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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GCP】Cloud Functions (python)をCloud Build でdeploy する https://qiita.com/XPT60/items/e3cf12958780ad480c8d ローカルで動かすことも可能。 2022-01-16 22:57:26
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 天気予測AIを作る https://qiita.com/TanakaSU/items/4f70dcd2a6ac84f6eb92 ensembleclassifier非線形作成したAIモデルにスコアをつけるプログラム。 2022-01-16 22:54:33
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita # mplfinanceで作成するローソク足チャートのチートシート https://qiita.com/kotabook/items/a9d62e0e1bbe1f45d64a チートシートimportmplfinanceasmpfmpfplotdfmaster使用するデータフレームを第一引数に指定typecandleグラフ表示の種類を指定ローソク足チャートであればcandlestyleyahooここにスタイル一覧の中から好みのものを指定例ではyahooを指定チャートのサイズの設定figratio図のサイズをタプルで指定figscale図の大きさの倍率を指定、デフォルトはtightlayoutFalse図の端の余白を狭くして最適化するかどうかを指定軸の設定datetimeformatYmdX軸の日付の表示書式を指定xlimX軸の日付の範囲をタプルで指定指定無しならデータフレームを元に自動で設定されるylimY軸の範囲をタプルで指定指定無しなら自動で設定されるxrotationX軸の日付ラベルの回転角度を指定デフォルトは度axisoffFalse軸を表示するかどうかを指定デフォルトはFalseデータの表示設定volumeFalseボリュームを表示するかどうかを指定デフォルトはFalseshownontradingFalseデータがない日付を表示するかどうかを指定デフォルトはFalseラベルの設定titleTitleチャートのタイトルylabelylabelチャートのY軸ラベルylabellowerylabellowerボリュームを表示する場合は、ボリュームのグラフのY軸ラベルこのソースコードを実行すると、以下のようなグラフが得られます。 2022-01-16 22:34:23
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonを使って周囲の Wi-Fi 情報(SSID・BSSID・電波強度)を取得する https://qiita.com/bassan/items/e5d897f285fef619c7e8 はじめはコマンドラインでnetshwlanshownetworksmodebssidでWiFiの一覧を取得しようかと考えていたのですが、参考資料にある通り、何度実行しても同一のSSIDBSSIDになってしまったり、複数あるはずのSSIDが接続中のSSIDつだけになってしまったりしました。 2022-01-16 22:34:10
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 生徒の努力は得点じゃなく、「音ゲー」ようなリザルト画面で評しました! https://qiita.com/komanaki/items/dc7d43b434a5612570f9 一曲を遊んだ後で、リザルト画面は文字スコアで性能を見せます。 2022-01-16 22:29:19
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】privateな変数の双方向バインディング方法 https://qiita.com/tacchan5424/items/c1b84913f041eed8c55d ということでsetterを用意したところ、想定通りに値を変更することができました。 2022-01-16 22:13:11
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Webの仕組みとHTTP通信について https://qiita.com/nomi-kazu/items/1e7db9b64e7387d59a56 Webサイトが表示されるまで例QiitaqiitacomのIPアドレス教えて→→→→→ブラウザDNS←←←←←はい、このIPアドレスだよ↓DNSから取得したIPにGETリクエスト→→→→→ブラウザDNS←←←←←はい、HTML、CSS、JSはこれだよ最後にこんな感じでWebサイトは表示されている。 2022-01-16 22:23:59
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Emacs26が入っているUbuntuにEmacs27をインストールする https://qiita.com/usto/items/fef46c86ca7a06642d4b 2022-01-16 22:19:15
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails × AWS】本番環境のDB(MySQL)をRDSに移行し、タイムゾーンを日本時間に変更する https://qiita.com/Yuya-hs/items/4047f6c897176dfc6e02 RDSのtimezone設定上記の時点でRDSへ移行は完了しましたがRDSはデフォルトでtimezoneがUTCで設定されています。 2022-01-16 22:48:55
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ラズパイでAWS Greengrass https://qiita.com/rootpia/items/e6dae2feff769a4bf3a2 AWSIoTgtポリシーがつ追加されるコアデバイスのポリシーは以下ポリシーの権限に加え、STSでロールエイリアスGreengrassVTokenExchangeRoleAliasが追加されて使われる様子。 2022-01-16 22:41:19
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSコンテナ設計・構築本格入門自分用メモ https://qiita.com/kter/items/b0a5175c51389dc8e99a AWSコンテナ設計・構築本格入門自分用メモ巷で話題のAWSコンテナ設計・構築本格入門を読んだので自分用にメモChapterコンテナ設計に必要なAWS基礎知識次に挙げるような一部の例を除きFargate一択従来のオンプレミスの経験やナレッジを活用したいデプロイとスケール速度を極限まで早くしたいイメージのキャッシュをECに保持できるためGB以上のストレージを使う必要があるKubernetesのDaemonSetを使いたいGPUを使いたいECSとKubernetesどっちを採用するか問題Kubernetes運用フェーズを含めてインフラもしっかり見られる体制がある場合AWS以外のクラウドやオンプレを視野に入れている場合ECSそれ以外Chapterコンテナを利用したAWSアーキテクチャWellArchitectedフレームワークの活用運用上の優秀性どのようにシステムの状態を把握するかどのように不具合の修正を容易にするかどのようにデプロイのリスクを低減するかモニタリングの主な目的はシステムの可用性を維持するために問題発生に気がつくことオブザーバビリティ可観測性→システム全体を俯瞰しつつ、内部状態まで深掘りできるような状態ロギング設計CloudWatchLogsサブスクリプションフィルターログ内に特定文字列が含まれているログの抽出CloudWatchLogsInsightsを使いたいFireLensCloudWatchLogs以外のAWSサービスやAWS外のSaaSへのログ転送もちろんCloudWatchLogsにも転送できるログ出力先を複数指定したい場合コンテナごとにログの出力先はつしか指定できない大量のログが出力される場合料金面メトリクス設計CloudWatchメトリクスECSサービス単位ECSタスクではないCPUUtilizationMemoryUtilizationCloudWatchContainerInsightsECSタスク単位CPUとメモリの他にネットワーク、ストレージ、ECSタスク、ECSサービスのメトリクスが取得できるダッシュボードが用意される別途料金がかかるので注意クラウドを利用することで、安定稼働やハードウェアの追加調達の判断ではなく、リソース効率性やコンピューティングリソースの妥当性、オートスケールの発動条件にモニタリングの用途を変えることができる。 2022-01-16 22:16:40
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GCP】Cloud Functions (python)をCloud Build でdeploy する https://qiita.com/XPT60/items/e3cf12958780ad480c8d ローカルで動かすことも可能。 2022-01-16 22:57:26
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails × AWS】本番環境のDB(MySQL)をRDSに移行し、タイムゾーンを日本時間に変更する https://qiita.com/Yuya-hs/items/4047f6c897176dfc6e02 RDSのtimezone設定上記の時点でRDSへ移行は完了しましたがRDSはデフォルトでtimezoneがUTCで設定されています。 2022-01-16 22:48:55
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Webの仕組みとHTTP通信について https://qiita.com/nomi-kazu/items/1e7db9b64e7387d59a56 Webサイトが表示されるまで例QiitaqiitacomのIPアドレス教えて→→→→→ブラウザDNS←←←←←はい、このIPアドレスだよ↓DNSから取得したIPにGETリクエスト→→→→→ブラウザDNS←←←←←はい、HTML、CSS、JSはこれだよ最後にこんな感じでWebサイトは表示されている。 2022-01-16 22:23:59
海外TECH MakeUseOf 3 Reasons Why We Should Reboot Games (and 2 Reasons Why Not) https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-why-we-should-reboot-games/ games 2022-01-16 13:31:22
