Engadget Japanese |
フォード、人気の電気自動車『F-150 Lightning』販売契約に転売ヤー対策条項盛り込みを指示 |
flightning |
2022-01-09 06:50:56 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 現地のセブン-イレブンに罰金 中国当局が日本企業に“次々と” |
itmedia |
2022-01-09 15:25:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Nishikaコンペ参加記録 小説家になろう ブクマ数予測 ~”伸びる”タイトルとは?~ |
Nishikaコンペ参加記録小説家になろうブクマ数予測伸びるタイトルとはきっかけ次のような日本語NLPをやってきましたtfidfmbartmtCLIPembeddingsclustervis特許など長文の、動的な文章間類似可視化・迅速閲覧・解析手段。 |
2022-01-09 15:29:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】magic-classで効率的にGUIを作成する |
さらに、型からウィジェットに変換する関数vfieldを用意することで、すべてを型→ウィジェットの変換で済ませることができました。 |
2022-01-09 15:09:56 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【番外編】conda list を pip freeze のような出力形式にする |
bashであればawkやsedコマンドが使えるので、正規表現と組み合わせて、pipfreezeの出力形式に近い形で出力できるようにしてみます。 |
2022-01-09 15:03:39 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【VS Code】JavaScriptのconsole.logをコンソール画面に出力する方法 |
このとき、VSCodeのデバッグコンソール画面に、jsファイルに記載したconsolelogの内容が出力されます。 |
2022-01-09 15:24:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MIDIキーボード.js |
2022-01-09 15:19:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
canvasにおいて特定の要素だけアニメーションさせる |
canvasにおいて特定の要素だけアニメーションさせるjavascriptのcanvas要素で絵を描いています。 |
2022-01-09 15:59:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelの$requestから独自に定義したモデルのメソッドを呼び出せる理由がわからない |
Laravelのrequestから独自に定義したモデルのメソッドを呼び出せる理由がわからない前提・実現したいこと下記リンクのフォームの送信情報をデータベースに保存する処理内で、requestgtuserとありますが、なぜrequestから独自に定義したuserを呼び出せるかがわかりません。 |
2022-01-09 15:59:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTMLのformについて、動作の確認で送信押しても結果がちゃんと表示されない |
HTMLのformについて、動作の確認で送信押しても結果がちゃんと表示されない前提・実現したいことhtmlとrubyでformを利用して入力した情報をrubyに送りたいのですが、送信ボタンを押すとactionに指定されたファイルの中身が表示されるだけでrubyが実行されません。 |
2022-01-09 15:58:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Streamlitで外れ値検出の状態を可視化したい |
Streamlitで外れ値検出の状態を可視化したい前提・実現したいこと現在、streamlitを使って、読み込んだデータに対して、外れ値を検出して可視化するプログラムを作りたいと思っています。 |
2022-01-09 15:57:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アプリを再起動したらエラーが出て解決ができなくなりました。 |
アプリを再起動したらエラーが出て解決ができなくなりました。 |
2022-01-09 15:54:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IconButtonのsendボタンが配置できない(fluuter) |
IconButtonのsendボタンが配置できないfluuterイタリックテキストどう頑張ってもエラーが消えてくれません。 |
2022-01-09 15:38:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
(WordPress) 外部リンクをクリックした際に警告を出したい。 |
nbspやりたいこと運営しているWordpressサイト上の全ての外部リンク自サイト外へと飛ぶリンクに対し、クリックした際にアラートを出す機能を実装したいと考えています。 |
2022-01-09 15:34:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Google App Scriptのエラー400が解消できない |
GoogleAppScriptのエラーが解消できない前提・実現したいことプログラミング初学者です。 |
2022-01-09 15:28:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Opengl スカイボックスの描画でテクスチャが描画出来ない原因が知りたい。 |
Openglスカイボックスの描画でテクスチャが描画出来ない原因が知りたい。 |
2022-01-09 15:26:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ナビゲーション内のmarginがずれる |
ナビゲーション内のmarginがずれるmarginの位置が画面の大きさによって変わるので画面の大きさが変わってもストーリーアイコンの真ん中にくるようにしたいです。 |
2022-01-09 15:03:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript swich文をfor文で書きたい |
2022-01-09 15:02:12 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「フィボナッチ数を出力せよ」をRubyで |
「フィボナッチ数を出力せよ」をRubyで鍋谷さんの課題をやってみた。 |
2022-01-09 15:50:33 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】処理に名前をつけて使おう② calculate_price_with_taxメソッド |
よって今回の問題文のソースコードでは、変数priceの定義はメソッドの外で行なっていたにも関わらず、メソッドの中で変数priceをそのまま使おうとしたことがエラーの原因でした。 |
2022-01-09 15:29:28 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsの関連付けのオプションについて |
usersテーブルidnameuseruserdepartmentsテーブル所属部署を管理するテーブルidname営業部開発部Assignmentsテーブル所属部署を管理するテーブルiduseriddepartmentidオプションの種類throughthroughは多対多の関係のモデル同士を関連付ける際に、そのモデル同士の中間に設置するモデルを経由させる際に使用します。 |
2022-01-09 15:02:24 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SQLServerのバックアップをAmazon S3に保存する |
②「SQLServerManagementStudio」を使用して、ECからRDSにログインする。 |
2022-01-09 15:50:27 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2インスタンスの複製と再デプロイ |
laravelfailedtoopenstreamPermissiondeniedこれは、権限の問題でログが書き込みできないというエラーになります。 |
2022-01-09 15:49:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
lslrwrrpemキーファイルの権限がになっていることが確認できた。 |
2022-01-09 15:23:11 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
開発環境を構築する(WSL2 + Docker + VSCode - Remote Containers) 2022年1月版 |
Ubuntuのインストール今回、実行環境としてはUbuntuを使用することにしたのでこちらをインストールします。 |
2022-01-09 15:55:00 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for db failed: Name or service not known (SQL: SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE') |
SQLSTATEHYphpnetworkgetaddressesgetaddrinfofordbfailedNameorservicenotknownSQLSHOWFULLTABLESWHEREtabletypexBASETABLExDockerで環境構築していた際につまづいたので、メモりました。 |
2022-01-09 15:04:25 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【.gitignore】特定のファイルをGitの管理対象から除外する方法 |
