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The weekend’s best deals: Apple Watch Series 7, LG C1 OLED TV, and more |
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2022-02-05 16:03:25 |
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8 Ways to Fix the Steam Access Denied Error on Windows |
Ways to Fix the Steam Access Denied Error on WindowsDigital libraries are convenient but a single error can potentially lock you out of all your games Here s how to get back into your Steam account |
2022-02-05 16:45:44 |
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How to Buy a Domain Name in Google Domains |
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2022-02-05 16:30:12 |
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11 Common Facebook Problems and Errors (And How to Fix Them) |
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2022-02-05 16:15:46 |
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DEV Community |
CSS Transition Generator |
CSS Transition GeneratorCSS transitions give us the ability to smoothly transition from one set of styles to another Without them your hover click and transform effects can look janky and sudden To illustrate a CSS transition below are two emojis Click on them to see the difference CSS Transition GeneratorAs part of this tutorial I ve created a CSS transition generator which will let you play around with a transition and see how it works Use this tool to generate your own custom transitions Timing in transitions is controlled either by keywords such as ease in or by the cubic bezier function which you can manipulate below If you want to learn more read the rest of this article When are CSS Transitions fired When a user initiates a new state i e focuses or hovers over an element with focus or hover styles will change Similarly if you add a new class with Javascript to an HTML element which adds new styles the style will similarly change In both of these situations CSS transitions will be fired Essentially then a transition is fired when a CSS element changes whether through an event or by adding a class How to use CSS TransitionsCSS Transitions can be added using the transition CSS property Typically we just use this shorthand property which can be sumarised as transition transition property transition duration transition timing function transition delay Let s think about what each of these means transition property this is the property we want to transition It can be set to all or any CSS property i e background or paddingtransition duration this is the length of the transition It can be set to a time usually in seconds i e s transition timing function this is the timing function It is usually a keywords which can be ease linear ease in ease out or ease in out There are others but we ll look at those later transition delay this is the delay at the start If a user hovers and we have this set to s then the hover effect will only start s after the hover begins By default we only really need to give the first two properties i e the following assumes an ease timing function and no delay div transition background s As discussed transition is a short hand the following shows both short form and long form of the transition property div transition background s ease in s Equivalent to transition property background transition duration s transition timing function ease in transition delay s An example of a CSS TransitionLet s take a look at a hover transition effect If you hover over the the div below you ll see the slow transition to the new styles div color white text decoration underline font size rem background transparent padding rem box shadow none cursor pointer The transition property transition all s ease out div hover padding rem background white color black box shadow px px rgba Other easing functionsWe ve spoken a little bit about easing functions and the keywords we can use but those aren t the only ones we can use There are also a few other easing functions which can be quite useful for creating varied transition effects Cubic Bezier CurvesOne of the most used transition timing functions is a cubic bezier curve An example of that is shown below div transition all s cubic bezier This allows us to have transitions go back and forwards based on the curve shape The above transition can be seen below If you want to generate your own cubic bezier curves you can do it through various tools found online or via the Google Chrome Dev tools when editing a transition property StepsLess used but equally useful It breaks the transition into a set of evenly spaced steps giving a sort of jumpy effect when transitioning between two states Steps are defined as a number of steps and a keyword The keyword determines whether the jump starts at the beginning of the CSS change jump start or if it aligns with the end instead jump end or both jump both div transition all s step jump start This allows us to have transitions go back and forwards based on the curve shape The above transition can be seen below ConclusionI hope you ve enjoyed this guide on CSS transitions You can use our CSS Transition generator above to generate your own custom cubic bezier transitions and test them out Check out our other tutorials and guides for more |
2022-02-05 16:37:20 |
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DEV Community |
Building my own Interpreter: Part 1 |
