lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS lambda】Terraformでlambda関数を作成してみよう【Terraform】 |
2022-02-15 22:39:15 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Svelte から AWS Lambda を API Gateway をトリガーに呼び出す |
作成したLambda関数を選択すると以下ような画面に移動します。 |
2022-02-15 22:15:58 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
dbのインデックス備忘録 |
ソートについては、「レコード作成の段階でソートが行われる」ので、sqlでorderbyがあっても素早く表示できるというのはなんとなく直感でわかるのだが、「素早く該当レコードを発見できる」というのが個人的にわからなかったのでそれについても以下で補足を。 |
2022-02-15 22:43:58 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails 自動整形ツールRubocopの導入 |
Rubocopの実行ターミナルbundleexecrubocopa「a」を付けることでチェック内容を自動修正する。 |
2022-02-15 22:28:51 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】名前空間とは |
名前空間とは名前空間namespaceとは、なんらかの理由でクラス名が重複するときに、それぞれを区別するために定義するモジュールです。 |
2022-02-15 22:28:25 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
更に Ruby の Matrix で pagepank をやってみた |
更にRubyのMatrixでpagepankをやってみたはじめに前回の記事を投稿後、Rubyの元標準ライブラリのMatrixがあったので、更にやってみた。 |
2022-02-15 22:08:34 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSにEC2, RDS, S3のインスタンスを立ててみた |
インスタンスタイプの選択tmicroを選択します。 |
2022-02-15 22:40:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS lambda】Terraformでlambda関数を作成してみよう【Terraform】 |
2022-02-15 22:39:15 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Svelte から AWS Lambda を API Gateway をトリガーに呼び出す |
作成したLambda関数を選択すると以下ような画面に移動します。 |
2022-02-15 22:15:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
dbのインデックス備忘録 |
ソートについては、「レコード作成の段階でソートが行われる」ので、sqlでorderbyがあっても素早く表示できるというのはなんとなく直感でわかるのだが、「素早く該当レコードを発見できる」というのが個人的にわからなかったのでそれについても以下で補足を。 |
2022-02-15 22:43:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails 自動整形ツールRubocopの導入 |
Rubocopの実行ターミナルbundleexecrubocopa「a」を付けることでチェック内容を自動修正する。 |
2022-02-15 22:28:51 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
テックブログの発信元に存在する2つの視点と読み手からみたほしいコンテンツ |
関連 |
2022-02-15 13:38:27 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The Top 8 Tips to Protect Your Laptop While Traveling |
handy |
2022-02-15 13:45:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Extensions recommended by seniors (VScode) 2022 |
Extensions recommended by seniors VScode Hi devs I m Juanse and this is my list of extensions I find helpful for day to day coding Material Icon ThemeMaterial Design Icons for Visual Studio Code Git Graph and Git Lens CardenasSearch and save algorithms easily with this open source extension Beta Live ShareReal time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools Settings SyncKeeps your vscode settings Synchronize Settings Snippets Themes File Icons Launch Keybindings Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist Tabnine AIAI Code completion plugin Tabnine makes developers more productive by auto completing their code Error Lens JsonTs Convert a JSON from clipboard to TypeScript interfaces Shades of Purple A professional theme suite with hand picked amp bold shades of purple for your VS Code editor and terminal apps One of the excellent most downloaded and top rated VSCode Themes on the marketplace Part of VSCode pro course Code RunnerRun C C Java JS PHP Python Perl Ruby Go Lua Groovy PowerShell CMD BASH F C VBScript TypeScript CoffeeScript Scala Swift Julia Crystal OCaml R AppleScript Elixir VB NET Clojure Haxe Obj C Rust Racket Scheme AutoHotkey AutoIt Kotlin Dart Pascal Haskell Nim Bracket Pair ColorizerThis extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colours The user can define which characters to match and which colours to use Import Cost BonusBreak TimeSet a timer and a message to remind you to take a break VS Code Pets |
2022-02-15 13:43:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
This is how you make images Responsive in CSS |
This is how you make images Responsive in CSS Hello Folks What s up friends this is SnowBit back here I am a young passionate and self taught frontend web developer and have an intention to become a successful developer Today I am here with a cool CSS trick that can help and save you from getting it into trouble Let s go It is very important for a web developer to make mobile responsive images and fit all the content properly in the viewport Let s choose an image from Unsplash any of your choice Now it s time to add the image to our HTML file lt img src ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q class img gt Now let s get a sneak peek of output I guess you have tried to resize the image haven t you here you can notice the image is not responsive and it becomes uncomfortable to see it on mobile phones Now let s bring our super power of CSS and give it a gracious look width max width px height auto Here we are giving the width and independent height to the image and here max width property is completely optionalHere s the final output “Whitespace is never white Thank you for reading have a nice day Your appreciation is my motivation Give it a likeFollow me on Twitter codewithsnowbitSubscribe me on YouTube Code With SnowBitHappy Coding |
2022-02-15 13:42:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
New updation in colormyweb 🌈🌈 just look it |
New updation in colormyweb just look itHello friends there is a new updarion in colormyweb it is a full open source project One of the update i got from one of commenter in my last post and also don t forget to give a starWeb link It is not an affliate link it is more useful for you |
2022-02-15 13:39:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a YUM server for RHEL 7.5 using its ISO file |
Create a YUM server for RHEL using its ISO file This document is to create a YUM server using RHEL installer ISO file Install a RHEL VM with GB RAM vCPU and GB HDD Create a repository folder inside VMmkdir p rhel repoMount the ISO using mount command and copy the Packages folder into your repository foldercp run media vcloud RHEL Server x Packages rhel repo Install createrepo package if it is not installed during OS installationcd rhel reporpm ivh createrepo el noarch rpmCreate repositorycreaterepo rhcelab repo Clean YUM cacheyum clean allUpdate the rhcelab repo file to point to your local repository foldervi etc yum repos d rhcelab repo rhcerepo name rhcerepobaseurl file rhel repo enabled gpgcheck List the repolistyum repolistFor testing try to install any packageyum install redhat lsb |
2022-02-15 13:36:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
