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ファミマ/ローソンで正方形プリントをする方法。シャープのコピー機があるお店で推しのイラストを印刷しよう! |
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2022-01-24 21:00:53 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
PC port of Ocarina of Time prepares for February release |
windows |
2022-01-24 21:39:51 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
What Are NURBS Curves in 3D Modeling? |
curves |
2022-01-24 22:00:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Go From Freelancer to Entrepreneur: 8 Things to Do |
entrepreneur |
2022-01-24 21:45:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
10 Amazing Astronomy Websites to Get to Know the Universe |
incredible |
2022-01-24 21:45:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Manage Your Amazon Address Book |
amazon |
2022-01-24 21:30:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
5 Reasons to Use Fiverr's Pinterest-Like "Inspire" Feature |
Reasons to Use Fiverr x s Pinterest Like amp quot Inspire amp quot FeatureFiverr has a new Pinterest like “Inspire feature that helps users find freelancers and get ideas for new projects Here s why you should use it |
2022-01-24 21:15:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hooks - useEffect e personalizados |
Hooks useEffect e personalizados useEffect O que é Éuma função nativa do React adicionada na versão popularmente conhecida como hook de efeito Éuma funcionalidade recente logo códigos legados normalmente ainda não a utilizam O que faz Funciona de forma similar aos life cycle methods dos componentes de classe ou seja executa trechos de código após o componente ser montado sofrer atualizações e ou ser desmontado O useEffect foi criado justamente para permitir que componentes funcionais pudessem ter acesso aos métodos de ciclo de vida dos componentes de classe sendo assim esse hook pode ser comparado a um compilado de todos os métodos em uma única função SintaxeO useEffect possui diversas peculiaridades em sua sintaxe que alteram seu comportamento porém sua estrutura mais básica consiste em uma função que pode receber atédois parâmetros sendo o primeiro uma callback e o segundo um Array de controle A callback seráa função a ser executada sempre que o efeito executado corresponder ao efeito esperado Definimos o efeito que acionaráa callback através do segundo parâmetro o Array de controle nele iremos passar todos os estados a serem monitorados assim sempre que o estado monitorado sofrer um efeito o useEffect serádisparado useEffect gt useEffect gt useEffect gt someVariable otherVariable anotherVariable useEffect gt Life Cycle Methods componentDidMountPara criarmos um useEffect com funcionalidade similar ao componentDidMount devemos passar um Array vazio como segundo parâmetro assim a callback sóserádisparada uma única vez quando o componente for montado useEffect gt componentDidUpdateEssa éa funcionalidade padrão do useEffect se chamarmos o hook sem passarmos o Array de controle a callback serádisparada sempre que uma alteração ocorrer o que pode gerar perda de performance além de loops infinitos Outra forma de “simularmos o componentDidUpdate épassarmos o estado que gostaríamos que fosse monitorado como valor do nosso Array de controle assim a callback somente serádisparada quando o estado definido por nós sofrer alteração useEffect gt useEffect gt someVariable Lembrando que nunca podemos alterar o estado que estásendo monitorado através da callback do useEffect pois isso geraráum loop infinito ComponentWillUnmountDiferente dos outros métodos de ciclo de vida esse não tem relação com o Array de controle tudo que precisamos fazer éretornar uma função dentro da callback do useEffect useEffect gt return gt Hooks Customizados O que é São funções criadas por nós que tem como diferencial atuarem como hooks O que faz Os hooks customizados servem para encapsular e permitir a reutilização da lógica assim como funções puras Logo seu uso éincentivado sendo inicialmente difícil saber quando devemos customizar um hook mas a regra em geral éa mesma que para funções A lógica se repete várias vezes em diferentes componentes Então éuma boa ideia personalizar o hook SintaxePor se tratar de algo “customizável sua sintaxe émuito volátil e varia de acordo com o objetivo do hook Porém sua sintaxe mais básica éconstituída de pelo menos um useState e um useEffect sendo que o retorno desse tipo de hook deve conter todas as informações que desejamos reutilizar isso inclui a informação para leitura bem como a função para modificação dessa informação function useHookCustomizada defaultValue const data setData useState defaultValue const loading setLoading useState false const getData async gt const res await fetch url const data await res json setData data useEffect gt setLoading true getData setLoading false return data No exemplo acima temos um hook customizado genérico onde seráfeito uma requisição a uma API qualquer e os dados retornados serão disponibilizados |
2022-01-24 21:12:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to bootstrap your first developer conference |
