IT |
気になる、記になる… |
iTunes Storeの「今週の映画」、今週は「男はつらいよ お帰り 寅さん」(レンタル102円) |
apple |
2021-12-22 03:37:58 |
Engadget Japanese |
12/22限定:GoPro HERO9 Black 旅行者セットが25%オフ! 最新モデルもクーポン割引あり |
amazon |
2021-12-22 03:25:40 |
Engadget Japanese |
プライバシー重視のDuckDuckGo、デスクトップブラウザを開発中 |
duckduckgo |
2021-12-22 03:20:16 |
ロボスタ |
ロボスタ【下半期】人気記事ランキング発表 東京五輪や空飛ぶバイク、話題のロボット達を抑えて1位はあのCM |
東京五輪 |
2021-12-22 03:10:44 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ANAの『鬼滅の刃』コラボ機、2022年1月末に就航へ |
itmedia |
2021-12-22 12:52:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] たき火の音や鈴虫の声をボタン1つで サンコー「俺の環境音」 |
itmedia |
2021-12-22 12:27:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] マウスが「年末年始セール」を実施中 最大7万7000円引き |
itmediapcuser |
2021-12-22 12:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ハイブリッド開催の「CES 2022」、リアル基調講演予定のT-Mobileがオミクロンでキャンセル |
itmedia |
2021-12-22 12:12:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
事業者と後継者をつなぐ「relay」、愛知県の事業継承をサポート |
relay |
2021-12-22 03:00:35 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS のディザスタリカバリ (DR) アーキテクチャ、パート III: パイロットライトとウォームスタンバイ |
いずれの戦略においても、レプリケーションに加えてリカバリリージョンで継続的なバックアップを作成する必要があります。 |
2021-12-22 03:18:22 |
AWS Japan Blog |
[DevAx::connect番外編] CDK実践勉強会の資料およびQ&A公開 |
Q既存のAWSリソース他のCloudFormationテンプレートやCDKプロジェクト、あるいはマネジメントコンソールで作成したものをCDKから参照できますかはい、あるCDKプロジェクトの外部で管理されているリソースの多くは、Lookup系のメソッドを使うことで参照できます。 |
2021-12-22 03:12:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSが反映されない |
CSSが反映されない昨日まではちゃんとCSSも反映されて作業できていたのですが、今日突然CSSが反映されなくなりました。 |
2021-12-22 12:56:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
マウスドラッグでアニメーション付きリスト入れ替えを実装したい |
2021-12-22 12:54:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Sublime text 3 の設定画面の表示がおかしい |
Sublimetextの設定画面の表示がおかしいSublimenbsptextnbspnbspにて設定画面に入ると、空白になっている箇所がピンク色で覆われて表示されます動作そのものに支障はないのですが気分が悪いので空白になっている箇所は普通の表示にしたいです。 |
2021-12-22 12:53:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
文字列の中で変数を展開したい |
2021-12-22 12:51:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
nodeのバージョンの変更の仕方について |
nodeのバージョンをvにして作業していきたいのですがその作業が思い通りにいかず詰まっています。 |
2021-12-22 12:34:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
usb serial for androidで受信ができない |
2021-12-22 12:30:58 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】タイムゾーンを日本時間に変更する |
ltusercreatedatstrftimeYmdHMSgtltおすすめ方法gtlメソッドでDRYに書式を指定する手順①日本語化設定②フォーマット作成③viewに記入①日本語化設定configapplicationrbファイルにconfigindefaultlocalejaを追加。 |
2021-12-22 12:14:59 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
複数のGitリポジトリをまとめてPullするBat |
複数のGitリポジトリをまとめてPullするBatbatファイルが置かれているフォルダは以下のすべてのGitリポジトリに対して、stash→pull→stashpopを行う。 |
2021-12-22 12:59:27 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】タイムゾーンを日本時間に変更する |
ltusercreatedatstrftimeYmdHMSgtltおすすめ方法gtlメソッドでDRYに書式を指定する手順①日本語化設定②フォーマット作成③viewに記入①日本語化設定configapplicationrbファイルにconfigindefaultlocalejaを追加。 |
2021-12-22 12:14:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Php Operator |
Php OperatorArithmetic OperatorsArithmetic operators work with numeric values to perform common arithmetical operations lt php num num Additionecho num num Substractionecho num num Multiplicationecho num num Divisionecho num num gt ModulusThe modulus operator represented by the sign returns the remainder of the division of the first operand by the second operand lt php x y echo x y gt Increment amp DecrementThe increment operators are used to increment a variable s value The decrement operators are used to decrement a variable s value lt php x equivalent to x x x equivalent to x x gt Increment and decrement operators either precede or follow a variable lt php x post increment x post decrement x pre increment x pre decrement gt The difference is that the post increment returns the original value before it changes the variable while the pre increment changes the variable first and then returns the value Example lt php a b a a b a b a a b gt |
2021-12-22 03:32:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Bash Scripting Concepts: Part 2 of 2 |
