s uploadToS file error data gt if error return res send error Something went wrong return res send message File uploaded successfully module exports router Here we are having post method We will get one file from front end or you can use post man here s uploadToS is the function which we will create in s js file to upload file we will also return call back with data and error ImportantWe will need to install aws sdk dependency to perform action in aws sSo write following commandnpm i aws sdkAfter Installing it go to s js file and import following things const path require path const fs require fs const fileUpload require express fileupload const aws require aws sdk Now we will need to configure the aws to create connection between our app and aws configure the aws environmentaws config update accessKeyId process env AWS ACCESS KEY ID secretAccessKey process env AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY Above code is just used to create environment of s now create instance of s so we can use all methods of s initialize sconst s new aws S Now we can create our function to upload files which we are calling in our uploadFiles jsexports uploadToS file next gt const fileStream fs createReadStream file tempFilePath console log file tempFilePath const params Bucket process env AWS BUCKET NAME Body fileStream Key file name s upload params error data gt console log error data next error data So we will need some parameters to send to s so s can know that where to upload file and in which bucket to We will send bucket name Body means the data which we want to upload and key which you can give any name I will just give the file name as key name s upload method accept parameters and based on it it return call back function of data and error We will send data and error in our callback function which we are getting in uploadFiles jsNow you can go to index js and import following things const uploadFiles require routes uploadFiles you use this as a moddleware of routes our base api route will be api v app use api v uploadFiles So final index js will be look like this const express require express const app express const fileUpload require express fileupload express middlewaresapp use express json app use express urlencoded extended true app use fileUpload useTempFiles true tempFileDir tmp all routesconst uploadFiles require routes uploadFiles route middlewaresapp use api v uploadFiles config http serverconst PORT process env PORT app listen PORT gt console log server is running on port PORT Now we can use our api in postman localhost api v upload is the url to can api See the image below to select configuration to send file I have selected image file so it will be uploaded on s You Also can verify on s whether it is uploaded or not Once it is uploaded we will get following metadata by s ETag some random string Location your url of file key horizontal tagline on white by logaster jpeg Key horizontal tagline on white by logaster jpeg Bucket your bucket nameWe can store key and location in our db so in future we can select or delete anything based on key Now we can create download and delete file functionality which is much easier Since we need bucket name in all the parameter which we will pass in all methods I will make and object so we don t need to write it again const constantParams Bucket process env AWS BUCKET NAME So now Our s js file will look like this const path require path const fs require fs const fileUpload require express fileupload const aws require aws sdk configure the aws environmentaws config update accessKeyId process env AWS ACCESS KEY ID secretAccessKey process env AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY initialize sconst s new aws S constant paramsconst constantParams Bucket process env AWS BUCKET NAME upload file to s buckerexports uploadToS file next gt const fileStream fs createReadStream file tempFilePath const params constantParams Body fileStream Key file name s upload params error data gt console log error data next error data download file from s bucketexports getFileFromS key gt const downloadParams Key key constantParams return s getObject downloadParams createReadStream delete file from s buckerexports deleteFileFromS key next gt const deleteParams Key key constantParams s deleteObject deleteParams error data gt next error data s getObject method used when we want to get any file from ss deleteObject method will delete the file As you can see in above code our function for download and delete is expecting the key which we get by s so we can pass that keyNow our uploadFiles js file will look like this const router require express Router const s require utils s router post upload req res gt const file req files file s uploadToS file error data gt console log commit if error return res send error Something went wrong return res send message File uploaded successfully router get getFile async req res gt try let fileToSend await s getFileFromS horizontal tagline on white by logaster jpeg fileToSend pipe res catch error res send error Server Error router delete deleteFile req res gt s deleteFileFromS horizontal tagline on white by logaster jpeg error data gt if error return res send error Can not delete file Please try again later return res send message File has been deleted successfully module exports router Now you can call both download and delete api the end point of both api will be download file localhost api v getFile keydelete file localhost api v getFile keyI am passing the key directly because we didn t saved it in our db but in real scenario we will be saving key in db and fetching keys to perform actions So this is how you can perform some actions on s Trust me it is very easy than it seems and also depends how you want to craft you app Hope you get something from this article If you still confused at any point then please comment below Thanks |
2021-12-14 04:44:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 10 Gifts For the Developer in Your Life |