Building my own Interpreter Part Note This is not supposed to be a tutorial on building the interpreter This is just my anecdote about how I built my interpreter If you re looking for extensive tutorials I d recommend going to Crafting Interpreters or purchasing Interpreter Book on which this article is based on if you want to get a deeper dive I ve been programming for several years now and have tackled working with many languages But one thing that always bugged me was how do these programming languages really work I know there are compilers and interpreters that do most of the work of converting a simple text file into a working program that the computer can understand but how exactly do they work This had become increasingly important that I understand the inner workings of a language for what we are doing at Hyperlog We are building a scoring system that analyzes the skillsets of a programmer by going through multiple metrics A couple of these metrics are tightly coupled with how you write and structure a program So in order to get deeper insight I decided to implement one of my own interpreters That is when I embarked on my journey I know what you re thinking why interpreter rather than compiler I like to take the top down approach to learning new stuff The major inspiration behind this was a book by Kulrose Ross Computer Networking Top Down Approach I learned a lot about computer networking in a neat manner while reading that book And ever since I ve been doing a similar form of learning as often as possible What tech to use I guess this is the most common dilemma of a programmer While writing this interpreter I wanted to focus on the inner workings rather than learning a whole new language like assembly For this adventure I settled on using Golang Golang gives you the most basic barebones of talking with the computer and you can write the programs that won t require any imports and installs from external libraries just to make the basic code usable Looking at you JavaScript What would the interpreter be interpreting In order to properly implement my interpreter I need some basic syntax for the language I decided to settle on this syntax for my interpreter which is inspired by a bit of C and a bit of Golang let five let ten let add fn x y x y let result add five ten if lt return true else return false let fibonacci fn x if x else if x else fibonacci x fibonacci x let twice fn f x return f f x let addTwo fn x return x twice addTwo The above program should run successfully using my interpreter If you notice there are some pretty basic things there Let s go through them one by one Keywords A few keywords including let return if else and fn Recursive function The Fibonacci function written above is a recursive function Implicit returns When you closely notice add and Fibonacci functions they do not have a return statement This part was inspired by my favorite language ruby Function as a parameter to other functions The last part of this program gets a function as a parameter What really goes in an interpreter If you ve been in the programming sphere for a couple of years now you may have heard of the words Lexer Parser and Evaluator These are the most important parts of an interpreter So what exactly are they LexerLexer converts our source code into a series of tokens This is particularly helpful to define the basic structure of words that can be used in your program and classifying those words All the keywords variable names variable types operators are put in their own token in this step ParserOnce your program passes through lexer the interpreter needs to make sure that you have written the tokens in the correct syntax A parser basically declares the grammar of the language The parser is also responsible for building the abstract syntax tree AST of your program Note that the parser does not actually evaluate and run the code it basically just checks for the grammar Evaluation happens in the next steps after the parser makes sure that the code is in the correct syntax EvaluatorThis is the part that actually looks at how to execute the program After the program goes through the lexer and parser evaluator steps in Let s build the interpreter Starting out I built a token system that defined what each character would mean in the language In order to get there firstly I needed a token system that defined the type of the token and the actual token itself This is particularly useful for throwing error messages like Expected token to be an int found string type Token struct Type TokenType Literal string Then there are actual token types const ILLEGAL ILLEGAL EOF EOF IDENT IDENT INT INT ASSIGN PLUS GT gt LT lt BANG MINUS SLASH ASTERICKS COMMA SEMICOLON LPAREN RPAREN LBRACE RBRACE EQ NOT EQ FUNCTION FUNCTION LET LET RETURN return TRUE true FALSE false IF if ELSE else In this block I think the not so apparent ones are ILLEGAL EOF and IDENT Illegal token type is assigned whenever we encounter some character that does not fit our accepted string type Since the interpreter will be using ASCII character set rather than Unicode for the sake of simplicity this is important EOF is do determine the end of file so that we can hand over the code to our parser in the next step And IDENT is used for getting the identifier These are variable and function names that can be declared by the user Setting up tests for lexerTDD approach never fails So I first wrote the tests for what exactly do I want as output from the lexer Below is a snippet from the lexer test go input let five let ten let add fn x y x y let result add five ten lt gt if lt return true else return