海外TECH DEV Community Light Out game | Day 12 https://dev.to/developerioweb/light-out-game-day-12-2m6h Light Out game Day Today I have made a Light Out Game Not From the Scratch It was an Exercise of the React Course BY Colt Steele The Game Look Like This WorkingWhen you clicks on any cell it will toggles his neighbouring cells When all the Cells are off you won the Game Your Task is to First Make a Board which have cells in it and you can use the Table to show the Cells in the Board as a table Data Once you are done with that You have to do that every time You Refreshes the site the cell will randomly be on off After that you have to apply that whenever u click on a particular cell it will also toggles it s neighbouring cells Component DesignAppAs often this is a very simple component It just renders the Board component BoardThe most sophisticated component It will hold the state that represents the in memory grid of true false for lights on off Since the state for the board lives here this is also were the setState calls will need to go ーand therefore all the functions that call setState CellA simpler component This will simply render a div where the CSS classes will indicate whether this cell is lit or unlit This is what the user clicks on ーbut it will need to call a function it receives from the Board since that will need to update the state When the game is won the board should not be shown but a simple “You Won message should show in its place Happy Coding ️ 2022-01-16 13:20:04
海外TECH DEV Community Difference between bootstrap and twitter bootstrap https://dev.to/kodelogs/difference-between-bootstrap-and-twitter-bootstrap-2mj2 Difference between bootstrap and twitter bootstrapBootstrap is a CSS framework used in front end applications that is in the user interface screen to develop applications that adapt to any device In WordPress for example it can be installed as a theme or used to develop plugins or even within them to stylize their functions The framework s purpose is to offer users a more pleasant experience when browsing a site For this reason it has several resources to configure the styles of the page elements and efficiently and facilitate the construction of pages that at the same time are adapted for the web and mobile devices The above shows why it is essential to know about a potential structure of this typeWhat is Bootstrap Bootstrap is a CSS framework developed by Twitter in to standardize business tools It was initially called Twitter Blueprint and soon after in it went open source and its name changed to Bootstrap It is now updated several times and is already in version The framework combines CSS and JavaScript to style the elements of an HTML page This does more than change the colour of buttons and links It is a tool that offers interactivity on the page It therefore provides several components that facilitate communication with the user such as navigation menus page controls progress bars etc In addition to all the functionalities offered by the framework its main objective is to create responsive websites for mobile devices This means that the pages are designed to work on desktops tablets and smartphones in a simple and organized way Is There Any Difference Between Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap No there is no difference between them They are the same thing Twitter Bootstrap is called Bootstrap in short form Hope you liked the post kindly share it with your programmer friends 2022-01-16 13:11:56
海外TECH DEV Community Defensive & offensive programming https://dev.to/sargalias/defensive-offensive-programming-38gh Defensive amp offensive programmingDefensive programming is a term that many programmers have heard of It s related to error handling and having correct programs For some programs defensive programming is essential For others it may be useful to use here and there Along with that there s also offensive programming In this article we ll start by examining normal programming We ll examine it first because some people mistake it for defensive programming However this is something that you should do regardless of whether you do defensive programming or not Then we ll examine defensive programming followed by offensive programming Normal programmingNormal programming means to have all the checks that are necessary in your code It also means to always handle certain types of errors Necessary checks in codeSome code needs a lot of conditionals It can feel like you re being overly defensive with the number of conditionals you have One example of this is checking for null the billion dollar mistake Nulls and null checks are very tricky Many codebases need if statements for them all over the place Another example is validating user input You need to have many checks to ensure that user input is valid Your program needs to handle it very harshly Otherwise you ll have security vulnerabilities But that s not defensive programming Rather something like forgetting a single null check is a bug They re not unnecessary checks that you do just in case They re necessary checks The value will be null sometimes and that s normal If you forget a single one you have a bug No questions asked Necessary error handlingError handling is very important in programs You always need to consider