Engadget Japanese |
HAKUBAのカメラアクセサリ―がセール中。三脚や防湿庫、カメラバッグ、レンズフィルターなど |
amazon |
2022-01-18 09:20:10 |
Engadget Japanese |
ロジクールG、デュアルドライバ仕様のゲーミング イヤホンG333発表 PC/PS/Switch/Xbox対応 |
logicool |
2022-01-18 09:13:34 |
ロボスタ |
【動画】ネットワークを介して人型ロボットを力制御 東京ロボティクス、NTTコム社との取り組みを公開 |
共同開発 |
2022-01-18 09:39:31 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 京ハヤ、5色から選べるUSB Type-C/Lightningケーブル「CONNECT GEAR FABRIC」を発売 |
ITmediaMobile京ハヤ、色から選べるUSBTypeCLightningケーブル「CONNECTGEARFABRIC」を発売京ハヤは、ケーブル部分にファブリック編み込み素材をあしらったUSBTypeCLightningケーブルを発売する。 |
2022-01-18 18:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 携帯市場「みんなのスマホ」における中古スマホの単月販売数が過去最高に 2021年12月度 手頃な中古iPhoneの影響か |
iphone |
2022-01-18 18:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] アニメ主題歌カラオケランキング 2位『王様ランキング』King Gnuの「BOY」 1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-01-18 18:44:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] トンネル抜けるとマッチング!? ゲレンデでの男女の出会いを後押しするマッチング企画「Omiaiリフト」開催 |
itmedia |
2022-01-18 18:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 福井県の「住み続けたい街」ランキング 3位は「鯖江市」、2位は「越前市」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-01-18 18:24:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] トイレ業者のSEO対策に東京都下水道局が「待った」 啓発ポスターがシュールで話題に |
itmedia |
2022-01-18 18:17:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
野村證券など、株取引データを量子暗号で伝送、従来のシステムと比べて遜色のない通信速度を確認 | IT Leaders |
野村證券など、株取引データを量子暗号で伝送、従来のシステムと比べて遜色のない通信速度を確認ITLeadersNEC、野村ホールディングス野村HD、野村證券、情報通信研究機構NICT、東芝の組織は年月日、株式取引に量子暗号通信を適用する検証を実施したと発表した。 |
2022-01-18 18:07:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
指定した相関係数になるデータ行列の生成 |
指定した相関係数になるデータ行列の生成以下の関数gendatは相関係数がrとなるn×行列を求める。 |
2022-01-18 18:40:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
3次元で描写した図を動画に保存する |
ColabニューラルネットワークでANDゲートを解くipynbモデルを作った後、からまでの入力に対して出力を次元空間にプロットしてみました。 |
2022-01-18 18:05:32 |
Program |
CodeZine |
「Pythonとネットワークの自動化基礎検定」ベータ試験を2月27日に実施、本試験は2022年8月実施予定 |
python |
2022-01-18 18:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
15分でできる!opnizハンズオン! |
ハンズオンopnizデバイスのセットアップ計分作業ディレクトリ作成とnpminit秒opnizCLIのnpmインストール分MStackデバイスへのテンプレートスケッチ書き込み分Lチカプログラムを動かしてみる計分NodejsSDKコード作成秒opnizNodejsSDKのnpmインストール秒プログラムの実行分opnizデバイスのセットアップ計分まずはopnizCLIを使ってopnizデバイスをセットアップします。 |
2022-01-18 18:53:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】if,else 真偽値による条件を組み合わせて処理 |
・第一引数のnumが以上かつ以下の範囲であればTrueを出力すること・第二引数のoutsidemodeがTrueの場合は、第一引数numが条件範囲外でもTrueを出力すること・それ以外はFalseを出力すること雛形defintonumoutsidemodeここに条件式を記述するend呼び出し例intofalseintofalseintotrue出力例intofalse→Trueintofalse→Falseintotrue→Trueヒント論理演算子論理演算子とは、式の「真True」と「偽False」の確認や演算を行う際に用いられる演算子記号、符号のことです。 |
2022-01-18 18:51:26 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
メルペイフロントエンドチームで行っているパフォーマンス改善の取り組み紹介 |
hellip |
2022-01-18 10:43:16 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
KubernetesベースのCloud Spanner Autoscaler |
hellip |
2022-01-18 09:10:57 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
5 Organizing Apps and Sites to Clean Up Your Home and Declutter Your Life |
Organizing Apps and Sites to Clean Up Your Home and Declutter Your LifeThese free organization apps and sites will help you manage your paperwork and current inventory at home while decluttering what you don t need |
2022-01-18 09:30:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
“Tu perfil se ajusta a este empleo” |
“Tu perfil se ajusta a este empleo Cuántas veces habrás leído en una oferta de trabajo la frase “Tu perfil se ajusta a este empleo para luego descubrir que lo único que se ajusta en ella es tan solo una palabra que coincide con tu currículum profesional El otro día como de costumbre andaba perdiendo el tiempo haciendo scroll infinito en LinkedIn y ya que estaba mi curiosidad me llevóa investigar algunas ofertas de trabajo no séque tiene esta plataforma que terminas entrado una o dos veces al día y antes que te des cuenta has malgastado minutos de tu tiempo en publicaciones sobre fotos de bodas y packs de bienvenida de empresa asícomo artículos en los que se glorifica hasta la obtención de la licencia de conducir pero no te preocupes que de esto ya hablaremos otro día Quizás te haya comentando en los anteriores post que trabajo como desarrollador asíque lo más normal es que estuviera investigando ofertas sobre mi campo profesional pero en vez de buscar por el nombre de mi profesión decidíbuscar directamente por mi ubicación que quieres que te diga a veces la pereza lleva a límites insospechados Si bien es cierto que la