false tests struct expectedType token TokenType expectedLiteral string token LET let token IDENT five token ASSIGN token INT token SEMICOLON token LET let token IDENT ten token ASSIGN token INT token SEMICOLON token LET let token IDENT add token ASSIGN token FUNCTION fn token LPAREN token IDENT x token COMMA token IDENT y token RPAREN l New input for i tt range tests tok l NextToken if tok Type tt expectedType t Fatalf tests d tokenType wrong expected q got q i tt expectedType tok Type if tok Literal tt expectedLiteral t Fatalf tests d Literal wrong expected q got q i tt expectedLiteral tok Literal Here we re invoking the function New for the given input which is of type string We are invoking the NextToken function that helps us get the next token available in the given program Let s write our lexer Alright so first things first we are invoking the New function which returns a lexer But what does a lexer contain type Lexer struct input string position int readPosition int ch byte Here input is the given input position is the current position our lexer is tokenizing and readPosition is just position And lastly ch is the character at the current position Why are all these declared in such a way Because we ll keep updating our lexer itself while keeping track of the position we are analyzing at any moment and adding tokens to a separate array Let s declare the New function func New input string Lexer l amp Lexer input input return l Pretty easy Should be self explanatory Now what about the NextToken function Behold as there s a ton of code ahead All of it is explained in the comments So do read them Reads the next character and sets the lexer to that position func l Lexer readChar If the character is last in the file set the current character to This is helpful for determining the end of file if l readPosition gt len l input l ch else l ch l input l readPosition l position l readPosition l readPosition Major function ahead func l Lexer NextToken token Token This will be the token for our current character var tok token Token We don t want those stinky whitespaces to be counted in our program This might not be very useful if we were writing ruby or python like language l skipWhitespace Let s determine the token for each character I think most of it is self explanatory but I ll just go over once switch l ch case Here we are peeking at the next character because we also want to check for operator If the next immediate character is not we just classify this as ASSIGN operator if l peekChar ch l ch l readChar tok token Token Type token EQ Literal string ch string l ch else tok newToken token ASSIGN l ch case tok newToken token PLUS l ch case tok newToken token LPAREN l ch case tok newToken token RPAREN l ch case tok newToken token LBRACE l ch case tok newToken token RBRACE l ch case tok newToken token COMMA l ch case tok newToken token SEMICOLON l ch case tok newToken token SLASH l ch case tok newToken token ASTERICKS l ch case tok newToken token MINUS l ch case lt tok newToken token LT l ch case gt tok newToken token GT l ch case Again we are peeking at the next character because we also want to check for operator if l peekChar ch l ch l readChar tok token Token Type token NOT EQ Literal string ch string l ch else tok newToken token BANG l ch case This is important Remember how we set our character code to if there were no more tokens to be seen This is where we declare that the end of file has reached tok Literal tok Type token EOF default Now why this default case If you notice above we have never really declared how do we determine keywords identifiers and int So we go on a little adventure of checking if the identifier or number has any next words that match up in our token file If yes we give the type exactly equals to the token If not we give it a simple identifier if isLetter l ch tok Literal l readIdentifier tok Type token LookupIdent tok Literal Notice how we are returning in this function right here This is because we don t want to read the next character without returning this particular token If this behavior wasn t implemented there would be a lot of bugs return tok else if isDigit l ch tok Type token INT tok Literal l readNumber return tok else If nothing else matches up we declare that character as illegal tok newToken token ILLEGAL l ch We keep reading the next characters l readChar return tok Look above for how exactly this is used It simply reads the complete identifier and passes it token s LookupIdent function func l Lexer readIdentifier string position l position for isLetter l ch l readChar return l input position l position We take a peek at the next char Helpful for determining the operators func l Lexer peekChar byte if l readPosition gt len l input return else return l input l readPosition func l Lexer readNumber string position l position for isDigit l ch l readChar return l input position l position func isLetter ch byte bool return a lt ch amp amp ch lt z A lt ch amp amp ch lt Z ch func isDigit ch byte bool return lt ch amp amp ch lt func newToken tokenType token TokenType ch byte token Token return token Token Type tokenType Literal string ch Note how we check not just for whitespace but also for tabs newlines and windows based end of lines func l Lexer skipWhitespace for l ch l ch t l ch n l ch r l readChar Okay cool but what about that LookupIdent function Well here s the code for that var keywords map string TokenType fn FUNCTION let LET return RETURN true TRUE false FALSE if IF else ELSE func LookupIdent ident string TokenType if tok ok keywords ident ok return tok return IDENT Get it We are just mapping it the proper TokenType and returning the type accordingly And voila That is the lexer to our basic interpreter I know it seems like I skipped over a large portion of explaining but if you want to learn more I highly recommend picking up the Interpreter Book Stay tuned for part where I ll be implementing the parser for this program |