how your program should respond to errors This also depends on the kind of error Generally most programs handle expected errors which are out of their control For example failing to send a network request because the network connection dropped failing to find a file because a user deleted it It would be very bad for the user experience for a program to crash on these errors Also it s relatively easy to handle them As a result most programs handle these even if they re not doing defensive programming So again this is considered normal programming not defensive programming A different kind of error is a bug In most programs these errors are considered unrecoverable The rule of thumb for most programs is to crash on these errors and to not handle them Defensive programmingIn my interpretation defensive programming is about fault tolerance It means going above and beyond to ensure that your program continues working It s used for certain programs where you need maximum availabilitysafetysecurity Example use case of defensive programmingOne example of defensive programming as Adrian Georgescu writes on his post on NASA coding standards is for code used in space exploration missions That code is developed once and sent to space If it goes wrong that s billions of dollars worth of work lost For that kind of code you need to take extreme measures The code must work correctly without crashing no matter what This is very different to your average program With your average program bugs aren t generally a big problem Your program may still be usable even if it s buggy In the worst case a problem can be fixed manually by calling customer service If the program becomes unusable you can crash it and restart it If it s a back end program there are probably multiple servers running it If it s a client the user can restart the program themselves In a really bad case you can update the server code You can even go to a physical server manually and restart it But with certain critical software you can t do that The software has to always work properly The problem is that people aren t perfect We create bugs Not to mention that other errors may occur that are outside of the program s control such as operating system errors This means that the program may fail But that s not an option with some software As a result you need to do everything in your power to prevent failure How to do defensive programmingDefensive programming primarily means doing everything possible to ensure your program is working correctly and will continue to work correctly This can include having very good software development practices having many checks in code to double and triple check that everything is working at all times optionally having error recovery mechanisms That way if something goes wrong maybe the program can recover Good software development practicesThe first step is to make the code as bug free and as easy to work with as possible That means that you need things such as very strict QAvery thorough testsvery thorough runtime monitoringvery strict coding and development standards In fact you may ban certain patterns or language features altogether such as recursion good general software qualitysource code that s easy to understandsoftware that behaves in a predictable mannerThose points are important for all software However they re critical for defensive programming After all if your source code isn t well tested or easy to understand it could have bugs This defeats the point of defensive programming Extra checksCode with defensive programming tends to have many extra checks The checks are there to catch bugs They wouldn t be needed if the code was completely bug free Checks that aren t intended to catch bugs fall under normal programming not defensive programming You have conditionals in the code that check whether something such as some state in the program is valid If a check fails it shows a bug At that point if the program is in development you can crash it and fix the bug This is the same principle as using assertions during development in offensive programming if the program is in production you can run error recovery if you ve implemented it so the program can continue working The common case is to crash the program and fix the bug During development you hope that the combination of tests and extra checks will catch all of the bugs Then when the program is in production it should work as intended Another benefit for these checks is that they catch errors early The more checks you have that the intermediate state is correct the sooner you ll catch bugs That makes debugging easier It also means that you can start error recovery earlier Finally you may be able to implement some error recovery Then if a check fails you can run your error recovery code You can have as many or as few checks as you need You ll have to decide what to check based on risk analysis Some important checks are probably results involving important calculations and data Some less important checks are things like checking function arguments or constantly checking state after simple operations