mayoría de las ofertas estaban dentro de mi sector profesional desarrollador ingeniero de software etc de entre todas ellas hubo una que me llamóla atención en particular “Abogado bilingüe español alemán Y justo debajo aparecía la foto de mi perfil con el siguiente comentario “Tu perfil se ajusta a este empleo En ese preciso momento me di cuenta de lo desastroso que puede llegar a ser LinkedIn recomendando ofertas Y es que se puede saber que tengo yo que ver con la Abogacía Y lo mismo digo del Alemán En lo único que coincidía con ese título era el español pero nada más Si bien es cierto que séalgo de leyes como las de tráfico o que no hay que hacer ruido pasadas las h de la noche de ahía decirme que encajo en un puesto de abogado es dar un salto más grande que Neil Armstrong llegando a la luna Sépuede saber que te he hecho LinkedIn para que me recomiendes ofertas que parecen salidas de la chistera de un mago Tengo que decir que tras mi asombro inicial decidíleer más acerca de aquella oferta no fuera a ser que se tratase de la mayor oportunidad profesional de mi vida y que ni siquiera yo conocía Pero tras leer una y otra vez toda la descripción y requisitos que ofrecía el anuncio no logréa ver que palabras clave había utilizado el algoritmo de LinkedIn para relacionarme con ese empleo Entiendo que su objetivo principal sea ser una red social pero la mayoría de usuarios que entran en la plataforma lo hacen para buscar trabajo Trabajo de lo suyo Ahora bien desde ese día en que me metía leer la oferta para abogado me van llegado de vez en cuando mensajes de LinkedIn al correo recomendándome empleos similares Todos ellos sobre abogacía claro está Tal vez deba hacer caso y hacer un drástico cambio de profesión Al fin y al cabo me lo estárecomendado LinkedIn Quémal podría hacerme Con lo sencillo que es comparar varias preferencias y habilidades y a partir de ahí ir mostrando ofertas que se ajusten a uno mismo Pero siempre tiene que haber alguien que lo complique todo más de la cuenta Y parece ser que hoy LinkedIn repite en el primer puesto Si no fuera por la cantidad de memes sobre programación que puedo ver ya me habría vuelto a Instagram hace tiempo Esta claro que todas estas plataformas para encontrar trabajo tales como Infojobs Indeed etc necesitan un cambio drástico en sus funciones necesitan centrarse en lograr cumplir con aquello que promulgan Eso es al menos lo que dice la ley que se debe hacer Créeme séde lo que hablo al fin y al cabo podría ser abogado bilingüe español alemán |
2022-01-18 09:23:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introducing the Offen Protocol |
Introducing the Offen ProtocolWe are building Offen a fair and lightweight web analytics software that treats operators and users as equal parties Along the way we discovered many subtleties and details to consider and created the Offen Protocol for all software out there that aims to handle usage data in a transparent way Read the full version of this article on the Offen blog The underlying concept is the definition of five actions that clients can take when they interact with a server that processes their data These actions correspond to the rights of the data subject as defined by GDPR Probe is used to request additional information about the service Register is used when a client wants to make itself known to the server Submit is the action taken when a client transfers data to the client Query will be used when clients want to query the server for data Purge can be used by clients that want to initiate removal of data The full specification document can be found on the website The protocol is not overly complicated and is perhaps even more of a convention than a specification However we have extracted what we use in Offen and added these implementations to the GitHub repository which also contains the specification itself Please let us know what you think We re happy to open the discussion tweet at us send us an email or open an issue on the GitHub repository |
2022-01-18 09:10:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Some Techniques to Enhance Your Terraform Proficiency |
