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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】Tkinterを使って✜マークを記述 https://qiita.com/shi_ei/items/ce464b0b2d8f401ad71a 【Python】Tkinterを使って✜マークを記述PythonとTkinterを使って✜マークを記述するコード。 2021-12-24 01:37:48
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】turtleを使って⌘(command)マークを記述 https://qiita.com/shi_ei/items/c5978236a417ee0374d9 command 2021-12-24 01:32:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AtcoderのB問題が分かりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/375323?rss=all AtcoderのB問題が分かりません。 2021-12-24 01:55:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) firebase/appのインポートでエラーが出ている https://teratail.com/questions/375322?rss=all firebaseappのインポートでエラーが出ているJavaScriptの初心者です。 2021-12-24 01:31:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C++のstd::functionを受け取る関数の定義で、複数の引数を受け取るstd::functionを指定したい https://teratail.com/questions/375321?rss=all Cのstdfunctionを受け取る関数の定義で、複数の引数を受け取るstdfunctionを指定したい質問関数の引数として関数を渡すためにstdfunctionをusingnamespacestdintfunfunctionltintintgtinFunreturninFunという風に使えると思うのですが、複数の引数に対応した形でusingnamespacestdintfunfunctionltintintintgtinFunreturninFunという風に書くとエラーが出ます。 2021-12-24 01:09:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Ranking機能を実装したい(親モデル・子モデル・孫モデルを用いて) https://teratail.com/questions/375320?rss=all Ranking機能を実装したい親モデル・子モデル・孫モデルを用いて皆様のお力添えをいただけないでしょうか現在、ダイエットのためのレコーディングを行えるサイトを作成しています。 2021-12-24 01:07:27
技術ブログ Developers.IO Log4j 脆弱性攻撃の遮断を開始した当ブログサイトのAWS WAF設定を紹介します https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/devio-waf-block-log4j2/ sizerestrictionsbody 2021-12-23 16:51:04
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is Slack Workflow Builder and How Does It Work? https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-slack-workflow-builder-how-it-work/ routine 2021-12-23 16:30:42
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Play Google Stadia Games for Free https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-play-free-google-stadia-games/ stadia 2021-12-23 16:00:40
海外TECH DEV Community CSS Transformations https://dev.to/developerfarid/css-transformations-3gjg CSS Transformations CSS TransformationsCSS transformations can be split into two categories two dimensional and three dimensional We ll look at two dimensional transformations first Two dimensional CSS transformations operate on the X horizontal and Y vertical axes CSS Transform TranslateThe translate method translates or moves a page element up down left and or right on the page by a specified amount In the parenthesis the first number specifies the horizontal distance and the second number specifies the vertical distance For example we can translate our div by a number of pixels transform translate px px TranslateX In addition to translate we also have the translateX and translateY methods translateX moves an element only horizontally and takes one argument transform translateX px TranslateY Similarly the translateY method moves an element vertically It also takes just one argument transform translateY px CSS Transform ScaleThe scale method changes the size of the target element If we provide one argument this increases or decreases the size of our div by a multiple of its original size transform scale CSS Transform RotateThe rotate function as you might guess rotates an element By default the element will rotate around its center We can specify the rotation in terms of degrees radians or turns from turn to turn transform rotate deg CSS Transform SkewThe skew method skews or slants an element along its X and or Y axes Its arguments specify the horizontal and vertical angle of the skew respectively transform skew deg deg The CSS transform origin Propertytransform origin is another CSS property that can be used with transform The transform origin property changes the position of the origin the point where the transformation starts or is based around This is most clearly demonstrated with the rotate method We can use transform origin to move the center point of rotation transform rotate deg transform origin top left CSS Transform PerspectiveThe perspective value sets the depth of the element on the Z axis It toggles how “close or “far away the element appears perspective is used in conjunction with other D transformation methods as we ll see next CSS Transform rotateX and rotateY Like rotate the rotateX and rotateY values rotate our div but “around the X and Y axes transform perspective px rotateY deg transform perspective px rotateY deg transform perspective px rotateY deg Don t forget to share this post 2021-12-23 16:42:29
海外TECH DEV Community Context API https://dev.to/kazimdmehedihasan/context-api-4c1h Context APIThe notion of Context API was first introduced in React with the release of version By this React applications have become easier in terms of the global state concept What is Context API Context API is an idea to produce global variables These variables then can be passed around within the application Any component that requires to access the variables AKA “state can easily be done with the help of Context API One can say that Context API is a lightweight version of Redux How does it work There s a built in function in react called createContext This function is required to incorporate Context API in any React application createContext returns a Provider and a Consumer Provider serves the children components with state If you have any idea about redux store provider kind of acts like that If you re not