IT |
気になる、記になる… |
LINE、好きなキャラクターと1対1でLINE通話出来る「推しキャラトーク」を提供開始 |
提供開始 |
2022-01-11 11:39:45 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 冷たいビール持ち運べる真空断熱ボトル、タイガーが発売 1.5Lタイプまで |
itmedia |
2022-01-11 20:39:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 小型観光船の自動運転に成功、世界初 船員不足の解消に期待 |
itmedia |
2022-01-11 20:24:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「スタンダード」あえて選択 関西企業でも |
ITmediaビジネスオンライン「スタンダード」あえて選択関西企業でも東京証券取引所が日発表した、月日の市場再編で発足する新市場の上場企業リストでは、最上位の「プライム」にパナソニックのほかシャープ、京セラ、エイチ・ツー・オーHOリテイリングなど、関西を代表する大手企業が名を連ねた。 |
2022-01-11 20:24:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大王製紙、「エリエール」商品を15%値上げ 約2年半ぶり、原材料価格の高騰などで |
itmedia |
2022-01-11 20:12:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] OSS「faker.js」と「colors.js」の開発者、自身でライブラリを意図的に改ざん 「ただ働きはもうしない」 |
colors |
2022-01-11 20:11:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] PayPayの「あなたのまちを応援プロジェクト」 、2月以降参加の23自治体を発表 |
itmediamobilepaypay |
2022-01-11 20:09:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] auじぶん銀行、最大1万円もらえる紹介キャンペーン |
itmediamobileau |
2022-01-11 20:05:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTML input type="datetime-local"のminについて |
2022-01-11 20:56:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
herokuでの「Failed to find attribute 'application' in 'app'.」というエラーを解決したい |
herokuでの「Failedtofindattributexapplicationxinxappx」というエラーを解決したい前提・実現したいことPython・flaskで作ったwebアプリをherokuでデプロイし成功したものの、URLに飛ぶとApplicationnbsperrorとなってしまう。 |
2022-01-11 20:49:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
上と下のプログラムを同じ処理にさせたい。(for文の順序が曖昧になっています。) |
上と下のプログラムを同じ処理にさせたい。 |
2022-01-11 20:46:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Node-REDでのWebsocketの接続 |
2022-01-11 20:35:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP DB登録時のbool型で取得するには |
PHPDB登録時のbool型で取得するには前提・解決したいことPHPで自作webサイトにてユーザー登録実装を行なっている。 |
2022-01-11 20:32:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python pandasでデータの整形加工について教えてください |
この時、人としては個人コードがとの名がいるのですが、この二人のそれぞれについて、最初のレコードには「start」カラムにSを入れて、最後のレコードには「end」カラムに、Eを入れるにはどうすればよろしいでしょうか。 |
2022-01-11 20:21:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
レスポンシブデザインのレイアウトが実際のモバイルデバイスでは崩れてしまう。 |
iPhoneでも確認しましたが、レイアウトは崩れてしまっているので、全てのモバイルサイズのデバイスに影響が出ているようです。 |
2022-01-11 20:19:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[ゲーム開発] 落ち物パズルゲームでブロックをどんな形でデータとして持たせたらいいか知りたい。 |
ゲーム開発落ち物パズルゲームでブロックをどんな形でデータとして持たせたらいいか知りたい。 |
2022-01-11 20:18:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アロー関数内のthisに任意のオブジェクトを指定することは可能でしょうか? |
アロー関数内のthisに任意のオブジェクトを指定することは可能でしょうかaddEventListenerDOMContentLoadedgtletimgimgdocumentgetElementByIdcatimgimgaddEventListenermouseoverfunctionthissrcimgcatjpgconsolelogthisthisはimgaddEventListenerDOMContentLoadedgtletimgimgdocumentgetElementByIdcatimgimgaddEventListenermouseovergtthissrcimgcatjpgconsolelogthisthisがwindowを指してしまう…。 |
2022-01-11 20:16:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jQueryが検証ツールでは動くのにiPhone、iPadで動きません |
jQueryが検証ツールでは動くのにiPhone、iPadで動きません前提・実現したいことiPhone、iPadでページ内リンクのスムーズスクロールと、ハンバーガーメニューページ内リンクを開き、リンクをクリックするとメニューですが閉じるようにしたいです。 |
2022-01-11 20:07:48 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】クラスとインスタンスの概念を用いたコードの作成 |
行目initializeメソッドを定義して、インスタンス変数を宣言しました。 |
2022-01-11 20:59:05 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ubuntuに最新のgolangをインストールする |
2022-01-11 20:26:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MySQLのmysqldumpでS3にバックアップを保存する(EC2+S3) |
mysqldumpurootpPsswrdmysqlusersawsscpsyamadabackupstestdumpmysqldumpuユーザ名pパスワードDB名テーブル名awsscpsバケット名ファイル名Sにバックアップが保存されているか確認①yamadabackupsにバックアップが保存されていれば完了です中身は以下のような感じです。 |
2022-01-11 20:13:03 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ubuntuに最新のgolangをインストールする |
2022-01-11 20:26:30 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Synapse Analytics SQLプールを高速にするリソースクラス |
DWcでは同時クエリの最大数は、割り当てられるコンカレンシースロット数はです。 |
2022-01-11 20:47:08 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Data Lake StorageのContainerレベルでのアクセス制御 |
ADLSStorageおよびContainerを作成する既存のものを使用する場合、本ステップは不要ServicePrincipalを作成するADLSContainerのIAMで、ストレージBLOBデータ共同作成者ロールに上記のServicePrincipalを追加するServicePrincipalのクライアントシークレットを新規発行するDatabricksのユーザーグループを作成するDatabricksのSecrets機能で、新規にSecretScopeを作成・設定する上記のServicePrincipalのクライアントシークレットの値を作成したSecretScopeに登録する上記のユーザーグループからこのSecretScopeへのアクセスを許可するユーザーグループに所属するユーザーを設定追加・削除各ユーザーでSparkパラメータの設定を実行する方法毎回、Notebook上で実行する方法クラスタ起動時に設定する上記は初期設定時のステップになります。 |
2022-01-11 20:31:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
認識齟齬の作り方〜解釈の違い編 |
齟齬 |
2022-01-11 11:48:24 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
วิธีการเพิ่ม Local Disk ด้วย Elastic Block Store (EBS) สำหรับ Windows Server 2019 บน EC2 |
วิธีการเพิ่มLocal Disk ด้วยElastic Block Store EBS สำหรับWindows Server บนECครั้งนี้ผมจะมาแนะนำวิธีการเพิ่มLocal Disk ด้วยElastic Block Store EBS สำหรับWindows Server บนEC ใ |
2022-01-11 11:32:09 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
IT基盤 |
IT基盤DeNAグループ全体のシステム基盤を横断して管理しているインフラ部門、IT基盤部について紹介します。 |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
IT戦略 |
IT戦略会計や人事などのコーポレート基幹システムをはじめ、Slack連携などの社内ユーティリティ、各部署内の運用ツールなど、DeNAの社内システムはGUIAPIのあるものだけでも近く。 |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
Mobage Open Platform |