touchgitignore除外したいファイルを書き込むgitignoreと同じディレクトリにあるファイルを除外したい場合hambergertxtpotettxt特定の拡張子を除外したい場合txtフォルダごと除外したい場合menuリポジトリに追加したファイルを除外したい場合ファイルをリポジトリに追加した後にgitignoreに記述した場合は、リポジトリから特定のファイル等を削除する必要があります。 |
2022-01-09 15:39:34 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Git】まとめ |
開発 |
2022-01-09 15:28:17 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsの関連付けのオプションについて |
usersテーブルidnameuseruserdepartmentsテーブル所属部署を管理するテーブルidname営業部開発部Assignmentsテーブル所属部署を管理するテーブルiduseriddepartmentidオプションの種類throughthroughは多対多の関係のモデル同士を関連付ける際に、そのモデル同士の中間に設置するモデルを経由させる際に使用します。 |
2022-01-09 15:02:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 74 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Tenth Weekly Retrospective |
Day of Days of Code amp Scrum Tenth Weekly RetrospectiveHappy weekend everyone Today marks the end of first week of the year and I was off to a fairly productive start I managed to get a lot of things done with regards to my company website professional networking job searching and so on Overall it went fairly well but there are things that could be improved upon There are still so many features I can add to my company website but they are not necessary or needed currently I will most likely put them on the backburner for the coming weeks Let s move on to my weekly retrospective Weekly Sprint Goals Company Website Higher Priorityadd more details to portfolio projects like a View More Details that shows on a modal the technology stack and features of a specific project add more sections to other pages and make them more detailed the Services page could include specific sections for Website Development such as Frontend Web Development and Backend Web Development what kind of technology stacks are used and so on Digital advertising for example could include different types of services and techniques such as email marketing social media marketing and the likes Writing also could include different types of writing services including articles blogs and etc add a small subsection on the Contact section that says something like or you can contact us via e mail at ramminadevdesign gmail com or call us on number below the submit button for the form Lower Priorityadd tags functionality for each blog post to make it easier to categorize add lazy loading and infinite scrolling for all blog posts page so data that is loaded by batches to reduce build time add pages for different users and authors allow registered users to comment on blog posts going to use Disqus add quality of life features filtering by tagssearch functionalitysort blog posts and authorsadd share on social media button e g Twitter LinkedIn Facebook for each blog post Scrumcontinue to learn more about Scrum through reading articles and watching videos Weekly ReviewHere are the things I ve managed to do add a specific project details page for each individual portfolio project like RestoFund attach alternative contact methods subsection for the Contact section such as e mail and contact number fix some of the bugs in my company website learned a little bit more about Next js continued studying Scrum expanded my network I installed a Website Blocker Chrome extension to minimize distractions Weekly RetrospectiveMoving on let s tackle what I ve managed to do well what my shortcomings are and what I could do better next time What Went GreatI now have a page about the details for each project there are now ways to contact me in case the message form does not work cleaned up my website and fixed some bugs continued learning Next js and Scrum expanded my network a little bit more finally installed that website blocker that I ve been procrastinating for months Some Mistakes I ve MadeI planned to add too many features for my website which is impossible to fit in a week I still had days where I didn t code much I pretty much neglected studying Typescript I could learn more Next js by going through the documentation as I work got distracted at times and couldn t focus much I m currently overwhelmed by the amount of choices I have leading to analysis paralysis and I have hours when I go in circles without doing much Things I Could Improve Onfocus my attention on my current priorities be more disciplined with learning new things every day prioritize the tasks that are more likely to help me meet my weekly goals learn a little bit even if it s not much on bad days make some of my chores a lot easier to do in terms of workflow try to automate the things I don t really have to do myself avoid doing things that make me lazy such as laying down on bed Resources Recommended Readings Scrum GuideTypical Sprint Play by play Scrum orgThe Best Scrum Masters I Ever Worked With The Master Of Coaching And Facilitation Scrum orgHow to Increase Domain Rating Website Authority YouTubeMyth The Scrum Master is a Junior Agile Coach Scrum orgThank you for the support everyone Enjoy your weekend DISCLAIMERThis is not a guide it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions based on my limited knowledge and is in no way a substitute for actual references If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree I would appreciate corrections in the comments Other MediaFeel free to reach out to me in other media |