GETTING STARTED WITH PYTHON BEGGINNER Python is an easy to learn and use programming language developed on th February by Guido van Rossum Ease to learn and use python is made possible by the fact that Python is a high level programming language It uses an English like syntax to write short likes of code that make coding easier and faster With python as we will learn later a programmer does not need to declare a variable with its data type Python automatically assigns a data type depending on the value assigned to a variable Python is free and open source You can download the source code modify it and distribute your own version of python Being an interpreted language python directly executes code line by line With the stated features programmers get ample time to increase their productivity rather than spending time on understanding the language The drive to get to learn a new language is at its peak when you as a starting programmer has a long term goal This will act as great motivation to dig deeper into your preferred language Mastery of Python programming language opens doors to many professional fields and applications If you are interested in venturing in web development game development machine learning data science and GUI development then python programming is one of the best options for you Now we have our goals set let s dive into some of the basic concepts PYTHON The language s name isn t about snakes but about the popular British comedy troupe Monty Python Guido the founder of the language himself is a big fan of Monty Python s Flying Circus Variables and data types in Python Variables are containers for storing data values In Python variables are created the moment you first assign a value to it and are declared without a data type e g x Types of variables local variables variables used inside a function Global variables variables declared outside a function and can be used by a number of functions Data types Integer these are values that return an integer value type int float these are values with a decimal part e g String Strings are a combination of characters in double or single quotes Boolean are instances that return true or false yes or no OperatorsArithmetic operators these operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations such as Comparison operators operators used on two values returning a Boolean value They are lt gt gt lt Logical operators operators used to combine values that result in Boolean values They include AND OR NOTAssignment operators these are operators used to assign values to a variable They are With that as a beginner you can create programs and grow step by step to pro level ALL THE BEST |
2022-02-15 13:30:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Step Functions para no morir. Parte 3 |
Step Functions para no morir Parte Ésta es la tercera parte de la serie Step Functions para morir En este capítulo vamos a estar viendo AWSLambdaSQSIAM Roley mucho muy importante vamos a tener le primer video de la serie AWSVamos a hablar de AWS Que básicamente es de lo que vengo hablando desde el capítulo AWS es un proveedor de la nube que nos va a permitir usar sus servicios para la construcción de máquinas de estados conocida como el servicio de StepFunctions La verdad es que nos permite crear un montón de cosas más además de tener distintos de servicios pero nos concentremos en lo que necesitamos D Para este capítulo voy a necesitar que creen una cuenta en AWS La cuenta se crea aquíUna vez que ya estécreada pasemos a hablar de los servicios que vamos a usar en la máquina de estado del próximo capítulo LambdaAWS Lambda es un servicio informático sin servidor y basado en eventos que le permite ejecutar código para prácticamente cualquier tipo de aplicación o servicio backend sin necesidad de aprovisionar o administrar servidores Las lambdas son iniciadas por eventos estos eventos pueden ser una cola SQS un evento de API Gateway la carga de un documento en un bucket S etc Tienen una capa gratuita de por vida con la cual vamos a poder hacer nuestro desarrollo de ejemplo sin ningún costo Disclaimer Siempre chequeénlo por las dudas Ya veo que cambian los términos y condiciones y me acusan de estafa En este momento la capa gratuita es de millón de solicitudes al mes Las lambdas exportan funcionan de la siguiente manera Al ser iniciadas reciben un evento por parámetro con el que vamos a estar trabajando Se debe exportar una función principal llamada handler que va a contener el trabajo que realiza la lambda Todo esto va a ser explicado de manera práctica en el próximo capítulo Buenas prácticas Una lambda debe ser Atómica Las lambdas deben ser funciones compactas no deben contener muchas líneas de código Tiene que estar enfocado en una función ésta debe resolver siempre el mismo problema y responder de la misma manera Independiente del resto de la máquina de estado es decir no debe conocer el contexto en el cual va a ser utilizado Liviana las lambdas deben pesar poco para que su respuesta sea rápida y el consumo de memoria mínimo Si una lambda no puede ser de esta manera posiblemente estemos necesitando hacer uso de otro servicio de la nube SQSAmazon Simple Queue Service Amazon SQS es un servicio de colas de mensajes completamente administrado que permite desacoplar y ajustar la escala de microservicios sistemas distribuidos y aplicaciones sin servidor Es decir es una cola de mensajes escalable en donde se guardan los mensajes que se envían de un servicio a otro El servicio de SQS también cuando con una capa gratuita de por vida y permite un millón de solicitudes a tener que en cuenta que no se renuevan por mes Tipos de colas Este tipo de servicio de SQS tiene dos tipos de colas Colas estándar Admiten un número casi ilimitado de mensajes Van entregando los mensajes a medida que se van procesando es decir no tiene importancia el orden en el que fueron enviados a la cola Los mensajes son enviados aunque sea una vez al servicio al cual se entregan Colas FIFO Admiten hasta mensajes por segundo Respeta la consigna de “primero en entrar primero en salir es decir el orden se respeta Los mensajes son enviados una vez pero quedan pendientes hasta que el cliente los recibe y los procesa IAMUn rol de IAM es una identidad de IAM que puede crear en su cuenta y que tiene permisos específicos Un rol de IAM es similar a un usuario de IAM en que se trata de una identidad de AWS con políticas de permisos que determinan lo que la identidad puede hacer y lo que no en AWS Es decir vamos a crear un usuario con permisos para poder trabajar de tal manera que en nuestra computadora no tengamos los datos del usuario base ya que si por alguna razón pudieran acceder a ese usuario podrían generarnos cargos en nuestras cuentas Como crear un usuario en AWSVoy a adjuntar un video de como creo un usuario para nuestro proyecto Quien no tenga tiempo para verlo abajo va en paso a paso Partimos con esta base Tiene creada la cuenta en AWS Tienen Nodejs instalado Tienen serverless instalado Comencemos Una vez que estamos logueados en la navbar tenemos que configurar la región en la que queremos trabajar En región vamos a elegir Norte de Virginia mejor conocida como us east En la lupa vamos a escribir el servicio a utilizar IAM Seleccionamos la primera opción Pido disculpas por los números tan feos Seleccionamos la palabra Usuarios del menúlateral Y hacemos click en la opción Agregar Usuarios En nombre de usuario vamos a elegir el nombre que queremos usar en este caso yo uso el mio A la hora de elegir el tipo de acceso vamos a escoger la opción de clave de acceso con un ID de Acceso y una clave secreta porque es lo que necesitamos para configurar el perfil en para serverless Todos los usuarios necesitan tener permisos para saber a que tienen acceso Es por eso que vamos a crear un grupo de acceso que puede ser asignado a distintos usuarios si asílo quisiéramos El nombre de grupo de usuarios es a elección lo ideal sería que fuese descriptivo de los permisos en este caso en Admins porque le voy a dar accesos de administrador En este punto tenemos todos los permisos que podemos asignarles junto con una breve descripción Elijo la opción AdministratorAcces Vamos a continuar sin elegir ninguna etiqueta Y vamos a encontrarnos con la pantalla de previsualización de nuestro usuario una vez que