MobageOpenPlatformMobageOpenPlatform以下Platformを運用をしているチームについて紹介します。 |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
Pococha |
pococha |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
SWETSWETSoftWareEngineerinTestの略グループは、ソフトウェアテストを起点とした、「DeNAサービス全般の品質向上」と「DeNAエンジニアの開発生産性向上」の両方により、価値あるものを素早く提供できるようにすることをミッションとした組織です。 |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
技術ブログ |
Technology of DeNA |
データエンジニアリンググループ |
データエンジニアリンググループ事業部門共通部門におけるデータドリブンな意思決定をエンジニアリングによって支える、データエンジニアについてご紹介いたします。 |
2022-01-11 20:10:35 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Event Listeners in JavaScript |
javascript |
2022-01-11 11:16:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Drinkizz E-Commerce Application |
Drinkizz E Commerce Application Overview of My SubmissionHello Guys We are making an E commerce web application using NodeJS and ExpressJs for Backend and MongoDB for database also we are use ReactJS for frontend This app is Good user interface This is an Online Liquor ordering platform Submission Category E Commerce Creation Link to CodeBackend Frontend Hosting Additional Resources InfoLive Preview Sample Users Email swapnil drinkizz comPassword drinkizzEmail naeema lt comPassword naee Note Screenshots Note DEV usernames of my collaborator naeema |
2022-01-11 11:18:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Changelog #0009 — 🌊 export cURL, HAR, and 30+ other formats |
Changelog ーexport cURL HAR and other formatsNew year new features Over the past week we ve been primarily focusing on our overall architecture and under the hood improvements that will unlock work throughout the year In addition to that we ve got a couple of user visible goodies ready for you as well Check out what s new HTTPie for Web amp Desktop cURL command generation and moreHTTPie command generation has been available in the preview panel for a while You can now export code and commands for many other languages and tools including the highly requested cURL HAR JavaScript Node Java PHP Objective C Swift Python Ruby C Go OCaml and more Open the preview and select the export format you like Make some changes to your request and see them instantly reflected in the code preview ーit s like a WYSIWYG editor for API calls code Hit the three dots at the right copy the generated code to export and share Easy ImprovementsSmall improvements and optimizations HTTPie for TerminalWe have been working towards the upcoming release of HTTPie for Terminal that will come out very soon Here s what s new in the development version More robust and user friendly nested JSON syntaxThe nested JSON syntax extends the HTTPie request language and through its compactness and expressiveness offers a productivity boost when talking to JSON APIs It allows you to craft complex JSON structures without worrying about curly braces quotes or backlashes This syntax together with the rest of the HTTPie language will eventually find its way to HTTPie for Web amp Desktop as well so we wanted to make extra sure it s up to HTTPie s standards before we release it to the wild With the help of our users we identified various edge cases and ended up re writing the underlying implementation to be much more robust On the more user visible side we now offer guiding syntax and type errors instead of silently accepting the broken input for example Unbalanced brackets http offline print B pie dev post foo bar baz foo quux HTTPie Syntax Error Expecting foo quux Omitted brackets http offline print B pie dev post foo bar baz quux HTTPie Syntax Error Expecting foo bar baz quux Type errors http offline print B pie dev post foo bar baz foo HTTPie Type Error Can t perform index based access on foo which has a type of object but this operation requires a type of array foo Happy testing and see you next week ️If you re not on the private beta yet you can join the waitlist here You can also follow httpie and join our Discord community We re looking for new colleagues in engineering and design roles Originally published on HTTPie blog |
2022-01-11 11:18:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Need NFT developer for colaboration |
Need NFT developer for colaborationHello I am an artist from central Europe with my art collection almost ready It is great collection with great story and charitable touch I have a media and marketing guy and am looking for developer to generate mint and join our story on long run Would be ready to offer some from revenues Please if you are slighlty interested let me know Thank you |
2022-01-11 11:14:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A CSS Container Queries Example |