Top Gifts For the Developer in Your LifeIt s gift buying season and I don t know about you but I enjoy giving great gifts Not to sound mushy but making my friends and family members feel loved and appreciated is what makes the holiday season so special I will admit that sometimes I feel stressed searching for that perfect gift If you re feeling the pressure to show your software engineering friend or family member that you care this blog post should ease your worries Of course preferences vary from person to person but you can t go wrong by giving a software developer swag hardware or educational resources The DevRel team at GitHub curated a list of specific items that the software developers in your life are sure to love The OctoplushCosting only this collectible plush represents the Octocat the mascot of the source code hosting service GitHub This Octoplush is made of new polyester material made by Squishables and is fun for everyone ages three years and up Purchase it here Mechanical KeyboardFor employees in the tech industry mechanical keyboards are all the rage Now that many of us are working from home designing and decorating your home office for ultimate productivity is fun and therapeutic Adding a mechanical keyboard with an LED backlight can brighten your loved one s environment Check out Drop to purchase the mechanical keyboard of your developer friend s dreams GitHub KeycapWhile we are on the subject of keyboards why not give a GitHub Keycap Software engineers can use it as a boss key a panic button or a reminder of how to exit vim Help them exhibit passion for collaborative coding for only Buy it here Udemy CourseSome people collect shoes or Pokemon cards software engineers collect Udemy courses On udemy com click gift this course on the chosen course sales page to help the software developer in your life upskill Here are the directions on gifting a udemy course GitHub YubiKeyThis GitHub branded YubiKey serves as a hardware based authentication solution that provides superior defense against phishing eliminates account takeovers and enables compliance requirements for strong authentication This holiday you can protect the identity of a friend or family member for only through the GitHub store O Reilly MembershipO Reilly offers an online library of over titles including ebooks interactive videos live courses and case studies Users can access their offering via laptop or mobile device Make learning on the go easier for a software developer by purchasing an O Reilly membership Desktop Cable OrganizerTechnologists have to manage a lot of wires ranging from monitor power cables to headphone adapters Help them organize their cables with this Cable Management Sleeve from Amazon priced at Raspberry PiThis relatively small device has many use cases such as a game console a desktop computer a home theater and much more Engineers can tinker with a Raspberry Pi for only Macropad RPThis Macro keypad works as a second keyboard Plug the MacroPad RP into any computer to send a function key message Coders can program the device to do much more including playing music designing games and generating passwords for two factor authentication Buy it on Adafruit Your year in code rememberedWho doesn t like to go down memory lane Affirm a software engineer of their technical and career growth with a shirt poster or D model of their GitHub contribution graph Let us know if you own any of these items or if this list was helpful for you Enjoy the holidays |
2021-12-14 04:41:06 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
オミクロン株、空港検疫関連は計17例に-厚労省、陽性検体で新たに4例確認と発表 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-12-14 13:55:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
リー首相、新型コロナ・オミクロン株対応はブースター接種がカギ |
首相 |
2021-12-14 04:50:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米国、人権を主眼とした輸出管理イニシアチブを4カ国で立ち上げ |
輸出 |
2021-12-14 04:20:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Global supply chain: Toyota extends Japan production stoppages |
carmaker |
2021-12-14 04:31:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: UK race for boosters as NHS put on crisis footing |
booster |
2021-12-14 04:56:10 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
インドネシア沖でM7・3 津波の恐れ、日本影響なし |
地質調査所 |
2021-12-14 13:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
愛知の中3刺殺容疑で家裁送致 14歳少年、銃刀法違反も |
家裁送致 |
2021-12-14 13:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
太平洋マグロ枠訴訟 漁業者側の控訴棄却 札幌高裁 |
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2021-12-14 13:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
セコマと星野リゾートが提携 セコマカード会員に道内施設利用割引 |
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2021-12-14 13:09:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米下院、前政権幹部の訴追要求 メドウズ氏、証言拒否で特別委 |
特別委員会 |
2021-12-14 13:03:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「iOS 15.2」配信開始 Apple Musicの新プラン対応やユーザーの死後にアカウントを任せる人の指定機能追加 |
applemusic |
2021-12-14 13:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
サンワダイレクト、高さ約5cmでPC用ディスプレーの下に設置できるサウンドバースピーカー「400-SP099」発売 |
高さ |
2021-12-14 13:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
新作対戦格闘ゲーム『KOF XV』に参戦する「クローネン」のキャラクタートレーラーが公開! |
kofxv |
2021-12-14 13:20:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Post Game Thread: Los Angeles Rams at Arizona Cardinals |
Post Game Thread Los Angeles Rams at Arizona CardinalsLos Angeles Rams at Arizona Cardinals State Farm Stadium Network s ESPN Time Clock Final Q Q Q Q Total Rams Cardnials Last Play END GAME Team Type Quarter Description ARI FG M Prater yard field goal is GOOD Center A Brewer Holder A Lee LA TD Shotgun M Stafford pass short left to O Beckham for yards TOUCHDOWN LA PAT M Gay extra point is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker LA FG M Gay yard field goal is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker ARI TD Shotgun J Conner up the middle for yard TOUCHDOWN ARI PAT M Prater extra point is GOOD Center A Brewer Holder A Lee LA FG M Gay yard field goal is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker ARI FG M Prater yard field goal is GOOD Center A Brewer Holder A Lee LA TD M Stafford pass deep middle to V Jefferson for yards TOUCHDOWN LA PAT M Gay extra point is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker LA TD Shotgun M Stafford pass short right to C Kupp for yards TOUCHDOWN LA PAT M Gay extra point is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker ARI TD Shotgun Direct snap to J Conner J Conner left tackle for yards TOUCHDOWN ARI PAT M Prater extra point is GOOD Center A Brewer Holder A Lee LA FG M Gay yard field goal is GOOD Center M Orzech Holder J Hekker ARI FG M Prater yard field goal is GOOD Center A Brewer Holder A Lee Team Penalties Penalty Yards Rushing Yards Passing Yards First Downs Rams Cardnials TEAM LEADERS PASSING Team Player CP ATT YDS TD INT AZ Kyler Murray LA Matthew Stafford RUSHING Team Player CAR YDS TD AVG AZ Kyler Murray LA Sony Michel RECEIVING Team Player REC YDS TD TGTS AZ A J Green LA Cooper Kupp DEFENSE Team Player T A SACK TFL AZ Jordan Hicks LA Jordan Fuller This was created by a bot For issues or suggestions please message u nfl gdt bot NFL changed a lot during the offseason so improvements will be made during the season Note All data is only as accurate as nfl com Missing data is likely on their end submitted by u nfl gdt bot to r LosAngelesRams link comments |
2021-12-14 04:16:58 |