2022-01-09 06:19:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 UX Tricks You Must Know in 2022 |
UX Tricks You Must Know in Do you have what it takes to be an outstanding UX Developer in Add these tricks to your arsenal and witness your Development skills break new grounds that you didn t know even existed Three Click RuleWhat is the Three Click Rule you ask A quick Google Search will reveal The three click rule or three click rule is an unofficial web design rule concerning the design of website navigation It suggests that a user of a website should be able to find any information with no more than three mouse clicks Er Why is this relevant The decline in attention span of the people lately has led to the origin of the Three Click Rule A click is an interaction that results in the highest cognitive load because the click works only in a small surface area An alternative to reduce the taxation on the brain you can use gesture inputs like swipes pinch or double taps eg Instagram amp LinkedIn The general rule of thumb is for double taps the surface area should be large else you fall in the same trap as the click issue Appropriate use of White SpaceThis is one of the most crucial pillars of Modern UX As you can see here the one with more spaced out content looks way professional As you gain more experience designing UX you slowly develop an eye for it by default It is also crucial to maintain consistent spacing the padding margin in the left amp right sides should be equal same is the case for the padding margin in the top amp bottom You also need to maintain adequate spacing across sections a highly spaced out section should be followed by a section with low spacing To avoid lopsided spacing one hack is to use alternate positioning Scroll InteractionThe use of Scroll Interactions such as Scroll Storytelling Parallax and more are on a constant rise and can lead to truly immersive websites Even the Mac Pro uses Scroll Interaction on the product page These immersive scrolling experiences are generally implemented using a technique known as Scroll Hijacking where the scroll behavior is altered as per the requirement of the developer Even though it has enormous upsides it comes with a major catch if not implemented properly it can lead to severe accessibility issues Masonry GridMasonry Grid had been around for a long time but saw a rapid increase in popularity after the introduction of Windows It involves a grid of elements with different sizes and provides a fresh feel over traditional grid items Unlike most other items in this list this one is possibly the easiest to implement as it only requires CSS knowledge Cursor InteractionsCursor Interactions is the perfect way to keep a user engaged in your website in this age of dwindling attention spans You have a buffet of options to choose from ranging from Custom Cursors to highly dynamic cursor interactionsNOTE The target audience for the Cursor Interactions are the desktop users so if your audience demographic is mainly the phone users you could opt out of using these interactions Wrapping UpIn this article we went through some cool UX tricks that you can use in your applications to give them a modern feel Hope this helps you in your journey Fun Fact This was my th article I have been writing consistently for the past weeks When I started I had a lot of doubt about who will read the articles now I have a lot of people supporting me Thanks a lot to everyone who had been on this journey with me Happy Developing Thanks for readingNeed a Top Rated Front End Development Freelancer to chop away your development woes Contact me on UpworkWant to see what I am working on Check out my Personal Website and GitHubWant to connect Reach out to me on LinkedInI am a freelancer who will start off as a Digital Nomad in mid Want to catch the journey Follow me on InstagramFollow my blogs for Weekly new Tidbits on DevFAQThese are a few commonly asked questions I get So I hope this FAQ section solves your issues I am a beginner how should I learn Front End Web Dev Look into the following articles Front End Development RoadmapFront End Project IdeasWould you mentor me Sorry I am already under a lot of workload and would not have the time to mentor anyone Would you like to collaborate on our site As mentioned in the previous question I am in a time crunch so I would have to pass on such opportunities |