2022-02-05 16:32:31 |
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DEV Community |
The simplest drag and drop feature with html and JavaScript - 16 lines |
The simplest drag and drop feature with html and JavaScript linesThe Code lt Doctype html gt lt head gt lt script gt const allowDrop e gt e preventDefault const drag e gt e dataTransfer setData text e target id const drop e gt var data e dataTransfer getData text e target appendChild document getElementById data lt script gt lt head gt lt body ondrop drop event ondragover allowDrop event style height vh width vw gt lt div ondrop drop event ondragover allowDrop event style width px height px padding px border px solid black gt lt div gt lt p id drag draggable true ondragstart drag event gt Drag me into box lt p gt lt body gt lt html gt CodeSandbox URL |
2022-02-05 16:06:58 |
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Engadget |
Hitting the Books: 'Miracle Rice' fed China's revolution but endangered its crop diversity |
Hitting the Books x Miracle Rice x fed China x s revolution but endangered its crop diversityFeeding the planet s billion people is challenge enough and our current industrialized commercial practices are causing such ecological damage that we may soon find ourselves hard pressed to feed any more For decades scientists have sought out higher yields and faster growth at the expense of genetic diversity and disease ーjust look at what we ve done to the humble banana Now finally researchers are working to revitalize landrace and heirloom crop varieties using their unique and largely forgotten genetic diversity to reimagine global agriculture nbsp In his new book Eating to Extinction The World s Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them BBC food journalist Dan Saladino scours the planet in search of animals vegetables and legumes most at risk of extinction documenting their origins and declines as well as the efforts being made to preserve and restore them In the excerpt below Saladino takes a look at all important rice the cereal that serves as a staple crop for more than billion people around the world Farrar Straus and Giroux publishingExcerpted from Eating to Extinction The World s Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them by Dan Saladino Published by Farrar Straus and Giroux Copyright by Dan Saladino All rights reserved Whereas the global Green Revolution was largely steered by American science and finance China s push for greater food production was more self contained Both efforts happened more or less in parallel Mao s attempt at rapid industrialization the Great Leap Forward in the late s forced farmers off their land leading to famine and the death of millions Soon after an agricultural researcher Yuan Longping was given the task of helping China s recovery by increasing the supply of rice Based in a lab in Hunan Yuan like Borlaug in Mexico spent years working with landraces and crossing varieties in meticulous experiments By the early s he had developed Nan you No a hybrid rice so productive it had the potential to increase food supply by nearly a third Farmers were told to replace the old varieties with the new and by the start of the s more than per cent of China s rice came from this single variety But as with Borlaug s wheat Yuan s rice depended on huge amounts of fertilizers pesticides and lots and lots of water In the s in another part of Asia a team of scientists were also breeding new rice varieties What became known as the International Rice Research Institute IRRI in the Philippines was funded by the American Rockefeller and Ford Foundations The IRRI s plant breeders also made a breakthrough drawing on the genetics of a dwarf plant This new pest resistant high yielding rice called IR was released across India Pakistan and Bangladesh in Using the Green Revolution package of irrigation fertilizers and pesticides IR tripled yields and became known as miracle rice As it rapidly spread across Asia with the necessary agrichemicals subsidized by Western foundations and governments farmers were encouraged to abandon their landrace varieties and help share the new seeds with neighbors and relatives in other villages Social occasions including weddings were treated by Western strategists as opportunities to distribute IR A decade later rice scientist Gurdev Khush the son of an Indian rice farmer improved on the miracle rice IR wasn t the tastiest rice to eat and had a chalky texture A later iteration IR was so productive that it became the most widely cultivated rice variety in the world But while most of the world was applauding the increase in calories created by the new rice varieties some people were sounding a note of caution about what was also being lost In July with the Green Revolution in full flow the botanist Jack Harlan published an article entitled The Genetics of Disaster As the world s population was increasing faster than at any time in history Harlan said crop diversity was being eroded at an equally unprecedented rate These resources stand between us and