Some Techniques to Enhance Your Terraform ProficiencyTerraform built in functionality is very feature rich functions expressions and meta arguments provide many ways to shape the code and fit it to a particular use case I want to share a few valuable practices to boost your Terraform expertise in this blog Two notes ️⃣Some code examples in this article will work with Terraform version and onwards But if you re still using or lower here s another motivation for you to upgrade️⃣I ll be using AWS Terraform provider code examples throughout the article but mentioned Terraform functions and expressions are provider agnostic and will work the same with other providers Conditional resources creationLet s start from the most popular one although still may be new for somebody whether to create a resource depending on some fact e g the value of a variable Terraform meta argument count helps to describe that kind of logic Here is how it may look like data aws ssm parameter ami id count var ami channel name local ami channels var ami channel The notation var ami channel is called conditional expression and means the following if my variable is empty var ami channel ーhence true then set the count to otherwise set to condition true val false valIn this illustration I want to get the AMI ID from the SSM Parameter only if the AMI channel e g beta or alpha is specified Otherwise providing that the ami channel variable is an empty string by default the data source should not be created When following this method keep in mind that the resource address will contain the index identifier So when I need to use the value of the SSM parameter from our example I need to reference it the following way ami id data aws ssm parameter ami id valueThe count meta argument can also be used to create a whole module conditionally module bucket count var create bucket true source modules s bucket name my unique bucket The var create bucket true expression can be written even shorter var create bucket because the create bucket variable has boolean type apparently But what if you need to produce more than one instance of a resource or module And still be able to avoid their creation Another meta argument ーfor each ーwill do the trick For example this is how it looks for a module module bucket for each var bucket names var bucket names source modules s bucket name each key enable encryption true In this illustration I also used a conditional expression that makes Terraform iterate through the set of values of var bucket names if it s not empty and create several modules Otherwise do not iterate at all and do not create anything The same can be done for the resources For example when you need to create an arbitrary number of security group rules e g to allowlist some IPs for your bastion host resource aws security group rule allowlist for each var cidr blocks var cidr blocks type ingress from port to port protocol tcp cidr blocks each value security group id aws security group bastion id And just like with the count meta argument with the for each resource addresses will have the identifier named by the values provided to for each For example here is how I would reference a resource created in the module with for each described earlier bucket name module bucket photos name Conditional resource arguments attributes settingNow let s go deeper and see how resource arguments can be conditionally set or not First let s review the conditional argument value setting with the null data type resource aws launch template this name my launch template key name var use default keypair var keypair name null Here I want to skip the usage of the EC Key Pair for the Launch Template in some instances and Terraform allows me to write the conditional expression that will set the null value for the argument It means the absence or omission and Terraform would behave the same as if you did not specify the argument at all Dynamic blocks are another case where this technique suits best Take a look at the following piece of CloudFront resource code where I want to either describe the configuration for the custom error response or omit that completely resource aws cloudfront distribution cdn enabled true dynamic custom error response for each var custom error response null var custom error response iterator cer content error code lookup cer value error code null error caching min ttl lookup cer value error caching min ttl null response code lookup cer value response code null response page path lookup cer value response page path null The custom error response variable is null by default but it has the object type and users can assign the variable with the required nested specifications if needed And when they do it Terraform will add the custom error response block to the resource configuration