A CSS Container Queries ExampleCSS container queries are similar to media queries but related to a container element size rather than the viewport size While adaptive layouts often set breakpoints based on the viewport using media queries we can use container queries to achieve a similar effect when creating modular components in a design system But can we use Container Queries At the time of writing in January container queries are only available after opt in by feature flag so don t expect container query support in your regular end user s browsers today But like Andy Bell wrote we can start to use container queries progressively right now If the browser doesn t understand some CSS it ll ignore it and carry on parsing the rest so we can effectively use container queries today What not to use Container Queries forHTML websites are responsive out of the box Without adding style rules text content will adapt to fill the browser window so that it does not flow out of the visible area Adding a few lines of CSS we can make images behave the same provided we set their width and height or an explicit aspect ratio img max width height auto Provided that we properly stated the actual intrinsic image sizes we can apply this rule safely without any media query or container query If the image is smaller than the viewport width the rule will have no effect On smaller screens the browser can use the resulting aspect ratio to calculate the height and resize the image without distortion And if we want to hide an images on mobile screens we can use a picture elements with a srcset to prevent loading hidden images Use Cases for Container QueriesMaybe we want to toggle the flex wrap or flex direction property set position fixed with a z index or change typography and colors based on the available space for our component depending on how much space is available for our component By taking into account a parent container rather than the whole site we can design web components that can be reused inside other columns dynamically changing their appearance based on the width or height that is actually available The Flexbox Holy Albatross At beyond Tellerrand conference Heydon Pickering presented the Holy Albatross a layout using sophisticated CSS that will become more elegant and readable by using container queries The idea of emulating container queries using other CSS properties had become an ambition obsession like searching for the Holy Grail impossible to avoid like the Albatross vendor in a sketch by Monty Python s Flying Circus so he called his code the Flexbox Holy Albatross Emulating Container Queries in a FlexboxIn Heydon s example a flexbox will automatically switch from horizontal multi column to vertical single column flexbox layouts by a calculating a flex basis based on the difference between our breakpoint px in the below example and the available container width This technique works pretty well but the code is not easy to understand container display flex flex wrap wrap margin rem modifier calc px margin calc var margin container gt flex grow flex basis calc var modifier height vh margin var margin Let s refactor the code using container queries Using Container QueriesFirst we have to make sure we can actually use them which is currently an opt in preview feature in Chrome and Chromium based browsers like Edge or Vivaldi Navigate to chrome flags search for container switch Enable CSS Container Queries to Enabled and restart your browser Refactoring the Albatross Flexbox ExampleWe have to use the contain property to explicitly define our container as a container element similar to using position relative to define a parent context for position absolute suprabhasupi s article Future of CSS Container Query explaines containment and container queries providing a hands on example To define a container that enables container queries based on width and height we can use the existing containment property contain size In many common use cases we are only interested in the width This is what the new contain inline size is for This common use case also applies to our flexbox example In any case we also need to define a containment for layout to enable container queries as well as style to prevent dynamic style calculation causing infinite loops If you don t specify style container queries will not work in the current experimental implementation of late at least container contain layout inline size style container max width px container gt flex basis If you see a pink border around the albatross boxes in the small container vertical column layout your browser has applied the styles based on CSS container queries Shipping Stable Code to ProductionAt the time of writing no popular browser supports container queries by default So what s the point in using future CSS right now Code Usage as Vote for a FeatureCode is crawled and examined by various parties like Web Almanac search engines and browser vendors This was how semantic HTML elements like nav got their names and this might also be a hint for decisions on what features to prioritize and which ones to deprecate Citation needed I overheard that there is still similar research going on to help decide which browser features to prioritize but I did not find any official statement to acknowledge this claim Adding Fallback CodeWe can add a container query emulation like Heydon s Flexbox Holy Albatross or use a container query polyfill as a polyfill and switch browsers or feature flags to make sure that our code works as expected with or without container queries |
2022-01-11 11:13:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Adding external javascript script to React |