Here are some examples of checks you might have Example with checking function argumentsYou can check whether a function is called with valid arguments The arguments should have the correct type and range Here s a code example function foo nonEmptyString naturalInteger if typeof nonEmptyString string if it s not a string nonEmptyString if it s the empty string Number isInteger naturalInteger if it s not an integer naturalInteger lt if it s not a natural integer or more crash the program or handle the error here or throw an exception so some code higher up handles the error or do anything else your error recovery implementation requires code for normal function execution Example with checking the results of data calculationsAnother example is checking results involving data Normally you would only check some data when you first receive it For example if a user submits some data you would check it to make sure it s valid Then you would work with that data You might format it or transform it in some way You would have tests to make sure that these processes work correctly In theory you shouldn t need to also check the final result The initial data is valid The code you process it with works correctly Therefore the end result should be correct But if you re doing defensive programming you might have checks on the final result too Recovering from unexpected errorsThe steps mentioned so far try to reduce the number of bugs in your program However there might still be bugs For that reason you might want to implement error recovery This might require a lot of thinking It might even need to be part of your feature planning This would be the case if the program needs to respond to a user while it s in the process of recovery The user facing behaviour will probably be determined in collaboration with a product manager not just by the programmers Also error recovery might be a large part of the code As a made up example consider a back end that accepts network requests for product orders A server might error while processing the order To handle that scenario you might do things like have an initial server record the order information so it s not lost have some recovery mechanism for the faulty server E g some other process may restart it Or maybe the server can try to fix its own state internally the order can be given to a different server or maybe the erroring server can try to process it again after it s fixed Here are some more examples of possible recovery mechanisms If something in the code fails maybe you can try to manually fix or reset the state in the program maybe you can try running the operation again If the problem is a race condition it may work next time if it s a subprogram that s erroring maybe you can restart it If the problem is invalid state in the subprogram then restarting it may work maybe you can have a backup program hosted on a server If the client is producing incorrect results then maybe it can call on the server to do the calculation instead maybe you can have a backup program with less features than the main program If the main program is erroring maybe run the backup program instead which only provides barebones operation Of course if a critical part of the program is buggy then maybe you can t do anything about it in runtime The only solution may be to fix the code You ll also need to have risk analysis That s where you consider things like what code could have errors how likely it is that it will have errors what impact would the error have what would it cost to prevent the error from ever happening or to implement recovery mechanisms for that error The idea is that recovery will need to be considered as a first class citizen and a requirement during the project Note that these kinds of recovery measures are probably reserved for programs that really need defensive programming For most normal programs it s probably enough to simply restart a server or notify the user that something went wrong Downsides of defensive programmingDefensive programming has significant downsides For example it requires a lot more code At the very least you ll have many more conditions and checks than a similar program without defensive programming performance can be worse That s because the extra checks take time to execute it makes the code harder to work with because there is a lot more code error recovery can take a long time to plan for and implement When to use defensive programmingWhether or not you use defensive programming depends on your program As mentioned earlier some programs need maximum availability reliability and security Those types of programs may require a lot of defensive programming For most other programs you shouldn t need defensive programming Normal programming should be enough Nonetheless you re free to use some defensive programming techniques around some key areas of the code It s up to you to make the decision Regardless of what you do remember to be pragmatic Use risk analysis Consider what could go wrong how much chance is there of it going wrong what would the impact be how could you prevent it from going