Otherwise it will be omitted entirely Convert types with easeOk let s move to the less conditional things now Terraform has several type conversion functions tobool tolist tomap tonumber toset and tostring Their purpose is to convert the input values to the compatible types For example suppose I need to pass the set to the for each it accepts only sets and maps types of value but I got the list as an input let s say I got it as an output from another module In such a case I would do something like this for each toset var remote access ports However I can make my code cleaner and avoid the explicit conversion ーI just need to define the value type in the configuration block of the my list variable Terraform will do the conversion automatically when the value is assigned variable remote access ports description Ports for remote access type set string While Terraform can do a lot of implicit conversions for you explicit type conversions are practical during values normalization or when you need to calculate some complex value for a variable For example the Local Values known as locals are the most suitable place for doing that By the way although there is a tolist function there is no such thing as the tostring function But what if you need to convert the list to string in Terraform The one function can help here it takes a list set or tuple value with either zero or one element and returns either null or that one element in the form of string It s useful in cases when a resource created using conditional expression is represented as either a zero or one element list and you need to get a single value which may be either null or string for example resource aws kms key main count var ebs encrypted enable key rotation true tags var tags resource aws kms alias main count var ebs encrypted name alias encrypt ebs target key id one aws kms key main key id Write YAML or JSON as Terraform code HCL Sometimes you need to supply JSON or YAML files to the services you manage with Terraform For example if you want to create something with CloudFormation using Terraform and I am not kidding Sometimes the AWS Terraform provider does not support the needed resource and you want to maintain the whole infrastructure code using only one tool Instead of maintaining another file in JSON or YAML format you can embed JSON or YAML code management into HCL by taking benefit of the jsonencode or yamlencode functions The attractiveness of this approach is that you can reference other Terraform resources or their attributes right in the code of your object and you have more freedom in terms of the code syntax and its formatting comparable to native JSON or YAML Here is how it looks like locals some string ult myjson object jsonencode Hashicorp Products Terra form Con sul Vag rant Va local some string The value of the myjson object local variable would look like this Hashicorp Products Con sul Terra form Va ult Vag rant And here is a piece of real world example locals cf template body jsonencode Resources DedicatedHostGroup Type AWS ResourceGroups Group Properties Name var service name Configuration Type AWS EC HostManagement Parameters Name auto allocate host Values var auto allocate host Templatize stuffThe last case in this blog but not the least by its efficacy ーrender source file content as a template in Terraform Let s review the following scenario you launch an EC instance and want to supply it with a bash script via the user data parameter for some additional configuration at launch Suppose we have the following bash script instance init sh that sets the hostname and registers our instance in a monitoring system bin bashhostname example combash opt system init register monitoring shBut what if you want to set a different hostname per instance and some instances should not be registered in the monitoring system In such a case here is how the script file content will look bin bashhostname system hostname if register monitoring bash opt system init register monitoring sh endif And when you supply this file as an argument for the EC instance resource in Terraform you will use the templatefile function to make the magic happen resource aws instance web ami var my ami id instance type var instance type user data templatefile path module instance init tftpl system hostname var system hostname register monitoring var add to monitoring And of course you can create a template from any file type The only requirement here is that the