Bash Scripting Concepts Part of OverviewThis is the second part of the tutorial If not done already please read the first part Bash Scripting Concepts Part of Working with loopsBash provides three ways of creating loops for loop for a predefined number of timeswhile loop while the exit condition is true The condition is evaluated before executing tasks until loop until the exit condition is true The condition is evaluated after executing tasks In addition to the loop condition Bash provides two statements that can be used to control the loop execution flow break forces the loop to stop continue forces the loop to skip remaining tasks and start the next iteration Command whileIn the following example the loop iterates times The loop condition is evaluated after all commands in the code block are executed bin bashdeclare i count declare i max while count lt max do printf counter s n count count count done Command untilUsing the same structure as in the while example notice that now the loop iterates times only This is because the loop condition is evaluated before executing the code block bin bashdeclare i count declare i max until count max do printf counter s n count count count done Command forIn the case of the for loop the iteration is predefined Instead of having a loop condition the loop variable count will be assigned each value in the list bin bashdeclare i countfor count in do printf counter s n count done Working with conditionalsBash provides the following options for implementing conditional execution logical OR evaluates the execution of two commands and sets the exit status to zero if any associated exit status is zero amp amp logical AND evaluates the execution of two commands and sets the exit status to zero if all associated exit statuses are zero logical NOT evaluates the execution of a command and sets the exit status to zero if the associated exit status is not zero performs logical evaluation on the integer expression and sets the exit status to zero if true evaluates the literal expression and sets the exit status to zero if true if executes a command and if the exit status is zero then performs additional actions case compares the provided value against a list of patterns and executes the commands upon match As mentioned before Bash interprets the exit status of commands as true gt falseIn the following examples true and false are external commands that emulates true and false values exist status and respectively Logical OR bin bashtrue falseprintf evaluation result of true false s n true trueprintf evaluation result of true true s n false falseprintf evaluation result of false false s n false trueprintf evaluation result of false true s n Logical AND amp amp bin bashtrue amp amp falseprintf evaluation result of true amp amp false s n true amp amp trueprintf evaluation result of true amp amp true s n false amp amp falseprintf evaluation result of false amp amp false s n false amp amp trueprintf evaluation result of false amp amp true s n Logical NOT bin bash trueprintf evaluation result of true s n falseprintf evaluation result of false s n Arithmetic Expression Evaluation The form accepts several logical operators Some of them are equal not equal gt greater than lt less than gt greater than or equal lt less than or equal bin bashdeclare i test RANDOM test gt printf evaluation result of s gt s n test Expression Evaluation The form accepts several logical operators and tests Some of them are equal not equal z string is empty n string is not empty f path is a fileFor and the special character can be used as a wildcard to match zero or more characters to the right bin bashdeclare test RANDOM test printf evaluation result of s s n test Command ifIn the following example arithmetic evaluation is used Notice that quotes are not required within bin bashdeclare i test RANDOM if test gt then printf test value s is equal or greater than n test elif test gt test lt then printf test value s is between and n test else printf test value s is less than than n test fi Command case bin bashdeclare i test RANDOM case test in printf Random number s starts with or n test printf Random number s starts with n test printf Random number s does not start with or n test esac Redirecting data flowsBash provides two alternatives for establishing data flows RedirectionSet read source for STDINSet write destination for STDOUTSet write destination for STDERRPipelines integrate two commands by plugging the STDOUT from the first one to the STDIN of the second one RedirectionIn the following example two functions will communicate with each other using a common file bin bashreadonly DATA BRIDGE mktemp function produce data printf produce data write data to the temporary file s by redirectin the STDOUT of the printf command n DATA BRIDGE printf sample data n gt DATA BRIDGE function ingest data printf ingest data read data from the temporary file s by redirecting the STDIN of the cat command DATA BRIDGE cat lt DATA BRIDGE produce dataingest datarm f DATA BRIDGE PipelinesThis example shows an alternative way of integrating both functions using pipelines bin bashfunction produce data printf sample data n function ingest data cat printf Integrate functions produce data and ingest data by piping their STDIN and STDOUT produce data ingest data Next StepsDiscover