catastrophic starvation on a scale we cannot imagine he argued In a very real sense the future of the human race rides on these materials Bad things can happen at the hands of nature Harlan reminded his readers citing the Irish potato famine We can survive if a forest or shade tree is destroyed but who would survive if wheat rice or maize were to be destroyed We are taking risks we need not and should not take The solutions being developed in the Green Revolution would be as good as they could be until they failed and when they did the human race would be left facing disaster he warned Few will criticize Dr Borlaug for doing his job too well The enormous increase in yields is a welcome relief and his achievements are deservedly recognized but if we fail to salvage at least what is left of the landrace populations of Asia before they are replaced we can justifiably be condemned by future generations for squandering our heritage and theirs We were moving from genetic erosion he said to genetic wipe out The line between abundance and disaster is becoming thinner and thinner and the public is unaware and unconcerned Must we wait for disaster to be real before we are heard Will people listen only after it is too late It may be nearly too late but fifty years on people are listening to Harlan One of them is Susan McCouch Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Cornell University and an expert on rice genetics Her research includes the less familiar aus rice which evolved in the Bangladeshi delta It has the most stress tolerant genes of all the rice we know says McCouch It grows on poor soils survives drought and is the fastest species to go from seed to grain And yet aus is endangered Most farmers in Bangladesh have abandoned it and switched to more commercial varieties Only the poorest people have saved the rice farmers who couldn t afford to buy fertilizers and build irrigation systems Its genetics are so rare because unlike japonica and indica which travelled far and wide aus stayed put The people who domesticated it never left the river delta says McCouch They weren t empire builders didn t have armies and never enslaved populations But by bequeathing the world aus they have left their mark In McCouch along with researchers from USDA released a new rice called Scarlett It was the team said a rice with nutty rich flavors but also packed with high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids along with vitamin E To create it McCouch had crossed an American long grain rice called Jefferson and a rice that was discovered in Malaysia The reason the new rice was packed with nutrients and called Scarlett was because the Malaysian plant was a red colored wild species One person who would have been unsurprised at the special qualities of these colored grains was Sun Wenxiang the farmer I had visited in Sichuan Inside a room on his farm Sun was packing up small parcels of his special red rice to send to customers in Beijing Shanghai Chengdu and Hangzhou They order his red mouth rice on WeChat the Chinese social media app used by more than a billion people across Asia that is part Twitter and part PayPal and so much more Some have told him they buy it for its taste or intriguing color but most buy it for its health properties For farmers such as Sun working to save China s endangered foods help is at hand at the Centre for Rural Reconstruction a modern day iteration of a movement founded a century ago to empower peasants and revitalize villages In the s a group of intellectuals and smallholders set up the original Rural Reconstruction Movement to develop farms improve crops establish co operatives and sell more produce in China s towns and cities After the revolution and during Mao s rule it disappeared but in the s was resurrected A former government economist named Professor Wen Tiejun believed rural communities across China faced serious decline as manufacturing boomed and millions of people migrated from thousands of villages By the country had experienced the largest and most rapid rural to urban migration ever witnessed in human history Professor Wen began to ask what this meant for the future of China s small scale farmers and the food they produced and as a result he launched the New Rural Reconstruction Movement The garden surrounding the two story training center miles north of Beijing is a statement of intent its raised beds are fertilized with night soil the nutrients processed from a row of eco toilets an ancient technique as Chinese farmers enriched their fields using human and animal waste for thousands of years The idea came from a book written a century ago not by a Chinese agricultural expert but an American one Farmers of Forty Centuries by Franklin Hiram King has become essential reading matter for some students at China s Centre for Rural Reconstruction In the early s King an agronomist from Wisconsin worked at the United States Department of Agriculture but he was regarded as a maverick more interested in indigenous farming systems than the agricultural expansion the department had been set up to deliver Convinced that he could learn more from peasant farmers than the scientists in Washington King left the United States in and set out on an eight month expedition through Asia I had long desired to stand face to face with Chinese and Japanese farmers he wrote in the book s introduction to walk through their fields and to learn by seeing some of their methods appliances and practices which centuries of