vemos todo ok le damos continuar Y vamos a la pantalla de nuestro usuario recién creado IMPORTANTE La Clave de acceso secreta solo se permite visualizar en la creación de usuario es decir copien ese dato o descarguen el csv porque lo vamos a estar utilizando Como configurar un usuario de AWS en Serverless FrameworkVamos a configurar el usuario que creamos en serverless Para eso vamos a abrir la consola y correr es el siguiente comando serverless config credentials provider aws key keyID secret keySecret profile giuliEn provider va AWS ya que es el proveedor de la nube que vamos a utilizar En key va el key ID o si AWS está en español es ID de clave de acceso Reemplacen el keyID En secret va el secret key o Clave de acceso secreta la que teníamos que haber guardado Reemplacen el keySecret La configuración profile no es obligatorio si no se lo agregamos el usuario se va a guardar como usuario default En mi caso que tengo otros usuarios configurados prefiero que tenga un nombre para poder identificarlo Si la consola no tira ningún error entonces ya se registróel usuario Pueden chequear su usuario creado partiendo de la carpeta base de su computadora en la carpeta aws carpeta oculta en el archivo crendentials FinBueno ya tenemos creada nuestra cuenta de AWS y tenemos configurado nuestro usuario ¿Eso es todo No El capítulo que viene va a ser un poco largo Vamos a crear la maquina de estado completa junto con la creación de las lambdas y la cola de sqs que vamos a necesitar D Recuerden que si este post les fue útil pueden invitarme un cafecito Nos vemos la semana que viene Besis |
2022-02-15 13:30:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 10 freelance side jobs that can help boost your income |
Top freelance side jobs that can help boost your incomeYou can find the article here People have constantly sought new ways to boost their income and with the COVID pandemic many have become a lot more self conscious about their personal finances Therefore side jobs have quickly become one of the most popular ways for people to supplement their day job income and increase their savings or invest in other assets Side jobs offer flexibility and can quickly turn full time depending on how lucrative they are thus representing the perfect option if you re not ready to commit to a regular position Not only will you be able to set your schedule based on how much you want to work but you will also gain some new skills and experience for your resume If you have been considering taking up a side job these options might be a great starting point in finding a gig that fits with your schedule aligns with your passions and skills and makes financial sense Social media influencerThe road to k as an influencer is much easier than you might assume Becoming an influencer on social media is far from an easy practice however you can succeed if you are willing to invest time and energy into making an online presence You could start out by trying whatever suits you best be it video blogging or podcasting There s no right approach to start making money as an influencer since it s all up to you to figure out what you re good at and attract an audience This in turn can attract sponsors creating partnership opportunities and becoming more than just a lucrative side gig Virtual assistantWith more entrepreneurs launching businesses there is a growing demand for staff that can help them with daily administrative tasks Now since most jobs can be performed remotely it is even more cost effective to hire a part time virtual assistant Working as a virtual personal assistant requires little training if you are an organized person and is easy to get into since companies and individuals need someone to help with day to day tasks Becoming a personal assistant implies that you might handle an influencer s email cleaning their inbox and responding to relevant messages Another example could be that you have to review documents for the CFO of a big company halfway around the world showcasing your skills and knowledge Although it might not seem like it you should take into account the fact that it is a diverse job where you ll be able to fulfil a variety of tasks and develop a strong network of contacts Customer service representativeCustomer service mainly represents the business of speaking with people and fixing their problems According to Microsoft of consumers choose to do business with a company based on the quality of its customer service So if you re an extrovert and problem solver then you ll be perfect for the freelance customer service jobs Getting exposure to remote work in a customer service role is a beneficial experience for advancing any career Not only does it teach you about how to master your daily workflow but you will gain invaluable experience in a direct client facing role Social media managerIf you spend a lot of time on social media and you know the ins and outs of how these platforms work you might be able to turn that into a side hustle as a social media manager In the age of digital marketing business owners recognize the importance of incorporating social media into their marketing strategies Social media accounts are being created by both large and small businesses alike with the aim of reaching out to existing consumers and finding new ones Beyond merely managing social profiles you ll be expected to report on your results in terms of engagement Furthermore this could represent a good experience for a potential transition towards a career in marketing ProofreaderProofreading is the final quality control check after several rounds of editing The main perk of proofreading is the ability of to work from anywhere in the world thus making it one of the best side hustles for digital nomads You ll need to possess a good knowledge of grammar an extensive vocabulary and know how to articulate simple and complex sentences Essentially you will be making money by pointing out mistakes and rephrasing various paragraphs to make them as concise as possible If you re thinking about proofreading as a side gig make sure you and anyone you work with understand the precise scope of the services you re offering Online tutoringDid you know that you can make money by teaching online There are a bunch of companies that are hiring tutors online In most cases you get to pick the hours that suit your schedule since you are your own boss You can teach kids college students or adults depending on the relevant skills and experience you may have Typically you will work one on one with students tutoring them in the area they require assistance but you can also choose online tutoring positions that allow you to offer instructions or lessons to a group of students online Therefore if you re good with certain subjects why not turn it into a side gig and boost your income PhotographerWith a professional camera and a bit of talent you can start a photography business to earn some money on the side When you turn photography into a side hustle there will be some start up costs At a minimum you need a website or a professional social media profile In addition you should take advantage of the free exhibitions on social media platforms and make a benefit of digital marketing Freelance marketing consultantFreelance marketing consultants work with executives and high level managers to develop