advanced features by exploring the Bash Reference Manual jobssignalstrapsparallelismerror handlingconfiguration settingsOrganize your code by choosing a coding style For example Google Shell Style GuideEnhance script s quality by incorporating linter and testing tools Shell CheckBasts Core Copyright informationThis article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License For copyright information on the product or products mentioned inhere refer to their respective owner DisclaimerOpinions presented in this article are personal and belong solely to me and do not represent people or organizations associated with me in a professional or personal way All the information on this site is provided as is with no guarantee of completeness accuracy or the results obtained from the use of this information |
2021-12-22 03:07:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Bash Scripting Concepts: Part 1 of 2 |
Bash Scripting Concepts Part of OverviewBash is a tool that provides a text based user interface for managing operating system resources It s also the run time environment for a simple interpreted programming language that can be used to create scripts for automating tasks Bash is the evolution of the popular Born Shell sh a de facto standard among Unix like operating systems It provides all the features of its predecessor plus a new set of built ins and configuration settings Using BashThere are three common use cases for Bash User shell configured at the operating system level provides the shell for user login either local or remote Script run time provides the execution run time for Bash scriptsTemporal shell provides an interactive shell session on top of the user shell The new session is a sub process of the actual user or a different user when using privilege delegation tools such as SuDO This tutorial will focus on the scripts run time use case Script structureBash scripts are text files describing a sequence of commands Commands can be either built in or external Linux apps Commands are separated from each other by the new line character standard line separator for Linux Unix systems Long lines can be split using the scape character Commands can be grouped on the same line using the semicolon separator Commands and arguments are separated using one or more spaces Although not required it s recommended that the first line of the script contains bin bashScript files must have execution and read permissions if used directly or just read only permissions if called using Bash For example bin bashecho echo and printf are built in commands printf pwd is an external Linux command that shows the current directory pwdprintf multiple printf commands printf on the same line n printf s s s n single command using multiple lines Using Variables DeclarationVariables in Bash are created using a declaration command and the equal symbol to associate the variable name to its value Notice that there should be no spaces before and after the assignment symbol declare variable name variable value Bash provides the following built in commands for declaring variables CommandUsageScopeexportDeclare global variablesScript wide and sub processesreadonlyDeclare readonly variables constants Script widedeclareDeclare script level variablesScript widelocalDeclare function level variablesFunction wideConsider the following best practices Declare variables at the beginning of the code block Declare and initialize all the variables that the script will use Readonly and exported variables should be named using all uppercase Use single quotes for static content Retreive variable s valueTo use the value of a variable prepend the dollar symbol to the name of the variable surrounded by brackets As a best practice surround variable expansion with double quotes echo test variable Bash also provides processing functions that can be used for altering the value before the expansion For example bin bashdeclare var word declare var WORD declare var AbCdE printf replace value with its length var s n var printf right strip from pattern var s n var printf left strip from pattern var s n var printf convert to uppercase var s n var printf convert to lowercase var s n var Data TypesBash supports four data types TypeDeclaration commandstringdeclareintegerdeclare iarraydeclare aassociative arraydeclare AEven though there is no explicit boolean data type Bash interprets the exit status of commands as exit status trueexit status gt false ParametersParameters are special variables that are automatically created when a function or script is called with arguments The variable name is created by using a single number to