wrong what would it cost to implement prevention or recovery Then use the right amount of defensive programming where necessary Try to avoid overusing defensive programming if it s not necessary Offensive programmingThe goal of offensive programming is to catch bugs and crash early As explained in how to respond to errors crashing early is helpful It means that you are notified of bugs immediately Also the stack trace from the crash is closer to the source of the problem This helps with debugging How to do offensive programmingTo do offensive programming you do normal programmingdon t recover from bugs avoid defensive programming write code in a way where bugs are obvious and easy to findimmediately crash the program on bugsJust like with normal programming you still need conditionals for things that aren t bugs For example you need conditionals for null checks Similarly you should probably handle errors which aren t bugs For example when users provide invalid data or when you re not able to find a file in the file system Most of the time it would be unreasonable to crash on them In other words you should probably follow the normal programming way of dealing with these Also you should write code in a way where bugs are easy to find Here are some techniques for that Avoid fallback code and default valuesThings like default state default arguments and fallback code can hide bugs For example you might call a function with incorrect arguments You might have accidentally used null instead of a string for an argument That s a bug However due to default arguments the argument will be a string anyway The bug won t be caught and the program may do the wrong thing as a result A similar thing applies to fallback code One example is inheritance and subclassing You may have forgotten to implement a method in a subclass Then you call the method and it executes the parent s method That s unintended behaviour which is a bug To prevent this avoid using things like default state default values and fallback implementations Avoid checks on code that will crash on errorsSometimes buggy code will crash on its own You don t have to do anything extra Leave the code as it is and let it crash For example consider the code below array should never be null If it s null that s a bug If you have a defensive check around it the code won t crash function foo array if array null code doesn t crash if array is null return array But if you don t have a defensive check the code will crash function foo array return array code crashes if array is null You want the code to crash as early as possible So in this case just leave it as it is without a defensive check Have conditionals or assertions to check for errorsContrary to the point above some bugs won t cause the program to crash For example you might have some incorrect state in your program Your program may not crash from that As another example some code may execute that shouldn t execute under normal circumstances In these cases you can use manual checks Then if you find something wrong you can manually crash the program For example function foo arg switch arg case foo do something break case bar do something break default this code should never execute so crash the program if it does throw new Error Default case should never execute Here s another example with checking state function getCurrentPlayerHealth const health player health if health lt health gt this condition should never evaluate to true so crash the program if it does throw new Error Player health should be between and continue normal function execution More traditionally these kinds of bug checks use assertions instead of conditionals Assertions are bug finding tools If they fail they signify a bug Conditionals are control flow tools If a conditional fails it doesn t signify a bug It means that a different block of code should execute instead So instead of using conditionals you can use assertions For details on how to do that please see the documentation for your programming language Here s a code example in JavaScript console assert player health gt amp amp player health lt player logs a stack trace if condition is false along with the player objectIn some programming languages assertions crash the program However in others they don t crash it They may only print an error message to the console or something Both are usable However offensive programming recommends hard crashing when possible Also some programming languages allow you to turn off assertions in production for better performance Downsides of offensive programmingSimilar to defensive programming offensive programming has downsides One downside is having to avoid certain kinds of code like default arguments Default arguments have valid use cases They provide reasonable defaults They can make some code much easier to work with Another downside is having to crash the program As explained in how to respond to errors crashing on bugs is usually good However it might be something that you re not prepared to do in your application Another downside is performance Having assert statements throughout