How to bootstrap your first developer conferenceWe were stoked to pull off the first Ory Summit in October bringingtogether an all star group of developers who presented on the diverse ways in which they use Ory open source products We bootstrapped the two day Ory Summit with a core team of three people supported by the rest of Ory plus the presenters members of our open source community who were generous with their time and energy All Ory Summit presentations can be watched again here Normally such events are executed with three times the amount of resources andtime so we had to find an efficient framework for making our first conference asuccess In retrospect we learned loads about how to run a live digital eventfor developer communities and that s what we want to share in this article Why we held the SummitDigital human communities usually center around recurring events that bring themtogether in one place to share a communal spirit exchange ideas and get toknow each other The Ory Summit is the first recurring event for the OryDeveloper Community Ory services provide free and open identity infrastructure for a lot of different platforms examples include an Anime media aggregator called Animeshon or SumUp a payments company specializing in solutions for small businesses We thought our developer community would enjoy more opportunities to share the challenges and solutions that arise as they integrate Ory services So you want to bootstrap a developer conference The BasicsKnow your audienceIt is hard to overstate how important this is If you know your audience well you ll understand what they expect from a community event and how to reach and engage them best If you lack a clear picture of who your audience is you may cast the net too wide Ask yourself Do you want to organize an event for a wide audience or the members of your community Good internet connectionThis is self explanatory If your internet connection is not tailored to support high quality streaming you ll have a bad time mb s up speed should be the minimum to stream in decent quality more is better Keep it simpleDon t overcomplicate the event In practice this means you have to cut certain activities parts of the event If a half comatose person can follow your event proceedings organization and planning you re doing it right If people need a half hour introduction into how everything works and they still don t get it you have a problem officer The StackIf you have nothing but the basics mentioned before and some frontend skills werecommend the following for your tech stack Vercel Event FrontendYoutube It s free and easy to stream on Youtube performance is good and it s unlikely that your stream goes down Plus most people know the platform ChatWe use Slack for chats Discord is also an option plus a myriad of other chat apps If you already have a chat platform for your community just use that AuthenticationGitHub OAuth Most developers have a GitHub account If you want an email password option and more control we recommend using Ory Cloud The PreparationPrepare talks workshops and find speakers This could be an article by itself so we ll keep it brief Since you have clearly defined your goals and audience for the conference finding suitable topics workshops and speakers should come naturally Keep your eye out for opportunities talk to your team users top community members and grandmother about presenting organizing a workshop or managing a Q amp A session You may also want to publish a Call For Papers A CFP describes the themes topics and formalities of the conference and lists important information such as deadlines or the format of submissions Once we had all the speakers workshops and sessions lined up we sent out a Speakers Package to onboard speakers The package contained a collection of banners logos cards for social media and a step by step guide on how to use the event platform and ensure smooth stress free performance on the day of the event Organize backup presentations Hope for the best and plan for the worst As with any live event it s necessary to plan for last minute cancellations or emergencies Line up at least a couple of replacement talks which can come from your team or anyone else you feel comfortable asking to be a replacement You can also use group discussions or ad hoc workshops hacking tutorials as backups but keep in mind that those require extra time and effort to plan If all goes well and no backups are required on event day plan for a one off session or a surprise session near the end of the event to make use of one of them Practice with a dry run Create an environment that lets you simulate the real event as accurately as possible Ask members of your team friends relatives to act as fake visitors or presenters Don t do too many dry runs to preserve the goodwill of the lovely people helping you My specific advice do one initial dry run followed by one final dress rehearsal Feedback should be shared after the first dry run and been taken care of when doing the dress rehearsal which should resemble a finalized version of the event Promote the event Our main channels for promoting the Ory Summit are the Ory Community Slack our newsletter word of mouth banners on our website Twitter and LinkedIn The most effective were our Slack newsletter and word of mouth The optimal place to market your event depends on where you interact most with your community In our context personal connections and word of mouth are more powerful means than traditional ads We also promoted the conference on our GitHub some developer conference lists and in team members personal networks There are many ways to promote a conference and it s one of the most crucial ingredients of a successful event The EventSeemingly a million things occur in the days leading up to a conference Hereare some general tips to ensure success Don t panic Keep the team and yourself fed watered and as well rested as possible Double check the technical infrastructure before and during the event including equipment for recording streaming