familiar with redux that s absolutely fine Think Context API as a Jug of Juice and to all the components it supplies juice via the Provider Take the components as mugs to which you re going to pour juice Juice here represents the passable state Provider as a funnel through which juice doesn t go outside the mugs Consumers are the component which takes in the states and uses them In terms of our analogy The “Mugs are the Consumers Why use Context API We often need to pass our state across components Sometimes what happens is that we need to pass state in multiple components in the application And those happen to be in multiple level In those scenarios we need to do some improvisations Either we do lift up state or we have to drill the props Which is repetitive We may have to pass a prop to a component where we are never going to use that prop It just acts as a corridor for that prop to pass It makes the application unorganized To get rid of this inconvenience Context API was introduced in React V Which eliminates code repetition and makes the process satisfactory How to use Context API No hanky panky We ll go straight down to the example to understand the Context API better Create a folder called contexts convention in your root app directory Create a file with a name you like i e customContext jsCreate context with the help of “createContext function and import it in your custom context file import React createContext from react const CustomContext createContext Create a component that will wrap the child components with provider const CustomProvider children gt const name setName useState Kamaluddin Jaffory const age setAge useState const happyBirthday gt setAge age return lt CustomContext Provider value name age happyBirthday gt children lt CustomContext Provider gt Create a higher order component to receive the context The standard naming convention starts with “with const withUser Child gt props gt lt CustomContext Consumer gt context gt lt Child props context gt Another option is context gt lt Child props context context gt lt CustomContext Consumer gt Then export themexport CustomProvider withUser And finally use them however you like the most return lt CustomProvider gt lt App gt lt CustomProvider gt 2021-12-23 16:22:36
海外TECH DEV Community Defining the web3 stack https://dev.to/dabit3/defining-the-web3-stack-39ef Defining the web stackThis post was originally published on the Edge amp Node blogI transitioned into web in April after being a traditional full stack developer for around years While diving into all of these new technologies and ideas the first thing I wanted to know was “what is the web stack When building a traditional web or mobile application I often depend on a handful of building blocks to get the job done API app servers REST or GraphQL Authentication layer managed or hand rolled DatabaseClient side frameworks platforms and librariesFile storageUsing these core components I can build out most of the types of applications I would like to or at least get most of the way there So what did this look like in web It turns out the answer to this is not so straightforward because The paradigm is completely different in many waysThe web tools technologies and ecosystem are less mature than webIt was also harder for me to understand how to get up and running with and build out web applications because I was approaching the problems in the same way that I was in the web world After working researching experimenting and building things over the past months or so I d like to share what I ve learned What is web Before we define the web stack let s attempt to define web There are countless definitions depending on who you ask but to me I find this definition spot on Web is the stack of protocols that enable fully decentralized applications With this decentralized tech stack we can begin building out decentralized applications which have their own set implications and characteristics Some of the characteristics enabled by web are Decentralized web infrastructureOwnership of data and platform Native digital paymentsSelf sovereign identityDistributed trust less amp robust infrastructureOpen public composable back endsLet s start diving into the web stack broken into this set of categories BlockchainBlockchain development environmentFile storagePP DatabasesAPI Indexing amp querying IdentityClient frameworks and libraries Other protocols BlockchainThere are countless blockchains that you can choose to build on There is no single one that is the best instead you should consider the various tradeoffs between them One thing that is often important to me when learning something new is the idea of applying the Pareto principle to what I m learning i e what is the most efficient way to get the most out of that amount of time and effort Following this idea I can gain the most traction and momentum while learning something new in the shortest amount of time In the Blockchain world learning Solidity and the EVM or ethereum virtual machine might be the best bet when getting started as a blockchain developer Using this skillset and tech stack you can build not only for Ethereum but other Ethereum Layer s sidechains and even other blockchains like Avalanche Fantom and Celo That being said Rust is beginning to become more and more popular in the blockchain world with Solana NEAR Polkadot and others having first class Rust support You probably can t really go wrong learning either but for the beginner I d say that Solidity will still