2022-01-09 06:15:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deep dive into React codebase [EP1: Prerequisites] |
Deep dive into React codebase EP Prerequisites PrefaceMy last article about the obscured history behind Hyperscript was warmly received so I decided to pursue the matter Have you ever found yourself in this annoying position where you are not exactly sure how things work under the hood If you are a tinkerer chances are it is almost a habit for you So let s break it together As a frontend developer I can t find better technology to examine rather than React Its codebase is big enough well tested and filled with great code to learn from Also it s simply a really big deal for a frontend developer to understand how React works behind the scene You ve probably seen lots of articles and videos about React internals so what s the point in another one Code intenseWe ll take a deep dive into the codebase not into the React related concepts Of course we will examine necessary concepts but through their application in the source code Practice basedI ll try to do my best to introduce as much practice oriented content as I possibly could to facilitate improvement in real world coding skills We will make our own versions of different parts of React play around with its guts and hack them Live seriesI ve planned to create a weekly series to divide and conquer the difficult task of investigating React internals So we may take a thorough look and grasp the very nature of React source code Enough promises fasten your seat belts our journey begins now Disclaimer This article turned out to be quite long So if you had a hard time reading it let me know in the comments section and I will split up future articles into smaller chunks Prerequisites to the whole seriesIn this article we ll sum up the needed fundamentals about React and its codebase to get our feet wet and lay the foundation for further investigations in future articles Where did React come from To understand the source code of React we need to understand why it was initially created In other words why source code was written in the first place Extra material I got info for this paragraph from this YouTube video which was captured on the first React js Conf in The video is filled with a ton of interesting details about the early days of React If you are interested in extra info check it out from to The starting pointBack in developers at Facebook Ads Org wrote client side JS applications following an MVC pattern and using two way data binding along with templates These apps were initially pretty simple but they got more complicated over time because more features were added So to maintain and extend these apps more developers were hired Eventually the growing number of app features and team members slowed down the whole development of these apps too much The main problemThe main technical issue was so called cascading updates When some new data would flow in the app some small change somewhere deep in the tree would cause a full re render of the whole app from scratch These updates were really slow because not only do you have to figure out what needs to be mutated but you need to go and get the views to update themselves Such updates not only hurt performance but they added up over time and developers couldn t get their heads around to figure out what would cause the cascading updates in the first place Sidenote If you want to code an app with cascading updates in place to trace the problem that led to React creation let me know in the comments I ll attempt to figure things out even more and make another tutorial like article where we would create an MVC client side app like it s and we are a group of engineers at Facebook Ads Org The solutionThe aha moment happened when the team realized that they already had code that describes what the app should look like with a given data So conceptually when changes happened they could just re execute the logic once again with a new set of data The only major problems with this approach were performance and glitches Performance was bad because a full re render is a CPU intense calculation and glitches were a thing before different states e g selection state were lost when re render happened To resolve these issues Jordan Walke built a prototype that made this whole process more efficient and provided a reasonable user experience He didn t have a name for it yet but that s actually when React was born Well this was a long story short of why React was created and now we