audio and network connectivity Have fun Celebrate with an after party What else Remember to keep it simple Some things are mandatory like a proper Code of Conduct the geekfeminism CoC or the Berlin CoC are good examples or good audio quality encourage speakers to use headsets earpieces with boom microphones instead of AirPods Other features are optional for your first bootstrapped developer conference Here are several topics that we didn t delve into but should be considered Code of Conduct amp InclusivityAudio amp Video Quality OptimizationVisual BrandingLanding PageInteraction with Audience Q amp AInteractive WorkshopsMerchandiseSponsorsTickets Free Paid and much more After the eventPublish recorded presentations Remember to get permission from the speakers to do this Do a retrospective to get feedback We sent out an exit survey that of the attendees filled out and asked Oryteam members to share feedback Here are a few things we want to improve atthe next Ory Summit Use a simple event platform Publish recordings directly after the sessions Plan backups earlier More content for non technical people More workshops amp beginner sessions Analyze the data This depends on what you collected Our main source of data was the exitinterview and some attendance metrics collected on the platform Organize the next event Take a deep breath and begin planning your next event Ory Summit ️In light of how much fun we had at our first event we are stoked for the Ory Summit Preparation has already begun and we will soon publish a call for papers and more If the global health situation permits there will be an option to attend the Ory Summit in person this year It will take place in Q Q the exact date coming soon We have many things planned for this year While not wanting to spoil thesurprise I think this is going to be the biggest Ory event ever Thanks for reading and participating in the Ory Summit If you want to participate or help in any way please reach out via email mailto office ory sh or on our chat |
2022-01-24 21:07:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Aiven VS AWS |
Aiven VS AWSFrancesco on Twitter Author of the article Jay Allen Aiven is a new company that aims to simplify data storage and management in the cloud In this article I look at the benefits Aiven provides its pricing model and how their pricing compares to directly hosting your data services on AWS I also consider when it makes sense to use Aiven vs hosting on AWS directly The Problem of Cloud Sprawl As we ve discussed on this blog before modern cloud providers have become insanely complex Infrastructure as a Service IaaS companies like AWS continue to add an impressive array of features and services every month However while that s made cloud services more useful it s also made them harder to understand Developers new to the cloud have to understand a huge host of similar looking services and features before they can even make fundamental architecture decisions At the same time this sprawl has made cloud dashboards much harder to use Many AWS users complain about how hard it is to navigate the AWS Console in its current state In response we ve seen the rise of Platform as a Service PaaS PaaS companies like Heroku and service like Google App Engine aim to reduce the complexity of deploying software applications by providing an out of the box application stack consisting of data storage virtual servers virtual networking and other foundational services What is Aiven Aiven is a PaaS product focused on data management With Aiven users can spin up a vast array of data storage and search services on various IaaS providers including AWS Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure After you create an account on Aiven you can spin up one or more of a larger number of data storage services including event messaging Kafka relational and object relational data storage MySQL PostgreSQL time series databases InfluxDB MDB in memory caching Redis and several others Once you select a service you can select to host your infrastructure on a number of cloud providers AWS Google Cloud Microsoft Azure DigitalOcean and UpCloud You can also select a hosting plan which determines how much memory and processor power your service can access Once your service is up and running you can see the details on your Aiven dashboard From here you can access connection information and connect to your data host Aiven also provides easy access to additional information about your service including logs connection pools metrics and backups Aiven FeaturesOne of Aiven s greatest features is its ease of use The Aiven UI is far and away easier to navigate than most cloud consoles Creating a new data service generally takes a few clicks And Aiven offers easy access to data metrics users etc that would require a lot of customized setup if you were creating the service directly on a cloud provider Aiven also offers hosting flexibility With support for five major IaaS providers teams that use Aiven can easily locate their data hosting in the same cloud provider and even the same region as their application Since it s a PaaS Aiven generally offers black box hosting In other words data services are hosted on cloud service accounts owned and operated by Aiven However customers with over month of spend can contact Aiven to arrange for direct hosting on their own cloud service accounts Finally Aiven supports a number of advanced features for migration and monitoring The company supports its own aiven db migrate tool for migrating from an existing PostgreSQL