be the better choice if someone asked me today Beyond that advice here is an incomplete sample of blockchains that have a solid combination of technology utility community momentum and future viability Ethereum original smart contract platformZK rollups ZKSync Starknet Hermez High throughput Ethereum layer s but not natively EVM compatibleOptimistic rollups Arbitrum amp Optimism Ethereum layer s EVM compatible learn more about the differences between optimistic and ZK rollups here Polygon Ethereum sidechainSolana high throughput inexpensive transactions fast block times but harder to learn than EVM Rust NEAR Layer blockchain can write smart contracts in Rust or AssemblyscriptCosmos an ecosystem of interoperate blockchainsPolkadot blockchain based computing platform that enables blockchains built on top of it to execute transactions between themselves creating an interconnected internet of blockchainsFantom EVM compatible layer Avalanche EVM compatible Layer Celo EVM compatible layer designed to make it easy for anyone with a smartphone to send receive and store cryptoTezos Non EVM compatible layer a lot of NFT projects are using it Blockchain development environmentsFor EVM development there are a couple of good development environments available Hardhat is a newer option but one that is gaining more and more popularity Their docs are great the tooling and developer experience is polished and it s what I ve personally been using to build dapps Truffle is a suite of tools for building and developing applications on the EVM It s mature battle tested and well documented It s been around for a while and many developers use it Foundry is a new Solidity development environment from Paradigm that shows a lot of promise Key standouts are the ability to write tests in Solidity support for fuzzing and speed it s written in Rust I wrote a separate introduction to it here For Solana development Anchor is quickly becoming the entry point for new developers It provides a CLI for scaffolding out building and testing Solana programs as well as client libraries that you can use for building out front ends It also includes a DSL that abstracts away a lot of the complexities that developers often run into when they get started with Solana and Rust development File StorageWhere do we store images videos and other files in web Storing anything that large on chain is usually prohibitively expensive so we probably don t want to store them there Instead we can use one of a handful of file storage protocols IPFS peer to peer file system protocolpros it s reliable well documented with a large ecosystemcons if data is not pinned it can be lostArweave allows you to store data permanently paying a single transaction fee I m a fan of Arweave and wrote a blog post about it here Filecoin from Protocol Labs the same team that build IPFS it is a protocol designed to provide a system of persistent data storage There are a handful of ways for developers to build on Filecoin including web storage which is pretty nice Skynet I have not yet used it in production but have tried it out and it seems to work nicely The API here looks great I have questions like how long is the data persisted and Skynet s interoperability with other protocols PP DatabasesIn addition to file storage and on chain storage you may also need to store data off chain You might use these types of solutions similarly to how you might use a database in a traditional tech stack but instead they are replicated across n number of nodes on a decentralized network and therefore more reliable at least in theory A few options are Ceramic Network a decentralized open source platform for creating hosting and sharing data Ceramic also has a nice identity protocol that I ll talk about later Probably my favorite off chain storage solution at the moment Here s a pretty nice demo Textile ThreadDB a multi party database built on IPFS and Libpp If I understand correctly it may be going through a big API change at the moment I ve tried it and it shows some promise but the docs and DX need some improvement GunDB a decentralized peer to peer database Gun has been around for quite sometime and some pretty interesting applications have been built with it In terms of maturity my take is that the ecosystem of off chain storage solutions is not yet where it needs to be to build out some of the more advanced use cases some developers might want Some challenges here are real time data conflict detection and conflict resolution write authorization documentation and general developer experience Integrating offchain data solutions with blockchain protocols is one of the last big hurdles we need to cross before we have a fully decentralized protocol stack capable of supporting any kind of application API Indexing amp Querying There are a lot of differences in the way that we interact with and build on top of blockchains versus databases in the traditional tech stack With blockchains data isn t stored in a format that can efficiently or easily be consumed directly from other applications or front ends Blockchains are optimized for write operations You often hear the innovation happening centered around transactions per second block time and transaction cost Blockchain data is written in blocks over the course of time making anything other than basic read operations impossible In most applications you need features like relational data sorting filtering full text search pagination and many other types of querying capabilities