understand the idea behind React js Extra material If you are eager to develop an even deeper understanding of the story behind React creation check out this history timeline article by RisingStack Engineering team The article contains all needed links and explanations that you can follow to fully understand why React was born Let s pick the version to examineReact source code lives in the official repository on GitHub If you want to examine code along with me and thus maximize benefits from this article series you may clone this repo to your local machine by running git clone We ll inspect the latest stable major release of React by the date of this article publication v Extra material If you don t fully understand what major release means or why there are three numbers in the version scheme check out this great article provided by GitKraken It covers semantic versioning as a concept and how to handle it in the real codebase with git tags React team uses git tags for versioning So let s check out the commit where Dan Abramov bumped packages versions for the release git checkout v Now we are all on the same page so let s guide our way to the actual code Let s make sense of the repository setupReact is a monorepo which means multiple projects or packages in the case of React that related somehow live in the single repository According to the official React docs the monorepo pattern is used to coordinate changes between different React packages and host issues in one place Extra material If you are really interested in finding out more valuable info about monorepo and figuring out the advantages of this pattern check out this article by Dan Luu All React packages live in the packages directory and we ll go through the primary ones in this article to get a bird s eye view of React as a project is made up of Sidenote We ll take a thorough look at all major packages in future articles React CoreLocated in packages react This package contains only the functionality necessary to define React components so it doesn t render anything on its own This exact package is available on npm as a react package So when you do something like so import React from react You effectively refer to the React Core package not to the whole React repo RenderersAs we already know React was originally created for the client side JS applications that run in the browser But later it was tweaked to also support native platforms like iOS and Android This adaption introduced the concept of renderers to React codebase Renderers are very important for React because they manage how the output from the React Core package is rendered in different environments Sidenote We ll write our own renderer in one of the future articles So there are multiple renderers in the repo now First of all let s look at three renderers that actually render React components to the user react domLocated in packages react domIt s a descendant of the original React which was tightly coupled with the browser environment It renders React components to the DOM and this exact package is available as react dom npm package So you re probably familiar with its simplest usage import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import App from App ReactDOM render lt App gt document getElementById root react native rendererLocated in packages react native rendererIt interacts with React Native implementation which renders React components to native views So unlike react dom it s less a renderer and more a layer between React Core and React Native react artLocated in packages react artIt provides bindings to the ART library which is used for drawing vector graphics It s the third officially supported renderer aside from renderer for DOM and native platforms Then let s quickly review renderers that are used for purposes other than rendering React components to the user screen react test rendererLocated in packages react test rendererThis renderer was created together with Jest team It renders React components to JSON tree and makes Snapshot Testing possible If you ve written tests before you are already familiar with this application of react test renderer We define a component Link jsconst Link to children gt return lt a href to target blank className link gt children lt a gt export default Link Then we write a test for it import renderer from react test renderer import Link from Link test Link component renders correctly gt const tree renderer create lt Link to gt DEV community lt Link gt toJSON expect tree toMatchSnapshot When we run the test Jest creates a snapshot file that contains the output of the component exports Link component renders correctly lt a className link href target blank gt DEV community lt a gt On the