投稿時間:2022-01-02 07:10:52 RSSフィード2022-01-02 07:00 分まとめ(10件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese ロボット軍団の暴走を食い止めろ!ロックマン風味の横スクロールアクション『20XX』:発掘!インディゲーム+ https://japanese.engadget.com/20-xx-steam-221051348.html steam 2022-01-01 21:10:51
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] スクエニ松田社長、年頭所感で「分散型ゲームを取り込んでゆく」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2201/02/news016.html itmedia 2022-01-02 06:44:00
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 これからはじめる音声配信~3大収益化プラットフォームでおすすめの音声配信プラットフォームはこれです。 https://www.kagua.biz/marke/podcast/20220102a1.html これからはじめる音声配信大収益化プラットフォームでおすすめの音声配信プラットフォームはこれです。 2022-01-01 21:00:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jframeの画面上で動かしている時刻をJSliderを使って自由に任意の時刻へ飛べるようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/376300?rss=all jframeの画面上で動かしている時刻をJSliderを使って自由に任意の時刻へ飛べるようにしたい前提・実現したいことjframeの画面上で動かしている時刻自分で作成したものでリアルの時刻ではないを同じく画面上にあるスライダーを使って自由に任意の時刻へ飛べるようにしたいです。 2022-01-02 06:26:45
海外TECH DEV Community A Minimal Pluggy Example https://dev.to/waylonwalker/a-minimal-pluggy-example-3mp0 A Minimal Pluggy ExamplePluggy makes it so easy to allow users to modify the behavior of a framework without thier specific feature needing to be implemented in the framework itself I ve really been loving the workflow of frameworks built with pluggy The first one that many python devs have experience with is pytest I ve never created a pytest plugin and honestly at the time I looked into how they were made was a long time ago and it went over my head I use a data pipelining framework called kedro and have build many plugins for it Making a pluginsuper easy to doAs long as the framework document the hooks that are available and what it passes to them it s so easy to make a plugin Its just importing thehook impl making a class with a function that represents one of the hooks and decorating it from framework import hook implclass LowerHook hook impl def start pluggy example pluggy example message pluggy example message lower installing pluggyInstalling pluggy is just like most python applications install python make your virtual environment and pip install it pip install pluggy Making a plugin driven frameworkmuch less easyAt the time I started playing with pluggy their docs were less complete or I was just plain blind but this was a huge part of the docs that were missing for me that now actually appear to be there But to get some more examples out there here is my version import pluggy These don t need to matchHOOK NAMESPACE pluggy example PROJECT NAME pluggy example hook spec pluggy HookspecMarker HOOK NAMESPACE hook impl pluggy HookimplMarker HOOK NAMESPACE class PluggyExampleSpecs This is where we spec out our frameworks hooks I like to refer to them as the lifecycle Each of these functions is a hook that we are exposing to our users with the kwargs that we expect to pass them hook spec def start self pluggy example PluggyExample gt None The first hook that runs pass hook spec def stop self pluggy example PluggyExample gt None The last hook that runs passclass PluggyExample This may not need to be a class but I wanted a container where all the hooks had access to the message This made sense to me to do as a class def init self message hooks None gt None Setup the plugin manager and register all the hooks self pm pluggy PluginManager PROJECT NAME self pm add hookspecs PluggyExampleSpecs self message message self hooks hooks if hooks self register hooks def register hooks self gt None for hook in self hooks self pm register hook def run self Run the hooks in the documented order and pass in any kwargs the hook needs access to Here I am storing the message within this same class self pm hook start pluggy example self self pm hook stop pluggy example self return self messageclass DefaultHook These are some hooks that run by default maybe these are created by the framework author hook impl def start pluggy example pluggy example message pluggy example message upper hook impl def stop pluggy example print pluggy example message if name main The user of this framework can apply the hook in their own code without changing the behavior of the framework but the library has implemented it s own default hooks pe PluggyExample message hello world hooks DefaultHook pe run Modifying behavioras a user of PluggyExampleNow Lets pretent the user of this library likes everything about it except they don t like all the shouting They can either search for a plugin on Google github or pypi and find one or make it themself the magic here is that they do not need to have the package maintainer patch the core library itself class LowerHook This is a new hook that a plugin author has created to modify the behavior of the framework to lowercase the message hook impl def start pluggy example pluggy example message pluggy example message lower from pluggy example import PluggyExample pe PluggyExample message hello world hooks DefaultHook LowerHook pe run Running Pluggy ExampleHere is a short clip of me running the pluggy example in it s default state then adding the LowerHook and running a second time Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos 2022-01-01 21:21:42