represent the position of the word in the argument list bash say hello bash to my little friend bin bashdeclare msg Variable assigned to the first variabledeclare msg Variable assigned to the second variabledeclare msg Variable assigned to the third variabledeclare msg Variable assigned to the forth variableprintf say hello s s s s n msg msg msg msg Shell ExpansionIn addition to variables Bash provides additional features for generating dynamic values Command Expansion Execute the command in a sub process and expand its STDOUT Arithmetic Expansion Evaluate the arithmetic expression and use the resulting value for the expansion lt File Expansion Read the content of a file and use it for the expansion For example bin bashprintf Command Expansion echo hello world s n n echo hello world printf Arithmetic Expansion s n n printf File Expansion lt etc os release n s n lt etc os release Working with processesBefore going into the details let s review the following key concepts about Unix processes A process is a running app that is executed from an already running process parent For scripts the parent process is the one running the Bash run time The Operating System assigns unique integer identifiers to each process PID Process ID Processes have data paths STDIN standard input process can read data from this path STDOUT standard output process can write data to this path STDERR standard error process can write error diagnostic data to this path Exit status numeric value that represents the final execution status of the process In general successful execution gt failed execution The app can assign different numbers to further describe the error Bash provides the following features for interacting with processes Variables show process information exit status of the last executed command BASHPID PID of the current Bash processRedirection redirect the data flow from the STDIN STDOUT and STDERRPipelines integrate two processes by creating a pipe between the STDOUT from one to the STDIN of the otherAdditional features are available but no covered in the current tutorial jobs signals traps parallelism etc Implementing FunctionsTo declare a function in Bash use the following structure function lt FUNCTION NAME gt lt COMMANDS gt return lt EXIT STATUS gt Functions in Bash behave in a similar way to scripts and commands Can be called directly from the script or command lineUse positional parameters that are automatically assigned to N variablesHave exit statusCan send data to STDOUT and STDERRCan receive data from STDINCan be used in complex command sequences amp amp Let s create a function with all the concepts seen so far bin bashreadonly TEST READONLY content of this variable is constant and can not be modified afterwords export TEST EXPORT content of this variable is visible everywhere declare test declare this variable is declared at the script level declare i function result function test function local test parameter local test parameter default default value local test local this variable is available only inside this function local test static initialize a static variable local test dynamic initialize a dynamic variable test static this variable has static content test dynamic echo this dynamic variable is assigned at execution time printf Show variable content from inside a function n n printf first parameter s n test parameter printf second parameter default value s n test parameter default printf local static variable s n test static printf local dynamic variable s n test dynamic printf exported variable s n TEST EXPORT printf readonly variable s n TEST READONLY printf declared variable s n test declare return test function this value is assigned to the first parameter function result printf nShow the same variables but outside the function n n printf local variable s n test local printf local static variable s n test static printf local dynamic variable s n test dynamic printf exported variable s n TEST EXPORT printf readonly variable s n TEST READONLY printf declared variable s n test declare printf nShow the exit status return value of the function s n function result printf nShow current PID of the Bash run time s n BASHPID Next StepsContinue reading the second part of the tutorial Bash Scripting Concepts Part of Copyright informationThis article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License For copyright information on the product or products mentioned inhere refer to their respective owner DisclaimerOpinions presented in this article are personal and belong solely to me and do not represent people or organizations associated with me in a professional or personal way All the information on this site is provided as is with no guarantee of completeness accuracy or the results obtained from the use of this information |