database to Aiven Aiven can also integrate with a number of different alerting and monitoring systems including AWS CloudWatch Logs and Metrics DataDog Promethseus and Syslog You can also set up your own metrics dashboarding easily with an Aiven hosted Grafana dashboard Aiven Pricing vs AWS PricingBeyond features however we were also interested in the pricing model How much does it cost to run a database service in Aiven versus say running it directly on AWS You won t be surprised to learn that Aiven costs more than vanilla AWS That s only natural it s a business providing a service In this case the service includes automation of data storage service creation a slick management user interface and the ability to create and manage resources cross cloud But what s the cost And is it worth it The answer as always is it depends on your scenario We ran the numbers on PostgreSQL hosting and compared using Aiven to running an equivalent sized PostgreSQL instance directly on AWS For example Aiven s Startup plan gives you CPUs and GB of RAM and a single database instance So we correlated this with an RDS PostgreSQL db tg medium instance which supports the same hardware configuration hosted in a single Availability Zone All RDS hardware specification data was derived from the AWS Web site and all AWS prices were calculated using the pricing calculator Below is a brief summary of the pricing differences for Aiven s startup plans AivenAiven pricingAWS altAWS pricingMonthly savings raw savingsStartup db tg medium Startup db tg large Startup db rg large Startup db rg xlarge Startup db rg xlarge Startup db rg xlarge Startup db rg xlarge Startup db mxlarge Setting aside implementation costs for a moment the charge for hosting your database directly on AWS will cost around less than hosting it on Aiven That price difference does include some networking costs that Aiven covers on your behalf However many of those charges can be avoided by proper placement of your AWS resources e g running your RDS instance in the same VPC as your application or using VPC peering to avoid Internet data transfer charges Of course the bill is only half the story You can t and shouldn t ignore how many person hours or vendor dollars it might take to implement a direct IaaS solution This will depend on how seasoned your staff is at data storage management and what reusable deployment and configuration solutions you already have available If your team is starting from scratch with little cloud data management experience Aiven will likely pay for itself When Direct Hosting on AWS Makes SenseDoes that mean you shouldn t use Aiven Far from it If your team doesn t have a data expert who s skilled in the various technologies that Aiven supports its ease of use can save you significant time and money Aiven s direct logging and metrics support may also save you dev dollars And if you re pursuing a multi cloud deployment strategy Aiven s ability to deploy to all major cloud providers is a huge point in its favor However if you don t have a multi cloud strategy the cost of Aiven may be more than it s worth One way to answer this question for your team is to consider how much data you re storing Aiven charges a flat rate for data storage even if you don t use the entire allocation By contrast AWS only charges you for the data storage you actually use And AWS charges far less than Aiven for the same amount of data On Aiven you ll pay around per every extra GB of storage on Aiven Aiven gives small discounts the more storage you buy e g an extra GB costs around mo instead of But this still contrasts sharply with AWS where an extra GB of storage only costs a little over a month For example under Aiven s Startup plan you receive up to GB of storage If you use less than this on AWS you ll save a few extra dollars a month But you ll also have a lot more room to grow on AWS In this configuration you can store up to GB on a single AZ configuration of PostgreSQL before you re paying as much as you pay to use Aiven In short if your storage needs will fit within Aiven s default data tiers for your service level it may well be worth the spend But that value quickly decreases as your storage needs increase If you expect large data growth you may either want to consider hosting on AWS directly from the start or ensuring you have a plan to migrate from Aiven to direct AWS hosting as your needs change Backup Storage CostsOne point we didn t address in the above is the cost of backup storage On Starter plans Aiven gives you two days of backups days for Business plans By contrast you only get one included backup when you host directly on AWS However AWS backup storage costs are as of this writing a scant US per GiB So even in the case of the Starter plan adding a second backup on AWS only costs an additional a month for GB on AWS Therefore backups shouldn t be much of a factor in your cost calculations TinyStacks and AivenLike the folks at Aiven we here at TinyStacks also think the cloud is too complicated That s why we ve built a service that provides full DevOps deployment pipeline automation You can see it in action on our YouTube channel We also include the ability to create an RDS PostgreSQL database or use any other existing Amazon RDS instance as part of each stack If you need to pursue a multi cloud strategy or use another data service outside of Amazon RDS you can use any of your Aiven hosted services easily from TinyStacks Just pass the information for your Aiven resource such as DNS name port and credentials into your TinyStacks hosted Docker app Your application can read these secrets and connect to your Aiven data assets as it would any other data storage resource ConclusionAiven is an advanced and easy to use interface to various cloud data services Whether it s worth the premium however depends on your use case For multi cloud deployments and teams without a data expert Aiven can be a wise investment However AWS only shops with high data storage needs will want to weigh their usage carefully before deciding whether that investment will yield dividends Banner photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash |
2022-01-24 21:02:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's MacBook Air M1 drops to $850 at Amazon |
Apple x s MacBook Air M drops to at AmazonDon t worry about paying full price for the MacBook Air M Amazon is selling Apple s well known ultraportable laptop in gold and silver for after a automatic discount at checkout That s the lowest price we ve seen in a while and not much more than the record low from November Buy MacBook Air at Amazon The MacBook Air M may be over a year old but there s a good reason why it remains one of our top picks for ultraportables It s still fast for the category completely silent as there s no fan and long lasting on battery Combine those with a superb keyboard and trackpad and this might be the laptop you want if you need to last through a long workday while juggling multiple apps There are still just two Thunderbolt USB ports and the p webcam won t be thrilling There s also the matter of timing Rumors persist of Apple launching an M based MacBook Air in the spring and it may be tempting to hold out if you re more concerned about having the latest hardware than the best price If you need a laptop now or would rather save money though the M model is still a fine choice Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2022-01-24 21:21:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google’s next Chromecast with Google TV may be a 1080p budget model |
Google s next Chromecast with Google TV may be a p budget modelGoogle is said to be developing a new Chromecast aimed at folks who haven t splurged on a K TV According to Protocol the low end device will harness the Google TV interface and include a remote as well as a maximum resolution of p The device which could be named Chromecast HD with Google TV is said to be capable of decoding the AV video codec something the K capable Chromecast with Google TV doesn t support at the hardware level It seems likely that given the lower resolution output the device will cost less than the Chromecast with Google TV It s been over three years since Google unveiled its third gen p Chromecast That device which is still available for doesn t come with a remote and nor does it offer any native apps Given that Roku and Amazon sell p streaming devices for under it s probably about time Google introduced a lower end Chromecast with the Google TV UI a remote and perhaps even Stadia compatibility It s not the first time we ve heard about a Chromecast dongle with the codename quot Boreal quot to Google last week reported Google was working on a device with that name but no specs were mentioned It s not clear if or when Google plans to release the Chromecast HD with Google TV or whatever it s called It doesn t seem quite splashy enough to be showcased at the annual fall hardware event but as Protocol notes the company has debuted some devices at its I O developer conference which typically takes place in May Other recent rumors suggest the first Google branded smartwatch and the Pixel a could arrive around that time |
2022-01-24 21:00:40 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
James Webb Telescope Arrives at Destination in Space: Updates and Video |
James Webb Telescope Arrives at Destination in Space Updates and VideoThe telescope s safe arrival is a relief to scientists who plan to spend the next or more years using it to study ancient galaxies |
2022-01-24 21:04:52 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Cash Aid to Poor Mothers Increases Brain Activity in Babies, Study Finds |
child |
2022-01-24 21:47:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: US troops on high alert over stand-off |
notice |
2022-01-24 21:31:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Conservative minister resigns in anger over Covid fraud |
covid |
2022-01-24 21:14:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
George Floyd: Three ex-officers face civil rights trial |
civil |
2022-01-24 21:44:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cameroon beat 10-man Comoros who started with left-back in goal |
Cameroon beat man Comoros who started with left back in goalCameroon narrowly beat man Comoros at the Africa Cup of Nations despite playing against a side with an outfield player in goal and an extra man for minutes |
2022-01-24 21:26:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afcon 2021: Watch M'Changama's stunning free-kick for Comoros against Cameroon |
Afcon Watch M x Changama x s stunning free kick for Comoros against CameroonComoros midfielder Youssouf M Changama thumps a stunning free kick into the top corner to set up a nervy finish for hosts Cameroon in their last match at the Africa Cup of Nations |
2022-01-24 21:20:31 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
世界の感染者、4週連続過去最多 拡大止まらず、死者数5万人近く |
世界保健機関 |
2022-01-25 06:13:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
広告もアイデアに。Pinterestが“ユーザー軸”で見据える、次の一手 |
成田氏に、Pinterestの歩みと広告事業の強みについて話を聞いた。 |
2022-01-25 06:30:00 |