In order to do this data needs to be indexed and organized for efficient retrieval Traditionally that s the work that databases do in the centralized tech stack but that indexing layer was missing in the web stack The Graph is a protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data that makes this process much easier and offers a decentralized solution for doing so Anyone can build and publish open GraphQL APIs called subgraphs making blockchain data easy to query To learn more about The Graph check out the docs here or my tutorial here IdentityIdentity is a completely different paradigm in web In web authentication is almost always based on a user s personal information This information is usually gathered either via a form or an OAuth provider that asks the user to hand over in exchange for access to the application In web identity revolves completely around the idea of wallets and public key cryptography While the name “wallet serves its purpose I ve found that people new to web find the terminology confusing as it relates to authentication and identity I hope that in the future we can figure out some other way to convey what a wallet is as it combines aspects of finance but also identity and reputation As a developer you will need to understand how to access and interact with the user s wallet and address in various ways At a very basic level and a very common requirement you might want to request access to the user s wallet To do this you ll usually be able to access the user s wallet in the window context web browser or using something like WalletConnect or Solana s Wallet Adapter For instance if they have an Ethereum wallet available you ll be able to access window ethereum The same for Solana window solana Arweave window arweaveWallet and a handful of others WalletConnect is good for mobile web and React Native as it allows users to authorize using their mobile wallets directly from the device If you want to handle authentication yourself you can allow the user to sign a transaction and then decode it somewhere to authenticate the user but this usually requires a server Here is an example of how that might look using an EVM wallet and here is an example of how to do this with Solana Phantom What about managing user profiles in a decentralized way Ceramic Network offers the most robust protocol and suite of tools for managing decentralized identity They recently released a blog post outlining some of their most recent updates and giving some guidelines around how all of the tools work together I d start there and then explore their docs to gain an understanding of how to start building and consider checking out my example project here If you want to fetch a user s ENS text records the ensjs library offers a nice API for fetching user data const ens new ENS provider ensAddress getEnsAddress const content await ens name sha eth getText avatar SpruceID is also something that looks promising but I ve yet to try it out ClientAs far as JavaScript frameworks go you can really build with anything you d like as the client side blockchain SDKs are mostly framework agnostic That being said an overwhelming number of projects and examples are built in React There are also a handful of libraries like Solana Wallet Adapter that offer additional utilities for React so I d say that learning or being familiar with React is going to probably be a smart move For client side SDKs in Ethereum there s web js and ethers js To me Ethers is more approachable and has better documentation though web js has been around longer In Solana you ll probably be working with solana web js and or Anchor I ve found Anchor client libraries to be my go to for building Solana programs since I m using Anchor framework anyway and I ve found it much easier to understand then solana web js Other protocolsRadicle is a decentralized code collaboration protocol built on Git It could be thought of as a decentralized version of GitHub Livepeer is a decentralized video streaming network It is mature and widely used with over GPUs live on the network Chainlink is an Oracle that enables access to real world data and off chain computation while maintaining the security and reliability guarantees inherent to blockchain technology Wrapping upThis post will be a living document that I keep up with as I learn experiment and gather feedback from developers building in web If you have any feedback or ideas around something I m missing here please reach and share your thoughts with me It s exciting to see all the activity happening around web as developers are jumping in and getting involved While the infrastructure is still evolving the vision of building truly decentralized protocols and applications that allow people to coordinate without having to give power and control to large companies is an important one and we re close to making this vision a reality 2021-12-23 16:07:22
海外TECH DEV Community Can someone catch me up to speed with quantum-stuff? https://dev.to/baenencalin/can-someone-catch-me-up-to-speed-with-quantum-stuff-59eo Can someone catch me up to speed with quantum stuff So I ve been hearing about quantum computers and I ve been kind of out of the loop Can anyone give me some good rich resources that are easy to understand about all the quantum physics and how they re used with quantum computing I ve got a start by reading this article What is Quantum COmputing IMB Thanks Cheers 2021-12-23 16:01:24