Adding external javascript script to ReactI d like to include amp run some js file in the React using Helmet component Here is the simple code index js import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import Helmet from react helmet import styles css function App console log op return lt div className App gt lt Helmet gt lt script src hello js type text jsx gt lt Helmet gt lt h gt Hellok CodeSandbox lt h gt lt h gt Start editing to see some magic happen lt h gt lt div gt and ultra simple js script to include amp run hello js console log opl document body style backgroundColor red But the script seems NOT to work i have no console output and or background color changed What s odd when I use the js code as an inline code like lt Helmet gt lt script type text javascript gt console log opl document body style backgroundColor red lt script gt lt Helmet gt it works Why doesn t the external js file work |
2022-01-11 11:07:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A look at the Redux connect() function |
A look at the Redux connect functionIt is no secret that React is one of the most popular libraries for building User Interfaces in today s day and age I am confident most of you who read this blog have used Redux for managing the overall state of the application in your previous projects Ever wondered how the redux connect function works Or what are the various JavaScript concepts involved in writing a connect function In that case I will walk you through the JavaScript concepts involved in writing our own connect function which can then be integrated into the Redux library and used in conjunction As per the Redux documentation connect function returnsThe return of connect is a wrapper function that takes your component and returns a wrapper component with the additional props it injects In most cases the wrapper function will be called right away without being saved in a temporary variable export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps Component First let s take a look at Higher Order Functions in JavaScript What are Higher Order Functions JavaScript treats functions as First Class Citizens which means that a function can return another function or a function can be passed as a parameter to other functions or even store function as a value in a variable Basically Higher Order Functions are just functions that return another function or which accept a function as a parameter Redux s connect function is a Higher Order Function that takes two functions as parameters mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps and it also returns a function that wraps the component const mapStateToProps state gt return const mapDispatchToProps dispatch gt return export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps OurComponent Now that we have seen the above implementation of Redux s connect function we know that connect is an Higher Order Function Before writing our own connect function we need to learn about closures and currying CurryingCurrying is a process in functional programming in which we can transform a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of nesting functions It returns a new function that expects the next argument inline Here s an example in JavaScript rrying jsfunction multiply a b return a b Generally we will call the above function as multiply Lets make this function as a curried onefunction multiply a return b gt return a b We can call the curried multiply function as follows multiply Confused How does this concept apply to real world scenarios Let me give you a scenario In our application there is a case where the result of some calculations has to be doubled We typically did this by passing the result with as arguments to the multiply function in the following way multiply result A function can be returned from currying so it can be stored and used with other sets of parameters if needed function multiply a return b gt return a b Returns a function which can be used with other set of parametersconst double multiply Using curried function with result instead of passing same argument again and again const doubledResult double result Hopefully you got the idea of how redux implements the connect function using currying export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps OurComponent ClosuresClosures simply refer to the scope of the outer function being accessible by the inner function even after the outer function has been executed and removed from the call stack Lets suppose we have an outer function A and inner function B function A const msgFromOuterFn I am from Outer function scope function B console log msgFromOuterFn return B A returns a function B In JavaScript when ever any function completes its execution its scope is removed from the heap So all the variables declared in its scope won t be available once its execution is done const returnedFn A A completed its execution so the value msgFromOuterFn will not able available With JS Closures even the outer function completed execution inner functions are able to access the outer functions scope console log returnedFn Will print its value instead of throwing an error From the concept of Higher Order Functions Currying we learned that the connect function is a HOF Higher Order Function that takes two functions as parameters and returns an anonymous function which we use to wrap our component by calling it using Currying Hence connect is an outer function whereas anonymous function returned is an inner function so the props passed to connect can be accessed by