a strategic positioning plan If you have a good understanding of the subject and are an experienced digital marketer this digital side hustle might just be right for you By using your SEO knowledge and marketing related skills to help clients to market their businesses Your goal will be to drive sales by delivering fresh marketing campaigns and expertise In addition since many companies have finally perceived the importance of having a robust online presence marketing consultants are now heavily sought after therefore providing lucrative earning opportunities Business consultantThink about it if you re already an expert in your field why not share your knowledge with others and get paid for it Launching and building successful businesses require outside assistance thus the key to obtaining contracts is to market yourself as a professional consultant Your clients should be informed about the terms of your commitment your schedule and the hours you re accessible to set calls and attend meetings Someone could even offer you a full time job based on your past projects You never know the contacts you might meet on the job Freelance writerMany gigs fall under the umbrella of freelance writing such as content writer blogger copywriter SEO writer and ghostwriter You can make a good amount of money while showing your creative muscles and working in a flexible environment You don t need a degree or any prior writing experience to earn money as a freelance writer you only need to have good writing skills Most importantly you need to know how to persuade readers to take action We know that you might be a newbie in the freelancing industry but maybe you re highly experienced in your field If you re a freelancer who is just starting out platforms like HYVE are the key to getting your side hustle off the ground being contacted by potential clients and landing freelancing gigs HYVE is a decentralized freelancing platform with the mission to revolutionize the workforce industry by eliminating intermediaries thus representing more than just a viable alternative to traditional freelancing platforms The main problem of freelancers is the huge fees that they have to pay in the beginning making side gigs less lucrative than initially thought Did that convince you What are you waiting for submit a proposal set your rate and show how great you ll be Want to learn more about HYVE Follow us on Twitter ️Join our Telegram Group Join our Announcement Channel Join our Discord Follow us on Instagram Visit our Website |
2022-02-15 13:29:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
When Package Dependencies Become Problematic |
When Package Dependencies Become ProblematicBack in early January a couple of popular Node libraries were corrupted by the project maintainer during a new version release Due to the way that npm dependencies work this created a ripple effect which caused a number of other very popular libraries to break Without going into the maintainers motivation behind their actions I wanted to briefly touch on how this happened and what you can do to protect your projects against such a thing Before we get started a quick refresher If you ve worked with an npm based project before you ll be familiar with the package json and package lock json files along with the node modules directory When running npm install the package json file writes meta data to the lock file which tells npm which versions to fetch from the registry It then stores those downloaded dependencies in the node modules folder Ok So What So far this might seem obvious but give me a moment to explain Let s take a closer look at the contents of a package json file name jamesives not a real project author James Ives dependencies jest lit rollup After running npm install it will store the versions it needs in the lock file and then fetch the associated packages from the registry When we inspect the lock file it paints a different picture in comparison to package json You ll notice that the versions of two of the packages don t match It downloaded version and when was specified Jives not a real project ives npm list depth jamesives not a real project ├ーjest ├ーlit └ーrollup The cause of this discrepancy is the symbol When this symbol is prepended to the version number of a package it tells npm to fetch a compatible with version It will include everything that does not increment the first non zero portion of the number This means if a package has a version and on the registry and you put in your package dependencies you ll install the next time you run npm install which will be reflected in your lock file The reason I m specifically calling this out is because this is the way npm adds packages to the dependencies list file by default The Inherited Risk of Trusting SemvarIn a perfect world if a project is following semantic versioning you technically should have nothing to worry about as you ll never install a version that isn t compatible You can also certainly make the argument that it will improve your projects security as you ll often get the latest patches through regular feature developmenteach time you run the install command However this isn t always the case It s not a requirement that a library follows any form of semantic versioning only suggested and it s very possible for a breaking change to be introduced through a minor version or even a patch It s a poor assumption to assume that all open source maintainers are aware of this recommendation or care to follow it Coming back to the library I mentioned earlier Compatible with versioning is how many projects became injected The latest major version was and the infected version published was This means that anyone with in their package dependencies would get the infected version the next time they installed This caused such a big issue that GitHub and npm had to step in to take action against the user and remove the infected versions from the registry It All Comes Crashing DownWhere things can take a turn for the worse is when you use a continuous integration ci tools such as GitHub Actions or Jenkins for your deployment pipelines Let s take the following example from the Jenkins website pipeline agent docker image node lts buster slim args p stages stage Build steps sh npm install stage Test steps sh jenkins scripts test sh stage Deliver steps sh jenkins scripts deliver sh In this example let s assume that your package file looks something similar to the one above and you re very careful about which versions you commit to the lock file Similar towhen you run the install command locally Jenkins will do the same thing and write newer versions it needs to the lock file Even if you think you re using the latest version of a package if a new version gets published before Jenkins runs the production build it s going to modify the lock file which in turn will cause it to install a version you never tested your application with This can introduce unexpected bugs breakages or even introduce a security vulnerability to your application That Sounds Scary It is but it s not all doom and gloom Let s go over the options npm ciUse npm ci named after continuous integration in your ci pipelines instead of install This will force npm to delete the existing node modules folder and install the versions in the lock file as opposed to the