海外TECH DEV Community 2021 pnpm recap https://dev.to/pnpm/2021-pnpm-recap-43a3 pnpm recapIt is the end of the year and it was a good year for pnpm so let s see how it went Usage Download statsMy goal this year was to beat Bower by the number of downloads We were able to achieve this goal in November pnpm was downloaded about times more in than in These stats don t even measure all the different ways that pnpm may be installed They only measure the downloads of the pnpm npm package This year we also added compiled binary versions of pnpm which are shipped differently Docs visitsWe collect some unpersonalized stats from our docs using Google Analytics In sometimes we had more than unique visitors a week Most of our users are from the United States and China GitHub starsOur main GitHub repository received stars this year New usersOur biggest new user this year is Bytedance the company behind TikTok Also many great open source projects started to use pnpm Some switched to pnpm because of its great support of monorepos VueViteand othersSome switched because they like how efficient fast and beautiful pnpm is AutoprefixerPostCSSBrowserslist Feature highlights New lockfile format since v One of the first and most important changes this year was the new pnpm lock yaml format This was a breaking change so we had to release v But it was a success The old lockfile was causing Git conflicts frequently Since the new format was introduced we did not receive any complaints about Git conflicts Managing Node js versions since v We shipped a new command pnpm env that allows to manage Node js versions So you may use pnpm instead of Node js version managers like nvm or Volta Also pnpm is shipped as a standalone executable so you can run it even with no Node js preinstalled on the system Injecting local dependencies since v You may inject a local dependency By default local dependencies are symlinked to node modules but with this new feature you may instruct pnpm to hard link the files of the package instead Improved reporting of peer dependency issues since v Peer dependency issues used to be printed as plain text and it was hard to understand them They are now all grouped and printed in a nice hierarchy structure The competition YarnYarn added a pnpm linker in v So Yarn can create a similar node modules directory structure to the one that pnpm creates Also the Yarn team plans to implement a content addressable storage to be more disk space efficient npmThe npm team decided to also adopt the symlinked node modules directory structure that pnpm uses related RFC OthersBun written in Zig and Volt written in Rust both claim to be faster than npm Yarn pnpm I did not benchmark these new package managers yet Future PlansFaster better best 2022-01-01 21:18:19
海外TECH DEV Community Decorator in Ruby on Rails https://dev.to/sturpin/decorator-in-ruby-on-rails-14kk Decorator in Ruby on Rails English Version Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality Simple There are several ways to implement it but the easiest for me is using Draper gem Create Rails app gt rails new decorator rails Install Draper gem gt bundle add draperWell from this moment when we create a controller it will automatically create our decorator file in app decorator folder Create user scaffold gt rails g scaffold User first name last nameAmong other files the file app decorators user decorator rb has been created automatically Add custom method app decorators user decorator rbclass UserDecorator lt Draper Decorator delegate all def full name object first name object last name endendThat allows behavior to be added to an individual object without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class Decorate object in controller app controllers users controller rbdef show user User find params id decorateend Show it in View app views users show html erbFirst name lt user first name gt Last name lt user last name gt Full name lt user full name gt And now your view logic has been abstracted and organized to where it should be This will greatly help you to reduce the code in your view files Usually it is used with Presenters but I prefer to do it in another post Recommended readingRefactoring GURUWikipediaThe great code adventureThank you for reading InstagramTwitterGitHub Versión en Español El patrón Decorator nos permite poder encapsular un objeto para que podamos extender su funcionalidad antes de su instanciación asíde simple Existen muchas formas de implementarlo pero una de las más sencillas es hacerlo con la gema Draper Creamos la app de Rails gt rails new decorator rails Instalamos la gema Draper gt bundle add draperBien a partir de este momento cuando nosotros creemos un controlador automáticamente se crearátambién su decorador en el directorio app decorator Creamos el scaffold de usuario gt rails g scaffold User first name last nameAdemás de otros archivos el fichero app decorators user decorator rb ha sido creado automáticamente Añadimos un método personalizado app decorators user decorator rbclass UserDecorator lt Draper Decorator delegate all def full name object first name object last name endendEsto nos permite agregar comportamiento a un objeto individual sin afectar al comportamiento de otros objetos de la misma clase Decoramos el objeto en el controlador app controllers users controller rbdef show user User find params id decorateend Lo mostramos en la Vista app views users show html erbFirst name lt user first name gt Last name lt user last name gt Full name lt user full name gt Y ahora su lógica de vista se ha abstraído y organizado donde debería estar Esto le ayudaráenormemente a reducir el código en sus archivos de vista Normalmente es usado conjuntamente con el patrón Presenters pero he preferido hacerlo en otro post Lecturas recomendadasRefactoring GURUWikipediaThe great code adventureGracias por leer InstagramTwitterGitHub 2022-01-01 21:12:21
海外科学 NYT > Science Big Rockets, Massive Asteroids and More Space Highlights for 2022 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/01/science/space-preview-2022.html highlights 2022-01-01 21:03:49
ニュース BBC News - Home US flight cancellations hit new holiday peak amid Covid and bad weather https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59848651?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA weather 2022-01-01 21:00:42
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「仕事パツパツです」SOS出せない組織の根深い病 リモート出遅れ企業が信頼関係を築けない理由 | 読書 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/477109?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 信頼関係 2022-01-02 06:30:00



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