anonymous inner function even after connect has completed its execution using closures Now that all of these are in place let s move on to writing our own connect function Let s write our own connect functionWe are going to use a starter application counter which has increment decrement actions connecting to a redux store So the plan is to write our own connect function first and then integrate the working application with it The GitHub link of the counter application is as follows Github own connect fn starterA simple counter application where the counter value is stored at redux store which can be incremented or decremented by dispatching a redux action and updating the reducer The Counter component is connected to redux store using react redux connect function Our understanding is that connect is an HOF Higher Order Function that takes two functions as arguments and returns an anonymous function Let s build on this idea connectFn js fileconst connectFn mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps gt return gt export connectFn Now with the Anonymous Function receiving our component as an argument we can pass it through with Currying Next we ll create our anonymous class component within the Anonymous Function and the class will be returned by the Anonymous Function connectFn js fileimport React Component from react const connectFn mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps gt return WrappedComponent gt return class extends Component render return lt WrappedComponent gt export connectFn Here we are using anonymous class to return our WrappedComponent inside of an anonymous function based on the HOF pattern We can now pass the component props along with the props generated by mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps The implementation states that mapStateToProps requires an overall redux state and component props as parameters while mapDispatchToProps requires a dispatch function and component props as parameters const mapStateToProps state ownProps gt return const mapDispatchToProps dispatch ownProps gt return The component props can be accessed with this props but how do we get the state and dispatch method of the redux store In the process of integrating redux into our application a store will be created We will export that store and import it in our connectFn file We can access them using that store object store jsimport createStore from redux import reducer from reducer const store createStore reducer export store import React Component from react import store from redux store const connectFn mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps gt return WrappedComponent gt return class extends Component render console log this props return lt WrappedComponent this props mapStateToProps store getState this props mapDispatchToProps store dispatch this props gt export connectFn There s still work to do At this point you may observe component is rendered on screen without any errors however when clicking on increment decrement the value of counter does not update It is because we have to re render a component whenever its state changes We can do this by subscribing to the store and rendering it whenever state change happens import React Component from react import store from redux store const connectFn mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps gt return WrappedComponent gt return class extends Component unsubscribeTheStore null componentDidMount this unsubscribeTheStore store subscribe this handleStateChange componentWillUnmount this unsubscribeTheStore handleStateChange gt this forceUpdate render return lt WrappedComponent this props mapStateToProps store getState this props mapDispatchToProps store dispatch this props gt export connectFn We can import the connectFn and can be used as follows export default connectFn mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps Counter That s it We built our own connect function and integrated it with the Redux store Final code in the Github repoHope it s usefulA ️would be Awesome HappyCoding |
2022-01-11 11:01:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'El Deafo' creator reveals how the show's sound design conveys deafness |
x El Deafo x creator reveals how the show x s sound design conveys deafnessThe new Apple TV kids show El Deafo uses unusual sound design in order to present the experience of being deaf or hard of hearing El Deafo began as a New York Times best selling graphic memoir by Cece Bell and has been made into a series on Apple TV Now Bell who executive produced the series has revealed just how detailed and careful the sound design had to be El Deafo is the story of my childhood and adjusting to a sudden hearing loss says Bell It s very important to me that the kids watching the show are experiencing it the way I experienced it Read more |
2022-01-11 11:50:50 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Foxconn India 'gradually' reopening plant after food poisoning protests |
Foxconn India x gradually x reopening plant after food poisoning protestsFoxconn says it has implemented corrective actions following worker protests over living conditions and Apple s placing the Sriperumbudur iPhone plant on probation After workers protested at unsanitary living conditions and worms in their food Foxconn was forced to close its southern India plant Alongside demands of local government Foxconn was also placed on probation by Apple until conditions were improved Read more |