versions specified in the package json file It will essentially disregard the package json file entirely instead only using it to validate that there s no differences between the two This will ensure that the version you commit to the lock file will be the one your build tools use making them much more predictable stable and safer On GitHub alone there s over a million instances of npm install in yml files which at a glance mostly belong to ci pipelines Use exact version numbersI m of the opinion that exact version numbers are much better than using compatibility tagging It s more readable in the sense that it allows you to see at a glance which versions are installed and it s more predictable Mistakenly committing dependency bumps without proper testing isn t ideal and it s better that you dedicate proper time and effort into the process Just because I mentioned npm in this article other ecosystems can suffer the same consequences Even GitHub themselves suggest that project maintainers offer a major version tag for GitHub Actions which can have serious consequences on the consuming project If the maintainer overwrites that tag they can introduce a breaking change or vulnerability the next time your workflow runs Use Dependabot or any other form of dependency managementYou can leverage Dependabot or any other form of external version management tooling to make dependency bumps hassle free If Dependabot isn t an option for you you can instead use npm outdated to get a manifest of packages that don t match the latest available Using your best judgement you can testand integrate them into your project manually Jives jamesives not a real project ives npm outdatedPackage Current Wanted Latest Locationjest jamesives not a real projectlit jamesives not a real projectrollup jamesives not a real projectFor GitHub Enterprise users the Dependabot pull request script is available until proper Dependabot support is offered In ConclusionEven though these problems are rare it s always important to optimize for the worst possible case If you have any comments or questions you can can reach me on Twitter |
2022-02-15 13:29:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Integrate Firebase web notification in the laravel application |
Integrate Firebase web notification in the laravel applicationWeb notifications are messages sent to a visitor s device from a website It allows you to engage and retain website visitors Push notification can boost app engagement by with of app users on average returning to that app when push enabled In this article we are using Firebase and Laravel amp VueJs technology We will consider setting up push notifications in the SPA application We will learn step by step the integration of FCM in Laravel Step We are preparing a project on the firebase console Click here to I am enabling google analytic for a report It will take less than minute to create a project for you Read More |
2022-02-15 13:29:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating a Simple REST API - Part 1 |
Creating a Simple REST API Part Hello JuxtaCoders A few months back I was learning Backend Development for a Training Program I enrolled in We had to work on REST APIs using NodeJS and Express with a database of your choice The issue was there was an overwhelming amount of resources available online and I was a beginner I didn t know which resource to follow which one is better than others and why etc But finally after a few weeks I managed to make a basic REST API using MySQL as the database because I already knew MySQL and didn t want to learn another new tech in such a short amount of time So I m bringing this part series to help any beginner understand the making of a REST API better using MySQL NodeJS and Express I ll also mention the resources that I used In this part we ll get a quick understanding of RESTful APIs also known as RESTful services We know that all web applications work on a Client Server Architecture These components interact via the HTTP protocol The Server provides some services that the Client can access via the HTTP protocol The Client can directly ask for these services through an HTTP Request and in return the Server sends a Response This is where REST comes into use REST is short for Representational State Transfer REST is a convention to handle these HTTP requests It provides basic principles to Create Read Update and Delete data via the HTTP protocol These operations are collectively called CRUD operations Let us take an example of a movie rental system Let the domain name of the application be ⇒moviez comIf the clients want to access the customers page and perform the various CRUD operations on it they may use the following HTTP request ⇒The various components of the url are ⇒http ー gt Mentions the protocol usedmoviez com ー gt Is the domain name api ー gt This is not compulsory but can be used as a convention to determine the use of rest operations customers ー gt This is the end point or what we call the resource This specific end point refers to the list of customers The client sends various http requests to such end points The type of http request determines the kind of operation carried out For this we have a few verbs methods that specify what operation is the client looking for based on the http request These methods are Get ー gt for Reading DataPost ー gt for Creating DataPut ー gt for Updating DataDelete ー gt for Deleting DataLet s further analyze the http methods The following are the basic http requests that a client will make ⇒This is how each of them will be responded ⇒First request will be to Get the details of all customers by simply reaching the customers endpoint In response we show the complete array of objects The other request can be to Get the details of a single customer For this the client has to provide an id to view data of a particular customer therefore the endpoint is customers id here there can be any value in place of id In response we should details of only that object whose value of id property matches the value entered The Put request consists of the id whose value is to be updated and an object containing the set of values that the record needs to be updated to so the endpoint is customers id and an object In response we show the updated record The Delete request consists of the id whose record has to be deleted so the endpoint is customers id In response we can show the deleted record The Post request doesn t need any id but needs an object containing values for the various properties that need to be added to the array so the endpoint is customers In response we show the object added to the array That s all for now I hope this was helpful In the next part I ll give an introduction to Express and how we can set it up to write API queries that we learnt here If there are any suggestions feel free to share Until next time Happy Coding |
2022-02-15 13:28:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python Set and Frozenset |