your code can significantly reduce performance As a result many programming languages don t crash when assertions fail Also they have the option of removing assertions from production code With this option you lose the benefits of offensive programming in production You only gain the benefits during development However that alone can be very useful When to use offensive programmingOffensive programming helps you catch bugs That s a significant win For this reason it s good to use it during development Generally you ll put assert statements here and there to ensure that certain things are correct As for production it depends Consider the pros and cons of offensive programming and make your decision It s alright to only use offensive programming in development After all catching more bugs during development is better than nothing Be pragmaticWhen choosing your approach to handling errors you need to be pragmatic Normal programming is the minimum that you need to do for most programs For some programs you might use defensive programming In particular for programs that need high availabilitysecurityreliabilityBut also understand the downsides Primarily the downsides are worse performance and longer development time Offensive programming helps you catch bugs This is useful during development and even production You can mix and match the approaches based on what you need You can even use different methodologies in different areas of the code It s up to you to decide Final notesSo that s it for this article I hope that you found it useful As always if any points were missed or if you disagree with anything or have any comments or feedback then please leave a comment below For the next steps I recommend looking at the other articles in the error handling series Alright thanks and see you next time CreditsImage credits Turtle in sea Photo by Tanguy Sauvin from PexelsTurtle in shell Photo by Hogr Othman on UnsplashTiger Photo by Samuele Giglio on UnsplashSquirrel Photo by Pixabay from Pexels 2022-01-16 13:09:42
海外TECH DEV Community Image Animation Using HTML CSS & GSAP https://dev.to/nikhil27b/image-animation-using-html-css-gsap-1659 Image Animation Using HTML CSS amp GSAPHello Guys Today I Created an Amazing Image Animation using HTML CSS amp GSAP Animation To animate the image I use the GSAP timeline and gsap from method to achieve this effect If you had multiple images on your website then use for each method like me else use a direct timeline method I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts also For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil Thank you 2022-01-16 13:04:53
海外TECH DEV Community Saving Millions of Images Series [Part Four] https://dev.to/atherdon/saving-millions-of-images-series-part-four-39ok Saving Millions of Images Series Part Four Using Cloudflare CDN for your needsWhile working on this series storing one billion images on your floppy disk I explored what is going on at the CDN service providers market And while digging on the web I figured out that Cloudflare as one of the most prominent players recently launched their CDN service focused on images I didn t try it yet but while playing with their documentation I can say that they put in a lot of work and thought about how to make it work They touched essential points and are trying to attack AWS on the ground Let s see how they will be doing it in the next two years And here are their guides Cloudflare Images lets you set up an image pipeline in minutes Build a scalable image pipeline to store resize optimize and deliver images in a fast and secure manner Announcing Cloudflare Images beta to simplify your image pipelineCloudflare Images Now Available to EveryoneCloudflare Image Optimization docsHow Cloudflare Images can make your life easier LimitationsThere are a few limitations to Cloudflare Image Resizing Resizes and generates only JPEG PNG GIF or WebP imagesIt can save animations as GIF or animated WebPSupports ICC color profiles in JPEG and PNG imagesPreserves EXIF metadata in JPEG images only if the JPEG doesn t use EXIF rotationConverts the first frame of GIF animations to a still imageDiscards WebP image metadataMore to readCloudflare Image ResizingUnderstanding Cloudflare Image ResizingIntegration with frameworks ·Cloudflare Image Optimization docsURL formatCloudflare Image Optimization FAQServe images How do you create responsive images Basic GuideCSS arguably has better tools for responsive design than HTML The srcset feature of HTML allows browsers to automatically choose an image that is best suited for user s screen resolution So what is the problem that we want to solve with resolution switching We want to display identical image content just larger or smaller depending on the device ーthis is the situation we have with the second content image in our example The standard lt img gt element traditionally only lets you point the browser to a single source file srcset for responsive imagesBy default the browser assumes the image will be stretched to the full width of the screen and will pick a size that is closest to a visitor s screen