2021-12-22 03:06:52 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
In a Boston Court, a Superstar of Science Falls to Earth |
In a Boston Court a Superstar of Science Falls to EarthA jury found Harvard chemist Charles Lieber guilty of lying to the federal government about his participation in China s Thousand Talents recruitment program |
2021-12-22 03:06:18 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
医科0.26%、調剤0.08%引き上げへ-本体“実質プラス改定”で決着 |
医療行為 |
2021-12-22 12:21:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)クルーバー |
新規上場 |
2021-12-22 13:00:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)ハイブリッドテクノロジーズ |
新規上場 |
2021-12-22 13:00:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)エクサウィザーズ |
新規上場 |
2021-12-22 13:00:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:三和油化工業(株) |
三和油化工業株東証新規上場日 |
2021-12-22 13:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Typhoon Rai’s deadly path through Philippines ‘exceeded all predictions,’ forecaster says |
Typhoon Rai s deadly path through Philippines exceeded all predictions forecaster saysA lack of real time data and case studies of similar storms in the region made it difficult for forecasters to predict just how much the |
2021-12-22 12:30:12 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Declassified papers show U.S. asked Japan for SDF support during 1990 Gulf crisis |
Declassified papers show U S asked Japan for SDF support during Gulf crisisJapan did not fulfill the request to involve the SDF in the Gulf War effort although it did deploy minesweepers in the Persian Gulf |
2021-12-22 12:17:17 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Eight clubs in the race to sign 54-year-old ‘King Kazu’ Kazuyoshi Miura |
Eight clubs in the race to sign year old King Kazu Kazuyoshi MiuraOffers have arrived from Suzuka Point Getters and FC Osaka of the Japan Football League one tier below the J League s third tier J while he is |
2021-12-22 12:23:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Self-isolation cut from 10 days to seven with negative test |
negative |
2021-12-22 03:26:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid Omicron: European nations reinstate restrictions |
continent |
2021-12-22 03:30:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
No new Covid rules for England before Christmas |
omicron |
2021-12-22 03:05:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: From a UK wedding to the streets of Kabul, in 24 hours |
afghanistan |
2021-12-22 03:43:20 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
前澤友作さんのマネジャー、民間人飛行士として宇宙に行く。 |
代表取締役 |
2021-12-22 12:47:23 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
金融機関向け「Google Cloud」対応セキュリティリファレンスの公開 |
金融機関向け「GoogleCloud」対応セキュリティリファレンス概要GoogleCloudが発表しているコントロールマッピングの内容をもとにFISC安全対策基準のガイドラインが要求している事項への対応を検討するにあたり、GoogleCloudが提供するセキュリティ機能などを踏まえ、留意すべき事項をまとめたもの想定利用者GoogleCloud上に金融システム・サービスを構築し、提供する金融機関・ITベンダー・システム開発会社、およびGoogleCloudの講じている安全管理措置の内容を把握したい金融機関等の関係者グーグル・クラウド・ジャパン上級執行役員パートナー事業担当の石積尚幸は、次のように述べています。 |
2021-12-22 05:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
22年度予算案107兆6千億円 税収最高、国債2年ぶり減 |
一般会計総額 |
2021-12-22 12:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証、午前終値は2万8548円 米株高好感も利益確保売り |
前日終値 |
2021-12-22 12:06:22 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
プレゼンのヘタな人が知らない「話し方」3大要素 内容や演出が物足りなければ人の心は動かせない | ワークスタイル | 東洋経済オンライン |
技術開発 |
2021-12-22 13:00:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
もはやリア充、若者が自宅で励む「推しごと」事情 持て余す「おうち時間」を若者はこう活用する | Z世代のリアル | 東洋経済オンライン |
若者たち |
2021-12-22 12:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『FFXIV』に新たな高難度レイド「万魔殿パンデモニウム:辺獄編」が登場! |
ffxiv |
2021-12-22 12:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ペヤング大容量の「ペタマックスたぬきそば風」天ぷらは5枚も! |
天ぷら |
2021-12-22 12:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
【人事】日本ATM(2022年1月1日付) |
日本 |
2021-12-22 03:31:05 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
【人事】ヴィンクス(2022年1月1日付) |
年月日 |
2021-12-22 03:31:02 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
広告会社のアートディレクターが、なぜ自主制作をするのか。 漫画#壺レコ 29~33話 |
広告会社のアートディレクターが、なぜ自主制作をするのか。 |
2021-12-22 03:23:03 |
Cloud Blog JA |
金融機関向け「Google Cloud」対応セキュリティリファレンスの公開 |
金融機関向け「GoogleCloud」対応セキュリティリファレンス概要GoogleCloudが発表しているコントロールマッピングの内容をもとにFISC安全対策基準のガイドラインが要求している事項への対応を検討するにあたり、GoogleCloudが提供するセキュリティ機能などを踏まえ、留意すべき事項をまとめたもの想定利用者GoogleCloud上に金融システム・サービスを構築し、提供する金融機関・ITベンダー・システム開発会社、およびGoogleCloudの講じている安全管理措置の内容を把握したい金融機関等の関係者グーグル・クラウド・ジャパン上級執行役員パートナー事業担当の石積尚幸は、次のように述べています。 |
2021-12-22 05:00:00 |