Python Set and FrozensetSign up to my newsletter What is Set and frozenset In our previous Data Types lesson we divided the data types in Python into mutable Mutable and immutable unchangeable and here we will process both mutable and immutable data types Dictionaries are a little different because Dictionaries consist of two parts keys and values value part can contain all data type but keys part can only be of string and int type What is Set It is a data type that contains multiple data types such as list dictionary and tuple data types You can perform all kinds of functions joining intersection etc related to sets with this data type Set UsageLet me show you the use of set with an example set Python b Baransel It has a very simple usage but there is something we should pay attention to here if we define an empty set as follows set The interpreter will detect it as a Dictionary Well if you ask how to create an empty set let me show you set set we define as Let me give another important note about sets there can be only one element from an element just like the sets we see here in mathematics Well let s see what happens if we try to add set Python b Baransel Python print set Python b Baransel Now you will say ok but we added it it didn t make any mistakes but if you say it shows only one of the same ones while showing let me show you as follows set Python b Baransel Python print len set As you can see when we look at the length of the set the set sees elements even though we add elements Since we have given this important note let me show you how we access the elements of the Set Accessing Set Itemsset Python b Baransel Python print set TypeError set object does not support indexingWe got an error in this way because Set is not an ordered data type like Dictionaries So it does not support indexing Now you will say why should I use sets it is true although the sets seem unnecessary on their own you will need them when there is more than one set then you will see how necessary the sets are That s why I immediately switch to Set Method Let s show the set methods with the dir function as in every lesson Set Methods and class contains delattr dir doc eq format ge getattribute gt hash iand init ior isub iter ixor le len lt ne new or rand reduce reduce ex repr ror rsub rxor setattr sizeof str sub subclasshook xor add clear copy difference difference update discard intersection intersection update isdisjoint issubset issuperset pop remove symmetric difference symmetric difference update union update In this lesson as in other lessons we will not go into X methods that is special methods add clear copy difference difference update discard intersection intersection update isdisjoint issubset issuperset pop remove symmetric difference symmetric difference update union update add MethodContinue this post on my blog Python Set and Frozenset Sign up to my newsletter |
2022-02-15 13:04:04 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Virgin Galactic is looking for 1,000 people to buy its $450,000 spaceflight tickets |
Virgin Galactic is looking for people to buy its spaceflight ticketsNow that Virgin Galactic has a working spaceflight system it needs to sell rides The company has announced that it s opening ticket sales to the general public starting on February th letting you become an astronaut if you re willing to pay and put down a deposit To mark the launch of public sales Virgin Galactic revealed new consumer branding above nbsp quot We plan to have our first customers on board at the start of commercial service later this year providing an incredibly strong foundation as we begin regular operations and scale our fleet quot said Virgin Galactic CEO Michael Colglazier in a statement nbsp For that K you ll get a minute ride to the edge of space including the quot signature air launch and Mach boost to space quot the company said Passengers will enjoy several minutes of weightlessness and spectacular views of Earth from the windows as it showed in a new video below The ticket also includes several days of astronaut training a fitted Under Armour spacesuit and membership in the Future Astronaut community All flights launch from Spaceport America in New Mexico The sub orbital spaceflights definitely aren t cheap but are far less than the million you ll pay for an orbital day SpaceX flight Virgin Galactic s main competitor is Jeff Bezos Blue Origin though that company has yet to decide on a final price for its suborbital tickets Virgin Galactic was originally set to launch public and commercial research flights last year but they were delayed until As of late last year the company had sold tickets to space at the updated ticket price Around people including Elon Musk have made reservations |
2022-02-15 13:50:20 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Mevo Start 3-pack is a tiny, powerful live streaming studio |
The Mevo Start pack is a tiny powerful live streaming studioLogitech s Mevo Start cameras were built for live streaming I don t mean webcam conference calls or video that you can record and edit though you can do both of those things with the Start These are live streaming cameras first and foremost aimed at the growing number of creators on YouTube Twitch and elsewhere The Mevo Start pack kit consists of three streaming cameras that connect together wirelessly through the companion Multicam app With the ability to instantly switch and stream between three different camera angles it has the potential to overhaul how streamers broadcast Until now that has usually demanded thousands of dollars of equipment along with significant expertise If you have a strong internet connection some practice live streaming and to be honest a lot of patience during the setup this could change how you stream It could also lower the barrier to entry so I thought I would test it out Am I willing to make the leap from my camera PC and OBS setup to three tiny wireless cameras Mat Smith EngadgetLet s start with the Mevo Start itself It s a solid camera small enough to slip into a trouser or jacket pocket On the back it has inputs for mics USB C for both charging devices and being charged itself and a microSD slot too The unit has a nice matte finish sadly yes it s a fingerprint magnet and a rubberized power button at the back that s easy to find without having to look The pack consists of yes three of them with USB C charging cables From there it s all down to you to figure things out which for many will mean tripods plural and microSD cards if you want to record footage of each individual camera Oh and also a standalone mic if you want to improve the audio quality I m not going to dig too deep into the minutiae of sound and image quality but the camera mics will pick up everything around you so most users will need a mic for decent audio talking to the camera especially in busy environments Unless you re stepping up from a webcam to the Mevo Start you ll probably notice a dip in image quality compared to streaming from a flagship phone or digital camera Streaming resolution on the Start tops out at p at frames per second which is a little disappointing when we re starting to get comfortable with K content but also because that means any digital zooming well cropping more on that later is going to lead to even grainier video Conversely this means less heavy lifting for your internet connection which is a good thing While it is not the most high fidelity streaming option the Start aims for versatility over specialization And let s not forget the eye catching feature is this multi camera setup There s nothing quite at this price and level of accessibility for a multi camera streaming setup