size In the src attribute the browser will pick any size that is a good fallback for older browsers that do not understand srcset srcset defines the set of images we will allow the browser to choose between and what size each image is Each set of image information is separated from the previous one by a comma lt img width srcset cdn cgi image fit contain width assets hero jpg w cdn cgi image fit contain width assets hero jpg w cdn cgi image fit contain width assets hero jpg w cdn cgi image fit contain width assets hero jpg w cdn cgi image fit contain width assets hero jpg w src cdn cgi image width assets hero jpg gt Read more Responsive imagesMoving forward…Resize with Cloudflare WorkersCloudflare PolishGetting Started with Cloudflare Images Better DevSaving Millions of Images SeriesPart OnePart TwoPart Three 2022-01-16 13:02:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Safari API bug leaks browsing data that can reveal a user's identity https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/16/safari-api-bug-leaks-browsing-data-that-can-reveal-a-users-identity?utm_medium=rss Safari API bug leaks browsing data that can reveal a user x s identityA bug in Safari in how it handles the IndexedDB API is potentially leaking information about a user s browsing habits an issue that could be used to reveal the user s identity Apple has continuously attempted to make Safari privacy focused with the introduction of initiatives to prevent cross site tracking and the Safari Privacy Report meant to help protect users However a bug in how Safari functions may have undone all of that work A blog post by browser fingerprinting service FingerprintJS points out that there s a problem with the way Apple implemented IndexedDB API in Safari According to the researchers the bug can allow any website to track a browser s internet activity and potentially determine their identity Read more 2022-01-16 13:50:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Crime blotter: Gangs suspected in Apple Store robberies in Spain and U.K. https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/16/crime-blotter-gangs-suspected-in-apple-store-robberies-in-spain-and-uk?utm_medium=rss Crime blotter Gangs suspected in Apple Store robberies in Spain and U K In the latest Apple Crime Blotter The latest on January defendants who used the Signal app an iPad was stolen along with a teddy bear and UPS loses iPhone packages The Apple Store in Valencia Spain The latest in an occasional AppleInsider series looking at the world of Apple related crime Read more 2022-01-16 13:41:44
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New iPad Air may launch in the spring with A15 Bionic, 5G https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/16/fifth-gen-ipad-air-may-launch-in-the-spring-with-a15-bionic-5g?utm_medium=rss New iPad Air may launch in the spring with A Bionic GApple s fifth generation iPad Air could release in early with a new report claiming that it is similar to the sixth generation iPad mini with G connectivity and an ultra wide FaceTime HD camera Rumors and speculation has Apple holding another special event in the spring possibly as early as March While the iPhone SE is expected to be the main launch it is thought that the iPad Air could go through a refresh at the same time The sixth generation iPad Air will apparently incorporate a specifications list that echoes the iPad mini including an A Bionic chip and support for G mobile networks according to Chinese sources of Macotakara Read more 2022-01-16 13:52:42
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Why Use State Management in Front End Code? https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5310619/Why-Use-State-Management-in-Front-End-Code front 2022-01-16 13:58:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Starmer accuses PM of breaking law over No 10 parties https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60014813?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA downing 2022-01-16 13:01:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Texas synagogue hostage taker was British – reports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60014006?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA morning 2022-01-16 13:42:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Peter Seabrook: Gardening writer and broadcaster dies aged 86 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-60014713?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA presenter 2022-01-16 13:19:24
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] iPadケース迷ったらSpigen!機能もデザインもクールすぎ【今日のライフハックツール】 https://www.lifehacker.jp/article/248680lht_spigen_ipad_case/ iphone 2022-01-16 13:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 コンサドーレ 沖縄でキャンプ始動 元日本代表の西、練習生として参加 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/634085/ 元日本代表 2022-01-16 22:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 女子の近藤5位、五輪確実 フリースタイルスキーW杯 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/634083/ 近藤 2022-01-16 22:12:00



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