template file must exist on the disk at the beginning of the Terraform execution Key takeawaysTerraform is far beyond the standard resource management operations With the power of built in functions you can write more versatile code and reusable Terraform modules Use conditional expressions with count and for each meta arguments when the creation of a resource depends on some context or user inout Take advantage of implicit types conversion when working with input variables and their values to keep your code cleaner Embed YAML and JSON based objects right into your Terraform code using built in encoding functions And when you need to pass some files to the managed service you can treat them as templates and make them multipurpose Thank you for reading down to this point And if you have some favorite Terraform tricks ーI would love to know ltag user id follow action button background color ffffff important color fd important border color fd important Serhii VasylenkoFollow I am an engineer from Ukraine I like astronomy and everything related to DevOps I thrive on developing great product offerings great people and great teams |
2022-01-18 09:05:09 |
ラズパイ |
Raspberry Pi |
Calling all young creators: Get ready for Coolest Projects Global 2022 |
Calling all young creators Get ready for Coolest Projects Global It s time to start your countdown Young people from all over the world will soon be invited to share their digital creations at Coolest Projects Global our world leading online technology showcase event for young creators In mid February project registration opens for a new and improved online only experience Through Coolest Projects Global young creators can The post Calling all young creators Get ready for Coolest Projects Global appeared first on Raspberry Pi |
2022-01-18 09:58:33 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
国保連21年11月審査分、件数・医療費ともマイナス-平日数が1日少なく実質はプラス基調 |
国民健康保険 |
2022-01-18 18:55:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
ねんりんピック、2025年度は岐阜県で開催-厚労省が発表 |
全国健康福祉祭 |
2022-01-18 18:35:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan considers withdrawing vaccine-testing package amid spread of omicron |
Japan considers withdrawing vaccine testing package amid spread of omicronThe program is meant to enable the easing of restrictions on activities such as dining and concert going even if quasi emergency measures or stronger are in |
2022-01-18 18:16:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
A PM who lied to Parliament would normally quit - Raab |
garden |
2022-01-18 09:40:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pay rises fail to keep up with the cost of living |
record |
2022-01-18 09:11:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Magistrates to get more powers to jail criminals for longer |
crown |
2022-01-18 09:35:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Murray wins five-set thriller on Australian Open return |
australian |
2022-01-18 09:37:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Watson and Evans into Australian Open second round |
harriet |
2022-01-18 09:28:02 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ロッテ佐々木朗は1軍スタート ドラフト1位の松川も |
監督 |
2022-01-18 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京円、114円台後半 |
東京外国為替市場 |
2022-01-18 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
デブリ搬出ロボットアームを公開 福島第1、22年開始目指す |
東京電力 |
2022-01-18 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
津別産小麦のパンを食卓に 老舗で修業、斜里から移住の秋山さん開店 素材に甘み |
食卓 |
2022-01-18 18:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
エゾユキウサギ3匹逃げる、1匹は野生のキツネに捕食される 札幌・円山動物園 |
円山動物園 |
2022-01-18 18:16:06 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
根室管内 最多17人感染 根室市、少年団や部活自粛要請 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-01-18 18:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北見緑陵高放送局、道高文連コンテストV 特産ビート題材、ラップでCM |
北見緑陵 |
2022-01-18 18:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
かまくらの中ジンギスカン楽しんで 小樽の会社が体験施設 |
通り |
2022-01-18 18:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
1部屋料金で2部屋利用OK ANAホテル札幌がプラン販売 |
販売 |
2022-01-18 18:08:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホアプリ『BD ブリリアントライツ』でグラフィックに焦点を当てた開発ブログ第4回を公開! |
事前登録 |
2022-01-18 18:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ロジクール、デュアルドライバーとマイクを備えたゲーミングイヤホン「G333」を発表 |
発表 |
2022-01-18 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「キングダムハーツ」シリーズのSwitch向けクラウドバージョンの発売日が2月10日に決定!体験版の配信もスタート |
nintendo |
2022-01-18 18:15:00 |