Normally it would cost far more than to offer a comparable camera studio capable of live broadcasting online Logitech has made some sensible choices with the Start specifications too Each camera can record and stream for up to six hours without the need to be plugged into a power source This means less cable calculus when packing the cameras and also offers you greater freedom when you re rigging up the cameras I balanced one on top of my kitchen cabinet pointing down as I prepared vegetables for a meal The Start also has a very slight light hood around the camera lens to help reduce light flare while the thread for tripods fits two different types of stands Logitech has thought about these cameras from the perspective of a stream But maybe it should have thought a little more My first afternoons with these cameras were so frustrating I wanted to give up Once you ve downloaded the Mevo MultiCam app you ll then need to individually download firmware updates to each camera…if your phone or tablet deigns to register the existence of each camera For me it led to a frustrating loop of a camera being detected and trying to corral it into a firmware update before it suddenly disappeared from the Bluetooth ether This part ended up taking hours turning into days Well a couple of afternoons It was the first sign that consistency is the biggest issue with the Mevo camera setup And while I could give the product the benefit of the doubt live streams are fraught at the best of times I ve done countless streams for Engadget flanked by professionals who make sure I m not screwing things up I ve never disappeared from an Engadget livestream but I can t say the same of my week of stream attempts with Mevo Start But before I relive that horror what is the Mevo Start capable of I was pleasantly surprised to discover a lot The Mevo app has an auto director mode that will switch between the cameras without you having to tap on your phone Better still you can choose to prioritize one camera and adjust how long the robo director holds a shot before switching You can even pick the kind of transition used from immediate cuts through to slide swipes and other gentler changes Alas no star swipe It s these elegant touches that elevate a plain stream into something a little slicker You can also crop the video on each camera helping to cut out say a messy corner of your apartment or just offer up a closer look at whatever you re cooking or crafting As the camera maxes out at p the more you crop the more fidelity you will lose on your stream which really limits the usefulness of the feature While no one streams in K if these cameras had K you d at least be able to crop in without losing too much quality In the same settings menu you can adjust the degree of latency you want to use High latency means that your feed will be held up a little longer before it s streamed to viewers ensuring a more consistent connection and hopefully video feed There s also a low latency option if you re extremely confident in your web connection and this will ensure the video stays closer to real time You can fine tune the cameras further with profiles for outdoor lighting and even an HDR toggle There are also some stylistic profiles for vivid high contrast grayscale and more adding more flexibility depending on your own lighting setup location or simply artistic tastes There s even a degree of editing available through overlays where you can add lower third text like you ll see most TV news shows and a lot of YouTube streams or even introductory full screen text to your video stream It s simplistic but it s built into the app it s easy So there is a lot to praise in the Start kit but then you well start using it The main test for me was to see how easy it was to stream directly to YouTube The first issue I encountered is one every new streamer will struggle with you need over subscribers to your YouTube channel in order to enable a simple connection As I didn t want to mess up Engadget s official channel cooking up a storm with tempeh with hindsight I could have made an unlisted stream instead I had to use the Real Time Messaging Protocol RTMP And go a little mad Once your camera angles are in place and your connection looks stable you can tap the live button on the app This will take you through to all the livestream options including platforms YouTube Facebook and Vimeo The RTMP option is all the way to the right of these options which is tough to find on a phone Mat Smith EngadgetWhile you can set up everything on a single device but I d suggest having a laptop or something else internet connected nearby for setting up your streams on YouTube as you may find yourself flitting between a web browser needed to tinker with YouTube Studio settings not available on the app and Mevo multicam app a little too much Tap on RTMP and you can set up the hooks for YouTube to pick up at its end Other notes that might help you Server URL and Stream URL are different things don t mix them up Also don t expect your stream to go instantly live My Start camera stream typically took a minute to buffer or settle into a feed that the public could watch What s frustrating is that YouTube Studio s interface shows a buffering window regardless of whether your stream is live or not I would have to check the shareable link to the stream to check if I was even live The “live labels on the Mevo app itself are not accurate The multicam app was mostly responsive and did what I expected it to do but it was also fussy Swap between one too many apps remember how I initially tried to adjust my Youtube settings on Safari on the same phone and the connection will cut out Absent mindedly lock your screen and again the stream is lost I think it s common sense that you probably didn t want to cut a livestream connection if you locked your phone Or maybe I m making excuses for myself It s probably a little of both Despite having a healthy internet connection and keeping in close proximity to the cameras I lost my stream a few times for reasons I ll never know And that s a shame as there s so much potential in this Mevo camera trio While I ve touched on some of the settings you can access on the cameras there s further flexibility inside the app You can tweak frame rate suppress echo and even choose the bitrate and recording format for your backup recording all of which will be stored on your iOS or Android device I like that these backup files are neatly stored in one place Mat Smith EngadgetFor beginners or streamers looking to upgrade their streaming style there are a few bumps on the road to a flawless multicam setup Mevo does offer a glimpse at an effortless solution it s definitely streamlined many of the processes and the jack of all trades specs mean that this could be the ideal setup for upgraded live music streams community projects or simply to add polish to existing livestreams You will have to consider consistency though My experience has been mixed but others have fared better There s also a vibrant user community across both Facebook and Reddit that was able to help me when things went wrong Hopefully there s a future Mevo camera in the works that s a little more stable and polished And maybe K capable |
2022-02-15 13:30:46 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