stress and experience have led these oldest farmers in the world to adopt King died in before he had completed his book and the work was pretty much forgotten until when a London publisher Jonathan Cape discovered the manuscript and published it ensuring it remained in print for the next twenty years It went on to influence the founding figures in Britain s organic movement Albert Howard and Eve Balfour The farmers who visit the Centre for Rural Reconstruction and come across King s book will read an account of how food was produced in China s villages a century ago Crops grown then now endangered are also being resurrected Inside a storeroom at the center now a bank of some of China s rarest foods I was shown boxes full of seeds and jars and packets of ingredients all produced by farming projects in villages supported by the New Rural Reconstruction Movement All were distinctive products that were helping to increase farmers incomes There was dark green soy from Yunnan in the south red colored ears of wheat from the north wild tea harvested from ancient forests and bottles of honey colored rice wine And among other varieties of landrace rice was Sun Wenxiang s red mouth glutinous grains When we lose a traditional food a variety of rice or a fruit we store up problems for the future Professor Wen told me There s no question China needs large scale farms but we also need diversity With per cent of the world s population China encapsulates the biggest food dilemmas of our times Should it intensify farming to produce more calories or diversify to help save the planet In the long run there is no option but to change the system China suffers from wide scale soil erosion health harming levels of pollution and water shortages As a consequence land has become contaminated there are algae blooms around its coastline and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions There are signs of change In September China ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Among the specific targets it set was zero growth in fertilizer and pesticide use To conserve more of its genetic resources and crop diversity China is one of the few countries investing heavily in new botanic gardens to protect and study endangered species The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has also built a collection of half a million samples of landrace crops varieties now being researched for future use This is what Jack Harlan might have called the genetics of salvation It s a long way from King s Farmers of Forty Centuries but there is clear recognition that China s current food system can t go on as before We need to modernize and develop but that doesn t mean letting go of our past said Wen The entire world should not be chasing one way of living we can t all eat the same kind of food that is a crazy ideology And then he shared the famous quote attributed to Napoleon Let China sleep for when she wakes she will shake the world Well said Wen we have woken up and we ve started to eat more like the rest of the world We need to find better ways of living and farming Maybe some answers can be found in our traditions |
2022-02-05 16:30:43 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
RIAA goes after NFT music website HitPiece |
RIAA goes after NFT music website HitPieceHitPiece may have already shut down its website after several artists spoke up about their work being used without their permission but the Recording Industry Association of America RIAA isn t letting it off the hook The organization has sent the attorney representing HitPiece a letter demanding the website and its founders to stop infringing on music IPs to provide a complete list of site activities and to account for all NFTs that had been auctioned off It also wants to know how much the website earned HitPiece founder Rory Felton previously said that artists will get paid for sold digital goods that are associated with them but the artists who spoke up are skeptical that they ll get anything In the letter the group repeatedly called HitPiece a scam operation designed to exploit fans RIAA s Chief Legal Officer Ken Doroshow said it used quot buzzwords and jargon quot to hide the fact that it didn t obtain the rights it needs and to make fans believe they were purchasing an article genuinely associated with an artist Doroshow added quot While the operators appear to have taken the main HitPiece site offline for now this move was necessary to ensure a fair accounting for the harm HitPiece and its operators have already done and to ensure that this site or copycats don t simply resume their scams under another name quot Although HitPiece branded itself as a platform for music NFTs its founders claimed that it didn t actually sell any sound files The RIAA argues however that it still used artists name images and copyrighted album art Further if it truly didn t sell any sound files the RIAA says that quot likely amounts to yet another form of fraud quot nbsp |
2022-02-05 16:13:34 |
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Queen holds reception to mark Platinum Jubilee |
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2022-02-05 16:34:03 |
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Six Nations: Ireland hammer sorry Wales 29-7 in one-sided opener |
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FA Cup: Jarrod Bowen last minute goal takes West Ham United to FA Cup fifth round |
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2022-02-05 16:21:32 |