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Lowest prices of the year: Save up to $300 on MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini -- even AppleCare https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/23/lowest-prices-of-the-year-save-up-to-280-on-macbook-pro-macbook-air-mac-mini----even-applecare?utm_medium=rss Lowest prices of the year Save up to on MacBook Pro MacBook Air Mac mini even AppleCareYear end blowout Apple deals are going on now with the lowest Mac prices of the season available exclusively for AppleInsider readers Save up to on in stock MacBook Pro MacBook Air and Mac mini configurations in addition to bonus discounts on AppleCare Year end Apple blowoutBargain hunters on the lookout for the lowest Mac prices of the year can take advantage of exclusive discounts on popular MacBook and Mac mini configurations Each model is equipped with Apple s M chip and GB of RAM with a variety of storage capacities available at up to off The limited time deals are valid when you shop through this cost saving link and use promo code APINSIDER at Apple Authorized Reseller Adorama Need help with the coupon Step by step activation instructions can be found here Read more 2021-12-23 16:55:50
海外TECH Engadget Amazon warned workers that its busy season could make them feel suicidal https://www.engadget.com/amazon-suicide-peak-workplace-violence-leaked-email-165031915.html?src=rss Amazon warned workers that its busy season could make them feel suicidalIn the US the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is Crisis Text Line can be reached by texting HOME to US Canada or UK Wikipedia maintains a list of crisis lines for people outside of those countries Amazon is hitting the tail end of peak the term the company uses to refer to the winter holidays as well as its own corporate holiday Prime Day when its workers are under the greatest strain frequently required to clock mandatory overtime hours and are disallowed from scheduling any vacation days It also coincides with the hiring of a deluge of temporary workers with a projected added this year its largest holiday surge to date It s hectic during the best of times But according to an internal email viewed by Engadget and the testimonies of four current or former associates who were granted anonymity for fear of reprisal it s also a time of year when Amazon expects some number of its workforce to take out their stress on their colleagues or on themselves quot Peak is a busy time for our entire team as everyone is dedicated to helping customers receive their holiday packages on time It s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed quot the leaked email dated November reads quot And while most of us never pose a risk to others some people can act out in a way that causes concern This could be due to many factors in their lives not just what they experience at work Regardless of the cause workplace violence is never the answer quot Emphasis theirs The worker who provided the email to Engadget could not recall similar messaging during previous peaks quot I ve been with Amazon a little over four years now and they ve never mentioned anything about our mental status until now quot they wrote in an email quot Our leadership hasn t announced anything other than quota related issues quot The email goes on to draw a connection between the grueling workload of peak and the potential for self harm quot Remember that your mental health matters quot it reads quot If you experience stress feelings of depression anxiety or thoughts of suicide please talk with your manager a human resources business partner or a mental health professional quot It directs workers to use the company s quot free confidential counselors and other resources quot Two of the associates who spoke to Engadget recalled being shown a video covering similar subject matter during their training quot It was stupid things like call the employee resource center and talking about if you feel like you want to harm somebody you can tell your supervisor and you ll be allowed to leave work and go home It was just such bullshit quot one recalled The same associate stated that the employee resource center is quot like a black hole of press one for this I don t even know how to talk to a real person there quot quot They have a number you call if you start feeling suicidal or depressed from working too much quot another told Engadget quot They put a video on during training where they talked about how a lot of workers feel this way And that was right after the reveal that we were not getting the schedules we wanted and we had to work hours a week After being told it would be quot A report in the Daily Beast publicized some of the calls that had been made from inside several of Amazon s warehouses including a pregnant worker who threatened to stab herself and her unborn child Jace Crouch a former employee quoted in the story said that quot people having breakdowns are a regular occurrence quot within these facilities An Amazon spokesperson declined to answer specific questions sent by Engadget including whether the company had seen any uptick in workplace violence Instead the company provided the following statement “We know it s been a tough year and a half for everyone and like most large companies we work to support our teams in many different ways This includes providing resources throughout the year for anyone who may be dealing with stress in their personal lives or at work and making sure they feel seen and able to ask for help if they need it Are you a tech worker with concerns about your job safety or the work you re required to do Reach out to me confidentially on Signal at 2021-12-23 16:50:31