2022-01-11 11:04:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple will allow alternative payment systems in South Korea App Store |
Apple will allow alternative payment systems in South Korea App StoreApple must now allow alternative payment systems in South Korea to maintain compliance with a new law that forbids tech companies like Google and Apple from forcing their own in app payment systems In September South Korea passed a law that would forbid app store operators such as Apple and Google from requiring developers to utilize first party payment systems for in app purchases Additionally the amendment places prohibitions on app store rules that dissuade developers from marketing their wares on other platforms Read more |
2022-01-11 11:07:27 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Hands on with the new HomeKit devices from CES 2022 |
Hands on with the new HomeKit devices from CES CES was our first look at some of the new Matter and Thread HomeKit products and we spent most of our time at the show on them Here s what to look forward to All the HomeKit gear from CES Belkin Read more |
2022-01-11 11:56:11 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple iCloud, Photos services outage made them slow or unavailable |
Apple iCloud Photos services outage made them slow or unavailableApple acknowledged that some of its iCloud services were experiencing an issue on Monday that could make them slow or unavailable for users Apple iCloudAccording to Apple s system status page services like iCloud Backup iCloud Bookmarks Tabs iCloud Drive iCloud Keychain and Photos are current having problems that are affecting some users Read more |
2022-01-11 11:11:17 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Uber no longer supports ride hailing via the Apple Watch |
Uber no longer supports ride hailing via the Apple WatchDid you know that you could hail an Uber using your Apple Watch No Well it doesn t really matter anyway because the Uber Watch app has effectively been discontinued according to Apple Insider If you try to use it a message pops up asking you to switch the mobile app instead It further states quot we no longer sic supporting the Apple Watch app Sorry for the inconvenience quot with a crying emoji to drive the point home nbsp The app has yet to be pulled from the Watch App Store but all you ll get is the error message if you try to use it When it did work it let you hail a ride see the status of your request and show the location of the vehicle More advanced functions like fare splitting were reserved for the smartphone app nbsp The grammatically challenged message suggests that the app may have been pulled with some haste though neither Uber or Apple have commented The App Store listing above touts the app as a way you can leave home without your smartphone and still hail a ride provided you had a cellular enabled Watch To be fair Uber also pulled its WearOS app back in likely due to a lack of usage nbsp |
2022-01-11 11:40:57 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新規公開に際して行う株券の個人顧客への配分状況 |
新規公開 |
2022-01-11 13:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
‘Colonial wine from new, authoritarian bottles’: Hong Kong retools sedition law |
Colonial wine from new authoritarian bottles Hong Kong retools sedition lawThe Hong Kong government is expanding its use of a long dormant sedition law in what some lawyers and democracy advocates say is intensifying a squeeze |
2022-01-11 20:08:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Novak Djokovic: Questions raised over tennis star's travel declaration |
local |
2022-01-11 11:25:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
£150,000 starting salaries as firms fight for staff |
robert |
2022-01-11 11:20:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ovo Energy sorry over advice to cuddle pets to stay warm |
cuddle |
2022-01-11 11:29:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Downing Street party: What Covid rules would it have broken? |
covid |
2022-01-11 11:21:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What are the Covid rules in schools and will they stay open this term? |
covid |
2022-01-11 11:49:26 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
わらべや日洋HD(2918)、「増配」を発表して、配当 利回りが2.47%に! 年間配当額は1年間で25%増加、 2022年2月期は前期比10円増の「1株あたり50円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
2022-01-11 20:50:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
内村たたえ、海外から相次ぎ反応 「史上最高の体操選手」 |
個人総合 |
2022-01-11 20:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
なでしこ、アジア杯へ始動 池田監督「戦う気持ち上げる」 |
監督 |
2022-01-11 20:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コロナ不安払拭へ入試柔軟化 共通テストなし 2次試験で合否 |
文部科学省 |
2022-01-11 20:05:05 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
SteelSeries、「芝刈り機〆」「FOR7」が所属するCS entertainmentとパートナーシップを締結 |
entertainment |
2022-01-11 20:50:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
【クソスレ】俺はな、こんなご時世だし何も弁当の量を減らしたり値段を上げることを怒ってるんじゃないんだよ |クソスレ俺はなこんなご時世だし何も弁当の量を減らしたり値段を上げることを怒ってるんじゃないんだよ/
ewsokunomorallinkcomments |
2022-01-11 11:20:21 |