FBI says BlackByte ransomware group has breached critical US infrastructure |
FBI says BlackByte ransomware group has breached critical US infrastructureThe BlackByte ransomware group has compromised entities in at least three US critical infrastructure sectors according to a joint warning issued PDF by the FBI and the US Secret Service on February th Days after that right before the Super Bowl the group has also infiltrated servers owned by the San Francisco ers The team s representatives have confirmed the hack after BlackByte posted a file that it supposedly stole from the ers on its website according to Ars Technica That MB file reportedly contained billing statements sent by the team to its partners that include AT amp T and Pepsi The ers reps said they believe quot the incident is limited to their corporate IT network quot and has no indication that it involved outside systems such as those quot connected to Levi s Stadium operations or ticket holders quot They ve notified law enforcement and are working with third party cybersecurity firms to investigate the incident quot We are working diligently to restore involved systems as quickly and as safely as possible quot the reps said As for the critical infrastructures that were affected the FBI and the Secret Service didn t name them but they did say they re government facilities and in the financial and food amp agriculture sectors nbsp BlackByte is a ransomware as a service RaaS operation that allows affiliates to use its ransomware for a percentage of the proceeds It first surfaced in July last year but a flaw in its system allowed security firm Trustwave to release a decryption tool that victims were able to use for free instead of paying the group to have their files unlocked An updated version of the ransomware patched that flaw nbsp In their warning the authorities said some victims reported that the bad actors used a known Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability to gain access to their networks The authorities have also released filenames indicators of compromise and hashes that IT personnel can use to check their networks for presence of the ransomware nbsp |
2022-02-15 13:25:27 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Lego is releasing an $80 ‘Horizon: Forbidden West’ Tallneck set |
Lego is releasing an Horizon Forbidden West Tallneck setIf you don t already love the Horizon series Tallnecks then the advent of Horizon Forbidden West is likely to finish the job These vast disc headed wonders are clearly a fan favorite prompting Lego and Sony to crank out a set depicting Aloy riding atop one The piece set is designed to stand proud on your shelf of Lego designed gaming tributes and was made in partnership with Sony and developers Guerrilla Of course it wouldn t be a Tallneck unless you had someone to ride it and so you get an Aloy minifigure with a new headpiece in the set Lego SonyYou ll also find a Watcher with an option to equip it with blue yellow or red eyes and some natural landscape pieces to build out the environment Isaac Snyder a designer at Lego said that the set tips its hat at “all the most iconic aspects of Horizon Forbidden West and that he hoped everyone building the model has as much fun as they had designing it The Tallneck from Horizon Forbidden West will arrive in May and measures inches tall and inches wide It will cost € and will be available from all of the usual places you can get your Lego |
2022-02-15 13:00:42 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Moveable Popup Modal Using AngularJS and ui-bootstrap |
bootstrap |
2022-02-15 13:50:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
White House Takes Aim at Environmental Racism, but Won’t Mention Race |
White House Takes Aim at Environmental Racism but Won t Mention RaceCommunities of color bear a disproportionate burden from pollution research shows But using race to allocate federal help could result in legal problems |
2022-02-15 13:50:10 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
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2022-02-15 13:23:56 |
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@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
留学生の入国拡大、政府が容認へ 「開国」はなお遠く |
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2022-02-15 13:04:43 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida voices support for Ukraine’s sovereignty in call with their president |
Kishida voices support for Ukraine s sovereignty in call with their presidentDuring the minute talks Kishida said Japan consistently supports Ukraine s sovereignty and territorial integrity and simply cannot accept any unilateral change to the status quo |
2022-02-15 22:32:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine-Russia tensions: Russia pulls some troops back from border |
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2022-02-15 13:15:08 |
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BBC News - Home |
Mixed signals from Russia over Ukraine, says Boris Johnson |
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2022-02-15 13:52:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Queen holds first official engagement since Prince Charles Covid scare |
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2022-02-15 13:41:21 |
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BBC News - Home |
GB's Hall and Gleeson crash two-man bobsleigh in Beijing |
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2022-02-15 13:04:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Winter Olympics: Great Britain crash on third run of two-man bobsleigh |
Winter Olympics Great Britain crash on third run of two man bobsleighGreat Britain s Brad Hall and Nick Gleeson crash in the third run of the two man bobsleigh after starting the day th overall at the Winter Olympics in Beijing |
2022-02-15 13:01:27 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ロシア、一部部隊が撤収開始 ウクライナ国境付近から - WSJ発 |
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2022-02-15 22:10:00 |
北海道 |
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TSMC、熊本に1兆円投資 半導体新工場、2割拡大 |
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2022-02-15 22:18:00 |
北海道 |
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ススキノ客引き、店の出入り口1メートル内で禁止 札幌市が修正案 |
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2022-02-15 22:17:45 |
北海道 |
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林外相、ロシア経済相とテレビ会議 対ロ制裁検討も対話維持狙う |
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2022-02-15 22:15:00 |
北海道 |
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ノルウェー、先頭交代せず2連覇 スピード男子団体、世界の潮流か |
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2022-02-15 22:12:00 |
北海道 |
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ヤングケアラーの悩み ひとり親家庭で困窮度合い高く 札幌市が実態調査 |
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2022-02-15 22:08:00 |
北海道 |
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胆振164人感染 日高26人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-02-15 22:07:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
The look on the faces of world leaders when they realise that trump signed the NAFTA agreement wrong |
The look on the faces of world leaders when they realise that trump signed the NAFTA agreement wrong submitted by u Xyreo to r WatchPeopleDieInside link comments |
2022-02-15 13:07:37 |