海外TECH Engadget Merck's COVID-19 antiviral pill is the second authorized by the FDA https://www.engadget.com/fda-merck-covid-19-antivirual-pill-molnupiravir-162951648.html?src=rss Merck x s COVID antiviral pill is the second authorized by the FDAPfizer s COVID antiviral pill will already have some competition in the US As the Associated Pressreports the Food and Drug Administration has given emergency use authorization for Merck s Molnupiravir pill The treatment limits replication of SARS CoV by inserting quot errors quot in the virus genetic code while an infection is relatively young ideally preventing mild or moderate cases from becoming severe in high risk patients The medicine might not get as much use as Pfizer s Paxlovid however Merck s offering will only be available to those years or older versus years for Pfizer s as there are concerns it might affect bone and cartilage development in younger patients There are also warnings against using it during pregnancy or while attempting to conceive ーthe FDA said people should use birth control both during and after treatment with women waiting days and men waiting three months Molnupiravir also doesn t appear to be as effective as Paxlovid While Pfizer s solution reduced hospitalization and death by as much as percent Merck s only managed percent This pill may become the secondary option particularly in situations where Paxlovid isn t available Both companies products are expected to remain effective against the virus Omicron variant as they don t target mutating spike proteins Still this might become another useful tool for minimizing COVID hospitalizations and deaths Pfizer s pill will be the most readily available when the US is ordering enough to treat million patients but there will be enough of Merck s drug to address million Even if the effectiveness is limited that could spare hundreds of thousands of people from the worst the disease has to offer 2021-12-23 16:29:51
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 会長記者会見−2021年− https://www.jsda.or.jp/about/kaiken/kaiken_2021.html 記者会見 2021-12-23 17:09:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 第18回金融審議会公認会計士制度部会議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/kounin/siryou/20211224.html 公認会計士制度 2021-12-23 18:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 日本FP学会第22回大会における中島長官の講演について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/danwa/index_kouen.html#Commissioner 長官 2021-12-23 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「ソーシャルプロジェクトのインパクト指標等の検討に関する関係府省庁会議」(第1回)議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/social_impact/siryou/20211221.html 関係 2021-12-23 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 第48回金融審議会総会・第36回金融分科会合同会合議事録について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/soukai/gijiroku/2021_1122.html 金融審議会 2021-12-23 17:00:00
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) オラが電動スクーターの納車開始 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2021/12/18c81f88eb0ad804.html 電動スクーター 2021-12-23 16:40:00
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) トルドー・カナダ首相、米EV税額控除案への対応策提示 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2021/12/da5bd899aa90c6f1.html 税額控除 2021-12-23 16:30:00
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) 米国務長官、インドネシアとマレーシア訪問、インド太平洋の重要性強調 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2021/12/09dd15a8d421ba4c.html 国務長官 2021-12-23 16:20:00
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) 国立銀行が2022年の経済見通し発表、前回予測から下方修正 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2021/12/0c3a4f775433dab7.html 下方修正 2021-12-23 16:10:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Omicron: Rising numbers of NHS staff off work because of Covid https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59769251?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA health 2021-12-23 16:25:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Russia-Ukraine crisis: Putin says ball in West's court https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59766810?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA europe 2021-12-23 16:33:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Harry and Meghan release first photo of Lilibet https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59773788?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA message 2021-12-23 16:51:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Man Utd almost back to full strength following Covid outbreak - Rangnick https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59769914?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-12-23 16:25:36
ニュース BBC News - Home What are the Covid self-isolation rules now? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-54239922?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA england 2021-12-23 16:08:36
北海道 北海道新聞 米、ウイグルからの輸入全面禁止 大統領署名で法成立 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/626878/ 新疆ウイグル 2021-12-24 01:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小児がん生存率70~90% 大人より高め、支援が課題 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/626877/ 国立がん研究センター 2021-12-24 01:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 余剰の酒米 食用で発売 高砂酒造「願いを米(こめ)て」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/626851/ 感染拡大 2021-12-24 01:06:09



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