next test run Jest will compare a new output with the previous one If they match the test will pass If they don t match the test will fail indicating that a bug was introduced The react test renderer is very important to React ecosystem because it allows making sure that React components don t change unexpectedly react noop rendererLocated in packages react noop rendererThis renderer is used by React team for debugging the so called Fiber Reconciler and is not intended to be used directly by design Sidenote If you don t know or are just not exactly sure what Fiber Reconciler is keep reading We ll take care of this in a snap ReconcilersReconcilers are a major part of React library They implement the reconciliation algorithm that makes React fast enough for real world apps If the reconciliation algorithm wasn t a thing either we as developers would have to manually update our components or React would have to re render the whole app on every minor change in any given component React v uses Fiber Reconciler which was introduced in React v Simply put Fiber Reconciler is a package that implements the reconciliation algorithm in a certain way Its source code is located in packages react reconciler We ll take a closer look at the Fiber Reconciler in one of the next episodes of the series Sidenote Why do I refer to reconcilers as a plural nor singular noun though only the Fiber Reconciler is out there It s because the Fiber Reconciler is a replacement for the so called Stack Reconciler that powered React v and earlier If you want to understand the difference between Fiber and Stack Reconcilers let me know in the comments and I ll consider making a series of articles where we would take a deep dive into both reconcilers and code their simpler versions ourselves AfterwordOof this was a long and intense reading and we learned a ton about React as a project and more specifically React codebase In the next episode we ll continue to explore the repository setup and have fun in the process Sum upLet s sum up what we learned today React was created because Facebook developers couldn t extend and maintain complex apps with dynamic data in MVC style React came from a conceptually simple idea if you have code that describes UI with a given set of data you may re execute this exact code if data have changed React is a monorepo that contains React Core a bunch of renderers and a reconciler React Core contains only the functionality necessary to define React components and is available through the react npm package Renderers manage how React components are rendered in different environments Reconciler implements a reconciliation algorithm that allows React to be declarative and fast I am looking forward to the next episode what should I do It s a weekly series and I am going to publish the next episode of the series on Sunday January at am UTC Follow me on dev to if you don t want to miss it If you have any ideas regarding this series or any other technology you want to make sense of let me know in the comments Any feedback on this episode either positive or negative will be welcomed |
2022-01-09 06:06:48 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida says U.S. troops in Japan to limit nonessential trips due to COVID-19 |
Kishida says U S troops in Japan to limit nonessential trips due to COVID Kishida s comments came as areas near U S bases saw some of the biggest increases in infections on a per capita basis prompting restrictions in some |
2022-01-09 15:32:18 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida rules out quick revision of law to allow tougher virus measures |
Kishida rules out quick revision of law to allow tougher virus measuresThe prime minister apparently hopes to prevent a bill that would involve restrictions on rights from becoming a bone of contention ahead of a looming |
2022-01-09 15:36:11 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Fans and anti-vaxxers protest treatment of Novak Djokovic in Australia |
Fans and anti vaxxers protest treatment of Novak Djokovic in AustraliaAs some demonstrators rallied outside Djokovic spent his third day in Melbourne s former Park Hotel which now holds some people under Australia s stringent |
2022-01-09 15:00:57 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内117人感染 2日連続3桁 札幌48人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-01-09 15:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭川で4人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-01-09 15:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ロシア、カザフで軍事力誇示 旧ソ連圏の親ロ政権転覆阻止 |
引き上げ |
2022-01-09 15:09:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
松のや、お得な「ワンコインセール」12日スタート 最大190円お得 |
八丁味噌 |
2022-01-09 15:30:00 |